I'. I. ... i; ! . . .1 r i- t ' i ' 1 - J ' ' ' - ' ' ' IT -:,-,-t' ' I'll r.l I . . mi : en,: i t . ' ?IM ' I ' 1 iri'- ,! . i Nil M I.I i" I I . , .i . . Ik; imi " '. a ' : ' ll.irOlll-'.ll' li I !' .1' tvefl Kil l iii it 1 1:, .in i will) iiiil .imi .no- ! 1 .1' . , . ; ,..i . t i .. i.l i i i j i i 1 1. 1 ,i ."i hi 1 i i.' IX ill i''l' '. Tin full i K ii'.i.n i iy ernil, liini'iiiL; tin- l.-i !-- till ll.llllV .llnMl', SlM- .')lll, (Jill, .mil "ill. II if t il nig In ! H- .imi iiiite CO 111 x ill Iff1" " l' ,N' 1 ,"llr,' the Minium nucli ill'- Atkii.tii- room but a Mii.n l l. mli l iy xviiuer ut-cil not . fiir'i i.-"', 1"! en t uml lOili, ric.iti mrii' I ! run tiiieiit 'nun west i ia-1. Aliuut tilt lutliii xwiim ir.u ti. ii. ii y iniivi' tni'iil will net in Mil'. I llit" xve.-l, liririK'iii: In txvrrii tin-Slili mul l.iili, till.' let'ljliit' MIHIIM illnl Cll.lllL'lH l all tiait.t if ('i)iiulry. '"M liu-ly vxT.itlior wul In- lA-.nirl Hove ihi-llirli:iii(-'-H, :niil li; In lit': i lilci.im'i' of tiir next lejjnlur utori'i perm I. AlmiJt tin: l.'illi, iiinrltiil iniliea tiotii of active, iiiituiiinul KtoriiiH will appear in tlie wohterii pin t uf our continent. Warmer wc.itlier, ialliti l-iiioiiirtor, 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 i ly viniln uml Kiflcniii j fkit-H will nil unite to mlmoniVh tin? fjiitlii-i iu hoi'iiih. Tlie equinox of Mercury id on tlie ;jlt, tlie new moon in m tin l'.lth, anil tin; 'limber fiuye of the rejiiilur period are tlie 17th, lMtli ami l'Jtli. Northerly ttcclion: will Iihvi? tin early opportunity about them; ilsilen to nee whether ruin htorrns tin n to niiiw or Kleel -i:tpe"i illy isleiit tit tlic Mercury equinox in winter. Very hijjh oaaterly alo.-t from the Atlantic will meet the utornt dc prerfsimiH an they move from the went nt this time ami danjjerouH northwt'Hterly fjalon, especially over the the lake reiimn, will wind up the perio'l. nii'l uglier in upon near ly the whole I'l'Miitry a v.uld wave tut; Uit Heasou. Make a note of Hiim prediction, l'uiicttire it with wine planning and action, uml it in not fuUilled you can laiih at our ex peiine. The prohabilitieH life that warmer weather, and return to .liarp itutiiiiiii.il etonns will iCHiilt Ik. m aliuut the 'J'.'nd to Zllh. U'e newed boreal blant will weep down trom the north anil went heliiud theMC reactionary HtoruiH, iiiHiirin; cold, fronty weather in the days and tiiht lollowin. up to the last period of November. lict ween the 'ill! h and .Oih is a a regular and inarmed period, hav. mi.' the 2th astits central dry, re inforced by the uiooii'h first quarter on the 127th. book for many severe wtorins, enpeeially over the north ern lakes at thin period. Consult the danger days, US to 30th, and be ready for whatever may Jdevelop. The loss of life and property on our urewt lakes, and exposure and suf fering generally on laud and sea, in such autumnal storms n are probable at this time, has often scented impoverished and cruel to as. ( 'ifiiiTiil cold, with considerable frce.iti"- northward, may be count i d on for the closing of November. World's Fair Souvnnlr6. The worlds lair souvenir coins are "going like hot cakes," and those who want to eel oiic m more of them will liae to bestir theiie selves or tlu'V will ! ton late. The desire for one ul thnwc mementos of the exposition seems to be al-nio-l as univris il as is the interest in the exposition itsell. and orders lor them havr hern sent in Irom all parts ol the I'nited Stales adn also trom tnivign countries. This souvenir half dot l,u, it is ? ported from 'Wa.-hingloii, will be the most arlislie coin ever issued trom the mint. n the obverse side will appear the head of ( 'ol null u designed from the I. otto portrait, and fiui oiiiidio n it the wolds. "World's ('iiliinibiaii Kx posit i n, t'hicago yJ." On the re erse side will appear a caraval n-presenting ('oliimbiis' II, ig ship and beneath it two heinisphercs. A box e the car avel will be the I'mled Stales ol America, and beneath the luemis pliel'i . "Columbian H ill Dollar." There is no doubt that this emu will be regarded .is the most dis. tinctixe and highest pri.ed cheap souvenir ol the world's lair. A II of these sot ix en ir coin.-, except live, are being sold at a uniform price of one dollar each. For the first coin struck o'.f SUM .u has al ready been otlereil. and prices have been'bid lor the UHh, 1 mi, IVI.M aud the iMMt coin. Loiring that : , ', i . i I ji ii Hi ll fi .nn .7) o U.'i.h".l of tl.eco..: .i .', A it il- I ,i l ; 1 1 J 1 1 ; - I in -e i .1 : . ' ,,,1 . ll IX e bi i ll x ii !e! )' I .'I bl '! , : 1 : i .. l uge 11 11 mber of tilt 11 irie-1 by l -i !i liai been leccived. ;it !' p i rim headquarlei's asking hoxv the coin may be obtained, l'he lier l v,iy 1 togct them through local banln, ai . of which are no ihnibl willing li accomodate in that xvay their p.n ions and the residents of the city 01 toxvn in which they are doing busi ness. I f hoxvever, for any reason ii is desired to obtain them otherwise the jiroper inethod is to form aclnb of HiibHcnbers. for lilly coins, m H.mie 111 11 1 ti 1 It.' of fifty, aud select Home one member of 111" club to hi nd on the onh r nii'l money ami o (lirttributi: tin; coiaa xshca it: ct ived. ( )rdern should he addressed to A. F. iieeberger, Tna.-uier World's (.'oluinbian Kxpasiiion. Chicago. It ia prohiibly that the coins will not be ready for distribution until some time in December. Hul the oitlers art; being Bent in rapidly ami will lie filled in tho order of beingieceived. Therefore it in im portant that all xvho desire, coins should put in their order.- a soon s possible. Kll.l.hl) lllN.SKM' WIIII.i; Utl.NTiNti. Wiujiik, Neb., Oct. :;i.-John Wit le, a well to do farmer of this county, aged about :;M years, acci dentally shot himself Sand. iy after noon. He was out hunting along the creek just above Swan City and undertook with the butt of his riile to lift up a fMh pole tin which a lish was caught. The weapon was dis charged, the ball lodging in the groin. He only lived about two boors An Annoylnif F.rror The jnorning papers announce in a dispatch dated at Charleston, South Carolina, that there is danger of the loss ol that state to Cleveland. It wns discovered that a serious error had been made in the printing of the demo cratic electoral tickcls in the state which will result ,in the entire elec toral vote bring thrown out on ac count of illegal tickets if the error is not corrected. As it is the tickets have been in the hands of tin: elec tion commissioners and county committees for some time and have been partly distributed. It ,is hard to tell what proportion of the ticket that has been sent out from the Btate committee headquarters are illegal. Most of those heard from are a sixteenth of an inch too long some too small and some too large. The In vv says that they must be a2a inch in si,e. Secretary Tompkins has ortlered the printer to print new ones at once. He says he can not tell hoxv many of the illegal tickets have gotten into the hands of the voters, but they were all dis tr'ibuled 11 week or so ago. lie has sent out notices to each county chairman and all the commissioners ol election, ami does not think any harm xvill come from it if they act promptly ami engreticaSly. Mr. Tompkins fails to account for the error, Wweping Water Notes Krom the KukIi-. It is the hope of everybody in Cass county that Kichey Hros, will solve the geological fact so long in dispute about the existence of coal in paying quantities in this state. The outcome of their investigation xvill be watched with much interest. 'Mr. M. Kennedy has been a sub ject lor expert medical treatment during the past week, when she was operated upon tor the radical cure of inguinal hernia. Dr. J. II. Hun gate, assisted by Dr. Theo. laving, stun of I 'bittsiiinutb, per funning the operation. x hich up to the pre sent lime bid- fair to be. a success. I 'pat the count) clerk's ofiice of Lancaster ooiint x' they have on ex hibition a -pei-tnien ballot from Chicago, ami it i something of 11 1 uriositx . is it is three ami one-hall leet long and two I eel ami one inch xxitle. The tlilleient tickets are printed separately thereon side In side and under appropriate head ings, the democratic columns com iug first and the n publican Column licit. . ' ' I.. -1" J-'-.-j 'i 1 '.. r 1 , t..V tiif il".-'' i;.,,s, i, i ; t I i:m I lt':n II r i! MlfWl, III I" XVi.' . Il .' -J liVIIIJ Hi, !.,) I ,t;j ;. . . i!o mi Imimr 1 ....a . ,t.': 1 urn Iiin u! 1 ft 1, inn :, to flat sidiject of "- piracy. Tin-ir b V-"'- a IiiiIb KiliiminT rat: lit huvt-i'liiLf slniiittho rtmt. of Califnrniii uml linlisli Ctiluniliiii wliiuh U naiiicil tlie lUlcxoii, uml wliirli is tliDiiirhi, with ai(i.iri-nt ly K,MH' ri-ilsniiH, tn Ijh i iniiliiyeil la tlie ojiililn blllllL'ulill I 1,1 ll 'I'liefia l'lani iwo liiipers Hpnk of lur hs 11 pinilc t.,), lint, the ii iiId w ho have cli.'iiu'i-of e Ihileyoii luiiilly enme ii tn tho tlWiiiitiuii of piraie even as ixea tj the iioiiiarl isan iliitimiiiiy. bike ei-r iiin Kent li-maii x ho limt d in the "lale i n ileasiinliirss," ell tliey lusk In to bo I ft nlone. They 1 Icim- iiolitxly, lint we ofn-u cliasnl, the mlx-niiliigo tleriveil tl en from iircruinn chiflly to the revniii: oHieiiils of ChihuIii or the Cniletl States if they ell'iTt 11 1 apliuv. Si ill, no far, not hing sewus to Imve tiei ii iio-.iil iiiiinst. the vi-shtl except Unit dii) bintlls of opium, jiijiI that her tiipiiiin isHU iiiiihiiihteil li.ir. When the Jin lit W;i sei -eil at Vletorin, li. t! , Um othi-rtlay, tho iiiKhnrii.ies asked Skipper Jiiiiu s Collins, who was in torn niaml " Wheru wi re you Umiulr" "To the north Ktius," ho replied. "What for?" "MllllUllK." "HiuitiiiK what?" "Ducks." He also explainntl that he had Item driven Into the port of Victoria by nlxtss of weather. Unt ahhouxh the olliciuls eoul l find no Kooti re.iMiins for holding him nail Iiin composite crexv of Chinese, Japanese Mini Yankees, they learned that since the arrival of the craft the price of opium had pone tlowu, anil therefore lined him fSOOon Kennrnl principles, which he cheerfully arecd to pay, and is noxv practically in pos.ses.si. m of the freedom of the city. Aud this, fonxxitli, is hitter thgr piracy. It Ik ainti-miK to think of an opium Kioug gler Ik-iii tenni'd a pirate, and then to read of the deeds of thohe dead and k me wort tiles who were in the pir.ite business "for keeps." Away ha;:k in the old days, when lireece was divided into little war rini; republics, nearly every galley Unit was rowed ox'cr the wnvesof the Knelt" or theeasiern Mediterranean was ft pirate in the same hi-umi that Kuropean nohlmeu of the Mifldln AKenvtero ofU-n robbers and thieves. That was an ae when mi, 'lit triumphed over right and the modern doc trine of the survival of the titttxt received Its strongest exeiiiplitimu.ioa Law there was none, save that of the tyrant or pop ular ruler who might chance to reign over petty but plucky communities like Arfs. Delias anil Phoenicia on the Asiatic, uliore. Their Minors were pirates iu the strictcitl heuse of the word, aud a I -to merchantmen. They bartered with thews they could not rob, but where the strong hand was of svail no glove of kid covered the iron grip of avarice. To the tnauy oared guilty, with itsslavea as the itioaiis of prnpulaiou aud iu load of stolen K0"fs. succeeded in time another sort of row boat those great war vessels, great for the time ai least, In which the piratical nortknisn swept out from their icy fastnesses beueath the arctic circle to ravage the wealthier and more luxurious nations of the soutli. All the seacoasi habitations of ancient llritaiu, Gaul and Germany had reason to dread these tieree robbers of the ocean, who, not content with the product of their forays, nelfed In addi tion to the goods and persons of their vic tims the very land on which thetr dwell ings stood, and founded colonies that were to be the iirogeiiitor of thoe txvo great nations, France and laiglatul, and inei deutally also of the Lulled blales. To the oar succeeded the sail, and still it was piracy that led the march of progress Iu the conquering of the sea as well as of the laud, fierce, relentless and avid as the wolf xx ho bonis on the track of a be lated traveler in the northern forest, the skin winged craft bore down upon some devoted seaport or some smaller vessel that had beeu marked for pillsge. There followed tn course of time Will greater Improvement in the art of uaviga Hon, and with the discover? of Anuria began what may he termed the goldin an of plra;y. The history of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries fairiv leems will) tales of riot, debauchery anil blood Wied in the New World. The Spanish run ijueioi despot leil the natives of .Mexico and Peru, their ucccfors founded uwiih and lived hi almost barbaric luxury, and onlhuii t hers sxvivxped like birds of prey upon defenseless lambs the fierce adxen- THE II At C V ON. tillers of Kranee and Knglaiid. Nol eon tent, with lying iuxxaitou the hik;li seas for tlie treasare sliijis homeward bound xvit'i tribute to his Catholic majesty of Spain, these iiieippeascahle human vul (11 res si ormed cil ies, sacked cathedrals and left behind them when they departed de: so latiiiii and drulti. but no goldthat they carried away. Then nourished sticli 1111 11 as Walker, xx ho fur a time almost, ruled the t.'nribl.i mi sea. xvho lor his Vo railed "servires'' xmis knirjjued by King (.'buries, and xx ho died a p.'iupcr in a felon's cell. Aioutf tha Sptuilsa muiu also Uax liisUng . ...... Lifrffl . I ... . "!! e.- I ii-. . i.-ir 'if -' I"'" ii i .1 i "i i ' ,1 s." Mri I , '. ' c. 1 'O' 1 1 : s-:i,-il 11 1 .. i I. . I I'v. II t .i O ', ,', j ,s 'J 11 ; ,,., ik llll ; 1:1,. . li " et i ce l t f J'1'.'.i i 1 1 ! ' x ;: 11 Htik- .If 1 11 .l,t,'.jue I 1 ' ul 1 .i hi :i 'I'l 'il, rs on ll I- .i.'l i,t ll.ir.,; ii,: , whose sill, is d:-iiliiy(j I It x ell . ;! ,. II,.. rejilibla: of CiiCHf-HS, BO'I x' li'oe expl',i nisiie him mid his lab l tr 1 In tevrms el the Sp.-Miish laahi. Iloxv he pnti-lie l up a peace Willi thestHle of loiiiM.'iiiu by lieiniiL( under J 111 Itson at tlie bat He uf New (b leans, and bow he es tablished ttiPtil vol (Jalx-eston, are matters of hist oiy, but w hat was his end and xvhere he died are not known. So miirli for piracy as it was when II was piracy. Ah before remarked, piracy of to day is simply unuggling. SUM 1 he style at pn si nt In voiie prob ably pays Utter nntl involves less blood fin d ainl wrenches of the conscience. It is said of William Wl, alley, one of the men "interest ul" in the Halcyon, that he has groxvn wealthy la-yolid the dreams of avnrii.e. He xvah in Uieemploy of the port collector at .Jaii Francisco, ami gained a lunli reputation for honesty mid ability, lie learned all I lie ins and outs of the opium trnfiic, mid when he left the gov ernment's service he utilized his informa tion, lie "put up" tlie money to purchase I'll' Halcyon. Alter that she began her niynerious voyages III search of "ducks," ami lately Mr. Whalley, whose presence is badly desired at ,u.,m Francis-co bx the an thorii ies, established his residence at Hono lulu. "Xo man on the Siunlxvich Islands," says a recent t"Urist, "is a more nntabl figure. Dressed in spotless while duck, his swarthy face topped ly a white I'ai.aina hat, be is tin romaiieist'a type of a retired pirate, a rich planter, or the smuggler who handles costly bales of silks, contraband liquors and hiimnii consciences. If he talked of moidon-H, rose noblts, ingots, pieces of eight and Santa Cruz rum instead of dol !rrs uml lierton sec, he might have been taken for one who sailed with roaring Ned F-ueJuud or courteous latfltte. He rises at -TVs v.. 4 K. s- A -L. WILLIAM WIIAl.LkV 10 o'cloik.if the spirit so moves him, bus his cracking team awaiting him at the door, tlrives to the palace, If he xvills, nods graciously right and left, knows the be.st wines, makes the llnet salads, and Is well, anything that's not so bad for a citi aten who was In 1KNT content, to Is a United State roundsman on the water I'roul of San Francisco." The Halcyon was built in isso, and cost her first owner fiS.OOO. The very liest of tiiulter.wa utwl in her const riu tioii. She is 82 feet over all. her mainmast rises fri feel l imhes from rail to cap, anil slit car rh Ti.Tifl leet of sail. She i tjaid to Ih- tlie taslesl "wind jammer" on the PaciHe ocean, and she probably is lint, for all that, slut isn't the old style typical pirate. She dies when pursued, she doesn't light, ami her owuer lives in eleyaur leisure, with no dread of the bang man's tnse. There are no lookouts up aloft doin the "vultnre act," like, those of former times, xvhose erj of "Sail, bo!'' meant bloodshed 11 nd plunder, and t-x'-r worse, if tin re chanced to be women on the ilooiuwd vessel. The era of Walker, Teach, F 11 uland and Kidd is over. The ss robliers of lislay make just as much, but thtT do their work artistically; not fiendishly. FkH C Dax ton. N-ll. n Milr a Mluule. K oss Ward, a is il road man, Is reported to have luhogyaiied down Pike's esk 011 a board three leet long and 'y1 feet wide, to the bottout of which was nailed a cleat to serve as a keel. The distance covered was nine miles, with a dement of 8,i00 feet, and the time made was minutes. IlllmlrU liy Klretlielt;. One-half of the West Point cadets are obliged to wear glasses, it Is said. This state of stfsirs is largely due to the fac that the barracks are lighted by electricity Instead of gas. Tlie board of visitors asks conpies to appropriate f-MI.IW to remedy t his evil. . - ... . . . ( KiniKer Iu Hlrri lUls. It hits been found that bicyu lists xx ho ride to excess are alllicted xxith a iiitarrhal laryngitis. .Mouth hmtthiiiif and the 111 pidilyniid pressure with xxhich hirgequan fities of air are forced into the larynx arc aid to be the cause. X ritt'iiiiiiieiiiil tiriiwtlt. tiainesville, Flu., bi..-i - of 11 fully devel oped ear of corn xx hii 1 tins 1M1 grains. This ear of corn ha, ii i- - ad, four smaller ears attsched of nexv gruxx 1 h. which con tain 4tU grains, mitkiug iu all a total of I.lbO grains. A Hear Who l.srroleil. A footpad xv as recently capturii.1 in a Hiiiiginiun tox 11, ntiil willi him a bear tlmt he had tallied and taught to gruppie with undent riaus wkoui kadiwirvd Vo ruu. !") ': ti:f y t'10 V .- . Ft I'M." ' -, IViC y A o . ..1 , D tlS-Ot e." N'-t s l'.ets h.tVH s:ing I i-'ic.i 11 1 : N . J HI left !l'e r ''.'iree 1 ' I -.n: !i, ; 1 1 (.' -li''.'i::g tlie !..ici.i:i 1 f t.i .- ki.igM:, nt I; M.'t, lo Ai;i"i, 1 lie ci-c- .. ii rs :i id cual r -. 'n!. the b -s l ave Inc. l.cii: "i-.- .uel ul'f ' i -s, is. the V'al.-r SiMI-, 1 M.l li e 1: ,,'n l a fL.d hiilli.i.u y 1,11 .i '..I a ad ruts..! hero .. tt is will. Pat, n lie v hero ht's ;Ci ;p . IMo the nn n an.l the pwt. Ii m it-it jet coins l) cvlehrste him. Yin iiew.-paper man of th r.ew era doe.i nil and thins :ul in senrcli of ihe initial facts, lb is on '.ho front line of b.it, h iih tlie skirmisher' ; he is with tlie detectives in t-iiliat; the 1 criminals, and with this devoted nurse be 1 walks the fever haunted wards of the hos pital whore gangreue gnaws upon the liv ing flesh and black death bovuw threaten ingly in the poHoncd air. Out of many classes of heroes one is here M'lerb'dasa I) ne-Uieiiew.spapcr journalist who deals with criminals and detective.- and out of many heroes in that linetmly the latest is taken as an illustration namely, Sir. Henry ISigelow, of t he San Francisco Kxaminer, xvho recently traced to tiieir mountain retreat the ulle;:ed train rubla-rs, Chris Kvalis Slid John Suulug, passed soniii time xvith them, and with a moral courage, quite as remarkable as his physical con r Hgegaveto the world their side of the af fair. A few words are necessary in advance to introduce Mr. P.igeloxv to tho render. Afli-r sixteen years of newspaper life he has re cenlly given to the world bis experience under the beading, "Some People 1 Have Met." In it he tells of interviewing two fpieens- Kapiohini and I.iliuokal.ini. This was when Mr. Uigelnxv xvent from San Francisco to Honolulu with thu funeral cortege accompanying the remains of King David Kalakatia. He had his snapshot photographer ready, and then came In the diplomacy to get tho royal wifu und si.ster-in-laxv to knee I by tin bier. Diplomacy was necessary. With the aid of a Colonel lioyd he succeeded in gettii nil 'he Hawaiian royal family interested in ..a; way tin empress of Orinany be haved on a like occa-sion. Thu rest must be told in his own language: "llmv dhl the ei'ipress kiiiii:)?" Saul the colonel, xxilli Intense tenor. "If your nia"Hty will eccsent," n.iiil I, pre paring to i;o dnivu on my tniirrow l,r.n.'s, "I xx 111 Kife 1115 self iu that potit inn." I imed. 'I In n the ipieen came dim u itli ulaerity, mi l 1I11I it. iimeh more iiraeefnlly than eiH'lil I. A tiiiiment more end h,.- royal tanter-ln-U' win at tier side, mel liie cumura MiUpjie.l luiu billy. Stinu-lmw or nthur imollier invention worrie1 me. iiiiil I .er-n.nled I lie region r,'ii'iri In J'liiee tier ineid lijiim tlie crn'A a Ihut re-1-. I on the ciiski t while the fiend king's wifu pl.-iri-.l herri lf In 1111 attitude of prayer at tl.fi hn.iit of Ihe bier, w ith the kahili b,-a -, rs Induing aloft their plumes. After that the rest was easy The l.tili-s posed in every desired t'.Hitude. and, what was of more, value, they talked with IU utmost freedom. It all went iWu in phonographic tint hooks and reappeared in racy Fnglish in tin Sail Franei.sco I'xam iner, to the prolit of I he )ublishers and the exaltation of Mr. Iti-relow. It was super lative impudence, it xvas .sublime "cheek" but it was '"biisinHss." HKNIiV IdfiKl.ovx. Naturally enough, Mr. ljigeloxv vohm tuered to go to the mountain retreat of Chris Kvans and John Sontug, the men who aresupposeil to have robbed the South ern Pacific express car on thought of Aug. olast. The world will probably never kuoxv how mill h money has ls-eu spout, how manv won mis luHicted or how many lives lost in ihe chase after these two men. Suf fice it to sax that Mr. Migelow had to give his iissiirsuee not to explain how he found their retreat, thai after a long sojourn il' the mountains he found them ami pHSr.nl some lime with them, of xx hich he says: 1 am eriiiilleil, hnsxever, to mute I lml tlic lrisijiinl Interview which I lisfl wilb Ihe two men took laer al pninl Hurt h of KIiik' 1 iver. nil In tlio nelijliliiirhooil of the town of i'm tii vllle. and itnit it hi fliflaied to me In eub nsni e Ht dllteielit llifies darinu the etiiy I made with them there ul one of their sex eral 1 unips. lit course Ihe men were "inuoieiit " Such lelloxxs always are iu the slmies they lell. Also, of course, they could prove an alibi. Cut their aceoiintsof the tights thej had had with ilelw lives and trailers agreed wiih the accounts of the other party just as well as if they had been guilty. First, there was a light at their home iu the val ley, when Ihey killed two men. wounded txvo uml gut mi, muled iu return. They then lied to the mountains, and iu their next Unlit kilied Oscar Iteaxer. an oirui-r. Next came the much ilisuisisl Ilhl al "Young's cabin." in which they xx looped a huge Hiss-, So much for the story of t he out iaxx s. The point here made prominent is that loiirnalist Itigelow soug-M anil found them ill their retreat, si. nil with them scxerai days, and mine out in gimd torm xxith a u'imnI story to tell. Aml.ineoiiclusii.n he says: So after all, whiie interview Im: may Is a liift, toy own private opiniun j,, tfini it is situ l'l) a iii.'sll..n uf lui k that I-. if jmii 10 ,ik our here, vim mu.t lltt nin ii h. ',, liu ate the ipiarry i- Ihe iniiai thini;. Inr w 11 h n .eiM,ii,l even nrdiiiMix liiiHu-ihal 11.11 a had in the hand may be made In slim live 1 linen iu hiudiy as a ilozeix biiib in tl,H bah. A Portland (Or.) ( 'hinanuin soaked his :ue in coal oil. A mulch did tl. rest. His countrymen iu the lieigldiorhisid utr Utalitd the (sunl it! mi Imj-. auuiUr. . . v.-,i,itr, to 1 )'.. V:Lr vjv a - .-,r n ,-t-f - ...1 . j 1 a ... -.", '.nrih.'ecc 1 cA'yy about :,!! ar.ili-: used "m,j cheapen the 0. I.'o 0 ever aclultcr- i-.t-s v. h'tc 1 '.r! v;th ha article tc:-tii::.j i.xic t'.-.?.a Lead. I'' ou prrLluie any cf the following brand-.; you arc sure of having Strictly Pure White Lead, manufactured by the "Old Dutch" process : "SOUTHERN " " RED SEAL" "COLLIER" Tor s.-.t' by the l-est dealers in paints evfryxvere. If ycu arc F.oir.i; to paint, it will pay you to Rc-i.d to ns lor a touk conlainmi; information lioit m.-iy Eavc you many a dollar; it will Wily cost yju a postal card to do to. NATIONAL LEAD CO., Et. Louis Dranch, Clark Avenue end Tenth Streets, St. Louis, Mo, rr S FllttS. iV.(. ii tick ITcoaolio suit tfllii.waU tliotronbln tecf frnt t atiii'nin e's'.oof thn BjHiran.iuoh M 1,'iTziiieon, hiiiUH.', Uroxrsiuiji'a, Dintnsw aitfll dtii.fr. l'-urxt'i t n In. I s kc. Whilo thiiriuo&4 HC;iIt;jiei, :oi-f .L,ld hrs.n flllowaiucutbJ Am vwk HnJifliix y t CirV-r'a t ito liTcr PfP.9 a-.1 C.T''-i'.iy vix'uMniLOiii-su-iU .lr.n.oiirtnuaoJ prf vi'iiii!jj IhiHi.u t-: iiite'.iiir,iMut.wliilttifyi.ifli e-.rniit8'l'iaijrd r .t- i'j"ii.'. riA-titimiiUtotha iiv-rr a J n-cub." I Uuxvcla. V vea ii they oalj 1 .1 A;ie!V :rc ;?'. "Ktifni-tr', 1 x-.t'V-xmiirM tuii'itr trorjtl'; ,'" i'" nc.ii;;i'i r.-t4 J ', ,1'ivr.irtit tfikti.y th-iB.iIn-'.''i"en n: ioi.il h'."i.iuiJiljfs wbofiroetrytl s uJ' tt: il i'lniatli, nllUvUti I'.Uninconitiiy tiiir tii'. tlwy lll not ba wil lat,'tod3witi.cuttii!ra. But tiat sUlaigk ku4 Istlicbixneof notnany livisn that hem Is vhen feniiki)finrr.tlKi.t. Vir 1 ilHcuroltwtiUa C'.berti lo not a Cartnr'a LIUUi LtTnr VM t'.ix rry nmall ana Tery uuy to tx1:'). Or.B f.r txxo r.ili.-i Uikoa. Jmux Ihny areilnoKy veUi-tlo cl do not grif or f.uri!. biithy Uieire; . -iit.il a-.-liou jil..eaU who ' caetiiem. lLvulBt3eents; tivnrI. OaiiX If dru,tsuxjrjnijere. or iwut by mail. CARTER IHcSIClrVfi CO., flew Yor. SMALL PHI. SMALL COSE. SMALLPRICE DO TOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABY1 Mnytw you think thi Il a new bttsiivwn, n-niliuir out twxtih on applietlon ; it hu bran tJoDf before, however, but tiercr hatre thoit f urniHhnJ x"n m tieur the onirinnJ anmileas thu nne, tivfryone will eielalui, ' Well I that' the peti.t Iwby I eer naw I" Tbi liule bhtea-and-wiiui enravinii can pive Tfiuhota faint idea of tbeeifuLiteorlrtnnl. a V " I'M A l)l-T ' which we lirupfiatx to Mild to you, traunnir tatiuu ald. The little flarting ream avaiimt pillow, Kiel la In Ifee aet of drawiuir off It pink ick, tart inttH'Of which hn tefu pullet) oft and tluni; HAnte with a triumphant roo. 1 ne ni'wntjntKarvix-rieei. aim erinioiio you, 110 mattfr wiiert you Mann, j iinemui. tin- mf em ore inte.n-imiliietloniof thw rt atii puliitiiifr of oih aujrn nun uioef i-eienraieii or inonern paintiM-Kof Imliy hiei are to lie t-lveii to there who iiii4eriiK to iieinoresi, a l amlly Mai .1 ne fur IsKI. Tlx n-iiroiliii lioiil eaiiuot bef told from the oriiliial. which cit iOKlaort an Uim Miiie nlxe i!7'J inehiiil. Theliabyie on fi.e, huh aiwooiii'iy iin-iike vxe Have Hlo la preparation, to tuiwiil loourmih aentK-ra din iinf IMH, other rrmt piettirra br mien art 11U an Privy Mi n an. Maud lIuuiohreT. I.ciiii liineliHiiipa, uml nthrKof worl't-whie n-imwn. Take only two et:init.f of what weiliiMiiiitiif thepaxl xe.11. " A VhH of an. ie," mid "A Whitu lloiiw tm I1I1I" t tlif a ifcof t'retiilent Hiirniniii, uml you will tea what our promiae) ma'i. t In is,, win) siitwiTilie fir Ili nuiu.! I-hiiiIW k Mnir-tAtne for 1 Ttl will litiMnt-NM i ihIIitv uf i. ,ii-.ii,. ,1111,1.111 nri 111 k-rt-m n nic, f 7fllfl l v ""-'." ' , , , n ,, ,, qiij iu u the world fur il Ix-autitiil illivtli-atioiin and lt Milijeet 111 itter, thai will kee pevcryiiiie lHjut. ih e.l on nil lh liiolin of the iIht. and nil tha ' fail und Miliereiii lit-inxol inleieht aluiiit the hiiii-ieh'iht, Imsi:i.i liiriiililiifr iniereitinir remlinir mutter. Imth i-i:ixe and irny. for twt wlnili- I.iiimIv, and xxhile llemoret'n l not a tuilii.'U Vt.-iiraiiii.. ir tie-hum (uiteii Hie pif. feet. 1111. 1 we irn i yi.ii, irtf 1,1 nil (hi- uit tenii. ymi wih ti. o-i. iiuriinr the y'iir, iiiif in atix-sie vim ehoou. Send ill ymir Hiilfc fi 111. 1 11.11 m ..in-, . nniv sn I vnii will re;il! Ki over S 5. 111 mine. A.l.li 1 tin-piil'li-her oni'm.1 1 iriiliTe-n. 1. V'irk. It ynii ure nine II ;i; :i 7.111c, tend In ( ins I. i:a-t mil st.. New ';n.lllili.,l with tin i n - vi'ii 11 1 "1'5 . , x.ri-!.k l.' ;i ii 1 I )i iiiurl .1, 1 in. Wl ' M X III i''"k I';i 111 i I x FOR ,t;izin.', 53i3 05 fioinJ your awbovriptioiit tu tUivofHce rte' r'.-' ' i-i-Vr-' tfy'-n a 1 u.i.. i-..n