Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 01, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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    Till: WKI-KI.Y I1K11AI.I): rLA'nsMorTlI.NKIJUASlvA. SKITI-MUI-U 1,180:2.
I I IM.Islll I HAII.V I.Xll.l'T si NO W
Il ll V I I'l I loX.
I hie Year 'in advance
Six iiniiiil",
II y (.'iirrier, per week.
1)111- Yciir- lll advance,
If nut paid in advance.
Six iiiiinl h-.
Throe tiitttit
Telephone NtimliiT
4 Ml
si :
j mi
Matthew Gidvixo was mmiin.ii.-il.
WlIK.N you see it ill TlIK lll K'AI.Ii
it is tnii-.
Jl'lMiK F I K f . I is admirably f ;itif-i'lt-il
with tli-- situation.
Till': C'tisli i ti tr-Sli friiuiii-1 1 1' rrn in ii 11
combine is rather sick todav .
J, Sl'Kh'l.lMi MnlMox iripi-f t
prove Hint In- is it bigger iniin tliim
Hryan in 1 1 i - district
THAT apology will have 1 1 foil n
from theothersido now. Mr.Cioting
is not in nil apologising imoo.I to-
KlUTOk' SlIlih'M AN is Hot ill !l good
liiimor to lie fooled with toilny.
"Hryan ami me" pit two Muck eyes
W'y. know thnt the democratic
party does not like history any too
well, hut we are compelled to give
a little of it to ihe boys today.
AxoTin.k' predietion Tllli HF.h-ALD
now makes, i. e., Mortoii will receive
a larger vote in Otoe county than
will 1 try tin.
HwVAN's wind was chut off yestct
day in a democratic convention.
Gov. Morton told the hoys that
he wanted no silver slush mixed up
with hid campaign.
MATTHKW fiKklNli Will not bo
elected attorney general hy a long
shot, hut he will yet more vote in
Cass county than that other elo.
pient young man 1 lilliaiu Silver
Hryan. ' '
Th KkE tire no frills about Presi
dent Harrison. His speeches, his
messages and his letters are
straightforward. His language is
clear cut and there are no amhigu
ous allusions to "me" in them.
The IIekalu knows something
ahout democratic politics also. For
the present campaign this newspa
per has the exclusive franchise of
all wirew leading into political
headquarters of the various factions
of the democracy.
Fko.m the moment of his brother's
defeat in the rcpuhWvan county
convention, two years ago, to the
evening of the day of election,
Milton 1). Polk ol The livening
News furnished amiuiin jtion to The
I'lattsmoiith Journal to aid in the
defeat of the republican candidate.
And this man is now posing,
in private as a republican!
TlIK News has got a front reat on
the fence, and can "sic 'em on,' and
enjoy the fun without getting into
the scriinagc. livening News.
The above is the first editorial in
The Kvening Pirate last evening
and bears out the, assertion of THE
HlvKALD that Messrs. I'olk ami
Hurton are in the newspaper busi
ness for revenue only. They want
to retain membership in the K'epttb
liean clr.h and enjoy its privileges
and the right to create disturbances
there and at the same time run a
guerilla sheet and thereby claim
the. patronage of the democrats.
Can republicans see through their
Mk llk'VAN quietly gave the Slier-inaii-C'iishing-1
leirni.uin machine
a tip today. He told them that
while he appreciated thtir friend
ship that he couldn't a If on I to an
tagonized the tiering boom. He
has discovered that Matthew is in
evitable and he told the boys io
suppoi t him and sl:o v oil their mag
naniinity. "We will." said the great
apostle of disaster, "have to i'o a
great ileal of the magnanimity acts
or we shall go down in defeat, and
1 am not at all sure of winning as it
is. fudge Field now has me beaten
badly in I,ancaster county. My
only hope is the back districts of
Cass and Otoe. And oven in the
remotest corners here those viglant
republican editors are sending
their newspapers calling attention
to prices and wages." The demo
cratic bosses were abdurate.
Nothing but Gering's scalp
will satisfy them and Hryan has
promised to "see about it." Like on
the silver question the eloquent
William is trying to run both ways,
and he is certain to be put out.
CATIONS. New York Sun, idem. ratid
The Mugwump livening Post;
quotes conspicuously on its lead- i
ing page these rem. irks of the M ug- ;
wunip l'.oston Herald, and thus
gives them indirect approval:
"Hv special favors granted to the
wealthy and powerful, our country
is being changed trom a free democ- I
r icy. w ith conditions of reasonable
equality between its cili.ens. into a
Nation not greatly dilferent trom
the Nations of llurope w ith ihis ex
ception, that with us the ruling
class, unless a peaceful or violent
change takes place, bids fair to bo
a moneyed aristocracy, which is
perhaps the worst form of aristoc
racy with which any country was
ever bursed."
That is utterly false. It is a view
which is opposed to historical facts
ami is wholly tmphiloxopliical and
entirely and viciously demagogical.
Such a pervision of the truth is
always mischievous, but at the
present, time of unreasonable social
discontent ami uproar, it is pernici
ous ami seditions. It is incendiary
talk intended to aggravate danger
ous social tendencies, in the mis
taken hope th it they will contri
bute to the political ends desired
by these newsp ipots. They think
that such demagogical and inflam
matory utterances will help along
free trade. Instead, such appeals
to ignorant prejudice, and such ef
forts to stir 1 1 class bitterness at
this time, outrage the public senti
ment, for in tone and substance
they are akin to the language used
by the anarchical enemies of society
who are seeking to destroy by vio
leiwe the foundations of all social
The Hostou Mugwump organ
even goes so far to declare that this
country ithreatencd with "perhaps
the worst form of aristocracy with
which any country was over cursed,''
unless a pe iceful or violent change
takes place;" and the New York
Mugwump organ quotes the words
approvingly. That's a square invi
tation to every disorderly element
in society, and to all spirits dissat
isfied with their condition in life,
to rise up in rebellion against un
changeable and universal laws. It
is provocation to anarchy. It is in
citing the poor to make war on the
rich as their natural enemies, when,
in truth, they are their friends, and
friends who at this day more than
any other in history are keenly and
coiiK'iontiowsly sensitive to their
obligations of religion and human
ity to them.
It is false that in this country
"special favors" are "granted to the
wealthy and powerful." It is im
possible that they should be
granted under the constitution of
the Union and the constitutions of
the states. The rich enjoy no
favors under the laws which are
not extended io everybody else.
The whole people make the laws,
and the rich are comparatively few
in number. The great mass of all
society is poor, though in this
country the average prosperity is
higher than in any other country
of the world. Moreover, the ac
cumulations of the rich are of
necessity useful to the poor. The
capital must be employed for the
general benefit in theestablishment
of industries and in furnishing
wages for the wage earners. Yet
this Iloston paper talks as if a man
did his fellow an injury by giving
him work and pay for his labor
As a matter of fact, too, as this
country has grown richer, and in
ilividiul fortunes have grown
greater, wages have increased and
fio comforts of the poor have aug
inented and multiplied. The labor
ing population are much better otf
than formerly. The new discover
ies and inventions which have en
riched the few, have also benefited
the many, and in the aggregate in
finitely more.
It is false to say that there is any
"ruling class ' here except the class
of the whole and equal people.
There is more "free democracy''
n nv than in the earlier days of tlui
republic, for then class distiitc
tions imported from Kurope in the
colonial period still prevailed.
Here, in this state, there were
ruling families, lords of the inan'nr.,
and society was organized on the
aristocratic basis, it Md its grada
tion from the highest to the lowest
Generally throughout the Union a
property qualification was required
tor voting. Those were the d ivs of
"a moneyed aristneracv ." The
"free democracy" came later, bv
slow and painful steps. "K'eason
able equality between citizens" was
secured only after long battling in
the republic. Relatively, wealth is
far less powerful now than it was
at the beginning of this, century,
ami for many years after. Wash
ington was a "moneyed aristocrat."
if we ever had one. He was the
richest man in the Union.
The great fortunes of the present
period have not boon accumulated
because of any "special favors
granted to the wealthy and powerful."-
Very few of them have been
made under any other protection
than the general protection.of prop
erty. They have come from the
ra,)i 1 and cnoinioil- iiHie.i-c in the
population, and consequently in the
value of the land, ami through the
agency of the tremendous revolu
tion in all trade and industry
wrought by the introduction of
stoain transportation. The manu
facturing business piuely is not a
specially profitable business. Hos
tou is a great centre of manufactur
ing investments. Let the Huston
Herald find out how profitable they
are. They are no better than the
average run of investments, as the
average price of manufacturing
stocRs prove. has been
a very precarious business for sev
eral years past. Hut the Hostou
paper was not trying to talk sense
ami tell the truth. It was only in
tent on making an inllammatory
and demagogical appeal.
The frenzy of the fanners' alli
ance, now so dangerous to the dem
ocratic party, ami the turbulent
spirit of envy and covetotisness
manifested by so many of the pour
at this period, have been stirred up !
and fomented by just such appeals
to passion ami such wicked perver
sions of the truth. To say that the
possession of money is the worst
curse "with which any country was
ever cursed," is to incite an anar
chi.-tic as.-ault on property; for
whoever has money, much or little,
belongs to the "moneyed aristoc
racy," which this demagogical
mugwump organ pretends to fear.
The Hostou Herald and the New
York Kvening I'ost are injuring the
cause of democracy so far as they
can, and they are contributing to
the success of its enemies, whether
republicans or social fanatics.
The editor of The Journal knows
that with honest elections in the
Southern states the democratic
party would stand no chance what
ever of gaining control of .he
National government. He knows
that there is a vast difference be
tween the method of conducting
elections in Nebraska ami Missis
sippi. I le knows his party does not
concede the right of the black man
to vote. Why is not the democratic
party honest and courageous
enough to so state in its platform?
Is The Journal in favor of the nulli
fu'ittion of the laws of the country
he fought to preserve?
The absurd proposition is made
that the editors of The Kvening
I'irate can hold on to their seats in
the Republican club, enjoy the
privilege of sitting in its meetings,
listening to the plans made for the
campaign and then go out of the
room, walk to their $11.84 office and
aid in the election of thedeinocratic
ticket. The editors of The Kvening
News must go out of the Republi
can club. Let the I'irafes fly the
back flag all the time.
THE IIekald has not conic to the
rescue of Judge Field. Mr. Journal.
Judge Field needs no rescuing. It
is Hrother Hryan who just now
needs a rope thrown to him. The
republican candidate shows a capa
bility of taking care of himself
which is as surprising as it is dis.
couragingto democrats. The cal
amity hosts are stunned. The reali
zation that theirsilver-plated politi
cal god has been repudiated is de
moralizing to them.
TlIK indignation continues to
grow in the republican ranks of the
county over the fact of Hurton and
I'olk, the traitors of The News, be
ing alhnved seats in the republican
club. Republicans have no use for
traitors or mugwumps. j.,q them
go to the democr its or tlock by
themselves and be counted.
Tin; governor bell in Kilitor Rose
water's editoral engine has broken
and unless the steam is shut off
there is likely to something aw ful
to happen. The engine is now run
ning away.
The school house an 1 the church
buildings are lata! to democrat ma
jorities. Where they are plentiful
democrats are not. Kducatioti
makes a republican out of any hon
est democrat.
The JnikWAi. oiignt to move
south with its Mood and thunder
cry about the Force bill. Missis
sippi is the place to lire that pow
THE republicans already have the
Young Man Kloquent on the run.
(iood wages and low priees at the
stores is too much for him.
Till- exposure of the little fellows,
who are in the newspaper business
for revenge and revenue only, has
maddened them.
H11.1.IAM Silver Hkvan has come
and gone the sun has shone as usu
al today.
Jl'lMiK Field is ready for all the
democratic debaters.
"Ii'iVs, this education bii-iness
ha- been overdone."- W 111 -s
"The doctrines of true democracy
as laid down by MK." Grovtr
of the fu st inquiries made by
Mr. Hryan was fur "the location of
that in dependent paper."
THE First district apostle of dis-t
aster is not so sanguine of success
since be has visited the democracy
of Cass.
"KXCI'SE me, gentlemen, but I am
not certain about this joint debate
business as yet. They tell me I am
not tackling Mr. Council in this
fight." W ni J s H n.
Tammany jumps on Chairman
Il.irrity almost as savagely as it
does on Clevelan .1. No wonder Un
democratic leaders are declaring
that the decisive state is against,
SEXAtok' l'.u.Ml.k's anarchistic
speech has relieved him of stump
service during the present cam
paign. His party does not want
him to do any more talking, even in
a whisper.
We are glad to be assured by The
Klmwood Kohu that it is still re
publican and we hope it will not
again unwittingly furnish demo
crats with powder for.the campaign,
or allow traitors the use of it
columns to abuse republicans.
KniToK SiiEKMAN's tin pan thun
der about the Force bill and Hil
liam Silver Hryan's red light pre
dictions of coming disaster are
making the republicans laugh
This is a bad year for "save our
wives and daughters" and "starva
tion and ruin" politics.
Ni good republican can consist
ently patronize a pirate in this cam
paign. .V democratic editor who is
such from principle and who fights
squarely and manfully commands
the respect of his opponent. The
so-called "independent" who plays
tr.iitor to republicanism for reven
ue only, deserves to be kicked out.
As The Journal takes exception
to The Call report of the Field
meeting at Weeping Water, we
print what that alliance friend and
supporter of Hrother Hryan says
about it. Of course the comment
on the speeches take exception to
the conclusions of the speakers, but
the editors are smart enough not to
despute the attendance. This is
strictly an educational campaign,
Hrother Sherman.
The democratic leaders, speak
ers, writers and managers have
"viewed with alarm" just the same
for the past thirty years everything
the republican party has originated
and carried to a successful termi
nation. Just as regularly, after
these good acts were established
facts for a few years these same
democrats wanted to "drop old is
sues and take up something new."
A democrat doesn't like history
or facts. They are very hard on
the digestive organs of tl orough
bred democrats.
Cik'tiVEk- Cleveland is rampag
ing over the democratic range like
a veritable bull of Hashan. Not
content with having alienated Sen
ators Hrice, Gorman and Ransom,
he has just gored his great lieuten
ant, ex-secretary Whitney, and told
him hereafter to make no promises
without first Consulting the Massa
chusetts mugwump, Ouincy. And
all the giai.t democratic manager
can do is to pocket the insult along
with the promise of the navy port
folio, which he already carries
about with him. No wonder the
dispatches stale that tin-democratic
headquarters in New York are a
cheerless place, and that the com
mittee feel apprehensive lest a dis
turbance not unlike that of a Texas
steer on the rampage in a china
shop may arise at any moment.
The exhibition made bv the I'olk-
Hurton-Ncws combination last eve
ning at the meeting of the Young
Men's Republican club certainly
ought, t open the eyes of Platts
uionth and Cass county republi
cans. With an assurance that was
as astonishing as it was llagrant
Mr. Hurton asked the club torebitke
The IIekald for exposing his pap
er's treachery to the republican
party, and it promptly refused to
entert.iMi the proposition. Had
I'olk and Hurton any manliness in
their souls they would immediately
Messrs. Hurton and I'olk make
the claim before the club to lie re
publicans. In the newspaper, of
which they boastingly control the
utterances, they delight in abusing
republican newspapers, and re
publicans and eneer at the princi
ples and measures advocated by j
the republican party of this Nation
A republican is a man who under
any and all circiimstanees-iii all
placesis not afraid to say so. Not
only not afraid, but anxious and
proud to proclaim the fact.
THE IlEkALD is that kind of
a republican. It is a republican
from conviction. It has no use for
any other kind. It does nut believe
in securing harmony by allowing
traitors in the camp without expos
are. The IIekalu is a broad, lib
oral and stalwart republican. It is
agressive and consistent in its ad
vocacy of the party principles, and
candidates. If the News will come
out squarely and honestly in favor
of republicans and the republican
ticket, The IIekald will welcome it
to the party of construction and
progress. We will welcome its edi
tors in the republican club. So will'
every other republican.
Hut The News precniptorily de
clines to do this. With brazen ef
frontery it demands admittance for
its editors to the republican club
and a license to them to aid the
democracy, for revenue only, in its
editorial columns. Its editors walk
into the republican club with de
mands and threats. They go to
democrats andexplain the situation
and ask for patronage upon the
ground that they are in a position
to be best able to render aid to the
enemies of republicanism. Good
men in the democratic party in this
town can give the details it they
will. Good republicans can, if they
will, state how overtures have been
for individual support in exchange
for cash or its equivalent. Mr. Hur
ton has stated publicly that he was
in the business for the money there
was in it, and Mr. I'olk says he is in
it "sokly to get even with his ene
mies." Laudable ambition !
In order to carry out their designs
Mr. Hurton made a proposition to
buy The IIekald. lie offered an
insignilicent price and said to Mr.
Knotts: "You can take that or
nothing. I f you don't sell to me, I
will statt a newspaper and run you
out." The running out process has
not worked very satisfactorily to
Mr. Hurton. The guerillas are as
badly rattled as the democrats.
Col. Frank V. Ireland is an ambi
tious man and he wants to be gov
ernor of Nebraska. He has been to
Gray Gables to see the Stuffed
Prophet and he told him his plans
and asked his aid. Of course he
told the Fat Man of the Kast that
the democrats and alliance men
were going to carry the state of
Nebraska. The alliance rank and
file will be pleased to know how
their leaders are endeavoring to
play them into the camp of the
democrats. Col. Ireland's scheme
is to have the alliance voters desert
Shrader and elect him. Van Wyck
is to be sent to the senate and Ire
laud become governor. The carry
ing out of this program of course
includes the election first of Van
Wyck and Ireland as governor and
lieutenant governor.
Hut what does "damn the consti
tution" Shrader say?
When President Harrison re
quested congress to sanction a pol
icy of retaliation against the tory
government at Ottawa, hemustpre
suniaply have contemplated an ef
fect ivc and not a f-ham retaliation.
It is certain that the Federal legis
lature had no intention of co-operating
it, a farce. Yet farcial the pn J
ccedings thus far taked hy our X,i
ional executive undoubtedly appear
in view of the contemptuous atti
tude maintained by Sir John Abbo.t
and his colleagues. Knowing the
president to he empowered to im
pose a toll of per ton and per
passenger on vessels traversing
the St. Mary's Falls canal and
bound for Canadian ports, they
smiled when a minimum toll of
twenty cents per ton was threat
ened in the beginning of August.
When, after an interval of three
weeks, the dreadful threat was exe
cuted, their smile broadened into
a grin. As to the abolition of the
discrimination against American
vessels on the Welland canal, that
is now further oil than ever, the t
towa authorities having informed
our state department through the
Hritish Charge d'Alfaires th it their
promise to remove the discrimina
tion next winter would bo retracted
in case any pressure was exerted by
our government.
Now the president's proclamation
about the St. Mary's Falls canal
either constitutes pressure or it
does not. 1 f it does not, what was t
issued for? If it has utterly
miscarried, and left the situation
worse than it was before, the Ot
tawa government being committed
by the menace uttered through Mr.
Herbert to go on discriminating
against American vessels on the
Welland canal for an indefinite per
iod. Hoes President Harrison consider
that he has thus far anything to be
proud of in this retaliation Im.
n.uj n.,.., I... ,1. 1... .1
vi.-. A'.'V. ttlllin ,1 lldi, Ut
anything toward the accompl
.uu-ricau interests, the purp
lor which he thought it needful
L A. .
reutiesi me sunrmrt fit mncrn.
I i . . . h.i ci,,-i,,,.oi. , I,.. , t.. ! . . . . .
i-iiuin uiv Hum wiueii no eniieav-t
: - I. . I ... I .
ored to obtain on all patriotic Amer
icans without distinction of nartv
by his high-spirited and vigorous
conduct in the Valparaiso affair?
Does he not know that the demo
cratic candidate for the presidency,
Mr. C leveland, is on record as hav-
inir advocated dnviii". lia mtn,;,,;
i .- .
stratiou the dealing of the one "d
oriu- ui'ju w i- won ii irinii-i
nonunion nines i,, tiwir u,,....j ,
1 A i i . I . e . . . .
mi, me aooiiiion or me transhi
ment of goods in bond on the C;
nndian railwavs? Is Mr. Ilarrisi,
not aware that the withdrawal
privilegs, which enable foreign
r:i i 1 ro:i, I s f o 1, 1 ..t-1 1 lli..,'r A ,,,.,-;
........,...- .,i,v,vl, IV, .all, 111 I
can competitors, would bankrtip
uie v. auauiau i .icuic, ami llilts si
the Torv t'OVl llllllellt :it ()lt:lll:l
I. . t !... . ,
its corruption fund without whi
it could not live a day: If the presi
dent knows those things, win
doesn't he turn the knowledge to
account? If there is any sincerity
in his .professed desire to rtlieve
American citizens from the burdens
to which they are unjustly subected
on the Welland canal, why doesn't
he use for them the irresistible
weapon which lies ready to his
hand? Hoes he want to convince
his fellow countrymen that for a
stalwart upholding of their interests
they must await a change of aj
niinistration? Hut it may be said by those who
seek a pretext for submitting to the
violation of our treaty rights by
Canada, that congress did not ex
pressly authorize the president to
wtth.dravv the privilegeof transship
ping goods in bonds on Canadiai
railways. The president did no
need the authorization of emigres
A A I. . , -
101 .in .hi in ir lies ii-iw, iir 1,1 1,1
own discretion. To suspend th
Oil ,11 11 t, 1 t ft-, .in ,........... .
,... v iiiunin I I
" - i-'v. v.. i.,,w,i,, i villi;,
dian railways, Mr. Harrison needs,
but to issue an order through his
secretary of the treasury. All he
nee led from congress was what he
got, namely, a formal declaration
that a grave wrong had been in
flicted on American citizens, and
that for the purpose of righting it
the president, in addition to the
yvmi nur.iuv vested in nun
should have authority to lew rer
. w. ....-J. n H. 1 .. ...a
- iuiio V ' 1 1 Vlllld
man vessels uing tne St. Mary s.
rails canal. Ihe specific remedy
suggested having failed, and the
wrong denounced by congtess re-.
mauling unredressed, it is the plain
duty of the president to fall back on
his discretionary powers and use
them lor unflinching and crushing
retaliation. .
If Presiden Harrison stops short
at his first farcial demonstration; if
he contents himself with Ihe feeble
attempt at reprisals, which has
only provoked derisive scorn from
the tory government at Ottawa, he
will have reason to bitterly regret V
that he ever called the attention
congress and the country to the
Dominion's violation of an inter
national agreement.
AlK-'NiiulimKTliroimli Ooruia."
Hriiiir tlie lrninl nlil tnii',, Imva. u.,'ii
tin- smut nf fate.
M"K I' wan a spirit that will carry ever
Sim; it as we used to sinu it Lack in
While we were niarihim; throuuh
(1 rover.
Hurrah! Hurrah! for we are lioiiml to win
Hurrah ! Hurrah ! we'll tan the titfer skin.
So we sanir the churns w hen we put our
I ten i y in,
While w were niarchim; thro
roi ii
( i ro er.
We niiil we'll have protection laws t il
every worUiimmati ;
We saiil we'll hoiini tlie fanners, too, from
I leershrlia to I Ian ;
We saiil we'd run our cash accounts hy
honest money plan.
While we were iiianhini; tliroimli
( ; rover.
Clio.- Hurrah ! Hurrah ! Ac
we -ant tliat every soldier hoy should
have hi- honest due;
We said there'd lie no veto marks upon t
hills ill Line;
We said the men we vuh-d for were i; I
and clean clear through.
While we were man hhu; tln,u,
(i rover.
Clio.- Hurrah! Hurrah! Ac.
We said a lot of other things; we said
thein riyht alony:
We -aid them in our speeches iin,l wt.
sum; them in our sum;;
We said theui wilh a 1 1 ul hlulness that
held the mighty Mirou.
While we were i.iarchin- through
Clio.-Hurrah! Hurrah! Ac
And what we -aid we'd do. we did; it Is
the only way
lojtain the people ton c
aii-e ami never let
t lniit strav;
And w hat we said (
air years a(li vvo v
auain todav,
While wo are n.archin,; throK!,
Clto.-llurrah! Hurrah! &t..
Fred Gorder of Weeping Water
was in the city over Sunday.