V? THE AVKKKLY UEllAl.D: IM.ATTSMOrni. N Kill! A SKA. SEI'TEM 1EU I. IS'.l-J. i V 1 r S nniiT in l nm IHlIK llunl lU LUM 'v , y: ,' " " ' Absolute Failure Of the Buffalo Ka roau oiriKe. i . ALL ASSISTANCE REFUSED j j Switchmen Claim that Other Rail road Organizations Refused to Help him and are Com pelled to Give Up. HuKFALo N. Y. Ang. four hour conference washeld this', after noon heen Grand Master Sweeney, Grand Master Wilkinson, Grand Master Sament ami GrauO Chief Clark. After leaving the conference Grand Master Sweeney and Local Master Moriarity, of the switchmen, ' called together the committee that has been conductint; the strike and at 11 o'clock it was reported a state ment would soon be ready. As urlv as half nast ten there was a I camp of newspaper men on the fourth tloor of the Geneso hotel be fore the door of room I'M, the quar ters that have been the home of the switchmen's chief during his stay in Buffalo. Shortly before II o'clock the door was opened and the wait ing throng entered. The statement of the end of the strike, mace verb ally by the grand master, was in substance as follows: "The duly authorized committee have declared the strike off at mid nighfand I have sanctioned their decision, Fiv hundred and fifteen switchmen cannot cope with twelve big railway corporations aud S.IHX) mili'ia and succeed. We have made a strong iiy lit and loM." . As noon as the news began to upread over the city, which it did very rapidly, in spite of the storm there was general rejoicing. The immeniate withdrawal of the troops id not expected, as it will take more or less, time for a complete restora . lion of (iniet and the cessation Of the guerrilla-like attacks to which non. union men and soldiers are subjected. LOST A FOOT OX TlIK K AIL. Xoh'FOLK, Neb., Aug. 21. A tramp giving the name of John II. Moman from Tacoma, Wash., was picked up this morning from the Klkhorn right of way with one foot mashed oil. lie was riding m a box car and as the train slowed up for the Union Pacific crossing jumped off, fallioc under the train. He was found and brought to town by n farmer. Medical aid was sum tuoned and the legamputed below the knee. ' GOVERNOR PLOWER ACTS. AliiaxY, N. Y., Aug. 24. Governor Flower issued a proclamation today in which lie says: "I direct the at teution of the people of this state to the penal code relating to interfer ence with the running of trains," He then offers a reward of f UK) for each offender convicted, LOST INTEREST IX THE STRIKE. Hi FEALo, X. Y Aug. 2.". The im possibility of Chief Arthur's at tendance, or his refusal to partici pate, has lessened public interest in Sweeney's conference, ami it is now believed that with Sargent de parting no positive results will fol low the council called by Sw eeney In the meantime, there are strikes on only three roads, the Western New York, Lackawanna and Huf falo, Rochester and Pittsburg whose men quit Tue?day afternoon All these roads claim to be re placing the strikers. lliiXKV CREEK THIEVES IHSCOVEREH. Peru, Neb., Aug. 21. The thieves who stole the household 'goods on the 17th inst., in the Honey Creek settlement, a few miles below Pern were arrested today. They provci to be members of a family by th name of Summer, living in the neighborhood, instead of the im known men as was first thought Two men and two women were ar rested. They were taken to th Auburn jail this afternoon. cocr.n not srci'oRT Tin-; alliaxi i Lyons. Neb., Aug. 2.-The At liatice Sun, one of the leading organs of the people's party, came out last week for the entire republi can ticket. Mr. Carter, the editor says he cannot indorse the priu ciplesofthe new-party. 1 he prm ciples of the republican parly, say Mr. Carter, have built upjlhis Xa lion's prosperity. CHOLERA II AS kK.UIIKIl EX(.LA.I, I.iixnox, Aug. -'. mere is no doubt that cholera has at last en tered hngland. I he disease was brought here by the steainc Gemma, which arrived at Grave send yesterday from Hamburg, It was reported that the steamer was infected, but the authorities, afte examining the passengers, allowed them to land. A few hours after wards two aliens who arrived on the Gemma were taken sick. They were at once removed to a hospital at (iravesenil. wlicre oncinrs iri- u.m.ikviI their ui.il.i.ly cholera. In spite of tucilioal ail they both diet I shortly after ticiiii; atluiittcil. This ha caused ctiiisitlerall. anxiety, ! a..il a close inspection of inconiiiii;' vessels has been ordered. The report of these two deaths at tiravesseml was sent tlironh- out the country ami produced rea" excitement. Today the steamer Laura, plying between Hamburg and Lynn, arrived at I.vnn. Health i j oltieers found two cholera suspects ' On board. The vessel was immedi ately ordered put back t j sea. The officers and passengers prostested against such summary treatment, but the health officers were obdur ate and refused to let a single per son land from the steamer. l'rince Kstorhazy, attache of the Russian legation, has been suffer ing from an attack of cholerine, but is recovering. The Liverpool health authorities have been discussing precaution ary measures against cholera. The Lynn authories are taking vigorous measures to prevent the arrival of migrants from Hamburg. I Nt'l.K SAM .UTIXti I'k'OMl'Tl.Y. W..-iii.iiH). 1). C, Aug. 'S -Dur-g the afternoon the stale depart ment was advised by the health lfticers at quarantine, Stalen Island, that stringent restrictions will be ulopted to prevent the introduction of cholera. Health Ol'tict r Jenkins communicated to the department the contents of the dispatch tele graphed from quarantine to Aew York. Later Secretary Foster sent to the consul at Hamburg the rec ommendation that all emigrants undergo a most thorough inspec tion abroad with detention of those infected or suspected for at least five days; that they be 'bathed and that all clothes and baggage be dis infected and a certificate of such Cleansing .mid disinfection signed by the consul be given them for presentation to the health officer itt the port of entiy. The treasury department is much rratitied at the attitude of th steamship companies in So promptly manifesting a desire to assist the department in all ways possible to keep out of this country the dreaded scourge. With their hearty co-operation it is sure that much can be nccomplishct toward this desired end. - I'RKKERS TO WRITE LETTERS. Hl ZZARDS' HAY, Mass., Aug. 2ti. Up to the present time Mr. Cleye land has felt constrained to decline all invitations - to make public speeches. He does not anticipate making any political trips during the campaign. MISTAKEN PEOPLE. There is a good deal of truth in the following from an exchange "A local paper is often accused of bias in regard to personal notices or mentioning the coming and go ing of some and omitting others The accusation is entirely wrong ind unjust. The fault is with the people and not the editor. The editor is always willing and eve anxious to tell who comes and goes if he can find out. If you have vis itors let us know who they are am where they came from; if anything happens in vour vicinitv let us know about it; if you get marriei let us know the names f v,o,r J quests; if you die come and tell us about it; if you know anything let us know about it. You will find us as readv to notice one as another, patrons or otherwise, friends or foes." Wabash and hilniwood are pre paring to hold fairs this fall and Tin; IIf.k'Al.1) desires and expects them to be successes. The people of Plattsmouth and this part of the county will oive all the aid in their power to make them such. I). in Smith, (colored) ol Nebraska City was bound over to the district court yesti rday in the sum of .f.'ioO, charged with shooting with intent to kill. UllKI.IIO). ( MMMl-K't K. Ni;w York, Aug, 'v,. - R. C. Pmi v Co.'s weekly review of trade this morning says: In all respects the business situation appears more favorable than a week ago. There has been general though moderate improvement in distribution, manu facturers are more fully employed, several great labor controversies have ended and crop reports are somewhat more satisfactory. . little more gold lias gone abroad and imports of merchandise are .-till enormous, for three weeks at New York l-' per ccnl larger than for the same weeks last y ear, while in exports from New York the in crease for three weeks is only about 4bj, but the shipments last year were phenomenal, and it is en couraging that they are not dimin ished. The excess of imports over exports continues later in the sea son than unusual, but money mar kets are so well supplied that some outgo of gold causes no disturb ance or apprehension. THE PIRATES ARE GONE How the Last Unu was Hanj on Liberty Island. od CHEAP PRETENDERS LEFT. Inthe Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Pirates Were San nary and Desperate The Mery of Hick9, C'upyrik'lit. Iiy American Pri-s A- ;tli"n. ii; u-. wriv rates) cute, the tiicliiury t heir tlt'sin- iIi-imU still liii'.;iT i 11 laniU where l lr balk of till' m nplc have forcnl It'll til 1 very iiiinii of lii, '11 who in tlieir day wnii ivikiwli lis HIUTiuls ill' tt at i '-'in ii. 1 he in".' m wliiirf liainl nr Imiu'- short mini nr New Orleans n i ; t v never 1 1 : i v r heard nf lii neral ,l u ks,m, lmt he ran reel you nlT j urn Hi'trr y.-irii ali.nil the exploit f I.nlltt. 1 lie fnriiir who ruled 111 th' iH-nrliy Hand of baiiitiui.i in tin) e.iriy days of the pivfu-nt century. l'lie low'rf class est Indian lias lip.t ;i VHHIli' ki:n U'le ef Clll'ixlnpliei' ("nl'iin biifi, lint lie knuw." iiny auinunl of Talc v ptniiiiL? .1 u .li-;ird. Sir Henry Murii!!. Captain K e Id mid nther "j,'i'iit leini ii a l vt'iiturrrs1' u lio wen went to make a -. i vuyak'i' anything Kill healtliy fiirtl.i' Imm iniirim r er pi .irt lul merchant.. And mi i; in t lit; wni'ld uvi r. I was fiiieililv ii iiiimleil nf t bis strani hold I lint rasriil have mi fame whi n vi - A ltlK Itfillot 's ii-laild nut lnnn nun. Tin Mntue uf I.ilierty ! 'imnitly tiitimt- i the scene, mid the urmip uf liue willow trees (in the New York side of the i-lali ', was dwarfid ly enntia-it with this iam rival nm ol liarthomrn art. A man struiini lip. He win nc oiiipanieif. Iiy two ivmni i; who sei lned tomlmiie him liecaiiM- lie wa hiu, self asiertive ami boisterously ion lleseulidiiiK. "I ilou't rare very inueli aliout this Hal lie, he reiiiai'keil, "l,ur 1 wanted yo'l !. see where we ImiiL'i'il I!iek." Then l.i proceeiled lotell thvtale, his cmnp.'iriio' looking at. hint adinirinuly mid oeeiisioiKt ly shlidilel'ini as they glaneed at the K' of the tree from whieli t lie pirate is said i have swuiiL'. If we rate pirates aetordiliLt to th" time stamlaril, Allien K. Hii ks was i. - ably the last of the breeil to operate n!(. the Atlatitie (oast. He had served a 1 appreiitieeship in villainy us the mate i;f a slaver plyltni between the Hl"l coast, i i' Africa mid Cuba. Thinns went wr. ;: with him, as they Ki'iierally do with tort of people, tun! lie re w poor and le perate. ho lie and ot litis tonroiti-d scheme by which they hoped toe(,i wealth nt the price of murder. In pursuance of the plan, Hicks 1 1 i i ; -ftbuard nil oyster shnip tailed the L. .'. Johnson, liounil from New York for 1 e. ; Creek, Va. The captain, Iiurr by n i:'i didn't believe in banks ami kepti-evu, thousuml dollars, the savings of years, I ; Heath- his cabin bunk, lurked in an ire: box. Five days after sailing tlie.Iohu.i i w as picked up lit tea ami brought baik f New Y'ork. The people who boarded the vessel found that it wus a regitlar shambles. Not a toul was alive. On deck and below, in various places where they had met the! fate, lay the captain and the crew -murdered! Blood stained almost cverythiia,' There were preat blotches even on the 1 i!. flapping sails (it was a day of dead tn':.. w hen the discovery was made). Xutia could be found of any suspected peiso Save the man Hicks. He had shipped i : der the name of William Johnson, and 1, -body wus not auiiuirf those of thuviutin.v He was trucked to Providence, rapt inn! there and taken back to New York. After duo trial and conviction the o,T ccrs of the law conveyed him to liedh e -f.shiuil ami there executed him. The ma . who didu't cure for the stattleof Libe; but wanted to show his wife and sister t : . willow trees, was the deputy sheriff wi "swung him oH." And s on July : , 1S0O, died Hicks, the pirate, t'.i j hist i.f I kind to trouble t lie huiu.-t niariiu rs uf t ', north Atlantic const. That region, by the way, lias never In- ft healthy one fur ocean freebooti t.i .. li., ' ......... i ... t, i jo,,o, ,n Lull i ill 1 1 1. si-1 , e.-s iiiiii, 'i-, oil. the old days when a niau turned pir:.te 1 was said to have "gone upon the aecoui,' whatever that may mean. A man untie Pellamy "went upon the account" in HI, He had a tine ship and ravaged the re. -, fnuu Newfoundland t o Virginia. He I i'.' u fort and had his rendezvous oll the Ma thius river, Maine. Hut he only prospcv l for a few months, ami with seven of lis crew was hanged at Huston in the sa": yeur that he began his nefarious under taking. To him succeeded the bloodthirsty ruf fiun knowu us John Philips, Julia w.".s t , , , tough even for his crew, so they killed hi'i ntiil thiukinu that that meritorious u''iio.i had wiped out their previous slus put i'it.. Host on harbor un.l surrendered to lie authorities, w ho pr. nipt ly e.wcuti d thee w una- incus was itAN,t:r. 1 The next pirate to get u taste of NV England justice was William Fly, an famous scoundrel w ho seemed to kill i the very pleasuie of shedding blood. 1 lasted but a year. Stinting nut in ltjii , became the terror nf t be merchant men .' is said to have ilel rnyed over fifty vism -between Charlcolun lind Newport. hi an evil hour for him he muduftc.:; five act as steersniuu. This sudor, Atkin sou by mime, run the thip ashore on C, Mussuchnsetts coast, jumped overbear i and escaped. The pirates slew ull tl.eii other prisoners iitid "tK.k to the wo ! " They were caught, und like their pri de cessors were hanged at lioeton. Later lu the century Philadelphia al-' had its tussle with pirutes, and for p-.i, thero exUtoU a ghastly reminder lu a tu , l '.''.17 Mi ml .-in it ly a in. u. .ili'iii wa known .ii.' ,:.a ; i.i a l.i ..! 1 1 I -.-a tin ie I' w a- thi-: i ; -.. i n mi i iilei'iPiC t lie l.ar -! all l' i-ii in d ii.miiM I he I bid. I'ui'd tn a liiiirdeiiiiii ri it pirale named l'.u ton. w ho, nss, I'iaiid i iih WiiLiiiM'ii and Mit- ton, had , in n 'iii L.i' i i i lie l oin nun e. (if t he river d.; ring I he Kevo'mt miiary w ,ir. He w :is ilnaliv surprise,! bv a party of voluntreis tiiiiii i,ui liw ark, near billin.'s- l port, on the Jersey sliuii', and with his crew cut tu puces, lle.u ll had been ill the alT.iir and -emied the pirate's hea.l, an I Was never be! :el" pleased t Ii 111 when, lean ing his brawny arms mi the bar. lie roiil. I tell the stury of t he lich I. and how ( 'us' is, a huue eiili red lil.ieKsMiit ii In, had a sei, down S wans, in st reet. below (Jileeli, sheared I the pirate' head nil' at 'one wliaek.' the tavern was Known as ration s Head.' " It WitMit New poi t that Charles Harris llietliisf.ee. 1 1 n 1 si i a s an Kiu'liteen; Ii century 1'iivi r, but the inaiiner of his rap ture sliuMeii that he had little sense Mi ami his "pari uei ," I .dw ard 1 ,ow. in t hi se t w o vi-s-i-;, t ,ii k led a w arslilp, thinking it to be n im r -huni man. In the subseipiel.t are.inei't wiia r union Mr. Harris and his crew were t ,1 ell and t W eill v-loiir of theai met well il -i I Mil death. Low esiaped with hi hip. harried the New toiindLind banks, raptured forty live vessels, kilhd nml tortured the sailuts and tlien, yrown tilet hnrie w :l h plunder, steered bis eieir-e for the Aj iv and was never ufierwunl proiniiietil In fi.re tin- puUie. The seuiiiii'.i els already nielli iniied, h 'W ever, were but leeble imil at ions of the eor sails of l he Sevetiti ent h century w llu r iv aged Spain's possessions in Central and South Aineri' a. The bileeaneeis and Ilia roooei's are t y pes of the hideous ferneit y to which man i an deseeud w hen dominated by the lust for gold. They genera! h seorned to taekle unyt hing less forniidalile than a well annul treasure ship on the high seas, but. tiny mailt; a specialty of storming and sacking i it ies. They steeped the shores of the Caribbean sen and the Gulf of Mexico in blood. One band crossed the Isthmus of Parieli. as it was then culled, and sacked the pros peroiis city of l'aminia. If the anioiinl t f plunder leaehi il less t ban f .notion, an ex pedition was thought a failure. Due of these stupendous scoundrels, Henry Mor gan, wus knighted by Charles II of Kng laud, because of t he sufferings he had ill flirted on 1 he Spaniards. He had for eon temporaries sueh lien. Is as Teaeh iltlaek lienrd) Kidd, Huberts, Avery, Lolonois. Pierre In Grand and Portages. Yheli any of these buccaneers "made a haul" they went to the Island of Torluga to spend their ill gotten and blond stuiii'd gold. On that, sink of corruption i-" reigned unchecked. Yilu men and vilei women welcomed the "gentlemen advei: Hirers. " When a pirate ship put into bar "Kl.A'K JACK" T ATT AW. nor the price nf brandy rose frotntwodel lars to thirty dollars per gallon, nnd other sortsof Co" i " : n li t ies advanced in propor tion. C'ai' tt ia and murder filled the in terval." bet v, een cruises, and eventually tie' thrift )' nam lii r. by direct ion or indirection, got all the spoils of piracy. Then it he tried to get aw ay ni some honest vessel hound Kuropeward ho snlTcrcd spoliation and death at the bunds of bis former dupes, and the coin journeyed baik tuTortuga to fulfill its former mission of supplying means for hideous revelry. There is mm fiirate, however, about whom there seems to have been many re deeming features. He flourished in the early part of the prist nt century on the Island of Haratarla, nut fur from New Or leans, and during the war with Great, Hrltuin liclpul Jackson win his famous light against Purkculiiun. After that in founded the city of (lulvcsUm, and aided at least two South American colonics itise curing fivedota from Spanish rule. His name was I.afltte, mid the manner of hi" death is not known to history. Piracy, according to tlie old accept i;:n:i (if the term, does not exist nt thuprcs:it day, save in the China seas and adjacent, waters. The maritime Mongolian Is a nit u ral robber and a cow aid by inst !nct. I (. preys only whi te l.e is sure of success, ,,.! when succofi'.l his cruelty i-i indesi ri1 i bl,;. A good second to t he ( 'hin.imaii i , the Malay, in:, 1 1 l.i- llui l.ury ci rs.u: 1. -still a, ii;.:lit met leie-t a mention. Hi' he rover nf il,e ITnweiy Kingdom 1". ' h-l.i ell, iii.d ii Is u mattirif rei'oi'l I ii. I iast year the viceroy nf the province , I 'a lit. in alone caused t he b"lu n ling ol '' i piiates. This lielng t he situation, if se, ins: slight ly .'.muring to 1 i : r i f liie i'i "i' iiegni w rei 1. i rs of the baliainas and the common w a 'er front thievis of the big i itios cl.is"c ', as "pirates." Put. he rneercst "pi rate" f all is a mm ", ho ha s I i e:i a res! lent ' ( 'hicuo fur a n or,, of i ars lied who l .i ' t en in t rouble w it h t he ant horit ies i v, i v i-i 1 1 1 1 1 ci. Pe is know n ii" "lii.ii k .l.e .. '' Vat taw, and l.e dispenses lienors fro:. ' ' oat aiiclioud nut in Lake Malayan," - : tin- government pi' r c.n ! cl out a 'i , I' an -l,inv. fie applied tor a i il y I:. , : decade nr so nh,i and was riliise .. ... iiitlioriiies saying '..ay li.nl i. : ion. Ther ri cntisidert d this nf, near!, Jack refused to listen to I in n,. , od i '. row is now one of the annual Mr:;:irT -ations of the town. Yaltaw is t he "bun. boat. 'pirate" by the loe.'. I p. ' ut as he has only i tie ear und is s,, : i i lingers, it would seem that in pi r-oa .l , . t OUliters where blood flowed lie i a . second best. It's ijuite a dr-pm ;:. isn't It, from the gorylilaikli .ri, f ined hundreds if eople to w.iov i plunk, to the disorderly "lihii k whose highest, ambition is to i:..i Jiut rotis pay fifteen cents a drink lor I " cent whisky! Verily, piracy is a thing of Hie past, m AmerieHii waters at least. F. X. Wiiiii.. A sea turtlu welhlug IjO poumls beeu captured Bear Suu Dicjiu, C'al. el II ki p ' a l 'lia ,1 i'i .ii Ii. the 'Hi. ' " lllli n:, r I " I'm- I I w,i .1 j. I ;!iii. will. This !,. Irish I'm v and & Sir : - . f1 A SENATOR QUAY TALKS. The Master Mind Upon Chances of buccess. the LEADERS ALL IN LINE. Swic'invvi'a Uispara o Detnl h.i r . re Being Will drawn ainl h -S rikers M us Apily Singly. (lb il.l-.K 'S AW HI. 11 K l.-s 1. Y AsiiiMiitiN, 1. P., Aug. "d. -The vice consul general at I'eberan tele graphs thai the estimated deaths in Persia Irion cholera are lt."i.OHO. The I'llilcd Stales consul cables the state department from Hamburg as follows: "The I lauihurg author ities admit that Asiatic .'holera has been in Hamburg since August Is. All vessels and baggage leaving Hamburg after that dale ought to Vie disinfected. I'p to August Jit, 'J'.il cases and seventy -live deaths occurred." A dispatch from Ant werp says the excitement caused by Asiatic cholera in lhat city is in tense and those who can are pre paring to leave the city. Ml.K'l.l.V A W i:.K 1 I. VI H i. W'AslllM.rnN. Aug. J."i. - Sen Itor Ouay, wlin passed through Wash ington today on his way to I'lorida, sai I: "The story that certain republi can leaders do not intend to work for the republican ticket is merely a weak invention of (he enemy. It is hardly worth the denial ami I ant often surprised that tune, paper and printing materials are wasted in giving' publicity to stones so palpably unreal. I have talked with retniblican leaders from all pa lis of the country who have been represented to be sulking and I know they are heartily supporting the presidential ticket. Personal feelings do not control in such mailers, else the principles of our parly would count for notion U'c publicans are essentially loyal and besides common sense would indicate the propriety of support ing the ticket if duty and devotion to principle did not The situation in New York has steadily improved for the republicans in the last six weeks. Tin-democratic presidential ticket is weaker than when first nominated." Senator fjuay said the republican managers had made a systematic canvass of the candidates of the country and reports were gratify ing. "The republican managers are not" he said, "rainbow chasers. They will ascertain the exact situa tion in order to be prepaid to meet it. Prophecy is not a strong point with me, but I think the outlook is generally favorable and the condi tions in the southern states fully warrant the hope of getting some ectorial votes from that ipiartcr." Si.l'(.tii:i Ii V A SWITCHMAN. Hii'h.I.o, N. Y Aug. '.'li.-At aliout 11 o'clock yesterday morning a crow d of switchmen surrounded Master Workman Sweeney, de manding that he declare a strike from New York to Chicago. Wort's cnsueii, ami .wncnman I'ltinti ol the Nickel Plate yards struck Swee ney a ferocious blow, knocking him down. Blond flowed in a stream fi'iuil Sweeney's nose. Utiinn got his leader's head against a tele, graph pole and punched and pounded him until pulled away. The men are greatly excited. A visit to the various railroad offices elicited the information lhat the roads wid not take back the strikers to their old places in a body. All iriisl inali'' their appli cation as new men, and be eon sideretl in the same order as other applicant-. The troops have be. gun to move homeward. Aboul 1 ."ii K will go now and the remainder in a few day.-. Michael Mroderick, a 17 car-old boy, piristed in throwing stiMi'-s at the soldiets of the Twenty -ecoiid regiment yes. tcnlav and was severely and prob ably fatally shut in the abdomen We i uut;i ;ituhite (iilf l.il li.itiv e ytniii ctiiiyi e-isiii.m iihim his evi dent iiu, I ' ; 1 1 1 1 1 . (i hi re-si. ill. 1 1 hilnif seems to ,1-fee with his iliyic:i Veli ijntit I It II ill. it llisi iiitcllectil,il ile CLEARANCE SALE ' O.P K1KEEFER I SGHMIDTMANNDx FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS. WI- WILL SHI. I, I.KiHT IIAU'NKSS, SADDI.l'S. 1I.Y.M' TS AND AT AEQ Below cost. PL ATTSMOUTH AN JTLSPHANT CANT CLW3 ATHK, , h WHALQ CANNOT UVS CM' THE iKOr.O A COOK CANNCT COOIt CJJIT3 WD IF TH RANSS?1AS'N0 IP YOU WANT THIJ 1JCST Buy the CHARTER OAK With th Wir Qauae Ovsu Door. IT IS NOT AN r.XPJIUINENT, HUT A rilOVKD SITCKSS. TAKE NO OTIIER. 5 If. "-.-iE A NATURAL UEMKDY FOB Epileptic Fits Knllini,' Siikuess, Hyster ics, St. Vitus Dance, NervonHiioss, llrpui'liondrla, Mcluncliolia, In cbrity, Sleeplessness, Dlz zincss, Drain and Spi nal AVeukness. TliU niediclup Las direct action upon tho nervo coalers, allayliiR all lrrltabill tlfs, and Increasing thu flow and power of ticrvo fluid. It I iinrfeetly haruilow Mid leave uc unpieasant edecti. FREE" i-A Tatilitlilo IVmk on Nf lMsiist.H H,'iit li"e to any aiiitrHHtf mnl MMtr imiiniiiH ran also ntitalfl thin iiiuillelno lice of nhnrice TliH r.iii,ly linn lwxn prrpurnil by the Itcvonmd tuflnr K, iiiK. n( Krt Wivim, Ind., KHioa Wit. auC Uuow (iniiuri'd uudnr lilk ilirecUim by tbu . KOENIC MF.D. :0.. Chicago, il'. SotJ Iiy lma-1': t pot Ilottlo. 0 for SO LurxoSlev. ftl.l" SiMI-sifor 91). J , ' 'i t-. . i J. -vrVrtrt Intf-lurn mir C'llATOV FOR E I s nnl milk" new rii'ttmeni. wo bn?e 1 ..Mi ;r fhl, Nprt-lnl lfr H(nd lit ft lift r'riiTM.riMt'irfrniihndlypo, Anihrotypo I'.-iH'iuM ((.,. iniirn Ifurnny nionihcrof yuur i.i ii f . i , i i v i .; r 't.'i. tiii'l w will n in ho yon a ( niwtn l'orf:iill I r e o lniric, provldftd ymi 'ihilttt it to y nr fr'omln an n wi m pit of our Kin it tiii'i ti -o "iir iiifliH'iiri'ln KtiiMirliiK up future r-. I'I . mm.- nn Mf1tlr"on hnfknf plrture niii. it. mil t ri;."iriH d in p.-rlHct onlwr. Wnnrnko iii.v rh(i:t In pnitiru tmi tvlsh.not Inlcrfprtntf ui ! 1 --. IC'i-r to iiiit tin nk In 4'hlmito. A i.l :i' tit t. t'CLIPSE PORTRAIT CO., l r, l ir PinHnlnk O riJir Afr f III dli'ii';flT r.t- fti rj not riwittntf Criiuiti T 0thit 18 bi'ltlL'TL liUA I'lUS -OVWi RYE. ias become a household word because of its absolute purity, nutritive value, smooth taste and delicious bouquet. It is good for weak luns and a stimulant fur impaired constitutions. Unliko inferior whiskies, it docs not rasp or scald the throat and stomach, nor cause nausea, dizziness am headache. Yju may know it by the abov,, qualities and the proprietary bottles in which it is serveft. Call for "Cream Pure Ryt" and take no other For sale at all first-class drinking places and druj; stores DALf.FX! NP k CO . rhir.-K-r- Fur ;ile by Jue McVey. Jtiro tlr- li .i !' !i i.r l i - 'i' i. i"i en.es "'sr. ss or ru !,..-irr. It luiiltih iit uml enj'r. ', s tin' u. ii.-r.it l;,'iel-i,i ! ;i:s!:ii ..i,lri .'!.,! '.. 'i "Hi. .sti,i.,',,imi. linn, S" hii.'iH' S i r li imIiiii, .is ill, '.v ti.is t.".'ii!iiii'l,t. I r-. t. r.-. 1 t.v I'I i --I i.i- ill I- .I'lll's s,,.'i ' 1 1 1 1- s. PATIENTS TRF.STEO BY f,'Al. CONFIDEMWL l anrtlf . V) i,t'ii(. S. -i . 't ' m l u ; . r ei.- t.,- 5. o.. f. 8!tr:fi. H v:cMs f. THtATt:c cmux IU. CAWC a,ii,i,.(.tt;i'P'l renrno lunk-nr fenn tliln Kinir ot 'Ii'm rs, ,,r !.v l in t .,'n!. rlnl iliMsivetf In li , in ii, ,'. i :en-,'r mi ii' y .:el nt Hio hn.iy run k l rn iiin iilly cuml wllbuwt tlio u.e ul Uii- Uiillc. Mus n. li. Cut nv, -.'.UC Imlliiiin Ave., ('lilinim, lm V:is ciirn 1 ul r mr.T nl tin' hri iel in si i i i-'s iiv v. iir ini'l'i 1 1 nf Iri'nlm.'iil. ' N'ti.t fnr UVlllIM). 1I'. It. 1'. lUo Jts, ailli .St., C.lU'HK". 1HSTKKS NEBRASKA m i3 v5 .3 sir ii,s u r,-niolle tn.it iln m i tie1 1 ' - SSS. -