Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 06, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    TllK AYKF.KLY 11 TliALP: PLVTTSMOllTlLNT.lHi VSK A. (XTOl.K II (J, IS 1-2.
r r
Nancy Hanks Breaks All
Former Records.
fk Henry M. Downing Desertsthe Dem-
r orrar n Hartv-Tho upmnrrrais
are Worried a Good Deal
Over Gen. Sickles.
TKHKK JlAUTK, Ind., Sept. 2S. Six
thousand neonle witnessed the
Irecord breaking events of today's
yacen. Nancy Hanks was driven to
heat her regulation track record
SI At 4 o'clock, after pome prelimi
nary slow goings, she appeared
with Hud Doble up, accompanied
f by Frank Starr behind the runner
k Abe Lincoln. The track received
I but little more attention than for
fN the other races, beyond one extra
3.'crapi and dragging. The day
jvas fair, not hot, and a light breeze
"started. Frank Walker gave the
I word and the mare started at full
fpeed. The ru nt quarter vva reached
in 0:31, the runner galloping
furiously behind her. Her gait
was steady as a steam driven piston.
The half wss reached in l:02;,i, the
third quarter pole in l:H2t(i, and the
milcjwns trotted in 2:01 without a
break or show of uneasiness or
overdriving. The best quarter wa
twenty-nine and three-quarters sec
onds, and the last half was in one
minute and one and one-quarter
seconds. At the close tremendous
cheering broke out. The crowd
poured on the track. Doble was
carried on their shoulders to the
judge's stand, happy and smiling
to bow his thanks.
President Ijams announced the
time 2:01 and the breaking of all
kite and regulation track records,
Doble was cheered again for keep
ing ins promise 10 unug wie uesi
) f .1... -r t t ...
recoi u um i mi niu i i.m 11- u n.
Another important record fract
ure was the breaking by Monbars,
2:ll:,-i. Don Leather's great .'5-year-
old, of the 3-year-old stallion record,
held by Axtell since 1SK.
Monbars is by Ka;le Hird, driven
by George Starr, to lower his rec
ord. He trotted a mile in beautiful
style in 2:ll:l on the same track
trotted by Axtell.
NiiW Yok'K. Sept. 2S.---The Tribune
says: Henry M. Downing, the
editor of tin; Messenger, the paper
that is published in the interest of
the colored men of Drooklyn and
elsewhere, who was an official un
der President Cleveland, is out in a
letter declaring his intention to
oppose the election of Mr. Cleve
land. The Utter is addressed to
the chairman of the literary bureau
of the democratic committee. Mr
Downing has been a life-long dem
ocrat and has worked nsiduously
for the democratic party. In
giving hi- reasons for his action,
he refers to "the numerous out
rages" on his race in the south and
the refusal of the democratic party
to protest against them.
New Yokk, Sept. 'JS.-The Herald
says: "The defection of den. Sick
les is causing more concern to the
national democratic committee
than any fear of treachery from
Tammany, because that is regarded
as out of the question, flen. Sickles
at Washington praised Harrison
for his friendship to the old soldiers
and left in the minds of those who
heard him no doubt that he wanted
them to vote the republican ticket
and expected to vote it himself. In
a letter to General Collins.written in
answer to a request that he would
write out his Washington speeches
probably so that they could be used
as republican campaign literature,
General Sickles hassaid: 'The men
heard it and I meant it, and let us
be content.' Now, the question
arises, dies Gen. Sickles intend to
bolt Tammany ami the Chicago
nomination V He was not in the
city yesterday so that he coiud not
be seen on the question of all ab
sorbing interest.
llk'OTHIi k'S Ilk'liAK JAM..
Anil-NX, Neb., Sept 2 The three
Summer brothers broke jail today
by crawling up the elevator used to
let feed down to the cells from the
jailer's room above. The family of
the deputy sheriff was at the f lir
and the sheriff, who was on guard,
went across the court house square
to the bank and when he returned
they were gone. The men are aged
twenty-one, twenty-three and twenty
five years, all slmily built, sickly
looking, two of light complexion
and smooth shaven. One is dark,
with black hair and moustache.
The sherilf offers $"0 reward for
each. They were in for house burg
lary and their trial was to be next
month in the district court. The
only trace known is that three men
boarded the Missouri Pacific train
at the crossing east of town at
about 4 o'clock. They broke jail at
3 o'clock.
S. L. Anderson vs. J. M. Heardsley.
Verdict for pi lint ill for S'.MCil.Ni.
Arthur Johnson, John Warga,
Joseph Jelinek, Chris Christianson,
Anton Kotibed, have been granted
their second naturlization papers.
Anton Lukaska has been granted
his first papers.
Silas Long, as administrator of J
the est.ite ol Agnes Cole, had hisj
p'-tition granted in regard to the i
. ,.ie ol pioperty. j
II. A. Shleifert vs. Samuel Coon is
on trial today before Judge Chap
man in district court.
Omaha Loaa Sc Trust Company
vs. Fred Hellows. Judgment by
default against Hellows.
Hannah Corwin vs. John Corwin.
Decree of divorce ordered anil
custody children, given to plain
Livingston, Loan iV Huildiug as
sociation vs. W. W. Drummond. II.
II. Wooley guardian of W. W. Drum
mond given until next Wednesday
to answer.
Walter J. Whiteheal vs. Klla 1!
Whitehead Decree of divorce
granted provided the plaintiff pay
the costs.
Citizen bank vs. Mary A. Garrison
et al. Granted decree of foreclos
ure. .
Win. Cayhill vs. Sarah J. Halver
stadt sale confirmed and deed
ordered to purchaser.
The case of Kneut Kneutson and
J. W. Taylor vs. A. H. Knotts oc
cupied the attention of district
court all day yesterday. About 5
o'clock the came was given to the
jury and after two hours delibera
tion they retured with a verdict in
favor of defendant, A. H. Knotts.
The Curdahy Packing Co. vs
Michael Murphy. Suit on account
for $5.".77. Answer October ."tit, 10
o'clock a. in.
In the matter of the estate of
Sarah L. Stucker, deceased. Hear
ing on petition to complete assign
ment of residue of real and person
al estate to legates under the will.
Prayer of petition granted. Decree
In the matter of the estate of
Charlotte Marshall. deceased.
Notice to creditors to file claims on
or before March L'Mh, P'.Kt, Mo'clock
a. in.
In the matter of the last will ami
of Lewis C. MeMurray, deceased
Same admitted to probate with
bond of executors fixed at MiO.
In the matter of the estate of
Charles S. Sheely, deceased. Hear
ing on petition for final settlement
( ) tolier 1Mb, 10 o'clock a. ill.
In the matter of the estate of
Manila I. Ilootii, deceased. Notice
to creditors to file claims on or be
fore April (it Ii. lvi;t, 10 o'clock, a. in.
In tin' matter of the estate of Win.
Wiut'-rstein, deceased. I learing on
petition for appointment of Kliza
beth M. Winferstein administratrix,
October l'.Uli, ID o clock a. in.
The jury in the case of Nelson
Jean vs. A. C. Sabin came in last
night with a verdict of $1.000' dam
ages for malpractice. S.ibin is the
Ileatrice doctor who had a number
of patients in thic localitj two years
ago. Jean among the rest. They
also gave judgment against the
doctor for a $75 note given by the
Jean and a doctor bill of 10 paid to
another physician to straighten
him up.
Judge Chapman this morning
discharged the jury and adjourned
court this afternoon until October
10. when court will convene to hear
motions and then adjourn until
London, Sept. :. The Standard's
Vienna correspondent recounts an
interview with Don Carlos, the
Spanish pretender, in which the
latter said: "No doubt, after the
overthrow of Oueen Christina.Sp.iiu
will become republican, but she
will finally return to Carlist al
legiance. I am on good terms with
ex-tjueen Isabella, whom I recently
visited, but I cannot give up my
rights. Our principle admit of no
reconciliation. I have ordered my
adherents to abandon the passive
attitude they 1 ave hitherto main
tained against Jueen Christina."
JMI'KISONI-D MINK k'S S'l 1 t.f, I.I VK.
Ik'ONWlMII), Mich., Sept. III). Two
thousand miners worked all night
taking turns in the Norrie iron
mine seeking to rescue the men
buried in the shaft by the fall of
ground yesterday. Late at night
signals were given and answered
on an iron pillar which extends
down into the drift where the men
are entombed, showing at least that
some of them are -till alive. The
scenes about the mouth of the pit
are most harrowing. Abraham
Thompson, one of the men in the
mine, was rescued this morning.
It is believed the other ten will per
ish before they can be rescued.
Hay For Snle.
Flam Parinele&Son will delivtr
hay in bulk to any part of the city
at all times. Leave yours orders at
Parinele'u bam on Seventh street.
A De;i'.i Ice Merchant Done Up
by a Confidence Man.
No More Ni-w CaS'-s of C-hol. r.i nrd
thu Suk .ire Imnrovlnw-DIs-initeU
('..tornity Mill nd
E't'Vdtor Burned.
ot.t, HI T UtlKKIitl Wlil.I..
Hi: a l k'K'i:, Neb.. Sept. 20. A man
giving the name of W. Strong put
in an appearance in this city ! lien-
lay evening and struck one of the
down town groceries for a small
bill of goods and offered in pa)-
inent therefor a ."Kill check, with
George k
thereto. I'll
J cot I s
e man
name signed )
f .
wis a t iiM leci
stranger and professed to have just
sold a load of wheat to Scott, who
operates a hi;' elevator here, and
George had hurriedly ga e him this
check. The grocer, knowing Scott's
signature and lorm of checks, de
clined to accept il on the idea that
he hadn't sufficient money on hand
to cash the balance, but if Mr.
Strong would wait a few moments
he would go out and burrow suffi
cient money from a lellow mer
chant. The fellow grew a trifle suspicious
and concluded lie would come in
in the morning. Later he tried the
sau.e game on a butcheraii J others,
but with poor success. In the
meanwhile Scott had been notified
ami partes started out on the trail
of the forger. Nothing was heard
of him until today, when it was
learned that lie had succeeded in
passing the check on I'. S. Miller, a
jeweler, in payment for $2 repairs
on a watch. Miller giving him $28
change. The check was given on
the American bank and its fraudu
lent was only discovered today
when G. I. Miller undertook to de
posit it. Mrong lias disappeared
and Miller holds the check.
NOIMII lit:.l) HADI.V si OKC'HKIi.
Nk-Iil I',t:.l), Neb., Sept. ".. Hill f
of the busiiu-ss portion of this
place this morning. On account of
the water gi iug out the fire could
not be got under conirol. The lire
originated in the rear ol J'.uiy iv
Johnson's geae-.ii merchandise
store and tiuickh' spiead. J he
losses wi'i e as fid In a s:
Daily i'v Johnson, i UH 0, partly in
sured; -. i. .'I.lliet, grocers luss ,ti,
(KH). insured: 1 ii.-t National bank
building a, :d lilures, lo-is '.'..(U),
insured; Ia!l's restaurant, ,fI!iXl,
insured; i;,lt s-iloou building,
():ki, partly insured; 1". Young, gen
eral merchandise and buihiiflg, $2.
Ihi;l, ?niO insurance; P. Giles, build
ing and gen, ml merchandise, loss
sfa.tHlil, insured il.uo'; II. 11. Hunt
drug store, In.-s .;2,iM), insured;
building, $."), part!)- insured; A. J.
Siders. confections, hiss $"U0, in
sured $1,000; Then A. Wide, hard
ware, loss $ii,IKK), insured $.",.")(); M.
M. Htick, jewelry store, loss. $2"0;
postol'lice, $100, insured; t ivo store
buildings belonging to A. Pellor,
loss $2,."ilK), insurance $1,M)0; barber
shop, loss $I!tH), insured; Mrs. N
Hoothell's residence, loss $1,000, in
sured. The North llcud store fix
tures were a total loss of $1,000,
The two-story brick building con.
tabling two store rooms and opera
house is a total loss of $7,000, with
no insurance. The cause of the fire
is not known.
Juniata, Neb., Sept. It".). The Jun
iatti flouring mill and the J. M. Sew
ell company's steam elevator
burned this evening, loss $;t0J00.
The mill was insured fur $l,."00 and
the elevator for $0,1 Ml. The liri
started in the mill.
AM. KU'OKTKb Wld.I..
Nl.WYlik-K, Sept. 2). A bulletin
from tiarantiiie sajs there are no
more new cases of cholera, and the
sick tire improving. The city health
bulletin says there has been in
case of cholera in the city s'incc
September 1!).
The North German-Lloyd steamer
Lahn has arrived in pot t. She h is
on board M first, and bis second
cabin passengers. Among them
are August liusch.tlie well known
St. Louis brewer. The foreig nniail
of the Lahn were fumigated and
she steamed up to New York.
1 he following st'amerx have
tieen released: Nebraska, K'otter
d.ini, Teutonic, Khaetla and Nonl
land. DISI'l TF. I I'Al i;k'.M I V.
Pl..iNVii,v,Neb.,Sept. 2',).- Charles
Gate was brought back from Cedar
lilutfs yesterday. He is charged
by Louisa Johnson with being the
father of her illegitimate child. He
was bound over to the district
court in the sum of $a,(Ml,in default
of which he went to jail.
CLEVKLAND, ., Sept. ). Senator
John Sherman spoke at North Fair
field, Huron county, today. It was
his opening speech in this cam-
p lign and lie went into the Four
ttf nth congressional district, win i e
there is a bitter liiiht with Congres-- I
man liarter, democrat, on one shi
. nited Mates and a protective tar-
If since Pol, claiming that all the
uospcrity was due to the reptihli-
can policy. I hen be raid: "We
stand by this policy. We maintain
and defehd it its constitutional and
l ight, as beneficial to all classes of
our people and as one of the best
lesultsof republican policy."
He reviewed the tarilf planks of
republican and democratic parties
and denied the democratic charge
that protection was a fraud upon
the laborer for the benefit of the
few. Since the protective taritl had
become the settled policy of the
country the laborer in the I'niteil
s:i.,,.lk, it., i. ..,.... ..,r
w 141 lv " " umiu.vinj i'i ui i imi
than in any other country in the
world at any time. This was shown
in wages; in llie enjoyment of civil
and political rights; in the educa
tion of children; in social standing,
and in the possibilities for the
future, Protection was not fraud
upon labor. Neither was it for the
benefit of the few. No discrimina
tion was made in the protective
tariff in favor of the employer
igainst the laborer, lhere might
be differences of opinion as to
wages, but the laborer was as free
to choose his made of employment
us w,is the employer.
Senator Sherman then discussed
the constitutionality of protection
and limited letferson, Madison,
Monroe and Jackson, who, he said,
were till in fvaorof protection. DCal.
boun, he continued, first promul
gated the idea that protection was
unconstitutional in the days of
nullification in and General
Jackson said that if he tried to
carry out his ideas he would hang
him its high sis Haitian.
In conclusion the senator said it
was lor Ins hearers to choose
whether they would carry out the
idea of the confederate states and
the free trade uotiens of commer
cial cities and of professional dudes
whose only idea was that "it is Fug
I ish, you know."
OITOSI-D To I t'sh )N.
Toi'l.K.l, Kas., Sept. '.!0 After a
consultation lasting from 'A o'clock
yesterday afternoon anlil 1 this
morning, the leaders of the stalwai t
democrats prepared a statement fur
publication declaring for Grovii
Cleveland and appoint ing a com
mittee to arrange 'for a mass com
vention to be held here on t clobcr
th. This bold stand taken by tin
ami iiisionists lias iirotight to a di-
ect issue the fight between them
Hid the Iiisionists. It has been
virtually decided not to put a ticket
in the field, but to defeat the old
tune democratic leaders bydcUal
the combination electoral ticket.
Frohlbs Nominato
Nebraska C ity .New s, Se .1 . in ; r ll'l.
The prohibition county conven
tion was held this afternoon at the
court house. There were fourteen
faithful followers present. J. II.
Cttrrie was chairman and A. P. Sey
moiir, secretary. The following
nominations were made:
Senator I). Kvcrcst.
Representatives-M. 1 Phillips
Thus. McCulloch.
Commissioner J. F. Abbott.
No county attorney was named
as they have no lawyer in their
"Beauty is but skin
deep" was probably
meant to disparage beau
ty. Instead it tells how
easy that beauty is to
"There is no beauty
like the beauty of health "
was also meant to dispar
age. Instead it encour
ages beauty.
Pears' Soap is the
means of health to the
skin, and so to both these
sorts of beauty.
All sorts of stores sell
it, especially druggists;
all sorts of people use it.
Hi'lflxtcri'il I'liynlclun anil riwnmiH'Ift
Special attention jjiven to Office
Rock Hli kks - Neu.
jT'" " FX ' ' ' V
- ! ;.J."r:
y'&'Zi. cJTmA ,;f"
Sizes and styles
Requirements of Everybody.
Eliileptlc Fits, I'nllliiff Sickness, njstor
Iw, St. Vitus Duiicp. NiTTOtisness,
Hyiocliiiii(Iiia, Melancholia, In
ebrity, Sleciilessness, l)lz
ziticss, Itrain and Spi
nal Weakness.
This mpillchirt litis ilirect nctloii upon
tho uorvo winters nllaylinf ad Irritabili
ties, and htei easing tin flow ami power
of ncrvo fluid. It Is perfectly lianulcsB
Mid loaves lie uiitiiensiiiit elTects.
A Tnlunliln Honk n Nm'vrmi
lilMciison hum n-o in Ativ miMniHii
amiI iHir litilriitH run itl-o ohtlC
tint inoilli ine In-e ut i liiiruu.
Thin p'liiwly b.m )""n iiivtnir'i tiy Ih lti-voreri!
Ivtor k..eniK. i t I nn W.iimi, linl mnce lSi'i om
Lrtuuviip'ii.,iuil iiiiiliirli b u.r4i'U.-u by Uiu
KOL N'CWrr Chicane,
i2 n X 11
(VITALLY WEAK). Wt.l. ,ohr ! irril-ir.n U
Lit. in. ,.r tlmU : ..nil ln.-.itsl tlrfllnarfn.r sill 11
l I l jn t'.i I'll li'.'fr lrliti. h.l In rnntrhi.'. I I,
Vihf HCH 'uk urimiii M.KMiiHiirni.iM.ii
ll,.f fXHIl llliy, M ISHMI HHI1I S 11.
Jill I 11 lliV lll.slsahl, I till I'M t In till Sti, I If I It.
PI V. IlHl( ii, r til lil.i, I "! .frriilli,!. nh ntgin,
lnt .1 i w . , , , n.n-ii. u alj i n,. ,i,(
when we say CURE-V,".;;;',:,';
It. in irr I cm.-. Hi iiu l ti..l furi-il in jia.i l, l ,. f-air
n TRIAI "ij'i ii-hi i im i mm.
M All ... yiin.g or ol-l, ti.llring fi-mi Ih!,
' ' ' 'li"il I ni'l H.-lr t'Mrw in (.i,
'.i'.II. I -. I l,f . ,,, rl, , L ,1 liuy tu tl ne eon , 'ion
9l purl, r, it n.,. ., lii-illfllit It tf!-.-l a .rt,,,.l em.
lo'tl.'.l 111 , V.., itllr li J-ntttl HI. I.n-n.i. t n!lf
III r r',,1 f-, i.- i-nfl l. ib c'-'itu I I'aiillln '
THE UA"I?IS PtMEDCO.,Mf(t.Chmitt1
kt-p., -ft n vr.'iit r t ? g r.An mtT.r
How Lost! How Ropolnodl
Or SKLF-l'HI'.M-.ltVATIOM. A new nd only
(iolit Miit ill I'Hl.K KSKAV "1 N'KllVOns n.i
1'IIVMIl'AL HHlll.irV, l.KKOKH or
hi ATI' II K lMMK, mill ml lUMKANKH
mil WKAKN KHSKH ol SI AN. JUXI clolh,
pilt; U5 itivslutliie irt-Kriiiiim. only $1.00
DJ matli iluutiiS ii'iilnl. lirrcnpllvs l'iu)ct
m with r ndorieoirnti priPP I SEND
of the iTint and voiianr K'rttr I Snui
U'timoni! of tlio c;irnl IIIUU1 IMUW,
t oimuUiition in M.rti or It mill. Kijirrt tn-aU
mint. I VIoLAI'.l i: M IKM V ami ( LK
TIN' rl 1(1 . A.I !- Ir. W. It. t'nrkrr. or
Tlii' i'i-.iK..ty .Vti-.litu! Iii.tiliiii', Nu. Uiillini U M.,
Ili moii, Mum. '
Th I'cuSuilv M..i!tr it tn.'ttiilr h:i mnny lm.
tali ri, l.ul no r it i.
'l'lm Hi ii-ii"! of I.'.fr, ii ". II l'i-.'nTv:iii'n, 1 a
tn-Hmirn fiii-n v tl.i.i'.i' a H' i.'' .! - K. ml 1'. ii iw,
vi'i-v H i: VK 'i ! M li i Ol nun, -mi! I' irii m
i- uTituM, . - y..t,. i ' ;:. i ' " i ru-lni A
I Mr : .1 f.
u t li'Xor.i" a InmeliolJ word b'-cau..':
is aii ,. ..hit'! purity, nutritive value, sn.i
'tc Itl'l li.'iicin'j'i !jllll'Uf. It is U'l n'.l d I
ikl.ires ari l n stimulant f . r im p ' " 'f
. 1 1 1.: i 'i-is. I'liiiKa inferior lii-,i::i it
. :i : r;i p i.r scaiil tl.e tin. ar.J
:.. ... r i. i'j; '! n-etsci, diziii an'
1 1 rn iy n :'
tl'.. rri'i-.i!
i--i!. Oli i
! r
ale liy Jne MtA'ey.
ia r
FiibinotarciMl fonrtio nfif fri'Pi t' l Kl'iB of
'IiTii.fK, t. r l'' a n."i .i-.T. i : nl il " ury In
Inf.lifli . r-'ii'i it nil nny r. i ,t t mi h .il run l.o
IMrmiiKi iilly cari-il ttltbuut Die ! ol'
II, r kullr.
liw II. Ii. Cm v, 5!"7 IiiitlniiTj Avo , ('lilrmrn,
li): ' Wnn i iiri' l ol i iuii' T i'f llin liruaul In n
i'i- If )"iT mrili'iil "I Iri'niiiii iii. ' hi'Ml t .r
Uvutue. lir. II. I. Hale uuoiih fUiClnvato.
GVV. ft
jjrt, ii.iiimil
ft s$ fl'
Fifteen Cents Per Week
YMV ; lLli;il
if - . .
ill. I'-lvp,"''
Keeps coiiFtautl on hand every
thing you need to
A (li:.M) Ol- VEIL TO TllK
I i r A I I N ; ri'ULlc.
l'AV A YKAK'S iST'l!
.sciuition to
tiik wj;i:kl iikkald,
01-Till: t UKBIDKNT.
AI) (10(H) TO ?l.
( f ' '. ' " !
UOI.I) AMI I'dr.rKf.AIV Cl WNf
I!."iil(;o wnrk onil tinu tnl.l work a
r! STKlNAt'H l.of AI. in writ at nflier ai
I lift ni;;lvi-n fur'i' n ilnli-- ttatmolUtu ol
v MAIfHlI Kn,er i!(l PJocri
Tuner of Pianos and Organs,
l.riiM' Onlom nt 1.1'liiilmlT ItniM.
I'l ittMinoutli, AFliland, Walioo,
Coal and Wood,
Ti:i:3is cash.
Yuril iiml (Mliri- ID Snutli 'I'll i r 1 Street
1 J ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- .y. I t.
I '1 , A I TS M t ) LJ T 1 1, N I I ! R A S K A
MiiniifurtnriT nf ntul YIii.Ii"-!iIi'
unit Iv'i liiil 1 Irnli-r in tin'
Choicest: Brands of Cigars,.
mi; TOBACCO AND ssokecs amiclp-
III 1 I I It
7 t ' 3 r j
I r 3. - !
r - - - x . i
iizz"? I