Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 08, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Till: WKKlvl.Y UK UALP:" Pi.AT TSMOl'TII, N 1-liKASKA. SlTTKM UK It s. s)j.
Asia's Dread Scourgo is Wait
ing at Our Cates.
TUr fAPTAIN Tf1 RLAME I Moravia was boarded for the second ,
THE CAPTAIN TO BLAMt,j(.i(iiit, , hlli..u.(, hor aiK-hor,
New !
It Carries Consternation In
York-The Infected Veseel An
chors Amid a Fleet
of Ships.
Nl-W Yokk. Ant;. 31. Asiatic
cholera reached the port of New I
York on hoard the steamship
Moravia today. Twenty-two deaths
occurred during the ten days she
was on tne ocean, isvo patients,
both adults, are recovering from
the duease on hoard ship.
Although she arrived last ntht,
the Moravia was not sent from the
upper to the lower ipiarantine with
the yellow tht tlymir until almost
noon today. She is now there with
her passengers and will not he re
leased from the eves of the health
itithoritics until every known
neans is employed in stamping
out the dreaded plague.
Dr. Jenkins is hopeful that he will
he ahle to keep the cholera assay
from the city of .New York. To
night he is a very much worried
man. He has ordered the transfer
of the Moravia's passengers to
Hoffman island and will not only
make a personal examination of the
disease that is ahoard the ship, hut
he will also confer with the health
authorities of this city and con
sider ways and means to keep it
from entering the city.
More vessels will arrive from
Hamburg this week, ft is prob
able that further deaths will Invre
ported, and cases in their worst
form, it is now conceded, may ar
rive withih the next few days.
The situation is serious I'nless
all immigration from infected ports
- is stopped, it is not believed that
this country is safe, and it is be
lieved now that this step will be
The German ship Moravia, which
arrivcd at 10 o'clock last night from
Hamburg, had 2.1 deaths on board
during the passage. The ship's
surgeon called the disease choler
ine, but that is only another name
for the dreaded Asiatic cholera.
Dr. Jenkins said the results were
serious, and he was fearful that
more deaths will follow.
On August IS, the Moravia sailed.
On the following day the cholera
broke out and the first death took
place within twenty four hours,
The disease spread rapidly nmong
the.ship's 286 steerage passengers
There were no cubin passengers.
The children suffered most and bv
y August 28, the number of deaths
had reached the total of 22. Of
these, two were adults and twenty
children. They suffered much pain
and their deaths were those which
are peculiar to cholera. The death
list was made up of thirteen natives
of I'oland, three natives of Hesse,
one native of Austria ami five of
Prussia. They were all buried at
The Moravia arrived last night at
10 o'clock, ami, strange to say, not
withstanding her terrible record of
deaths on the voyage, her captain
passed through Sandy Hook, up th
lower bay and through the lleet of
steamships which were anchored
olT the boarding station. She did
not anchor there, but moved up
'several hundred feet north of the
S lleet, within eight miles of the bat-
r - .
tery, and there dropped her anchor.
No word was sent ashore all night,
nor did any of the quarantine of
ficers board her. It was early this
morning, when they started on their
usual round to board vessels audi
ored in the stream and the Moravia
was the hist one which Physician
ihnnge and Snnoorn drew up
alongside. It was then alter 10
o'clock and it was know that the
Moravia was from an infected pert
Shortly after 10 o'clock the little
tug boat which does service for Dr
L Jenkins' stalf left the Moravia',
side and Mcamed for the l-ig 'Yn
f In the meantime, a boat rowed by
two men left the Moravia's side and
. .pulled for the beach. When sh
A reached the little wharf froutiii:
V the department station. William
Seugine, an attache, hurriedly left
her and delivered a sealed ene lopi
to Dr. Jenkins, who opened it an
betrayed no indication t then
was anything wrong. Then the tn
wilh Ur. Jalmaje ahoard caim
ashore and there was a ;-onferenc
with the health o'Vicers. t that
time, after leaving Dr. Jenkins. Dr
! Tah'iagc, who looked very nine!
perturbed, asserted that there sva
nothing wrong with the Moray;
V. and that every one on board was
n joying good health.
He left the quarantine wharf, am
the tug headed for the plague
stricken craft. Apparently acting
upon orders from Dr. Talniage
which had been given on the first
trip, there were signs of activity
rVStT .!!
seen hurrvine, up and dossil 1110 ,
deck looking in the UiroctH... of the j
"Mall'll IM.1I1U llliir, irn.ii-n.ii.i j
wavinyr hats ami handkerchiefs, j
Within five
minutes after the
got up steam and turned her bow
in the direction of the ocean. Sh-.'
made a long detour around the
lleet. hugging the Long Island
shore ami passing out of the Nar
rows for the lower bay shortly be
fore noon.
A phase of the case of the Mora
via which deserves investigation
and which should be looked into
with thoroughness is the action of
the captain of the Moravia in con
tinuing the voyage to this country
under the conditions which pre
vailed on his ship. If the disease
broke out on the day following his
departure from Hamburg, why did
he not, those connected with the
quarantine department ask, turn
back home, instead of bringing tin-
disease to a new country.
SAfi.T i Ti:. Maku;, Mich., Sept. 2 -
Sixteen imniiii'raiits on the t'anad-
in Pacific were stopped yesterday
by the United States health officers
ind scut into quarantine. One was
from Hamburg. Several from Rus
sia and the rest from Scandinavian
ountries, but none needed inspec
J i A K A X T I X I : , N . Y.. Sept. 2 The
situation remains unchanged. The
steamer Iceland of the Thingvalla
line was passed by the doctors and
was allowed to go up this morning.
Her .V)7 immigrants are all Scandi
navians and very clean. The
steamer City of Berlin arrived this
morning with lilia cabin and (aN
steerage passengers. All were well
tnd had not heard of the cholera
in Kngland. The cabin passengers
will be lauded this afternoon.
Halifax, N. S. Sept. 2. The quar-
antine buildings at this port are
falling to pieces from decay and are
urrouiided wilh stagnant pools,
rendering mem toiauy mini to
place human beings in. The board
of health had passed a resolution
calling upon the Ottawa authorities
to place the quarantine station and
its equipments in a thoroughly ef
fective state and promising hearty
Loxpo.x. Sept. 2. The Standard's
Hamburg correspondent says that
although the cholera is reported to
be abating, the number of victims
is again very heavy The disease
rages with the most virulence in
the suburbs of Horn and Hammer
brook, where hundreds were at
tacked and many died within two
hours. The interments since last
night number 313. It is reported
that the people of Hamburg have
carried the infection to twenty
three towns in Germany.
The Standard's Berlin telegram
has the following: The imperial
health office reports that the first
case of cholera appeared in Ham
burg on August 2(1. The epidemic
probably originated with Russian
imigrants. All the water that they
used, their excreta, etc, were poured
into am arm of the river Kibe near
their barracks without any disinfec
tion whatever.
l'YTHIA.N SIT K KM 15 I.()piiE.
The supreme lodge, Knights of
Pythias, at its session last evening,
reached a decision in the famous
case of Aldine lodge No 120 of Chi
cago and by an overwhelming vote
...stained the decision of Grand
Chancellor Shaw, reMoring the
charter of the lodi;e. This lias been a
case eel' oraled in rviuian ttiuu-
ualsaml the final decision of the
supreme lod",e has been looked for
ward tn willi great intelest. The
supreme lo.'j'e at its a fierm " a
Mini struck from its constitution
the ".To" proi-iou and made the
minimum lodge fees un.ilterahh'.
The proposition m c-dahli-h a
home hr aged members of tin1 or
d-.-r and orphans of members has
been laid a-ide until th ne t bien
nial -esse hi of 1 lie lodge.
xit iixi; W(iK'i).
Hon. M. Gering. of J'lattsniotith.
democratic candidate for attorney
general, promises the Tribune that
he will come to South Omaha
during the campaign and make a
speech. Mr. Gering is an eloquent
speaker, and. having the right side
to defend, can tear tlx- rubber tarill
into .-i i red- South Omaha Tri
bune. The Journal reprinted the
abuse lad night, but it has not
since 'he cousention quoted one
word li'om Mr. Getiag's .-peech,
regard in g M r. liryau or iree silver.
iv'ioirr vu- a wv.
Weeim Waiter K'epnl .ii .111 .
John A. Davies, one of our next
representatives, dropped in on in.
Saturday for just a moment, but he
found us so busy comitinr cash
and writing receipts for subscrip
tion that he was gone before we
knew it.
No ,,oponed
Yf-Ste. d.y.
President Hartlsoii Consults With
His Cabinet on th SiUi.Ulon-A
Twenty Da Quarantine
Nl-:v Yokk, St pt. 1. There is but
one absorbing topic in this city to
daycholera. It is injected into the
home circle and into the business
life of every in. in. woman and child
capable of reasoning in the metrop
olis. From the savant to the gainiu
the probabilities and the possibili
ties of its gaining a foothold in this
country have been diseii.-scd. All
admit the danger, but sonic cover
their fears wim assumed iudilfer-
ance, at the same time eareiiuiy
perusing tin- n i microtis e e vent i ves
publ ished i ti the papers and clip
ping from thcin a coo to betaken
home and placed in (lie la cping of
the housewife with many injunc
tions as to their oliseisance. This
is the time when the watering
places begin to return their crowds
of set kers after fresh air ami cool to their winter homes in
the city, but today it is safe to say
the telegraph was freighted with
anxious injunctions to absent ones
to remain assay. The first thought
of the man whose fa. ni :y is in the
city is where to send them assay
from the germs ol d-ath, nosv ap
parently threatening his loved ones.
While there is confidence in the
judgment and ability of the health
officers, New York seems smaller
than usual to many, and the inter
ior of the country, away from the
incoming plague ships, has at
tractions for even the most reckless,
President Wilson and Dr. Kdson,
the sanitary superintendent, have
been very busy making prepara
tions for the reception and treat
ment of cholera patients. Arrange
ments have been almost perfected
for the establishment of a hospital.
The, site has been chosen and there
remain only some trivial matters
of detail to be arranged. Until they
have been settled the location of
the hospital will not lie made pub
Dr. Kdson says he has no doubt
that the deaths on the steamship
Moravia were caused by cholera
but Dr. Jenkins and Prof. Biggs
were making a bacteriological
examination and the result would
be made public as soon ad con
eluded. He says positively that
there is not a case of cholera in this
city. There had been a number of
suspicious cases reported during
the past week. These hau all been
investigated with great care and
were found to be no worse than ar
gravated summer complaint.
Hit1 disinfecting corps of the
health department has been put on
an emergency footing ami plans
perfected by which a thorough (lis
infection of the cellars, sinks and
tenement house yards and tin
street gutters will be accomplished
whenever it is deemed necessary.
The following orders in regard to
cholera were read at the police roll
call: "Patrolmen are to report
every violation of the sanitary laws
on their posts promptly. They are
to report at once any dead animals
or anything else in the streets
detrimental to the public health
also all cases of sickness, contagi
ous or othersvise, that may conn
under their notice; also tenement
houses, stables, manufactories or
cellars in a iii'.ny condition. 1 Hey
must arrest all peddlers vendin;
unripe or rotten fruit, or deensin
fish, etc., and report urn lean street
ashes and gai Page not removed, or
anything else that 1;iev mas ol - erv
on their po-ts svhicli in their juib:
llieiit thleatellts the public healtl
".serge. nils on de-k i
once Iran -mil to the i
al! rep at- m.ii 1c by
a ' i 1 other o!:'u a - on -ters."
ity must at
htral office
pat rolemen
irtary :na'.-
- II such i oi
a -1 mi as they
I ... 1 1 tel s , he
sanitary bureau
and the prompt
reae'.! pi
for insi
lice ll. a 1.
d to the
abatement of the nui.-anee com
plai ued ol will follosv.
V.-I1 1 t. 1 1 ' . 1 ). '.. Sept. I - 1'res
i 1 - -1 1 1 I I .' l'l'i-i Mi liee'ie-d Va!lilo;'.
ton this m. a il in.;' at 1 1 , i h ,eU. Tile
pre-ii lei' t t'.et Sei i i ' a : y of 1 1 le
Treasury V --t 'i' and Atlotney ( Jen
era 1 M iller, tin- only in. ie hers of th'
Cabinet ia th ' city, tn com lilt s itii
rcfcri no- to the cholera situation.
Assistant Secretary Sjiauldiiig of
the tr a-uty lepart ni'-iit and I r
Wyman, surgeon general of tie
marine hospital rrviei , wcte al-o
After an hour's deliberation it
as decided not to make a procla
mation nosv, but to issue a circular.
The circular ssill be issued by the
treasury department. It will
amount practically to a twenty
days' quarantine of vessels, or
longer if necessary. It ssill be
coupled svilh the provision that it
v. ill be entorccd where not in i on
tiovcnt.on to state laws, the issu
ance may be delayed soim-sshat
owing to the desire of the depart,
ment to publish at the same time
the opinion of the atiornes gem ral
on the question of certain t ig hts of
the government in the matter
which it is thought should accom
pany the circular.
The treasury department will
have the National quarantine at the
Delaware Breakwater ami Cape
Charles, Ya., lurnished with reve
nue cutters to assist in presenting
the introduction o' cholera by
those routes. The condemned
steamer Crawford at Cape Charles
has been titled up as a hospital to
be used in case of need.
The twenty days' quarantine to
be declared in the proposed circu
lar will apply to vessels bom all
ports, hut the sanitary olticers svdl
be allowed to exercise discretion in
the cases of those coining from
non i n fee ted ports ss it h clear In 1 1- of
tit li. The effect of the ciieular
ssill be to discourage iiumigi at ion,
the steainship companies ssill
not be willing to lose money by
ringing over immigrants and sup
porting them so long- in port. It
ssill also be a notice to foreign gov
ernments that immigration for the
present is undesirable.
The governor of Michigan has
telegraphed to the secretary of the
treasuis askiugthat an additional
force of medical inspectors be de
tailed along the state border to as
sist the immigrant inspectors al
ready on duiy.
New Yok'K, Sept. 2. Cholera has
not yet succeeded in passing Un
gates of quarantine. It has not
even sought for admission since
the lilague-infested steamship
Moravia arrived to report tin
twenty-two deaths svhicli had oc
curred aboard her since she sailed
from Hamburg and the two conva
lescents among her 2a0 surviving
passengers. The last reports re
ceived from the Moravia, anchored
olf Hoffman Island, state that no
new cases had developed among
the passengers and that the conva
lescents were doing well. This
would seem to be good nesvs
enough for the people of this city
fur one day, but they may further
comfort themselves with the as
surance that the quaratitinenuthor-
ities, the local and state authori
ties, and even the National govern
ment, have all taken a hand in the
life and death game of keeping
cholera out. With regulations
which are ironbound, and precau
tions which seem to cover every
avenue of danger, backed up by an
official circular from the treasury
department against further emi
gration from infected ports, there
seetns to be no warrant for a "chol
era scare."
"Of course, there is danger to our
people," Siiid Health Officer Jenkins,
"but that-is no reason why people
should get unecessarily alarmed.
An epidemic of cholera mania is
the next worst thing to an epidemic
of the the disease itself. The peo
ple, as represented by the author
ities, are being protected by ever) -thing
that medical sciene'e and
common sense can suggest. What
more can be done? Let them, then,
simply go along with their regular
daily lives, observing, of courte, tin
precautionary advice that has been
so widely disseminated by tin
hoard of health, and they can then
rest assured that they have reduced
the danger of an epidemic in the
city to an absolute minimum."
This practical view of the situa
tion svas supported by the develop
ments. Al lloilinnn Island every
thing' is going on ; smoothly as if
thesearih lor cholera germs war
the regular busine-sol the pla't
The process of cleansing ami (lis
inleciing on the Island i- complete
I'lie baggage is run down a chub
into a d i -i ii feet in g room, ssle-re it
iiiii.uns tor an
under 'SJl degt'e
1' ! i - b ii'tors say
ibat this v
1 1 . . t may be hit!
I'll'- passenger
hour an 1 a hall
s o! -t-'ain beat
then- i en qiies
ill kill ens la-Tlli
in .: in i 'ot ,i: ug or
i ail have to i-i
into the ball
u.-e soap ami
Th" attendant
they do this.
compartments am
water without stint
stand bv to see that
' s a rule tliey are a
ili I t V lot, look i iili a i I tin s had not
had a I'atli tor inoutlis, il ever, in
the main they tain- '""1 uredly
! a the serubliintr. The il.nim
made in their appear, nice by a
hi, Till use of soap and sv.aer is
el lo be so ureal that tho-e who
ha.e been washed can li.irdly be
rei oiii.ed as jiart and parcel of
tho-e who have not.
1 here is no mixing up of the im
migrants' bae;e;iie. -;.icll lot is juil
into n biy; sack fit-fore it noes into
the fumigation room. When it is
taken out it is restored to its origi
nal rect'iitacle. The immigrants
themselves assist largely in this
mm G?;;m csnm easy,
kColvtn.I.a., Dec. 2, 1S90.-M- svifo ubo1
"MOTHER'S IT l.efjro lu r thir.i
CeuillH'ir.ont, ir. 1 nay pho WimlJ, not be
without tt tr-r I' -'i trodd of tlollnra.
P-nt by expr,-' ". ( ii'ipt i f I ti . t.W vr bot-
Its, U:lt " t i S'.i'N.'l.l" IV.'.f t.iv.
ton 04li av A.k t-nuiioit'ft. ATLANTA, QA
The method of taking cue of the
immigrants' valuables was one that
bothered Superintendent Owens for
a time. One mail ssanted him to
take care of .f.i ki while he was going
through the cleansing mill. Mr.
Owei s did not want to accept the
responsibility. The dillictilts svas
overcome by the steainship com
panies. They semi a man dosvn to
llollmau 1-l.ind to take care of the
valuables, and lie gives the owm-t's
checks for them. I'heie s alu ddes. '
money, jewelry, etc., are fumigated
in fin' same manner , the bag
gage. Miss . Ihrrt.i Users was diising
dosvn Seventh street Saturday and
when near the loot of the lull her
horse became ftightemd and
started to run. At the corner of
Seventh ami Pearl streets, directly
in front id K'ichey's lumber ollice,
the buggy lipsel, throsving Miss
Myers out. The horse and buggy
went about twenty (eel further,
when the buggy struck a telephone
pole, somewhat difiguring the
vehicle. Miss Users escaped un
hurt, but svas badly frightened.
The horse svas caught on Main
S I l-1 - lv' I s ; i . I 1 1" TV.
IMniu I la lni.
Last l-'iidas marked the fiftieth
anniversary of the mortal existence
of Mr. John Irons, and a large num
ber of neighbors ami friends eently
surprised the gentleman by falling
en masse al his farm residence.
They carried sufficient edibles and
equipment for making ice cream.
A large number of useful and
Costly presents were presented. A
high time svas had until tin- barn
yard cock crew three or four times,
auuoticing the approaching morn.
SUXATt IK' J. I.. I.t.w.
lion. I. L. I. inn died at his home in
1 1 ii m boli It, .Neb., yesterday morn
ing. -Mr. 1 .i ii ii lias long been an
honored eiti.en of this state, having
served several terms in the state
senate mid house. Me was a man
of wealth mid sterling personal
qualities and identified with many
important enterprises of public in
terest. 1 he funeral will take place
from the family residence at 11 a.
in. tomorrow. The remains will be
taken to Table Is'ock and buried
svith Masonic honors.
The prospects for the county f lir
ire very bright. Secretary Miller
informed Till-; IlKK- l.l that he had
secured some good In r.-es for the
speed program and that there was
going to be a large satiety of fruit
on exhibition, and also that space
in the halls svas goin--' rapidly.
The fair ma nat; eim-nt have had
workmen working at the grounds
all week ret 1,1 iriu and lixin -' thinirs
up in general. The fair begins the
tit I ) and continues until the Pith.
The chief of police is making a
tour ot the lo.vii and will report
all places that need cleaning up.
Till: IIi;k- U.1i ssill inform its read
ers that the officials mean biiMness
and if your premises need cleaning
they had I n-ttt-r be denned
fore you are mad'' to do it.
up be-
IM'I.WS Ii t li; At. MS.
A mimber "fdepnty I'nited Slater
marshals are m I eat h r i", ( la In una .
and report tliat th Indian- in all
parts of tin- 'a i i i tin y an- i., ,v 1 1 i ,.e
i 1 1 tin- v. M , ., ni' --ia h i !a i a
One deputy -late-- that 1h" Apaein
Indians liav- ioined tb'-l lies a i n e J.
Comanche-. 1 s n m i Aiapa'ioe
tribe and thai Un bv,- tribe.- are
now li.i,.;
t lother,
he wa.- at
sav.-. Ihei
; ll ; limn one r 1 I" s :''.) Ml
d.inei a j, ai each. While
An.ird.iiks. tie' deputy
e sserc .-eseial hundred
Indiatir. id these tribes joined
to'e'.her in the dau-.e. svlueli v.iis
kept up ft 'nil earls in the eS'-nine,'
until da s 1 1 hi. 1 1 1 1 1 1 . -, this t i me
many old -ealp- wen- resurrected
and t h" pet h a ma nee looked much
like a war dance.
i' 'ti ' n' ;?. slinitlil
;'' :. ii Ii'' ttssisliMl f
' iv Jl t.'irovf nil it ijUirl-
1, curies tii'ii-niit-lihwl.
,,.,,..!. K!)n-!!,so s:hly
rU P-jjSnjJ! ursopronij.tlvfis
l-LL'"! Swiffs Siicciltc.
I I i ! f k a! f t a ai a
F -r thin veir 1 i tr'uM. 1 with mahriAl -"H"-in.
lii. h i iu my vi--i-te ' l ' I 1 w.- i'r ',:
in e I in tU--.h, nn I l b- lest ft 11 t-i tli inn J Irn 1 li rrt. aii.l i-.' v,h t- u ' v ' trtfia t, I ( uu 1 ,'t
ii'r lif f. I U.rntri' .1 JVf'W JW A f.-w bolt) o) tlni
wi,ii,i,-Tful infill, i no fWPb lWjfl 111 ,l0 -ni"tiio
91 ...... ... .1, .
'l "tni tHTtnin-jut t urr,
i n 'I I now c uiu ir
l.ei. viLL,OtUV,i, Kau.
Out bot'k oil T.WA tr-rlbkm Di'seas maitcJ free.
6 R 3
j , .-- ; ..." .
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In o. r' -r ta l,,',.
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,.,riiu. . p.; ,'t i i" i, Ink kef ili'llire
i.: in ii , iii i ' i nr-hi r. We imikfl
In rii,ii,u pi '. p ,,i Itit.Tti'rinv
i. llrlV-1 , ii f , IL-e I. In 4 'htruuo.
-i-'i '0'.: tORTRAIT CO.
in 1. 1- i-i-,
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VoU-Hu J', hi, i e; ixs l.Ui-
f 1 erf V 11 - tJ -',11 If
Vwj T Now per I-ps you rnAy A
iiti u I'irv u uiif"
Qui IfjPJiry loctmrsrrif-
S who know well l.ow J
Vfry f. wi(-iitilc know tint tlicnlirliileiKccf mof
r-MIBti 'l III i l"M- lis I'll l tn-lll IKiln-IU ier Ct'lil. All
tii-t e.nit.iliiH Ts t-r o-i.t. f wnli-r mill only 18 fi-t
ci'iil.i'l kiilul nmltiT, (iiul tin- limn l'it I iikiiIc In tli
fiiilm la inmlu In Uk i-viiraUuu u( Uiu Julca
Willi ll In liie VITAL l-AIITOr MEAT.
Eftftct of tho SOLID OVEN Door.
A Tv )viiiinl ili liiln, nii'illiun or wrll ilnne, will
,f di.iiii'. il In M 1'imi'l- noil l'ir oiiin i-iiil muled
Innl. him l-i a of llirm ihhiimU ami lwn
ouiioi. ( lulu-. While tlm Ihmm Initial pi-rrnu. ul
thr 1'ilnl wi-lt'1,1, l HliiiKnUiiicuuriuoui IwMul riFTJ
HlH l l.-M. ur IIIKJI It K.
EKeet of th WIUE QAUSS 0VE1T Bear.
A TIN poiiml nlrlnln. mi ilium nrwi-ll dour, will bfl
P'liiK'i-il lit Msic IioiiiiiIr ami rlKlilouiirFH til roaitril
llll-t. nlmwlllfl a (iihh of rlKllt on hits of Jiilco. Wlillo
tliln Ii-- Ii. 1 Pr nut. of I In- lotal welidit. It kIjitw Uur
tiiry an, all IumoI but htvi.N I KM cT. or Jtl.'J.
a iwr-
ICiiUier lie Wlihont Itrrad. XI
l)lHllel''b HESUIhNCK, MurilW'tt, ttlrh., I
Kuv. 7. lmtJ, f
The I!v. J. KobbIiIi'1, of nlioTe I'liu-o, wrtlet;
I linvn iulIorol a great cinl, nrnl wlionovar I
Dow tool a ntirvoua attack coinlnu I take a tloao
of ran lor Koeiilg'i Kurvo Toulo ami tool ra
Uevml, tlilnk a gri-nt dual of it, and would
rallier le without bretul thau witlioat ttio ToiUo.
Ban FRANriH00, Cal., Juus 19, U).
From tills far-off laml I wrlto to ay tliat I
bave lienn aufTnrini! for 23 years Ifmm tlm tlma
my first clilltl as borul with iilnal anil brain
trouble, and aa 1 grow olJur tU palu aw-mixl to
grow worm ; I heard some time aio of l'astor
Koonig's Ncrva Tonlo. Ain on the second bottle
Dow and fool the palu lu uiy back very, very
much roUovoJ, ludeod.
TiitnnMn TTnok an Nw VI ml
IiIhch'H.h m-nt fr tn any aU'lnwa
aii'l MMir patlcinia can alw) oMali
Uils iiitMlli liie fre of chante.
Tills n-mixlT has Ix-i-n rfpari'd by the ItomrnilJ
Ftor k'H'iuK. ( Kurt SSkvim. Ind Hince UH aoo
Inuow intuuii J under hU Oirection br tlio
0.t Chicago. '.
r-r5ttle. GTurSS
Soitl ly Dm
I - ' -
?mi RYE.
h.ns b'-Cfima a houichold v;nrd because of
it3 nhscltitt! purity, nutritive value, smooth
ta'.tenrvl dolicious bouquet. It isood for
sve;ik hinqs and a stimulant for impaired
constitutions, linlike inferior whiskies, it
docs not r.isp or scald the throat and
st iniach, n r causa nausea, dizzini-ss ant'
hi idache. You may knosv it by the abov,.
qualities and tho proprietary bottles in
vhich it is served. Call for "Cintni Pure
l'e" and take no other. For sale at al!
! f:r .t-clais drinkini places an 1 clru-j stores
lj HALLrMW!) ,' TO , ri,in;0
' I or -ale lis Joe ,c ey,
f - A r: O P R
a rir no turn.' r f-
'71 '
i-l niti
' i',, i ; i . u i.o
mil 1 i.: n-o ol
" v.
i y
e 'i.i -.,
. . i.'iiin
0 if,.'.- ,' ',.'v-:Jc- ;',"' V,'" 1'5J
now Lest! Cowl.
(r si .l"-l'l;i.- , .l4V TTOX. A ii.-w it'id only
(.. ! SI'- --i. 'VA' i:ss. V en N I KI O'.'S um!
l'llM(AI. 10 I'll 11 V, I l;i:oi:S (,r
Ol I II. I. XII M s I I it IT.ll.ri V, I III'.
1UATI I.I 1-1(1 IN.', s-l i i l'l-'l'tslS
i: : vi-:4'm s'-i.s "i "ia v. : ':"ip-T,i''"ti,
i"!'.; '.i'l I: v... ' '" s i, yjl.el
l.V Ili'i ', l'., ',' '0 fi'"! c.l. .ST-,:nr I tlK
I'! w .i il (' 1 1 1. 1 I h I' I , .
cf I!. ;-r- . : J y
t'-' i",' 'i. - of ll;"
'V.':ai I UClLl NOW.
I niip.i .r, 'n .."" i r I'V l-ri 1. i-. ;i 'rl t-"'1 e-pr-t.
1 V I'll.Alil.K S l-.t Kl.l'V n- I I'Kll
TAIN I I Hi:. A.,.:mm I"-. W. II. r.rki't.
T i, tv,i'ij, V,,lif.ilb.-'.ituto,No. I PiiiiiiicliSt .
J...-1 in, S im,
,'1'tn- IV.ii i.Jy M.dicul T iKiitiitc 1 .is n.iny lini.
t.i-,'ri, till n.i -'ji':il. A rui'l.
't h,- H-.-ien. o ni l.liij, or Sell l'row-v;ili'ii, Ik
troiiir.- iiii'r.- vhIiuC'U- tli.ii, ruiil. II Ucw,
rv.-rv Wi:.K mi l Ot S num. n.ul leiru tu
Im. s'TKOMi . .V'in "i .' Cut. cCui'iriK-lilcb
Waste fiaskets, lunch baskets,
fancy baskets, any kind of basket
New department at I.KIINIIOFK
r urn 7fef3