Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, March 16, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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or r hi-: I'M n:i sta i ks.
The Herald
Gives al 1 tin- news of Town, County and Slate and ns much
National nevs ;i any other paper of its class. Your
home would lie incomplete without it.
TheN, Y. Weekly Tribune
is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPF.K and gives all the gene
raltiewsof the I'nite 1 States and the world. U gives the
events of lorcigu 1 md in a nutshell. !t has separate de
partments for "Till-; FAMILY ClkCI.K." and 'OI K'
YOUNG FOLK'v" Its' IIOMK AND St K'l lv l'Y" col tt inns
command the admiration of wives and daughters. Its
Mi neral political news, editorials and 0 iscu-sions are com
preliensive, luiliiau and exhaustive. Its "AGK'KT LTl"
K L" depart en-nt let" no superior in the country. Its
MAk'KKT K'K!". K IS" are recognized authority in all
iarts of the laud.
For ObiI.v 175 VnU in Advance.
N. Y. Weekly Tribune, rey ular price per year $ 1 .00
The Horald, regular price per year 1.50
Total 2.50
We Furnish Both Papars One Year for 1 .75
.I)1)!M:Sm o.v'DEkS Tt) - THE HERALD.
tit ;i.ivt. in iii's!(i:i hi i It i;. i;.
r;oiX(; WKST-- I.iart
Hyer No. 1 3:l.m in
I'assi-nui-r '?i '1:1s l "i
I'nsseiiKiT No - L':"Lla "'
Passcniier No 7 :' 1' 111
I'lissetier To ". via Louisville 4 i m
I'lisseniter No !'l 7::.iaiu
Kreiijlit Xnffl, via l.nnisville .... V" a til
Fretuht No i 'i, to Omaha... 'i:.! u m
lit il.Mi Iv. n I
Flyer No'-'. -.
lHsseii!er No 1
i:I7 p in
I J: J. a til
7:11 pin
'.i:l.i a in
1'iisseiiuer Aii I.
"ller No s
l'ussenner No III
. MlsSt'l Kl I'll lMl H Ul.lillUI.
V (it)l(i NOIv'l II
o. 1 .'.:iVa. in.
a No.;t :i:f' p-
I I 17 1 'Ii4l ! I. Ill
O, I. II I
goini; SOL' I II -
t "No. i .. ll:ii:i a. ill
No. H, liver .':U p. m
No. I'.'G ireiyht s:"'7
SLfliKT N' It lr.
C.V.s 'AMI' ". W- V V. A. in i' s every
hfi'imil iiinl Ki-iulli MninlMS t-v nii.j: in
Kil.irenitil lm.1. iMt.ii'-' u.-iii 1 1 ti. .-- Hi lc. nn
H. I . liahM'ii. V.l' : I". W itIimiImtl'it. . A.,
f t;. v liile, t'l'-l k
fUli K O I II K wolil II,
Meet" iit 7 : m
hvi-iv Ml nn.iN t-vei-ii :! the (ir.01'1 Army
hull. A. K. (iiiMini, iieiili nt. 'I hi w WiniiiiK.
seen Inry.
i t' W Nos Meet liit iiinl third I'ri;
thiv evetiiiiirol each nioiitli .it 1 I F
hull, I rank i-ruiyli-a M W '; J li Harwich,
- A. l.'.M-l'niiilili- I'll! Ni'. F Hi'" t- every
s ria ':.y evniihi" ,il 7 : :m m t-oii M .il in
, i.ekwocl l.lock All ;m-
vi i;i:; I u iteit t" e t vwt'i us. I-1" -1 1 liu'es,
' I ,i-i .'.uji.Ulit ; li. I'. Niles. I'oi. t imiiiiadiliT.
KM, ,11 is Ol- PVIUIVS 'imiiitlet l.oilae
No-17. .sleet- everv Wi-aiie-ilax eve
nuu'at their hall inerUriim l iV l iiltV, all
i-itin loii:;iili me eonlialiy invited to
lit tend. M N liriHith, l C: Otis llovey lv tit
h' mid ri,
o f W No M Nret seeond and fonrtli
l-'ri. lav eveninu:-. in tin-iin n'li at IP
O F Hull. ' M Viilidriiii. M W, lv I' Itrown,
Dlv'tiK'OK-OF IIONHIx- Meets the first
and third 'I'lirnr-dav e i iim:,- ol ea li
tnoiilli in I. i - '. F. Indl, lMt;;i'i.ild l.lo. k.
Mrs. -ddie Minili, Worlhv Si-tern! Honor
Mr-. Nannie lim l.el, -i-ler -eer-.-tary.
DIvdK'KK F llil.NOK' Ivy lod.;e. No. 1:1
meet- tirsl and thiol l'liin-dav-i ol
each in i .11 1 li in k'.m I'. h.ill, Mella lrav
er, si-ter weretarv.
AliK l.iiiroln Coiimil A. I". A. No. hi
meet-everv -ei ninl and loiiOli ed
nesdav ill each 1 dli at I. O. . I'. Iiall.
cm 7v'(7:.s.
( A I' ol.lC- St. Paul. Chnri li. Oak, lie
tween Fifth and Sixth, l ather I'arney,
I'a-ter -erviees: Ma at s and I": li' A. M
Siiinlav Si hool at li :;Mi with lienedii tion.
CnLOWDli !t M'TIS I'. Mt. Olive Oak, lie
iMi'i'U I'eiiih anil ivleveiith' l'ev. A. Ilns
well, pa-tor. Service-1 1 a. in and 7::H p.
m. I'r.iyer meet inji Wedne-day eveiiinu.
FlK-l M K I lioins I'.- Sixth Si., Iiet ween
Main and I'earl. Key. I.. I". Itiitt H. I),
pa-tor. Service II a. in., ami H:mi p. m.
Sunday -clioul at '.': p. m.
and Ninetli. K'ev. Witte, pastor. Ser
vices n-ual lnnir-. Sunday -i hool at
Hi. Hi p, hi.
C'HWISTIAX I'nrner l.ocu-t and Kihlli
streets. Service-: Moriiim; and i'vr
ninii. Klder A. iallowa, pa-tor. Su ti
ll . I v School at 10 a. in
Kl'Isiol'.M. St. Iaike's church "corner i,f
I'liird and ine -tn-. t-. h'. . II. It.
I!uri.e , pa-tor. Service-: II a. m. and
7:.'itl p. in. Siindav School at :sip. in.
I'KKSHVTKKI X. Service- in new
clinreli. cnrin r Sixi h nun iiianui- -is.,
h'l-v.J. T. Haird, pa-torSnnilny -chool at
li: 111; jireaclunn at U. a. m. and S p. in.
The V. I', S. t . lv. of tiii- church ineet
everv -nliliatli cvctiinu a1 7;l" in hase
nieiil ot the church. All are invited to
at tend tlie-e meet iuu.
S w K I I S 1 1 CoNOWI-.S-IONAI..
twiaii Fifth mi I Sixth.
(raiitie. In
lorlnfnriniitlnn Mid froe Hnnrttiorik wrlloto
MINN Co., l HiiiMiiMAV, New ViiiiK.
fiilet tmnnii for rty iirinx r-ntetitu In Ami-rh iu
Mvery PRtnnl, tiiketi out hr im Ih lirounlit trru
Uie public tjr uotice kivuu true of ctmrKO tu tlio
I.nrPMtWmiliitlnn of iinr clntlflfi prwr In tho
world, biileuilullr llliiKtrateil. No liilolllfont
nmri utinulil b without It. Weekly. !:i.0l
ti-art II.Mimx minithn. Ailitrenn MI NN A ('(
1U4iluushh,301 llroJ warden VurkUtr.
JSclcnlifio American
AQcncy '0PA
IRK trbt
i Pi US.
' Ha Him
Pick nnadarlio and rulir-Teall thetronblM tnct
(lent to n liillous state of tlia yntom, aut-ti an
Dizrincmii, IiausnA. Jlrowalnewi. I)intrnw after
ratiuK, I'ala in tlio, o. While tliuirmost
reuiarkublo luccexs ban bwg sbown iu curing
Iloaaache, yr-t Carter's IJttlo Liver Pllll SM
equally valtialiln in CoimtiiM inn. curing anil pra
Vcntiui; tliinaunoyinuceiiip'uiiit.wlillii tlieyalno
tnrrortullilisiirili rtionlioiitiima--li,HttniiiIntothii
Jiviir auii ruguliito tbo IaiwuIh. I'.vuii it' thej ouly
euroa m m n g-n n
'Aebethrr woiili1)ioalmntir!relr.nit.othnowrl(J
puff.-r from tliimlistri iii'iiincoiiipl lim; butfortil
tirtoly their r'Hidnesn 1". a tint '.-nil li-r,aiil thnpq
Wlioiiucet- tl'em will ftml tliesi- littlo pllln villa.
Able in Roiiiany wiyatbat they will not bo wll
Img toclu without tli- m. But after alldlck boij
la tbe bnno of rnmsny livci Hint hnrnfawhora
WouiaVoonrRnat boast. OurpillHcumltwhilo
Cthero do not.
Carter's Little. Liver Pills aw very ma1l anj
Very cany to tatn. One .T Un jiillH niakoa iIoko.
'i'hey ai-eetrictly viviki'ilotmt do not Rnpa or
pure, but by tli. ir rL'iitl-ir.ction jiloano :ill who
Wothnii. liivi.ilmit -Tn-i-iitH ; live for tl. Uolii
by (IrugisUi cvcryUt;rt, or b. Lit Ly Luiil.
. is-- f
i.'v r
For AtchitiHon, St. Joseph, Leaven
worth. Kansas City. St. Louis,
and all points itr rji ,.ast
Koutli or west. Tick
ets fold and hair
ifiitfe checked
to a ti y
States or
Canada. For
Call at Depot or address
0. I'. A. St. Louis, Mo.
J. C. PlIILl.ll'I'l,
A. (i. I'. A. Omaha.
II. D. Ai3AK. Ant., PlattHiuouth.
Telephone. 77.
Till-; is the Hest and Most
Iv'eliahle Family Paper Pub
lished in C'.iss County
The Herald and
" " and
'. " and
" " and
American Farmer
Harper- MaL.ra.ine
Harpers Weekly
Harper- Yuimu I'ei
Toledo llhide
St Xicliola
lieinorest Maica.ine
i .ar.
tlrance Judd Farmer
Western Kural
frlolie Hcmnrrat
New York Tribune
" " nnil
" and
Accordino- tii the census of lS'.K),
Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her
population of I,tHls,,"i7ti people, as the
eiolitli largest city on the ylobe.
Most ot us desire, at one time or
another, to visit a city in which so
many persons find homes, and.
when we do, we can lind no better
line than the "Kutiiuo ton R ute."
riiree fast and comfortable rains
lail v. hor t urlher informal ion ad
dress theai;ent of the company at
this place, or write to J. l-'ran.'is,
General Passenger and I'ii ket
Accent. Otnulut, Nebraska.
Pti-uliar Ad verii-mi.
Advertisino a patent medicine
iu which the proprietor of Kemp's
Halsam does for coughs and
colds does it indeed wonderfully.
lie authorizes all flruo'nists to ii'ive
those wt o cal 1 for it a sample hot
tel I'KiiU, they may try it before
purchasing, flic laroe bottles are
at lc and 1. We certainly advise a
trial. It may save you .from con
sumption. All Fi r-t-Clns- in . 1 1 Mt-i.
Front present date will keep on
sale the important Fast India Hemp
remedies. Dr. II. James'; prepara
tion of this hell) on itsj own soil
(Calcutta), will positively cure con
sumption, bronchitis, asthma, and
nasal Catarrh, and break up a fresh
cold in -M hours. $.'.."ii) per bottle
or Hhottle 'for iV."'). Try it.
Ckadiur k & Co., proprietorn.
10:C Race street, Philadelpia.
Arresieil and Pet Free.
Dr.J. II. Ilauafori says in the
Western Plowman: "If the first
cough is properly treated, the lir-t
step in the direction of consump
tion is arrested, the lungs develop,
the breath set free, we need fear
consumption," Kemp's Halsam for
the throat ilild lungs is the proper
treatment for the first cough. No
other remedy has saved so many
from 'ousumption. At all drug
gists. Large bottle ."xie and $1.
lily's Cream Halm is especially
itdepted as a remedy for catarrh
which is aggravated by alkaline
dust and dry winds. v A. Mover,
Druggists Denver.
My catarrh was very bad. For
thirty years I have been troubled
with it -have tried a number of
remedies without relief. A dritir.
gist advised Fly's) Cream H,ilm. I
have used only one bottle ami can
say I feel like a new man. I make
this voluntary statement that
others m ty know of the Halm. -J-
. Mathewson, (lawyer), Pawtucket
R. I
RllKI'M ATISM 1'1'KKIl IX A I ) A Y.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in 1 too
lays. Its action upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause and the
disease immediately disappears.
The first dose greatly benefits, 7,"
cents. Sold by I'. G. Fricke A: Co.,
druggists, I 'I a Its moil th.
Amongthe many uovobties which
will be presented in the building
known as, "The MacKaye Specta
tin iiitn'' in Chicago, perhaps none
will attract more attention, it is
said, than the absolute avoidance of
the senery methods of the present
day. It is reported that out of the
large list of scenes to be used, only
two are painted on Hat canvas, iu
fact little or no canvas is to be used
iu this department.
"A Stitch iu time saves Nine.''
You need a blood purilier. Why
not take Gering A Co. s. Compound
Kxtractof Sarsaparilla'r Jit will do
you good. If it docs not we will
refund the money. Gering Co.,
Having sold my Mock of jewelery
and business to M. S. Hrigg's and
C. II. Jf(piette, I desire to extend
to my patrons my thank's for their
past favors and assure them thai
they will receive the best ot treat
ment from the new linn, and cordi
ally invite them to continue their
patronage. I am preparing to
handle the largest stock of pianos
and organs ever brought to Plaits
mouth, and will Jtnake my head
(piarters with the firm of Hriggs A
Jaipiette where I may be found of
them that diligently seek me to
set He their accounts,
Respectfully (ii:o. 'Ass,
Fx-Jewelery and Music Dealer.
Mystic Lit Hffii'jvver,
Thin wonderful Health Httilder
and Constitution Restores U indeed
a veritable renewer of life; because
it possesses such marvelous powers
to cure all formsof Failing Health,
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Nervous
Diseases, Heart A iTeetions, Female
Weakness, HrokenConstitution and
all wasting diseases. liver)' bottle
warranted to give satisfaction or
money refunded, Frec'hottle at F.
G. Fricke A Co., druggists, Jl'laits
mouth. Ilring your job work to this oliiee
for first clasH work.
Vtuu-iiil'a Onuurd .i.arcll.
There cam.' a tune in the history
of my life when I suddenly realized
that 1 can ti ll a hrierwood from u
liieeivciianoi while it is being smoked.
It was borne m upon me that by
years i f subtle training 1 had come
to know a 'IVrSrto" front a "two
for -a nickel." It (lashed nnm my
sinful soul that I. Sappho, (lie M-ortn r
ol ttn-oiine, was niyself a comioiscur
of tl:.- i!i !ii .i1e ;.!!,! ditli art of !:.-lir-.,olslii:i
i veil lioin the m At
ro. 'in tS.e W.r. c!.;.: .;cliTl.-;i-.. cl'
tl'ltVring kinds of Turkish tobacco. I
fi uiid. tomy iiiiia.eineiit, that I knew
the perfumed Turkish cigarettes o-e
their national characteristics coming
over laud and sea to Boston, and I hat
a Ikichinoiid cigarette is inure grate
ltd tvieariouslyi to my nostrils.
I can smell t his moment the peculiar
I'tvnut titittiness of an old clay pipe
iiiul the almond titittiness of a new
Henry Clay cigar, and I can recall to
a whiff the experimental odor of a
corncob brimming with rank plug
Vet I never smoked but once in my
life. Then 1 choked on burning mill
k in leaves recommended for a cold:
It is one of the Results of the open
ingof modern occupations tor wom
en that I liaYit become so lea rued t:i
this wry. I don't know yet whether
or not 1 am proud of my wisdom, but
it is certain that I have no vicarious
amusement more charmingly altru
istic than smoking.-A Woman in
Boston Transcript.
Tim I Hi- uf I'm-try.
Nearly all the other arts haviMitt
official standing. They are endowed,
pei'iM-ttiated. made part of the appa
rut us of life. But wo are us incredu
Ions of poetry as of the sea serpent,
and the allidavits of those who have
seen the hing ilself do not convince
a sceptical world. Poetry's killing
foe is wealth, and wealth of late has
grown beyond the dreams of avarice.
Money, which can call into existence
many of the arts, which ran rear
architectures, lay out gardens, give
to household decoration a sumptuous
beauty impossible to poor ages, which
can even greatly help iu the creation
of music and painting-nioney has
no potency over the proud and dis
ilainful muse.
But the future of poetry is tin
mouse, because when actualities op
press, when utilities task, when,
"tired of nil these, for rest fill, ,de;,tli
we cry," all we need do is to open our
hooks and without struggle to par
tako the strife, without effort to at
tain the ease, without putting oil
mortality to have part in the iininor
tality of those sole things which show
a semblance of eternal lifethe crea
tions of the divine poets. Ponce tie
Leon sailed far for his fabled foun
tain of youth, hut the wiser man is
ho who takes down his Homer or
his Shakespeare and discovers there
m the spring the Spaniard failed to
find. 1m iritin.
A SI ranirt' Si li'i'tliin.
It is an easy and very profitable
business to .-nstiggle rilles into Jloroc
eo. A weapon may he bought in
Gibraltar lor h and sold m the in
hT'i-r for live or six time- that sum.
!-'itiu;.'-lers are continually running
over in fi-hicc'is and beaching these
arms soim-v here I -el ween Cape Spar
te! and T.i!w'.:e! . and curious are the
devices by which they accomplish
tln ir transport.
One smuggler told a traveler that
ho ran his cargo into Tangier bay
after dark and unloaded the rilie
on the beach not a quarter of u mile
from the custom house.
"Who assists you iu unloading?"
asked the traveler.
"I generally employ the porters
of the custom house," was the inno
cent reply.
Then, noting the surprise and
amusement of his hearers, la; added:
"They are more skilled m unload
ing than other laborers."
It hud evidently neither occurred
to him nor to the porters that they
might lietray him. Youth's Com
llypnutlMii unit DentUtry.
For a quarter of a century I have
been hoping that tlio principles of
hypnotism as now develojied might
be applied so us to bring relief to pa
tients duringdeiital operations. It is
with pleasure that I am able today to
report a pronounced success in thatdi
rectioii u success that I lielieve will
continue, and the methods will be so
formulated that the art will Ik) with
in the reach of every intelligent oji
eratoron the human teeth. I found
that it was the opinion of writers on
hypnotism that pain would always
wake a patient from the hypnotic
sleep unless such patient was iu a
somnambulistic, condition. I felt it
might be quite possible to derive dis
tinct lenefit in the lighter stages if
they could he kept continuous. 1
soon believed it pos-ible, ami after a
diligent study of Bernheim 1 coin
nieiiced to hypnotize, and my first
effort proved a success. - Thomas
I'lllehrowu. D. M. I)., in Dental Be
Smoke unit ( nlil Wrutlii-r.
There can be no doubt that the
smoke blanket modifies the tempeia
tureof the city. There is nothing
iicwin the fact. Gilbert White of
Solhori:o, who died hm years ;:o,
wrote, "Win ti a thermometer hangs
abroad m a frosty night, the inter
vention "f a cloud shall immediately
raise the mercury b) degrees, and ft
clear sky shall again compel it to de
scend to its former gauge." St. Louis
Tost Dispatch.
I.. V x i.
. -
Great tiull riovement
is a mild and pleasant stimulant which quiets the nerves
and in no wc-y excites or deranges the system. In this
respect it is distinctive. It gives the most solid corn
tort vith no unpleasant efTccts. Made only by
lilackw cll'j Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N.C.
tTll(U anil Onmritliir
Tor ninny invalids nro given to
gambling for the purposo of nmufe
metit or pastime. Those who visit
Florida. Colorado or California on
account of climate, who lenvohomo,
friends and businenH on account of
their health, who havo nnximiH
friends, or probably bouio relatives,
ho are hoping for all or some bene
fit from the change, cannot defeat
the object of their trip in anymore
certain way than by u resort to gain
ing. No food, stimulant or rest can
replace the lost nervous energy ex
jieiiileil iii this pastime. It tells on
the cool and imperturbable as well as
on the nervous and easily upset.
We have often seen pulmonary in
valnls coining west for climatic bene
fit who fclept all morning with closed
windows and tightly drawn blinds
that, by the exclusion of Hounds and
light, they might make up during
the day for the rest lost during the
night- ti night ofte;i in a close room
with burning gas lamps, and, as is
pciierally the case, so small that
what fresh air it may contain would
hardly suffice for one man. The
deadly cllects of these conditions,
added to the nervous injury ineiiYut
to gambling, are stillieient to wreck
a previously well and hearty con n
tutioii. An invalid may be said to;
about destroy what little chance he I
may have by following gambling for!
pastime. National Popular Review.
Illfi'l'li-il Hull-In.
A well known physician recently
published an account of the cxp-ii,
ence of a patient at a so called ln-tlth
resort. Here is a part of thesiory:
"The patient in ipiestion was suf
feringonly from overwork; his fam
ily history was clear, and there was
no tuberculosis to U- traced in his im
ne'ihate kin or among his ancestors.
He went to a health resort atalii'.h
al'.iiiide to recuperate. He boarded
at a hotel in which iitini"rous con
smnptives were coughing and c.xpee
toraling; four months nt'teru.iid he
developed tuberculosis ami now has
a typical case of pulmonary phlhi
sis. The iitif irtuiiate condition of
tlcse resorts is Ihat (here is. as a
rule, no system of disinfection of tin
rooms, verandas, hallways, etc.
"The patients are allowed iu i:io.-l
hotels to cxicctornto where they
choose, wil hoiit i( striction. Tins re
sell is that germs are scat tend broad
cat in the buildings and outside of
the grounds. They heroine dry and
are seal fen d in the air and inhaled
by those exposed. Thus a health re
sort which in the beginning may
have been very effective in combat
ting consumption becomes after a
time a veritable cent"r of infection."
, iiiiisit t or ui in. i ii y.
The late Lord Chief Justice Cor k
burn was an inveterate enemy to
drafts, and on the opening day of the
Surrey nssi.e several years ago gave
orders that all tin; windows should
be dosed. I'jion arriving at the
court the l.illowing morning he was
surprised to find that this injunction
had been neglected, and upon in
quiring was informed that the high
sheriff was the culprit. Addressing
Mr. Lvelyn, the high sheriff, he in
quired the reason. "As the high
sheriff, your lordship," replied Mr.
Evelyn. "I consider it to lie my duty
to superintend the ventilation of this
court, and I have therefore directed
that the windows shall not lie closed."
"As lord chief justice I consider it to
be my duty, sir," thundered Cock-
burn, "to fine you .100 for disobedi
ence." And the money was paid too.
- Sun Francisco Argonaut.
A NnrrntT Im-iii In KukkIh.
We had just left a station near tlio
Irtish river. The road was near the
precipitous river bank. Our horse
started at a mad pace, and the driver
could not control them. They gal
loped straight toward a precipice that '
a turn in 'lie road brought just ahead
of us. I thought we were lost. M.
t'.e I'jfalvy stood on the carriage
steps, revolver in hand, ready to
shoot the middle horse, hoping that
if he fell di ad the others would halt.
Some Co.-.-acks who saw' the danger
rushed to us shouting, "Don't lire."
One of them grasped the bridle of
the middle horse, and by an almost
superhuman effort stopjied him. It
was time. We could look down iuto
the abybs. Cor. Manchester Times.
Bull Durham
Ai.kL a.kvorj long years at;o,
which l..o iuvvT I'&r, beaten or
, afpiucL J. It has not to-da ',
3 SJ seeonJ in popularity, lis
riViilnr m nnifiirm vr.'lliin
' pleases the men of to-day as it
did their fathers before them.
Sold wherever tobacco is smoked.
I'atromige of the Public Solictter)
North Sixth Street. PlHt.tsinoiiir
Conl and Wood.
Vanls unit Ollire ml Smith Thiril Mtreel
Telephone .Su. I.I.
The Old Reliable
Lath, Sash, Shingles,
IftOOKS, : KCLIlft,
lite. C'iiii uiippl y every ilciiinn (if the
city. C ull unit i(rt lerol-. l-mirth
Street in tear of nperii limine.
J. W.JOIINSON, Vice-Pres.
FK I-1 W. C A k k UTII, Casb'r.
A Ki-ueral ImnkiiiK hiiHiness
t rsnisacteil.
INTFkKSTon deposits allowed as
follows: Four per cent, annual
interest it deposited three months.
Five percent annual interest if de-
posited six months. Six per cent,
i,,m,ial interest if deposited one
Noliiiy I'liblic & AtiitMi-ter Snlieltn
Real Estate, Loau and Insurance Atrrut
1 f you have real estate to sell or
exchange send ude,cription, price
and terms.
-.tracts of title furnished fit reas
onable rates.
f tlKi.iKKi to loan at V'o percent and
no commissions, on good
farm security.
Pfllce under Cai County Bank,