() T ' " KIA IIKUAM): PIA'ITSMOUTII.NKIJKASKA, DKCKMUElt 21), KVJ2. f BOTH LEGS GUT OFF. John Kinnamon Falls Under the Whoels Last Night. VIORRI ABLE SPECTACLE, The Unfortunate Man Died at 1:30 Lost Nlyht After i. uveral Hours of lnt"npe Suf forlng-Ollir City News. Irani Silt u rla M p.nlj1. Under tlio Wheol. Aliout Hilli) I,is nielit John Kitiii.ii a 1 1 o 1 1 , who live-! dii tin uthi r .-'id'.' ('f liie river w.is run mi-r by the curs from the Hl'erts uf uliich he died ill iiliout 1:1';) tlii-i tin r ; i i 1 1 l. From wlt.it cm.! I In learned re fjairdin:; llu- nll'air it .mist liave lii'i'll 1l i- null i :' i .-I i' - ne.-s A It i. Hated ly Hf v i .i 1 that Ki!iiiiitn v a h 1 r 1 1 1 K i ' i ; ; vesti-nl.iy iiUeni'inn lie came (.) the fit j t - it is !;:..!. (or the put ::e of 1 1 1 c! '. . i i n Christmas pi events, l.ut instead spoilt his money for I i 'iir. ji.-ta little while In-fine tli,' iieeid.-Mt : cuiied he Imrrmved ten ceiil.s to liliy home un at. The accident uciiMcd near Jlapjiy Hollow, mid the train w;h an extra anl. Kiiiiiaiiiuii nftt r he had been drought to the depot (-aid that he liad been thro v. n f: om I lie tie. in, I an it if not probable that, that wa.s the case. Kinnamon had it is I . i i . -1 htarted it) the trai li for home, and when the train p. i-m'.I him he ct !ent)y iittempted to board the train, by ealeliinu' ho'd of the side l the car. and he s-witn; between the two cars and fill across the rails, and ,l,e earn p.t- i d oa r both li'i;.. i".)aiplelrly m' eri ii;.;" tlain (huh lli body. The abow i-i liie oiily jilansible theory to be ariivtd at, mm the train men do not .May nt Hiile liny longer lhan',ey ;:(-.' com pelled too. Ate dlier n a. ,n why il Firms probable that he at leu i .1 I to bo. ud the train is fuuii the fa 'I that both le;" were cut df even. The unfortunate man's cries at traded the attention of the t.iaiil. livinjr near the tt.ak and the man went out in time to slop the suile'n entitle, that pti.- iied the train up the hill and Kinainaii was taken to tit1' depot, where lie remained until 1:IH when he passed away. All that time lie lay there with both lee rut tiff. The deceased leaves a wife and two children, and it is said both of the children are very nick. The relative of the deceased want an inquest held out Coroner I'nrtili has not decided yet as to whether it is necessary. Will Publicly Install. Friday night wan u bio; tiij;ht for Trio lod-e No. SI A. 1). U. V. A lare number of the members leathered for the purpose of elect ing officers for the ensuing year, but the best of the program was the after party. While the mem bers) of SI were electing officers the ladiea of Star lodge No. 1, Degree of Honor, came into the dinning room one by one and prepared an elegant tuipper to which the members were invited to partake, ami to which they did with great relish. After Bupper had been served those pres ent adjourned to the lodge room and fpentafew pleasant hours in different games. Trio lodge made arrangements tor a public installation on the 1.1th of January. Frank j. Morgan as grand master workman will have charge of the ceremonies and will be assisted by F. A. Groom as grand foreman. -and J. N. Siim . inera as grand overseer, 1C. S. Bars tow na grand guide. A cot unittee on general arrange for the public installation was ap pointed as follows: (li-ii, 1", House worth, C. M. Ihitler and 1). 15. Smith. The officers elected by Trio lodge last night were as follows: Master workman, Geo. F. Ilouseworth; foreman, C, M. Butler; overseer Henry Gering; receiver, Fred Mur phy; recorder, F. 1. Brown financier, I). C. Morgan; guide, (.'has. Kyd berg; inside watch, C. Ayre; out side watch, M. N. Griffith; trustee, F. J. Morgan; physicians, K. V, Cook, T. P. Livingston and K. I) Cummins. Dropped Dead In Lincoln. Raphael Vogel, a traveling man dropped dead at Hotel Lincoln at Lincoln at (1:43 p. in. last Friday. Mr. Vogel arrived from Omaha at vfi:33, and walked to the hotel, a dia- -tauce of two blocks, lie gave his hand baggage to a bell-boy and walked to the register, After regis tering he asked if any clothing men were at the hot?l. Mr. AVhitmore, t he clerk, told him there were not Mild asked him if he wanted a sain pie room. Mr. Vogel thought that lie did. After conversing with the clerk a few moments he turned away and almost immediatel fell to the lloor. Good millet hay for sale by J. C. Jiikenbary. Leave orders at the Herald office. !.. ,1 1 i.-l 1..C..M, "Why luu t y.-i '."' liu.t nicetin.:;h in.y" tai l a p-tii a i.i.iu tu u fi iend v. lm for mj.II" ill'iiaeni.-i n.i.i been Mjbj.-cti il to tlio a"iii'ia.; e'itivii!i-iv liiovi-iai'tit of tint lii.iplira. in. "1 wish 1 could, g:u-i-i tho victim, "hilt il's lm '). A fellow llii .1 to (-euro Hie sai l n. j eo.it was on tire knew it wasn't w ..iiuWed nilitf liaie.s !ii!ii)hvul lowsof wan i l.o ;; l'i oi like a wusuej out liaml iL.ii.i','1 ho tj.i'nlaieil iiiiniy, liavi!i0' l';! i I,... w.M n ia lii-ijoiut'.-ii utter ant is ;.a l i tw. i u cnuiis. "Well, you ii:5 u -.aiiii," riiu.u'ked tlio fi i-.t tn alit-r. '(,'oino Willi ine." An I lie led liis In ud inlo ail u ijuiliia- h.ilwi.n. "m, tiui i,i re," n.t: oilier: "i" i.;,ie wi'.l fciu-i iy li.u.k lu ie u liiiniiiii." I'.ut j-ri.i'-Ms Were in vain. lii f ri ial 1.1 l.i.a t.j V'w ! ,r ;i : ii 1 ordered a . .; li nl't.l in J:.,Ali. ltd hll.ir. "(.'iiae.'," l,'in,.i.l, e,v tiii.i ;,11 at elieu." 'ii.u vi, i.iin ti.d i i'.ov. iy, i. d I'iiud to Li.-, iui. ii .ii htiri.-.-i.-i mat m i, f ALL 11061 PAY DAMAGE. A He-cent Decision of tho Su premo Ccurt. THEY ALE ALL IN IT. An lnu-re-thiif I te blon Frrm t!'.a Suiji em - Court on Jurisrllc'l n of a oor.ty Ju'.liie I y all Jud J03, but. f,i iKV.'Oil. PEOPLE AND AFFA1HS. May Bartling, a laundress, c. f-cripl ion cord wood and stii'eiing , other ills peculiar to the craft. How- : ' ever, we wish tin- newlv manied , ployed at the institute for the blind ; )llir l,Jn,: ,ifo ;lM(1 c,Jll!t:illlTy iM. I ""h n U'.-.nill list ol Sulj.-Cl I'dweea two rollers and her arm j,n ; i J , J pjpijj ; was lira w n in to the elbow, crtir-n ing it in a terrible manner. ,'! 1 l)t'l S ion a lines. V i.ial tLu n. t i.o i.a. oa, ,i ''Mow," li "f r h .a !,;: ja t ,!;.; v. il il'U Wii.s i:ep; ad S.an-lu'i. rh.ed tin; lia-t :d l. lii ! -ij. an, Vull. i t i-ae i v 1 il t.. I; ii i,i, i !'..'. -, I 'll u s wor a t .. As f r ii,.: Mi'-ar, 1 1. ive i.. to l.ai to i are in a t i.o l. Cil u i f i-.eeini:, 1. 1.' 1 a i-. VI el t 1 1 i 1 i l 1. vi r k a.v.-.i i t Mule:.,:-. V, .k .K. r.ei 'Hi ft. a: i f 1-: fivni cent. (..'Ill ' I.. oil's I ,,! ;l 1 in .t t a- a:-ai:di r, 1 '','), to tli. i-iiae; li aiil.4, .is iaeiva-rl tla! ta-Ml i.e.;.,,. ni'.r I L'd !: ni-i li alil.4. Til'.' (le.'l'eS l.r- :ici;i.(s iiicr.-n . 1 to p-r above the avi i i-a ; iho o t'r-..m Vi ii'Mi.iii; co.e-.ii lolld pri.i:L i;,,r lia: fe0' id: IVJI-'J iaor..ui;yiiier a ,.! I'.hmAt l.lueli. 'i'liu I'.li-bi 'i-.s j-.'Vel.l ll.ii p i 1; 1 1, ii'.iatii li el the blood, Ia leie i Willi the iat-rd'.liu-ion of ai.s ia tin they laiir.ii) the 0X1- uatina of tlit carbon, nial in wei.li or-(aii.i-aas tin y c-iuao tt Ioks of viuil ln-nt that fn (jiu'..;ly i-iul.s ia il inh. Tl.a i f-f-.-ct of nm.ki' fi.i' on Vi tallies in u- he J iiil'Mly tak u us an ie.des of its ii. e.-t on aiiii.ial.-i. Iloilieultiu-i.-td in and aroiuul Louden t'dl H.-i t aat V. iiea-.-v. r thi) f.i;j h;;;:i u h'liht ilri-i) mid many llowm-.s ki'd o'o slrnyed. (.Vuntry hi ntii-i.it .:rial:i, o:i the otln-r lamd, Miy that thi.-uiiitj i,,r,i do lint injure i veil censi rvalary .la;.l i. The f i,f I'm, all'l ' Wtll. l.ll- ii.-ai.illy hei iuiirt in taeir i r.'-.ets on f!..v ei and ftiha'e. I)i;i in.n iveent y.-a-s !! 1 ih.K aie. ad by Loudon f.a exund i i to .l ai djUine, thirty i,nl' i hiviiv. it Wuiil 1 i-e.-in, then, timt liie area i f tao H:i"ku fojf is eixty luilcs ia liar:K-ter. Natiuiiill UvieW. Tin) hailll. The htuiilliBt lietail inmiamittd to the idiah and is not decided except titiou hi'j I'liUority. Ilis lninibteia disavow all initiative and tremblo lit any executive responsibility. Iniperious, diligent and fairly just, tlio hliali is in Lis own per fcou tho solo arbiter of I'erbia'a for tunes. All policy emanates from him. He supervises every department with a curiosity that requires to be constantly appeased, anil his attention, both to for eign and domestic politics, ia constant and unremitting. There is a consensus uf opinion thut lm is the most competent man in tlio country and the best ruler that it can produce. lor will any one deny him the pos session of patriotism and uf a genuine interest in tho wolfaro of tlio nation. It is no moan criterion of the strength nud also of tho '"'''"al popularity of the bhuk that ho is tho first Persian mon arch who him ventured to leave his do miuiouaaud travel in foreign and inlide.1 lands, not us a conqueror at tho head of an army, but us a friendly visitor, if not as a volunteer touribt. " Tersia and tho Persian CJuistion." How Vuu Moltl.e LuuUeil. Who is this senior for whom the thronur makes way reverentially he with lean, wrinkled face, tut mouth, ytt with some thing of a half Huile ou it, ever with dovnicuht abstracted eye and stooping Ehoulder, with hands clasped behind his back and with listless gait this Uesh- less, tough looking man with the bushy eyebrows and the long, loan throat'.' lie is worth looking at, for ho is the greatest strategist of tho ago and has been tho ruling soul of tho victorious campaign. Mohke, for it is he, has been with the emperor and is probably on his way hoino to finish Miss Craddon's latest novel, far when he is not devising bU-L-egy ho is reading sensational novels, and his abstraction, as like as not, is caused by speculation as to which of tho two aspirants to her hand tho heroino is ul timately to marry. Archibald Forbes in Schbuer's. In lie Kept Grand Medicine a tscoien village, wtiero a younir doctor had lately started practice, workman had the misfortune to get his finger bruised badly in one of the mills. A doctor was sunt for, and on properly dressing the finger ths man nearly fainted. He whs asked if ho would take a littlo spirits to revive him. "Mon," ho exclaimed with feeling, "that wud just be the very life o' me!" The doctor gave him a good glass, which he greed ily swallowed, and on recovering his brtath his first words were, " ell, doc tor, I kin unco' little aboot yer skill ; but, mon, ye keep grand medicine." Detroit i ree Press. Thrtr Lingering Frjrnr. Miss Kajones, after an evening spent m the parlor.had returned to the family Bitting room on her way up stairs. "Good night, papa," she said, kissing the paternal Jones. "Good night, dear," he answered, "and plsaut At phew! What vile ci gars young Ferguson smokes these days!" Chicago Tribune. Only One. Yes, my boy, there are thirty-seven millions una seven hundred and fortv thousand people in this country, and you are only one of them just oiie! Think of that once in awhile when yon get to wondering what would happen to the world if you should diel London Tit- Bits. h i. r I & !se 1 1 r ; All opinio i w ; : 1 . tai'lay by Ihe si:pn Ca.-l' el J t 1 1 1 1 - - . . I ei ror. fioin .-i i. ii--I he ca -e U of in t, r I i - , i lor f .1.-" ini a i a. t Jt he linn e I H mi ot liie ivri.-d:C ." jll -!;:e t 1 Mlle-ll i.-i I I e- i ! a i i . 1 1 1 e ill an 1 io. i a ! li e.', i.i b 1 1 1 1 i j " ! i . . - o 1 1 , o i e i . i t '. ! ror, i .iiioik in ed a : ib.-'.ri' , l n , lit :i :-l i lit; to n 1 ra i -i la i i ii li ii : i : Water . C . ', i. hi the a! -.-i:, l 1 el i hi a ( i ( ii n i v t a lowed a t. -n . .1 ; While II"- action v. . Ji i'a i.-i ai a ml bis at. a: ipp.'ari 1 liefore b'iii; I b hi !' mi v, i I II iohi t la, lb.' injiii.i'tion, ai.d i a in e-t. 'Jd.e .aounty j i: li .llloll ill COllteliCu liiin to pay a f.iie i ! . '-. riieent. mil d (in wn i -i.c com t in the i ... Ii. niton, I Hulls ciyiiiitv. i's it is an ! I - I'll ,11111 1 1,1! 1 il. I i" ;ai 1 ii. s. ei oi a ci -it : 1 1 et nii't : I "h-r i. i ii a: lie- I lob ii Karnes was a i-ivsle.1 f.ir ; """ taking a 1 dnnket from a bou--e I.e.: ir.jfKi.1. WHILE coASTtMi. j longing to A. K. v, elv. judge A.- j Ml, lam Wilson, one of the mod ciltT lv,UI1(l j,., Kllli"ty .,," ,-(u.tl j pioa.ineat .voting society ladies of j I,;,,,.?; nud cost-, and ordered that! .V bra , u;i l itv, met Willi a serious I iicctdent Wednesday evening while coasiiug. tin was ttruck by 1 ilo5 i oap he pa to the pi.iiiui.f ,i, the aiiu of the blanket. or twice heavy rde.l and sustained internal injuries as well as sprains and brui-es. bred I'at'arsori cf I'...! was in 1 lie city Thtiixh' y. seriou.-painful llenrv li. II, a vh iiiiu ( ii rtrude i M'-ven I,,,;!, I.;,., .Vl)ll ;i aab-.l a p--rm it tu u e-1 i;i 1. I'ridav. wviv ui.ol II I. '! i oia i i '-.'in I. ia U n a ad a He i- blf!'- gfOCery pattiag i in! to .ivi lio id a ! : : all a , i : . 1 . 1 1 1 i '. ; 1 in I 1 e ei.,i"ii, - '. - i I . r from ei ti'iii i i a I - i'- el I'e '.. - i.;e iviau a! ilij ili.Ct I-ai. si ill p, a. ill.;' ia y , 1- all I, a a', ; a, id i:ha: ..- . . , !!., o:.h r id i . . til I u ,i a .- a .- U. -iji. :,i.i .a d i i ii i -need . l.l.d l .a . iiia ol .:a )o ill. IV i-li-.-j Ihe railing in aid la V..;.- f .- heril. leiaiaea l-ia , il'l 1 -on i i 'Her ii:'.. e ei! y :hi. . ;' i eari e i; y l-"i l ; lb.' i a. part'-., to i.. .- and mi, the i,. Ore a Tiiiany, a ivicb.inU.iM d'li."; down ie. ei';ll,f . i! 1 ;p: ! v.-a - ei . '. ' le-iaieed t" the !-:.. ;. d h (Kan r; 11' ' 1 d for UK coinjvmy, fell i:ift :'. iinnii lo- injure I, lie :-!.!. ...::-! in.,- .any aoo v:i in .i i - i-'.-ii elill-i re it v , .; ati i W. A. i , ; .i.ens ot d a 1 i f - -1 . i : . ry lailhu- .1 and -..ill iiexi l i i da ' itlulfs have eiety- 'lbey tic meeting add a. i.dher edit. ja. c i:. v: . 'a r thai he i onid i:i tl: h;i lid r of injunction. ,ae the 1 1 -. j 1 1 : i . d I ) i iilini i l .1 to the Ci. -to I-'aniiin-, by whom he v. i lit days, twelve 5..ui,.. of w inch e i-j cut i'l jail. 1 1 . Mil.,-, ('.tei.tly onmie. k. ' d an ;u. l ! i.i lor iiu.igc- a'ani-t i.liu.-on aie. h..-i auiaiu s, llhnm, Couiit- judge King, ."s.ii nlf haiinine and ,-un Iks cd tin- allir two. In the' i'.i.-tiict loiirt le i i-cei veil ji, dgi I.e. lit, in the sum )f .fl'iO ag..iii,.-t all defendants ex cept tm- ,-eciii il n ,-, winch is the jiiileiin . jit before the court for review. The court alliniH the judgement the opinion being by Judge Post Judge Norval concurs and Chic! Justice M . iwell des.-ents. The syl- lababus is as follow f. I'drst A county judge has no power to commit. for contempt one guilty of disobedience of an injunc tion allowed bv biri in nn action in district court. I a such case the contempt is against the district court whose order is denied and not the county judge, Second False imprisonment is the unlawful restraint of a person without his coiiHcut, either with or without process of law. Third The question of malice in in action for false imprisonment is immaterial except i?o far as it effects the measure of damage. Fourth -All persons who directly procure, aid or assist in the unlaw ful detention arc liable as princi pals. Fifth It is not necessary to prove i conspiracy to unlawfully im prison, in order to entitle the in jured party to recover. Chief Justice Maxwell includes his dessenting opinion in this way: "It isjvery clear to my mind that the county judge had jurisdiction, and that the judgement should not lie sustained." Billy Ouyht to Know tetter. Representative Hryan, speaking of the decision of the supreme com t yesterday of this state in the Xe- braska election cases, said the de cision insured an anti-republican majority in both houses. "The dem ocratic editors of Nebraska," said he, "have just been in session and resolved against any union of dem ocrats and republicans. This indi cates, without doubt, that the dem ocrats and independents are tocoui bine on organisation. It is also all but certain that an auti-repbliean will be elected senator." Washin ton Correspondent. It Was aJSuccess. The rendition of the sacred Ora torio, the Messiah last night at the Presbyterian church proved to be a success. To Mrs. Noble who has had the entertainment in charge is given the credit of its success. It wus by the skillful trnining of Mrs. Noble that the chorus of forty voices did so'well. The entertainment netted the church eomethinfj over $."0. The attendance was not as large as the entertainment deserved, but the church was well filled, and those were fortunate enough to attend went away well pleased, and also greatly surprised at the musicial talent that Plattsuiouth contains. a .i bia.-ka Cit; the residents ce-i'ip. lied '.- buy isater, and lc slhat have ti-get up these d mornings go out ami break - h - in a haiTi 1 to gtt water tu k w i ill. M-'.IC. Aimisa Hall, was arrested in Sacremento, Cab, Mouduy on the charge of robbing the Kmerald, Neb., postoflice. For Abstracts of Title go to J. Leyda, Union block. M. ts r.;- Tin i. vi laniaijn Jnariial. The bankers have gone home and Lincoln s arm's are open to receive the Nebraska school ma'ams who will ciime here 1i attend tho annual meeting- of the association next Tuesday. The banker is all right but as between a banker and a school ina'am this throbbing heart beats for the latter every time. . VY I.-i T 1 1 li '1 1 S K TO S l-ILL. Nelna-lai City News. Hog is now king in tile west and the farmer that has porkers to sell has no trouble in making his bank account very healthy in a short time. Hogs have not been as high in the west in years as they are at the present time, and the News pre dicts that they will go but little higher, if any and they will steadily decline again. Il you have porkers it is now the golden moment to sell them. A. O. U. V. The public with the members of the A. O. U. W. are cordially in vited to attend the annual entertain ment given by the Plattsniouth Lodge No. 8 at the Odd Fellow hall in Fitzgerald block, Friday evening December, 30. You will be surprised if you come up and see how many members we have in this city. The proceeds of this enter tainment will go to some poor fam ily. Members of the order come and enjoy a pleasant evening in a pleasant room where everybody is comfortable. By order of the c.oiu niitee of arrangements. Thursday was the forty-fifth nn niversity of the birth of Julius Pep- perberg and Mrs. Pepperberg took this occassion to surprise her bus band. Accordingly she invited in about a dozen of Mr. Pepperberg's gentleman friends and a pleasant evening was spent. Mrs. Pepper berg in the meantime serving an elegant lunch. A marriage license was issued yesterday at Lincoln to John Nie bans and Mrs. Annie li. Hell both of this city. After being out thirty-six hours the jury in the case wherein (Jen. Faust was charged with the murder of his mistress Laura Day, a ver dict of murder in the second degree was brought in. John Khine.,the fellow arrested last evening for stealing a pocket book at the City hotel had his pre liminary hearing before Judge Archer and the case was continued until Monday and he will eat his Christmas dinner with Landlord Tighe. Judge Ramsey today issued a mar riage license to Chas. I). Ferguson and Mis3 Minnie Roberts, both of this count. . Ci. A. May field and Miss Kva De Puy were united in marriage at Springfield ou Friday afternoon. The groom is the versalile and tal ented editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal and the bride is a daughter of Mr. I. DcPuy of Spring field. Mayfield has captured a Christmas present worth having, but we can't say as much for his wife, who like all editors, wives is destined to undergo many trials in this cold world, burning green sub- d ah . '. .i.. r . I- Ith tiie l il le t- lor i l e 1 .1 ; ; ; - a. il I's. hearing tee IT.cia-on for of e idei l orn a .-17-1 W .f lea' isci : pumpkin nth -.-,J e.- ot bin ii V'U ,k a patch t- a i i - the ( i a e- it)Uiiis . l ; - i- a -., I! k l-l-l'a'.l oil fi om a l . ii'apii-iii:--I. -f ,r ,i h .... . Wldlepl V year. a;.,o e..ai v am.!. id ia Smith Oinii 'I value. I he hd i led at i ii ovi.ii ii, i. i lira ih a l, v. iiu Mag aelie.ei, re- ay ni,4ht "a leiler - man in iiiiah.i. r she v mild lake J that ! , learned Il Smth liMi.ihi. u il.at lily soi. it itleiiianlv .-orl ot r a; ;a'ar i:ii,ua:,i r !ai!l. Dm-. the HUH'' tl. fair a -tie. that tide hi - hlolll'O. Ml.s bet and uet day i e- r fi mil the i 1-y !;. I h-.! il a-dill . ei'r-. auea, pi e a to ed VI- h ! 111 ing l::e c niau r, she cnii h 1 1 1 P.. lit v.-or; I' Ci i veil tile tallowing 1 smitten co.vdriver: "Dere .Miss Iluri; iuklo.-ed pli.se lind dede to a lot as I want yew to b.. a Omaha reel estate oner. Taint worth iniicth, but 't'll grow." There was a deed inclosed of a piece of property in nu innex io South Omaha. Omaha friends said that the bit u-ii,i good only to grow pumpkins on. Miss Hurt thought too little uf the matter tu acknowl edge receipt of the gift or have the deed hied. She threw it in the bot- lo;n of her theatre trunk, where she found it today. The lady never saw her generous hearted admirer again. When .-.lie played in Omaha last year she lear ned that he had been killed in a quarrel. Miss Hurt is undecided whether tu keep the gift or bunt up the heirs. Going to iiyaWatcIi? If so, buy one that cannot be stolen. The only thief-proof Watchei are those with illlllf BOWS Here's the Idea: The bow h.u a groove onrachrnd. A collar runs down inmdo the renjent (stem) and fita into the groove, firinly loLkinn the bow to the pendent, so that it cannot be pulled or twisted off. To be sure of getting a Non-pull-out, see that the ense is stamped with this trade mark. It cannot be had with any other land. Ask your jeweler for pamphlet, or send for one to the famous Boss Filled Case makers. KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. Nerve v Blood Tonic fuilder Vila ik' if im v r v. m rw . u 80s. par bos. 6 for ii JO. dvsi'ripilva DHUiplllCl. MEDICINE CO SchcnccUdj, R.T. Ql-in 1 t IT. 1c1lC 1 i 1- rt, foul teeth, are the more ' f h'tcr.sivc because- they are mostly voluntary. . - .ml TU.. .... ,1 .1 11U J'UIL.) tUU UUilJU '..!vj cannot c!.)cntiiem m minute; nc may -in a " ..(:iui. - ' ' x.. ' "i'.y plenty of oapfv. . ve it' plenty of -;lSh;; i i i ii- i evn'tijm rrr-.vi ! :, v.::i Co -no; III SOiip. .r. 4 r Jell ;-is its of stores i.iily drugij3ts; of people are, ' :---- ' ; n - - i v f- , - I ' : 1 "V" S 'y wNV'k Si.' VMrHVMt'.M;iy H -) : !'' 11 Lml lj Li Li 1LW ' iit"aiu.i kJ . : lil.ALTiii L'L, AOnAliLH, CLHANFiNO. fcr rpr'rt; 'i.-' ni, ISfh-rVe" ' loi ll;i.,...Jj liiti.i., j L.J t.ii.Uliitldt n Ptr.ncT :?At rca aikau water. V' ; Curc3 Clu'nn-, Carrrcil Han.!-,, Woundj, llaih lite. A Delightful St.air.poo. " c-?aa!iy Adapted tor Use in ifstd Water !M y i : f 'v mm 7 ( if' WW ' if 1 v V mm ".j.f nfmm 1.1 rfQV hntmloiw lierbalf rpniMllfia tlml ilo not lll-l lm ths bultli or luterli-re wttb om-dlnisin.'iw or ploimuro. It IhiUiIh iii and tiniimvi s tint ri uitsI fit'itlt hadesrH the hkin mid bfautiliiuitliiicuinplriioii. Kn wrlnkli.y nr l1iil)tiin, H4 tnllow tills tri.tttmnnt. Umlorwd by plinli lsus aud li niilDK sm-li ty laillt'S. PATIENTS TREATEO BY MAIL, CONFIDENTIAL. Hif Iim, Ha NtMlii, fUnd A orpu In rttinpt for wrtli-ului U) IL 0. f. f. tlTDEL l iiCKU III1UU1 CHICKD. ILL HAVE PUFFKHKI) from tlie Irret'iitiiritle l"'culiar ti their sex anil found pruiiiiit, aud iiciiuaat-ut relief iu DR. J. H. KcLEAH'S ' it i Li.t.3 jii.ii insonsos or thn Ki'Inrt-d. J'lsiaiu, liilluiiiiiiutioii of tho JuiUTijjJ, j j"ii.u uin, uri'Kiil.'ir AlI'Dsi'S, knucor. I rim u or unites mill Jvlduny WuaLaueH iuj Uiililrua. I'lloi'Kl.uO per biittlo, ? I I. 1 'A lH II l'V . t THE DR. J. H. McLEAN IHEDICIHE CO.dv- u ai. luuis, io. -. j .v I -Idi'iji: :r.oz . (I i-il ....!j v 1 - -.ITi r. -.,. . Wo T1A5EM k Vl z ciin;: cr : "' Kn lli.t. .a Iit too ciis.ap-ilirn'l'.s ff . ,ro inn i.e. or vi a.. 1 n'-rnii or ;iicr ; nh. fit i. r'.,i i .ff,., t T.ll. . . - . .. . i, i , .17, -pi j,, inn, s hi. m f,v ' "S-'lli llllll Viih'iy VIIIMLnd'nilll, i. . s x,-i.r, sgj ircti(ih,Kt ih tniii . ' i V iV iiV ' 'I- tl. '",ihi,..l.,i.4 i J !J!.S;or I niBti.r iitsi iaj,jr j .'! e ; .1 ui,Jl'UI-.J ..l IWmiic ya'. , ..i'.r-,ifirfiih in fftf -rf lrri,' a "-a ia ar T..-ri l . r.. . i ' 'I- .:'.) iii.l I.MH.ITH. nil ( i '.. . ,'ai.ff or ul.l. .UlT.iiD. from Ikll ' ' i .4 ili-it VM.M. u ran rariiiilt, .1 - t ... .uxj kuow m. ir i.cin-niuo ii-i-.i. la .IT. --I . .r..n,,t ci, '.. ' 1 ' "" 1 s Hi. L..u i, orfi.r . . .i.i.. i Piu'liui.-rtitai-si, . , . . v,,Mli.'.r.'ifl,1:,.t! WW YOPir. . . . t. 3 a li.ausi d.c! 1 v...-,'! U: I .a aii',.. I ii.' poritv, nuirillvn vi'.ae, ,sin..i . e. :1 (j lioions llnllil'U't. i f i : ia! far , V. I miics anil a stimulant fer inf.iia i , : .in-tit'itioii i. U.ilil;fi inffirior v!.i. kn s it ' dae! not rasp or scald thrt thfat p;h!'" i.iumixli, nor cause n tuse.-i, d':i-.i.-.4.'' lii"...'i.'e;hi;. Yoa'rri.iv km.w ir n inu Hi.i -I'.'i'S rrd tlm riepri"t..rv i.i! Its' :t is served. Cull f, . c .. .; ft. .'i'v." and take no other. For sale a a firs -ci ass ilrinkiui places and drug : li DALI.KM AND CO.. Thicapo For sale by Joe McVej. JOHN A DAVIKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW Correspondence Solicited. Plattsmouth, Oflice in Union Bloqk Nebraska