WKKKLY HKltAM): PLATTSMOUTH, NKMIASKA, MAltCH 2. ISM. 5 MAKING LACE I'APEK. Minneapolis has the only fac tory OF THE KIND HERE. How a Nfw Industry In Which Germany Eicrla Cani to ISa KMulillnhrd In Thll Country -A Vet It In In It Infancy. I Nire Work Vat Women. Minnenpolirt can claim a monopoly In at least one industry. There is none like it in the country. Germany is the near est com;x;t;.tor. The lace paper factory here is the only one in the country. How the industry came to be established here and the development of certain possibilities in regard to it make quite im original siory. A certain business man tolerably well known in Minneapolis once upon a time loaned some money and material to h Russian immigrant who was trying to start a greenhouse in St. Paul. The flo rist was very p-ateful for the help, but at the end of six months had not repaid any of the loan. The business man hunted him np and inquired wherefore thin ne ljence. The florist explained his difficul Ada at some length, and sorrowfully averred that in addition to other bur dens he hud to support his brother. 'Why doesn't your brother go to work?" "Pardon, sir. He is honest and indus trious, but can find no work at his trade." "What trade can that bo?" 'He is a lace paper maker and there are are no factories of that sort here, and he has not much chance at other trades where he has no skill." An interview with the paper maker re vealed some interesting facts, and after some investigation several Minneapolis capitalists concluded to start a factory to evolve the dainty confections that modern ingenuity says may I made from paper. The industry is still so new that its present condition may lie re garded as only an earnest of tho future. The fad for fancy lamp shades makes a special department which was not at first contemplated. Crape pajwr devel ops iu all the soft, dainty sheen of silk. Women are specially good at this branch of the industry, as it requires, patience and that peculiar "knack" which no man v ever had, and the woman who possesses it is luckier than if she had beauty. though she never thinks so herself. Now, this business of making lamp shadeB and flower pots and paper flowers and dulls is light, clean work and pays ywell if a woman has the bent for that kind or work. The prettiest lamp shades I ever saw were being made at the factory. Tin tobacco leaf forms the latest model. Two contrasting shades of crape paper form the leaf. It is cut in the proper shape, and a delicate wire forms the mid rib of the leaf and makes the shade sub stantial enough to stand wear. Four long leaves and four shorter ones droop from a common center and make tht daintiest shade imaginable. 1 saw a tin) one of this same pattern for an incan descent light. The red leaves were lined with pale yellow, and how the electric light did glow through the blended col ors! A skillful workwoman can only construct four or five of these shades a day. Their price consequently doesn't exactly bring them within the reach of , all, but they promise to largely take the place of silk and illusion. The operative earns from to f 10 a week in the shade department Lace paper for lining the edges of boxes really forms the important part of this industry. Look at a bit of this dainty paper and see how faithfully it reproduces every thread of the lace from which it ia copied. When people are told that these delicate patterns are tamped from engraved metal plates, they are apt to look incredulous. Still that is the process. For many years Germany has con trolled this industry. The consul at Berlin in his last annual report states that 7,000,000 pounds of lace paper are exported annually to the united States. One tine day good fortune befell the industry. A man came in and asked for employment. He was a designer and eugraver of plates from Germany. He declined to give any information as to how he knew the factory was'n Mimie apolisor why he came. He simply said they could try his work, and if they were ttusnrd Im would stay, lie lias re mained ever siuue. I saw him several times and didn't wonder that there was some hesitancy about engaging him. He weighs about iS','5 itoiinds. The face is Intelligent and refined, but the bushy beard and long hair, combined with the muscular frame, give the man the ft- pcarance of one used to vigorous manual labor. Ap arances aredeeeptive in this case, for an ui tist as well as an en graver, a; ... knows every detail of tho business. He first sketches the design on paper, then takes a block of lead composition similar to that used for newspaper cuts, and draws the exact pattern with ashaqi steel point. Then, with finely graded chisels, ho hammers out every little tie tail so exact that tho tiniest thread of the finest lace pattern is visible. To see the workman hammering out an intricate pattern one would think it an endless task. It is not, however, nearly so tedious as it looks. This en graver will make u plate :.') inches long by 2 inches wide in four da vs. All the edges of the pattern have to be made in sharp relief instead of being cut into the plate, as in ordinary engraving. This lias to be done so that the sharp edges will perforate the paper when the cylin der passes over the plate. Lace paper has its styles just the same us tho real article. The young lady who gets her dany box of bonbons from t to conflict inner wants the lacee-lje.1 holder to be in the latest mode. Slu- can also select torchon, Valenciennes, Spanish, guipure, breton or any other stylo in the paper just as she can in the thread. Among Hie pretty imported notions is that of a cornucopia ii h a deep lace edge and dosed wi il.iinly bows of satin ribbons. This is to hold matinee f.r theater r.lloviiiice of candy arid will probably be very popular. Kva McDonald- Valesli in Minneapolis Tribune. Intpudrnre In Ural I If. Here is a storv of impvdence from real life. It was told by my late friend, the i Rev. Greville Chester, v. ho made a little novel out of it, but I do not think the j book "caught ou" or had any success, j The thing happened almost exactly as follows: There was a lady living in the j country; she was advanced in years, either unmarried or a widow: she was wealthy, and she lived alone. One winter evening she heard the sound of carriage wheels ou the gravel. The door was opened, and then fol lowed the bumping of trunks in the hall. Then a lady's name was announced, and her visitor entered. She came in run ning: she came in holding out both her hands; she came in with a laugh of wel come and of joy. "Yon dearest Jenny," she cried, kissing her with brimming eyes. "It is 40 years since last we part ed at deal old Miss 's school. I low Ire you? How are you? Oh, my dear, 1 am so glad to see you! Aud I ve come, to stay!" She sat down, threw off her bonnet and began to rattle on about the school. When they separated for the night, the hostess reflected that sho had not even asked her visitor's name and that sho re membered nothing at all about her. In the morning she did ask her name, but yet she remembered nothing at all about her. That visitor came to stay. In fact, she never went away again. Tho two ladies lived together in the greatest ami ty till the end. And to the very end the hostess never knew who her friend was and could uot associate her name or hei face with her old school. Walter Desan. in London ljueen. A Tame Mountain I.lon. In Colorado I visited a hunter's store and saw a mountain lion the only one, as its owner asserted, which had evei been tamed. It was in a little back room chained to an iron staple in the floor. round which it was pacing, uttering low growls. It aptieared very much like a small panther and seemed anything but tame, snarling at us as if it longed to spring. It was in awe of its master, however, nnd cowed down every time he cracked his whip. Ho made it do several tricks with a retriever dog, which did not seem to like the task very well. "Come and kiss Miss Pussy," said the man, and the dog went up to it, laid a paw upon its nock and licked its face. The master then put a piece of meat on her nose and told the dog to fetch it away. "He doesn't care for this part," was his comment. "She has had him by the throat once or twice. Just look at her iron paws? One blow would lay you dead as mutton. What, you brute, you would, would yon!" Miss Pussy had tried to gnaw his boot and needed to be lashed off. "Do you ever take her out?" "Oh, yes, she goes walking with me in the mountains sometimes. I take her chain off when we're out of town, but I'm precious careful to follow her and never let her step behind me!" "A Hide Through Wonderland." New Zealand Mutton. The sheep farmer, it seems, finds that he can deliver his sheep, with a fail profit, for 2 pence a pound at the nearest port or freezing point. The killing am freezing process is undertaken chiefly b, companies, which have established freez ing stations at various convenient points along the coast, and which ship the car casses, consigned to agents in London oi elsewhere. One of the sights of the day at the Albert docks is the arrival of one of the New Zealand Shipping company's fine steamers, perhaps the Tongariro or the Rimutaka, or some other of the fleet with the sonorous Maori names, and to see the subsequent discharge of sonu. 27,000 carcasses, each neatly wrapped in its winding sheet of white calico. The whole year's exportation now fig- nres to about 2,000,000 frozen carcasses and is rapidly increasing. Yet with all this depletion the number of sheep in the colony is rapidly increasing. The flocks have largely increased in number, and the export of wool has risen from about 64,000,000 pounds in 1882 to 108,000.000 in m. All the Year Round. Lucky Strikea, Stories of nnexiiectetl fortunes are at. common as blackberries. Somebody is always making or finding or inheriting a heap of money which seems to himself almost to have come from the clouds. Worthless shares become valuable, as happened to more than one man in the history of Devon great consols. A work ingniau discovers a rich mine, as Mr. Graham did in South Australia; or a rela tive from whom nothing was expected suddenly heaps everything on the kins man who bored him least, as occurred last year within our owu knowledge in a southern country. Only last week apau jier in a poorhouse was declared heir to :KW,(MK), a sum which he probably could not have put down accurately on a slate, but which had been earned in Australia by a relative who died intestate. Lon don Spectator. She Could Not A irerita It. In the drawing room of one of Califor nia's bonanza men, now living in New York, there hangs a painting of a very common country scene a girl feeding a flock of turkeys. The money king's dinighter says that her father cares more for this picture than for any of the other furnishings of his palatial home ami often stands hi lore it lor long moments at a time. I lis boyhood was spent in a tiny hamlet tucked away in the Cats kills, and when the pretty girl says, pet tishly, "I don't seo what you find in that tea chroino thing to admire," lie si'hs and answers, "No, fur you never had such a home. "New York Times. Mn Outdone by WoniHti. "You may talk all you like about women being the weaker sex," said Mrs. Snipps, "but the women of this country did something last year that men could uever do." "And that was?" inquired Mr. Snipps. "Lost :o.(mmmiiii hairpins and woretho wings of It.ouo.ooo birds on their hats." Buffalo Express. SHE WORE THE SHOES TO BED. A New Knglaml (ilrl'a Villous Way of stretching Tight Footgear. When Mr. Simpson returned from Bos ton, he brought a lieautiful pair of shoes laced shoes, with neat heels and pretty toes for his daughther Ethel, and a unanimous sigh of disapiHiintment swept over the Simpson family when it ap peared that these shoes were tx) small. No one was more sincerely grieved about 1 It than Ethel's youngest sister, Evelyn, who liked pretty shoes as much as Ethel did, and win had been wearing a pair that could not have leen described as any thing but "serviceable, though plain." Evelyn was filled with conflicting emotions when her father said: "Perhaps you can wear a No. 8, my dear. If so, you may have these." Evelyn knew that though her sister was six years older than herself, yet they wore the same sized shoe No. 4; but she did not say so. She set her pretty shoe beside her own stout, roomy one. The proseet was discouraging. A little later Ethel came in. "Why," she exclaimed in surprise, "you can almost get it on? Try it some time when your foot is not warm and swollen as it is now, though I suppose apa would never let you wear them if they went on at all hard." The shoes stood on Evelyn's dressing case all day and suggested to her what must have been the feelings of Cinder ella's sisters when thev tried to cut down their feet to tit the magic slipper. That evening when she was going to bed she tried them again, and they actually went on. They squeezed the poor little feet as if in a vise, but thero they were, on. About midnight Ethel Simpson was awakened by a soft knock on her door, and sitting in the hall outside she dis covered her little sister Evelyn. "Oh, Ethel don't make a noise my feet!'' she gasped. "Why, you have your shoes nnd stock ings on, Evelvn. The new shoes! Oh, you poor child!" nnd in a moment the elder sister was bending over the suf ferer, who had fainted away, with Binell ing salts and a pair of scissors. "You see," sobbed Evelyn, reviving and watching the cutting of tho shoo lacing with interest, "I thought if I wore them to bed they would be on in the morning ami I could show them to papa and he would let me keep them. I went to sleep, ami a littlo while ago I woke up, and I thought I was dying. "I almost screamed, but I didn't. felt numb all over, and then it seemed as if arms and legs and head were turning into balloons. When I tried to crawl out of bed. I knew what was the matter. It was my feet and those awful shoes. "I expect every ono will laugh at me, Why, Ethel, you are crying! Don't. My feet don't hurt me any more, and pa will say when you tell him about it, will be a lesson to her.' " It was a lesson to her. She never wore tight shoes again, but if her father thought so he did not say it when Ethel told the story, and no one of the family laughed or said a word about it. A day or two later a package came from Bos ton for Evelyn, which contained a beau tiful jwiir of shoes, laced, with neat heels and pretty toes and marked "fours. Youth's Companion. The Anthem. The rustic choir's greatest show was always made in the anthem, in which some bumpkin had geuerully a solo to exhibit his "lusty voice. It was splendid musical display of its kind. People- came from a long distance to hear it and felt so satiated that they left without the sermon. No wonder Shakespeare made Sir John Falstaff los his voice with "hallooing and singing of anthems." To be sure he was guilty of an anachronism, for there were no an thems in the fat knight's time, but it may reasonably be supposed that he hud become so impressed with this part of the service in his own day that he dropped into the nod which even Home is privileged occasionally to enjoy. The Jack Tar who explained a "han them" to his mate on the simple priii ciples of verbal elongation was not so far out after all. "If I was to say to yon," he began, " ' 'Ere, Bill, give me that handspike, that wouldn t be a han them; but if I was to say to you, 'Bill Bill, Bill, give, give, give me, give me, thst, that, that handspike, spike, spike j spike,' why, that would be a hanthem." I Just after this fashion did the old village choirs tear and toss their anthem texts. Comhill Magazine. lint She Didn't Get the Hoot. I was trvinir on a nuir of shoes, not I many days ago, in one of the "sample" I -i. , l:-,.!: . IBjiue Biorcp. r inning n yiui which ptu ticnlarly pleased me, the clerk laced up one, ana looked lor tno otner to ao like wise, but it could not be found. After a vain search I was about to give it np ami select another pair which did not please me half as well, when I saw the edge of the woman's skirt, who sat next me, bulging out, and, calling the attention of tho salesman to the fact, he extracted the boot from under her dress. It seems sho liked tho boots ns well lis I did, and if she did not get them, it was not because sho did not possess unbound ed assurance. Some women get through this world on their nerve, and this woman was one of them. New York Herald. The Color Jo-nl Ion. Little boy Sterling, 5 years old. was recently having his hair done up for the night. lie was restless under tlui oper ation, nnd his nurse tried to interest him by speaking of the colored waiter who had come that day. "He looks as neat as a new pin, in bis white jacket and apron," said she. "Yes," responded Sterling, 'neat as a new black pin."- Kate Field's Washing ton. A imrli nn A reli It return. The distinctive form of American archi tecture may be seen in the modern office "minding now so popular in most of our large cities. It combines in the highest degree lit illty Willi excellence mid is at once a model of i oiiveiiienco and of beautv. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. PEOPLE AND AFFAIRS. Report of the Rock Creek school for the mouth ending Feb. -4. Num. r of pupils enrolled 40, nvernue attendance 27. Names of pupil neithcrabnentor tardy; Hurt Voting II arry Tigner, Claud Tigner, Jennie igtier, Jimmy Furlong, Anthony Silvrants. Names of nuitila not tartly but absent: Lena Young, V iola Young, Arthur Young, Koy oung, Willie Ilcsscr, Inez. 1 lesser. Arthur IIolmcH, Troy llolmeH, Char ley Tigner, Albert Furlong;, MarctiH Furlong, Role of honor: Inez. Iles- 8er, Ana oung, Viola Young, Kd- ie McCulloch, Maud McCuIloiii. Albert Furlong, Gussie Holinea, Grace Marshall, Claud Tigner, Roy oung, Tommy, Nix, Arthur, Iloltuet. Joanna Graham, teacher. John M. Mackay.the famous bon- nnzu mining man of California was shot last Friday by M. C. Rippi an obi timer. Mr. MacknyV wound it not fatal. It is thought Unit Rippi was insane, for after shooting his victim he turned the revolver ami shot himself through the left breast, the following letter addressed to the examiner was found on his person which reads as follows: "Food for reflection, l'uid fl.TO for a sapphire to place on jad ed person of his wife. A sufficient amount to have saved . TOO of his paupers from n tuicidal grave. Just think of it! Inscribe it on his tomb." , Jim McNcely met with a painful accident Saturday morning. He was pulling one of the small brick t . ... , , , ... . laciory cars, loaueu Willi nliout a ton of green brick, when his feet slipped and the cat ran against him, smashing his legs quite badly No bones were broken. Courier Journal. County Attorney Travis last Monday dismissed the following cases in district court for want of evidence to convict: Slate vs. Ran dolph Weaver, State vs. John Stakes State vs. Myron Avery, State vs. Jtiinn. Also the case of the State vs. Dovcy's was dismissed, this case isone that grew out of the guarnishee cases. George Tressler the complaining Jwitness failed to put in an appearance and the cases were taxed up to him. SKlRETAKY KVSK TALKS. Secretary Rusk of the department of agriculture eaya that farmers in all parts of the country are inquir ing as to the probable profit of Keep Your .Eye ALKISINOKR DEALERS IN SOLID COMFORT PLOWS, BUGGIES AND SMALL FARM SAFES. PI.A TTSMOrTM, .... NKHk'ASK feeding corn to hogs at present. He desires to state that the prospect of large returns from judicious hog feeding has never been so bright as now. In average years it takes ubout nine pounds of hogs, live weight to bring the price of a bu shel of corn. This year five pounds of hogs bringas as much as a bu shel of corn. If ten pounds of pork are made from a bushel of corn, which may betaken as a fair re turn, then the present prices hogs would make corn bringSTic a bushel if fed to these animals, which is about twice as much as it is now quoted on the Chicago market. Instead of sending pigs anil half fat hogs to market, as thousands have done only to find that such animals were unfit for packing and would bring but a comparatively small price, these animals should be kept tin the farm and fattened on the corn which is now so cheap in the market. The high price of hogs is said to be largely due to the meat inspec tion carried on by the department of agriculture, which opened the market to Kurope and enabled shippers to send the surplus hog products out of the country. Following this same shortage in the hog product. The number of hogs packed this winter is not less than it has been previously, but the hogs were lighter in weight, so that there has been a much smaller quanityof hog products prepared. When the advance in price came the farmers sold their breeding stock, which cannot be replaced for at least two years. lie therefore thinks that it is per fectly safe to leetl hogs under pres ent conditions until they are fully matured, as the shortage of hogs products and the unrestricted for eign markets or inspected meats offer the best possible guaranty for good prices, Try the'Trown" cough cure. Drown & Biuret uuurHiitee it. Hring your job work to this office for first class work. Bright Agent Wanted Quirk to Sell CRAWFORD'S 1,1 KK OK BLAINE. Written l.y Mr. Illaine's tnottt intimate litearv friend le-THE OFFICIAL EDITION-! The only work KMioKSKIi tv Vice I'rcH. Morton, Att'y (Jen. Miller, Private Sec. Iliilfiinl, Sec. Foster nnd u hoxt of other of Mr. llhiinc'w ( OI.I.KI.I'KS, CAHINKT Ol' KICKKS, SENATORS, Ac; hence will outHi-ll nn v itinl nil others FIVK To ONK. )K MANIt IS Sini'l.Y MflK.NSK, Don't wiiwte time on C'lienp John cutcli irmiy lionkn. (iet the OI KK I AI. work uml HKST TKH.IS by writing ui'iCKl.v To 11! IIIIAkl) l'l'II, CO., li'wny mid LociiHt St, I.oni. or This Space LOHM FARM IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS Absolutely Pure A cream of tatar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest I'nitetl States food report. RoYAI. K A K I N 111 WM CO., KXt Wall St., N. Y. My Sweetheart s Face that's my wife's you know wean a cheerful, life-is-worth-living expres sion, ever since 1 presented her a box ol WHITE RUSSIAN She is always recommending A'iri't soaps to her friends says she is through with experiments has just what she needed to make labor easy, and ensure perfectly clean clothes. She knows what she's talking about don't forget it. JAS. S. KIRK & CO., Chicago. Dusky Diamond TarSoap wVj;jftU JULIUS : PEPPERBURG, Nnniifiictincr of anil Wholesale uiiil KVtuil lli'iller in the Ihoicest Brands of Cigars. A HILL LINK OK MK TOBACCO AM) SMUKtllS' ARTICLES ALWAYS IN STOCK. PLATTSMOU I H , NfcBHASKA DENTJSTEY. rfif;oU AND POKF.K-A1N CKoVN9. Bridge unci Fine Gold Work A SPECIALTY. DK. STKIXAl'S LOCAL n well other iiiiiieMthetiiH Kt en for the pinnies exlriK linn of teeth. C. A. M A KSH A M, Kit.fnild Hlock FURNITURE, AND UNDERTAKING. House Furnishing Goods STOVES AND RANGES. Our Muck in nil litici- i complete nnd we invlteour friend- to come in nnd look a through. We will enilenvor to pleiiHc you. When in the city cull in und see iim. STIii:i(illT & SATTLKK, iSuccexxofH to Henry lloeck.l T)S1 Main Street. I'lutHiiioiith. S. IS. IIALLccSON .... MAM'K.MTI'KEKS OK Tin. Copper and Sheet Country Work Attended to .... . SlIlik'T NOTICE. - - - U I 'J-J rs A CA TjL. COKNKK SIXTH Al I'KAKI. M'S. ATTOKXK Y-AT-I.AW ;; a. x. sri.i.i vax. ; Will i . e Kpeciiil nttctit ion to nil tmsl entrusted to him OK hit K I'liiim I Hock, I'UiUstiiHiitb SliHUbi fc Q 1 WW