Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, February 02, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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iJranayojsvriD CI 1
li'l-ELY'S CREAM BALM l.aii the Nnul
; 6,' i anKrtt'f, Alluvi rain
,V tin Soiv, rinH 'I'HMtf
J AvP ilu th Htiatrilt.
t 'xic UruirdsU or by iiiail.
f:OI.G WEST- Dcniirt
Flyer So. 1 !l:4."i u in
iisseiiwcr .o.( l:is ) in
assener .o a H:Hlu in
HHscuiror No 7 5:17 t in
'usseiiKer To W, via Louisville.... l:ilini
I'asseiitfer No 111 7:l"ut in
1-reiKlit Ao'JIl, vui Louisville N:miim
Krejulit No "fi, to South l litiiiliii .. . I1:."i0hiii
(iOl.XCt h AST
Flyer Xo2 5:17 pin
I'tiwHenter No 4 1:ltl n m
I'lisseimer No li, 1J : '.' ." a in
I'ltsscnuer X1 7:H m
I'llKKOtigcr Mo 10 H:43 u III
GOI.NO NOh'Tll -
LXo. 1 5:47 II. in.
.o. 3 :i: lli ii. Ml.
so. 137 1:U0 p. in.
I n. i ll:(k) a. in
.0. H. fiver 2:14 n. m
fi'o. Vlti freight S:."7n. in
""ASH CAMP No. W." M. W. A. meets every
second und KouiOi Monday eviiitiKs in
Fitzgerald had. Visiting nelnlil.irs welcome.
P. Hansen, V. C. : P. Wertenberi.'er, W. A.,
H. U. Wilde, Clerk.
rRDFK OK THK WOULD, Meeta at 7 : 30
every Monday evening at the (irand Army
hall. A. F. Groom, president, Thou Walling,
A O V W No H- Meet first und third Fri-
dii v eveniiiK of eiit li tttotitli at 1 O l K
hull, Frank Vermyleu M W; J K liurwick,
(1 A. K.McContliie Puat No. 4.1 meets every
- 9ntur!ny evoniiiK at 7 : 30 in Uielr Hull in
Koekwood block. All vinitiiiK coinriuk'ii are
cordiallv invited to eet with ns. Fred Bates,
Poet : Adjutant ; 1. F. Nlles, Poi" Coinniadilei'.
IXKiltTS OK PYTIIIAS-Giiiintlet Lodife
No-47. Meets every Wednesday eve
in ut their hull over Betinet dc Tutt'n, ull
visitinjj knights are cordinlly invited to
attend. ?i a urillith, c C: Ulln Uovey r of
K und S.
A O V W No W Meet Hetonil and fourth
Friday evenings in the month ut It)
OF Hull. M Vondran, M W, b 1' Brown,
I-AUiHTKKS OK HKHKI'l 'A - Hud of Prom
LJ I e Lodo No. 40 meets the second ana
fourth Thursday evenings of each month in
rh l (). (). r . It f 11. Mis. T. E. WilllaniH, N
'A. ; Mrs. John Cor, Secretary
IAEGKKE OF HONOK Meets the first
und third Thriirsdiiveveuinus of em li
month in 1. 1). (. F. holf, Fit.Keruid block.
Mrs. Addie .Smith, Worthy Sister of Honor
Mrs. Niinuie liurkel, sister secretury,
DEGKEE OF IIO.NOK-lvy loile. No. 13
meets first and third Thursdays of
eaeh month in K. of P. hull, Stella Truv
er, sister secretary,
Cathomi:. .St. Paul's Church, ilk, tieteeii
Kifth and Sixth. Father t inney, Pastor
Service! : Miss at slid 10 :.Ki a. m. Sunday
School al 2 :'M, with benedictloi..
Chkistian. Corner I. trust mul Kluhlh St.'
Servlees morniiiK and evenlnit. hitler A
Galloway pastor. Sunday dchool lo a. m.
Ooi-okki) BM'TIht. Mt. Olive, "ak, between
lentil and Kleventh, llev. A. Httrwell, ias
tor. Sei vices 11 a. in. anil 7 ::w . in. Prayct.
meetitm Wednesday evenlnu.
liooiusln S al'Tnisti bloi'k.Miiln slret. (ins
tel ineellntt. for lueu oiily, every Susclay af
ternoon at 4 o'clock. 1tiioini' o'en vifek day
from H:3n a. m.,ti U ; 30 p. m.
Kl'IS'OI'AI,.- St. I.llke's i:lillli'll. cm hit 1 hlrrt
and Vine. llev. II II. Iinei'e. pitrif.r. Ser
vices ; 11 A. M . aril 7 :30 P M SuniiH) cti(Kl
at 2 :3U 1'. M.
K'jhst Mm iininsr. Sixth St., tt wi-n Mam
l'id Pearl. Hev. L. Ilrllt. I. Ii. nastor.
-rvice ; It a. m.. a -mt v. m. Mimhu School
9:.'I0A M. I'raver mi ftii u Wedliesilnv even-
IKltMAN rHKMBVTKittN.-Comer Main and
Ninth, liev. Wilt, tM.stor. Cervices tismvl
hours. Sunday M'liunl ii :3tt a. m.
SWKKI'lHtl nS(lllKlt.Tlc NAI,.
tweeti I'ittH and Sixth.
liran'te, be-
CKKSlniKHi an. -Services in new vlmrcli.cor'
tier Sixth ami Granite MH. l(-v, ,. T. Huirrt,
pas'or. Sunday-school Hi n;;ie ; 1'ieacliinK
a? l a. ni,iri s jc'ni,
Ttie Y. K. S. (V K of ihle fhttreh nnet evrv
Salihath evening at 7 ..' in 1 lit: basiiuent
the chuerli. All hit Invited to attend tr-'m-meetliiKs.
6y I'Kk'a ln'ilil ISikuUr kiir I'mls
ItlRI. Wbltirri h-rd. l',tinfnrtM.
S.ITr(,lwh.r,.llr.m,.llf,. Knlil b r. Mlawi.onlv CDCC
033 Bnilnf, Jif lork. W nu (of Uout o( (mill rUtC
rifiwi n4 bnaiitifiM th bilr.
IVtimoti'i ft liMunaul growth.
Mvrr Fil to Bnstore Orty
Hair to ita Youthful Color.
Cum ! 1 1 ' k hftlr tailing.
Apt, ind ft in at Dniffdrti
Th Consumptive and FCCtJlO ind all hn
e .t .....! .4.. t lA ,.M D..kA'i ninar..
TohIO. Itcurfiihf (irMCuiiih, Weak Uuiiia, iH-tiility. ln
i) e4ion, Fcnialt wrakneM. thftmauinaud Fain. We. k $1.
nrt rui
JlNDERCORNS. Thonlr twrffurefrtrConii.
tupa al iaLu Mat. .im tai,r.
hfrta, at liru.nt.
r , & lliT ... ......
E Tts. jfCil .lves Kellct al
u a
ami I iiUitiimittt ion, I
mul Siih'II, timl
lor old In llcatl.
It i$ Unirktu
KLY 1MOS.. 68 Warren St.. N.Y.f
Miiniifactnrer of and Wholesale
und Ketuil Deulerin the
Choicest Brands of Cigars
Ij(ll.l) AND POKCiil.AIN CKtiWiNft
Bridge work wd fine oll work
DK. 8TEINAUH LOCAL as well as other at
9dthettcslvon lor the painless eitrnction o
tee tti,
0. V MARSHALL. FitzCerl .
For Atchinaon, St. Josepli, I.eiiven
worth, Kantm City. St. I.ouia,
and all pointstK-tli.east
Houth or west. Tick
ets sold and bao
Haye checked
to any
States or
C'annda. For
Call at Depot or address
G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo.
J. C. Phillipfi,
A. (,. P. A. Omaha.
H. I). AP3AKf. Arrt., PlHttsinonlh.
Telephone. 77.
Flo UnadsPheand rolinvmll tbtronblAA facfr
dent In a bilious date of the j sutra, iuch u
Ilizzlnes. Kauwa, OrowsiaaM. Diatima nftec
tMliiR, I'nln In the Side, kn. While t4nlrmoe
romtikkble auccesa baa bsun shown la cuxiiig .
lleliawihe, yet Cminr'a Llttla Idvxr Pin trt
(qiiallr YalnnMoiuConsrinitin'.i,ciinnfsiiiipra
touting tliiaanunyiiitfonuipla'.at.wliilethey ahij
Coriw-1 all dlsonlcrs of thes to oiarh.aUmulato th
livorandreculAtetuebowe'j. vaoif Uieyoolf
ufler from thiilutPjalni!comiliii!iU buifonu.
Bataly theirn'xxluridix nutiind hnro.anil thr
bocucotrj tlicniMll find tlienu lltllo pills valiv.
ble In torunuywiva that thejr will not b.i wil
llagtodo without, them. Butal'lurallBkkbea4
UtieUne ef an many Ut that horn la whore
wnruake out gn at besmt. Our pills euro It while
OUisra do not.
CartHr'a Little LItt Ptlla are mry tmall an4
very uaay to Ukn. One or two pille makea doae.
Tboy are strictly vi.'ctablo a-i t do not gripe or
purit. but by their tjemloartinii ploaaeall wbd
uaetbsm. laviilsut -.'.leriits five for ft. Boll
bj drnggiata everywhere, or sunt by maiL
films GN
11 mm WZM
Mi!e Nerve and Liver Pill
Act on o new priciple reonlatin
the liver, tdoutach and liowels
through the nerves. A new discov
ery Dr. Miles pills speedily cure
biliousness, bud taste, torpid liver
piles, constipation I'tienualed for
nu n, women and children. Small-
est, mildest, surest, at) doses '.Vi cts.
samples 'ree at F. (). KnckeA I'oV
Doctor What makes you think
the climate won't a;;ree with him?
Wife Well. I've tried it for twenty
years and 1 never could do it.
NeWHpnpers Endorse.
"Hducalors are certainly the
greatest benefactors ot the race,
and after Dr. Franklin Miles' pop
ular works, cannot help declaring
to be iiiiiiiii the most entertain;;
and educating authors."- New
York Daily, lie is not a stranger to
our readers, as his advertisements
in iittr columns in every issue, cal
ling attention to the fact that his
elegant work on nervous and heart
diseases is distributed free by our
euterprisino; druists F. (',. I'rick
V Co. Trial bottles of Dr. Miles'
Nervine are uiven away, also a bonk
of testimonials showing that it is
unequalled for nervious prostra
tion, headach, poor memory, di..t
ness, sleepness. neuragia, Fits, epi
Itlton-ince Mastmns has unit
drinking he bought his wife a beau
tiful bracelet.
Mrs. Tilton -I suppose il's a bi
chloride of gold one.
1 have been a great suiTerer from
dry catarrh for many years, and I
tried many remedies, but none did
mo so much benefit as Kly's Cream
Halm. It completely cured me. M
J.,.) Woodward Ave., Huston
Highlands, Mass.
1 think hly s Cream Halm is the
best remedy for cattarrh I ever saw-
never took anything that relieved
me so quickly, and I have not felt
so well for a long time. I used to
be troubled with severe headaches
twoor three times a week. J. A.
Alcorn. Ag't V. P. i. Ii. Co., Katon
'What beautiful fresh color Miss
Dunbar has."
Carrie Yes; the druggist said he
hadn't had it in stock more than a
Strong Wittnensea.
mong the thousand testimon
ials of cures bv Dr. Mil
Heart Cure, is that of Nathan Alii-
sons, a well-known citizen of Glen
Rock, Pa., who for years had short
ness of breath, sleepness, pain in
left side, sholders, smothering
spells, etc,; one bottle of Dr. Mile
New Heart Cure and one box of
Nerve and Liver Pills, cured him,
Peter Jequet, Salem, N. Y. is another
witness, who for twenty years suf-
fered with heart dispase, was pro
nounced iiKurable by physicians,
death stared him in the face, could
not lie down for fear of smothering
to death. Immediately ufter using
the New Cure he felt better and
could .lie down and sleep all night
and is now a well man. Thi Vw
ure is sold, also free book by F. (i.
Frick A Co.
Hessie-tiussie, dear, did Jou have
tny trouble getting papa to consent
to our marriage.
Giissie Well, I should s ly so. He
said he couldn't see any sense in
waiting a whols year.
According to the census of ltfmi,
Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her
population of lMtS,,"i7t people, as the
ighth largest city on the globe.
Most of us desire, at one lime or
nother, to visit a city in which so
many persons had homes, and,
when we do, we can find no better
line than the "Htulinuton W ut.-"
Three fast ami comfortable mi no
laily. hor further information ad-
Iress the agent of Ihc compativ st
this place, or write to I. Kriinriu
ieueral Passenger and Ti. U,.t
gent, Omaha, Nebraka.
Troy Press: Most pretty gi,s
in ti-stify to (e power of the press
I lie only drawback is that with
them the power m usually waisted
f-emnle WenUnesi Pernio v Cum.
To Tltii Klirioh': Please inform
your readers that I have a positive
remedy for thousand and one ills
which arise from deranged female
organs. I shall be glad to send two
bottles of my remedy KKKK lo any
lady if they will send t'leir express
and P. O. address. Yours respect
fully, Dn. H. D. Ma-kchisi. I T I If a,
New York.
The Great English Rrmrdy.
Promptly and prmiumnt.
ciirHa au rurmsor Arrtsius
HVuiru-jw, AMLMmnjl,s'f,nn-alon-Aro.
Jm(K,lfii u nnilaU
'JWS ff AlntKf or .Jvyat-.(
lleen pr.-Ki rllK-d nnt si
Tears in tnoimamla or CAivsi
UtbPonu KrlitthL'tintl J,m-
rat VtMtint know. Auk
Inurrlftt ftip U'imiii'ii ti, to.
tsetort ana After ftfi'isw u ne otiirs some
J. , wonhleaa mrdletne In place
r this, IcavK hi dishonest afire, Inrluae price In
If tter, and we will sond by rMurn nmlk 1'rlce, one
i.ackaue, (1 il .v m viVI pWtun, irtr rUlcMn.
J'amphlet lo plidn soslifl en', if alumna.
1 jI WXtodward avonuei IMirulb UluD.
t-Sold In Plattsinouth by ( Serin g A
Co,, F. (. Kricke A Co., Hrowti ,v
Harrett (). H. Snvder and druggists
lC lww
jiakliiK i .u, fiuea.
The conuuoii cl.iv nine. liLe Hin..-M
! to luulero a lari;e ntiinlier of oM-ri-
liotis iKlc rei otnpletioii, nearly U of which
are i-mulii ted without inec liutiicit! aid.
The clay, ufter UiiiK' levelled, mixed
mid kne.ulnl to a irou-r coiisiKteiiey, la
rolled out rotiKhly into shupe. This the
inoliler takes, uiul plueinV the head ot
IkiwI end on a f-jn-t inl Niipport thrusts a
lotiK needle into tli einti r of the tail ef
the roll, thus pii-n-iiu; the stent.
Thus irt-i ii, uiul stiil coiiiiiiiiiun the
needle, ttie roil is placed in the niouM,
which is of steel ao-1 tiuole ill two part-.
Mini t he latter i s elo-rd iilul put ill the pres.
Then a compress, r puslii il into I lie open
part, of the iiiolii io imiii the howl. Thus
l lie clay i.- eotupu I.
The press i- now nH lieil, tlie piip taken
from the mold mid pa- sed on to tiiii-.!,.
el's, w lio scrape out all mohl seatns, pa-s
another lu eille into i lie sti in, stutiii miv
letters that me to appear and send nil to
the ilryim; inotn.
Here, win Ii sullicieiit ly harilelied, those
which have to lie poli.iieil are polished, and
all ure scut Innvanl lo oilier workmen.
who examine them, reject I he ilciecltve
ones, ami proceed jmt the pertcct om s
in Ihc hiiKU'ei's ready lor the furnaces,
which ure similar lot hose used in potteries,
mid when- they are exposed lor live or six
They nre suliseijiielit ly dipped in n mil
tine to remove the poruxity n llieehiy.
Tliis is a mere oiiliiueof
for a coiiiinoii clay pipe; the operations iu
I lie fancy pa;ti ins me more complin atid.
llo.-luti (ilolie.
A Oiteer Cave.
A iliimy cave with several I hoiisaml tin
emis for a nsif, a pile of urimy hlankcts
and p-tuiny sacks t tilled with raits for a
ImiI, a few old cans ami liroketi hrick
auainst, the clay hank for a II replace this
Is t he Ii a In t a t of an old man on Ttrwilli
Kci's claim, aliotit -0 feet north of the
point where the west side Southern Pacilic
line crosses Shivia's road in South Port
land. . The cave istlujr Into the side of a
steep hill and is Nullicicnlly ohscul-ed Ly
brush and trees lo Kive the old man the
seclusion he seems to desire.
The cave the old man lives in now Is a
marvel, (.'onsiilerinK the implements he had
to work with. The only tool he used was a
lirokeu shovel, tied with wires in severul
places, with a handle that whs once a sap
lin lir tree, lie hole about 14 feet
Ioiik, ten feet, wide and 1'J feet deep, and as
the hunk is hard clay the amount of lahor
L . I I
ue peiiorineii iiid v oe uiiaKllieil. A uiair
with a kixhI shovel could not remove such
a (inutility of earth in less than two or
three weeks. The thousands of small cuts
in t he clay show that lie took hut small
amount of earth at a time, uiul nives some
idea of the laborious task he had. The
roof is miiile of a few crossbeams and flat
tened out oil cans, piled about twenty deep
on top. Where he pickisl up such a (plan
tity of oil cans is u tnvstery, as one drav
could hardly carry them. The iM-ihlimr
consists of straw, old blankets, sacks and
rags. Ailowouhl hesitate liefore passing
the night there. Portland Ort-goniau.
ItrportliiK the Iluttle of Sedan.
Sedan was marked by ellorts of journal
ist ic enterprise crude, it is true, hut In
dicative at leant of eneny. It was the
New York Tribune which took "first
ear." lhe wiehler of the weaium wan a
Union. Holt While, a mail whoseabllitics
should have given him a lietter fate than a
premature death in an Austrian hospital,
was with the (ici'inans on tlie day so uu
fortunate for France. Heetood by Sheri.
dan when Napoleon's letter o( surrender
was hand!! by (ieueral Heille to old Wil
liehn; the napkin that had constituted
Keille's flag of truce was given him hh a
souvenir. And then with dauntless cour
age he walked right ocross the battlefield
through the still glowing embers of the
name, reached the frontier, made for the
nearest railway sut ion and got to llittssels
early next mottling. He could not. ml-.
graph from there.
His own story was that, when he ten-
ilered his nus-aee the neotile at. I he o tin..
refused to liniiMiiit, ii, scouting him as
either a lunatic or n "bear" bent on cre
ating a panic on the Mock exchange, but
I liae heard that he had not the cash with
him to psy for a long message. Anyhow
liecameto l.omtMt, net t ing t here the day
hut one Mi'iei tlie bat t le, iii time for a short
synopsi of his narrat ive lo be printed in a
late edition ol the I'ali Mall Unzette. It
appeared ut length in next morning.
Tribune.- Archibald Korlics in Century,
t.old NiigKi t shaped Like a H,ui(.
There have been many larue and odillv
Htutpul gold nuggets found iu the Uhiled
States and elsewhere, but the (xhlest of
them all was t nut discovered atthe.Midhtu
mitie mi Sulky gullv. near Mell
Australia, in 1SST. The tingitet was flat
and almost the exact counterpart iu con
tour of a colossal human hand held oien,
with the exception of the thumb ami fore
finger, which were closed together iu a
manner so as to make it appear that the
thumb wan holding the linger In place. Its
greatest, leiitu was vi inches and its breadth S inches.
It was of the very purest gold, rtth but
little of I'oreiun substances adhering
(mostly bet ween I he "fingers") and weighed
(il7 ounces. It was found iu the nort hwe-i
main drive oi the Mulhas mine, l-jn fi-ct lie-
low the sui lace ol the earth and at a spot
ouiy lilty lect n-iitii where the famous
Lady llrassey' nugget was discovered the
year liclon-. It weiuhcd llltv one imiiiiiiIm
of pure t.M, worth t.-i"i per pound. St.
Louis Iti-pnOlic.
sin. r-:-eonies Ileal loleresteil.
Mrs. (i.-lieiiil CiiMer devotes t he greatel
(an m hi r lime lo reading iu public, a
ps-r called "Da t he Plains."
In i he course of I his paper she describes
a hunt out of a western camp or post . M.'g.
Custer is a good hiintcr and has olten ac
companied her hiisliand on I hes expedi
lions. Sue says t hat iii-u reading I he de
scription she prmi ically giM-s t hroiith t lie
w hole t hihg. She hears the horn, lite ilogi,
I he calls of tlie men. t lie clatter of hools.
She feels the mot ion ol her horse, the
stretch of prairie mul is ilu-illcd by the ex
citement ol t he chase.
At the end she is us t iivd us j she
really spent, hour-, iu t he saddle, and can
scarcely bring hifself back lo t he rial it a s
of her stinoiibditi:.s.- New York Hi cotiii r.
IU M'eatliiilister Abbey.
A party of American tourism who vis.
lied London recently, while passing
I hroiigli We-t mnisicr iilibe) , paused rev
trend) before the bust ol Lomjlcllow which
tit anils upon the wall in the poet' corner.
One of the visitor", a young uirl, with
tears in her cjes, placed a rose in the foliis
of drapery across the old pis-t's lireat.
They passed on. Presently I hey missed ,t
child who lielotiged to l he party. On search
ing for her they found her lingering before
the bust. She had bitten off one of her
little ( lit is and laid it beside the rose.
"IU is the only American here," she said
"nnd It was all I had to give." Youth'
f iiiipanlon '
Situated m the immediate section of cotmfry t',.t produces a mJe
of tobacco (hat in texture, flavor and q,,iy is no pown dsew!,
in the world, and Wing , jsiticn t.) command the choice of al! offer,
iinjs upon this market, we spare no pains nor upense to give the trade
When in want of the best; ask for
Bull Durbam.
Sold everywhere. None trenuine without tlie
Trade Mark of the Bull on each package.
A Kaitruail I'm. Hint Never Cattle.
All old neighbor of theUonliln ut Hox
bury, Delaware county, told a tdory
about tho niilliimiiife's visit to his old
In uiie in the midst of one of his busiest
liiKini'ial seasons.
"Jay und 1 was always jjuod friends,"
aid the old man, "which is inore'ii I
can say for him and most of tho other
folks here. You see, old John Gould
married my sister for his second wifo,
and there was always more or less of a
family feeling between the Goulds ami
us. s$ays 1 to Jay: 'Why don't you como
and seo ns once in awhile? You're id
vays going to get tlio best we have, yo'
know.' Jay said tuithiu 'bout bein al
ways hay in season with him anil
couldn't spare- the time. There wasn't
anythiu hu'd like us much us to visit up
here, for he liked the old folks, he said.
He asked me how I'd like to go down to
York. I said farming was not so good
as it was and money was mighty scarce,
lie said that wus ull right, an then he
fumbled mound Ins pockets for some
thing, but it was not there. He ex
plained that lie thought be hud his book
with him, bo ho could give me a
puss for myself and my wifo down to
ioik, but he must have forgotten it and
left it at home. He miid he'd send the
pass to me; but if he sent it some other
one must have got it, for I never did. I
was tt-hpenkin bout it ufterwaid down
ut the hotel, and tlie boys Haiti it wan
most likely Jay Uouhl never Kent it.
One thing anyhow I'm certain of that
is, ef he had that air book with him that
time we met he'd a writ out that uir I
pabV'-New York World.
Ceding the Mo.t Out uf tlia llorae.
The art uf getting the most out of
horse flesh on the line of march is one
which needs study and practice to every
whit the same extent us do race riding
or the haute ecole, and therefore feats
of endurance should form mi t of an of
ficers education an well us those upon
tl 'J t.iu or bu.v.oeii the Jlas.
To cover many milps with success a
man must, first of ull, study his own
condition, ai:d while he makes his
charger fit must not forget to render
himself ho loo. He should carefully
watch how his horse takes its food ami
vary the amount of it. the time of feed
ing und lhe nuture of forage, so as to
insure that lhe animal derives the max
imum amount of benefit from lhe nour
ishment it takes.
Then he should endeavor by experi
ment to discover the juice which Hints
its conl'oviiiation best and the must jn
uieious manner of varying it, ho as to
afford relief to the muscles and yet get
over the ground.
The purl icular pace that best suit the
animal having lsn-n arrived at, it should
be trained to go at that puco evenly atrl
methodically and with the regularity of
a machine. And care should be taken
never to stretch the bow to the utmost,
or the stjbsetjtient reaction will more
than counterbalance the present gain.
London Saturday Heview.
SeavriiKera of Conversation.
"Deliver me from what Borne author
has called the 'scavengers of daily con
versation,' who gather up the literary
refuse on "very side to offend tho intel
lectual nostrils of I he. thoughtful." And
Colonel Jli.reus Ma tier u i a. n n stretched
himself in his chair and proceeded to ex
plain. "A dude with a thimbleful of
brains won a basket of champagne from
nie on the bet that ij-u-i-r-e meant a band
of singers which it does though c-h-o-i-r
is another way of spelling it and ten
minutes afterward a street car conductor
used tlie word 'transpire' fur 'perspire'
und won a lsx of cigars from me on that. J
"The latest is t he case of a drummer j
for a lioston shoe house, who is sixty'
years mu U lie is a day, ami whose gray
hairs ought to indicate some faint
gleams of intelligence, and yet who so
iierly asked me tlie pronunciation and
meaning of the word 'bac-kac-he,' and
when I told him I did not know coolly
haid it was pronounced 'backache,' and
meant a pain in the buck. Of course
Hiiclt people are alllii ted with paresis,
but oughtn't they to bo restrained ii.
Home way':" St. Louis (ilobe-Iemocrat.
"Threa" In M)llioloKy.
Iii mythology we find the three (3) occu
pying even a more honorable place thun
the so called "mythical No. 7," There
were the Three Graces, Cerebus with his
three heads, Neptune holding his three
fined fork, to say nothing of the Nine
Muses, which are made up of three threes,
and the third wave, which wus though;
to bring death and destruction to every
thing in its path. In nature wo have
morning, noon and night; ILsh, flesh and
fowl. Hundreds of trees, vines and
grasses have their leaves and blades set
in groups of three. St. Louis Republic.
Bull Durban)
Srooking Tobacco
'1:.u:n in
l'iilronitKe of the Public Solicited
North Sixth Street, Plnttsmoutt
ikali-:k in
Coal and Wood,
Yards and Oilier 4W South Third Street,
'l deplume Ko. 13.
The Old Reliable
Lath, Sash. Shingles,
Ivtc. ' mi supply everv demon of tlie
city. Cull uiul urt terms. Kotirtlt
Street in rear of operu house.
W. H. CUSHING, Prtildetd.
J. W, JOHNSON, Vlte-Pres.
t'I.ATTsMtt"ril, NKHKASKA.
Paid Up Capital, $50,000
K. h'. Ciitliouiii. J. V. Johnson, K. S.
(ireusel, Henry Kikenlmrv, M. W.
Moruiio, J. A. C'ontior, V. Wet
teiikninp, V. II. l ushitiK.
A Kfiic rnl bank ink business
.Notary Public & Alistraeter Solicit
Real Estate, Loan and InRiirance Agent
If you have real entnte to sell or
exchnnue ncnd tif dcHcription, price
anil term.
Abstracts of title furnitdied at reas
onable raten.
flt)0,(K)t) to loiin at IK percent atid
no commissions!, on pood
farm security.
Plattsmovth Nb
Ctfti under Cam County flank.
o, 11