Till: WKKKLY H KHALI): IMATTSM0UT1I, NEINJASKA. MaUCH ), 1803. anks May" Fail .J.Vi POLITICIANS GO WltOyYG BUT JOE REMAINS THE GREATEST CLOTHIER IIST FLATTSMOITTH. j V HE WEARS LIKE TIME AND HIS PRICES PLEASE THE MULTITUDE. B STADELMAJNN BLOCK, MAIN ST., PLATTSMOUTH; NEB. AROUND THE COUNTY. Mr9. Eunice Loyd Dies at a Ripe Old Ago. THE KENNEDY ESTATE. A Family Reunion Hud in Iowa -Tom Anderson Found Guilty o'' U templnif to Kill H s OtI's Father. PEOPLE AND AFFAIRS. An Early Settler Gone. Mrs. Eunice Lloyd departed this life lust Frida evening at : V lit the family residence tlitv miles Houthwest of Murray after a linger ing illness of several months. Tin immediate cause of It'ath was rheumatism ami pleurisy ati-I her last sufferings were intense but she bore tlifin with the fcnt itm!- that only comes to those who an- devo tcl followers of the cross and crown. A loving and indulgent motlier has gone to the better world to join her husband and son whose demise were noted less than a year ilgO. The deceased was horn in the Btate of New York on 1 1 1 - - i day of May 1 S 1 7 therefore being almost 7(1 years old, she came to this Male in an early day wit'.i In r hii'haiid. Mrs. Lloyd was a consistent niem lcr ol the Presle, t r i ; 1 1 1 church ami died in full taitli of the seiiptual teachings. She leaves to mourn her death lour .-ons anil one datigh ter. The remains were laid to rest beside those of her latt- husband at the Young c-uietcry at l1' o'clock last Sunday. The Kennedy' Estat. Mrs. Michael Kennedy of ( enter reeinel was iiy I'l ittsniout h Mon day arranging fur til settlement of the estate of her late husband. Mr. Kennedy oivi,ei a res of line farm land and enough pet-on-al property aii'l I'fe insurance to briny the estate valutiou up to about ft! l,t Mi. Hy the terms of the will the widow is to be the bene ficiary of the ptoperty until her death, at which tune all -xeept the insurance money is to be dividtd among the three sons. The insur ance Sfii.CiHi is In be shat cd eipially by (he six da;ii;litticrs. Family Keunlon. Fred Drccsnn of Eight Mile ( hove and bis sister, Mrs. Annie M. Fisher of this city, madea pleasant v i i t to their old home in Carroll county, Iowa, hist week. 1 he occasion being the marriage of their brother tins to a Miss (iergans on Wednesday and a family reunion on the day following. Tile reunion i- reported to have been an exceedingly pleas ant affair and was attended by the aged parents, ten brothers and sisters, eleven av oidchildt en. three sonson law and two daughters-ill law, making in all UUe a happy household, The Iree.otis are old residonts of Carroll county where they have hosi of warm friend. Tom Andersen Found Guilty. The jury in the i a-e of the State against i'om Andercon for -hooting leo Sit.ei wet e only out about live minute-, ,m 1 returned a ver- (iii t (d guiln . lie tried to escape the penally by ph adiny emotional insantv but the jury was not of that belief. His attoM '.ys have applied for a new trial. '. .it it is i...f likely that it will be granted. List of Letter The following letter lis; remain iug in the post ott'u-e for the past week, ending March, 7, 1 v.'H. Asteatn, Win llrotison, Addie I'.rowll, llattie I iillouuv, James Crncs, Henry Chandler, Lisli Clark, Mrs. K. A IMmomls. X ill Hi. lull'.", Munnie Irwin, Aiikfeline KiliK. Henry C l.eetitn. t ieortfe Mjhoii, Ida olsrti. K. T Mxirne, Jiilinie l'axtoli.J . Phillips, J.iliu ShirtletT. Eva 2! Thomas, Win Thompson, Katie Veilli, Tress ie Nichols. Mr. and Mrs Curlos Persons calling for the above will please say "advertised." 1I.J. Stkmoht, P. M, A large niiinber of county ofli cials and old timers gathered at the residence of V. C. Showalter last Thursday evening in honor of its; being bin forty-third birthday. Mrs. Showalter had prepared for the occasion an elaborate banquet. A handsome easy chair wan pre sented to Mr. Showalter as a souve nir of the occasion. Judge Chap man made the presentation speech. Mrs. R. V. llyers is slowly im proving. The Tribune desires to notify its friends, and especially those who have sent horses to this market, that it would be better to sell them at home, and sa vt the freight, feed bill and commission for selling them here. While no one will deny the fact that South Omaha is a good horse and mule market, for the buyer, they cannot but admit, that it is loosing game to the seller the reason that only scalpers attend the sales, as no one else knows of them or when they are to be held. The management, it seems, desire to keep the matter quiet and not let those outside of the gang know that there is such a thing as a horse and mule market in South Omaha, therefore if anyone has horses they do not care to give awav, they bet ter keep them at home, South Omaha Tribune. KKOM C lll KC'II TO II E A V UN. An old gentleman by the name of Phillip Johnson secured his wish last Sunday at Council itlutfs. by passing away while attending church. Just before the regular service began a lady in a pew next to that occupied by the old man noticed bis head fall forward. She hastened to his side and found him dying. She raised his head in her hands, he gave a gasp and the wish of his life was gratified- he had gone from the house of his Master to the Master's presence. The body of the old gentleman was removed to his home only a few blocks away. The occurrence created a most pro found impression on the members of the congregation. m m Alii i Todd came home last week f'-nut the Omaha Commercial col lege having graduated with the honors of the institution. Areuds (lerdes has purchased the John McCaig farm in Stove Creek Township. The consideration was fi.lKM. Judge Chapman was (Tailed to Kossuth, Iowa Friday to attend the funeral of Miss Sue Matson, who served here as a teacher in the pub lie schools, and made here many ac quaintances and friends. Judee Chapman adjourned court Friday evening until Monday and atten ded the funeral Sunday. VY. C. Showalter, ex-clerk of the district court has sold his bi i-acre farm out in the precinct to J. K'. Vallery. Consideration, .fil.iKitl. Henry Hoeck fell one day last week and ruptured a ein in bis right arm w hich necessitated a sur gical operation to release the blood. The supreme ccurt laM week handed down a decision in favor of Allen Heeson against the Omaha Southern railway company. It is a suit over the right of way and gives Mr. Heeson $l,'JiK). H. McIIujh has opened up his blacksmith shop on I 'earl street between Sixth and Seventh and is prepared to do all kinds of black smithing, especially horse shoeing at low priced. Mr. J. P. Riley of Kight Mile Grove sold his farm, known as the Oder Hill farm last Monday to Troop Hrothers, for the snug sum of 7,ltX). The little six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Hlunt who live on Winter steen hill died last Monday morn ing at 9 o'clock, the funeral was held Tuesday across the river at the Fast Plattsmouth Haptist church. The county commissioners are in regular session this week. Dr. A. Shipman who left for Omaha a tdiort time uyo has re turned to Plattsmouth, he says Omaha is dead, and if anybody thinks Plattsmouth is dead just let them go to Omaha and they will Bay Plattsmouth is a live town. Now is the time to take a good blood purifier and the very best is Gering A Co's., Compound Kxtract of Sarsaparilla. Sold only by Ger ing & Co., druggists. Kobertj Metteer of Murdock sends us the cash for Tub Hkkald and New York Tribune for one year and orders them sent to John Can non, Turner, Oregon, thus our sub scription list grows. You had better clean house before long and if you start cleaning house j on are never clean until you paint and paper, so if you are desirous of being clean you shoulU go to llrinvn A Harrett and see their new and complete stock of paints and wall paper. MURDOCK. 1 1. Horenaier, was called to Gage Co., Neb., on account of the death of his aunt, his uncle died four weeks previous. The eldest son of F. Stock is quite sick with measles. Mr. F. Stock is making great im provements about his place, C. Kis enhut has been building a porch to his house and now he is paint ing the building. Rev. C. Stock of Knox county was here last werk, making out the neci ss iry papers for his land which he sold to Mr. llertel. K'ikli A Neit.el bought the im plement business of lCvans A II lire, last Thursday. They will keep every thing that belongs to the trade, such as bug gics, cat riages, wagons and as soon as their new warehouse is done they will be ready to supply the wants of everybody in implements. The grain business of Ivvans A Hare has assumed such propor tions, that they have their hands full with the same, and sold (he im plement business to KiklTA Neit.el Rev. Acthouse has a protracted meeting in progress two miles west of here, which will close next Sun day with the fourth quaterly meet ing. I,. Neit.el got a large shipment of house paints, from the Omaha Oil A Paint Co., he has already sold to four parties that are painting their houses. It is the best paint ever brought to Murdock, the most skeptical will be convinced of that fact, after giving it but one trial. Mr. John Whirl returned from the west, and is again running the elevator for Kvaus A Ilure. lvmma WurU is retained by "the school board as teacher for the summer school, she has given en tire satisfation so far. We have a chronic ' killer" on the school board, w ho is studing the school law at presi nt for the pur pose to find out any technicallities that the legal voters of ths district have not complied with. It would have been better for this "sinarly" if he had attended better to his duties in the past, and studied law a little earlier. YVANTF.I) - Agents to sell our choice nnd hardy nursery stock. W'e have many new and special va rieties, both in fruits and ornamen tals to oiler, which are controlled only by us. W'e pay commission or salary. Write ua at once for terms, and secure choice of territory. MAY Hkothkrs, Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. J)e prices re Reasonable. E. G. DOVEY & SON. D 0 V E Y & S o. Ty Are Very D8'rat,,e- You Will fte Jrcsd. Wc refer to tlie Latest Addition to Our Carpet Department. WE ARE SHOWING A HANDSOME LINE OF MEDIUM PRICED GOODS IN NGRAINS AND BRUSSELS. IF YOU CONTEMPLATE BUYING IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK OVER OUR STOCK. STAIR CARPETING, CHINA MATTING RUGS AND DOOR MATTS. The Finest Lineof Plain; Fringed Window Curtains to be had in Cass County. 1 HI t i TT f ott cpiMr. r.nnnQ IS FULL AND COMPLETE QUALITY RELIABLE AND PRICES THE LOWEST. E.G. DOVEY & SON. YOUR FAV0MTE HOME PAPEE AND TIIK LEADING U'KITHI.ICAN FAMILY VAVKK OF TIIIv I'NirKD STATKS. r H 11 Jjj K A I j ) (lives all the news of Town, Count)- and State and as much National news as any other paper of its class. Your home would be incomplete without it. TheN, Y. Weekly Tribune is a NATIONAL FAMILY I'AVKK and gives all the gene, ral news of the I'nited States and the world. Jt gives the events of foreign lauds in a nutshell, (t has separate de partments for "TIIK FAMILY CIICCI.K," ami "OI K YOl'NC. FOLKS." Its'TlOMK AND SOCIKTY" columns command the admiration of wives and daughters. Its general political news, editorials and d iscussions are com prehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. Its "AGWICULTL 1L" department has no superior in the country. Its "MAh'KKT KKI'OKTS" are recognized authority in all parts of the land. A SI'lvCIAL CONTRACT KNAHLKS I S TO OFFKIv' THIS SPLENDID JOTk'NAL AN DTI IK IIKKALD FOR ON 15 Y 15 A K For Only $17 Cash in Advance. N. Y. Weekly Tribune, regular price per year $ 1 .00 The Herald, regular price per year 1 .50 Total 2.50 We Furnish Both Papers One Year for 1 .75 ADDRESS ORDKKS TO - THE HERALD. T KFNI $5 PER SET Perfect Kit (imir unteeil, Teeth out in the morn iiiK. new one put in the same (lav. Teeth exl'm-teil for 25 cents. A11111I Kioii Killings, 51 cents miuI nil, koIiI Crowns inn! hritln Work at prices inoHt rciiMiinuhlf. All work executed without piiiu. We perform ull work known to the Art of Dentistry, ami it prices within the reuch of all. Ho not lie preju diced by what otli ersuiuy say uhout us, tint cull see us, examine our work. We do just what we 111I V 'rtise. Consul tation liv letter nr at office free of charge. I)K. WITIIK.KS. Ilentist, Fourth Floor brown block, opposite Y. M. C. A. Ituild iiiK, Sixteenth and DoukIu Streets. FIRST NATIONAL : BANK OK I'LATTSNOL'TH, NEUKASKA. I'ald up capital $To,ooo,nnn Surplus U'.uon.UeO Offers the very best facilities for the prompt transaction of LEGITIMATE BANKING BUSINES. STOCKS, bonds, irold, government unit local securities bouuht and sold. De posits recieved and interest allowed on the certificates. Drafts drawn, available in any part of the C. S. and all the princi pal towns of hurope. Collections made ai'.d promptly remitted. II iliest market price paid for county warrants, state and count y bonds. DTEECTOnS: John I-'it.uerald, D. Ilawksworth S Vaii;:h, K. I''. White, ft. K. Dove v. bo 0 !-i'..;i i;.M, i res. S. V.'autrh. Cashier 1..U6. HINHICliS, . id; A 1. 1 if 1 MS Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all kinds. T MAKE the best of all kinds of sausage and keep a good supply constant)-on hand. Call and see. MARKET ON SIXTH ST RE ST, Hetweeu Main and I'eiirl Plattsmouth. Nebraska T.J. THOMAS & SON I'KOPK'IKTOkr.S OK TUB ' North Sixth-St. Meat Market. frf?, Salt ai?d Smoked MEATS OF ALL KINDS. Headquarters : for : Poultry. C.AM 15 OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. North Sixth-st.,Opp. Postoffice JOHN A DA VIES, ATTORNEY AT UW Correspondence Solicited. Oflice in Union liiooh Plattsmouth. . . Nebraska WANTED -Wide awake w.irkera every where lor "Khepp'ii l'liiliiirtit,hrthi World ' SHEPP S "."'" nt ci,h' "f in- ,wf? . "''""lentH: mammoth ill. Tiir. P H OTO G R AP H S ffr; ?$ mlnuteBi Key. J. Howard Madis'm 'i.v n-f toJSSSOF THE WORLD