Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, February 09, 1893, Image 1

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S i..0 A YKAll.
ITTAVING made arrangements
ilwith the Cincinnati Soap Co
to introduce their Soap in this city
we will sell their best American
White Castile Soap-two cakes for
Five Cents for a short time only.
Remember this is the best Castile
Soap in the Market and is to any
Ten Cent Cake of Soap retailed in
this city. Don't delay but lay in
your supply of Soap at once as the
stock on hand is limited.
Fred Herrmann.
Ave must have more room
Make Prices That
Will Move Hardware.
Where you can get yonr house fttrnised from kitchen to
parlor and at easy terms. I handle the world re
nowned Haywood Baby Carriages, also
Improved " Reliable Process" Gasoline Stoves.
Dr. SYDNEY RINCER, Professor of Medicine nt University College, London,
Author of the Standard "Handbook of Therapeutics," actually writes as follows:
"'From th'i careful tiuulysi-H ..f l'r.f. Attkiki.d mul others, I inn niMj-II.mI that
in In no wny Inj.ii ! his t'i In-iiltli. nml Unit it Is y in.un iiiitriti.nis than
dth.-r 1'c(.iis. I: U c'i lainlv 'Turo" mul highly ilii;.'stilt. Tim nuiitntinns in vr
t.iin nilvi-rti.-Mii-!t ( from Trade rivals) from niv .. k on Tlu'ruiivuiiusuro iiuiui
mi -IfU'linir. nndi-nnnoi ...xsilrly to Van Hhutknh Cocoa."
T'it fnlr r. - .'f,n on Van Hot' i ks's Cocoa in limit fffrelunlly rtytUnl. nml ihr virry
aiiihtintu i'ili'A la iuvtrr if, i thfrrhi) pnmipiW In ijii-i" it a iw lintulminf tetlnnnuinl. II
Tho Populists With the Aid of
Democrats Elect a Senator.
A Short BIORraphy of the Success
ful Candidate -The Independ
ents Hold a Jollification
at Lincoln,
Lincoln, Neli., Feb. 7 -The inde
pendent Tuesday by the aid of the
democrats elected Judge Allen to
the United States senate.
The totals of the vote were handed
to the presiding ofllcer by the clerk.
He leaned over a little as if eager
to get the paper, then he rapped
the desk loudly with the gavel and
said: "Gentlemen of the joint
convention the chair will announce
your vote. 131 votes were cast divi
as follows: Allen seventy, Paddock
fifty-nine, Crounsc one, Vandervoort
one. Judge Allen having received
the majority of the votes cast I now
declare him duly elected United
States senator.
The following that is an exemp
tion of the dark horse idea and the
faithful proverb that an Ohio man
is always the chosen one of the
chosen few.
Paddock Drockman, Brown.
Burns, Correll, Cain, Carpenter,
Colton, Cooley, Cane. Cross, Davies,
Dew, fcggleton, Everett. Ellis.
Graham, Gifford, Goldsmith, Goss
of Douglas, Goss of Wayne, Griffith
Hahn, Haller, Hinds, Howe, James,
r'erkins, Jenson, Johnson of York,
Kaup, Keckley Kessler, Kayes,
Kloke, Lockner, Lobeek, Lowly, Mc
Donald, McKesson, Miller, Merrick,
Moore, Nelson, Oakley, Pope, Rhea,
Robinson, Schappell, Scott of Rich
ardson, Sisson, Smith of Johnson,
Spencer, Sutton, Tetft. Van Duyn,
Wardlaw, Watson, Wilson -59.
V. V. Allen Barry, Heal, Camp
bell, Casper, Darner, Dickerson,
Dimmick, Dobson. Eickhnff, Elder,
Farnsworth, Helton, Ford, Gray,
Gesdes, Grammar, Harris, Harmon,
Henry, Biggins, Horst, Irwin, John
son, Krick, Langenfelter, Lynch. Mc
Cutchen, McCarty, McVey, MuJlin,
Newberry, Olsen, Packwood, Porter
Rhodes, Riley, Ruggles, Sanders,
Schelp, Seott, Sheridan, Smith of
Buffalo, Smith of Holt, Smith of
Richardson, Soderman, Sutter, Van
Houson, Woods, 'Young, Gaflin,
Ames, Babcock, North. Thompson,
Withuell, Dale, Fulton, Stewart,
Hale, Leidigh Luikhart, Mattes, Sin
clair, Dysart, Stevens, Kruse, John
son of Hall, Schlotfelt. Nelson 70.
Paul Vondervoort Kyner 1.
Lorenzo Crounse Rickets 1.
William Vincent Allen was born
at Midway, Madison county, O., on
the IJSth day of January, 1817. This
fact accounts in an indirect way
for his success in the great battle,
now a thing of the past as it is gen
erally accepted theory that a man
who takes the trouble to go to Ohio
to be born is pretty sure to be giv
ing something in the gift of the
In 1833 he moved to Iowa where he
enlisted, at the age of fifteen years,
with company G.Thirty-eecondlowa
regiment. He served his country
three years in Itis capacity and
then commenced the study of law
at West Union, la. He has lived in
Nebraska nine years. He is now a
district judge in the Ninth judicial
district. He was senior vice com
mander of the Grand Army of Ne
braska during the year lSXSand
consequently near to the hearts of
the brave boys.
Mr. Allen's conversion to the
populists ranks is of recent date.
He was a delegate to the republi
can state convention that nomina
ted L. I). Richards for governor.
It will be remembered that Allen
played a prominent part in the con
vention. When another ballot was
iuinienent Judge Allen's tall form
was visible on the floor, accompa
nied by the following remarks:
"Mr. Chairman, on behalf of Mr.
Richards I desire to say that he is
willing that another ballot be taken
though he has clearly been nomi
nated already; however he does not
want to tak? any under advantage
or to have it said that the nomina
tion did not come to him fairly and
honestly, I therefore move that
this convention proceed to take an
other ballot for governor." The mo
tion wn carried and on the fourth
ballot Richard got all but thirteen
of the in ;n '.Ml votes of the con
vention. Judge Allen is an attorney of well
Known ability in Nebraska was one
of the attorneys in the Koyd-Pow-crs
contest cae and it is Mid
he drank the drink that made him
a populist while thus engaged. In
appearance the judge isa t'iant. lle
is large, well proport iouod and
has a full, round smooth-shaved
face that be. tins with intellig
ence. In conversation ho is pleas
ant and talkative, but generally
very conservstive in what he says.
The independents ratified last
night. In other words they bor
rowed the earth for the time being
and practiced the sound system
through their hats. Representa
tive hall was a structure that con
tained a happy mass and Mayor
Weir presided. The fact that the
new party had elected the first sen
ator that ever went from Nebraska,
that was not a republican inflated
them so it was impossible to
keep their gaseous verbosity pent
up. The meeting was open to
members of all parties and attract
ed many of the downcast aid de
feated to the state house.
Judge Allen was the heroof the
evening and addressed his admir
ers. Seveial other prominent men
made short addresses.
The Following Bills Have Been
Recommended for
The house went into committee
ot the whole last Thursday, for the
consideration of bills on general
file with Barry in the chair.
House Roll No. 12, by Higgins
was the first to come up. This bill
provides that when twenty or more
persons resident in any county of
thi state shall organize themselves
into u society for the improvement
of agriculture within said county,
and when the said society shall
have raised and paid into the treas
ury any sum of money, in each
year not less than $50,00 and when
ever the Jpresident of such society
shall certify to the county clerk the
amount tlius paid, the county botrd
may, u they deem it advisable,
order a warrant drawn on the gene
ral fund of said county in favor of
the president of said society for a
sum equal to three cents upon each
inhabitant of said county upon a
basis of the last vote for members
of congress, allowing five inhabi
tants for each vote thus cast, and it
shall be the duty of the county
board to include this three cents
per capita in their annual estimate,
and it shall be the duty of the
treasurer of the county to pay the
same out of the general fund, pro
vided that if any existing county
agricultural society fails or has
failed for two years or more to hold
an annual fair at least three days
such society shall not be entitled
to any funds from the county; pro
vided that where more than one so
ciety lias complied with all the pro
visions of this section each society
shall be entitled to a proportionate
share ot the county funds.
The bill was recommended to
House Roll, No. 71. by Stiter, pro
vides "that all railroads touching
the same point in the state, at which
point such railroads receive and de
liver freight shall build and main
tain transfer switches for common
use in transferring freight from
one road to another, and receive
and forward all such freight ac
cording to the provisions of this
act." Also providing a penalty of
$100 for each day the company shall
neglect or refuse to maintain such
nouse jvoii .o. t ny ?cneip.
"That where children of school agv
are living over one and one-half
miles from the school house where
they belong und they shall be a
half a mile or more nearer to another
school they shall be granted the
privilege of attending said near
school, and the said district shall
for their compensation collect from
the saul home district the state
apportionment of said pupil, and
shall be collectable as soon as the
county superintendent shall make
public the said apportionment."
The bill was recommended to pass
Wanti:d Agents to sell our
choice and hard) Nursery Stock
We have many new special vari
ties, both in fruits and ornamentals
to oiler, which are controlled only
by us. We pay commission . or
salary. Write us at once for terms,
and secure choice of territory.
MAY HKOTHKk, Nurserymen,
Rochest r, N. V.
The President Appoints a Dem
ocrat to the Bench.
Cathol c-t and Protestants Collide In
Madrid - Mountain Customs
Atiout the Kansas Robbers
Other News.
Washington, Feb. 2. --The presi
dent today appointed Circuit Judge
Howell Edmunds Jackson to suc
ceed Justice Lamar on the supreme
bench. Judge Jackson is a demo
cratic ex-senator hih! is at present
judge of the United States court at
the district' embracing Tennessee.
Inquiry about the capital shows
the appointment, considered from
a judicial and non-political view, is
a splendid one. The appointment
was a great surprise to the Tennes
see delegation in the house. The
two republican members felt sore
over the selection of a democrat and
state's right men, but, when asked
as to the judge's personal fitness,
conceded that his character and
abilities were all that could be de
sired. The selection politically is
no more pleasing to some of the
democratic representatives, who
recall the fact that Judge Jackson
who was a leader of the "up school
democrats of Tennerssee." These
men said, however, that the new
judge is strong, clean and able.
Stenger's StOry.
Hekmosa, S. 1). Feb. . Edward
Stenger, of Stenger it Humphrey,
beef Contractors, just came in from
the camp on Pass creek with his
ears and fingers frozen. He says
the bodies of Emanuel Hen net and
Rodney Royce will arrive at t)
o'clock tonight and will be buried
here. James Bacon and William
Kelly, boys 10 years old and guests
at the ranch over night, were taken
in charge by their father and
brother and removed to their home
some ten miles southwest of Pine
Two Strikes and others were fed
the night of the 2d by Rodney
Royce, the camp cook. It is sup
posed the Indians had side arms
concealed on their persons, and
after partaking of the hospitality
of the camp, murdered the whites
in cold blood.
Beunet, Bacon and Kelly were
shot in their bunks and horribly
mutilated. Their faces showed
powder marks. Royce was shot in
the neck and hand and appears to
have crawled under his bunk and
died there.
One of the Nebraska lioys was shot
in the neck near the jugular vein,
the ball coming out near the eye,
He lived nearly twelve hours, suf
fering terrible agony.
ine report mat the men were
having a drunken frolic is most
emphatically denied by Mr.Stenger
No whiskey was allowed or used in
the camp, and the party of whites
had only one gun and two cartrid
ges, none of which had been used.
The Indians stoic four saddles, six
teen horses and killed a span ol
work horses.
Two Sticks and two of his band
are dead, shot by the police, and
friendly Sioux. Two Sticks baud
comprised two families of outlaws
which had been run out of several
camps and seemed to belong to no
regular trib, and lived by them
Mr. Stenger says the Indians
generally are on friendly terms
when he arrived at camp he found
that their stock was being taken
care of by the Indians, and that
they had returned to them the
horses captured from the outlaws
Pink Riih.k At.KNcv, S. I)., Fet
It is now dehnity settled that
only two ot the lour wiute men
murdered belonging to Humphcry
camp. They were Rodney Royce of
Wisconsin and Emanuel Bennett of
Breckedridge, Mo. The two strati
gers live eight miles south of this
agenty, and were looking for three
stray horses. One was a son of
Clark Bacon, named James Bacon
the other a step. son of Humphrey
Bay, named Willian Kelly, aged
and Pi years respectively. They
were poor, hard-working and in
dustrious boys. The report that
they were drunk is an injustice.
Every particular obtainable now,
which is also corroborated by the
statement of Policeman Bear-Runs-
ir-tlie -wood-i points to a perm.'dita.
ed murder. He ir reporied to the
agent, Captain Brown, today that
he talked to the murders after they
came out ol 'the "s-weet lodge," and
in his presence they arranged what
they should do to the camp. Each
one was to select his man after
they had retired, ami to make sure
that each killed his man. They
should empty their revolvers in
their victims.
This is borne out from the man
tier in which remains were found,
one was found dead in bed, shot
through the head in two places,
and the chest. Each of the other
unfortunates were powder burnt
and had from two to three mortal
Young-Man Afraid of l lis Horese
and He Dog, son in-law, of Red
Cloud, came to the agency today
and asked for authority to arrest
the two escaped murderers and
biiug Two Sticks, who is mortally
wounded, to the agency. He Dog is
a lighter and stakes his reputation
and pronounces that he will arrest
and bring every one to the agency
who participated in the murder.
The agent will not give his consent
to this arrangement until he sees
that the police are unable to make,
the arrest.
Lifeless Body of Charles
Cameron Found In an
Orchard Saturday.
Was Probable Frozen to Death.
Hastings, . Neb., Charles Came-
ran, the missing merchant, has
been found. Just before noon to
day Mrs. Gray, living on South Lin
coln avenue, had occasion to pass
near the peach orchard back of the
house in which she lived, and with
in one hundred yards of the house
she was horrified at finding the
prostrate form of a man laying
alongside of i the orchard
The body was immediately
recognized as that of Cameron, and
taken to the rooms in Cameron
block, in charge of the coroner. As
the body was viewed in the room to
which he was taken it was noticed
that his ears and whiskers were
filled with snow and ice. The legs
were somewhat draweit up, which
indicates that he had laid out in
the cold and storm since his disap
pearance last Monday night. The
body was lying upon its back, with
the left hand laid upon the breast,
and in general appearance was that
of a man fallen into slumber. The
body bore no marks of violence
and the face showed no signs of
pain or distress, but was composed
is though in natural sleep.
The jury, after examining the wit
nesses, ;ir. and iMrs. . i uray,
rendered a verdict to the effect that
Charles Cameron came to bis death
from exposure and freezing be
tween the night of January 30 and
the morning of the 31st.
Head obs Solid Sore. Itching Awful.
Had to Tie Ills Hands to Cradle.
Cured by Cutlcura,
Oar little hot brokt out on hli bead with bid
form of kuiu, wtiro hi u (our mouth! old.
Wo trtcd three doctor, but they did not help hliu.
W ttteo and your three) CuTicua Kimidii",
aud alter Ming Uwia alevt-a weeka aiactly accord
ing to airectioui, ot btKn
to ateidtly tmpror. and
ftrr the dm of thtin for
ttco month blihrtdwit
tulirely wtU. When w
tx (Ui u tin f 1 1 bit bttd h
to lid lorn from Ux cro u
to tit oytbrowi. It
Uo til over Mi tin, mos
of bli fiuw, ud mil plii-ri
oo different pirn of bil
body, Tbcr vercititcra
wicki that wi bud to krrp
bll binditlrd tolhfcrid l
nd bold them when ho
token bd : and bad to
k""p mttteni tttd on bll biodi to kerp bliflntrrr.
mill out of tin Kim, n hi would icmtrb If hi
u.ild In mywiygrt hl hmdi looor. V know
your Ct'Tlceiu llimum currd him. Wi
if Id rcrommfnillnK them to othcri.
GKO. B. JJiXb.HA. UAUK1S, Wibiter, I ad.
Cutlcura Resolvent
Tin niw blood ud Skin PortAor, and pilni ot
Humor ItemtdlM, clfinwi Lbi blood of ill impun.
tic uid polioonui ilriuioti, ind thui removi i the
out, whilf ('UTIcm, tin (rrit iktn curt, ml
( uriruiA Soap, in (iijutaiM ikin tx-uUfl'r,clrr
Ihi ikln and ii'ilp, md reatori the hair. Thu tin
CuricvRA KimmK curiiTpry ipecirtof tlrbinir,
h.iminff, icily, pimply, and blotchy ikln, icnlp, iti(1
blood diiAiare, from plroplei to icrofttla, irorj
iufaucy to mixta the beat pbyalcitui tail.
Puli frtrTrbcre. Trio, Cr-rirriu, .10c : Sop,
I..- ; Uxmulvrnt, tt.UO. I'rppared ty the I'oTTan
Imii .i ami Chiiu ai, CoiiPoRiTiox, Ituaton.
I for "How to Cure Skin biiwaat'i," 04
p l..a, W tltutlriuoue, and loU U-aliuiouiala.
niCV'P Pk,n Pr'P rrlfte.1 and beaullrt.-d
DnDI 0 CtnciJU boar, Abaolutoly jmra.
Of femalei loatADtly rr-llrtTed by
tnrw.pU.i-nnt. and liifiillihl Antidote t
I'.iln, IniUimnitlnn, nn.l Wrakneal, Hat
CuUciva XuU-l'niu i'UiUir.
f 9