lJyi BULL II U Ctf tf) E Both Sides of thcTucstion should be looked into. And when this is done the Intelligent smoker uses BLACK WELL S ULL DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. " y7T TfR DURHAM 1 U-UVl-U iurnaiii. THE EVENING PRIMROSE. Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment. Mo other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test ot years, almost generations. IC.) -.ncdicine chest is complete without a bottle'' of Mustano Liniment. ions arise for its use almost every day. ', A.ii druggists and dealers have it. f Bitil Evening trinroe, with your silken stole Ilunif delicately auuward. what a bou.1 IikM from your patient eyo! How frail and Ialo You Maud among the floweret! anil your bowl .Shows like a vanlnhintj phantom of tLu i;ralL Youm; buds that point a Hntter to the bluo Crowil on your bteui, and youth and hojio aro new, " While the nap runs; yet scarcely has the mm Wanned twice upon your petals ere their huo i'alld into pallid uebs of death bt't;un. And strewn alout the KTanit the blossoms hide The KKir dincolored fragments of their pride. Or haiitf dinroiisolato witli drawled vent. And elintfiiiK, sodden cerciuontH, to abidu The gradual workings of the Alkahest. Wan it for this you MruirirWd Into light? That one brief day bhould crown a tedious night? Was it for thl.i you felt your way along Thonathiiof natural growth, that from their height Shrill death should echo In your triumph song? It may be po. There aro who wiy the bliss Keuuitea the uain: yet could It be for this (God known) you opened your sweet, patient . , eyes ' tin. fiitri'a fA nTlA Ami dt in ills kiss? me you bloom attain in Paradise. . .- V Nina Layard in Longman's Magazine. i v-' Name and ltu!nes8e. I Tlicro is at times a peculiar coinci I deuce as regards the name ot a man and his business. Such an appropriate ness of name to calling is frequently quite accidental. "Sexton Brothers, Undertakers and Upholsterers," is the wording of a sign at Long Branch, and a dressmaker on Clinton 6treet, New York, bears the name of N. Nadel (the German for needle). To those who un derstand German, bchneider will seem an equally appropriate name for a dress maker, and there are plenty of butchers in town named Metzirer, while at least one barber glories in the name of Scheer er. But it seems odd that a Baecker should deal in meat, or that even an Avenue A. Barber Bhould 6ell beer. However, when we hear of "Taylor & Cutter," a firm of clothiers, or find that "Stickwell & Co." are mucilage makers, there is a strong suspicion of an inten tional manufacture of appropriate firm names. And that story about the bro ker firm of "U. Ketcham & I. Cheatham has been told so often that one hardly knows whether to credit it or not. New York Times. O THE POSIT! V C'tirvS. L. J THE POSIT! VS I ELY BIlOTUEirS. C Wim-i St, New Ty llvnn I lM II li H&aZBPi MCHIFFM ANN'S? sthma Cure uila to inAAt reliaf in the wotst a eru emrm wirr. thcra nul. TrUEK 1 DimWi mr hr ML. B. BCHIFFMANM, gt. rani. !. XA4- Scientific American I Agency forfj In I A CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESICN PATENTS COPYRICHTS, etc. V tnf ormmtton and free Handbook write to flINN co aei Bkoadwat. New York. 1 t bareaa for Beenrirnf patents in America. ('try patent taken out toy as is brought before pablle by a notice given free of charge in tbe I rresl ; circulation of anT sdentlfle oapcr In the vorld. SDleadidlr llluatrmted. No lntoHim-nt faa should be without iu Weekly. $3.00 a fear; $U50 six months. Address MUXS & CO irtJai.lsHiKH. aa Broadway. New York. ShambeTlain'H Eva nnrl 55Wti Ointment. tJL certain euro for Chronic Sore Eyes Jotter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, 01 Sronie Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, PmiIa Cnwl.. C "?l"T 1-. Piles. It ia cooling and Eoothlng. i of cases have been cared by all other treatment had failed rat up in 23 and 50 cent boxe3. lSOll. St TfflrVl Tiainn Kansas City, St. Louis, ji points nrrtn, east ih or west. Tick- is sold and bajj- gage checked to a n y point in the United States or Canada. For sTION AS TO RATE .AND ROUTES (at Depot or address NSEND, P. A. St. Louis, Mo. A. G. P. A. Omaha. 1r. AfL, Platt8mouth. relephone, 77. ? PARKER'S BALSAM and bo&utitlc the hair. lxutmnt prowth. to E est ore Gray I j iiair 10 us louimui toror. ; J Cures araip tliM-a-d ft nair tailing. y.k5.;if--j HAIR 1. -- . . St --Clcsnwa . -w ! fiiime s In - W. $c- jNcvcr Fallot "'-. -"Vi'j JIair to its ' v :e 1'nrker's Ointrcr 'l'onie. It ciirrs the worst Cough, v.k J ,ur. ivfriltiv, iKlvstion, l am, lite in time.au cu. HircpRCORNS. The only otp cure for Corns. V' A Family Affair Health for the Baby, Pleasure for the Parents, New Life for the Old Folks. Hires' oot Beer R THE GREAT TEMPERANCE DRINK Is a family affair a requisite of tbe borne. A 25 cent pscksgt makes 5 gallons of a deliclons, strengthening:, effervescent beverage. Vont he deceived If & dealer, for mo saKe oi lanrer vront lens von tome other kind Is "just as good " lis false. No imitation Isasgood as the euouie Uinta', i tt .-y nvi it i i i i .. 1 1 j Rag NESS A HKADHOISES CURED by i'eck'i lavuibl. Tabular Ijtr CoaS Ls0 lon Whispers brmrd. Comt'tnnblm. Burrruf ul whprral Imuflleafail. Solii bv V. I1Ihx,ooIv, CB CC B53 Urusilirsy, Kw lark. Writ, for book ot prou'fa I llbC Centralization of Government. The history of the federal govern ment is one of growing strength and in fluence. The difference between the intention of the founders of the system and of the existing fact is nearly as great as that between the opinions of Jefferson and moderate Federalists, From the first organization of the gov ernment to the present time there has been almost a steady advance toward centralization. This advance has been both aided and retarded by the snpreine court; but in the legislative branch of the government and in the popular mind me proportions or tne ieuerai govern ment have constantly grown larger. It has not been the tendency of the people of the republic to strengthen the local government at the expense of the general government. On the contrary, the gen eral government has grown at the cost of the states. Henry L. Nelson in Har per s. The Nepalese "Kors." The Nepalese "knkri", or heavy curved knife, with the edge on the inner side, is familiar by name to readers of the accounts of our "little wars," in which the Ghoorka infantry have taken part. But there is another Nepalese weapon, the "kora," the most strangely shaped sword ever used, which, starting from the hilt about an inch and a half wide, when near the end turns at right angles and expands to six inches. The late Jung Bahadur, a noted expert at all eastern arms and exercises, was able tc decapitate a bullock with one blow of the kora. Chambers' Journal. Carvings on Easter Island. The hard volcanic rock of Easter island is covered with carvings intended to represent human faces, birds, fishes and mythical animals. Fishes and tur tles appear common among these sculp tures, but the most common figure is a mythical animal, half human in form, with bowed back and long, clawlike legs and arms. According to the na tives this symbol was intended to rep resent the god "Meke-Meke,"' the great spirit of the sea. Philadelphia Ledger. They All Dodged. A quaint minister once said, "Now, brethren, I propose to throw this hymn book at the man who has been thinking of something other than the sermon." He made the necessary gesture, as though he would hurl the bock, and, curiously enough, every man in the con gregation ducked his head. London Tit- Bits. How One Knows. A wedding came off at Tyrone at the unusual hour of 6:45 in the morning. It is unnecessary to add that this was the wedding of a railroad man. Any other kind of a man selecting the same time would have been married at a quarter of 7 o'clock Philadelphia Inquirer. First Wheat In America. The first wheat raised in the New World was sown on the Island of Isa bella in January, 1494, and on March 30 the ears were gathered. St. Louis Republic. When yon send your check out of the city to pay bills, write the name and residence of your payee thus: "Pay to John Smith & Co., of Boston." This will put your bank on its guard if pre sented at the counter. IHALTKFUL, AGREEABLE, CLEANSING. !-r Farmers, Miners and Mechanics. A PEXFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. "urcs Chafing, Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc A Delightful Shampoo. :'H!TE RUSSIA11 SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water It is calculated that it would take a person over 300 years to read all the standard works that are published, and yet we seldom come across a man who 1 acknowledge that he has not read every one. Cyrus Thompson claims to have dis covered the key which will unlock the mystery of the Maya codices and proba bly of the Central American inscrip tions. WELLINGTON S FAMOUS BALL. llt-llcH ard ISratix AVlio Itt-itlljr Ianc the Daiirv f ln-atli. Th! I)ike and Durheps of Richmond were living in a lino hotel on the liuo d la BlaiichiKsre, which stood on its own grounds and hud a fruit and flower garden extending to the city ramparts. Their graces moved in all the society of Brussels, and entertained a great deal. The diu liess, who had issned 220 invita tions for the ball, promised to recall them wheu r-he heard that Naioleon'a army was advancing. But the Dnko of Wellington, to prevent alarm, requested that the ball might take place. Nevertheless, many English families were frightened away from Brussels, and iMj.st horses were kept harnessed in the Duke of liic-hmond's stable, in case bad news from the scene of the conflict should make it advisable for his chil dren to Ixj sent to Antwerp. The ma jority of the jwoplo of Brussels were violent Bonapartists, and were prepared to entertain Nucleoli in great- style should he force the British army to re treat and enter their city in triumph. So it was that the Duke of Wellington and many of his officers went to the ball after the business of the day had leen attended to. While the merry couples were flying around a dispatch from the front was handed to Wellington. He asked tho Dnke of Richmond for a pri- vato room where he might consult with some of his generals who were present, The duchess' dressing room was the only convenient room safe from intrusion. Candles were hastily lighted on tho dressing table, at which Wellington sat with a map before him, and having ex plained certain points to his staff they all rejoined the company. They left the house before 10 o'clock and succeeded in doing so without attracting any at tention. Very few, if any, of the dancers guessed how near at hand was tho crisis which was to decide the fate of Europe, and it never entered the heads of the young girls that some of their partners were dancing the "dance of death." Manchester Timea. The Spider Hawk. The miners of Colorado who have built cabins on tho mountain sides know what a iest the small, brown wood spider proves to be. They throw their webs over your best clothes, cooking utensils and in every corner where you can get them m your .eyes and mouth. Not only that, but they will drop into the frying pan, water bucket or upon the table when you are eating. But nature furnished us a remedy and a friend when she gave us the spider hawk. J.ne name is given by miners to a small, steel blue wasp about three- iourtns or an incn ia lengtn. lie can easily be recognized by the quick, ner vous stroke of his wings. The wasps build a nest up among the rafters of your cabin of wood pulp or furze from the outei coating of old dead trees. Then they are ready for business. Every few min utes you can see your hawk climbing up the rafters with a spider, sometimes car rying one tour or nve times nis own weight. Sometimes they get a spider so heavy that they will fall many times before they succeed in reaching their net. They never give up, but keep on trying till they succeed. When the spider is Bafely placed in the nest the female hawk deposits her egg in the dead body. The hawks lives only in pairs, as far a my observation goes. They become rather tame. Great Divide. Malay Weapons. The national Malay weapon, the kria. is said to have been invented by a Java nese monarch of the Fourteenth cen tury. Its varieties are said to exceed u hundred, and there are in Javanese no fewer than fifty names for them. It varies in size, from the two feet wavy blade of Sum down to a mere tooth pick. But the peculiarity is that the weapon is never ground, but kept rough and sawlike in edge, by scouring with lime juice or the juice of an unripe pint apple, sometimes niixetl with arsensic, and it is on this account that kri wounds are so dangerous. Old specimens are so eaen away by tins practice tnat tne blade seeraft formed from a bunch of wires roughly welded up. Such krises are highly valued, and some of the ancient ones, heirlooms of chiefs, with grotesquely carved and inlaid hilts and sheaths, are almost unpurchasable. Chambers' Joor nai. It Often Depends. A certain prelate had among his sub ordinates an honest and simple minded clergyman, who was in the habit of pre fixing to nearly all his replies the Latin word "distinguo." One day the prelate. wishing to divert himself at the expense of the said clergyman, in the midst cf a large social gathering, gravely said to him: "Mr. Thaddeus, would it be right, in a case of emergency, to baptize an in - fant with broth?" "Distinguo" (that depends), replied th ecclesiastic. "With broth from yotu kitchen, it would be very wrong indeed, but the broth served in the hospital under your management might very properly be used for the purpose, as if it is not pure water, it is not very far off." Stone Scelte. A WOMAN. Ah, hIio is of our t lixiL:)it itml tiaio. And wo aro vnnm-ly lmtli to tra e Through niiliirt of variant iiixu and lime Ht-r birthright to a m rvilo met!. in Id tliu tumult nt our day. Thrilled with the tlr of hoir and (lrcutij. She t rem In in fi-arlons winu tlm ways Thnt men hud HowrJit and trod minn-mo. With Kluddcni-d i-jt'.i him furi H, and none Shall c hi k lur wnriii, uplifting soul That Ki-t-H fh.r ijiiio hhiuinif KJul Like t he new ulory of a huh. She twin tho i-xiillant m-iiho of life. And hut tics in t In; Mood of hi rlfu; Wht-ro men havu climbed, her hiiiuli hh.ill rcaeh; What men havo tuuht, her tonuo bhull teaeh; Fexli'MM in HtniUk'le, ImM in mind. Fertile In fresh exia-dient, Mron To hold her ritfht atfuinst tlm wrong, ToHct-k what others daru to llml, Shohtuuds uncoued, tinlxiwed, unbent, Tho ini.it re of her hiijh intent. Vet nho is but a woman btill. Who weeps us only women ween,- Who loves us only women will. And reaps her joys us women reap: Whose mystery, in its naered bllr, Jh the inviolate jmrt of her; Whose charm is not of man, but blown Like the wild tohcs, all her own. .Sweetheart and (lower of fruitful years. Time ratinot change her smiles and teurb. Time cannot rob her of the unioo Which burns liko love liht In her face. (J sorgo Edgar Montgomery in Fruuk Leslie's. H" Fvf Every Month many women suffer from Ecelvl Scant Menatruation; thy don't b who to confide in to get proper ad Don't confide in anybody but try Bradfield's 1 Female Hogulr a Specific tor PAINFUL, flfoFUSQ SCANTY. SUPPRESSED end IHREGULJ MENSTRUATION Hook to " WOMN " mailed frrJ BHAUFIELD RECUlKTOR CO.. Atlanta hold ht all Urugglmt. A VeutrJIoiuiht Aboard. "There was a very mad conductor on the eastbound train tho other night," said John D. Pattrson, a Kansas City man. "Tho car was crowded, and I shared my seat with a St. Louis drum mer, who was bent on having a good time at tho expense of his fellow pas sengers. As tho conductor came along a dog under our seat began to snarl viciously. Tho conductor looked hard at the drummer. 'No dogs allowed in the coaches; take him into the baggage car,' he said. 'Not my dog,' replied tho drummer, as ho made a vicious kick. The cur went howling under tho seats the full length of the car. The passen gers became interested. The conductor, porter and brakeman made search him. lie continued to run and ho The passengers joined in the search, no dog could be found, and tho qu . was finally given up. "Just as the passengers had settled into a doze tho dog set up a heart breaking, ear piercing howl. Ths search was renewed, but without suc cess. As wo pulled into Dunker Hill the dog got under the wheels, and his death song was something apialling. The conductor was overjoyed. Ho got oil and looked for fragments of the dog. The drummer had alighted, and as the conductor called all aboard, he put iown his grips and filled that train from 3ngine to sleeper with dog fights. He was a ventriloquist. The conductor was so mad that ho forgot to take up tickets for forty miles." St. Louis U lobe-Dem ocrat. TTORNKV A. N. BULLIVAN. ittorney Hf-I.aw. Will kJv prompt lf xi an iiUHiiierM riitrui-tcd to mm. 11 Union block, Kact Hide, Matte moutll, N HENRY BOEC1H The Leading FURNITURE DEAL AND at w a 1 r hi. a r i ' UNDERTAKE Constantly keeps on hand every you need to furnish your houst CO UN EH SIXTH AND MAIN HTHKM Flattsmouth - N Doctored Its Own Tail. A small boy gave a lesson in natural history the other day. He brought into the office a species of lizard popularly known as the "swift." Holding the lit tle reptile above his head ho let it fall to the floor, with the result that a sec tion of its tail was broken off. Noticing that it was minus a part of its prehen sile organ, the swift, after discovering the piece of tail lost, backed slowly up to it, and placing the stub against tho piece, held it in contact for a few sec onds, and then ran swiftly away with his tail glued together, apparently aa sound as ever. The experiment was re tunes, with the same result. Swift gl could doubtless be used successfully in sticking dismembered limbs, fingers, etc., together, and we throw out this suggestion to local surgeons for what it is worth. Ontario Observer. IRST : NATIONAL : HANK OK TLATTSMOUTH. NKBKAHKA Paid up capital .... Surplus . 10 rs tne very bent facilities for the pr n aiiPttcuou oi Humiliate Hanking Busines mock, bondH. Rold, government and oei :unuc doukiii and sold. Deposits rec ilid interest allowed ou the certlt Ljrans orawn, available In any part of ii iicu maiee auu all the principal towi Europe. JOLLKCTIOMJ MADK AND I'KUMPTLT RK TKI. Hlhesi n.arkct price pmd for County rants, Htate ana County bends. Ul KKCTOHS John Klf7nraid D. Ilnwkftwon nam wauKii, r. K. White ieore E. Dovpy ohn Fitzgerald, 8. WatiKh. freddent Carbler W H. Cusmxo, I'rexidait, J. V. JOIINrj Virt-l'rixidev -ooOT H EOrjo- peated several j G i l rA G II S - Bail ilt. Swift glue 1 1 1 NKH.,nK PLATT3MOUTH Capital Paid in $50,Oi A New Element in a Mineral. It is reported that a new element has been recognized in a mineral found in Egypt by Johnson Pasha in 1890. This mineral, first called "Johnsonite," bu afterward inasrite, consists mainly ol aluminium, manganese, cobalt and iron in combination with sulphuric acid. It dissolves in water and j ields on treat ment with sulphuric hj'drogen in an acetic acid solution a white precipitate, from which a pure hydroxide was pre pared. New York Journal. ir li .uthman. J W Johnson, E H ired uenry niKeubary, ft! W Morgan, J A Connor. W Wettenkamp, W II Cusiiinx A general bnnxing1 buniiie8 tra ncted. Intercut allowed on poshes. She Uid and She Didn't. When you save a lady from being killed in a runaway and she saye "Thanks," she really means, "The next time you do anything of that sort please J don t muss the lace on my dress." Ii she really felt any sense of gratitude she would exclaim, "Call around and I'll introduce you to my youngest sis ter." Detroit Tribune. FOR KKLIAHLK INSURANCE Call on SAM'L PATTKRSON Plattsraouth - . Nebra It Did .Seem Strange. Excited Lady (on the beach) Why isn t something done for that ship in distress? Why don't some of you Coast Guard (hurriedly) We havo sent the crew a line to come ashore, mum. Excited Lady Good gracious! Wer they waiting for a formal invitation? New York Observer. PLACES OF WORSHIP. catholic at. i-aul's Church, ak. hetwJ Kifth and Sixth. Father Cauiey, Past v. . . D 1 H,,u '& a. M. Hun bchool at 2 :3o, with benediction. G'HitisTiAX. Comer iMc.unt and Elplitli services moriiiiii' and evenlinr M,i.r vauoway pastor. Sunday Bcliool 10. Epih'jopai St. Luke's Church, corner: aou inc. nev. ii K. hsuieere. pa'. vices : u a. m. and 7 :30P. m. Sunday 8cl 10 A. VI J rner TI Muscular Exercise and Health. As many diseases, prominent amon; which are these of the abdominal and pelvic organs, are the consequences of congestion, and as good circulation does much for the prevention of such coa gestion, muscular exercise, by improv ing the general circulation both by in creasing the activity of the heart and aiding in the venous return, will do much to prevent a large class of dis eases. Dr. J. M: Rice in Popular Sci ence Monthly. If the Earth Was Frozen. If this globe were cooled down to 200 degs. below the zero of centigrade it would be covered with a sea of liquefied gas thirty-five feet deep, of which about seven feet would be liquid oxygen. London Spectator. The boa and its allies are entirely con fined to America, Australia and the tropical Pacific islands. The pythons, on th other hand, are mostlv from the Old World. in Persia the umbrella was of ancient oyal distinction. In Hindostan the title of "chattrapati" signifies "lord of the umbrella, or shade of state. How Watch Crystals Are Made. Watch crystals are made by blowing a sphere of glass about one yard in diameter, after which the diks are cut from it by means of a pair of compasse3 having a diamond at the extremity of one leg. New York Journal. There are about 55,000 tons of soot re covered from the chimneys of Londou every year, which yield an annnal revenue of nearly $225,000. IrKKNAV METHODIST. Comer Sixth Rt. uramie. nev. uirt. raetor. Henrlce : 11 , ouu . .ou I-. si. ouuaay scnooi io jo a. h i Pkf.sbytfkian. Services m new church ner Sixth and Granite sts. Key. J. T. Kj paaior. Dunaay-scnool at 8 : 30 : Preac at 11 a. m.eiid 8 n. m. The Tc. K. a. C. E ot this church meets el BaoDatn evening at 7 :15 in the baement thechucrh. All are invited to attend the Fihst Methodist. Sixth St.. betwen M' oiiu rran, nev. L,. r Brltt. O. D. Dat services: 11 a.m.. 8:00 P. m. Sunday Schd trayer meeting v eanesday ev x nwnrreniAjr. uorner Main aA Aymu. ivev. w nte, pastor. Service usul uouis. ouoaay bcqooi 9 JO a. m. Swkedish CoifOBF.oATioNAi- Granite. b COLOKED BAPTIST. Mt. Olive. Oak. betw lentu and fcleventh, Kev. A. Hoewell. pa tor. serv ices 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Fray.! ... ii cuucsuajr evening. There was snow in maay parts or Iowa and Illinois on May 11, 1473, and again as late as May 23, l&si. xoysa ftiKN's Chrirtiak Ausociatt.! i.o)nis in aternian block, Main strerc Go i-ci uieeuuK. or men only, every Sunday i ternoon at 4 o'clock. Koom open week dj j viij o-ou ui., i n v : ou p. in. BOUTH rABK TABEBN ACLK. Rev. J. v ooa, a.tor. Services: Sunday Be j a. in.: i-reacniDK. li a. m. and 8 p, r -" '"""K iueoy niKnt ; cnot tice Irriday DiKht AU are welco y 1