Tin-: vi:i:ki.v ii i:iiai.i: i'latismoitii. xi-isuaska, Novkmiikii it is2 FARCE m Y.0MQL05UE Two KoomU Productions tV City of Nov York. on:. 'Oj:: oniLi.' i-oua J - ru' in i : 1 1 1 N vi-wnsi' at H.al,.. il VI..", ' V ' .1 Li , i . " ' i l.l l i 'I ! ; i V - 'i O .'.n..U.,t 'i t . r.T.it ;ut p.,. (.'' ;:t .! I'.'ii'.c -.its m .1 .s!..i , .in' II '. I .-ill . i . ' i i in I i 1 1 Nav. I. Y' : I: c i! V I. ' ' i!. !v 1 ,'' y' I a fu e I "'V.",tl."l ' ,. n'i;i . n, ; , 4 " i 1 . U I. I I i' .. T'lli i Hi. lit I ill t Lent cr. T..1 1 y i -ail lo Law . j .... t i; y 1 1 " I ' I" ; i 'in-t I" I ; r I 'I I it I I I - ll,. 1 ,,! , , t - I.. I" IV. i I, !!.. li I' " ;.-..l'.y t'.i.J . i' " i " i r ' ' is i :s.:t I Hit: v. hi. !i ..;,( CM l.l I V I .i ir if I '." ;;l i at )' ' I l ;l i: I n; tiii-lit. li, -'i'MM h-ie inn. i,.i it i-:. . era t.n!i , I'm " ' 1 . (,'!'i it n, li .,'' is a i ;,n I . 1 Ml - i I i :. i f ...l. !,c M.l . ; I". i ! ' v : : , : a .1 a 1 1 la; i'., a-n i : - t, v, !. a. S: ., a, i.i ; n.- i : ' tin! ' i ' il i' In. , 1 1 1 i i:h, li , .. o' 1 1.'- i m . i.; I :...in.-. : m .-. I ,i I , ,il .ni V I y iniiinl. 1- ii'. i i to l.i-::i ; i 1 . i:: i ;.. ! .. '1' 1 ' 1 .,.l r l.i ,.i ,i i ., ''.it " 1. 1 Ii i' ii f ill!. fllllM . .1 I ill. I- ' i . ii.... ,i! I. , i . r i . , i- .'. ', . . ii h i . , f . I,.. 1 1 i pj i i m : n; '. i . ' . i"!i ' l.i A'n ' .. : ' t.ll- I , . H'lil I I i ' Cr.i ,. '.. 1 ; til 1 1 tl'. i- .1 I ' !. i- ?. i ' .IU II . f , vi-iiii Ir i ii Hit v..,- . i . . . H'-tP '.I I (lis ii ', 1 in : .Mr-.IN. ,.!: I . ; nvi I iui l.i .!. I ' fci'cii ivl - : T ',, n I In' ci. tun. i i i triT, I ln i r n :.i 4 i. ;. ': ; '; ; i i ; ' ii t I...' t i 'i . i i . i . 'i ii i 'ii! . i ! . il nl .1 i I I V 1 i, I ; ' ." i 'i...i;.i, .i.'t .. i 'i I - l i;,' I in- c (.if l !... I ..' ;i; i ' li., Hi if ill . . . i . . . ; ii i, i ,i ; ; t i ilui i' l' n .i I :i s u"t r- j 4 . f 1 .: . R!IWli)AN A Mli.H. O'ltKIKN, Ksg. takoti ttio rent lire mtKtit luive Im'i ii iiverivd. Hrtwtrif, It W nun h tti-lit r for tin' rnnsf p lilit. iinmii: in Arm-rtni th.it tliwtliinn wiw n H..U', (or tlie Ciwilio U t Iih liint (ililcn H-rliHiK tnibo wurlil fur tlif ini'iitiit inn dI oimthUa. All New York in lay over thp rrtnrn of tliis tn'autiful plmyuf niimse niciit tolls li'nitiiiuili iiMt-H Nov. U. tv lit-ti "The Fcnciutf MiiKtrr" will n-iiinnRiiriite tlie olil onlir of tliliiu'i. Tlio ndvfiit of m iiini ly litirnry iniwiiuto tlie Culii of ilrammin n-rititiu i, it lumM lip, a nmttvrof cmininiliitioii ltli thoso htnoiin wlm rciilly huvo tlio wtlfarr ef ihf AmtTicHn staj;- nt lnniil, for if urh man in fonnl to imissi-ss Kip "iiiHtitict of nitimtioii," as it, nmy N- calloil. luiriT tnin to ilivi'loi iuio h gooil plii) -wrlnlit, for tlie poworof iin-i'iitioii nml tlii' ability to ripresH hlntl.tuigbu In nuvful lunciiiijrH re ultvmly liin. The lomliiimtlon i of fonnw a rur oni, fur it U a fail, that wv rral of our mot. tiiKrcsful ilraniutic mi tbors nr nu n wlio Imvu m-nrri'ly an Idea as to the iiipniiini; of tin- word literatim'. Hut tlipy iiiakc money, anil hh thin in what most mortals cvrn playwriKhta are lift r they and the n)aniiir who produce their effiiHiona are not likely to look le ond the tlu'itrical iKironicti'r, whii h in ainoty-nlnc cusp out a liiindtvil In the box Aire. . . Ou the other band, tlin manarrn argtiv, nd it miiKt Imi ailniitted not without wnno how of jiiRtiee, that (heir experiment with rlay written by men trained to nar RiCllAUll liACIMNii liAVIS. l.itivp ivritii: ; have Ln'ti iHsasliou-'. They foint nl tlin!, !i('m liiei), while liiiliiini H'lvd li;.- hUi:;i liiiiiliiiinim, are able to write very fill I'lt.'.iiini'; lain, lull, lint ms .'mii.j lb" iiui' ilraiii.'itio iiitinit tiny i:in:ml. i:iH'ff-t itiuly ili'jii, t t in? ln'.st. pur limin of llirir v. nek by iiii'iins of living r i.'ii .u l i ri, mill v il li oi ly tln aid of nrii d inl t-' iu r H-ii t'ie iiifbt in-piiom pr icl ii t il 1'i'iiitiil Ilia f.int lights. This it lint rr.i-i'ti.iMi' alti r till, f r in n story the ra. id it's iinaciti.il i i hi ii tn.o of the ant lior'n ni'K-t iniiui l.inl nil!-, lierc'is on tlio M.iiio t be utnlieiK i' liiu-t .-co or hear every thing. Nulldug ut ail inu-t be taken for t'lillllcd. ,, v:? fcrcv: - v-' ( lit ii. in) li'.i.iiu D.ivi-' wiiiiiierliUiy I p.iiil.te sLelcb, ' The ItiM-epniablv Mr. I I.i-.iir.tti. r-'i tiils l.i'.ni;h' out in a ; rn rl a i li rai-er at lh l.wciini iliciitcr, Xi w I York, Willi Mr. K. II. Sntln ili as liea- m. Ii In a tiniti'iliiiic, an l I was iiiti-n-s'i -I ta ; l-iii.w wlicthcr Mr. Davis cmiM makii it1 l i; m.it it I'liiniii to be iiitcre-l ia.c. -iie-I ciiilly as 1 bad lii iird previnn-ly fioin a ' 'Ml nuthnitiy tiiat, heist,! v ri'p a play ' Tor .Mr. !-ni hern ba-t-d on hi- "Van liiiilu r" U.itih. I naiv "The Disci pntabl" Mr. Ilea van" us il.ti i ri ! il by Siiiieiii, and I venture t!e ili iln tii'ii tli.it Mr. Davii is ilestimd to lid (illie a ,l.iy v i i;;l.t ( f lint,', 1 1 is t ui'-ll is i!i I.e. lie, j cii ill treating ; ne'i an iiicv pM -ibly i'l'lcl ii .it e iiliji'i 1 as II. miii, jt'i 1 lliere can be no ni.iiim r of ilnnht as lo bis piii' ion of dramatic in'iin t i.f a l;K;h older. Aillinii'.'h "Tl.e Di-i-i piiiahle Mr. Iii ii'-ian" i , a i,i.,!i.ii. ;iii', il ci.nlains iimtH Mrilvin mi ua' inns ti:an many a curtain rai-a r i nii'In) in,' half a dnzen i har.n t, r-. Il I - ill ,1111,11 ,C 111 II, e l.i-l, ll'LTl'i', mi I tl,.. C I Hi.j'ri -Mi.ii i re, ill . .y yr. )avi ; inn nan i ii in i M m ;,;e s i iii; mis -ecwil In via l t'ie . 1 1 1 1 1 : n;iii t,li' f. r so'iieih i i ; inure ".'ol r.-teli'd." i'S I l.e f'nii y im.'iii ..ty-, f loin Ins j, i n. ',oi I H I-'' v ill t hi'i'i i ,,i t. Irf' n i y it i d wiib im it e-t . (If Mr. Sii I, it n's net im,' I tei.'1'it that tin le is liti e io l. K;id in coaiim nd .' ...a. 1 l.l.l he In ,1 ill I e 1 1 1 1 1 1 , .( 1 til 1 1 1 ' I v 1 1 . r I 1 1 , . I ' i . , I ' si lei t dialect his iM'casioiril ap-i-s il ! o I I n I I. il i i , 1 n 1 1' I 'i-'ci jit vi in Id lint, have been HI Ilia I la d. Mr. S"i helTIl i'lelii Iv I', ad. , I H limiial inn i'l i his din cli'.n a h i son I to hide il ly IM I ild I a 1 1, i n anl f n n to i. ' I'.i -1 1 1 ii:--'. m i ..mpatiied hi' lni".'iius ni t ,. l.i ( k of l.i- Mint. I'.ut ti.e t-1 . i : : i s e.?,s ndiaii.'l.le, in d n,.!, i by this a'id In. r. all i c" ;,.,i'. i ' mi to ma ' e a, c,r. ', ; t,'. I he I i ! ii- dil" Mr S 41k! i - j rnfi'lal" " M . l .1 I !" '.' !' ! '. ;, I forcible. 'I ni-. acli.r i -. iril.iovin ' r .. . r. j Tl hi- (,'. II I l a of I i.il . .,1,1 i'.cii. ii;-, a ; ' i- i l.e I "ali v r, : i ,ii',' i el if t he n,.iu la, i '.- j I. .'una 1 1 -ii.-, v !.! li li ive telidi d to n, 1 1 I ,' j "" .. I ,Vi i aii .'.'i i i' -. a i ivt i. ii, I he a r I. or . I "I ..!'! .1.1 !.' I,-," Went In ; , l I f.'-V !.'.. s ran Im ,1 In r 1-1. ,v, "I 'i n I .'' I" .' '.. r. - r ! 'i ! I. of I ! I 'o-u,;i ihh-.tiih, ' i : be I i. ..Hied al an i.'l d ..v. .da-. : ' ,- '. '! a, o to. ..U . ,' . a' ci I aa i . . 1 l ill., I - I ,. i vinin til,,': i I a ', a , ; I er id. a vi c;: i 'a I n t r j: I '' d v. I 'oil'." ". a;.i ', t.-.i . ' i ,'' "i I i :.; " i- I ,i. a i . I' it i ., ,: . ''! I -il s ,', ,',j, .!,' I !l '. li'li I , l.nl in l,i-v in 'it - : .c: . It h ' -IT I e i'i',i"!';-V' '1.'!.. ia i i Hi I a- a i!r . ; i a i e and -on a'--. " .' i i i. i a .' i. ' i s I c t a !'(.-.' ' 1 I. . , e ! i.-ii-i I 'ml fin i V '..in I.. . -.rl l...i ' v I I . . .' i - '"ia " 11 b.'i - I- a ia i , d t" !! . Till i'l'd I la1 -.'Ml.' 1 1 I'" la - j."-.,, i'li l.l 1 I 1, v,-; . :'sn'" Ami I ' I :VV a! o la -.I'd llaa 1:! I ' una : I a- I' ! la I r 1 . , i 1 -. r ' 1 n i'. in r I ' 1 a..- ..r a j.';,, iau .' 1 . . Mel i 1 1 Id '- I . a ! 'Il I 1 .1 . ! V ' In- HI ', ' "I I ii T 'i,e 1 1 I'i 1 , i 1 ' I'i.-.c i . , t i 'ai.a 11, 0 . 'nine 1, a ni '....', !. a ; . (1 l 1 v 1.1 1 'ii.,, ;. r'ATic r;rrr.:-. Il'in or-; ih: t. ,i'a la h in v. ill -' a- In 11 ' on cadi i .1 i i r s lie.' l-i, I1 Ti ll sin,". I" ; snlni. vai n ly of form, .'nhn Drew '- suae s ,-i r t.iiliiv is ilav.lin;;. I'l. IV M. (Ii'.i lie is id. nut Hie bii-'i.'M of the (Icainuiic niitlinin just now. He it v.r'titi a new M'cnnil act for William 11. (j aiu-'.s play, "l'"or Money," a libretto foi a loiiiie op' i.i to l e presented in San 1'ian ci-co and a farce enmedj. Henry K. Abbey will b.ive bis hinds full nct ticnsnn. ( 'mini tin and dime ll.tdiin;, with 11 l'rcntli company; Moll net Sully, the lainoiiH tr.T.'elian of the Coineilie 1'ran itiIm', with iinoLlierorani.alinn of l'rench plajern, and Henry Irvine:, with 1'lleii Terry mnt Ida l.yiinm I'onipiiny, iviJI ml tour the I'nited Stuttw nnihr bin nmnnp metit. Mnima .Inch will be absent in Knrope for three yearn, liniii! which time she will Mng In oratorio and concert ns well n in opera. Aatiet llerndnti wants a new comedy ilrnmii. Here i a eliance for ambilinim plnyrinbti I'arU 1ms lost one of it most popular comedians In the person of M. Danbr.iy, the favorite comic nclur of the I'alai Hoy nl, who di(sj recently at the ape of fitly five of acute hrotn hitiu. Mi-s. Jatnn Ilrown J'otter and Kyiln Hellew will next turn their attention In Dumas' "Demimonde," which will be put Into l'.ti;liKh for them by l,ouixe Iinoceu (luitiey, of Host on. It will lie MUs li.ii ney'11 Iirt.t eesay in the dramatic field. Lawrence Marntm linn invented a new rcheme for advertising Lillian Iowls in Ida new play, "Lady Lil." Kvery one who in to the tlipater tfceivenadoll iiiKrtvn tiglits and tarletou, Maid to be a reproduction in miniature -of Mialwi id i,b(uipv.arK in the play. A brewery "in full working order" in the tieweht proml.-e of teality on the Mage, II. ia to lie introduced in a play, "The Old .JtiX," which HntUe Harvey i to take 011 a tour by and by. lloito, the opera libretto writer, having been re( nested tu contribute lo nn album, inKcriltftl thin aentenee on the pane: "F.bro e Otel, ma Amleto 11 orlie" (Drunken U Othello, but Hamlet ia mad). The chief point of iuteriHl alxiut it apparently in that it apel la the same whether you rend it forward or backward. Kmma Nevada will make her reappear ance in London this fall during theim tutnual season of Italian opera at Covnnt fiurden. Lillian Nordlen will return to America on Nov. 30, and will go on 11 concert tour Under the manugcini'iit of Mr. l A. Kills. Misa Fanny Davenport may possibly ap pear aa Lady (lay Spanker and as Nancy Hykesin "Oliver Twist" next season. Gilbert and Siilllvirn'M Comedian, (ieorge (M-oastnith who recently arrived In New YitL from Lnglaud, has for many years lH'i n known as (MUx-rt and Snlli- ran'a comedian," for the reason t bat lie created most nf the comedy rliaractera in liie uc(cssful (iiicnis Wliltcn ly 1 hat remarkable linn coliaborati tir '.ii'oin ii h u.ive Dp ti.e .-!,Tv.e .1 few .Mars lln I I .M'ciMiie an enl'-r-.ailier, and ii is tn ,iur-uo llii.a nn v- tioti that be ba. mine In Ann cm. 1 ''"lad' (.bnasvilll. He is a i i v small mun, with a very lnrj;e Income lU'iiwd liumlhe jiulicin'.is u-o of nia risible cM it in:; pun efs, not the least of ivbieli I- his remarkably ( omie face. Cros uniili will l e:,'in operations in New York, nfur which be will probably visit the I.Tr:;o cities of Anicrhh. Ilia wife and Ibeir half dozen children all boys ae tumpany Lini ou Ida travels. i' I A A Tk r 1 -i.'.-' 0 aitS, ' v 1 '' a''.-" -:V, ' i-vX! ( v , THtY L-AI IH GAMBLERS. Hon 11 iuTc ni I ,ieii il. no Hi , I (It ( 1. , I line. The linn of l'.iidi i .liihti-.n, New Or-lean-, cohm-i-. (I tan of t j,,. Mliarte-t Msnls in t.,e I'nltul Slat (re.it was the n-loiii Im eiil, thcivtor", when t an j Wl 1 1 I'H'nte ilt l.l ill Winn I, 111 vinj; pur W'Pininis Mieki'.-s dropped i.iiu taMr place j chusi'd niili'iire property in that Hn.iy 01 i .1 u 1 aT 1 a 1 1:, e t . 1 11-1 11 ill ihhi . cat ri'il oil :l 1 .1 "ii 01 laell inol.iy. lietl. LoUfver, it ua-di-i nvei'id 1 iiiii tne alleged i- !'', .fi ; a- -.,...' ,j-;,l;id,V,., Si ri .1 a iti Tit: mi ,:, sniki-is mic "i'a'ai .ii.l.n" : nd .lack Nolan, of Ciiru.iinu (and any other city w-l.i f" plavin:; ii live!', ), t be : .or: ia fra In nil v imiiii diati !y cot over t In I r a-lon-idiiiiiTil. but, . c re Vary 1 11 rim;- in l.i.mv lioiv il. was (hiae, NoI.tii went in a day or I wo ia ndvanci' (I I he coup and .!a;.i. :i .ajii.ne name, la ilnim; mi he ill nacii d I he weight and si.'.e (if 1 he ii ice .''lid I he . il ate mai ks on I hiT.i, fin In-in, , bis il l liel' c.lllie .c, ili d. 'J i,c "Ilai.'n" In.-I (!,;t( ill Mrai'iit pbiviio'. tla 11 Ihe 1 1 1 I'll caihe, mid t lie "i lis" ijt! : :' 1 1 .1 T alicid. A l I.TI.iTT' ( .'line in, bin ha lo-l full , d lil.ll -, W l.lia 1 la! l!i" C IT'.ia n d to will. Ir, w.i , a 1 ivtcrv, airl tla 1 - 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 , i 1 i "Tia y J ill in aix end ei. ..I i.i. 1 ;" 1 iy 1 '.'. ; ; 1. 1 and so it ., ilioii.jll .i-. iiaal e: j.i Us Were Natiim, fail all 1 1." 1 iiti . 'i'i.e 'VI:; nd ci '.! " ai , t !ie !,:udc-t ill, a ia H. ' v .11 id in 1 1. 1 I. ', 1 , v Lie I 1 1 1 .1 . , IL- i" ! tv d 1. " I.., ;.i.. III!. -1 u ii,, tin 1 'Tli'l-. H:' -'...I'll' 'ia bur,' loll I ia y v ii I I at' 1 I" i . . . I it i lil. ti: 1 tines I ia,-, ! 1 : : y oi la I- 1:1,, 1. 1, -. , al- In.-; .,!, other pi, -ai' Ii" v no 1:'". ,'nel I In a. Die e in a I ! it. ivi.ia- 1 11 'i,l 1 !! v. 1 ell and ci.i; ,, I "I I I." k i. .- li I t Lit it l.i Vis i ! y I I'- b r. "1..1-. ' i i'l MiiniM I, di.ii' t 1 I : ' 1 1 . '! ..I . ' nf lii id- 1 (ii. e .. - .- p . -1 1 i 1 - a ' 1 - 1 1 I ' 1 -! 1 - ' " .i ii. a-, i-i ,i i,, , v . . on . . s i' , - 1 s I I 1 il.c I be ,, ;, , i ' 1 i . Vi - V . .- 1 ' ... 'y "I'' a ' I I-.' I "- .'"""' f il ''. . .'. 1 ili.,,.." 1 inlo !:; I; ,". f ! 1 e'.'i i ; ,. ,! 0,1', il,.. ..,. . :, ila . i la 1. I I 1 I '.',' l.i ,. I.j ,,1 I ' la ; t 1 b- iti:. ,;.,.; 1. . A t r -!.t) , ; . i, Il III.! . :'' n ii ; . ! j, . "'.d." I .. I l-l i,... a t, v: bun ii. 1-; . a i l.i 1 la . I,. : in I t . ri ,'. : ,':, i .., 1, i ' a 1 t i : ' i I' I ,.'-.- -1 ' 1 aw,.)' ' .1 il tl," evil, 11, -e. Adla.'i.'.l v ' I i !..i n : I - 1 : ; ,, ' r.i in, l.,n ii i 1- I' l!' I" il 1 lb ,:i. v. : 1 i .. : i- , 1 1 !' '. 'l I" .a IT ' s V. I,.;-, but Ilia i" ... , a a 111 a : a ; 1 ' 1 n be r a", 1 ' a I '-I' 1 J V, im 1. 1 . "': '. I ."I la l.i I 1 a "1 . '.,! in:," I a ll V, .'!,, - I f llo l:..' 'II.-ip way 1- I" ia-; the 1:1 1 a l.l'.-:. 1 . ii -' .. ' I'.-; criij ii' ;, p. 1 on c in I .1:"' I 1 t ill.. ' V I'll e face Up w ai I 1 -.cry tin e I- lia a 01v.it ai'iaiila :e, ii- it p:i van's I i.i lina lainuln cr.-pi 11 nd .nii.s l.iia a i-'i ' 1 c I n 1 1, to.,- si vi 11 m (bun. Tin-tb: ,i. ;,: ; i f I he five iau be done l y "peel. a) in '." One V ,'V tn (1.) t his IS to bn',1 ;!,. d. ! (, tweeii the lirat and iivinnl jnints of tla little filt,'er, wall (he live f .cinu the in side of the hand. 'y a ipiick nioiemriii the die (an be thrown into the air, but. in stead of rolling it will spin, and the five will remain fan; uii'.vard. That is the Minnie way, it 11 1 it is 1,1-ily delected by tiny one familiar with the trick. Another VMiyisto hold it between the first three fuiKcra, wit Ii I he live facing I he finger. This can only be don- nfii-r weeks of practice. RACING WITH A TRAIN. Die lli'iimrliiit'li' li.ii-s nf a Sn III Vi inijeil fUlmll. Tin pi: .on'- II u'iii ia 1 i marvel of nat ural hist '. Piai oea have been killed in the fa.-ia,. , !-, (I ail i.'.ili-.s from the nearest ihe I'"'..'- v :M '.uca rice in their crop." Mid man - d. Ii is matter of emirse that ihe ex. 1, ion o! rapid fiinl delayeil dineai ion, y, i ll.cv must Imve traveled near sixty miles an hour. Like other birds, 1 la y llv for -oii.e dellni'd purpone us a rule, Inn il is evident that like most other minimis, hoys included, they often do their best ju.-i for the fun of it. Such, no doubt, is the ease with that while pigeon which was at, first looked on ah a "hoodoo," but ia now regarded aa n "mascot" by the crew nf a train (No. A fast) running U'tween Richmond, hid., mill Marion, O..OU the N. V., 1'. and O. It. It. One film mortilni; in October this pigeon nurprised the en w by flying nlonn just in front of the engine and almut on a level with the hcHilliht. liywayof ehanjie it ' 1 ii 3s ii I'liiKoM AM) I.MllSK. would lift, il.a body in tin; nir, and if by chance it Hunted over the top or the smoke Mack tho force of the exhaust of steam woiiui scnu it - Heavenward lasler than 11s; wings could take it, and it was powerh -s j torcsist the momentum. Not him; daunt nl. ' it would instantly resume Us plan- ,il the! head of the fast flyimj enuine, its swiii ' winits keeping en.-y pace with the npni i revolvitii; drivels. Tlie bird evidently liked 1 In .'an and kept it. up day nf;. r day. The crew I by. : oulbitsof bread In alirail ii - al ! eiil i. .n: ; it ii:e Ihe blTfil, but lc-n ,,'.,-,! 1: , l.n , once. Two m-i h-o!' tl,:- u.ai'e s..;ne of lac beys siipcla I il l.ni a bll on 1 , ,11 i-ia-; tbe oraclea tin y loinni 1 1 :! a nia - .-., t ways means i;i od Ini !, , :: ml u cv iiiTi: And at last ai conn'- tin- l ini 11.1 witii t bein. A tlead .H.il.lirr- !' !,.. A limn;; 1 1 e 1 '11 ; n s a I .-I Irl .at llaa battle ot I'baii, .-!:, n --, I ., v. ... .!,-.,, (. lohli-ou, a ineinb. r of the N .. ! a-, n Incut popularly kn ei n n- 1 )n 1 ; , :i's aiua 1 Ill Ss", I'.M'aiy i.nir yea:'. .a.'iT I (: I ,,:- lliere wa- In. 11 id 1 a ! he h,-l-i a -,i, . ' i l.i.,1 . with an i i' -ir i j e ii a 1 (a 1 i'l-- I . t i . 1 ...., ;. that it bad been i-nen to .i..',i.-,.u by a dyitr,' Hint her. This i-l. :. -i,:i-i nlie i preserved ut the hea l i, 11 .it . 01 tin- iiui' yea zouaves. i WEtPING WATFR ITEMS. Vv'ei'l'ili liter MukIp. V. V. Dav is liiiH unlit liis farm to lu'.i I ridlier, Juhu D.ivi-, iTnisi'lor:! tirin, Tii.iM I. Mr. ILivis mi l futnilv v i 1 1 i A I out thirl v (.I tlie friends iind h' lliadiil.lti'.- of M i.-.a licubill M ill k- li.nii rniiii' in an I took licr ly siir-pri-i' 011 l'ite-(l.iy eveiiiny. It wan a farewell vi-it ;is Miss H.'iila ijin t. Iow ii lo live. The v illiii' if K.ile lias ii six footi il kilt.'ii. lis owner, L. lliiii'l r.u'k, l oot.Tiipl.m's Hai'liti"' in ihe show Im -1 nr. liiia woiiil'.'i fill Kil t a tn I a- tin ti . in, (1. nil ,11 id ins lie tilt.' 1 al i,i'.-s ill Holt line. Jini'i' 1 -' . 1 iti - of 1 lilt li-anoillli .-hoiild In- iiiilii-it'il 'or "i tiu-lly lo illlilll.lis." I.n.-t wcekil K'ork I Hull's 111. in, sniiii'w bat ;nl aiiii'il in vi'iifs, wanted a piT inii lo wed ,1 widow in h i - Ii a'.il :ly. Tills sain.' ui-imv, by lid Irian!.-, 1,,,, ; an .1 j .j ,i ia.r nm in 1 1. b 11 v li t s i ii .j 1 1 ,- , 11' 4 :.; 11 ,1 1 1 1 ..1 . i I . ii' li";", wl.cn I'. V. a! di w.uin-.l t'i joli id i.i I i . 1 ; 1. 'I' I 1 I' a 'id liiii'ii' lo I 'i in a . a; 1 1 , ! 1 i ii- nn Ic -:. In- 1.1 11. I'l "' r ii;.i iTiial in mil . ; i y I'l-- .-;-o..l .1 1 llillt dl:- 11! I 1.' .. 1 a , ! I.' j ill I .- 1 ...0 . ti . 1 oil - I-i 1 --''.',' . ' a i I I : :i ' !..' i a ! . .. 1 1 u'i' ' i 1 1 :. i a l.l ,1 - l-l .1,1' : id 1 a 1 : 1 i : ' 1 1 1 1 1 : i . p. . 1 1 1 I V, :,,, i.r .1 . 1 , 1 .til ni : . .11. 1 I I" in .. .i,: a a t" 't'i'i'i T J ' 1 I I I I V, . I . - I I 1 1 . l.-.vit iVo.ii :iia 1 I'ii lie : i . ,- l.l .,, O ' II i io t il oi, a all 11 i- i-i i t''i'ci-'i li..l. o: !.. 1, I liv e 1. nu. i-il i'-.-s ji.ii'l C'. '..'.- ,n I'aa . .1.1. na ta i". a :,'-i I . ,!. in ( Moc :nn;l i ; 111. lata-; J i'iii v' V. a! -.mi's i.iajor- II 1 1' All cniiot v , ;. U. M. l'M.ii Vi,"i , Co. L'trr:;. II MI UI ,nw-s 0?VICMT i,3i A fcrti-tj of dullness, languor, ami (i'ire i: ion means that your liver isn't 1ii its part. That iuoans iinpiire blood, to uegin with, ami all kinds of ailments i;i tho orul. Hut you can stop them in advance. Dr. Pierce's (lolil'-n Medical Discov ery invigorates tlio liver, purifies anil enriches the Mood, and rouses every orqan into healthy action. It pre vents and circs ail diseases arising from a torpid liver or from impure Mood. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, .Bil iousness, Scrofulous, Skin and Scalp Diseases even Consumption ( or Lunij-sciofula), in its earlier stages, all yield to it. The makers of the "Discovery" claim for it only what, it will do. They guarantee "that it will do it. If it fails lo benefit or cure, in any case, they'll return tho money, Nothinn; else that claims to purify tho blood is sold in this way ; which proves, no ma'.ter what dealers may offer, that nothinjj else can be "just as pood." Therefore, uon t accept a Kubstitute. 1 1 1 r -1 1 Bu HUALTtU LL, AGKbtiAI'LU, CLEANSING. For Farmers, Miners and Mechanics, A PERFECT SOAP FOR AlXAll WATER. Curc3 Chafing, ChaprcJ Hands, Wounds, L'urns, Etc A DcliKhtfal Bhauipao. WHITE RUSSIA SOAP. SDCcia'ly Adapted for Use in Had Water 1. mmm Autumn Overture Leaders in the MAYER & I'LAYING To LOW - Showing Bargains THAT CANNOT Any of Quv 3 Cur;i ! I I 111 ' ! ) t I ......... J d'oiii 1 1n- civini oi' 1 h i Nov,' V Di'iv ( ':i .'in liojiin 1 m : i Is. 1 ti- din- I''.!, in-Jim 1:1 lniiicil to l;ir,v M'U-ft.-.i :i. ck .!' Mc;:'s, Key.' mid Cliild- rCilo Cla'iiiil.''' "i r -.)'.! in t!i';.s m irkd. Wc ilCC'M ll ' .!! fin' Yr-.rir Trir-nr.nf.irvn nf iho. rvhow. finnfls It he a p't ji-iiff Jur in k slunv vmi 'll(iW Uvrv (idi.ii!.- VVhether You UNDERBUY AND UNDERSELL, J T1IKSK two words cpitoni.n tlie, whole phil osi.pliy ol tiiercantilc Hiccess imilrrliuy, not eo lunch to make extra profit on funds, but to sell a,'ain nt a rijH)rtioiinte under price, and with the 'Knock-down Logic" of our iinmatcliable bargains, sweep Abb competition trom our path tike tlieTcliafl' before the wind. We earnestly invite you to cull and examine our goods and prices which appeal with tlio burning eloquence of genuine bargains to your tell intercbt. We call your attention to the following "Trade Quit-keiiers"': Trade Quickener No 1. Hats at Half PriceA complete stock of Mens' and 15ovs' hat?, coneigned to us by W. a. L. Gib bon & Co., wholesale hat hoiifc of Omaha, being the Biock of one of t heir customers who failed. We bought them for 50c on the dollar and are pre pared to tell them at a proportionate undcr-price. Trade Quickener No. 2. Shoes at Lees Than Coyt, to Make $3,000 worth of Ladies', Misses', Children's, Men's and J'oys' Shoes knocked down at auction to the high est bidder. Wo took the lot at about 40 per cent , under tlie regular price, and tlie price that wo are ofl'ering them at will be a great bid for your trade. We are also olfering in our Shoe Department 1, 500 pairs of Ladies', Misses', Children's, Men's and Hoys' Sample shoes, being the entire line of sam ples of shoes manufactured and carried by one of the largest wholesale shoe houses on tho Missouri river Kirkendale, Jones it Co., of Omaha and we are oflering them at exactly factory prices. Trade Quickener No. 3. Underwear to the consumer ut prices that other dealers pay. We buy our underwear in case-lots direct from the mills, saving the middle-man's profit, and can sell it to our customers at the same prices that the western wholesale dealers charge, the small country dealer, ('all or send for our prices ou underwear and be convinced of the truth of tins statement. Wo have opened up the store room formcrlv oc cupied by Urown k Uarrett, druggists, so that we are now ready to do business on a larger scale than ever, in our Immense Double Store building. See oi ir Fall and Winter line of Dress Goods and Cloaks before buvinir. We can save von 20 hoc cent, in these two depat William Heroid & Son, 503 and 507 Main-St Plattsmouth, Neb. THE Clothing Trade, MORGAN I Till-; Tl-.N IC OF FK-IO.'lTiS UK M A TCI I i.i HY Competitors- Cllill III K' il i 1 vifl.-i'l milk' "in ii-'.'i 11 ii ViVVllVii,- j ' I i;l iii'di'.icl 'ires of I. ill i HP'iv . W lii.'ll ", c ;iiv!i;i-r:s c iiiTi'1 1 ';ii-i'!i;i-r ( ; ( 'idinl v i!iii licst i'l :' " 1 It i'' I'd .'. t Hdl-i. 1 Purchase or Not. hnents. j - - r t V i 1