0 vYOUa FAVOEITE AND T.IK i.KAi.INw REIT OK i UK I M 1 If ,E T fiivcs all tin news ot To vn. County ami State and as much National ne as a-- any other paper of its class. Your Ivnn would be incomplete without it. The N. Y. Weekly Tribune is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER and givesall the gene r,il news of tin- I'nitcl Mates and the world. M gives tin events of foreign lands in a nutshell, it has separate de partment f..r "Til VI FAMILY CIRCLE." and "OPR "YOUXti FOLK." its "HOME AND SOCIETY" columns command the admiration of wives ami daughters. Its eneral political news, editorials ami discussions are com pndiensive, brl'liaut and exhaustive. Its "AORICPL 11 R L" departm nt !ias no superior in the country. It- MARKET RI-'.l'oRTS" are recogtii.eil authority in all parts of the la si !. -l'i;CIALCC)NTkACT ENABLES IS To OFFER THIS SPLENDID A JOURNAL AND rilK HERALD FOR DNK YEAR For Onlj 81-75 in Advance. w v uaW1v Tr '.vine, regular price per year $1.00 The Herald, ;-i'gi.iar orice per I'm'.:.! We Fu-nish Both Papers One Year for. ADDRESS ) ix' i 1 1 Iv r- It) Kill,:.:. HI M.IM.i c i iii MH.u it. li. tioixti w i:si - Flyer No. I Passenger .V Pa-i'ii'T No t'asseiiio-r ' , PasM-nuer To viu I." n-vi,!c PiisM-nuer .No !'l Freight .o. via l'f.i-v...-Freiu'lU N'li.i, s,niui (n.i.i'ia. (iol.Nt. KA.SI - Flyer Pa?.ciiger N" I Po-seiiu'er N I .;!! rt :i:t."i il m .1: h I' Ml ! :in ii ill .'):!" p 111 I : lii p in r ; l . ii ill S-IO II 111 ii III PiiK-i'iiiier A" " ' Piietier .V l' MlsStll 1(1 IM It it I! ll I l)U (aiiNt; Miv'i . i .1:1. il. IU. ;l:i'i i. III. I :"il p. III. GOI.Nti SOL 1 il iHn. 'I . . 1 1 -or. ii. in . i l. hi . V.i7 a. in CNo. N. liver INo. tlltl Irciulit St: RET s'OiTfc 7 (""AS" t'AMI' So. SSI M W. A. in.ets ever) ' m-.mu.I anil K.-iiMli M'.n ia) iv t.n ti m yiti.M'1 Il'tl llftll. V ISItllU.' IH-lL'IHll WfMMIIlf P.l . M.IIIMMI. V. I'. . (.'. Siltlc. CI. ik Uclti'liln'lu'.T. . A. s-il.'.lIM O IIIK woi:I.I. Mi'iMf V i-veiy M lin.1 t'Vfiiihn ;it tlii' (ir.unl Ann) hrtlt. A. V. (iioulil, iicnirni, I m nitniuv. secretin). Ao f W Nil"' Mi'.t lir-t ami thinl Kri; iliiv rveniim m viicli iiimuliat I ' l I hull, frank Veiiiiyk'u M ; J h llarwirk, fciiircliT. f A. li.M.-t nnibn- I'"'! N- ' liK' t- every s .tin i ,y t-voiiiim at T : III ' la'ir Hi.il 111 I H'liWiinil I. lurk All V.siuiw eonna.i me eci.tia.i linilril Iii efi wilii in. H'i Allies. 1'n'l Ailjniiiiit ; K. Nilrs, I'll!-. Coniiiiailclei'. 'Mollis ID- l-VIIIIA- 'MHimil'l l.iiui;i- .i) li. Meet- every eaue-iiay e e- OiJ H ai t heir hall over i .enuei ix i ii; i , -itin; kniulits are cniiinnj iinne.i i.. Itteinl. M . tinllitli.C c: wiir. uovry i ami S. I A o f W An M --left fremiti ami mini" 1-ri.l.iv evenings in the nii'iitli nt l O K Hull. M I'liilom, M V, I: V Hr.iwn, reenrtlrr. Dt; i IV l; K Of IHIN'OK" Merts Hie first ami tliinl I'lirnr-ilav rvrniim of raeli nimitli in 1. 1 . . hull, I it yrraltt liluek. Ml-. Aililie Smith, Wurlhv Mtrrm nmmr Mfr. .Nannie Hurkel. i-iMer -et retary. VKih'KK OH llo.NOK lvv Imltfe. Nn.l'l miM't- lirst ami thira iiniMiiiyt. in ''enili iii'int II in K.ttl 1'. hall. S'ePa Irav rr. si.-trr sei retarv. 1 111.' I Ml, I, In ( ' t il A. I' A. No. HI A meets every seeninl ami lomthWetl liestlay in eaeli month at I. O. t . H, hall. cnch'cm-s. C I' MM. li '.-St. I'a'il. Chiireli. Oak.br tween lil'lli anil Sixth. Hat her Carney. l'a-ler M-rviees: Ma-s at i ami ni:.vn . . .'I Sumlay Si lmol at .':' with lienetlietioii. Col.oKKI) II U'TIST. Mt. Olive Oak, be tween Tenth u nil Kleveiit II' K'ev. A lto wrll. m-tor. Serviee-1 1 a. in ami 7;:m p. in. Prayer meeting Weilnenliiy evening. plksr MKTIIOIUST. Sixth St., Iirt wren Main ami Henri, k'ev. I.. Itritt I). I. pa-tor. Servii es 11 a. m , anil S:KI p. in. rinliilay M'h.iol at 'i:M p. m. (iFKMW 1'KKSHY I KKI AN. Corner Main mill Nineth. K'ev. Witte. p-tor. Ser vires n-iial hours, Snmlay sehool at i :in p. in. i t IIKI-II AX ''ornrr l.oen-t anil Kithtli 1 -treets. Services: Moininif ami rvr- uiiiu. Klder A. t;alloa , pa-tor. Sun (day Sehool at In a. in. Kl'Iscol'AI. - St. Luke'- chnreli 'eorner of Thinl ami Vine -t reels. I'e . II. II Itni'Ui-t-, pa-tor. Service-: II a. in. ami ' ;t" ''" '"' Sl honl at -::' p. in. rhnreli. corner Sixth anil i.raiine fi-., k'ev. I. T. Ilainl. p.i-toi Sumlay -i I I at :i .10; preacliinu at II. a. in. ami " p. ni. Tlie V. I', S. t . K. ol I hi- chinch meet- S. V,(v -ahliat Ii evenini m V'lt ol the c li ii l ill . A 'y'f eml thesi- ineetina- iniiu at i a i m i- All are mviteil to VlMSIl I'oMiKKSsioN I.ralltie iA;,n I ' , II 1 1 ami Sixth. lie COPYRIGHTS, etc.l For tnfnrmiitlnn and frne Hiinrlhook writ to MI NN A CO.. :.! IIhiiaiiwat, Nkw Yonff. Olilimt tiurpnu for arurlnic pnleiiln In Ann-rim. Vrvrj patent taken out liT n la bmuiiht tipfera Ue publlo lij uutic giTuo true of charge In tba (iewtific wcwim I,arffettdrrnlatlnn of anTaclentlflCDBPrln the world. Splendidly llluatreted. No Inlelllcont i Bian ihniild be without it. Week It. 9:1.00 a twi 1.60 ail ninntna. Aiiarwn sii nin a t o, VuBusuma, 3U1 broaawaj, ew f utn cur. Mum; i l Sdentiflo American ? HOME PAPEH HLICAX FAMILY PAPER Kl M VI r.. .75. Herald year 1.50 2.50 1.75 THE HERALD. CARTERS V- 2 u k m ra iPfa PIUS. Pick Ilf-arliidio and ifliovaaU thetmnblaa Inofr tlent tn aMlii'ua Htatoef tho aystem. auoli as liizzlucss, NaiiLi-a, Drowsiuom. l)iitrHS after c&tiug. i'nin iu the Side, &o. Whilu tliulr ruoao rtiuukablo auccoHB lias bvuu shown iu CUllDg Bwlaclio, Tft Carter's Littlo Llvor Till are equally valnaliln in Conaliiutlnn, cnrinRainl pra Venting tbiHanuoyinconiilaint,wliilo tlieyalau cnrTCCtall(liS'iriliT-ioftlioBtouiaeh,8tirniilatatha liver and rcgukte the bowuU Ilvuu it' they oulj cured Acliathcrwrmiario5lmoBtririrrle5stotrinawha eufi'er from tUiaili.r. sAug cmniiliiint; butfortu Xiitolvtlioir(i"iHliie.!.tc lioteuilhero.aiulthosB vthoiiucetry them will find tin :o littlo pilNvalu nMelnPOiuatiTvraviithat they will nut br wil ling to do without tuvtu. But after ollalck uuaj iBthebaneof so mtinv lived that hemlnwhma Vf e make our ;nt boaat. Our tillB euro it whila Others do not. , Carter's Mttto Llvor Pills aro very small ana very cany to take. Ono c r two jiilla m:iUoa done. Ihey are strictly vc UDlii ami not gripe or Usetham. In vi .ilsnt CltvntH ; llvefor $1. Soli by Uruffiisui every wheroi or tout Ly mail. riRTE Mrntrime CO.. New York. SMALL PILL. SArlALL DCSE. SMALL PRICE For AtchitiHon, St. Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas. City, St, Louis, and all pointsnr'-th.east south or west. Tick ets Hold ami bnn iraixe checked to a n y point in the I'nited St a tes or Canada, For INe-oKMATION AS TO KATK AND kOl'TKS Call at Depot or address H, C. TOWXSEXD, G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. J. C. PiiiLMi-pi, A. G. P. A. Omaha. H. D. AP'iAK. Ajft., Plattsmouth. Telephone, 77. bLLTS SENT FREE FOR EXAMINATION. il SAKDtH'S ELECTRIC BELT Who rrc dMtltated and 3rA-fA-'-v--lA- 'ii" l',-: il,n.8.-iiiihal Wenk " Ci'Tj V ''' K'ViirUittMilllhnMl, -H , r in v nun f Mna ,. Vh.'i'.t'w. V. r,i.,l.-I"-.H. Viu enKinitm.ljiriie Hnrk. -rrf-tioV-, V r.i.,i.-i"--H, Hi-i-elfMn,", orMi-ctl ,.','. i.v.--.ii U--1I-ral II! II' ' e.iie o ;( )1 't i:k i vti "Nkw imi TIC IF.T fV; A' Sl'SPFNOHV-rhi 5li.il. I T - II. .i si-.-illi- .iine. nl hi in nnn. vk 1,1 ah WPRCViD IOC- Ill Ml Jlll I. urn of WrnrrK. II, e liin,, c!li t tV'-'l. 'U. Mi'ililur, Continuum lumnitnr :!:-' 'v turoin.-h n'l u I. IK I'AI; I'S, r (.niiirtticin t" III i: HI "n n-i'iii mm .m. In view of t' e l utttlint n...ny pursmis whodlre i nr ee.re aemiitie j::ei.trie neii nuveappneu 10 it.ftereni r.:ii te-H f T Infi'inui! inn. anil are un it ,-eid'ii .'if t" v. hieh have the tient Koiid". wiisimitetit that "H ciriler In, in r.u-h c-'U-panythe belt you lll. to -eo. neiit hv OTiri". C. O, ., leif h irielilfl f,f i i-imni,eii,ii. Whin tho belts have arrived at Tiiirep-i' efflrn exuiniiietln-mi If you And (ma b'tterihano:in,i-lnii'ly sk ej(,res anent to re turn iiiirn mi, All woreinilrelsfalcts. with your nriterto part I. illy r,'Vcreire!,eharKe. nlen we I l eileilueteit frmn priemif belt If ttnaerepted This prnpostt b -n is a f :nr ene t" ail concerneil, A buyer wants the tt t.-r his nmney, and It Is a irreat rleasnre to u to have mr K'mkIi omnjlned and ronipared with others hef.ire botmlit. Send f..r Cliisi rated pnmphlet, mulled, sealed, freo. Address P-undeu l;leel l Ic t o,, l La Hall Ki , lllll'iui). TlIK IlKkALD is the Hest and Most Keliable Family Paper Pub lished iu Cass County OMwUVAWejtffkl r.-iT t tit ' 11;;;;; W.HUGa Mmmk W7 According to tlie census ot 1,M)i 'Chicago take rank, by virtue other I population of lAV;vi p,-ople, as the .i v'llttl I'invd4 l-llv." .Ill til,, ivlilllt ' U!T,,esire. ,t one time or t Hnrnher, to vL-Mt a citv in which so many persons fiml hiMiies, iiml. when we ilo, we can fitui no better line tli;in tlie "llurlittnton K ute." Three fast ami comfortable rains daily, hor further information a 1 dress the ai;eut of the company at this t.i.aW or A i iie to J. Fran .'is, General I'asseiiuer ,ini Tiiket Aent, Omaha, Nebraskii. A sweeping deeision in favor of the letter carriers have been ren dered by the I'nited States supreme court 4in its c instruction of the eioht hour law as alTectitii; that class of ejovertinii'iit employes. The carriers appear to have won on every point nxardino- which they made a contest. The court holds that the postol'liee department vi olated the intent and purpose of the act in question, and insisted on in und tie amount of la hor from the carriers, line effect ol the decision will be to increase the cost of tlie carrier service; but the people yen erally will rejoice iu the relief af forded to a faithful and hard .work ins; class of men. All First-Clas Drujji!. From present date will keep on salethe important Fast India Hemp remedies. Dr. II. James', prepara tion of this herb on its' own soil (Calcutta), will positively ctirecon sumption, bronchitis, asthma, and nasal Catarrh, and break up a fresh cobl in lit hours, ifj.a:) per bottle ora" bottles.ifor $ii.a:).JU Try it. CkwmxiCK A Co., proprietors. KB'.' Race street. Philadelpia. I'ope Leo jrave a ceremonial au dience to the Princess of Wales, her daui liters, Princess Victoria and Princess Maud, and her son the Duke of York, attended by their suites. The royal visitors were re ceived with all the honors due to soverio;ns. and the occasion was made one of unusual splendor. The entire pontilical court was assem bled in state array, and all the Kn ;rlish prelates at present in Rome were in attendance. The Princess of Wales, her daughters ami the Duke of York afterwards visited Cardinal Kampolla, the pontilical secret'iry of the state. K'llKl MATISM t L'k'KD IX A lV. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism ami Neuraloia radically cures iu 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 7a cents. Sold by F. (1. Fricke Co., Mecanse of unrequited love, I W ill Frye. aire 17 years, laid his head on the Louisville Southern track near Shelbyville and suffered decapita tion, lie has been ;in love with a schoolgirl for for some months past. She did not encouraireliis'at tensions. Today youno- Frye asked to be excused from school, and walking to the railroad "waited for the train which was soon due. When it approached he laid his head on the track and was ground to pieces, the engineer failing to see him in time to stop. A Sensible !Man. Would use Kemp's Iialsam for tlie throat and litMtrs. It is curiner more cases of coughs, colds as thma, bronchitis, crouo and all throat and luno; troubles, than any other medicine. The proprietor has authorized tlruejist ho iive you a sample bottle KKKli to convince you of the merit of this threat remedy. Lafo;e bottles 50c. and WANTKD - Aovuts to sell our choice ami hardy nursery stock. We have many new ind special va rieties, both in fruits and ornamen tals to offer, which are controlled only by us. We pay commission or salary. Write us at once for terms, and secure choice of territory. MAY Hk'o'i hkks, Nurserymen. K'ochrstrr, X. Y. A Great Surprise Is in store for all who use Kemp's Iialsam forth.) Throat and I.ung;s' the great y;uaranteed remedy. It is sold on its merits and any (Irueist is aiifhori.ed by the proprietor of this wonderful remedy to tfivt you a saui)le bottle free. It never fails to cure acute or chronic coughs. All drurifisls sell Kemp's Ilalsjm. Larg;t bottles ."sic. and !f 1. Mystic- Lile llmiewer, This wonderful Health Kuilder and Constitution Restores is indeed a veritable renewer of life; because it possesses such marvelous powers to cure all forms of Failing; Health, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Nervous Diseases, Heart Affections, Female Weakness, HrokeuConstitution and all wasting; diseases. F'very bottle warranted to jrive satisfaction or money refunded. Freejhottle at F. (i. Fricke Co., dnngisls, JPIatts. mouth. Urinjj your job work to this office for first class work. Lr.H POTATOES. let Fof l'iilat.x-4 Hint ,rr Knowi to Miituro Karl). In seltvf.ni; seed jnitatoea for an rarlv crop we do ii. -t U'l.-t enough to the iini.i t ies that mittir..lly nuitnre tiarly, siya r. writer in Tlie A.nerieiii Cultiv.-.tnr. He says t'o'iii ptiaratinn of t ft- sml an I u'oo'I utter cultivation nre no' srfi- cum tii I'loaii'e an ear;y crop. F.arly Rn-.e r.-ei -ived its nat:;..- b.v;c: it "".:::. . .- cf pr -wi: r. r.n.l a ehiv... '. lie i ..'.ie,! ia f r ia "i"i to t' i i' Tins pot.!! .-.til! :,iii.i , well I'.ir an , iT"'i. althi",','h it dms not have til" wiilesjirvn'I tiojitilanty it once li:"l. ilie flmh"i-iiy ejttotiil says: "For a tat, i that eati K- il.inted in tin- soil very early iu the se:ioa, hii.1 that will rip' a etvly and yield a yood crop, there i.-, in.'.. tl.:.t nc.r.ss tl.e l'iarly t.iliio. Ti:! pol.it" l:as an alntiidaiu e of good qm '.i ties. ji t:1 it i-arlino.'-s of maturity i ti"t tin- least. Tlie potatoes are lare mid uuit'urm, and a hnl pulleil up trotn 4 to oi days alter planting will prtwnt a I'll .ImI14 si;ht. hi selectill); these s.vds. liowt er, it is ipiile esi iitial tiiattlare tliof.ld bo no bvlile eyes. When pot, i toi's are planted for an early crop, tlie soil is generally cold and damp, and the tendency is for the seed to rot before it sprouts. This will generally be the cae unless each piei e has strong eyes tiiat nre vigorous mid full of lite. "Do not plant too early, espivially when the scil is thick and heavy. No seed can grow much in cold, wet, clam my soil. The seed potato put iu such soil will simply remain iloruuuit fur a number of days and have the vitality impaired by t iu uncongenial surround ings. They do not get a good start, mid the potat ii s me more apt to he smaT Hud half devi loped. There is no set time for planting early . crop-., for too much dep -mis upon the soil and the season. "When the potatoes arc planted early, they need plenty of barnyard manure in the soil, manure that is well rotted. Tins is heating to the soil, and it is much belter early in tin- season than any aiti lit ial fertilizer." A I'niuiUIni; New ('iilduiKe, The Siieces-iuii cabbage depicted in the etit i-- regarded as one of the most valuable varieties introdueed since the F.arly Summer made its appearance. v, A. snvr.sstoN cAnii.Mii:. The Sueeessioii is about one week later than the F.iirly Summer, but is nearly double its size and true to its tyiie tinder all conditions. It is regarded us a safe variety for the amateur to planl.ns it does well lit all seasons. Whether plant ed for liiediiiiii early, mam crop or late use, one is sunt id' getting a crop. SiriuR ( ar of Iters. The bet s hhuuld be looked niter the first warm ties that come. Open the hives and see That they have food enough to last mit'i they can gather honey, llees that have gone so far through the winter un-Worth some trouble andsome expense to carry them through. The Anarieaii Cultivator says that liquid honey with t a;,ar enough i-tirred into it to iual;e a sliii' candy makes good bee food. b'i', t are sti ;ar and water is better than W'i I V. l.ile the hives are open look for t-!.; of 1 he bee Itltitll lllld see if any colonies are n reduced that it would be well to ile.-ii-oy one of tiie queens and ilolilile thi ::i up. Yv hi n they are heard humming in.-id" the hive or when they are seen bringing out dead bees, they should be looked lifter. Have the new hives with top boxes and frames all ready before other spring Work takes up the time. Whether they are allowed to swarm naturally or are divided artificially, it is well to be ready for them in good season. If there are any old hives that are good, have them well cleaned. If there is empty comb on hand, see that it is in good condition, and if there is not enough get sheets of foundation enough to fill the frames in the new hives and to replace that in the boxes on the old hives. Onions I rolil Seed. Onions grown to comiu "rcial size in the usual way, if set out the next spring, soon enlarge, to size lit for table. The difference, between the two is chiefly caused by different cultivation. In tin one case the onion, under favorable con ditions, matures from the seed the first season; in the dwarfed condition it re quires a second season for full maturity Kii'riiiieiit Milt Inn (.If miiIiikh. llulletins issued from the agricultural t-xiierimeiit elation at Kaleigh will lie sent to any address in that state on writ ten application to tba director, II. B, Uattle. W. H. Caldwell, assistant agriculturist at the l'cniisf lvania station, has been selected bv the American (iuemsev ( 'at tic club to taks charge of the (iuemsev cows entered for the test uf daii v blei ds at the World's Columbian e.osition. A number of the leading tob.n co wrow ers of the Connecticut river valley liav organized as tint Valley Tobacco Kxpir Ulielit association. Iheir olivet 1 to experiment in fertilizers and mcthoiU i, growing tobacco in connection with tie government experiment station at tl state agricultural college At the North Dakota station K. S. Keene has been appointed agrietilt nr.:' engineer with h view to having iiive-!,g,(. tions of farm machinery coiidncte'l at the station. The first work will Icon a stubble burner for removing all straw from the soil after harvesting, thus do ing away with tlie necessity of annual plowing for wheat. From the Arkansas station comes the report of successful exiieriuieiits with wheat, oats, grasses and clover at New port ami Pino 111 nil', localities in which cotton is now the chief crop. r BLACKWELL'S sir ffrfi Inui GirJiF DURHAMP ijS SO BAY WE ALL OF US. t fa Tobaccos, but for a good smoke Bull Durham beats A kaJinn characteristic of a. ....... . peen ineiiDM which it takes on old and las'idious smokers. What its ex.olk.Mice first secureJ, Its uiiiturmily lias always rotaiiifj, anj it is, therefore, to-day as twenty-live years ago, the most popular Smoking Tobacco in the worlJ. Get tlie Kenulne. MaJe only by Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co., DURHAM, N. C. FENCES IN THE GARDEN. fn. 'IiIh iir lii-ur l-aiil f it Lot tne Mjlt til ror1ill I'eiu'tt. rCotwiihslandiiig the hue Hinl crt raised every season against the useles. waite if fencing for village or snial gardens, in many localities inclosute. are a necessity. When a fence is re tinned, it pay to have a good one. Al I.IUIIT ItOAlID KI'.XCK r'olt It.VCK YAI:rR. the side or rear end of many village lot a tight fence is the preferred kind. nfbT scri-ening the back yard from other bad, yards. Instead of the ordinary board fence with straight top, one made after thf pattern here shown atl'ords relief to thf eve among so many straight toppcil fences and is less inviting to boys whr ( limb and play on fences. Iu any event the hack yard fence should be mantled with climbers of several kinds. Ampii oims ami climbing loniceras aro line I'm tins purjio.-e. Where a cow is kept on a small farm it is often a matter of convenience tr have a few dozen panels of feiicnthnt ear be used in iniprot ising a temporary pasture lot. llielorm of panel shown in t le second cut has, according h: American (iardeuiug, from which the I'ANKI. OF IV UTAIU.K WlNDl'llooK I':N(T.. foregoing i.-i reprotluced, the imporbint merit of bei?:g wilidproof as Well le slockproof. Its construction is so siui pie that no directions other than the en graving will be ivipiiivil. Till Illlllllll l.llllll'N. The Indian games, a thoroughbred va riety of fowls that has gained popular ity during the past two years in this country, are largely bred iu Kngland and differ t-oinewhat from the othei games. The cock weighs about nine pounds, and tin- hen f rom six to seven pounds. Tlie body is firm, compact and muscular. The carriage und style of t In cock is very upright and commanding, giving an appearance ol' vigor and ac tivitv. The feet are large, clean and Hat: the head of medium length am width; eyes full, with ahold expression: fact! smooth and fine in texture; comli, H-a. small, fine and closely set on tin head; wattles scanty; ear lobes small, The plumage is short and gloss; neck and tail are glossy green-black, with a largo proportion of dark crimson plum age on saddle, wings, etc. In England the Indian game is ranked along with the Dorking for the dressed poultry market. It is claimed by Ameri can breeders that this breed grows rap idly, and the body of the fowl, being plump ami round, is adapted for the table. It is also claimed that for cross ing on common In ns, to produce table poultry, the Indian game has unequal. The hens are good layers of medium sized eggs. Knx-iit inl In urn Culture. A speaker at an Iowa meeting of farm ers remarked that there are four essen tial to the production of first class com proper preparation of tho soil, good wed. uniform distribution and thorough cultivation. If thu surface soil is prop erly cared for, thu subsoil will take care of itself. It is a question whether sum mer plowing is good where land must be subject to action of mud ami rain. Drill planting: is preferable, putting kernels Vi to 10 inches apart in the rows. Drilled corn will mature 10 days sooner than hill planted and is easier to husk. The objection to drill cultivation of corn ought not to be considered, now that improved tools exist fur tending it. In hill culture there can lie no uniform ity of cultivation as regards time be tween plowing, while with drilled corn till can be treated alike. Tho planted field should bo gone over once in four days before the corn is up and as often after that as jmssible. The assertion was made that tho days of long minted shovels aro numbered, and they should be done away with altogether. Tho in creaso from shallow cultivation was equal to 20 per cent. The advantage of Bhallow cultivation is more noticeable iu a dry season than in u wet one. BULL DURHAM Oil SMOKING TOBACCO. iMU'manoMsmoker,and (rsu.) iiavo ;;t one time . . . . ,, it iiiKuner incu ail the different Smokinu Vm all. Hull Pisrhnm h . . "J P. J. HANSEN. ii:ai.kk ix STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEEN3WARE. Patronage of the Public Solicited North Sixth Street, Plattsmoutt TIMOTHY : CLARK. DKAI.KK IX Coal mid Wood. Ti:i3IS CASH. Yards und (mice ltd South Third Street 'l etcplnirie Xu. Ill, ri.ATrSMOUTII. NEBRASKA The Old Reliable H. A. WATERMAN 4 SOU. zpiiltie LUMBER, Lath, Sash, Shingles, IIOOKfc, : ISLINllft, Kir. t un supply every ileiiuiti of the lily, t nil anil urt terms, l-'imrtli Street in rear of operu house. SfyeQitizes'Bar CAPITAL STOCK $50,000. W. II. C I SIII.NC, Pres. J. W. JOHNSON, Vice Pres. I-KKD W. CAKIU'TII, fash'r. A to-iicnil IxitikiiiK business triuiMirteil. INTEREST on deposits allowed as follows: Four per cent, annual interest if deposited three months. Five per cent annual interest if de f posited six months. Six per cent. annual interest if deposited tine year. THOS POLLOCK R W HYERS Nutary I'ulillt- & Atistrm'tpr Solicit Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Agent If you have real estate to Bell or exchange send us description, price and terms. Abstracts of title furnished at reas onable rates. f lHO.nui to loan at 7'i It'r cent and no commissions, on good farm Hccurity. POLLOCK A HYKRS Plattsmouth . Ntu. Office under Cai County Bank, 1