THE WEEKLY HKKAL1): PLATTSMOUTII. NKBKASKA, OCTOBER 20, 1892. VILUAFA TELL our Softer TO USE NO OTHER SOAP FOR LAUNPRY ANPHOUSEHOLP PURPOSES. THAN OA P. T IS FAR SUPERIOR TO ANYOTHER IN THE MARKET ANP IS MAPt ONLY 0Y N4i-FAIRBANK8C0. CHICAGO. AT .a. r. Cc. Alt viexican lustang Liniment. C.::2 for the Ailments of Man and Beast tested pain reliever. t!-e i almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective ' r.::'.-,cr replication compares with it in efficacy. ; v. ; :'. ',:..( ivn remedy has stood the test of years, almost I .: ..T.Mions. '."!:.::'. chest is complete without a bottle of Mustanu ..;!?::'.nt. ::u -io'is arise for its use almost every day. c'rUwi'.'ts and dealers have it. rOCITIVE CURE. l- . i ... ..i )v , i.. ...... w.r Ay wM4 j Scientific American f. Agency for 1m Aii ..if CAVEATS. 5 TRAD2 MARKS, OESIC' P-VH'.' 1 'Ht COPVRICMTU, e TS eto Fir Information and free Handbook writ" tn MI NN ft CO.. Vil ItHDADWAT. Nt.w Vim k Oldest tmreau for mviinna patent! in Am 'ifa. K.very patent taken out by n in broinrt ' mm the public by a notice .riven free ol cl..u . lu lua Scientific Jtoricau Larte.'t rironlntlon of ant nelentlfle paper In the world. Splendidly lllunfraied. No intellieoie man ahoulil be without It. Weekly, ;l.ll : year; HjU six month. Adilren MtWN ft fO I'lulisulus. litil Broadway. New York. THOS POLLOCK R W HYERS Notary Public & Ahstrai'ter Sollcito Ral Estate, Loau and Insurance Agent If you liavi- real estate to sell or (.xcluiti-f Hriiil tiH description, price aud terms. Abstracts of title furnished ittrcas. onable rates. $l(3(),fXX) to loan at 7lo per cent and no commissions, on ood farm security. Willi? SCHIFFM ANN'S Af thma Cure Nm-B fuU t giva hmtuut nliuf in th. wont 0W4, anil cirt-flA i'in' wlit'ru utht'rM fali. Trial rarkuid Htf.K f))ranlaU r kj BilL llitan T)H K. PCHIr PMANN. SI. Pad. !. ATT(iK.EY-AT-1.AV A.' X. St'I.I.lVAN. :: Will itive Mpi-i iiil iitti'iitiim to all luhinrsn eiitruHtfil to liim pAVI lYRIl A tll'FICK-l'liiiin llloi k, I'lllttMIIIOIltll ll) theV n" rf u I Mpanlali ponied prem-plbed lap over SO year., rurei all Ner voim Ol.ea.ea, Lark of !lt'ino )hr, lira darhr, U'abAt il I B m. Before & After Use. linisaiona, t'botoKraphl from life. 11 an hood. OP diminution of theGenrratlve Ori;an, Hi'., aud all rUV'rla canard by pact abuara. I'm np conveniently to carry In I lie veat pocket. I'rlre tin parkaKe. or A for ICS, with a written guarantee. re or pefund tha money. If a rtnuvlM trio, to sell tuu aomn VOKTIILKMN I VI I I'A TIUN In place of SAN ATI VO, end' wo prlre In enve lope and we will aend by mall. I'amplilet lu plain sealed envelope free. Addreaa, MADRID CHEMICAL CO., Branch Office lor U.S.A. 8Sb Deurboru Street, CU1CAUU, ILL, SANAT1VO soli! in rt.ATTSMOl TII. NEU.. by O, H. Snyder, DniRKisi, 511 Main birect, an" druKKists Keucrally. ANTED. SALESMEN. I,i.n.l imil t rn I'liiiu. To ri-D- rescut our well kimwti liuii-c. You tii-oil no ciuiitiil, to ri'iiri'M-tit 11 tiriu Unit wiirriiiits 11 1111 rrv utm k llr-t -clu-w imil true toriiitni'. Work gill the i-:ir; 5100. irr iiiouth to the rinht 1111111. Applv 1 1 it k. Htnthm into. L Lt MAy Co., 'uriertnii'n, Unrests, Hei'ilaiuen. St. l'.inl, I Thi Iioiimo i respotiMihlo.) Minn 1 en )aaMBaaaawBaawiBaw ntn. Atw fv lb,, new it li IM Ihi.. r- f ductloK of lit lb., D(1 1 frl c miKh WtUr thll I onld Dot Uk 91,000 tni Im put hrt worn 1 . 1 un bole mrprA nd rtmud of tht clunn. I racTrnrieT.. yrvr Wlmnt le ill .ofTrrm frooi obMitf. Wilt tuwtr ill laqnitiM If lump ! ibc!om4 for rtily," f ATI C NTS TREATED BY MAIL CONFIDENTIAL. II I. V. f. IITDtL HCItl I IlllTlt, client, IlL l'OLI.OCK & HYKK'S l'LATTSMOL'TH - XEH Olllce under Cn County Hunk, LAUGHTER AND HEALTH Mi!e"Nerva and Liver Pill Act ou o newpriciplt regulatiUr? the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discov ery Dr. Miles pills speedily cure biliousness, bail taste, toipid liver piles, constipation I'neqnaled for men, women and children. Small-J esi, mililest, surest, ati doses..) cts. Samples tree at F. G. Kricke.V Co'h Mother -Do you know why your pa called Mr. Itlowhard a liar, Tomm? Tommy -Yes'm; he's a smaller nidii than pa. Real Estate Doom Attracts the attention of every prop erty holder in this city. Hut when Dr. Franklin Miles the eminent In diana specialist claims that heart disease is curable and proves it by thousands of testimonials of. won derful cures by his new Heart l ure it attracts the attention of the mil lions sutleiiiii;' with short lueath; p, ilatatiun, pulse, wind in stiuuach.paiti in side or shoulder smotherini.'- spells, fainting, dropsy etc. A. F. Davis. Silver I'reck. Ncii by usin liiur bottles of Dr, Miles' New Heart Cure was completely cured after twelve years stiller. ny from heart disease. This m-w rem edy is sold by F. (1. Fricke A Co. a "Well, how ate the votes eoiiiiny in':" 'l'retty lively. Sixteen up to S o'clock, and only one man voting. He's a power in the land." Hows 1 hiH. We oiler Km dollars reward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney Co. l'rops, Toledo, Ohio. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 1" years, and belive him pefectly honorable in all buisness trausactionsaud fin ancially able to carry out an hli atiotts made by their tin 11. West V Truax, Wholesale Prity gist, Toledo Ohio., Walilm- Kintiau Jt Tarvin, Wholesale drug 'jjist Tole do Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, action directly upon the blood and mucous, surfaces of the system Price, 7.")C. per bottle. Sold by all Druggist; Testimonials free. " The new style of writing "uu punctuated letters" certainly can. not be called the fad of the period. Financially Embarrased A large manufacturer; whose af fairs were very much embarrassed and who was very much overwork ed and broken down with nerviotis exhaustion, went to a celebrated specialist. He was told that the onld thing needed was to be re lieved of care anp worry, and have change of thought. This doctor was mora considerate of his patient hei.lth than of his financial circum stances. He ought to have ad viced him to use Dr. Miles' K'cstoative Nervine, the best remedy for tier vous prostration, sleeplessness, di. ziness heaila ;he, ill effects of tobac co, cotTee .opium; etc. Thousands testyfytoit. Hook and trial bottle ree at F G Fricke iV Ce's. HOUSAND3IN REWARDS. Watts This has been a great year for record-breaking. l'otts Hasn't it, though! Mudge paid me f'i he borrowed, for instance. 75 YOUNG UNEDUCATED PARROTS. Mule hinls; $11 eiirh. Warranted talker. VVilaiin'a II I it Hint lliiarr.( Inrlaiiil, Ohio. In Hot Weather 11 cup of beef ten miule from . Liebig Company's Extract of Beef will le tiiiinil piilntiilile, ri'f't'sliinir 11ml lifiiftiiiiil. This Kxtruel keeps for liny li'iiifth ut tiniri 11 the hntti'st i liiiiute. Hi wire mill iret l.ieliivf CtlMl'ANV'S n'ltl iivtiiil loss mill ilisnppoiiitiiii'iit. For all forms of nasal catarrh where there is dryness of the air passages with what is commonly called "stuffing up,"cspeeialy when going to bee?, Kly's Cream Halm gives immediate relief. Its benefit to ine has been priceless. A. G. Case, M. D., Mil wood, Kas. One of my children had a very bad discharge from her nose. Two j physicians prescribed, but without beneltt. We tried bly s (.ream Halm, and, much to our surprise, there was a marked improvement. We continued using the Halm and in a short time the discharge was cured. O. A. Cary, Corning, X. Y. Good millet hay for sale byJ.C. Kiketibary. Leave orders at the Herald office. Philadelphia Crown Caramels, FRESH, PURE, DELICIOUS Maile of rirh t-reimi 1 1 1 1 1 purest material. If your ilenler doesn't keep them Send 50 Cents to the leuilinu maker ami Ki't, postpaid, A Handsome Pound Box of the liest t'aramels, either C'liocolnte;Vu uilla. Walnut, Maple or assorted; address W. F. PARKER & Cu.. cS!s 1 PaRKED'S HAIR BALSAM 1 hair. rth. Orav f nr. . .ru n .1 -....- 1, - .... N W. '.iPvl "AIR BALSAIV r. f-J t'i 1 !"'" "l l'r"1 )ie a aN''T Faila to Rfatore I J', "S llr to ita Youlhful Co l V i',ai kel' hIhi.ui r I '.in in I. li..' ia..r .1 t ..,. V. ! ; k l.ii- .-., I i 1 .iii: , I. utii.n. i'tt.Hl'uki- in time, jtitu! Tiic i.i'v fun' run- for C'omi, .iui-i ft,.:m. l.,u. u. Juut;iit5, ur JII.LUX CO., 2i. V. F. ST. A.RNAUD, ' AtiENT FOR AND Tuner of Pianos and Organs. Leave Orders at LehtihotT Bros. Plattstnouth, Ashland, Wnhoo. The Oraat Waekly Compotiuon of The Ladiea Homi Journal. Which word in this advertisement spells the same backward as for ward? This is 11 rare opportunity for every Madam, Miss, every father und son, to secure a splendid prize. Weekly I'kizks - Kvety week throughout this great c.nipetition prizes will be distributed as fol lows: The first coi reel answer re ceived, (f e post mark date on each letter to be taken as the dale te ceivedl, at the office ol the Indies' Home Journal, each mid every week during IN'.I'J, will get fJHI; the second correct answer JUM; the third $."(); foiirdi a beautiful silver service; fifth, live o'clock silver ser vice; and the next fitly correct an swers get prizes ranging troui Ja down to livery tilth correct an swer, irrespsctive of whether a prize winner or not, will get a spe cial prize. Competitors residing in the southern states, as well as other distant points, have an eipial chance with those nearer home, as the post mark will be authority in every case. Kl l.i:s Kaeh list of answers must be accompanied by SI to pay for six mouths' siibscriplion to one of the best homo magazines in the America Ki-m;km;mt:s -"The Ladies' Home Magazine is well able to carry out it promises" Peterborough (Can ada) rinies. ", splendid paper, and tin iiieial strong."- Hastings (Can adal Star. "livery prize winner will be sure to receive just what he is entitled to." --.Norwood, (Canada! KegiMcr. Money should be sent by poet ol'lice order or i i-gish d letter. Ad dressed the Ladies Home Magazini' Peterborough, Canada. HaLF YEARLY COMPETITION. According to the census of 1S!H, Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her population of l,(lUN,.i7(i people, as the eighth largest city on the globe. Most of us desire, at' one time or another, to visit a city in which so many persons find homes, and, when we do, we can find no better line than the "Hurlingtou i utc." Three fast and comfortable rains daily. For further information ad dress the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Fran vis, General Passenger and Titket Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. Fuk Sai.k ok Tram: A desirable lot in Plattsmouth. Will sell for cash or will take a good buggy horse and horses in exchange For particulars call on or address this othce. tf For SALE Two desirable resi dence lots in Orchard Hill addition to Plattsmouth, within a block of the Missouri Pacific depot. For particulars call on or address TllK IlERALU office. HEED 1 WARNING W'lileh nature in constantly irivlnit in the ahane if hull, plmplea, eruptions, uleera, etc. Thean ihowtliat the blood i contaminated, ami hoiiih mniitaiire iniiwt he irlven to relieve the tniulile. fJ'Jl I the remedy to force out these pol LWwffjl aoiia, and enulile you to GET WELL. " I have had for years a humor tp my bloid. which made me dread toahave, a amall holla or pimplea would heriit.tliimraualnn the ahavlnnto be a great, annoyance. A f ter taking three Imttlei "33f!H my face la all clear and smooth an It KIK" iiyinhi he-apiietlte aplendid, sleep " well, and feel like ruiiuing a foot 111 from the use of H. H. 8. - Chas. Hiatom, 73 Laurel tt .Phila. Treatise nn blood and skin dlwsea ruaileil free bWlFT 81'ECUIC .. riin Moat IntereHtinn Contest Ever Offered by Tim Canarlian Ann-c-uliurist. One thousand dollars in cash, a pair of handsome Shetland ionics, carriage and harness, and over two thousand other valuable prizes for the Agriculturist's brightest read ers. Who will have them? Accord ing to the general custom for some years past the publishers of the Agriculturist now offer their sixth half yearly literary competition. This grand competition will, no doubt, be the most gigantic and successful one ever presented to the people of th? t'nited States and Canada. One thousand dollars in cash will be paid to the person sending in the largest list of Knglish words constructed Irotn letters in the words "The Canadian Agricultur ist." Five Hundred dollars will be giv en to the second largest list. A handsome pair of Shetland ponies, carriage and harness, will be given to the third largest list. t)ver one thousand additional prizes awarded in order of of merit: One grand piano, organ, !tdiK piano, dinner sets, ladies gold watches, silk dress patterns, por tiere curtains, silver tea services, leunysous pot tos bound in cloth, Dickens' twelve volumes bound in cloth, etc. As there are more than 1,1 WO priz es, an) one who takes the trouble to prepare an ordinarily good list will not fail to receive a valuable prize. Ibis is the biggest thing in the competition line that we have ever placed before the public, and nil who do not take part will miss an opportunity ol a lile tune. K'l'Lli 1. A letter cannot be used oftenerthan it appears in the words "The Canadian Agriculturist.' For instance the word egg cannot lie used as there is tint one 'g' the three words. 2. Words having more than one meaning, but spelled the satin can be used but once. M. Names of plact s and persons barred. 4. lirr-u's will not invalidate a list the wrung words will simply not be counted. Kach list must contain $1 to pay for six mouths' subscription to the j Agriculturist. If two or more tie, the list which bears the earli est postmark will take the lirst prize and so on in order of merit. I'nited States money and stamps taken at par. The object in olfering these mag nificent prizes 1s to introduce our popular magazine into new homes in every part of the American conti nent. livery competitor enclosing' IM) cts in stamps extra will receive free, by mail, postpaid one of the Agricul turist's elegant souvenir spoons of Canada. Prizes awarded to persons in the I'nited States will be shipped from our New York office free of duty. All money letters should be regis tered. Our former competition We have given away over I'i'i.iNK) in prizes during the last two years, jind have thousands of letters from prize win ners in every state in the union und every part of Canada and New Foundlatid, Lord Kilcoiirsie, A. D. C, to the governor general of Cana da writes; "I shall recommend my friends to enter your competition. M. M. Hraiidun, Van -Oliver, It. C, re ceived !rl,UHl in irold and we Imld his receipt for the same." A few of the prize winners: .Miss Kolnnson Toronto. ifl.-KW; J. J. Hrand Fein- Ion Falls, Out., iflallli. David Harri son, Syracuse, X. Y., !faX; II. Heavis, St, Louis, !f:H); Jas. Haptie, West Diiluth, Minn. ,."1X1; Miss Georgiana Robertson Oak St. Brooklyn. 1,IHW; Fred II. Hill Had State street Bridge- port, Conn and thousandsof others Addrwss all communication to The Agriculturist, Peterborough, ( intario. Annua; Convention, W. C. T, U Denver, Oct. 20 to Nov. '2. For this occasion, the Hurlingtou Route will have in addition to reduced rates from all stations through car arrangements to Denver. For in formation as to the service from your station, address Mrs. C. M Woodward, vice-president V. C. T U., Seward, Neb. J. Fkancis, Agt Or'ict WORLD'S Ml S'pt. 15,1801 Blacxvi.l'-'s Durham Topacco Co., Durham, N. C Centlrmr : '.Vo have Smoked up r.:i thsT It- :ccut the World's, .r,J have unanimously r...;.rJ.J tiie Cell Medal 1 ; j . .. ';;.'.; TuLavxo to iLA..v. u L. w'3 Li dmmam '.1:1; rv your success, ; t.rlv. Blackwcll's Bull Durhum Has been the recognize j standard tf Smol.i:iiobn:ai (or over 2? years. Uniformly gooj r.nj uaitar..;;' first. Bright, sweet a:id fr.i..i!it vc invit; ti.e most fastidious to test its excellence. Blackwcll's Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N. C. COM.MITTLE 1 .'. -f hum to II IS f (iwriiiic;;, fkvi 'I30Sa'TT SELL, YOUR FARM PRODUCTS, POTATOES. APPLES, ONIONS, ETC. In ear lot or leti,, hrfnrt writing uit. We can handlo your products to the bntt advantage. W refer to Commercial Agencies or will furulsh bank reforence on application. muu u uni.ciciMr 9. nn .ThM$t. JUIKI lit lUULL-JrlUU 0b UUi pT. LOUIS, MO. h 1 i-'i.V mt tP. J. HANSEN, r HAVE SnrKKUKD from the IrTeKtilarltlei peculiar to their ? and round prouipt aud petmaueut relluf lu DR. J. H. (MEAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM. It CCRES ALL Piaeaieii or the Kldneya, l iver and I rlnary Orgiins, aj llrlnlif Plsease, Inlluuiinstion of the. Kidneys, Torpid Liver, lrrcirulnr Men-"-, Lei r- rlnea or Whites an. I Kidney Weaklier lu Cuildrt-11. l'riceel.00 per hottle. I'KLPAKEU BV THE DR. J. N. McLEAN MEOICINE CO. ST. LOUIS. M0. PKAM-R IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. Patronage of the Public Solicited. Why Suffer ? When you can be Cured Thousands arc suffering with Torpid Livcr-thc symptoms are Depression of Spirits, Indiges tion, Constipation, Headache, Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigoraur is a reliable remedy for Liver Disorders. It cures thousands everv yer.r; why not try Dr. Stanford's Liver Invigorator? Your Druggist w ill supply you. DIEFFENBACH'S PROTAGON CAPSULES, Pure Cure for Venk Men.aA 11 roved by ri'imrtaof IcadliiK idif- U.I.... I. ..r.l..r,,itf. I'riie.HI. uliiliiaue Kree. la JCf a riiro fur lleet, UWU Nlrlrlureand all nnnatiiraldlii'liiirKi'n. 1'rlceSl. AREEK SPECIFIC 'h1, Uand Nkln lllaenaea, Berof. nlnna Horn anitNynhllllle AITectloua, Willi- ontmerriiry. I'rlie. . Onlnr from THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. n WOOD'S I'lIOSI'lIOOINli The Ureal Kngllnh llemedy. rromntlr and nermanent- It cureaall formaof iV'ri-oiia (i. ii,'.a. r niiaaiollff. nitrrm urorrH'tl, ImiHitrncu unit till 1 II f via if Alftitr ur y.rcrw. Ileen firi-iw-rllH-d over 8& yearn 111 I linimaiHia Ol rnaen; 1M LUI'Oflf u lit lin' 11 ill. aiun- ...f Ar.iiii iiifi i-,nu-iu akIc .trll(TI!l-.t for ttwil'll TllOH- Hrf.r nn.l After l'H'l"l " n" oner" ioma "J!er' wnrihlim ini illi'lno in ularo of thli. leavo liH olMimieat Biiira, nicioKe priio in letter, ami wo will auud ly n luru nuUL I'rli-e.ono ai-kaO,tll BIX. . fOIUWIII iki iihi'. ai.r iruiL-UfU. ampliletlu tilalu unali-'l ciivei..ii-. vj atnni. i.l.ln... TllK UOOI1 I IIIMH'M, ( O.. 1J1 WouUwurd avuuuo, ln-lruiU llku. Iir Mold In PliMtsmouth by Gering A: to., F. G. Fricke A- Co., Brown iV; Barrett. O. II. everywhere. North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth The Old Reliable YARD H.A. WATERMAN & SON. PUSTE Lath, Sash, Shingles, IXMMIS, : JCIilNI, Ktc. C1111 supply every ileniiinil of the l ily, l ull unit net terms. Fourth .Street lu rear of opera house. W. H, CUSHING, President, J.W. JOHNSON, Vlco-Prei, T . s, CITIZKfTS' OF l'LATTSMOL'TH, -NKIIKASKA. Paid Up Capital, $SO,OOOt Snyder and druggists m MEN OfLV YOUNG MEN OLD MEW Oil II TMl TOILS Or THE SIHPUU OF IISUSL The? nak. barnle cttorti to fraa th'mi.lvffi. tf. bal Dot konmoic how to ajircta. fully v rVJSHAKE OFFTHE HORRID SNAKES Y-J tS. H""' ln 'I'-"'" ao'l '"I lul' .i0 1 a..v. M h.l h'lllinU 1i.ui.UVI.ll OUR KEW BOOK Rtnt fr... poe. rail. i.'.IMl f rallrallril llmat." plain" Iba philmr.plirol Dli.aa ni amiciiuaa of tha Crr.n.ot Maa, ana how by HOME THtAinatni, bynatboda aatluaivaly our oil, tba rl riaaeaof Lo.l or faillni M.ahoo'l, .-1 J m.vhb. 11a. ' bllltr. Waaliaaia of Body f ... Hind rfl.rta of Crrorl or Eie.n.a. Btonl.d or larBa Oriam mil Ne iiret. '": Row to Solarnr and atranrthuDWEAK, UN DEVELOP E0 GROANS A PARTBof BOUT niada plain to all iotaraataaj. 11,0 I.. Hi, float Ml Hiaira, T.trn.n.a tint Unim Cauolrlat. Vniirnari-",ni y..r haa.f iilliplanall an'l prrnifa a.lora ERIE MEDICALCO. BUFFALO, N.Y. 11 ( . 'Mil I-', h'. (iutliiiinii, J. W. Jiihiisnn, K. S. (ireiisel, Henry Kikeiiluirv, M. W. Mnrmiii, J. -. C onnor, V. Wet telikiimp, V. II. C'nshiiiK, A Kcni-ml Imnkiiiu hnsltiesa triinsiieteil. WWm ALLOWED UN TIM DEPOSITS DI. A. SALISBURY, DENTIST JOHN A DAVIKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW Correspondence Solicited. Office in Union Blook PLATTSMOUTH, - NERRAtKA GOLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS. Dr. Sleiiiwnvs niiii sthetic for the pninless ext ruet ion uf teeth. 1'ine (mill work a r-pecinltv. Rockwood Block. Plattsmouth. TIMOTHY : CLARK, DKAI.Kk IN Coal and Wood. TKKMS CASH. VurcU and Office 4ol South TLlrd Streiit. Telephone No. 13. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA., i