IM.VTTsliMTll.NKimASKA.OCTOnKUaT 1S!)-2. WITH THE Cl ! V YA1 ; A. u Autumn Ov G' . ,!.M.'-.nX i I .oi.nin. The School i Ob-T rv C jl.r.nbu IJ y. Five I 1. 1 An.' . -' . i nik. X3 'I . Til :v' AT THE II. v. The City Sclwoi - . i I 5'.. J li i Ceh olio School Oosi)( V3 J tto'uni bus Day In in Appropri ate M.mnor Yesterday .i- Coliimlxis day. Ill HCCord met: tl.e licmdcii- tial prod. minium tl c m IiooIh of the vity very appropriati-ly ' li-erved it. The we.ither wiih very diwiijiicealilc, tut irotwithntaiidiii that, aliout I, .rX) hcIkiuI cJiiUlrtu HHHfiiibU'U lit the liitfh t-chool 1 n i 1 1 i 1 1 utid executed an elaborate programme. There were present hIho at the excr ciHi'H, ft lat e iniitibcrof the citizens of I'lattHtm mi t h. The (J i Hi".'' (it uaid (schools met at their respective rooni.-t and under the guidance of their teacher inarched to tin: the hi -Ji school building, with the star and HtripeH llyiny and druiiM beating'. After the ( hildivti n ached the grounds tliex were lined upon I he. eaHt hide ol the building. A few itiimiti'ri after '.I o'clock Supei inten ded! McC'lell in 1 lh'i:. Allen Hec-oil furled the Marry banner to the .rcc.e. The entire school tin i re peated the pledge as- follow:-: '1 pledge alle lance to my;" and the republic tor which it Maud., one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for nil." The i-alioc to the Ihn;' wa. then ivni by tin- en tire Hchool, by extending the liht liainl palm upward "America" va then s M ii n" t'V the m hool cbildieu under the leaih'i!hi, of Prof. Hal fey. Mauler Leon I'eppolicry recited "Discovery Iay" which was de livered in a in, inner that was loudly applauded. Minn K'ose Hjers 'recited the Columbus Ode, Her dclucly was perfect, and she poke loud enough to be heard by all in attendance. Little Roy I'cppcrbcrtf recited a piece entitled "what the baby dis covered" followed by a dialogue be tween Aunt Dinah and Christopher Columbus, (leoreje Sherwood de livered a recitation entitled Christopher Columbus. An address, ''The nieaniiiir of four centuries" was, delivered by Hilt Wescott, in a strong clear voice. The exercises closed with a hoiijj Columbus I)ay by th,' entire school. At St. John's School. The pupils of St. John's, school commemorated (he tooth anniver sary of Columbus day. Fully a(X school children participated in the exercises. There were also present a lare number of older people. Following is the programme exe cuted: IIAI.I, I'k'oi.KAMNIi. Smiif "Star Siiinulei I lo 11 ii-r" ... K'eiiiliiiH "l In i-toplicr I oIiiiiiImi-". .. ,, M.ilv II, ,11 lesiinMe h xcrcise- Seven Little lint- liii il; ro l - nl I'liliiiiilm- Six II,, Kciiiliuii "liiliiinliiii's 1 S . , 1 1 1 1 1 -1 ' ' ,. , Jo-ie (.riico r.xorci-c r. ilurer ol Xnt inm . I'lltcell liirls h xcrci-c--"The Claim ,,( Natiini-" , , , Three (arl- Aililn kev. T.J. I niiiey V AK'II I'Wdl.KA.MM h. Kriulini! of frewidenl'-i I'rm iainai n.ii . ,, , Mailer ol I 11 einiaiie- K'.'iIhiiik of I' Inn Sc Imul SnI ate to the Kla Sehool Smiif "Ameruii" S,- "'I"! "'ill Little (Ui N A'hlress T.J. laini'v Hymn -"A vi Nariii Slelln" ,s- 1 Mureh GOSSIP AROUND COURT ROOMS. ' Jude Ramsey has been doinv; a land office business in (he matri monial line in the last tiro days. During the last two days he has is sued the following marriage li cense: Frit, Stalk ami Miss Mary Jaier of this city; Win. Shaw and Miss Mary Marker ol Kieht Mj(. A-rnvc; J. V. Ilertle and I'redrie.i .Maroaith.i Schutnan, Tb itry 1'. Wenke and Miss I'olin.i Mel..;i r ol Louisville; and Waller 1). Hitters and Susan I.. Hanks of NYhawka. . The !., t'd cin:;iie aie aytd Xi and hi. respect ivel . Judjje Ch.ipm 111 teleraph"d Cleric Dearii.e- lo ,11! j, ,11111 court from ( H tober -'ii to t . ti'I'er Cory vs. School diMriet No. IJ tn J tlde'e A idler s court was cal led up tiiday. but continued nnlil the ''tlh, on account ol defective service. K. O. Set i btier was In mi el over to thistrict cotul in the sum of Jlatl. which I e was unable to liirnish and now he is h iue- m I'he county comiuissioners are busy today looking over the evi dence in the Short impeachment case. Janitor Jlenipel says that if to morrow is a nice da lie will run up the stars and stripes over the court house. Jude Kamsey today granted a marriage license to William 11. Skin ner and Miss Clara I.. Hcrold. The younn' man is an einploye'of the H. itt M, blacksmith shop and Miss Hcrold is the daughter of Mr. and Wrs. Herman Hcrold. IK" " . - t rl Ai. . At . ') ' Tltt'h H,ft i; U -el, tl ,1 lie (lleiv I lie ji V I . , , l'lolr ill tlif In. I ... 11I A ml iiiium I i.l (ii'i . .... mi. 0 carol IiIiIIip In !... I .. .1. A ii'l Hit In n-'i'i I,.. e 1 i But in tlic li.ui I or I-, 1 llcnlolO tin- Jl'M'i I I ' 1 - I I 'ell. Into the difp of ln'in i'ii 1.1 Anil with Iih l't;;il 11 ;. i .',.- "Hid; Flii-lildK (k f.O'i "i.i ii'.r, II11W hrillllllll liMM I p. 1 ' 11. 1:1., lllll Wbllti laml iiiiiltiri-il, h di ll laul 1-11 . p I triu ki il tin- Hi 1 1 nih', air li'ii ne 'm y. But nuilly Mil mi' ilo 11 ( n Wuitd oi'i'ttnV li'ilnw li:ii inl 1 1 wuy. Anil Blrnlliol my v 1 ; , , j e. ,,, re alar Ah'! let! till! h)lrlnlo- t l.'l. w. Like tlu' liit ulan r 1.1' ill" That iiiiii 11 pi ai lain ', 1 er fi:,' i.e' ii'. ii Far wIiitp tlm wi hii'i 11 - 1 , Tliu 'inlit lliii": "inik, 11 ."i " 1 11 1M111, 0 lllill.clu! Ill.r (;, i !! All Inln for I'Yt'l' lllil in ,1 1 1 III. Th Hplitiiileih ol' my ran; i i- u' i-.-il III llllWl'l llll'l I ' I I' ! ', I 1 ' 1 1 II .l II' I', W'ln le rnii) ! . ' 1 I 11 a. .1, Tilhil''l I'J I III' -, , MM ' I I l'i- l it. It :! I ill lit l il ii l'i" i . 1 inii I, '11, III VI.?1M. .. I.. 1 ii 1 11 ..' a.:.:. , ti : ,,M, Anil lii i.-lilli ,,! ("1 .a 1, ,! 11, I,, 1 I, H'll . 1 1 ii ,ii 1 . .. , .1 ' 1 n . . 1 1 1 1 '. Kiil'ir, In 1 1 ' 1 I-., i.e.- 1 ,." That : . 1 1 ..'. oel; Ol ll".- 1 ' ! I ' 1 1 '. , I I I, ' 1 I UliW III'. !! I 1 .1 .e. I i ', I . I.MI1 li. T.ila-, '"i'-ii, a i ; 1 . '.,.!.,i M tfi-.lli I.e 1. : i - .1; I'i.-i' t i ; i -1 . ; i i i , ,' A iiil ii 1 1- I.' K. .1-. i in I. ., i. 'I ii : . I, .: i ... -v. -.. i ej; II. I.) (.11 i ".I.e Ii cainee. i -. . .. i ., a i .... ! : I.. i!ar- ity of Hum in y (:,;, l.. . i:,,;,iy ile- ia feci kI yi.,,i. aaa I ..a' a kind of general hi -ilain y w ii: - lo j.j-ei.iil ie- hleCtill tilt) III a'liillii.n (if Miell lllli- Hiieefl. TlnTe was a tinie iv',:. u liie ymui people ef tin) country Impelled to pail' tliuiiiM'lvc.4 ivii'n binHiki r-:igTncns anil deiilit us fiioti us they were out of Hchonl, Hlhl society hut only etie(iliriii,'eil them, lint iirneticiilly eeiniiiiiinlHil tltt.'iu to take that uutirsi They vveri can biilereil suii itliioiirt ami liiinli'iisiiiiic un til they j;iit innrrieil. The title work of life couM nut lwnin with tln iu, they weru tailiilit, so loiitf us they ruiiiai tied hinxla. It was their duty t ) liucuino yoked without unnecessary delay, raid it was a disgrace to miss i"MMinable oipur tuiiilies in that nlitinit. Hut it is ile ciileilly ililleieiit nt the present day. The practice of weillnek is no longer im perative, iinr docs liinit'ilit fitteinl the miniated Mate, even when irolniieJ in to the thirties. There is us much ad vicc given Riiahist iiiMrriau'i' an in favor of it by the' wi-t and e.v'iei'ieiiied of both sexfs, ,':i:d the result is a sleady de creine in the proportion of act nil weddings to possible ones. The causes which have produced this lnnrked chiuiLre are not MiiViciently def inite for f.iiisl'aetiiry analysis. It is probaldy true that tuirextriivagant style of living its compared wilh that of former times is one ef the elVeciive iiifliieiices. The cii-t, of supporting a wife and rais ing a family is much larger than it twed to lie, iiinl this tentureof the matter often gives pause on belli Hides. We have eoino to inensnre so many other things by money tlmt matrimony has not escaped the rule. The young people are disinclined to start in a humble way nnd gradually improve their situation. They want all that their parents have without waiting nnd striving for it. Many proposals are iniipic-tioiiably de layed or rejected en this account. Then it is well known that the new avenues of employment open to women have made tin in more independent, ami probably also more evucling as to the (pialilications of husbands. It is nut nearly so cuminon as it once was for girls to marry simply in order to secure n home and a living; they are able now to earn good waves nnd to take their time about assuming the duties of wives and mothers. Wo may safely believe, moreover, that the progress of women in education and in social power has led them to look less favorably Ujxih the co:i'lition by subordinating their hearts In their heads, so to speak And finally it. cannot but betliat the abundance ef uilicistu to which the marriage system I as bi en subjected by v: iters of pr.iiiiiiii.eed vigor aial skill llUssel'Vid to Weaken it in the popular estimali.ii. and to i',i -pat ilie quality of saeredlte-s that is lis l,i;hest claim 'o respect and Imiiei. There is tin veil .en j,s y, t, hnwcv, r, to lament tin- pie,alin.; I 10 i ', n a national tni-lorlune. The amount id' marrying i, still lar-e ei,oi:h ',.: jdl oriliimry j.urposes, ami ii may be that lcisiaiher than more of ii would best Iirelllnt.' the )!l!l fesl - I f society. S' c)l untotis slaiulj be t ii tl '" I with s ei.e other object fia.n tiiat el' merely propa gating the species. Tiny involve the most, serial is obligations ami n -;iot;M-bili:iisof human hie, and if people ;cv learning to be slow ami can fill about making contracts of so much impor tance, it is l,;,rii!y it sign of decay or a threat "of calamity. St. bonis (ilobe Denioorat. JMisoli ili'.ium I, is ImaIiuimI w:ts 'il'.vavs called "AI," lie; as Very fetid of p'eeolis. which hr r.iUid ia tri. it tnonlers and taili;ht to eaaie ;ii hi call, tint ! i riin; ii'ioiil ell his held, shoiiaii rs nnd arms v. Idle he fed t hem. I HIlltH M' i mi A III II m. Mr. Suburb Women are a perfect nui sance to sit behind on a railroad train Tliey uib bound to have tin) it indoiv up. Mr. C'itiiiiiinn Yes, tint they arc a per feet Messing to walk behind on the street. They don't smoke.-New York. W'reklv. Hi k to L.I t , .. i ". : i I u - i . eld. J ! e i- .i.l .'i !( ia :. -a. I v, ; : 1 . . pill,, lirst. ol. i li' Lane' ia l'iiliillpi .'. cl lVef ia mil n v V.'ia n ; (.. f he F. A. IliMil.V. I '". -sll A n llilikey ell' i te.l Vale heiias iiiimi di.'.i. ! pi nail on t he ivr-ity team, where he m i ;. 1 peerless fee ltd. ( 'aptiiiii '.inee Met 'ormiek, the sturdy !U:irter back who will lead Vale's forei s. is a thoroi;e, f,..,. hall plavt r, -k i : i fill in every de perinii'tit of I lie garni'. lie nl-.n possesses thai nervy strategy and coiitroliiiur power that make II successful lead f. Captain Me Coriiiick Wiis bin ii in II a r r i s h u i' e tvienty yi-iiis ,-u.i. He is 5 It. t'e , m in height iiinl i. t he scales nt ! ., p 'lllids. lie lit ,! le.'iriiid how In handle at ; . I '"' : ,.' ' i , i.i l'niihpj.s ,.'...,,. ' i!o-i r ;i i n i! p. . . ' ' Win n he , a i ' I V.'M F -.r'Ci!h u. Vale he e. ;, innl::. lei,' .' led i"i;,',,ia of the fi.'-veaa eh vi a. i .1-1 m :ir he Mas m.nle a nii'tniie;' .' the Mil '' and plaiid full baek. Mr Mi l 'ormii k i- a , iod run m r and tin kh i , laii-.s veil nnd is n Mire kicker. A I i;:.."'iT lie handles the ball i leiody -t n-1 I'.i-i.iy i-T.i! pa -s,'s nt ttilli ureal a. it. i.e y ' 'I.e of I'"' taiH irol!ltt!l'tt luiUei ef V.'h-'S !!.: ball l.lsll lilie this !..,!,. , i ; or, i.e I-'. Saa ii'r I'll, t he youim i.'i.iM who i.e.,,! irtweii I irliellinuer Hild M"l I i-i.ll III the champion vii;i callu s of la-t. y e a I . Satidfoi'd was In. a iti the Cat-kill moun tains Hieiitvene yi-ais n i;o lie stands ii fl. tl in. and uviu'hs It'll pounds. Ileeiitir- ale in is'al :-. ill IS . : I : I'd tale III ls','1. V-s? r--v--- The luothall men f$ J in eollege knew C; .- . ' J iv hat S.'indford f was, nnd he tuis , inilneilijilely given a place at the . triiiiiinu tiil le, lie proved te be the best man Yale had o. v. SANHFoKIi. for i cuter, and in all the prinelpal Veiiue.s he put the bull in play. Sanilfonl is pus sesseil of gieat btreligtli. lie brenks through the line well, tsa good tacklerand al it a i s takes care of the man opposite hi in. Is.iiaifard is uithout iloiibt the lu-aviest sprinier in t he coin, I rv. It is si-ldot-i t hat tun brot hers, both abb' players and skillful athletes, are found on the sa-tie foo'iliail team, espi-i dally when that team is made up ( f such piekr 1 n as I lie ) ;i ie Viir- it y eleven. C. II. I a ' -s i -I t he M'hti.r, In-ing I IVelltV-t o Veil' s I f a ..', He idis i;.."i nii'l ii .". ft. s; in. m heient. li i'.rsl played f.Mtl.all nt .ii.!,.,er, -x.-'U-.-j i a- e.i. 'aiai f the t'-am In lsss ,, is-.o ,. i I.I.D. V omit y. r I'" KEI, .' ' i. ! NSI-. of Washington. .ie(, i ie r , , ' ,.i 'p - i A. niiiloi, ... .1 :--a;e, a of K.'d Willow. ... ' ' d b of Madison, .. . i.i. V ol lb, It. .. 1 e -i a i a ! . I'.ls'l IMI.Sof Saline, ei o, 1'uliiic lainilH, . M I'll he. V of Custer, en, lei, i I 'ii ll ic Instruction, . 'ill I iY of W el-ter. i ail Klei'lols, A I i II, I lunula i, At I-. .l'i M'iMi,'r, f burge i v't.W Miles, Cns's, Kirst District, i. , . S.W A(i-;, lioi'iulas, Seconil. 11 A. MII.I.Kh', Cedar, Third. ' I.M.IV I'l K'ASS, Saline, Kourtli. i M. M'.'i I l.l'.'IO.N, Clnv, Fifth. ( . Ji ill.Nx i, Scotts lilini, Sixth. COUNTY TICKET. or S":ia'er ii. i. win i 'noi' i T 1 . , i.'.'ta , -i aa 1 a ri JellX A l II-..S A. S. liinhKY. 1 or I oiint v At toriiev. J II. U A I I ii: M W I or I on i no -i. ne i 'I h ii 1 1 I iit rii t ,i' 'li s 1 1 a i:s VVJiv I,-' -ii-o,.1h linve fieen .irnie. A lilei-.ii.-r cl idle horses had this to say of the recent record smashing: "In addition to the pneumatic tired wheeled sulkies, the trotters and pacers this sea son have had the lest tracks to go on that I ever siw. The weather hits been aleolufely perfect, utid an a result. J. have never seen tracks so fast iih they me this fall." There it is. feulkies from three to five seconds faster n-r mile than old style ones, mid trucks light ning fast, have enabled fast nags like Nancy Hanks anil Mascot to smash tj.e. old time records. New York Advertiser. A II :! y Ol I On the farm of (b oige Ilartcr, near Tuba City, Cal., there is a mule that came across the plains in lM'd nnd still is able to do considerable week and is bit and healthy. Tl. ilafe fair might well secure the living relic to go in the historical exhibition. Sutter Fanner. CaPYRIiillT ,g t- t-' All back every cent you've paid for it, if it doesn't beneiU or ct:r.' you. A med-ieinc- la-it promises this is one that promises to l.dp yen. Ibit tlu-iv's only otic medicine of its kitnl that, can am! does promise it. It's Dr. 1'iiore's (Joldeii Medical Dis covery. It's the iiiiiiraiitrnl remedy for all Wood, .s:;:n and Scalp Dis cuses, from a common blotch or eruption to the worst scrofula. It cleanses, puriiies, and enriches the blood, iiiviortites the tiystcin, and cures Salt-rheum, Totter, Eczema, Erysipcl.-s and :;!! m.-iiuier of blood taints from whatever cause. (Jroat Killing I 'leers vapidly heal under its bc!ii;.''!i ittliii! :n c. It's t'.e best bioo.', jmrilier, and it's the cheapest, no natter how many doses are :"." 't . 1 I' .r a dollar for you p.:y o'llv l'.,r ihe pi.d you et. No. hi::..' i ! -,' i " j.:-t as ood "' as t!" " i.h-. ... i , io iv !. better V I'a; '.t"i::t. bcl wants ie I Yah' ai 1- X it sit j I v r,:;-s v. . Ill is'." .1 has a t. -.1 : i I t 1 1 1 1 a I , t r '. i-'.'ll I I (l 1 r.c- a M ) i Ni iv Yei !. t w i a an I i- .". I ' a . a a- .I i! ' ,n l a i .- I I.i i.e si , . ... ' 1 lin-:ig , i .:' s- a .oil lii! i a s-i i' I a- k on I !.' n al y, aa'l J I i v i .1 ia 1 , th of the "let;" c oin s. l.a.-l. . .r i.e plat. 'I I. I! I.a'f ia a!! the t cars, ill' is ').' I .. k :a Irs i 1,1 ' ''' t : . i lias fall. He is a il. island I Ui Li i-' v-l fl i ' -'.'-' - c ': . ! ,1 I. I , v . 1 ( -? -. . ' - :- v i .-. 4 K r. mm vun vi ui 9j-'-: " ,r ; f . lie is a n.isian: T. . 5 V.-. and liriliiaiit play , I " I ,', it, innl a baa V . J V i 1, .1 .. .1 ,. ,, . t.'"' speedy runner. As f ;' , fc-'( a itmlu'cr he in te- ' ' ' I ' '- ro.ii bnlil v iiii.-k "j'tt.; V7 'X. , i, Il.l ( level-. litis vlvi'-if vv "-''' l"s umde :m ( in i '' r 'v '''! i'ciiitMti a "?.'-'. I' baseball as well. I- L. T. m iss. foot bull, having ' played on the tntsity since h etiterol I'lillege. Ho has bct'ii ileeieil captain of I I next year's team. J. II. Faiiky. . Leaders in the Clothing' Trade, MAYER & MORGAN PL VYING TO 1'llh HNI; OF XjO"W - PRICES Showing Bargains TIIA I' CAN.NOT HK MATCTU-0 HY Any of Our Competitors. Our ;i-MHTi)H'it i coin i lotui of M-keticiiS Iroiu the cri-iuu ol'tho lic-t inaiui lact nit's of New York City ami IJaiiiinoru. WIkmi .v hogau making our rail urchat's w (U'h'i- j mined to show to the Ca County the lcs.t selected si.-t-k of Men's. Boys' and Child-! rens Clothing ever oU in this market . We suceeeded lai lie)ond our ova e'ectatioiH. WE CANDIDLY Ask for Your Inspection of the These Goods. It will he a autv for ih to show you Miow these Cioods Whether You Purchase or Not. Herold's Double Store. U V2i 2 u&m eyas ItnALTHI l'L. AGkirCAHMi, C1.EANSIN0. For Farmers, Miners and Mechanics. A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing, Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. SoeciaHy Adapted for Use in Hard Water UNDERBUY AND UNDERSELL. (AlJ TlIKrSK two W(in! t i t m Ixv the wliole jilii! (i.mi'Iiv ol inciciiiitili' micci'.n -- u r 1 1 It-rl my , not cu iniicli to iiuike extra '.i lit on ohikI.-., lmt to ,-cll itpiin ;it a iro)iii'tioii:itc iinticr jirict1, and with tin; "Kiiork-di.U'ii hdoic" ol' our nnnnitclialilt' lnu'irnins. r-weeji ai.i. coini't'tilioii I r m our path tike the cliall' lietoiL' the wind. We earnestly invite ym to call and exainine our ooil and ju ices which appeal with the liiirnino eloiiii.'iiee ot oenuine liai'ifains to 1 your sell interest. We call your attention to the following "Trade (Juickener.--": Trade Quickener No. 1. Hats at Halt' I'rice A complete stock of .Mens' and l!os' hats, consigned to ns liy W. a. (iih lioii i: Co.. wholesale liat house of Omaha, heino the stock of one of their eitonier? who tailed. We hoiiirlit them for uOo on the dollar and are pre pared to sell them at ii picportioiiati! under price. Trade Quickener No. 2. Shoes at Le.-s Than d'.-t, to Make -:!,MiH worth of I.i-dicf". Mi.-.-o'. ( hildreii's. Men's and l!oy.-' Shoo knocked down at auction to the high est Kidder. We took I he lot at, ahotit 4u per cent under the rcj.MiIar (ifice, and the jcice that we are 'Hi ri 1 iir thciii al will lie a civat hid vour trade. "We are ni-o : i ii:e u ,)V,y Sli. i. I Icpart nieiit 1, pairs of I adh '.'. M :--.-e-'. ( liildreii's. Men'.- and l!o' Sample .-hoe.-, la ii"r the t lit irt line of sain pies of .-hie- 1 1 1 ; i ! i ; t : i I ;:H d and c.'iri'ied . liV one of the lar:vt whuli -aie -i ce i'l.ii.-es on the Mts.-otiri 1'iver K irl.i-ialaie. .'ii: e- A' ( 'u of ( liia!ia nnd 'e are olleriii t!:( i;i at cvacliy fai:l"fy pr'ce-. Trade Quickener No. y. I'ndcrweiir to the ( "iinm : at prices that oliiCf dealer.- pay . We huy alii' underwear in ca.-e-'otiS ilirect from the nnii?., Miiiy lin- iniddie-iiian's pl'otit, and c.i'i sell it to our cu-l.i!i,ers at tlie sime price that the m!' in u !n.!e-:i;i' liciiier- charge tlie small country dia'tr. i'n:i or .-end for our price.- on under'Aciir and he convinced of the truth ot' 1 1 1 i statcnu lit. We have opened up the More room tornieri v oc cupied liy Ilrown iV:. Ilarrett. di'uou'ist-. so that we are now ready to do luisine.-.-on a larger scale than ever, in our Immense Ioiil'!e Store liiiildin. See our I'ii 1 1 and Winter line of Dress (iouds and Cloaks hefore Inlying. We can f:ive ymi to per cent in these two lU-pai tment.-. ' i 'T. '.r.i t, William Herold&So; 505 and 507 Main-St., Plattsmouth, Neb.