Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, December 01, 1892, Page 7, Image 7

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I am a Trav'ling man ! I'll tell ycu of my plan.
In spite of all temptation
1 pursue my olj vocation,
I'm still a Trav'lins man ! A jolly Fairbank man !
For he himself has said It,
AnJ it's Rreatly to his credit.
Thai he Is a Trav'ling man I That he Is a fairbank man I
Sold by Traveling men and Grocers Everywhere. Manufactured only by
I nt v nAinnAML' o. rr lit
yv ii. rv. riKUAirv
- Mexican
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
I'.r, i:rt- is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stuck. Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective
'o r.'.her application compares with it in efficacy.
this v c!l-knovn remedy has stood the test of years, almost
to medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustano
I.1M.MENT. '
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it.
fffjSuirELY'S CREAM BALM-Hen..... the N..l Wr th "
I iS''!1 """""f". Atli I'uiii ami liilhiniinitti IIihIh 5eWe FO 7"
i it
tilves Kt-licf at ouce
Am'y into the Snttrilt.
-Jc. liruKpntaiir by mail. KLY
the Wonderful
Npanlali remedy
prmrrlbed for
over SO rriri)
core all Tier
voim Maeaaea,
lick oi nemo
rv. Ilea dtrhc.
Before & After Us. Fmisnion. Loat
raotoaraphM from lire, nlanhood. or
diminution of ttie Genera live Organ.
tc and all eU'erta cauaed by paat
abuaea. Put op conveniently to rutty
In the vent por kfU Price $ I a package,
or 0 for(5. with a written guarautee
to cure or refund the money, if B rtnieirli't
trios to sell yoo lmo WORTH I.FS IMITA
TION Id place of ISANAT1VO, enelaie price In nre
lope and we will aond by mall. Pamphlet in
plain aealed envelope tree. Addrcaa,
MADRID CHEMICAL CO,, Branch Office lor U.S.A.
86t) Dearborn Street, CIIICAUO, ILL.
). H. Snyder, DnieniM, ,vir Vain Strm ., an
drumiitti (puerully
Tbe Great English Remedy,
Promptly and permanent
ly euros all f orina of AVrto
irnrrAia. lmittitrncu andall
rTtvfj vf Abutr or A'.rivwji.
llofn iri'orlbcrt over 84
yearn In thousands of cmoh;
et KnUi ina known. Auk
in vuiMm f u iuiti"o' a nu jwii
.IruciilHt for Woon'M Piion
I'ik.msk: If hft orfeni ni
I Jiefort and After,
worthliM DK'dlrlno Injilaoe
tt thll. Ipava liN fllahniif.f .(irn. IiipIiima rpliA In
letter, and we will solid ly return nialL 1'
riavkatro, lj (Iz, ti. One vill plrtuw, tlx wUlmtt,
I'atnpbletlnrlalo aealed envelope, a atamp.
N . lat Woodward avuuuu, Dotrult. JUclu
tr-UoUlu Flitttsmoutli l)y (Jerino;
Co., V. G. Kricke A Co., Jlrown At
Harrelt, t). H. Snyder a 1 1 1 (lruj'isti
For Atchinaon, St. Jost-pli, Leaven
worth, Kannas City, .St. Loiiiw,
and all points north, CH8t
eouth or weHt. Tick
ets sold aiitl bap;
gage checket
to any
States or
Canada. For
'fate ' " i-r;-oei-r
Call at Depot or addrenw
I H, C. Townsend,
iC. G. P. A. St.LouiR,Mo.
ft. J. C. PHILLIPl'I,
, A A. G. I'. A. Omaha.
j U. D. AP9AH. Art., Plattsinouth.
I ' Telephona, 77.
vu., .iiii4u, 111.
lor Cold in ll.owl
It it Ifitirklp Ah,rUd.
BKOi., M Warren Nt,, N. T
ffj H y lWk'a iDTiaibl. TnliaUr lUr tiuk.
IJrAli Wblipn. br.rd. umfirt.lli.
.... ... Lr.r.n.mniMiui. iia by r. HjMi,oaly , rn rr
B53 UnaiUk, Km trk. Wrm fur kwk of. iimuUlllCC
" " -o Application Does It.
" on rtvelnt f 10 rrlitK. J
! Ll.. llliir '
CUtTI-M Hid bfttUtlflC ih hlr.
rroiixKe k luiuntnt growth.
Novor Fail! to Hfulor Gray
Hair to Hi Youthful Color.
Cult r4l) diavftwi li hair ftltiug.
Th Consumptive and Feeble irxi )i who
fiifTrr fntm Kiiiatinit (lite Mr bounl um Prkr'a Ctrif t
Tonic. llctinithcwoi-llJoiich, Wk LuutLlbihly. In
dirtrtttoB, total wrakiiM, Hlieuiimti.ui and Ituii. c. & $ 1,
HINpERCORNS. Th. mIt w fnr rUro
diopfl alTiMau. HUm waiT m acy. IMa, at i'runu.
Muiiufiietiirer of uml Wlmlosnlt
anil KVIoii DimIit in the
Choicest Brands of Cigars.
Ki-islert-a rtiyxlclHti and iMiariiiaci.t
Special attention p;ivtn lo Office
Kock JJlufks . Nbh
Will Rlvc Hpccinl attention to oil luniueau
ftitrnated to him
OFPICB-Uuiou Ulock,
Legal Blanks at the Herald.
Bridge work and fine gold work a
0B.HTEINAU8 LOCAL as well m other en.
MUietloagWeo lor the PMulwieiUaoilou of
A A. MARSniLL, Fitzgorald Rloch
Mi!eNorve emt Liver Hill
Act on o new priciple regtilatiiio;
the liver, stomach and bowels
through the nerve. A new discov
ery Dr. Miles pills speedily cure
biliousness, hud taste, torpid liver
piles, constipation Unequaled (or
men, women and children. Small
esl, mildest, surest. 50 doses L" cts.
Samples free at F. (i. KriekeA Co' a
Mother-Do yiu know why your pa
called Mr. ltlowhard a liar, Tomin?
rommy -Ycs'm; he's a smaller man
than pa.
Real Estate Boom
Attracts the attention of every prop
erly holder in this city. Hut when
Dr. Franklin Miles the eminent iu
diana specialist claims that heart
disease is curable and proves it by
thousands of testimonials of won
derful cures by his new Heart Cure
it attracts the attention of the mil
lions sulferino; with short lucath;
palpatation, irregular pulse, wind
in stomach, pain in side or shouhh-r
smothering spells, fainting, dropsy
etc. A. K Davis, Silver Creek, Neb
by usin four bottles of Dr. Miles'
New Heart Cure was completely
cured after twelve years sutfermtf
from heart disease. This new rem
edy is sold by V. G. Kricke & Co. 5
"Well, how are the votes coming
"Pretty lively. Sixteen up to S
o'clock, and only one man voting.
He's a power in the land."
Mown Thiu,
We offer WO dollars reward for
tiny case of catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
K J. Cheney A Co. ProjH, Toledo,
We the undersigned, have known
K. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and belive hini pefectly honorable
in all buisuess transactiousand fin
ancially able tocarry out an oblig
ations made by their linn.
W'est iV Truax, Wholesale Druu;
ffist, Toledo Ohio., Waldinj; Kinuaii
Tarvin, Wholesale druist Tole
do Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, action directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces tf the nystem
Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
Drujfj;ist; Testimonials free.
A God send is Kly's Cream Halm.
I had catarrh for Hire years. Two or
three times a week my nose would
bleed. I though the sorest would
never he il. Your Halm has cured
me." Mrs. M. A. Jjckson, Ports
mouth, X. IF.
I have had nasal catarrh for ten
years so bad that there were great
sores in my nose, and one place was
oaten through. I got Kly's Cream
Halm. Two bottles did the work.
My nose and head are well. I feel
like another man. C. S. McMillen,
Sibley, (ackson Co., Mo.
"Don't Tobaoco Spit or Smoka Your
Life Away,"
is the name of a little book just re
ceived telling all about Xo-to-bac
the wonderful, harmless, guaran
teed cure for chewing, smoking
cigarette habit or snuff dipping.
Xo-to-bac is the only guaranteed
tobacco habit cure in the world
sold h druggists. Mentiou this
paper. The Sterling Remedy Co.,
15 Randolph St., Chicago or In
diana Mineral Springs Intl., and
get a book niiulcd free,
Do you want a clock, watch, sil
verware or a, piece of jewelry? If
so. call on Snyder and see goods
and ge t priceH.
According to the census of 1SIK),
Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her
population of 1,()S,570 people, as the
eighth largest city on the globe.
Most of us desire, at one time or
another, to visit a city in which so
many persons find homes, and,
i when we do, we can find no better
line than the "Hurlington R"Mite."
Three fast and comfortable rains
daily. For further information ad
dross the agent of the company at
this place, or write to J. Franvis,
General Passenger and Ticket
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
The new style of writing "un
ptiuctuated letters" certainly can
not be called the fad of the period.
Financially Embarrasod
A large manufacturer; whose af
fairs were very much embarrassed
and who was very much overwork
ed and broken down with nervious
exhaustion, went to a celebrated
specialist. He was told that the
onld thing needed was to be re
lieved of care nnp worry, and have
change of thought. Thin, doctor
was mora considerate of his patient
health than of his financial circuin.
stances. He ought to have ndvicod
him to use Dr. Miles' Restoative
Xerviue, the best remedy for ner
vous prostration, Pleeplessness, di,.
ziness heada:he, ill effects of tobac
co, coffee , opium; etc. Thousands
U'Htyfy to it. Hook and trial bottle
ree at F G Fricke A Ce's.
Watts This has been a great
year for record-breaking.
Potts Hasn't it, though! Mudge
paid me $'l he borrowed, for in
H May depend upon the way you treat the warn
inn which nature gives. A few bottles ol
S. S. S. taken at the proper time may insure gor
beallh for a year or two. Iheref ore act at once, forii
that nature be assisted at the right time
never fails to relieve the svstein of im
purities, and Is an excelleat tonic also.
He Wants to Add His Name.
M Permit me to add my name to your many otltej
certificate in commendation of the great curativi
properties contained in bwift's Specific (S. S. b.) t
u certainly one oi the best tonics 1 ever used.
"John W. Daniel, Anderson, S.C."
Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free,
Til tlir 1'nlrtrr.
Tlie pall, or "im iiiiv," ran lp renolinl
jy ii lonn drive from Honolulu. When
'.wo bulicH who l.i.l trnvi'leil muth ami
were nrcnxtnmt'd to lirarinit Frciu li no
ken in foifiKti conntrif s were told tiutt the
:tli was one of tho pl.ire.s to ( visii.-.l
they trmiHUted tint word "palaro." .t
they were invited to the lutlt r place to a
reception one f veiling tlicy onlcnil a ror
riiwuuit s. t out, in their lim n , nfter
Kivini? the coachman the onler, "To tt.c
"I fear yon will have an titiplcisant
drive, " the, hotel clerk bmt vctitnreil to re
mark, but tlicy only replied:
' (Hi, no; we have tlete rmincil to go, ami
It tlofsii't matter."
The ili-itance seemed InterniiimMe, anil
at last theladien called to the driver:
"Do yon know where you art' noliif"
"Faith, an I do," was the nsnircd an
swer. "It'a to the pall, nil I've hecti there
Sett lilts,' hack in their wain they resigned
theinsclvesto the fact that they were uiinj:
to Komi) country place Ih loiniui lo his
ninjcsty. They wcro now in the open coun
try. All liour or moro hail elapsed, the road
way was steep anil rouh, and the tain
was fcUIl falling. The ladies in their atii
et y had forgot ten their French, and cried
out in honest. KiiKlish:
"Where in the tmlaoet"
"Palacel" qtiotli the driver; 'tis not 1 be
palace at all; it's the pull, an there it is!"
After this there wim nothing to lie done
1 ii it to turn about and retrace their nteps,
but they wcie forced to descend In the
mire and rain while the driver turned the
carriaKe. Wet ami U-drajmlad, they ar
rived at the palace just as the quests were
depart in;;, and next morning found that
their adventure had become town talk.
Youth's Companion.
An InterentliiK I'liteiit.
Of themaiiy people who think tlicy know
a'ooildeal about the con federate govern
n, cut only a few are aware of the fact that
the confederacy was supplied with a pat
ent olTice, and that it issued patent in just
about the same Hlylo as that practiced by
the I'nilcd States, How many inventions
received Mich protection ait could be
thrown around by the power which ruled
the south for four years may never be
known, but it is certain that at least llf
teen received olll'.'ial recognition, for on a
wall in the ullice of Mr. James b. Norris
is nu original document which assured
John b. ,Iotie, of Tally-llo, X. C, that for
fourteen years from the "tith day of
August, INil, bo should have "the full ain!
exclusive rinht and liberty of niakim.
constructing, uslnu and vending to ot hers
to be Used" n new and useful Improvement
in carnage wheels.
This was the fifteenth patent issued by
the confederacy. It was signed by Judali
P. 1 It'll jm in i i , attorney general, and coun
tersigned by ltufus It. Uhodes, commis
sioner of patents. Mr. Khode was United
States, couimissiouer of patents prior to the
war. Accompanying the parchment,
which in properly sealed, and which cost
Mr. Jones the sum of forty dollars, are the
customary speoillcatioiiH ami drawing.
The iK'nmiinship displayed in the specill
cations is extremely beautiful, while the
drawings, w hich are in India Ink on linen
tracing, could hardly be improved on. The
whole forms n most interesting and valu
able souvenir. Washington Slur.
The Oldest Known Inscription.
In the palace of the Imvre, Paris, in t hat
position si t apart for Hebrew antiijiiitiea
may be seen tlio famous "Pillar of King
Mesa." It is fashioned from pure black
basalt, measures 40 Inches in height, 2 in
width and 14 inches in thickness. For'i.WKi
years this famous historical "stela" re
mained in one position in the "country of
tlio Moabites," on the shores of the Head
sea, at the spot, as Is wipposed, where t lie
frontier of their territory joined with that
of the tribe of Keuben. It Is-ars upon iis
faces the very oldest Inscriptions that have
yet been deciphered, characters, words and
sentences that were "graved thereon" at a
time contemporaneous with the Hible, !jn
years I a; fore the birth of the Saviour.
One remarkable tiling In connection with
this antique pillar and its history Is the
fact that it was not buried in the sands, as
most well preserved ancient relic have
been, but remained standing erect In the
full light of the day for twenty-eight cen
turies. The first news of the whereabouts
of this ancient pillar was communicated
to M. Clerinoiit-lianneau, oneof the French
consuls at Jerusalem, in 1K70. The great
historical value of the find may be judged
from the fact that many of the inscrip
tions supply facts that have been wholly
omitted from the biblical accounts of the
wars lajtween King Mesa uml the Israel
ites. St. Louis ltepublic,
An Oillnii I'ngllsli Monopoly.
It lias been said by Maraulay that some
of the most odious of the patents of mo
nopoly passed the great seal while it waa
in charge of Iord bacon, including that
grantetl to Sir (iilcs Monpessou ami to Sir
Francis Mitchell (immortalized by Mas
singer as Sir (;iles Overreach and Justice
li reedy) for the exclusive manufacture of
gold and silver lace. This patent Is char
acterized by the historian: as the most dis
graceful in our history, not only because it
covered spurious manufacture and fraud
ulent dealing, but also la-cause the pat
entees were armed with unprecedented
and scandalous powers, which enabled
them to Invade tho sanctity of homer, and
to arrest persons alleged to be interlopers
in the trade.
The shameful manner in which such
ptiwers could bo exercised can be well
imagined, bacon was not only a party to
the granting of this patent, but also a
strong supporter of tho patentees anil a
protector of their l ights when these were
assailed. All the Year Hound.
Tlio Ktuileiit'a I'ruyer.
There was long ago a Divinity hall pre
sided over by a most amiable and dignified
professor. On certain days tho senior
students opened the proceedings of the tlay
with prayer. One morning a raw youth
from a remote region performed this duty,
and it was a memorable occasion. None
who were present can furaet how the ven
erable professor turned and gazed on the
untutored lad, who prayed for him as fot
lows: "Iord, have mercy on our professor,
for lie is weak and Ignorant. Strengthen
his feeble hands, confirm his tottering
knees, and grant that, he may go out and
in iKdore us like the he goat before the
flock. "-"Twenty five Years of St. An
drews." Over u (.nine, of Chens.
AC. Awful example of the risks to lie en
countered by those who play ch-ss with
adversaries of uncertain temper is recordist
in the "Annals of the Four Masters." Two
kings of Irish provinces licgan a game on
the best of terms, but he who got the
worat of it seized one of the rooks and
flung It with such force At his royal oppo
nent that It entered , the brain and killed
hi ill ou the spot. Bluok wood's Mug wine.
it t..,. . ::n -
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to reconv
men J some brand of Smoking Tobacco, we unhesitatingly pronounce
Bull Durham Smoking fc
I obacco
to be the best in the world.
Many times imitated, but never equalled.
Get the genuine. Made only by
BlackwelPs Durham Tobacco Co.,
Durham, N. C
Had Stolen the Stock.
The arrest of H. M. Council prom-
ises to develop into a lively sensa
tion among cattlemen, and may
bring about a shaking up in North
west Nebraska. On Wednesday
Council brought 111) head of cattle
and turned them over to Hurke tV
Fra.ior, commission men at the
South Omaha stock yards un
der the name of Patrick
Mulcahy. The commission linn
paid Coniu dl $StX) ou accounts and
lie disappeared. In a litlltf while
the firm discovered that Council
was not Mulcahy. but that the lat
ter was after his cattle. Search was
made for Council ami he was found
at the h'eid hotel in the company of
a woman whom he introduced as
his wife. She proved to be Mrs. 101
wootl, wife of a ranchman living
not far from O'Neill, in Holt coun
ty. When arrested Council Had
$.7.!()oii his person. Siibset(tiently
$-20 was recovered from the woman.
Today Council confessed that he
stole the cattle at the instance of
the woman, and further staled that
she had in her valise when they
left $10,;M I secured on n mortgage
covering f10 head of cattle belong
ing to Mulcahy. Council drew up
the mortgage and secured the
money from a bank at O'Neill. Mra.
IClwood was not arrested at the time
Council was taken in, as her con
nection with the crime was not sus
pected, but the officers are now
looking for her. Council will be
given a hearing and some interest
ing disclosures are looked for. He
was until quite recently a teamster
employed in South Omaha at sal
ary of $7 per week.
'frown coiili cure warranted to cure
by Ilrown A Ilnrret.
The Homeliest Msii in Platlsmoulli
As well as the handsomcHt, and
others are invited to call on any
druggist nnd get free a trial bottle
of Kemp's Halsam for the Throat
and Lungs, a remedy that is guar
anteed to relieve ami cure all Acute
and Chronic Coughs, Asthma, I Iron
chitis aiitl Consumption. Large
bottles aOc and $1.
On and after this date, No ember
25, the Hurlington makes a rate be
tween Phittsmouth and Omaha for
fifty-six cents on first-class limited
tickets. J. Fka.NIII.s, Agent.
A Pfinny'a Worth.
This is the title of a clever little
booklet relating to the advantages
of North Galveston. It tells how
anybody that has saved up a "rainy
day" peony can make a judicious
use of it; cither in investing in city
property or in adjoining fruit lot.
The North Galveston association is
represented in Plattsinoiith by Pol
lock At Hyers, who will be pleased
to call upon any citizen of this town
ami explain the remarkable advant
ages of North Galveston, either in
point of settlement or investment.
Nothing is more sinned against
today than the use of scents, writes
Mrs. Hurton Harrison in the Decem
ber Ladies Home Journal. To the
many people to whon any strong
odor is distressing, the present
reign of scent bags in the garments
of women -who frequent public
conveyance is intolerable. It is only
the faintest suggestion of a refined
perfume that should ever be al
lowed to hang even for a moment
about the belongings of a well-bred
girl; and evtn such a casual use of
the merest whiff of the dainty mid
impalable essence should be rare ;
to wear any redolence upon her per
son in sachets is unpardonable.
Some Fool in h Peoplo
Allow a cough to run until it gets
beyond the reach of medicine. They
say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in
niopt casrs it wears them away
Could they be induced to try Kemp's
Halsam, which is sold on a positive
guarantee to cure, they would see
the excellent effect after taking the
firnt dose. Price, 50c. and $1. Trial
size free. At all druggists.
The old woman who lived in
she will eell her children cheap at
the bazaar December 13th.
mv aa -it,
Al l W
wini T II
Till lawf
Patronage of the Public Solicited,
North SiKth Street, Plattsmoutb
Coal and Wood.
Yanls uml (idler 401 South Third Street.
.1 elc phone .No. I I,
The Old Reliable
Lath, Sash, Shingles,
flic. Can supply every ilciunn of the
city. Cull mid grt terniH. Fourth
Street in rear of opera house.
W. H. CUSHING, President.
J.W.JOHNSON, Vice-Prat.
Paid Up Capital, $30,000
K. k. (iitliiiiini, J. V. Johnson, K. S.
(rreustd. Henry Kikenlmrv, M. V.
Morgan, J. A. Connor, V. t
teiikiiinp, V. II. Cushion.
A general bunking business
Notary I'uhllc & Abstracter Sullcit
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Agent
If you have real estate to Hell or
exchange send na description, price
and terms.
Abstracts of title furnished at rean.
enable ratea.
f 100,000 to loan at 7Vi per cent and
no commissions, ou good
farm security.
Office under Can County Baric,
TUTX'8 PILLS cure iick headache.