Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, August 18, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    TllK AVKKKLV IIKliALD: 1M.A T TS1 l III. N l'.HU ASK A. Al'tiTS! s. sn-j.
Jjiics Field 'ami Lansing will
tVu the campaign in Weeping
f .iter mi (lie IMh.
I There were a m
J'tvilie -.Id ;idHiiT-i i
number of demo
in attendance Ht
he Cass i mint)- Grand Army roi
In ion, ntnl with om" exception they
,, declared thev could nut vole I
H Cleveland .mil Stevenson. the nun
1 win served the government by
proxy diiiiii; the rebellion. Mr.
Clove land's nttidiido toward the old
soldiers as .shown by his jkmisiou
tveto record ami tin insuns aimou
it the Grand Army In his veto mes
sages, are more than soldier demo-
rats can swallow, is the way one of
the old veterans put it.-Heo.
' !
V. The towti of Murdook is peopled
J.xith citizens who have the right
ideas ahout the sensible way in
which to hnild tip a town. They
have pluck, enterprise and staying
v.0.ilities, all well developed. The
.V-ash News man contemplates
moving his newspaper to Murdock.
The Hohemian Catholics have
lieeii notified by the Hishop of Kng
land to constniet a parsonage.
He also notified them that he was
coming to this country accompan
ied by live priests and one of them
would he situated here permanently
provided a parsonage would be
The new map which has been
made for the book Illustrated
Plattstnnuth shows the other rail
road which is proposed for this
town, the Plattsinouth & South
western. The road is to run from
this place to Heatrice and will give
direct connection for Kansas ship
pers to Omaha. The big city to the
north of Plattsinouth is willing to
help out on this scheme.
James ' Hissel appeared before
Justice of the Peace1 Johnson at
Ashland Thursday afternoon to
answer to the, charge of bastardy,
filed hv Miss Mails. He was bound
over to the' next term of court
This, is one of the three cases of the
same. kind which have happened
i ii the last year and a half. The girl
all live , on the same street.
The last one is the case of Kva flip
per, aged V.i years and ! months
who hud a' child about two weeks
ago. She has. attached the crime to
two different boys already. They
have not as yet arrested the last one.
Her. father is night bridge watch
man for the Hurlington A: Missouri
on the Platte river bridge at Ash
Itoth the Weeping Water news
papers endorse the views of TllK
IIlvKAU on that new newspaper
project for their town. Two good
newspapers arc worth more to the
town thau three, none of which can
be so good and pay,a fair dividend
on the iu vestment.
r. ', . '
The growth of Tub Hekalu's cir
dilation is progressing satisfac
torily, and we hope to merit a, Htill
more, rapid increase. , Kvery repub
lican tdjould consider, himself
special coininittee, of one to aid in
this great ..vyork-y-tbe . campaign of
education. Speak to your friends.
The residence ot Henry llerold,
on Vine street, wsia onU'rvjijWe'dny-.
day 'by,,, burglars. . Vn ( entrance
was etfected through a window, pi
the iiorpifide of. the house., "TJiey
went , upstairs, secured, , liehxy's
pants' and, took them d6yn to the
kitcheuwlienj the pockets, were
riflcd.aiyi about flutakeai., Th, in
truders, vetj(, through the pantry
and 'refrigerator and belped,, them
selves to a lunch, after winch they
quietly. departed.; , ' .
" 'V
..... , .- , ;. ,,, .
Sawtolle, the man who. shot Cas
ford sometiiue.-aUr-luMiMtcu. heard
from. A man approached ConMa
lile Kroehler and wanted to know
what reward has been offered for
the apprehension of the 'vould-be
murderer, and when intormed that
there : was no reward offered he
walked sadly away, with his aspira
tion to be n great man hunter great
ly dejected. In the meantime Mrs.
Sawtelle is trying to fix matters up
so her husband ma) be able a re
turn without being molested
lr. C. U'. Tellt of Greenwood has
arrived honk1 from Denver, where
he went with the Mt. Moriah com
tiiaudery Knights Templar.
' V
Peter Kank of Schuyler, who was
burned by (he explosion of gases
upon lighting a match in the base
ment of his saloon, died yesterday.
Ilcwas-iti years of age and leaves
live motherless children, the oldest
111 and the youngest tf years.
Assistant General Manager Smith
of the Missouri Pacific was in town
one day this week and with other
officials he was making a tour of
the road. Relative to opening up
Missouri Pacitk' cut oil Mr. Smith
ays the work is being rushed, but
no trains will be put on until the
completion of the signal tower at
Orcapolis. Near Orcapolis the cew
Missouri Pacific road crosses tile
tracks of the Hurlington. and
together thev are building there a
single tower sitniliar to the ones
used on all the groat eastern roads.
(Me man in the tower has complete
I supervision over the swiieues ami
bv pressing an electric button in
forms the engineers on both roads
one mile distant whether or not the
track is clear. Mcl'ore a train on
one road crosses the tracks of the l
other automatic gales are dropped
so that the way is clear and there
will be no slowing up or stopping.
When the cut-off is finally complet-
d the time between Omaha and St.
Louis will be reduced nearly three
The opinion prevails here almost
unanimously tlial loin .Majors i
the strongest man to place on the
state ticket, vice J. G. Tate resigned.
The ruins of the I!. i M. depot
which burned to the ground some
time ago. at Ashland have been
cleared away and everything is now
in readiness to begin work on the
new building. The lumber will ar
rive this week ami the work com
mences Monday. The new struc
ture will be a large, substantial one
to accommodate the increasing
business of that' place.
A (laughter of William Couii fell
from a second-story window last
Monday at her home near Mauley.
One hand and an arm were severely
bruised and a severe gash cut in
her forehead.
- V
The people's partycount) conven
tion is called to meet at Weeping
Water Tuesday, August 1(1, for the
purpose of electing delegates to the
congressional convention to. be
held at Nebraska City Thursday,
August 1.
: 1. Hogan, a car repairer for the
H. it M. at Ashland, met with an ac
cident Thursday afternoon that
may prove fatal While working
Iwiicath some box cars the train
was - struck by a switch engine,
pinching Hogau between two cars.
He was bruised considerably about
the back mid chest, but the physi
cians think he will recover.
t the meeting of the democratic
stnU' central committee at Omaha
Thursday the death of W. 1!. Shry-
ock, member of the committee from
the First district, was formally an
nounced and i I'-. Kiiuner was
chosen to succeed him. C. W. Slier
man, P. K. Ruffner and George v
Pritchett were chosen as a commit
tee to draft suitable resolutions
concerning the life and character of
the late W. R Shryock.
In the elction of P. K. KulTiier as
the congressional committeeman
for this district, vice W. li. Shryock,
deceased, the line Italian hand of
C; V Sherman Is seen. When Mr
Hryaa's Campaign manager keeps
cool'he generally succeeds' in get
ting what he:is aftri in' the demo
cratie party. '' 1 ",:
:-.i i 1 - .'(.:- in, I'Miu .
The tenth annual l fair of Sarpy
County Agricultural' Socittty-will
be held ot Papilliooy Neb.fuesday,
Wednesday TliurHdayi and Friday,
September 1.1 to hi, l5fi'i- I1..M1
i:-' ' vi'o ! U l ' 'J' 1; ') .' c. ; - t. j
,,,Tie Murray Hanner-hitH rented
rwitiw and is moving in to Nehawka
and a telegram taiy that that down
w now to have 0. weekly; newHpnper
It is not stated authoritatively yet
that the deal for the consolidation
of the Plattsniouth News and tho
Hanoer , has been completed.' A
tumuuittee , of. representative Ne
hawka men. have returned to their
town and made, a report 011 what
they learned of Ptattsinoutu peopl
in regard to the. standing of the
News conductor, after a tour of
confidential investigation.
James Whitehead has been noiui
nated by the republicans of tin
Sixth district to be elected lo (he
place now occupied in congress bj unity Kent.
According to the Pee this morn
Matthew Gcrmg was al.Solitk.Onia
ha yesterd i , the guentollr. I,.
Siggin.s and rope-laying for (he
democratic iioiuiiiatioti for attorney
general. M iih v w;i- absorbed
in the boom that he stood on the.
platform thinking about it and al
lowed the train to pull out wtthnut
hiu. liy the way. has Matthew
heard that C. C. Parmi le Is a caudi
date for slate auditor on the same
ticket. History ii to the effect that
two democrats fromi Plattsinouth
cannot be put upon the satin1 demo
cratic state ticket.
Mrs. . I.. Minor left Friday
evening for busk, Wyoming, for 11
short visit with friend. Mrs. Dr.
Ilobhs of Klmwood will nreottipany
her v
Tho Republicans of Old Cass
to Have The Boed.
The FroMocts For Plattsmo.ith's
FuUue Warrants an fcnlnre
inont And Improvement
cf The Daily Hornltl.
Willi this issue of TllK llKk'.U.n
we will be pardoned for saying" a
few wordsaboiit it. Withthis issue
begins a new era in the republican
newspaper field and Till-:
from today will be aggressively at
front. The start that the town has
made in the direction of improve
meiit and progress and the bright
prospect there is for its grand suc
cess warrants the management in
making the this enlargement and
The condition of the crops id
diss coiiuU , the state of Ne'Tashn
ind the Nation and the indisputable
working of the MoKinley tariff law
has made the success of the repub
lican party certain. With the as.
s tired ascendency of that great pro
gressive pari j- lor four more years
conies conlideuce m luisiness ol
eics anil solidityjin the markets.
All these things combine to teach
us that it is a safe business venture
to widen the field of usefulness and
to make Tin: Hkk'AI.d a greater
newspaper than ever.
A number f town merchants
have taken advantage of this issue
b) talk to the public and more will
follow. -
Several hundred people who are
not subscribers will read thirt issue
and we desire them to become reg
ular readers. Order it -left at your
store, office or home. Order Thk
1 1 i:kali through telephone No an.
S '
iTheWln. Pickens vs. Milton D.
Poik et al; an appeal from this
county was filed Thursday with the
clerk of the supreme court at Ian
coin. Tom I leiinington and Dave Lyon
from Ashland am) Cedar Creek re,
spectively, came to town Thursday
and got gloriously full. This morn
ing they deposited $1 a piece in th
school fund and the rest of tlieirjfme
of and costs was suspended with
the understanding that they were
to leave town instauter. ,
Judge Archer has been busy
disposing a number of cases,
K'asmus Petersen has commenced
suit, through his attorney, li. (i.
Vanatta, against twenty-eight differ
ent parties oil accounts.
Three cases were filed in district
court Thursday and all three were
foreclosures. The first one was
The Citizens Hank vs. Mary A. Gar
risonet al., the second Is J. Howard
Clapp vs. Frank A. Smith, and the
third August W.Gustafson vs. John
I. Worley et al. -
. The applications for a guardian
for Mrs, Fornhoff, now Mre. Mold
euhauer, was , denied by, . Judge
Ramsey, but the. court apjioiuted J
HH Meisinger gaurdian for the
children,,, , ..:., : - ;
, Je.Klng was before Judge Archer
rifla morning, charged with being
dr,Unk and disordcrlyj and received
a fine, of $3 and triuuninga. ,, ..,
I'PIosea S.-Fleishman commenced
a tnlt for foreclosure iu the district
court Friday against C. M. and S. I
.WUkurHhani; ;K. .H. Windham 'is
the plaintiff's attorney. 1 .
F, K. Guthman, throtigli his at
torney, A. N.' Sullivan, has asked
thL- Court to grant him a license to
sell some ' of the' Weckbach real
estate, for the purpose of paying tij
Ho'me old debts. 1 1
The replevin suit ol Charles Van
deventer vs. Lawrence Stall am
Antoii Siler, which was decided in
Vaudevcnter's favor, has been ap
pealed to the district court and the
case wa filed to-day.
J. M. Carter vs. Robert F.muieii.s
and H. -. Gibson was filed Saturday
It ii an appeal case ami Travis au
(iihberson are the attorneys.
land) M. Glcnnon vs. '1'
Ghiinon was iiled Saturday, The
plaintiff pi ays for a divorce on the
rounds ol extieine iruell- and
nlure to iroviile for the family
Admiit-d tho Fiict.
.exx spaier edito
careful in oiienin
have to be xa 1 )
their coluiiins
lor statements Hut aware that the
Dr. Miles Medical Co. are responsi
ble, we make room lor the following
teslimrmial from R. McDotigall. Au
burn, lnd., who for two yearn noticed
a stoppage or skipping of the pulse,
bis lelt side got so tender he could
not lie on it. hit heart fluttered, he
was alarmed, went to different doc
tors, found no relief, but one bottle
of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure cured
him. The elegant book, "New ami
Stsirll in lt Pacts," free at F. (i. J-ricke
.V Co. It tells all about heart and
in-rvou.-s diseasi's and many wonder
ful curs :i.
The county clerk paid nv.t $V2
for wolf scalps Saturday.
A r. pr
sin ..uce Vl' id
.'Olllp II. 'i
I lie I l lent lu
ll 11 1 mi .1 ft.e
.it 1 paid Mr. 1
uit ne City tills eek
M.utiii in full lor the
to hi.s building 111 the recent
A man by the name of ehanu
was in )iu ilia l-'rid.iy and se
uied about t .venty men to work on !
the It. A. M. track between Oie.u. olN '
ind Ciillom. He broug'.it them to!
re.ipolis . 1 1 1 . 1 started up the track t
with llieiu. letore lliey reached
their desl ination the stopped at a
spring to get ,1 drink an I to rest.
They all went to sleep but two, an I
when the boss woke up he missed
his pocket-book and ahout itf in
llloiiev and two of his men. lie
line to Plattsinouth and notified
the police, but nothing has been
hear. l'of seen of them. j j
I'he board of education has
signed the contract with Jones V
llodgert for the construction of the
new school house. The contractors
gave iinnds in uie sum 01 r-a.oio,
with I'. M. Ridley. Henry Hoeck,
Peter Milium and Win. Weber as
londsinen. The building is to be
Completed I'V Aoveinoer isi.
W I I.I. M K K A N K Iv'N l-T II fl MM .
Tins I'i.a r isMi u 1 ii H i-:kai.p looks
piiti- jolly in its new editorial
Ires. The Press congratulates
lilt; lll-kAl.P on securing the ser-
Vices 01 so accompiisiiei.1 a genm -
r . I I . I I
man as .mi. w. 1 eiei sou. mm
, . . Xt I , . I I . . .
the greatest conluti-nce 111 Ins abil
ity to make the paper one of tin-
greatest usefulness.--Nebraska City
The Louisville Courier-Journal
says that drunken men ami prosti
tutes are enough to give any town
a bad name, but such were to be
seen 011 the streets Thursday after
Kluiwood is at present n veritable
bee hive, liverybody is humming
and buy. tJNearly all summer
there has been a lack of Carpenters
and masons, 'and new house and
other improvements spring up like
magic. The lixchange Hank build
ing on the southeast corner of the
spiare sets the crown on all others
built this season, and when com
pleted will be a real ornament to
the town.' -
ne thousand dollars reward jhas-
been offered for the. recovery ot
Judge Claikaon's- body, which is
supposed to be lying in Honey
Creek Lake.
VoLUIx-I- li C 1TT.KNS 1 IKii A.N
A. A. Jones addressed the colored at the courthouse in
Nebraska City. A large crowd was
present and the speaker was loudly
cheered. Mr. Jones is an ex-slave
from one of the Southern States,
and his exposition of the manner in
which elections have been con
dudted in the South gave the lie to
many democratic editorials. At the
conclusion of the speaking a col
ored republican club with over
fifty members was .organised and
officers chosen, t j ,.,
A dispatch from JNebraskaJCity
sayis: ' "Congressman llyran will
find many willing to'answer him.
He and Judge Field will de vide time
ainj Hon. 'John C. VatVon of this
city Is prepared to demolish, Hryan's
freii trade and free, silver 'theories,
Nebraska City and Otoe county re
publicans, khowjijg' Mr."Vatson as
a roaidy1 and Bound speaVe.'cool aiid
dul iberate'are' wi'l II ilg fo wager that
he $an knock bid U;e wuidy gentle
man Irom Lancaster easily,' ' Mr,
Wajaon will staild! by the republican
party and by personal effort see
tlu4 Otoe coutily Ksredeemeif from
the enemy." ' '' ' ' : ' "' '
! Joe to Open at Once.
Joe Klein, the popular .one-price
clothier, has returned from Chicago,
lie is closing up his insurance bus
iness ami will in a day or two have
the pieHtion of a store room settled.
His nexv store will be open and
ready for business by the. end of
this mouth. A large part of his
joimIs have already been bought.
There is nothinii wroiitr with loo.
lloV all right.
M. P. Special Knt9.
lo the Auburn (r. A. K. re union,
11 1-. lc.p.i, the fare for round trip
xx ill be l.U.'i. Tickets will be put
,.n sale from A 11'. hi-l and be
made good to return the Kith.
I'o the K. of P. com live at Kan
sas City the rate willbe half hire,
t ickets will be sold A.ig. 'A to 'S.
and to be good to return vntd the
Real Estate Transters.
Following are tl e real estate
transfers for the past week as com
piled by Polk Urns., abstracters
ami publishers of the Daily Record:
W (iiliiliiiir unit xx ile In S k' 1 liniiip.
sun, ii'.j 11I nl sxx U. t.' 1.' It xxil ... j.1 '
I (J Talvnr and wife tn T Ibir-t. let
i, I 1 1 m K 7 , Kleiiitfin A: Kme'hAit'l
tn Vx'i'e'iii Wuler xd ... "
II I'mland iiiiM xxile 1,, set 1
liisinet No. --7, ot in 1 , nl ne'i
i-i in u.i
1 1 Tellt .'old xx itV li
Ofiriisi.ti, ,,
Axoi a xxd .
tiam , Wit
l. 1. 1. 1. k I-,
You can buy Summer Goods
Miiiuuugly cheap at Wescott's. ,
t,. , , ill.- 1
t 1 .1 ). :
K'x r Tt .in-s I - i,
- ililWIl. I 1 '
11 v. rv f ir
1 1 1!
.1 ll
1'. . ti - its in- k f. r :
its I'l.-if w 1 s -r -. hi
rpn f t lie 1 t in i. a
liil, .' tllil'' Hi 'A
'1 feruiei'lv ia
f igltts of M il,'.
!l iMllU'l
Of rii'vii
leek .1.
till' sl,t
1. 3:
I Inn! !'
tiin ; I-i-
a la ! i1!
! e lis;i I1U..1. ! l.ii)
Lt .LJttill ii 'I'
ilii.iilt ta lil.lM-il-e.
t, liieta;':..!--t
in its preseii !.
l:.lid.. A;.
s X
1 IV.
'11 : p.
I In '; le-s condiiien by s'no
. 1 f st'uxv into it.
A nvi r eu:i-tnl.e s.iw a ijn lit itv of
tills n llise lle.itiii ell the tn!e, jnnl f.T
lexx iug Its truck fur llbiillt ll.'lif II lniie hi)
came ii.'ii Mr. lUiiot.k uiJu.tneii--!y
slieveling the t'et'ile out of liis h.uxe
into the water. "Ilello!" erinl the cor.
htahle; "what lire you ilain' that foi-?
Vmi are i"llntiii-,' the liver." "Pless
tne,'1 lepllcil tin- hlinveli-r. "is that pot-M-Me?
1 eiiiikln't have believed it." In
fact, lie went 011 to at tempt to emivince
the policeiiiiui thill the htrnw void I
rather iiui'iiixe the ipiality than othei -wise:
nt any rate, that it was not pn-si-ih
to make the water any 'worse, j'i-t
lis it was 11 wiiste of tune to phi ivtine.1
K'il'1 or to jinint the lily.
The laitlil'ul eolihtnble ili-cliiled to nr
gue any iiimley nut CDiitained in tin
pelieu liaiiilliiM.'n. 1ml I nil inter
view between IMxxin llniliiik and tie
magistrate lit Gi nxxieh, which re
sulted in the flintier lcavitrj; the eetut
ro'Hii a j 1 uirer man by twenty shillun's,
hut with tin- 1'iiet im 1' il upon hi
tneinory that !t"Vlil;; utrxxv into a
river iloe.s not rein1,;. xe' lo its purity 11
trniispiuvui y. - b"inliiii New?,.
t litni'Hi Txx Inn.
"The only Chinese twins ever bom ir.
this country" Imvo been on exhibit ion
for the last week in 11 restaurant 011 State
street, near Riiiiilolph, The b't.s, for
they nro extrmiii'ly binall, are five yeat-H
nhl. They were burn in San Fraueisej
of high I'liste parents and they bear the
unities of linse in id Knpliio LeeT The
Mi.ises Lee have nut had limit youthful
iniixln lilled with htories. of the several
hundred thoiisiuiil jo.soes whoin tho ( V
loatmls delight to worship, but every
Sunday afternoon they turn their turned
up toes in the direct ion of tho University
Sundfiy sehonl; t Itolw-y Htreet and 'Wiir
riii avBtitm' If iiidicatiutm aro not be
laid by th work of tinu.'i liono and Ho
phie will lm nccoiiipliHhed.Kpi-nkers. of
the Fnglish litiu.uiu...-... ,
They have ln-ci 11110 adepts in tin) art
of giving 'out Chineso tiinthiiekH to
enriotts priffoiiH of the ri-stanfiiut, iittd
Sophie infiido of hvetiry-four hours
h.-nrimd to bestow a l)ntwiteliinCileslilil
sniilo with every pick. lpitt 11 cer
tain pink tiiw in tlu-jr vht.-eks they bear
(he distinctive facial niaiku of the M011
golian race. Their black hair is done
up in a fashion that would lmfTIo the 'ef
forts of it 11 Aineiirau hairdresser.' Thn
dri Kses thi-v wi iir will hardly beeoine
fushioiiabln in thts-cmiTrrry,- bnt, they
uie expensive, being of (he finest Killi,
in spite of their peculiarity. Thelitis
lire taken to the I'e.stiiiuiint. every njnrn
irif? by their mother, she calling for
tlietn (it night when the deiuaiid for
tmilhpick hiw censed. Chicago
i'uxt-fi ixtth Cliiiriiii-tt I.lvt-M.
More foxes tb iiirinh iii eastern I'enii
fiylvauia than ran probably bo found hi
any other early settled fitnte. There is
no question but that as many are now
roaming thn lulls and rldgon near Head
iug as there were a century ago. Nm-i
have been nhnt thin Heumai already by
young tiportsuieu near the village of
lliH-k, aud thirteen more have Ih-ch killed
In the vicinity of I'ikeville. Tho foxes
havo grown noliold that they give, the
farmers a great deal of annoyance, by
their depredations!. Frank II. Wi-rne
u fanner residing near Kpler'H church,
disciverod on. WcdaewUiy a lurga rod
fox in bis barn. 1 . n l: m ,;
' Ik-fore he could gut hu gun the au
Itnal had diHiinieareiyJ, carrying l;wu fat
hetifl. Metnliersof the Morgnntowu I ox
Utntinif clnb canttirrid' three "fxeA a
Jarxe nmlo' and two felnnlealfve th
other day at the hose of the Welsh monn
ttiinw,; near.-CoTDarvon, aadj iaru now
keephiK them caiifiuedtuot)lvjth jmt
hunt. , Three or, lour ; b) fuAfa are.feen
blrnnst pverv (lav in thn neliluRirhiMid
of YelW Honne,'tiit they anapjieaf
to bear charmed nvufl. Heaultig l lnies.
: .; ; . , ,ci; yo 1 1. iio
r-.HUm'ol MhluBMOMtv bin: xij
' In the fields tho fanners nrOrworkuig
over the hay, Along by the utoue wall
the rasplierries are falling off tljo briers
for want of picking, liy the wet and
marshy places ijjiiuidj:aUUa-gU-tjlf like
bombshells at the touch of the summer
winds. The apples that a month and a
half ago were dying blo'som are green
ami swelling into ripeness. Corn in tliM
field is cpindling and the potato is blos
soming. It is midsummer. Bangor
Will Hi. Cut with u llnzsuw.
The Fall Hiver buti hers and grm-ers
have arranged for the making of an im
mense pie t'i le carried in their proces
sion next month. It will weigh 2.000
pounds mid be feet Ion, ! feet wide
and b-i t thick. It will contain i k
jHiands of lii.-if. I'HI of mutton, dOO id'
fowl, Win nf potatoes, and ;i barrel of
Hour will l-used in milking the crust.
iiiistoll Herald.
The pr '"pectus of an Indian match
factory has been issued in Calcutta.
The promoters, who are all liativv.s,
have collected ihllelent kinds of wood
suitable for matches from different
parts of India, and have forwarded
samples of them to experts in London
and Hamburg.
(')ne eanning company of Salem, Or.,
has canned .'iO,tiOO cans of strawlsirrie
(hii seiisoli. Half a do;o.-n other (iin
neries at ililfeient points have been ue
aerving nearly ttie hiiine ainoiint each.
A I'hiliulelpiil.i fuii.ral bain did
service lit a wedding a few days ago,
and tin) dozing driver iilloxved the horso
to carry tha bridal couple into tho cemetery.
I 11. .n.
yearly mA
t Int.
1 1 Mi C
id 1.1 n
n e ,-!
I.-. TS ( 1
Aiinenltni l-t
tile. u-.iu,l cl.1ll.1r-
I In.
p'.l 1 1 1 d I- ,iiiie Ml.-l ! 1 : l.l ige end li.irne-..-, mid
tllOII-.m. Illlil'l x , 1 i 111) i,-
I !e- , I'll lilt III i-t's 1 .1 j. In, .
I I foil irS.
oxer two
pi s lor
I I ' ,e l.-rs
Win- xxill liaxe them.- Aee, .tiling
to the ,111 1 a I en-1 mi 1 1 1 -r ' . "ne x e. r the pnbodiei - id th- Aerieul
1, iii-; 11. iw otter their sixth ) 1 ; , 1 1
X I X litet'.ir coin j iet it 11 mi Ibis
grand cmnpit itioii, will 110 dmiM,
be the most gi - ant ie and sue --tnl
one exer presented to the people of
Hie I lilted Males ,m ( anada
One thoii-and dollar" ill cash w ill
be paid to the person sent ino in
the largest list ol laili.-h words
oiistnicted Itom letters in the
xvonls-iiie laiiadiau A-iicu tur-
I'ive Hundred dollars will
11 to the liot.
A haudsoiiie pair ot Shetland
lonies. .-.ii riaee and harness, will
be lTIM-ii to the third laiL-est lit.
iNei i.-in- thousand additional
I i.i s awarded ill order id merit:
thle eland piano, S-itod mean. HoO
piano, dinner sets, "ladles' gold
watches, Silk dress patterns, por
til l e 1 111 tains silver tea ser ices.
fell uesi m's poems bound in cloth,
Dickens' in j'J volinnnes bound in 1
loth etc.
As there are mole tluili l,UH pl'i.-
s a n x 1 me who lalxi-s t he 1 1 011 1 de to
prepare an ordinary good list will
not tail to receive a v.iluale prize.
I his is the biggest thing in the
uupc litiou line that w c ha ve e er
I, iced belore the public, and all
win 1 do not take pat t will miss an
pport unity o( a lite time,
Kl' 1. A letter cannot he used
ollt uer than it a ppears in the words
The Canadian Agrii ulturis'." For
instance (he word eggcaniiot boused
as (here is but nnr 'z' in the -Hiree
wolds, 2. Words having more than. ,
one meaning but spelled the same
can be used but once. X Names of '"
places and persons barred. 4. Krs .
rots will not invalidate a list the
wrong words will simply not be
Hach list miisf 'co"nfaTlT"oiie doll ir
to, pay for six nionths sul)scription ' '
O. I'll,, A.rrieiitln-'isil If .,. , . v ,i.
,tF.(..VA.,.,, i. ,.f.
tie, the largest list which bears H-e .
earliest jiosttnark will take the, ' .si '
pnr.e and no on 111 order ' of merit. -1
l luted States money, .mill stumps :
taken al par. , , , ,,1.1,.
he obiect 111 ollerinir these mair-
nilicent prixes i to intrdducr our
1 11 1, -in l:ie m:i 11 ill' i nloi. lnxxf llotneu -
i'vir js"-- - -
111 every part oi inif American, con- 1
b.vcry conitetitor enclosing Wets,
ill niainp rxira win re -rive iree, iy
mail, postpaid uJio d lUuAul irul-
liirsts elegant souvenir sjioons of
iTies awarded to persons in tin-'1
I' I. .ILI. ... III I it 1
lifiiviril Ulilili" . 111 n 1 1 1 1 ,1 ,,; ji. 'ill
oiir New Votk oflice free of .duly.' .
All money letters should be regis-,
tetafd.' "' 1 '
)ur former inipfliin -We have
given uwav over Janni 111
duijing the last two years, and have
thoiisaiids ol lelteis Iroin pri.e win
tiers tn every state 111 the union and
every' jinrt 01 I anada rind Nexv
loiindliiinl, Lord lilcoursie, A. D.
C.. to (he (iovei nor general of Cana
da writes: "I shall receoiniiiend my
(rieuds to enter your competitioi,
M M Hramlon, Vancouver. H C. 're-
ceiled I,IHKI in gold" and we hold
his,receit lor the samo. A few of
(he prize winners: MissJ k'ohinson
Toronto, if I T( X I ; ( J Hriiudon l-'enelou
Firjs Out., JfloOO; David Harrison
Syracuse N Y,nHipH - Henvis. St
Louis, :fXi; JasHaplie, West Duluth
Minn,$anO liss (ieorgitta K'oberlson
Oak St, Hrookljn, fliMl; Krefl II Hill
"ifH State Ht Hridgeport, Conn, and
thoosiilids of others ...
A,d!ress all communication to
Tin! Agriculturist, Petersborough, '
Ontario. :.:-
'' j -,i.l . -i.' : : ... ' AU, '.
Thjoi GroHi..Wihy Competition OiTTlie ; ,
j Ludlow Hgnin Joiinml
Which' wlird In-this iidvertiHe- '
meqi sprnw-MiH srime1 niiCKWaru as -forwardfil
'I'hiit ir a r.ire oppprtuni 1 c
y tur every Madam, Mie, .every ,,
lather and son, to secure 11 'splendid
11 VKKKJ.Yr PHiii-F)n-Hyl week e
throughout t)lj is great cgiupe.titioti; . .
pr,Ues(wjl bg distributed afoMowa ,
t iyi nrsi correct answer received ,.
tthej pOHtmark date on eacft' letter to ''
rrelnUiii hm the flut. ruciiiiwH Ini v
ottiOe of the Ladies Hoiue ,Miiga,ine
! V'.'.rh , ivv.y wyvh , Mi-ring
wil getf'JiO; the Hecond correct
aiisiveT;$Uli!th! third fourth '
ivriijaitf,ifiil,jiivMr, strvicejiiftlii live .
o'clock silver service; and, the, next
all correct' auswers get rang
ing from ''down to Kverv
lilth correct iinHwer, irresTn'ctive o'f
whether a pri winner or not will 1
get a s)i:uaj.,pruc, ,.,'(. 111
petitors residing In the southern
states as well 1 as oilier distant
points, have an equal chance; with
those ntarcr home as the postmark
will beauthority in every case.
KfLKS-ICach list of answers must
be accompanied by 1 to pay for
six months subscription to one of
the best hoiuc Ui.iidittu in
A nierica.
Kl Krki:ci:s "The I ndies Home
Magav.ine is well able to curry out
its promises " Peterboroug (Caoa
bil 1 lines. "A splendid paper, and
financially st long" If ist 1 ugh (Can
ada) Star "Kvery pri;-.e w inner will
be sure t " receive just what he is
entitled to," -Norwood. (Cauadal
K'egister Money should be sent by
post oflice order orregistered letter.
Address the Ladies Home Mugay.itie
Peterborough. Canada.
FnK SAt.t- - Lots I, . and fi, block tl,
and lots H and IJ. block (ik. A bar
gain. Apply to K, H. U itidhiim.
dlw wit.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
WIuhi lialiy ,u silk, mi axr tifr C.'tftori.v
Wti.111 slm wns A t'liiM, orieil (r Vnntori,
WIjhii the twewne Mi, shi- rluitu tj Casl. 11 Ir., .
WliMllRhtllit('ii.n.X s.