The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 30, 1892, Image 1

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    ally Herald
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder
Highest of all in leavening strength
Latest U. S. Government food re
port. ,
INol,.... 3 :43 a. m.
No. 3. 3 :4H u. Ill
I No. 5, S rtW a. m.
No. T 8 fl7 o m.
I No. 9 4 :40 p, m.
No, 91 7 :15 a. m.
Bus on ell's extra leaves for Omaha about two
o'clock for Onialiaand will accommodate pa
NO.S 5: 17 P.M.
no. to m a. it.
No. 7 ; 44 p, m
No. 10 9 : 45 a. m.
No.. 12:25 a. ni
No. 94 Accomodation Leaves 10.M a. m.
No. ski arrives 4;00p. ni.
Trains dally except Sunday.
"ASS CAMP No. 332 M. W. A. meets every
second and Fourth Monday evnlnj?" In
Fitzgerald nail. VUMtlnjs neighbors welcome.
P.C. Hansen. V. C. : P. Wertenberger, W. A..
8. J. Wilde, Clerk.
Hons of Veterans, division of Nebraska, U
8. A. meet every Tuesday night at 7 :30 o'clock
In their ball In rltlK?rld block. All sous and
vUltlnc comrades are cordially invited to meet
with us J. J. Kurtz, Commander: B. A. tie
twain. 1st bsargeut.
ORDIR OP THE WORLD, Meets at 7:30
every Monoay evening at the Grand Army
nail. A. F. Groom, president, Thos Walling,
AO U W No 8 Meet first and third fri
day evening of each mnnth atlOOK
ball. Frank Verniylea M WjJE Ilarwi:
GA. R.McConhte Post No. meets every
4aiurd y evening. ''.-.'30 in their Hall in
Iv-ited to meet with us. Fred Bates.
Post Aujcnuit ; G-F. Riles, Post commaaoer,
TT'vifjHT'j 4 K ptthias Gauntlet Lodge
No-47. . Teets every Wednesday eve
ning at their nail over Bennet 6c Tutt'a, all
i.iiini, Vniirhta rrordiallv invited to
m ttend. M 'Griffith, c C : Otis Dovey K of
tt and S.
AO v V No 84 Meet second and fourth
nrlla wninr9 in the month at I O
O F Hall. M Vondran, N W, B P Brown,
A- . Lodge No. 40 meets the second ana
fourth Thursday evenings of each month in
the II O. o. Y. hall. Mrs. T. E. w imams, a
O.i Mrs,
. John Cory, Secretary.
rVEGKEE OF HONOR Meets the first
and third Thraraday eveninjjs of each
month in I. O. O. F. hall, Fitzgerald block.
Mrs. Addle Smith, Worthy Sister of Honor
Mr, rtannie jjurKei, bisici bc.iciuij.
tfvaaa TAHAV Ji 1At T O O V TnAAtjl
mrr Tuesday night at tneu nan in r iizgenua
block. All Odd Fellows are cordially invited
to attend when visiting in the city. Chris Pet
rsen. N. G. ; 8. F. Oeborn. secretary.
DOTAL ABOANAM Cass Council No 1021.
I. Meet at the K, of P. hall in the Parmele &
Craig block over Bennett & Tutu, visiring
hnthrcn lnvltea. nenry uenng, negeuv;
TDOS W auing, nuiuuii
waterman oiock. main oum. uums
m.t!Mimti) 90 did. For men only
el meeting every Sunday afternoon at 4
ing to the census of 1890,
takes rank, by virtue of her
on of 1,093,576 people, as the
argest city on the globe.
ja desire, at one time or
I visit a city in wnicn bo
sons find homes, and,
o, we can find no better
he "Burlington Route."
nd comiortaDie trains
urther information ad
vent of the company at
or write to J. Francis,
assencrer and licfcet
aha, Nebraska.
in Pelt, editor of the Craig,
l Mir. went to a drusr store at
Vie, Iowa, and asked the phy
Jn attendance to give him a
something for cholera mor
Ld looseness of the bowels.
Ayii "I felt so much better the
ci x . that T fnnlurleri! to
H MM . ' M. M M M M Mm. r-v v -
can on ine paysiciau
to fix me up a supply of the medi
cince. I was surprised when he
banded meabottleof Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme
dy. He said he prescribed it regu
larly in his practice and found it
the best he could get or prepare. I
an testify to its efficiency in my
case at all events." For sale by F.
&. Fricke A Co.
The little baby of Gus Haterna is
down with the meaeels.
A j)Iat was filed to-day with the
regieter of deeds of the first ad
dition to Murdock.
Mrs. McKIwain gave a tea party
last night 'n't her home in honor of
Misses Gertrude and Klin Colvin of
The Missouri l'acilic will sell
tickets to Lincoln August 3 and 4
for one and a third fare, good to re
turn August 5.
The Fremont canning factory
was totally destroyed by lire last
night. The loss to the management
vill not exceed $Ti(J0.
Mittti, Dovey & Dabb is the name
of a new firm that will commence
business Monday morning. They
have sigu-d n contract to furnish
fresh fish O Oliver & Ramge. They
have also taken out a. license and
will start v tish wagon and deliver
fish at the oaors of their customers.
The Yourg Men's Republican
club held avry enthusiastic meet
ing last eveiiig. A large crowd
was present. Committees were ap
pointed on a gpe club and a march
ing club. Hon. R. B. Windham
made a short tlk to the club.which
was well received. The meeting
adjourned subject to the call of the
W. C. Showalter bad business in
Omaha to-day.
Miss Maggie Dav is left this morn
ing for Weeping Wster.
Mrs. J. G. Richey and Mrs. E. B.
Lewis were Omaha, passengers to
day. Jacob Vallery sr.,a'iid Jocob Val
lery jr., were Omnlia passengers
this morning.
T. C. Cummins and is. ThiVe
were transnr.liu business in
Omaha to-dav
Mr. and, "lrs. Wiley Black left on
theflyehis morning for Denver,
wbAe they will visit for a few
Judge Chapman and children
and Sam Waugh went to La Platte
on a fishing excursion this after
Mrs. C. M. McElroy of Fail field
arrived this afternoon to visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mrs. Swift. Mrs. Iliatt, Mrs.
Holmes, Mrs. Benfer and Mrs. Rich
ardson departed this morning for
Bennett to attend the camp meet
Misses Gertrude and Ella Colvin,
who have been the guests of Mrs.
Z. Kennedy for a few weeks, left
this morning for their home at
Arapahoe, Nebraska.
Chas. E. Eddy, of Racine, Wiscon
sin, treasurer of the water work
plant was in the city last evening
and left for Lincoln this morning
in company with Frank Coursey.
The books of the Livingston Loan
and Building association are now
open for sabsreiptiou of stock, for
the eigth series beginning Aug. 18,
lP'Ji. KetremUer tins is one ot the
best paying: institutions in the
county. For full information and
stock apply to
tiv7t Henry R. Gering, Sec.
Police Court.
Philip Therolf vs. Peter Felter.
Settled by consent and dismissed,
plaintiff paying costs.
Sam Henderson vs. A. C. Spencer
etal: action in contract. Amount
claimed, $31.53.
For SALE Two desirable resi
dence lots in Orchard Hill addition
to Plattsmoutfa, within a block of
the Missouri Pacific depot. For
particulars cell on or address 1HE
Why the Negro Stands Heat.
The African is better protected against
the evil effects of the excessive heat than
his white brother in two ways. The
texture of his cuticle is exceptionally
well adapted to encourage free perspira
tion and his natural l nperament does
not incline him to bo ow trouble large
ly. Chicago Herald.
Curious South American Aots.
There is a species of ant in South
America that plant and cultivate a kind
of grass called ant rice, and are so ad
vanced in civilization that malting
understood by them. Then there are
mushroom growing ants, who cultivate
fungus, and others again who use umbrellas.
Everything Big.
Mr. Gotham Is your home in a good
section for farming?
Western Man 1 sh'd say bo. Every
thing grows like mad. Why, Tve seen
hailstones as big as hen's eggs. New
York Weekly.
A r.rT Though Reckless Ilanter's Re
markable Escape from a Dear.
Some years ago, writes Henry Howe,
the historian of the western pioneers.
party of trappers were on their way to
the mountains, led, we believe, by old
Sublette, a well known captain of such
expeditions. Among them was John
Glass, who had been all his life among
the mountains, and had seen numberless
exciting adventures and hairbreadth
escapes. On the present expedition he
and a companion were ne day passin;
through a cherry thicket in the Black
Hills when Glass descried a large griz
zly feeding on pignuts. He at once
gave the alarm and both men crept
cautiously to the skirt of the thicket.
They took careful aim and fired their
eruns at the same moment. Both balls
took effect, but not fatally. The bear
growling with pain and fury, charged
upon his foes.
"Kun for it, lini, snouted Ulass, "or
we'll be made meat of sure as shootin!"
Both men bolted through the thicket
but the heavy brush obstructed their
progress, while the weight and strength
of the grizzly bore him on, and he was
soon close upon the men. They man
aged to get through the thicket, how
ever, and were hurrying across a little
opening toward a bluff when Glass
tripped and fell. Before he could rise
the bear was upon him I
Glass did not lose his presence of
mind, but discharged liis pistol in the
brute's face. The next moment the bear,
blood streaming from his nose and
mouth, struck the pistol from his ene
my's hand and, fixing his claws deep into
the poor man's flesh, rolled with him to
the ground. The hunter struggled man
fully and drew his knife and plunged it
several times into the body of the furious
animal, which was tearing his face and
body, baring the bone in many places.
Glass, weak from the loss of blood, at
length dropped his knife and fell over
in a faint.
Bill, who had watched the conflict up
to this moment too badly dazed and ter
ror stricken to do anything, now thought
Ulass was dead, and ran to tne camp
with the awful tale. The captain sent
a man back to the spot with Bill. They
found the bear dead and stiff, lying on
the body of the unfortunate hunter,
wYiom they likewise called dead. His
body was torn and lacerated in a shock
ing manner, and the bear, besides the
three bullets in his body, bore the marks
of twenty knife stabs, showing how des
perately Glass had fought.
The two men collected their late com
rade's arms, removed his hunting shirt
and moccasins, and left him beside the
carcass of the grizzly. They reported at
the camp that they had buried him.
In a few days the hunters moved on,
and soon the fate of poor Glass was in a
measure forgotten. Months elapsed, the
hunt was over and the trappers were re
turning with their pelts to the trading
fort. On their last evening out, just as
they were making ready to camp, a
horseman was discerned coming toward
them, and when he drew near the hunt
ers saw a lank, cadaverous form, with a
face so scarred and disfigured that
scarcely a feature was normal.
"Bill, my boy," called the stranger.
as he rode up, "you thought I was gone
under that time, did you? Hand over
my horse and gun. I ain't dead yet by
a long shot!"
What was the astonishment of the
party to hear the well known voice of
John Glass, whom they had supposed
dead and buried. The two men who
had left him for dead, and thus made
their report, were horrified.
Glass, it appeared, after the lapse of
he knew not how long a time, gradual
ly recovered consciousness. He lived
upon the carcass of the bear for several
days, until he had regained sufficient
strength to crawl, when, tearing off as
much of the meat as he could carry, he
crept down the river toward the fort.
He had suffered much, but had reached
the fort, eighty miles distant, alive, and
concluded his story by declaring, "I'm
as slick as a peeled onion."
Short Lived Crazes.
This is a great country for crazes.
They sweep over the country like cy
clones. Whence they come and whither
they go man knoweth not. A few years
ago the entire country was in the throes
of the pedestrian craze. In every city,
town and village athletes were wearily
tramping around and around a sawdust
circle, while thousands of spectators ap
plauded the dreary exhibition. Nobody
walks now that can ride.
Next we had the roller skating craze,
which affected both men and women.
It, too, has gone glimmering, leaving a
trail of broken bones in its wake. The
bicycle craze is now upon us, and bids
fair to become a chrome disease. The
men have had the red necktie craze and
recovered from it in time to laugh at the
suspender craze of their big sisters.
America soon loves her fads to death.
Driving Oat the Rabbit.
When the rabbit, which seems to be
a great mischief maker in the folklore
of most races, is identified bv the ab
original Cherokee physician as the cause
of a disease the "rabbit hawk" is sum
moned to drive the wicked anirnal out
of the patient. Sometimes after the in
truder has been thus expelled "a small
portion still remains." in the words of
the formula, and accordingly the whirl
wind is summoned from the tree tops to
carry the remnant to the uplands, and
there scatter it so that it shall never re
appear. Washington Star.
I've been to the ineetiii', Nancy,
AdiiHii (ol Ue depot-hull;
An' I wish you'd 'n been there, Nuncy,
An' I wish the same of u'l.
They called it u tetiip'rance meetin',
An' said they all had come
To try mid i:ft up the fallen.
An rid the land of rum.
They first asked Parson Pel ers
If he would please to pray
An such a prayer as that ar'
I hain't heard for mauv a day.
'Twant like liia pulpit prayiu'.
When lie tells the Ixird the news,
An instead of pleasin' his Master,
lie tries to please the pews.
Uut to-ninht he knelt on the carpet
An' that he don't often do
An he prayed for the helpless widder,
An' he prayed for her children, too.
An lie prayed for the tried and tempted
An' the tears were seen in his eyes;
An' that prayer did'nt stop at the ceilin',
But went (straight up to the skies.
Then, arter the parson's prayin',
Jitn Jones, the tinker's son,
lie riz for they called upon him
An' he told what drink had done;
I needn't rehearse it, Nancy,
You know the facts full well
How rum has been his ruin.
An' made his home a hell.
Well, the women, the youth, an the
An' e'en we stronger men,
We couldn't a-help a Bobbin'
As we seed him take the pen.
An' totter up to the table.
And the paper sign
That says: "We're done! we're done
With cider, on' rum, an' wine."
Squire Smith was the next they called on,
An' the old man riz and said:
"We're gwine to tight the sarpint
Till he's numbered with the dead!"
Oh, how lie stamped on the carpet!
An' the way he shook his cane
Would a done considerable damage
Had it hit a person's brain.
When he sot down, why Nancy,
You'd ought to heard 'em cheer,
To see how tliey's excited,
You'd think the day was near
The day when rum an' whiskey,
From Bee Sheba clean to Dan,
Shall not be found or purchased
By woman, child or man.
Well, Nancy, as I sot there.
A thinkin' o'er the past,
An how I'd swilled down cider,
I says, "I'm done at last."
An' when the pledge they passed me,
An' said, "Sir, will you sign?"
I took the pen well, Nancy,
My name's there, on the line.
The license fee in Pennsylvania
for the ensuing year is $1,000. Yet
in spite of this increased fee, more
applications were made this year
than last.
The Wine and Liquor Gazette of
New York says: "Nobody knows
better than the liquor dealer that
the police can enforce the Sunday
law, if they want to."
Impurity The men from the vast
majority of drunkards, thieves, vag
abonds and debauchees. There are
from five to six immoral men to
every immoral woman. It is the
men who create the demand for
vice. Rev. Dr. DeCcsta, president
of White Cross League.
The Mail and Express of a recent
date says: "Of the 661,0C3 people of
the little rocky State of JMaine, 146,-
668 have $30,278,452 deposits in sav
ings banks. A little more than one
person in every four, or one in each
family, has money deposited in a
savings bank.
There is a large amount of mater
ial for reflection in this remark
made by the superintendent of
brewery in New York City when
high license was discussed. He
asked; "Who is going to be hurt
when the brewer has only to deliver
to fifty saloons the same amount of
beerheusedto send to one hun
dred?" This is the meaning of high
license pure and simple.
Iowa as a state does not owe a
dollar. This is quite conclusive
evidence that Iowa has not yet been
ruined by prohibition, as has some
times been declared by the liquor
champions. Such ruin as Iowa has
experienced, taking it quite out of
debt under the prohibitory regime
many other states in the union
could, doubtless, endnre with much
It is not well to be too sanguine
over the present situation in con
gress relative to Sunday closing.
The chameleon is not more uncer
tain in color than is a legislative
body in action. While we are de
voutly thankful that the Christian
sentiment has prevailed in this
great skirmish, let us remember
that next winter will witness the
decisive battle. Meanwhile let us
pray as if there were no work and
work as if there were no prayer. -
"Would you know yrtry with pleasure
Our faces so beam?
Our Servants
Our lifp
. TT ' sra Ksi
Is the cause of our bliss;
For ail sorts of cleaning
It neer comes aiw;iS8.
Made Only by
NXFairbank & Co. Chicago.
E HANDLES the Whitney baby Carriages a
can oiler good bargains in them
Parties desiring to furnish a house compM
could not do better than to call and inspect his line
furniture, in the way of Parlor sets, Dining room Be
Bed Room set, and cvenything kept in n lirst-cla
establishment. '
J. I. Unruh,
A Full and Complete line of
Drugs? Medicines, Faints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours.
House Furnishing Emporium.
TT "T-llERE yon can get your house furnished from
VV kitchen to parlor and at easy tearms. I han
die the world renown Haywood baby carriages, also
the latest improved Reliable Process Gasoline stove
Call and be convinced. No trouble to show goods.
I. Pearleman
Allow me to add my tribute to the
efficacy of Ely's Cream Halm. I was
suffering from a severe attack of in
fluenza and catarrh and was induced
to try your remedy. The result was
marvelous. I could hardly articu
late, and in less than twenty-four
hours the catarrhal symptoms and
my hoarseness disappeared and I
was able to.' sing a heavy role in
Grand Opeip with voice unimpared.
I strongly recommend it to all sing
ers. Wm. H. Hamilton, leadinir
basso of the r D. Hess Grand Opera
Co, tf
For Sale or Trade A desirable
lot in Plattsmouth. Will sell for
cash or will take a good buggy
horse and horses in exchange.
For particulars call on or address
this office. tf
Miles Herve and Liver Pills.
Act on o newpriciple regulating
the liver, stomach and bowels
through the nerves. A new discov
ery Dr. Miles pills speedily cure
biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver.
piies, constipation u aequaled for
men, women ana cnuaren. small
est, muaest, surest, oo doses
Samples )ree at F. G. Eric'