Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 29, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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The Outlook Bright for the
Entire Ticket.
No More New Cases Reported
Touching Incidents-Fired on
by Cuards-Reports From
New York.
I'AMI I.(V, SANHY HimiK, X. J.
Sept. "Jit. --All cases of cholera, or
Mispicious symptoms here, are
islolated intents and not taken to
tin- hospitals. Tin' official census
of the camp taken today shows:
C'onimissiotU'd ot'liccrs, 4; warrant
officers. "J; employes, including
mechanics, 7"; telegraphers and re
porters, 1; passengers, '.'I I or which
in the hospital. 7; dead, '.'. Total
passengers no,v alive, 'M'l; total
persons now in camp, 1,01.1.
The medical summary shows;
One death from cholera; one case,
one death from peritonitsis.
Mrs. (iiiteldoniis, the woman who
was suspected of having hecome
infected with the disease, is now re
ported !y Ir. K'atich, the consult
ing cholera expert, to he rapidly
improving and to he on a fair way
to complete recovery.
The dead now at the camp are:
Krancisco Moreno aifed-1 years,
died at 10 p. in. yesterday, a passen
ger by the K'liiiia, cause, Asiatic
cholera; Louise Scheidt, ayeil
years, married, died at midnight,
cause peritonitsis, following prema
1 urc conti ncmeut on Ilotl'niati
The sick in the hospital are: Mrs.
Schlesinner, aed Ti years, a pas
senger from the Xormannia, ill
from the effects of premature con
finement; Henry Albert, aijcd I1
years, diarrhoea, recovering: Marc
Alhert, anvil i! years, diarrhoea,
recovering;; unknown infant from
the h'uia. etfects of starvation.
The inothi'i" of t lie unknown child
before mentioned died on board the
K'utjia during the voyage and it is
alleged that the infant was neg
lected by the ship's stewardess
and subseipienlly by the officials
at Hoffman Island.
Xo new cases of sickness are re
ported in camp.
A touching incident occurred to-
Inijrlit when the evening mail came
into camp, caused by the eagerness
. ivith which Mr. Scheidt hei'L-ed for
a newspaper in which to read the
account of his wife's death. The
. ... i.. i. .-..I .... i ....i
J'l'UI 1 I I tl I I I ,s Ill ill 1J I 'I I I ll I II III 1 1 I 1 1 1 1
and his luii little children do not
realize their loss and are continual
ly asking for their mother.
The two officers of the H ambnr
steamers here have been creating
trouble by their familiarity with
female passenger.-, iieu. Hamilton
sent for them and uac them a se
vere repi inland and threatened to
punish them if their conduct is
airain complained of ly the people
, in camp
Iv'KI'dlv'iS l'K(ii M.U I'k'K.
Nl-.W YniVK, Sept. JO. Til.- board
o health posted the following
bulletin at 1 o'clock this aihTnoou:
Xo cases of cholera in this ei,y
since the last bulletin. There is a
'r-uspecteu case, .up jo wan, lour-
lleeuth Molt street, who died today
-. -. i i . . . . i i . t
arm nas oeeu remove;! 10 me iooi
of Kast Sixteenth street for exam i na
Treasurer F'ierrepont Morgan of
the chamber of commerce emer
gency fund today received irl.ino
additional, the fund swelling to a
total of fl'.CC.'l.
s,Ni:i r ic a i. j i:kis.
Ak'ANTINi:, S. I., Sept. I'O. Dr.
Jenkins reported today his denial
that any sick people had been in
tentionally sent to Dr. Hamilton af
(.'amp Low. lb' pointed out the
fact that for ten da s then- had
been no sickness amoiie- t,, pas
sengers at Jloltmau Hand. lie
ays (hat they were all nh! when
thev h'lt for Camp Low and he does
not seem to believe thai Ihe two
Jieailis i epol it'll at iue i.mii .11
!iie to cholera.
' - -- -
I " I Is' I-: 1 (IN : I 111: 1.'.' k'!S.
Tlk'l-; Isl.ANP, L. I., Sept. .'11.- The
e-uard touiLiht nieil upon ,1 boat
which had too pei i.- U 11 1 1. Iriedbi'
land passengers. The no nt ty ol
the bo. It man 1 - 1111 known.
chaik'M ( 'i .:.:-.-Chairman
A. L. Cad ol the e
Jillblican slate eeut'.il eommiue--xvas
i 11 Omhaa ( .-lelila . In speak
ing of the political -dilation. In
said that reports were b,--i im i ni; to
com,, jn from out over the -tale. a 1:1 1
I - w. ve Olo-t .1 rl'iiui
X i )iir tin mi who -iiaye. I aw ay two
.lirs iie-o," he -aid, "are coining
I Jf 'k, iill'I the p, ,, pie's party is
djtakini; no earns whatever, unless
it be riu'ht here in Dougl as county.
' In all the rural counties thev are
losino around. In some cases it is
not much, and in others it will
amount to 7a or Nl per cent. Kveu
would be tremendous. Out thr
the state the prospcts could
hardly be brighter. The little
ripple of dissatisfaction that was
! stirred up awhile ajo has entirely
I passed away, and if there is any of
I it still felt it is on the part of the in-ii-ii
t . i i. . . i
1 dividual ami cannot oe ticiecieu.
1 i
There is no concerted action in that
j direction or it would make itself '
, manifest. Mr. Majors is desirous I
of the success of the entire ticket, i
and he personally assured me that !
he and his friends were doini; their !
utmost to that end. He said he J
felt that if he was to run ahead of I
the balance of the ticket out
through the state he would be
charged with treachery, and his
future in politics demanded that
this should not be the case. There
are so many things entering into the
situation here in Houelns county,
thai it would, of course, be im
possible to hold any individual
responsible to tell what miijit !
occur here. It is always impossible I
to tell what this county is .
to j
do, and I am unable to tell just
what the situation is here. I am
ii dined to think that whatever
janyliiii;' there may have been here
w ill, in the end. prove beneficial.
That is the way it used to be in
Xcw York city when Tammany and
the County Heinocraey jjot to filit
ine. It would help all tin' rest of
the ticket down to where (he trouble
was, by creatine; interest and jjet
tim; out a biy vote. So Jam con
vinced that even if Poulas county
should not be agreed on some ot
the less import nit matters, it
would not hurt the national and
state ti'. ket in the least."
Xr.U Yok'K, Sept. 'IX- Louis YVein
hayen, who was taken sick a few
d ivs n;'n with Asiatic cholera and
removed to a hospital died this
inorniiii;- The health department
reports no new cases of cholera
this moniine.
The steamer I'epneiis left Lire Is.
laud this morning w it h the pas -enters
of Ihe steamship Y uui .
who were lauded here today.
Two cases suspected t.f be in-.;
cholera are heme' investigated this
niornitiir - Lieb Wisnewit ot Hivis-
ion street and Mare net loeliliii of
Avenue C.
Ck' Ao V, Sept. '-':f.
Since the i Iiol-
era appeared in
the Yist ula river,
I'odeor.e, across
there have been
only four cases, but all have been
fatal. In Cracow there have been
eleven cases and two deaths. Lour
cases and two deaths have been re
ported at Volovice.
llAMIH K'n. Sept. Z. The official
figures vesterdav were 110 new
cases and forty-nine deaths from
cholera. The official figures are
far below those eiven by the news
paper correspondents here.
C .MP l.i i w, N. Y.. S pt. 'IX The
health of the camp is rapidly im
proviuu". Th ei e ere no suspicions
cases today .
.nn:s in- Tin; I'l.Aori:.
1 1 k' I-, Sept. Z. Kiiiht new case
and two deaths from cholera oc
curred here yesterday, an increase
of four cases and a decrease of one
Jl Ak'A Vl im:. N. Y Sep(.j:t. - The
White Star steamer (iermanie, with
'.'Lt saloon )asseieers, has arrived.
All are well. The steamer Suevia
was this morning allowed to pro-
ceed to her thick after inspect ion.
I'Ak'ls, Sept. -X -Dnmay, inember I
ol the chamber of deputies, his
wife and child, have all been at- j
tacked with a choleraic tlinirder. I
ll is feared it is Asiatic cholera. I
Hi k-l.iN. Sept. ':(. The eiupon r '
has written an autograph letter of j
sympathy to llambure. ,,nd
ilouab'd I'M 00 marks to ihe relief
com in i Itee.
i:.k iT.l.k'Ks k'k'l I Kl.
lx ss CITV, Sept. J!. -James A, :
Mack and I'. Y. I'.lack of the Ameri
can National bank ol this city, have
been arrested, on complaint of a1
I ailed Stale- boik examiner, on
tie- charge of embe..leiut nt and;
a I; el i a.;- lii; lli'es on the bank books. ;
lielweell lliem they stole !r I 7.1 K " f ;
I he ,i n a ill lit ol I he ell'.l ! .lenient 1 1 1
ex-Ca-hier Curtis, arrested in Chi-;
cao, i- believed to he .-da, 00, 1.
K I k' A t ' II ' i.
1 I.Ak'XKV. X. b Sept. The
Kearney cotton mill yesterday j
slopped a con-i n ll i e ll I of 7ii.'i
V I Ills of cot ! oil clot ll to points ill,
Iowa. 1 x a 1 1 - t - and Missouri. I ne-e
a le the III -1 cot i in m,h. -r,a ii ii
ful 1 1 ri 1 1 in Nebra-ka to I . -hipped
otll-ide of the slate, Tlf cotton
mill is now n ic k i i1 i; a number l
e 1 .1 h s ol i I it h and he v are havill;;'
a demand la r in exce-s , i t h ei r sii j i-
i'. Th , - sh ipiueul will lie loll.
by others trout day to day, and
when every loom is muuiuo- and
the mill is luriiiiiL;- out L'li.niKi var.l
if it was onl halt this, our
of cloth each day, il cannot help : secure t he i n.-tira nee, as 1 ,y l(.r ex
but add materially, not only to the j travaance she had become lareely
wealth of Kearney, but to Ihe stale J ''eh!. Her case was carried to
of Nebraska. l!u' i'"irt of appeals, and that court
i .
The State of Nevada Ordered
to Lower Quarantine.
bent need to bo Beheacloil and Her
Ritiht Arm Cut olf Fo' Poison
inn Her Husband Other
News Notes,
I'KOUk'KSS (iK Till. I IK 11. I k' .
NKW Yokk. Sept. '.'1. The health
department received this afternoon
from Prof. Urines t,,. result of the
bacteriological examinations made
in the case of John Knox, the lire
man on the steamer State of Nevada
who died aboard of that vessel last
lliejit, and Louis W'cinau'en. who
was touiid sick on Sunday niht
last and was taken to the reception
both ca
The report states that
were genuine Asiatic
cholera. The health hoard reported
the lac t il the death of th
Nevada fireman from
Stale of
cholera this altei noon.
Auotiiere case ol suspected chol
era was reported to Ihe board of
health this afternoon. It was that
of Patrick Stewart, who was found
sick and rcmovi d to the reception
hospital. Stewart is a boiler maker
in the Hrooklyn navy yard.
Of A ' A N TIN f, S. (., Sept. Jl. 1 l.
Jenkins ordered back to Lower
(piarantine the Allen line steamer
State of Nevada on account ol the
recent death of a stoker after her ar
rival at her dock. Dr. Jenkins says
that there was an i uteres! i ue story
attached to Ihe recall to ipiar intine
of the Stale of Nevada, but con
tented bimsell for Ihe present by
sa iuy. " The State of .Nevada came
from (ii.isoow, a peifectly heallhy
port, her cabin passengers wei c dis
charged. It is my intention to hold
her lor the twenty days rule and in
formed the steam -hip avnt that I
would not allow her lo -o up uu-
j less he , i! ,t ,iinei the coiisenl ol the
Collector of the port. I sllbse
lllellll received word from thei ol-
lector that if tile sieamer was all
I'l-lit slie slioulil be allowed to uo
I up. 1 he steamship fit; ol Paris
at a o clock p. in. was allowed to
proceed to her d ck.
C.!l' I.MW, S.WHV lh"K, X. J.,
Sept.'JI. I'erfect I'linl; lence is re
stored here iiiiinii;' the detained
people by Ihe announcement in the
command. mi's report, issued after
the daily inspection, that no new
c ises have been found in the last
twenty four hours, and the sick in
the hospital are all reported as
beiny in a lair way to recovery, ex
cept the sad case of the unknown
1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 . who.-e mother and two little
si-ters die, on the h'ue ia while at
sea. The i hiid was left to the tender
mercies (f the ship's stewardess,
through whose neglect il is re
ported now to be dy me;- from the
effects of absolute staivation. 'That
Word is the plain diagnosis eiv,.,
of the case by the doctors, and
they stale thai the child will not
I his case has e i Vt.n t ;,. ) Hlll
very severe strictures amone the
people here ai d expre--ioiis of the
most bitter indienat ion are heard
on all sides at the wanton cruelty id
the steamship people.
The official report issued after
camp inspectio.i todav is as follows:
Sick Annie Schlessineer, 27, Xor
mannia, confinement, recovcrine.
Henry Albert, I'.j years old. Xor
mannia. intestinal trouble, recover-
' 11 se
Marie Albert Hyeais. Xnrmaunia.
diarrlnea, recovcrmt;-,
Mr.-. i. I lionise, :i' ear-, Xo; nian
n i, i, cholera, inipn iv i n-,
The la-t named woman and her
lour children are completely is.
olaled in the nio-t remote corner ol
Tea M le camp. Ten Mile a-i-tail's
vvlm A'eie sent down la-t
nicjit have been put to work in the
d i.-i u led i u corps j M j , , , , ,,.
1 1 n ii w ho reiu-ed duty y esp-rdae.
(ieiiera! Hainilton. alter i--iunc;-the
s'a'eiueiit, ri poried tiii- alter
noon to tiie v ssnciateii press r
.i illative tl'iat lie would b'.i vi
Washing (tut liinoirie.v nijjht
tor en
to hi.- Ii
ill ( 1, ie.i .
'.'( 1 1. I l I I k'l
Ikm: l-i. wn. N. N
ipliel le'l e ,ll 1 til
e V on; i ii e ,, p. iii
-i. ;
-'1. All
-"tlU'ers of
-1 health.
Sr. I 'i i i k'-1 a k'i
April I. i.-t Mrs. ,iu
I n
a prot
-or in the state ,-,,l!i
I a , a - tell i: 1 1 -. t 1 1 1 1 a in ', vv i- !
:ui!:y ol ;'..,-onii!r li-r p,,,
.in. 1 in a,' . a i la vv a i Ii a n iei
I IV,' '.V.I - - il!' ll.-i-d lo Iv I'll,
ev a i
el' '1
and her body to In- a'li m d to ,
1 .eaci hi a - id 1
ye.,i-s,,!d. si:
sor in s'.io am
confessed tin
ll'e.l. S!l I- I'M
niar'-ied the prole-lia-
one iliili). Mi
crime, saving- -h,
! I'oi-oned her 1 1 ii -1 . n i I in order to
has not onl v alii imed it, but in de: ed
that her nylit hand he cut oil as an
addit ion:i I pun islim.ut tor h.ixie
several times lot-id her husband'.-,
name to small cln ks some time
In lore hi- deatfi. ihe sentence i-a
most ten i b i oin , ,..,.1 it is thought
ettorts will be made to ;( the car
Id com inn le it.
Secine no items (nan piis iciu
ily for ipnte a while, we will take
the liberty of writiiie son e.
The Murray baud seems (o be
makine- inirov i nienP They prac
tice about three nights in the week.
A I try an club has been ni .ini.ol
herewith 11. L. Oldham as presi
dent and C. IC. Itaunine as secretary
and they will noon be wcarino caps
and bailees.
The Christian church is about
completed and will soon be ready
tor dedication.
Mr. Win Chambers Id Sparl.i. Ill , !
has been here visi'ine- u) nephew,
Win. llrown. lie was accomd.iuied j
home by .Miss l.ulu Hn wn, vv ho w id
attend .school there this comiue
Miss Lucy Ldtnonds depailed
forl.incolu Monday, where she ex
pects to attend Coiner tiuiversilv
this winter. Xo wonder Will does
not visit Murray .-o otleu 1 ilelv .
Miss Hess Walker and Mabel
N' t u 1 1 o have "one lo Council HIulls
to attend a conv cut this var.
Miss Alma I'arrott is teachine;
youne ideas at Mi. nay thi- fall.
School is proeressine mcel y under
her management.
Miss Laura .Will ol Mary villi-. Mo.
is wieldine- the birch at the New
llojie schoid. She comes highly
recoiumeuded a ml is doiii" yuod
Miss Hertha I 'orlcr presides nt the
thick school ami we hear eood re
ports lloill (here. Success.
Mrs. My ra U'oot is holiluie forth
at Ihe brick. No. 7, and pal n mis ,0
Ihe school ha ve been loipmale in
j set'lirine her services, as she ha
I talieht in this vicinity several
' y ears.
I. J. I'iltman is n joicine over Ihe
! arrival of a hue nine pound bc,
that came lo -laihh u hi - home, lie
will rem. liu 'J.I y ears.
Mi- Mabel McCmmaheyol W ash
incjto.i county is visiting In r many
I rieuds in this place. She expicts
to rema in some time.
Miss r.iuline Oldham has been
on the sick list this past week.
Thursday evenine, Sept. S, was
one of the notable evetils ol Ihe
season, it lieiny the ivveiity -lir-l
birth day o James Lonnin'itloe,
A t about o'clock Iriends and ac
ipiaintances bewail lo oalher at the
residence of Will. I .oil e 1 1 r id e,
about forty in all. Many were de
tained from comine hy (he threat
eniiiLf apfiearaiice ol the weather.
A "T.iinl eood time was i i i 1 1 1 1 1
in by all present and I ef i esh meiits
vvert served con - 1st i II o -t , i,e cream
and take. After leiviue many
presents (he yoliny lolk- departed
wishiiiLT that James would have
many more tweuly lir.-t bin In lay s.
Mr. Iv. S. Iv'ool has e-one to (. edar
fi iiinly hi a ros net i n n inirvvilh
a v iew to purchasing land in thai
co anty .
.Mrs. Mary Kaukin ol Hroken How
is here visitine her parent-, and
hopes to be benefitted bv theie
freshing air of Cass.
Mr. Troy Davis and sister Cora
have eon,, j,, Lincoln to attend the
Western Normal Colle-- ncently
located at that (dace.
k'emeillber alvvay s take ymir
scriplions to Ih I S i 1 1 t -
Skin lilcmislics, like
. dil teeth, are the more
!; .nsive hecau .e they
I e mostlv voluntary.
The 1 inrcs are closet
' w: cannot o!en them in
: imiuU
may m a
y i ilen I v of
1 .
.' it plenty of
i olten ; excess of ;.;'oo'l
::,!) will tlo no harm.
1 se Pears' no alkali in
ii ; nothing hut soap.
All sorts of stores sell
i;, especially druggists;
all sorts of people arc
using it
13 Your Husband Cross?
IYthfuas your conking stovo li
Uiu can? o ot 1U
Well cooked food produces
good digestion and a
cwoet temper.
4 mp of iJis M
l VitWtk okln
Li -V. And lookcil qu
if lJiSJtUll-8.'vl!
mny k'li
outt tfrenrv bK oli
I I titn KkUfiht lor n to Jul
I And my brothers. In th otV
aA3 twvtr CLPtr inure.
la. .
ItVeuS n nt Uioja WTvoVsum tfilfiirJ
oNxlWi''-. 1' you Want tlio Dcst,
tx mtz Boy the Charter Oak,
''Mce- iO0fJ.
KulliiT lt H hliout Itroiul
Hisiier's Kkkiukml-k, Sliiniiii tln, Mlfh., I
Nuv. V. Ish-.i. f
Tim IU'V. ,1. KoshIiIi'I. of aliovo (ilium, wrltm:
I liftvu Hiilli ivil a Kii'iit. iliul. iin.l wlii'iiiiviT I
Dow tool a lU'i vuun atturk euintiiK 1 Inku a ilone
ot l'aHtor Kniiiilft't Norv Tuiiiu uml fml ro
liovoil, I think a cv.-in iliul of It, niul won hi
ralhor do without bruml tliiin nltUuiil Uiu Totiio.
San Fiiancihco, "al., Julio ID, W.
l'rom tlilH fur-oir liui.l 1 wrilo my thai, I
liavo hoini Hiillm liiK fur a.i ytnim ifnmi tho tlmu
my tlrHt clolil nan Imrn) wllti xpliml aiul liruln
troiililn, niul an 1 tircw oUlur tlia uln Kiii inot to
Rrow wiimn; I honnl boiiiii tiiiio ano of 1'imtur
KouiiIk'h Norvu 'l'onlo. Am ou thuHin'oml liotllv
now ami fool tho (win lu my bock very, very
luucll rulluvotl, luUuml.
A Tulitiililn Hook on Ncrvoin
I IIm'iiki-, ni'Mt ii-I'O HI UllV ttllilpihl
uml iMir ii.ilioiiTH run nlMi olitftli
IliU iiiimIIi-iiio Iivfi of iliarKo.
This ri tiii ilv ImH lioi'n inoi'iiro'l hy lln llovomnil
tMMor Imii ihu. "t I no w k hi'. Intl.. mnce lasii, uiu
Uuuvv im imii'U uiiili'i I'lti iliit't-llun hy ttiu
K0?(G MFD. X, Chicago,
l l, ia :,n;,-"'- ' , : ;ifV WfoTIrS
: r,J J
. i : : i .Jf
How Lost ! How Regained I
Or Sl l.r-ri(ll ll ATION. A now Riui only
l.olrt Mcihl I'KI.K KssAV on M KVOI Maud
1'IIVSK AI, lihllll.llV, I ItKOKS of
KITIHK lill I INK, mill ail HIMvASKS
anil Vi:iKMM.S of MAN, :wtiiv, cloth,
nil; vu mvniiiali.8 iirertr .jinotm. vu,j
l.y mail, dmili.e unlnl. Jitoriitlvo J'roupwt-
t rntiomfinriitR r"nr"ri cruin
t f tho l'rof no v iiuntiev I'Mhr I iiTVV.i
tertt.iiioiiinlfi df tin- f'.rt-A I lll-l-I NOW.
Ci' 'n'ion n -t'iii or l-v mi I. 1. oTt trcat
nxi.'. INV lol.AI'.l I. si t l;i t V ui.t t
TAIN 4 1 111 . Ail - It. VV. II. I'lrlior. or
Tllf I'lM'ii 'lV Ve .lll lll l!llln:f. .N
ll'.-tuti, M.i"-.
'I ho IVCkU- l'1-in..a
l.i'"ti, l.llt Lu -.;!. I . ''
4 Ili.ihlH h si..
1..IM TllilhV il'-i
'I'lii' s,.,,.,,,.,.
' i-jr., hi'Mi' V
TV HI li
s laist. .
if I
-. if I
o.ili'iii. I. n
;.,ii ii i...w,
..- .1 !o ,
.! iu'i ti-a-
' .
I l.c 1 V.I
::'i. : ,
nl I ii cac
V -liti,:. ;?
Ii i ;
' I
i- r '
ii (i i- K i
l.i-rHiiini-iit I v cuit'l wilb.uil t'lo ii fi o
till- Unite.
Mils II. Ii. I'm i v, 7 T'i,t II"! AM'.. I'Mtf
fciv: ". in..; . i I '. I ' 1 , I in -
wool!" 1 ) ,r . :l ! 1 I: i i."i I s- '"1 1
U-t;iU.-.j. Hi . 11. ( . lln c ,at i .-I., t hn iv
A( c iii;n r insi ram 1:,
T. II. Pollock, Avnt
. XI
-:".t ivJ k-'-- 5-Vw
"''A- ' 1 Sir
. . . vr -'. y I'oiC-
k - ' '.' -rH-f Ii', vm
'i t ' . ii-. t ! , n c t r-'Mid ii ti
.i " I ,IM' ' I"'
' . . ,t,t ml ffn: ynir
i . . .. ! i , .( ;.i n ,t
.. - '.-.
- -. f . r i r
, .: t, ;; It. lilt"
' Ll . ' ; i i , )
i i.i..,., .
rllRMTllKh IlKALEt
Keeps constantly on liiid every
thing you neetto
rniNisii youiuiousk.
A (il!.M) (H FIITO THK
I ; h A I ) 1 N ( i ITIM.IC.
-- - i
in anvoMf: "who will
S(!i:il'TlON TO
I'llK W I'.LK'lil ltKKALI),
(in advanck)
wk will i'ukskn'c
a i:k,i;tifi!l toutkait
oftiik 1 kksidknt.
will i:k ;mi) to old
sr iiscki i:i:i:s
A I.St ) (iooi) TO ;.
l it - : ' ;.v'- i
ml. I) ANH I'OKCKI.AIN ci:ovn
Kriiliff work uml tine tnihl work h
K sI KINAI S l.m'Al. Hi vvt'll hi I'tht-r all
I'sUii'licii'lvi'ii lofOi" ivi i nlt.tis m ruet Ion of
I. A MARSHALL. Klt.rrMhl I'.I.M'I.
At.i-N r mil' ami
Tuner of Pianos and Organs.
l.i iv i ir.lei- nt I., hull. ill Urns.
l'laltsinout!i, Ashland, W'ahoo.
in: w.i k' i
Coal and Wood, cash.
. ai l- an I i Mir . s. el I, 'I le:, s,u , .
1 i i i 'li in ,,
I'LA I'JS.Moi I'll. NKldv'ASKA
' ' K. KKYNof.ns.
l: . -' I'ii.-i.-i-iii I'1 a , i ,,-i-t
pi i -i:d it'eiition e.i,n (,) IMlice
1 'racl ice.
K'i K I'M I i s . Ni;!i,
K'Jl'l 'l'AHI.K I.II'i; INSl-RANCK
( ll., OK N. V.
T. II. Ptn.i.ot. k, Aent,
vm !
Vnv- lill 11
i 'PI
,m -m "v-gr r
gfW I Lll1ll.