T1IK WKKKIV IlllltAI.II: 1'I.ATTSMOUM.XEMiASKA. XOVl-Mltllli 21.18!)'. A METEORIC DISPLAY. A Rain of Firo Expected for the Night of Nov. 27. WILL BEGIN AFTER DARK. Astronomers buv This Will be the Oreatuot MeW.il;: Fxlilbltion over Witnessed -Lilian Uumot VVUI Appear- Comma Motoric Shower. Dr. I.011U S.vift in ICoclntt-r I'ohI Uxpri'drt oayi: "I .i .'.lift llnit , on the eveiwii;; of Hie ,,f i ... i . . . . . . i.i': numlli, a muni i ii.li i .-iniirht ii jliiHiMf tin re wilU o niw.iMin' a ram ol lite , 11 .Mill!" I I. I O 1 1 M I I 1 1 I ' 1 1 1 I I I I- I ' t ' " i. r. l-'i i.ny u. lit wmh t f. ii"'; ' t yivo :i view. Iri I'lc ir wcath.-r Die pi art ii vl c ca i fi'c l'i.-la'.l witli (nit a I,i-h, ho we .ill soon know more alioiit it." plinll loam more ahout this, the moat inyHterious aii't nearest of all comets, which lian not been k.-ihi Hince U, although expected once in six yeart. "How far uaray in this comet?'' was linked. "In one of its v i h i t (," was the answer. Hicla'n comet came o ( In-.- to tlieeartli that if the latter ha I 1) eii delayed or advanced, I have forgotten which, one month ill it- cotitr"' tin-re would have lieen it collision. 1 1 i tiit." within hounds' of prohahility that thif comet will -Hike ili' earth home time. Indeed, it may he moving rli rectlv ('.ward u now. On Tlinrt ' dav ni'.'.ht in slilewax so heavily ! wrijhied with snow I could not A WOMAN THE CAUSE. Theodore Rhinehartof Nehaw ka Adjudged Insane. THE MODERN WOODMEN. which retiiembci id (or lay i not one of will he 'e.ii'H. Thi li- ju-liodic ones alluded to Indole, I. lit connected with the apperance of thin new comet. Ah the wlioi.- mat ter i of j;i'ca t i niport nice in astro mmiy, I will i xplain the conn. c tion. Met'-olif lnwiTrt used 1o citiHe terror on all widen. As ie. ceully :n lv!l the lower cl.i-f-c.i ifi this country conlideiitly expict.d the end ol Ilie woi I I had come on the cal.mce o; a vo'ent di-nu h mice of thi.- t- .i t. Now it i- .known that meteors n e cin.-i ly eoum-eu il with coiactn, and it i.- In liev.:d lli.it tit. v iu.iv he p. ii ts oi comet.-.." lr. Swill p.n In.-..' I .he t..llo--;n.j 1eli".;r i,u: -!'.i-i l.el'ich cidilescomet llcdiiie.V .'.-"ihle I". la's. John KiU'hie Jr." Ti.a; -.- t I ' a pn.. r.le to .:n o:'d . n . i v i.ioi,,.l, lad. l'r. ivvitl I c.i I and tv-u ml .1 with t VI dent rel,.-ii, I r. .-..vitt i-.niiioed lloi.ii ' coin s on 'I'n i a . ui,-;h! with i ar .' ;m ! wa- .- ;i lo-li vvih several M ran f-' .iiui ! ie- os.-ex.-ril hy it. o.i I i id.iy a'.lei 1 1 . . .1 1 the telegram c.nue. The in leiyi elal ion of the inet.-.i.e is 1hi-: "John Kiti hie, Jr., I Iimtv.t .11 Ihnvar.l I'nivesils , f end- liu 1 noli, e ; i Sill to mini .11 hull that a caldc 'raiu li.un the tierm id n.-noiioifier, J terhei ii'li, has In en received at JI.ilv.inl htaii.i;;- Ui 1; Holme' C iinet in, iv I." loiind to he, the f.inoiis Iml.iV conn I." "I lieiive tli.it is Hi I rii solution," H.iid Dr. Swill. "I'lus is leriainly the mo.it rem irivahie co n l 1 have Cv'er M-eii. la it. clean outlines and jUMition Iheie in Hoinethin ianiil i.11. Ihela's coiiirl is, perhaps, the ini.ct iiiten lini;- of 1 1 n- htavenly 4j -.i.'.ie.-. We know that it fhotild he v.'ea m ee.'tinii peiii.dy. ,;ouH'iiini s wtn'ii ilx heao.v ciiies il 0h17.es fiercely, at others there i-v no trace of il, and aain it appear.- in two divisions, M'paraled Iroiil each other. In 17w Montaigne discov ered u comet; 1 1 1 1 1 ly-tluee ye,.rs later l'ond h an 1 another, and in H Hit la jrave his name to a new comet. Imagine, the surprise of the OHtriviK.ttiical world when it was learned a few years later tll.it these three comets were one and I he same! Calculators at once he:j,a:i to search out the path of this, heavenly tramp mid it was proved that it should a -pear once in fixtecu and sixteen, h years. The Iii;uiin.f was correct, nnd sometimes the comet appeared when the glasses were ready. At other times it would not even idiovv n tail feather. It was noticed, how vcr, that Dida's comet came in ipht only on multiples of the time calculated for its regular appear ance." "Doch the rnuii l look the name at om; visit as. at another?" was asked. ".No, indeed," was the reply. "In ltiela"s comet wart seen to lie ltvidcd into two parts; in 1S.TJ the division whs. more prominent Ohen a detective is on the track of n crook who has hitherto succeeded In Roitijj into secure hiding places when lund pressed, any clew is tM7.cd engerly. The phenomina of I8td and 1S.VJ pnve us a clew to the trick? of Hlela's comet. 'Could it lie possible?' Asked Home one, 'that Hicl.Vs comet at certain times break tip into pieces, remains for a period in a chaotic state, and that, after a time, the parts are again, drawn together hy Home Htrange force and the comet formed again?' Then it was remembered that the appearances of this comet had often her-n connected with meteoric nhowers. Uiela's comet was due in 1W, and that year marked the most wonderful meteoric shower ever seen in Europe or Asia. We had only a remnant of il here and yet I ountud SS'.l meteors during the night., TJUlf J,tji),fo.ckets with dropped tmeinto xt .right pocket for each meteor. On reaching 100 I put a penny in the left pocnet Such a method would have proved vain in Europe, where 200,000 could be aeen front one point." "The interference is plain," con tiuueilthe asfotiomer. "If this is LUela'a content, as I fumly believe on the night of November 27 it will give ua a great meteoric display. A few Hparka may fly on the night of the 25th, but the mam interests will center on the first-named date. A atar-fchower ia always a fine eight, utif hia piophecy comes true we WLEPINO WATER. I'eitilllii'ai.. Father Hull voted for lla.rison last week and forty years ao In voi.-d lor U'im. Henry ll.irri-oii. lie hope he may nieces-' id 1 i vi can, ye ,' - o 1 o Vol ' '.if lid lies j et. I We a - Va v lor'.- e ciated l.y i'i, in." ton, and eeived ;i ,', . ! e,e -v ! 1' 'till J -t .1,.: r el al Ie Tom hat r .-i . - . . ni that eti- duly appre. Mi'li'leui ;it Wash, ite has recently re. d promotion. Dot " -.v hen Cleveland out:" Mis. V. 1,1. ( "ion l.it one va ' I ie n. .v lor M a n i; in -v d.'.-.'ivi' 1 tin" w ron . for pen.-it lie : o a Inn; V i III. i I v Ie r ived a pen- of .; I'J pee inotidi with Viiv. This i-l ; ! 'arlv Ie, and w." ha', e ! ' ' - in i i r to w it w ho t-.ime treatment. Jt's 1 i ii in the inin ni now is a ltd will s ) ii ! i 1 1 1 : i to t .rover is aid." to ,i An ai c r ., . .rid t in of Mr.'. irm of lire , in a n i id I Iio e com) IIilii. U. m Monday ;i. in . r vd i u e eji i.'ens i iiy n the home ed. The llauie were extinguished in ;i few minute w'lh a few I -iii-h.'t n water hv hit son-, after they had chopped a h,,;,. in the r.iof ii". ir I lie kilchen i hi'ii uey, wliete !,e heat lioni ii,,. ,,(,,ve pipe had ignited the l.iiii and raf ters. Probably the best pleased repub lican in this nuinty alter i 'lection was I Ion. t rl mdo I'. ll t. Ibr u n d lo his home in A v oca I h i i,k i n j. bin huht for M'nator had been a losing one, and w hen the returns showed dillerent Dr. Duller -cut congrati:. I.ilioiis. Hack came a reply from Mr. Tclft, "Wire me particulars, I thought I was beaten." There were m.iuy ymingas well as oil repub lieaus who were pl 'a.-ed over Mr. Tint's election. Th'?y Adjoui-n-d Their Meeting In Omaha Aftf-r Transacting Sev tral Important Measures - Other City News. A Jaimnesu Tua. A Japanese Tea was the nni.pie euh l laiunient given by a family who have made the fashionable trip to Japan and brought back a choice variety of Japanese costumes and brie a brae. The ladies of the family, a mother and three daugh ters, have a charming boudoir idf the drawing room, which they have fitted up with mementos of the trip, supplemented by judicious selec tions from Oi iental utores of this country, and IheelTecl is charming ly Japanesque. In this artistic apartment they received their friends in a delightfully informal mant.er, each of the hostesses wear ing: a veritable Japanese dress of crepe, magnificently embroidered, and their heads bedecked with pins galore. Each had lur tiny table from which she dispensed delicious tea in rare Japanese cups, both the cups and their contents eliciting enthusiastic exclamations from the recipients. The floral decorations were in Japanese tdyle, only a sin gle blossom or spray of a kind in a vase; and the arlistic elfect of the whole proved that the ladies had made practical use of their eyes and br iiius durinir their sojourn in the land of the Mikado. -From Demur est s Family Magazine for ovem. ber. Changed Hands. N. G. Chilberg, who purchased the old J. V. Young's store last spring sold his stock of goods to Al. Johnson and Perry I.athrop, the transfer was tnntle this forenoon. These two young men are hustlers and Tits Hekali predicts a bright future for both ot them. "The name of the firm- win Ut Johnson & Lath rop. Mr.- Chilberg hav accepted a position as traveling representative for the Union Pacific Coal company and will enter their employ next Monday. Take off tns Horns. The undersigned is now ready with a good portable chute and tools to remove the useless weap. ous of horned cattle at ten cents per head, A letter addressed to the undersigned at Kock Ulufi, Cass county, Nebraska, will be promptly answered. S. L. Fuklong. Regular bowels follow the use of Tutt'8 pillt A Clri the Cause. Theodore Rhine hnrt wes brought in from Nehawka Saturday and examined by the insanity board and found t be a lit subject for the nnylutii. K'hinehart has been employed on the farm of Eavvson Sheldon for a long time. A girl arrived from the old country not long ago who hail promises 'o wed hini but she changed her mind and joined for tunes with another, and brooding over the fact unbalanced his mind, lie will he taken to the asylum Monday. Modern Woodmen. I'he head camp of the Modern W "d went into a committee of the whole again yesterday morning on I i" revision til the fundamental laws. A state convention was provided for, to be held immediately preced hr; the head camp meeting, the m b a jeand per diem t xptnse tif which will be paid by the head camp from their capita asse.-.--m i - The fiscal year of the order was mad o. i inl 1) ember M. mid the terms of all present officers vveie evteuded to thai lime. A i attempi was made to dis ipiai , fy all oll'ici i v of the order for ie fleet ion, hut the 1 1 .-lut ion met with general opposition. The of. lu'i' nl lead 1 1. 1 it I, !', I hi ,vev er, Was made subject to the rule. I lu-i ;ii'.- s is iii-beii forward at the afternoon session and everyone i V i a.'. I in i a ! 1 1 I y to get a .v i , The amendments tn the lunda mi ntal law were concluded in corn in, tie of the whole am! ratified in open e - - i o 1 1 . The salary 'pieslion was then rai.-til and pay in general given a I ai.-e. I be ffilary of the hea l connsnl Wi s ineea-ed to '.',U!H, of the hei.d cl.-rk lo '.',."111 per year, an 1 the per diem of the board of directors was raised to ifS. GO-SIP AflOnrJU COUR r POO Ms. L. I !. Williams has commenced suit in district couit against Win. II. Sehildkiiecht. The case of k'.J.Ciilliland vs. Win. lCichardsun is being tried this af ternoon in Judge Archer's court before a jury composed of Tom Pat terson, Frank Morgan, Pert Pollock, 1'rank Davis and I. II. Dunn. Henry Ilebener, Henry Wesner ami Henry Sheldon of Nehawka were i.i the city today. TV.e case ol Jack Den-am vs. Jones iV Fitzgerald in Judge Archers court has been continued until November 2,-. In Judge Archer's court the fol lowing was done; J. M. Craig vs. J. F. Voris. Judgment by default for .i0.:i.".. J. M. Craig vs J. F. Voris judgment by default for $l(H.22 Hall it Craig vs. J. F. Voris judg ment by default for $1 "JO. IS. K'obert Carli.-le vs Heiirich Eng leking, etal. Suit on creditors bill was filed in district court today. The transcript in the cases of the Slate va Geo. IS. Dovey and Henry Pons, were filed in district court to day. Jas. Woodson began attachment proceedings against C. V. Johnson today in Judge Archer's court for a board bill. Holmes Marshal vs. Win. G. Mc pherson is the name of a case filed in district court today. County Clerk Dickson is busy to day issuing certificates of election to the successful candidates in the election. Tin; IltiKALi) is glad to announce that the semi-annual district con vention of the lipworth League will be held in this city commencing Nov. 23 lasting three days. This city has not been highly favored of late with important gatherings of this kind and we welcome the yeimg people of the Lincoln district toour city. The program contains the mimes of some oi the most promi nent workers in the country, among them being Win, IS. Hhickstone, superintendent of the Chicago He brew Mission; Dr. 13. L. Paine, Lin coin; A. Nash, State secretary; Kev. C. N. Dawson, South vOniaha; Kev. T. A. Hull, Weeping Waterand Kev F. S. Stein, Lincoln. These men are prominent in their special lines of work, while Mr. Hlackstone is probably the ablest man in the country on the subjects which he presents. The session of the con vention will be held in the Method ist church to which the public ore cordially invited. Waited Upon by the Sheriff. An exciting episode of the demo cratic ratification at McCook last night was the serving upon Con gressman McKeighan, the speaker of the evening, of a summons to ap pear before J. IS. Kelly, justice of the peace, on the UOth day of November, lH'.i'J, at 1 o, clock p. in. to answer the action of "J. S. Le Hew and IS. C. O'Ponnell for ifoO and interests from November '1, 1SSS, the same being the amount of a certain pro missory note which was placed in the hands of the defendant for col lection and remittance, he being county judge of Webster, which said note was collected by the said dcfciident and the amount thereof fraudulently and feloniously kept, embezzled and appropriated to the use of defeiideut and against the will and request of plaintiffs." She! ill Hanks of K'cd Willow served the summons at about 11 o'clock last night. "Cmwii coiiuli cure warranted h cure by brawn Sc llnrret. AT A R A'l TLI(. KATE. Kearney Hub. Everybody who was out on the street about inion today and was obliged to walk north, realized that he had something more than the usual atmn.-phei ic pressure to over come. They ueie probably not aware, however, that they were facing a current ol air tl..il was trav ell a g' a t a higher rate of -peed than the last mud and was going at nearly a mile a minute. Put Mr Ciirley, who is authority on all such matters, inform.- us thai i-lK'h was the cai-e. At 2 o'clock this morning Ih wind vv.i'ouly moving et the r.i I two miles ;m hour, b.it ii soon began to increase and at S o'ch.c't it had re.iehe I thirty utiles an I at l'..':la it was i usliin i In on ;h t'p.i.'e .u the rate of liity-a.itr miles p r ii ir. At 2 o'clock ii leo lo forty-eight mile.-, and ill." ave:a .; ali day his been forty miles. I'lii is ih.- mo -t con ti minus hidi w i n I that has been experienced r inee hpring-. There have bee.i moment when :i higher Vel icily was i . '-I.e 1 than today, but it has not lasted .- long. 'I be indie il ions are i.e. 01 a i lor a nunc pi iet day n mm to ,r, am! a! 1 v iio a re obliged ta I".' out will t-iucel'el hope they are r eal Led. dlpaper r' I i;ce, in pine al S.i v i ler'.-, .'.IK', Main street. Autumn Overture it OPYRlOhf luJI Slkk to it! Sometimes you ni.ty liuvo to witit. Tlie trouble that Luvo been years in gathering cuu't alvrr.ys bo cl .rctl away in a day. For all the diseases and disordera peculiar to woman hood, Dr. Pierce's Favotita Ire pcrijition i-t tho surest and speediest remedy. You can depend upon that but if your caso is obstinate, give it reasonable time. It's an invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing and Btrcngthcn ing ncr i:ie, and a positive specific for fentaln tveaknessci and ailments. All functional di.5turb.mccp, painful irregularities and derangements are corrected ami cured by it. All unnat ural discharges, bearing-down sensa tions, weak Lack, accompanied with faint pptlls and kindred Hyruptoms, aro corrected. In cveiy caso for which it's recommended, "Favorite Prescription." in anaranteei to give .satisfaction, or tho money is re- landed. .No other medicine- for women i sold on sneli tcrmtt. That proves that nothing else offered by tho dealer can bo " just as good. raw BY : THE Leaders in the Clothing Trade, MAYER & MORGA E l'l.AYING TO TilK Tl NIC t)i- -r , i ' , s -r r- M in r Showing Bargains THAT CANNOT I!!; MATCH!::) HY Any of Our Gcmpetitoi Our assiii tiiH'iil is roiiipuM il oi' t-rici titdi. Il'OIll till' ClViilti nl' 1 Ipj I) -1 ul 1 1 1 tl In c ! 1 1 cs o f Now York (Jits .-iiiil liu'i iiti'ii'i'. hen l' hi'Uiiti milking nur l-'uil t.-.iivh.t-c-; wn i!t tt'i- llli M CM 1 1 .-"llOW lnt ('.i-- ( 'ntil.tS' till' Ill's! st'N'ct.,1 htn-U m' Men"::,, Loyc' rr.d Child ren's Clothing i-vi-r. -..il. I in ilu-. ni i-ut. Wo Slli-ft'l ill'l I 111 l)"M.i ni't)!t fX. VCtutioHx. Ask for Your Inspection of the These Good it Vvill hi) a ji'ta-ip'.' !"r us in simw 3'nti llnv 1 Iirii (.inni! Whether You Purchase or Not Herold's Double Store HEALTHFUL, AGREEABLE, CLEANSING For Farmers, Miners and Mechanics. A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cure Chafing, Chtppcd Hand, Wound, Burn, Etc A DelictiUul Shampoo. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adopted for Uso in Hard Walar UNDERBUY AND UNDERSELL, ( Ottr Two Wu tcli word ,) T1IK.SK two words fj.itc.riixo tho whole phil osojihy ol iiii'ivantilo siiccis?--iiiult ihiiv, not go much to 111:1 In c t'xttii j.n tir on oods, I'tit to nell apiiti at :i jn'opiii-tiiitiii!' under yrkv, nnd with the "Knock-down Loic" of our uiiiiiiitcluthli. baraiiii", bwtcp ma. i'oin.etitinn lrointmr ji itlt tike the chair before the wind. Ve larnc.'-tl invite you to call timl e.xaniine our ; Is iiml jiriccs wlrch appeal with the l.tiruin clo(ticiice ot genuine hargaitis t) your suit intcrci-t. Recall your attention to the following "Trade Quiukeiiers": Trade Quickener No. 1. IJats at Half Price A complete stock of ileus' and J!os' lints, counted to us by V. .. L. (iib bon & i)o., wholesale bat house of Omaha, being the stock of one of their customers who tailed. We bought them tor 5Uc on the dollar and are pre pared to sell them at a proportionate under-pricc. Trade Quickener No. 2. Shoes at Less Than Cost, to Make $3,000 worth of Ludies', .Misse', Children's, Men's and Hoys' Shoes knocked down at auction to the high est bidder. We took the lot at about 40 per cent under the regular price, and tho price that we are ottering them at will be a great bid for your trade. We are also ottering in our Shoe Department 1, COO pairs of l adies', Misses', Children's, Men's and Uoys' Sample bhous, being the entire line of sam ples of shoes manufactured and carried by one of the largest wholesale shoe houses on the Missouri river Kirkendale, Jones & Co., of Omaha and we are ottering them at exactly factory prices. Trade Quickener No. 3. Underwear to the consumer at prices that other dealers pay. We buy our underwear in ease-lots direct from the mills, saving the middle-man's profit, and can sell it to our customers at the same prices that the western wholesale dealers charge the small country uciTer. Call or send for our prices on underwear and be convinced of the truth of this statement. We have opened up the store room formerly oc cupied by Brown & Barrett, druggists, so that we arc uowready to do business on a larger scale than ever, in our Immense Double Store building. Sec our Fall and Winter line of Dress (Joods and Cloaks before buying. We can save you 20 per cent in these two dupaittnents. vv mmiii neru a at nn 505 and 507 Main-St., Plattsmouth, Neb.