Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, February 23, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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    wt.i'ki.y HKu.u.h: ri.nMor rn. m:i:kaka. ': vi;v..:? i
s- tate Li-u s .iu.ri-.
T:.- 'ep-;,;t live !;- .'e n-- i
t!ie j .it vi' !. '-,t ir ; ! n.'.iu i
' liilN. In. m I'c.-ty to titty l-.-in i;.-
tiodueei! eaeh'uay. oti.e i tln-m
are jhhI !.: .. - - I I ici
1 . lit tl'f jjrt .!'. ! ;.) ; of tli.-n .nv
worth'.--- im ! ..if iiitrn. !'!.'. 1 for
I.-! mV,lill'f 1 i ip-ti i I, ami
w .,1 i nil '. i li , i in- -. ,.i i l s .in.l had
t ?-t r i r t in t -.' jt:-t .-miupoh of tlie
1,1 '.'.-.
Tin- !o! !. v in .1 r.' a I" v ' ! t !i"
li. i 'pi unpm pu;p
i'.y rviplii ..i !l"it I'n j-iol.i! a,,'
the i-.ile t s, li.nd'N.
liy I'li. - I'm i i '' I i
lvv 1 ( nit. !i I "I'iiatl'n- Mo: '-."
l in' i'o nun i 1 1 n I - 1 1 1 .v i:i 1
y.ll'rt'iU'V 1'- '-!;!. i-. i ,s t !'
Ii, nihil:.; i :f'l ! o i li j :e- , in! t! -e
1 1 . U i mv : '.:;:'. - , i : 1 ' . i r i ul.i'.i'
III" - i: I i! ! . 1 1 1 -, '.v ! i ' i ! ' r
.inmci (in! i r -;:vin: to provide
t"i i ,-i'fi i-;..r nl Hie .-; lie 1 .,i ;i ; i
I... i;il i".t -i.ite I .ink e.n;i ne:
,i i : 1 ili-ii :. I .iei I ' w ill i.- - ii I pi ' e, ie
lor 1.1; . r eo 1 1 . ; ,. - n -.: i ; ie : .
( io -i ol 1 1. il I.I - In i i li
te ,i ie I J 1 e I l pri Ml:: !"V el ", I ioll-
Oi pi li i : le.i i p. 1 1 , ie- eel to ; in; is II
ci'ieiise.- iliiiMl.
i . , i ii ol i loii i a -. in ;o in ml
i inlr i .1 e i 1 1 p. oi i i pip.-; lour
i Iy iiowe I'n pimirli pep-on- en
ten n l;. si lrtii:, iii iv iiiiX or own. nt;
lmr-e-. in i .i 'i - lor whieli eiiteranee
money i.- eh. i 'Pp-i I el Hie .ite or
trueknr in eon!.'-;- ol -pee. I lor
v.-1 1 it'll pu i -o prizes or M.ike.-; ; : I"
ciinteinle.1 lor ,i:nl to prni!e lines
pen.i I i ties lor 1 1 if -nine.
Si-nalor Me'. t'ii- oli'i 1 1 il a rei-. .In
tin n whiel was adopted to ihe etleet
that ;if Ihe I'ni'.e.l Mates lias
iipproiirialeil jii.miii.iiiiil to make a
deep water i 1 .1 : ! n i r on the (lull of
Meieo, that it would he money
tlirown away linle.-s we have rail
road coii nei't ions ami a road
from the 1 1 1 1 I li 1 ne ol North Dako
ta to t he llll I would . t f JT.t it k K I
,iinl that a tax of a cents per acre 'in
e lands of Hie ten states it would
ass tliroiiijh would mure than
mild pitch a road and reipiestint;
he governor to eomuiunieate with
jie otlicr uovi-riifirs in rct;.'ird to an
early convention to di-cuss the mat-
Yesterday licin y u asliinton's
liirthday the Journal and News
took a lay nif.
Last Moiulny evciiiiio- the thirteen
year old son of I. 1 1. Krli, took a
dneof lamlunamii and came near
passing over to the happy hunting
iiiiukI hut restoratives were ap
plied which brought him around
all riht. We have been unable to
1'md out the cause of hid taking the
It has been settled that Mrs.
(eveland is to have a private scc
etiiry. A widow who has travelled
Y a ijreat deal and is master of seve
ral lanuaes besides Kulisli.
Shu is to receive if.'.tHMl a year for at
t'lidiniT to the correspondence of
the social side of the While house.
J'h-; C'osmopolitaii otfers fifteen
1 f ndred dollars, in tour of
one thousand dollars, three htm
drcd dollars respectively, for the
four water colors which shall be
chosen by a committee from such
drawings as may be submitted by
the artifts fif the I'uited States or
Kuropeon or before twelve o'clock
on thr tirit diiy of December, rit:h
teen liundrt'd and ninrty-thref. I he
fubjtcts are to be selected from Ihe
liff of ( hrift, taking those kchich
which teacli in the hif;li't form
Ihe leiHOiiH of love, patience, humi
lity and forbearance, with fidelity,
as far as may be, to the actual Mir
rounding and conditions of the
p( riod. The treatment should be
calulated for single-pane repro
duction in The Cosmopolitan in
Ki.e five by eijht inches. The sub
ject to be suitable, as far as pos
sible for use in stained ,'lass lor
church or cathedral. The orig inals are awarded will
'come the property of The Cos
Jiojioltian. The drawings should
poe shipped securely packed, and
addressed: "Submitted to Art
Ceii mittee, C'osmopohan May;a.iue
V " Fi avenue and Kleventh street,
York," and in the upper left
h; d corner: ''.Not to be opened be
fore the llrst day of December, 1n.:i.
We can Sav You Money.
We wish you would always re
member that we can save you
money on drills, paints, oils, w all
paper, etc. We carry a clean, new
complete slock of oods as you will
generally find in a first class, driiyf
(iir druy: department is com
plete in every detail, and we can
in ake it an object for you to deal
with us.
Our Wall I'aner and Paint de
j iirtnieiit is larger than ever and
you know our reputation for bar
pains in this line is such that can
not be eipialed by any one in Cass
county. HkmwxA: P.k'ki:rr.
Dru'i-ts, PI itfonoiitli. Neb.
".' in Cl.'.y
fitere .or two .n. t h'" !- of pi -! -i"4
t::e productioi. wroiilst in
c'. i v, i :!i' M.i U.'.e I la w oo,l in t he
Mai'.'li Ladies' 1 1. me One
i t - !l.l ' tllelll c..M in pl.iM, r illd
t ie uti.i r if to have them baked
ill the '.villi, thus pto.h;e;i!;- t i l.l
eotta. In order io ui-ure the I est
results in ihe latter e.i-!', il.e clay
uiuM be tree t;.e. i iinpiiritie-. an-l
t !; '.V,,lk b.l.ll Upon .1 -ill'ir .-ll p
poi t c:.:i be i.i.-ily removed
when the iiiu.lel is lired. Yellow n d
o." ;r,iy eiay may le eiii'loyed,
p:'o. hie : n;' re-pectlvely w hite y 1.
low .'ie! i e. terra cott... Ait!--- e;.:i
procure I he d : ilefi nl e I a s .11 w i - I,
ciHl'lif! 1 1 on i the i .11 u e i i'-.i i, i -in
art"! i ilor !:: eel In 1:1 ihe
paitery, v. ha.' -m:..:1 p
d i ) ei a . eoi.t a , ii i i, ,i lew pounds
i i e.idi. are obta'uial le at aiuioM
aey .ut More, Diy i i ,,n be pre
p i red lor : I - ' i -o.i . ; i: i I i .1 w.:h r.
until it is f be' i i:.iit eon-i.-'t eey
to work 1 1 -a. li iy ' : i ; lie 'i:!;..'i -. l n
or. h r io e,:.-i i 1 1 , we! I. to.' el i v
.-iloiild be l.foneii up in small
piece.- a n i v, I . -;i .-1 1 1 , i e iei , ; I v moi -1
k ii ade.l v.. H lo:.:ii her mil : I all
bllllp : Hi ii.i - e.::iie! i i-appeii n d
an.! Hie eia i- si.iiicii.'iitly i:ioi-
to he tl,oio'ij;liiy 'liable and Set
no; wet eunuch to be and
to ailhei e Io the lingers, w ork tiiat
i- not MiC('es-t ii I eiioii;;'i io p.irrant
preservation may be thus broken
Up and the ( lay u-ed aain and
a,ain; the more it i.- wmio d wall
the better and and more pliable it
become.-. 1'iie clay is kept moist by
means of wet ( lolhs I iid over it,
with pivb rably an outer coeriiie
ol waterproof fabric. A little expel
ienee will ,-oon teach a student jus!
how to Keep the clay in 1 condi
tion. I'sually the cloths will require
welting afresh once, perhaps twice,
iiday; this depends, however, upon
the atiiiosphee in which it is
! PlTTsiiPKc, Pa,, h'eb.'JI' A special
.from HiYioIivine, T'a.rsays: Geo. A. J
Jenks of Pennsylvania has received
j from Cleveland the official an
nouncement of his appointment as
Tinted States attorney ireneral. If
he expected the honor he has sue
cessiully concealed his expectation
The place was offered Mr. Jenks
yesterday by telegraph and after
consultation with his pastor, the
K'ev. Di. Conway, he decided to ac
cept. In K'om-T into the cabinet he
leaves a law practice worth .f '(), X I)
a year.
L.VKKYVHiiD, Feb. 1-Cleveland
had no further announcements to
make reardine; his cabinet.
The representatives of (Jueen
I.iliuokalaiii who were said to be
coiniiiLC here, failed to put in an
prices won't bii , the e-enuine medi
cienes. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi
cal discovery (for the liver, blood
and lung's) and Dr. Pierce's favor
ite prescription (for woman's weak
ness and ailments, each cost !,I.UU
per bottle, and his pleasant pil'ets
(the original little liver pillsi, Ja
cents a vial, and no discount.
These genuine medicines are
now sold only through drnyyists.
reuuliirly authorised as agents, and
at the above lon-estiiblished
lriees. Hut if you e.(-t the reniliiie
they're the cheapest medicines you
can buy at any price. They're sold
on a peculiar plan "value received
or no pay." In every case they're
Hiiarauteed to benefit or cure, or tl e
money is refunded. A tit hori.ed
dealers may offer spurious imitia
tions or Hibstitutes at lower prices
' than above.
lieware of all such.
A perfect remedy for scorfula. in
all its forms something that puri-
j ties the blood, as well as claims to
1 Thai, if it's taken in time, will cure
j As a strength-restorer, blood
i cleaner, and llesh builder, nothinu;
j eiials "Gulden Medicine Dis
covery." For every form of Scor
I fiila, bronchial, throat, and liin al-
lections, weak lunes, severe i'imli,
j and kindered ailments, it's the only
remeiiy so sure tnat it sail lie "iiar
teed. If it doesn't benelit or cure,
in every case, you have your money
WANTF.D Agents to -(dl our
choice ami hardy nursery stock.
! We have many new nid special va
' rieties, both in fruits and ornameii-
t. lis to oiler, which are controlled
only by us. We pay commission or
salary. Write ns at once for terms,
and secure choice of territory.
MAY lllv'iil IIKks, Nurserymen,
Rochester, N. Y.
All Firsl-Cla-- Dru.iejinv
From present date will keep on
sale the important Fast India Hemp
remedies. Dr. II. James' prepara
tion of this herb on its own soil
(Calcutta), will positively cure con
sumption, bronchitis, asthma, and
nasal Catarrh, and break up a fre-h
cold in .'I hours, .'..iti per bottle
or .'( bottles for Tii.."iil, -Try it.
Chamhh. k A: Co., proprietors.
ICC Race street. Phibidelpia.
i- i. cLIoATlONS.
i'i .i i .. .i ! i. 1. 1,, '-i:. i, i ii -- i', ,.,. -, il(,
l:i 111 lli-Ill- l.l i.. -.,tl,hl .
li"-, t- .-!' ;:,e i h: !'e-t of
ll.e v.. ' a .- :i;..; . c, i y h, a ! (,f a
i,oa-i ;....(! .- -io po-i : to illale:--t::i'.
: I et'.y V. ! '- i .1!" I y the wo'.-d.
l!:e tni.v I.i v.-:-)::ii. u tieti.. f
-' he -. !'; :: l. cr !'!.. n pr.n
l ip!!'. e. .! ! . , hc.-c fl eeiy to lie''
ft it li.!-'. '!:? 'l t:!'l - tlu'ei to t)..,. I,.
i ' I .i .i e.,o- iiol Wiieliiel'
L" ! i' '. .oil l.: I oi not.
Milt there is v.i-t in ..iiele--e!e
li'.el.t iiinoii: e-u e,,i ily la en ;
e:'. a - :i::il l i m nui Tiiov live i.i
; '' -!. ::..:. ' .v
' '' '"" s It .! !" ... ce; -I !!:V! -.
:..rt . , ; :,. -
to,' t ' TV I de 1- " i, : i 1 1 v ! o
and can tr. '. ::! the -uu;.., -.
T r it; p. i- tS-.. I. -,,;s , : ,eii ti.i y i
I el 1 i . i i.i '.' - l li o. a- :,ei, i, . ,. , d
..I i'.-ti . ' : .v ;: i-, (! ;rv . .!
!!'::l 'itV r,i:: .' .. .!. p. ;a
ti -e I,-.-. ..: .;..!. m;
1 'I! t. e wt'. . ! ! n;.i::y ol' l' i'i
il!V '-V, i !,, ,.,. ,!' ' v-., ! y.
".'i'!:;.l e. (: a! ;. .-ii do," n-k. d - ii i
otic o v.-o; , jo v. I,.i"i !:c ,-;,-. , " ...
tatitlv rei.i -i ; i' 1 ..!;, i ).,. 1 I: -i'i"iii
iy in c.t" i he i : . h r h. a:-.. d
V..,i. v, :;!
. .in i.- . .. , h:m
s, I
Wele l.Vi.;.; as I ;!,;, ill ;i ho.n- i ! 1 :
hoil-e. aini v.. .,'le to s!n w ,n
iiliy way yo'ii ,. ; ; a-, r,.iin .1 of l!u-.'
( htin.'iuu attt m:..i.-.;"
'i'lie lady biusi'i .1 at: I iv.lie. by
some eol'linoi: aee, .i; s'lMi col.'., I
not help I'i aei in::; that if slie wi !e
link ed sipjajed as her l i lend w;is -a,'
Would certainly tiud oMt soino v;iy of
re'tiiimin her (il.ii.iation-.
At any first cla.-s hot"l a boaati!':!
h'.ticheoii or dilitier p...-fy may he
l-ivi'M frotu ' to if:! n plate upward.
A box may he taken lor a tnusteale
or any other entei iimitnent of ;t lii ;h
order, iitid refi-e.-luiiei.ts tit a j,'ooil
resiaiiraut may be serve;l either lie
fore or iftei it. S;tiline; parties, pu
lues dozens-of ways limy be fout'.d
ol ret iirnine obiieations. if one really
ilesires to do so.
There are plenty of women us well
as"li(inn;UV.a(ru,,M;ciu. uwyui
to feel any litiiueti of reciprocity
for liospiiahties i-eceived. To tliese
tilmost tin- siiiik' ineiiiis arc ojK'ii iis
to their brothers. Society allows n
woman to rent a parlor at u hotel for
an afternoon reception, if her lioine
is in the suburbs wliei o her friends
cannot well corny for a brief call, or
if its limitations m the city ttru liaiuli
capping. Uut in tlieso days, when
the tea urn is recognized ns the altar
of hospitality, and when this simple
shrine may be set up in an apart
nient of tho tiniest dimensions, there
is no excuse Cor any woman not to be
'ut home."
iMiierson says somewhere some
thin,' like this: "It is doubtful if it
is possible for a gift to bo taken or
Ki ven without intention of adequate
return and the integrity of giver and
receiver remain unimpaired." New
York Times
II I ill iHl lilr 'I li'iitllii nl.
My reiider. did you ever try what
is called a "pack.'" If not, let me
tell you hat it is like. When yon
have slowly undressed, you lie down
on a small bed, iitid the attendant
comes with hot mustard hags, which
he places under you ami over you and
covers you up with blankets. Very
soon you begin to experience the bite
of the niii.-tiiid, and your whole body
feels like a big burning, or, 1 should
siiy. tingling, blister. When the first
sharpness dies down a little, you ex
perience :i certain sensation of e.v
liiliiriition and comfort.
After a tune the attendant conies
and unpacks, you and takes you off
and dresses, or, 1 should say, washes,
you down with warm soap and water.
Then you are put into a kind of
shower bath, which starts by being
hot sitid gradually cools down. Then
you go hack to your box and tire
rubbed down and dried, atyer which
you dress and the thing is done. A
pleasant sensation, however, of light
ness, warmth and comfort remains
with you for hours. Birmingham
ItiiHrricrw Ncit WmiU-il.
'No Viihse Hoarders Taken" is the
way a placard reads in the. hallway
of u .leliersou street boarding
"Will you lie kind enough to tell
me what that sign means" asked the
seedy man with a. carpctsuek.
"It means you." replied tho red
headed landlord with a stout accent
that smacked of the bogs of the Km
erald Isle. "That dressing easo you
ure lugging around with you won't
weigh four ounces. It looks close
kin ton football with a handle to it,
anil surely it is not a blood relative
of a decent trunk. No. sir. when a
tiuin conns to hoard with Paddy
O'Shay mid Mine. I) Shay lie must
hnve u trunk, and we w ill give him
the best room in the house ami eiean i
bheets once a week, hut vali-e board j
ers don't go here, and the n-a -on is '
they don't have a chance." Loais
ville Courier .luiirnal
l'Hia'n ttit-li Til I ut-H-.
One day we were ditiim; at a res
tnuratit i.iited tor its eeellet'.t cook
ery and bad waiting At 'he m-xt
table sat it middle aged gentleman 1
and his little son. th" latier endcav
oring to asstiiie;,. )H. panes tl; him jer '
by devourum hie;ni. At hist hi-; pa-
tit'tiCO ipiur r Ii..;iMi .1. on- litjlo lei
low said
"Papa, why don't yon I.:-!; itp a
jolly row. the -nine r- you !., ut
home;" Exchange.
F A,
(i'i). i .' l a;. .-! ' l a-. 1 1
i y 1 ' i - - i i - :n :-..i i.;::!, ; v.:is
( ,.!:f 'i i . , c ' 1 . e i ; i ",- the -U'l
tin vi ; ' .: . .,- , . ,!-t ..; I.. ,
;!! e".. " : ; i f I ;. ..
.;' a - ' . i. i ,.i t .i. . I V, h ' s,
iii'' .'si : w '. . 'i i , . . s. i , is 1 v...n
Wi j .:.: t i 'I .- - 1 t'': a v'. '
si ! s, w I:,, a .'. , - i i.e ,, ;. :M'i-e- t
( ;i ti "pi. i r, .' i,, .'i i I a li'iij: ,.f
;jyer:-r- '' -,. . n.e- '- f-v; ! '
to ..: i,::! -. i I o! tin .liii j ,'b, ':t
;"' (nun es. ; hi.t if a w om., 'i iVom i I
I' i -17 ii'i'i . -. 'I'i j' n.-i n! lie I i-i .-
'.;.H( bei . - d I y the an, ,, ;u- be,,r
.1 iil'Uffal l . la. . .. t i iv. t. ileciliiil ca
1 .:'':.' i-:' '.i.e .. .'..: 1. C:..e:
I'tain w. . : i; i..: :;er ia. ie i i
'tltiee-, t,.;.; ..! 1 I . , aei'. .1 ' 1 1 , . l
oi'.vees, t , ; i".;t iii n I',
o'..!.'-' s. ; ,,, -e w . e Ke.i ol' Il.t:-I.; I
ll:'e:ii.'i P
t '.I . 1 1 1 ' i liter !...! !. ;t i ; vi !l kn " I
t!l !! i 'if' ., i-'e I ve I ii e.-ii.i ! (I
by the br i ii- i .;' ,, : -, t - -, ); .
i!;-pii' i d a-v I-.-. .a! ie m;, ". , j
Tin-re v. a- a iei, ..' : i in t n, e.;. : i
e I...M ! nii'i v,..i . eS S i,n;a ; . .
1 ' 1" I h ' .i a a:.d w i.ever
te.:anie.l ; - p:" i :-.-,;!, :i iv i,:t, ;i; ;. :t.
II-' W.l- till ! l.Pe, I ,t J- t:, f:;, ,,.
hei 11 ti vv, tl, i .' a'.nl i e i J
ll"!!li' .ii. Yiie I'l ii of I 'a i ev, t'ii' '
in-.ll iiv.ini ' !', v.i ::;Ni'd id i.iitiie-. '
New Y i I li t'l'lhtiUe. :
- I . : I lii'l ..-s ,! Tlll'l'.
AH l.."S. t. i m.-:v than t-ll p.-, ;
can ill t a::, ne h one t i:ie f r, .main i; it
er, but sol io ii .;;s call, ;:! iitg tlietn ;
fox l'-ri i. r i - ,' I i: t !i,
;ii i 1 ! 1 i L t ' 1 ol little
b'it. it IlllPt hel
.'.-i'', called i
Ttig. There is a, family in town, hv
in;," iu ii I'otitlh story apartment, of
which ilill'.. leiii members are apt to
cotne home id. olid hours of I he nkri.t,
ami front one reason or another I'te
(jiieiitly whiiom a ni-lit key. It is
the custom m that case for ijie
member oiilslde
Warrior Held,"
to uhi.-.lln "The
i tune that (titles
hack from old coin i in;; day signals.
The fa in ily ear is now so a i tuned in
this melody when whistled that it
will waken any nu mber out of the
soundest sleep.
" This sensit ivelless Wasi' supposed
to extend to Ihe dog, but tlieolhei
evening a belated member, coining
home just lifter the door was closed
and aware of the pain it would give
the janitor, she deftly whistled "The
Warrior Hold." The family was iv
mote, but Tug, sound asleep on hi i
chair, heard the tune iu her sleep,
jumped up ami ran into the room
wherethe family was and called then
attention in the li vi-lics t barks to the
time outside. New York Evening
ricHtiir ('otirtrhicii.
A few years ago every man in an
elevator bared his head at the on
trance of a woman. It is not so now,
as every one w ho has occasion to en
ter the large office buildings knows.
In the country the courtesy is still
continued At least that is the ex
perieneeofa man who entered tin'
elevator in the Wauiegan House.
Norwich, Conn., recently.
The hotel is five stories in height,
and the gentleman's room wan on Un
til inl floor. He did not object at all
when the car had ascended to the
second liour to have the hoy return
to the office floor to take on a lady.
He did think it was carrying-elevator
courtesy almost too far. however,
when upon reaching the third laud
ing the hoy turned and said: "111
take this lady up to her floor the
fifth-now and will let you out on
the way down. ou don't mind, do
The man did mind, but of course
while doing a great deal of thinktug.
he said nothing.--New York Herald.
Ail In lliirtn.ili.
The workmen of Huriuah. although
they have little idea of composition,
sire wonderfully feriile designers of
details. They can all draw with free
dom and grace. Their legends are
full of stirring incidents and deal
with a varied range of characters,
from the puny human infant to the
grotesque man eating monster. Their
standards nf masculine and feminine
beauty differ from ours, but are nev
ertheless quite possible. Without the
insight, the delicate refinement of
the Japanese, they are free from the
extravagance of the Chinese, ami
there is nothing in their art so de
based as the representations of II, a
doo gods. Magazine of Art.
I'n-liPliirie 'I i'i-i.iiiiiiii;.
One can understand how thai if a
piece of skuil had been regarded its
iu contact with a demon or spirit it
would be respected as an amulet, and
that so the rundelles removed from
the heads of men who had been sub
jeet to epileptic fits Would acquire a
virtue iii the eyes of the ignorant
and superstitiotisuuil be employed un
charms. And this seems to bo hot h
the simplest ami most intelligible ex
planation of the phenomena of hole
pierced heads and of the wearing of
the puitiuns removed from those
heads by men and women who had
Hot themselves liecn trepanned.
Popular Science Monthly.
Munil'Ml llll't I t lull,.
The following j;ood story is told of
the secretary of a musical society:
A gentli man rang his doorbell one.
evening recently and asked if a Mr.
hud there.
"Xo 'said the intensely musical
lb My. pointing tip the Street, "he
livis about an oetavi I mean eight
.loors 1, ;.-)., Exchange.
tit-v ; T -,!i;..Li";.
AOl ll.u t U V, te. li lev,,, ii ii.j , :..,-, ( ,M
i .mil- n i ! i ..-ii : a. u.i .ie .- i - ...
Nl W Yol';. 1 .. i! -tl'-l t I ie ;;
p..r!lilelll t ha; i- n t w h. 1, i ie
(.'line, tinmen I'l -i i: e iv- ,i, . ;j
t-i'tMi ; 'i' i - ei.'i'i s i'i;. !;:y i;, ; r j
The f 1. 1 i i; id i ! . I I si , ,,s tale m
tl-e dire, i.i :. .1' ;ke 1 , tier p.,t , ,.j
town on i he mi pp.. hit ion. it i pi
Mllned. tl ,'t the In sj people are the
In iiivi ami on the nii'H h n I. mi,'. The
ct'.i. i- fi il,.a s w.ll. u ;,t )lilV b.
tiny to t'.PMi.blc ;,:iy(.w( A few
years a .-ii. t,ndcr a different poiiiii id
l' g Mile, a jjieal outcry was raisid
idiom i hi- ie : r i f :l b.itt-i s.
'l in- n.!; i.i' i - M c.-iii. leof it 1 o. v i f
pa. i'. :-e el!, p I art-. S oil the . i;i b.
( t New i rk sin i i- made tin- c.i :
'in' !.iii"!i v.; st.H !i of every u!i.. r -cily
in . . i : : ; 1 1 -;. . Ju-i about we I., ei t,ie fan iy tioti , i.d
ever te, V '.i Id for oef i hi 1, 1 . ii,
'"id b I. : r,. ii j !. sali.i.girne :t v.- f
"''Ii i- ol t : il". I i.-w ,i cam, t'.e
1 s, :i::d , ':i a a barri I- v. i n o;
'il l' 'I I" file rear. Pit the ,-,.' . ,
I'' I In. i. e has i t:iy ., ,t . ,
ce;:h ,1, la ' ibipi d. lc'lh, , ,y Jh, y !
i'.i-e r. tiiovi'd the I'.r-t tie.,:,- i -,. '
Un 'l-1 1 1 1 , p-. .s a met uri.f l .a t 1 In e j
i'l" i. u t ' e;i t Iy a'l ili. I;;.:.', n b. l,i: d j
the sleep- to ol( lid the P e illld IU s j
tnlp ' I
Evetl ill the I'lo-t t.:-l,ie!i.:lile pari - I
of t" a til" e,:rh:' :e e. not temoved I
until ;t hou I .' o'ci. i 1. ia Ihe ill:!' i
in i 'ii. As hi-i is ut :i-i- the tun,, u h. n !
fii-hioiiiiM" calls hae lii-e-in, it i.J
VcrV ilip. lavaitllg. S, ii, let iiue.s tee
swi;liiiaaiii'i'iessitniiii: e-iy w idi
the eii(,s ;it a lii-l.iotiahle ri eepii. li.
If the Wllid hi'ppetis to be blowing I
the right w;iy, thea-hes ta',;e the un '
t', ,i-t ...,'t. .... ;.. . t i. .... i . I
i.iii,,i,i,,.,llli i;i ill III'- III I ,, HI 1 1 1 e
powerful odors of the ihstui l' l .::!
huge can follow tiu in into the ih aw
ing loom.
15'it such trifling incidents ere no'
to be nieiitioiii d iiu i iinparisoti wiiii
the discomforts and worse jp-i ii",
from the presence all day of t ! u si
garbage tans in the basemuits of
residences. It is true they are out
side, but they are directly under the
front, windows and in plain sight ol
all the inmates of the mansion.
Their presence is a great outrage.
I let ter a thousand times be on the
sidewalk, w here at most they oll'eiid
only the eye.--New York Herald.
Mtiriln I'm-iJ In (miininilnil Inn.
A 1' Tench peasant, whose Kphero of
thought is not very wide, gets along
with duo words, while a philosopher
will use L'h times as many. The Old
Testament uses only a, dr.' words,
Shakespeare la.hiio and Voltaire L'u,
lititi. Iu view of this, why should an
ape not lie satisfied with L'n; (iar
ner's experiments must needs lie veri
fied by many anatomical and physi
ological examinations, for Ilroe.i has,
as it seems, proved absolutely that
articulated language depends upon
certain convolutions of the bram, par
tieulurly on the left side of the head.
Ho the speaking monkeys, possess
those convolutions.' Hroea has ad
mitted the possible rudiments of such
convolutions in certain apes, but
later researches have not proved
tlieirexisteiieein lower apes, ('open
hageii Family Journal.
Tin l iititl 'I riMisi-r si re f i-lii-r.
Of all the godsends that havi
put upon 1 1 to market in tl e -1 ;
patents, the Inni-i is h! n ie!,i
dulietheiilustfort'iieliiiii:i l i I '
exclusively." There is no p, i
process or trei.iiui pt i 1:1- i
bet 11
quickly lakd to a p::ir I
as the truiiseis stieti her.
groan over folding tin -m up
ing them iiwiiy; vewl.oa.-c
I.. i
with a pair of suspenders for -v '
pair of trousers, and hang them,
bless your lucky stars that you in v,
gave way to the di lush v, honeyei.
Words of the trousers Mrelcher man.
It will use up more trotisi'i in ni.t
year than the splint civil cellar door of
your ciirliist recollection. Clothier
and Furiiidn-r.
Alter I iillliiK Oil I'urlli lli iik'i.
Sir Heiij.-iiiiin linker, one of the en
gineers of the Forth bridge, notes as
a curious fact that during the prog
ress of the work several of the work
men fell from the bridge l'.O or HID
feet into the wider without lieing
killed or even stunned. They had
breath enough left in their I milieu to
enable them to catch U lope wheu it
was thrown to them, but not breath
enough to speak for the next fort
night. Hilling that period they lay
perfectly still, and at the end of the
fortnight Un-y generally said they
fell, as if they hi.d liven beaten II)
inside, "ii sort of w hipped egg ar
rangement." Iilidoii News,
M i-li'iiiliiii; Niiiiii'H,
The Impecunious club is composed
I of men of means who are above im-
pecuniosity notwithstanding their
occasional protest to the contrary.
Hiid the lavish feasts they indulge ii:
at least once n yearns a club pro
nounce them good livers, who do not
I mind the expense. The Paresis club
I has recently been organized to do
velop the cure and si ok a preventive
1 for paresis, particularly in the tho-
atneal profession, and not to en
I courage and spread the disease. - New
York limes.
1 iillm-tiiH mi lint1 1'iir.i.
The reason why policemen and fire
men ride on street cars oftener in
uniform than not is because when
iu uniform they don't have to pay
fare, an 1 when not iu uniform they
do.-NfW Y'oik Sun.
iff fLfty- I
Pure ?ZZy
A eie, i - , i : t ,i - i ' I a K i i it i.e a '.
!!'.'.! -t '! . : ... ,;,n
vv:u I ..'.- -i I i.p, : m,,...
' '
' ! ': K P, . I . P . : h ( I ..
1 ' V. , -i . . V.
JUL I iS : h'iaUtlG,
C:-h; I'-, :;. ? (. CVir..
i i l :. i - . e
i'! ;- m ' V;i ''v.j:;.' ;ifis
' " ' PH.
P I i -' a, - i
!):'T!,s'i Wli 1 -l j Iv -. !. l (Mi.S
I l ine Cold Work
1 t V . Sill I S I I '( I. ii- uell j. ii I,,.)
i 1 1 1 i 1 1 ' -1 1 1 1 III - 1 e. i 1 1 I . r lie ,,lii,.-s
I ' N I I ,11 t I. -tl "I I I'l t II.
C. A. MA h'SII Iii, erald Hloek
hiii-in her su.f or Tr.i'U,.
I lone ii line hum n loi ai re-, i.P in ili-s
tun t Ill-list et I'liililiriilur. l-'lll tl. i-l iiillll y,
eli., '. til tit- liiiin -( lintil linii-e, i 1 1 1 1 re 1 1
.lllll S II I II I II -I lieel. Ill line III till- lifst
Dei jLtliliiii liiiuil- in Hie stair, I niU n e.
nient-, it Iniia liaine linii-e nf six rnntiM
unit in 1 1 r , still. le, uel! mill winilniill, 1HI
uere- iimli-r en 1 1 i vnt init inn ituutl erne-,
ill I null lur In i iiiinlv, liiiul witlniiii
Inn l.l i ii -. litle K""h r t e $.',rKii lelilii-
s. i:. 1 1 i.i,,
I 'lal I -un nit li . elii n-loi.
Land io Lease.
To the rielit parly we will lease
our section of land for a term of
years, (lood ehaiine for man with
plenty of help ol bis own. Will as
sist tenant Io stock Ihe farm. Ap
ply to 'J'.. (J, Huvey ,V Son, Phdts
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , Neliraska.
If Your Cistern
Is Out of Order
or Soft Water is scarce,
don't worry yourself for a moment
;o right ahead and use hard water with
and you'll never know the difference.
The clothes will he just as white,
clean and sweet-smelling, because tin
"White Russian" is 'specially adapted
for tie in hard water.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO., Chicago.
Dusky Diiimiiud Tar Soap. "e1
lis, A- A
ri,l' .'-'!.-l:.Ss'eile,
-7 -.-p-v-.r-. -
Alii: thi: l i t:i:t-s:oN ok or.Ari-
Tl l)i; AMI ej; s; ol'1
Whlrli Hrr ht 'i.J I i v .i v portion of the
In in I from iiuaini 1 i . ( ' uiimiihN who Imve
tf r wry luio I' n c v.f
"lli'i, Slrirture, Vnrlrm '1, SypliilU, Smr
i mtiirrliurii. Sexual IiIsuhmi-h of ell Iter Hel.
Si-iiil 4 -tittn In nt 11 in m for tlwlr hiinclmiuiely
HhlHlriiK'il nvtv Imok of l?l ili;rn. l oniiul
!wt Ion free. Cull Uiou,orkilUi'eii wltbstHOil',
110 Smith HUi Htrect, fouth'iist cor.
L .: ';.1
kf J ' '.V J?