ijj H g'f QLattsmouth ritrnld. tHK.EK OF VINE AND FIFTH STS TELEFUOXE 38. KNOTTS BROS, Publishers I'nllil.cl every Tliurmlay, and dully every evening' except Suti.ljiy. KefiHtere.l at the I'lat ti.,ut li, Xebruskn powt pflice us mcoii.l clan mail matter for winixuiissiou ti.roiiKli the V. S. mails. JOHN A. DA VIES made m rattling speech yesterday at the convention on the silver question. TKKMS HK WEEKLY, One year in udvance -One year not in advance -Six months in advance Three months in udvaticc TERMS OF DAILY. One year in advance -One copy one month -I'er week by carrier - $1 a 2 (jo 75 10 so 15 i The Lent thing to do is thia : when you're suffering from Sick or Bilious Headaches, Consti- pation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, or any derangement of the Liver, Stomach, or Bowel, get somethinir that relieves promptly and cures Republican national ticket. permanently. Don't fchock the sys tem -with the ordinary pills get Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They're the smallest, for one thing (but that's a great thing), and the easiest to take. They're the best, for they work in Nature's own way mildly and gently, but thoroughly and effec tively. They're the cheapest, for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. You pay only for the good you get. mat more can you ask ? But don't get something that the dealer says is "just aB good." It may be better for him, but it's pretty certain to be worse for you. POLK was at Weeping Water yes terday making hay, as lie saj-s, while the sun was shining-. IT was really too bad, after Polk had promised Field the Cass county delegation, to have it go to Chap man unanimously. Juikjlng from President Harri son's speech to the teacher's associ ation at Saratoga the other day, the coming campaign will "be another educational one. WKDXKDAY, JULY 27. IKK For I'reiilent I i E J A ! I N II A K K I SOX of Indiana. For Vice-President WHITE LAW KIEU of Xew York. THE congressional delegates from this county go to the convention instructed to use all honorable means to secure the nomination of Hon. S. M. Chapman for congress. TllE Ojnaha Public, the oflicial organ of the farmers' alliance, is making a big bid for the Bohemian vote, as evidenced by the article they published Monday concerning the picnic. E K. REYNOLDS, .Registered Physician ami I'liariiutcit Special attention given to Office Practice. Kock Bluffs - Neu. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVEN TION. The republican electors of the state of Nebraska are requested to semi delegates from their several counties to meet in convention at the city of Lincoln, August 4, 1802, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of putting in nomination candi dates for ttie following state offices: Governor. Lieutenant governor. Secretary of state. Auditor of public accounts. Treasurer. Superintendent of public instruction. Attorney-general. Commissioner of public lauds and buildings. Light presidential electors. And to transact such other busi- s may come before the con- KniTOK Polk of the News was at Weeping Water yesterday using his influence (?) to send the Cass county delegation to Nebraska City instructed tor Field. He suffered an ignominious defeat. The delegates to the state conven tion are instructed to do all in their power to secure the nomination of Lawrson Sheldon for governor. Mr. Sheldon has been a resident of Cass county for a number of years, Mas served his county iu the house of representatives, is well qualified for the office and if nominated would be elected. He is also one of the foremost farmers in the county and would beat Van Wyck so bad he. won. d not he had been running upon him yesterday and tendered him their congratulations upon his nomination to the vice-presidency. Mr, Stevenson made a speech thanking them for their call. Mr. Stevenson has not for years per mitted a union miner to work on the premises." The insincerity of the democratic papers in making their howl against Whitelaw Reid, in their at tempts to prove that he is not favorable to union labor, has been proven on many previous occa sions. The whole controversy has only developed the fact that he has yielded to every just demand made upon him in the name of labor, and has indeed assisted the laborers of the country on many occasions. Hut now it comes to light, as in the article quoted above, that Adlai Stevenson, the associate of the "stuffed prophet," has neveryielded a point to labor, that he has never countenanced a union laborer in his employ, and that he is opposed to unions on principle. It's an old saying that "people who live in glass houses should not throw stones," but it is none the less ap plicable 111 this instance. Democ racy opened up its old mud can nons of abuse the moment the nom ination was made. Without in vestigating its own weakness, it began to incense the union laborers of the country against Mr. Reid. As usual there was no truth in the accusation, yet it has brought out that Stevenson is a rank enemy of union labor, and that Reid is its friend. The result has been good indeed. Democracy has been cen sured out of its own mouth. How We Feed Other Nations. The advance statement issued from the treasury department of the exports of domestic bread-stuffs from the United States for May, 1S'J2, furnishes much in teresting information. As compared with May of last j-oar, such exerts have increased to nu astonishing degree, be ing valued at $10:,9.-G,91 in May, 1S1H, and $272,4TG,2:J in 1802. Taking these two months, we find that with the exception of barley the exports of all the bread-stuffs have grown enormously. For instance, corn, $:J,072, 093, as against $1,431,030; oats, $473,052, as against $12,232; rye, $443,446, au against nothing; wheat, $9,042,414, as against $6,6"7,808, and so on. Not less interesting is it to notice which are our leading ports of exjiort for breadstuffs, Of course New 1 ork takes the lead 111 this, there having been shipped from here breadstuffs to the value of $S,50S, 810. During the same time there were exjorted from the following places breadstuffs valued as follows: Balti more, $3,103,500; Philadelphia, $2,808, 917; New Orleans, $1,184,610; Boston. $1,014,631; San Francisco, $823,984; Du luth, $458,278; Newport News, Va. $325,271, and Chicago, $244,974. Those shipments from Newport News were undoubtedly to the countries south of us, which, under reciprocity treaties, are taking more of our breadstuffs than formerly. But see how Duluth, "the zenith city of the unsalted seas," looms up as a place of export for breadstuffs, beating Chicago in this respect two to one. New York Mail and Express. MKAI.KIt IN- ft STAPLE AND FANCY THE APPORTIONMENT. The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for George II. Hastings for attorney-general in I8'J0, giving one delegate-at-large to A DEMOCRATIC organ piously re marks: "God reigns and all will be well." That is the reason whydem ocracy hasdoneso little reigning for j the past thirty-two years. The mis sion of the United States has not yet ended, as democrats have fond- ly Hoped, and tried to enforce, by Lf y-v -v y y- y y 1 itj, giving one ueiegate-at-large to ""i--t "- uku 10 eniorce, uy 1 I ' IV I I I Li LILiV each cty one for each KM) a11 lhe engines of war within reach lfllJlll 111 111 voUb :,ml t,K" "'"jor fraction thirty and more years ago. The r. X 1 V J J JL-r 1 V 1 Lw V I thereof: "lea that such a party tiie nation's Wonderful Cains Dr. Miles' Nervine not onlv cures all nervous diseases, headache, blues, nervous prostration, sleep lessness, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, u ia anu nystena, Dut also builds up the body. "I am pleased to say that after years of intense suffering with nervous disease, headache and pros tration, I tried Dr. Miles' Restora tive Nervine, and in two weeks gained eight pounds in weight. I could not lie down to sleep, but now sleep perfectly easy, and am im proving wonderfully. Cannot say enough for the Nervine. Mrs. L. B. Millaku, Dunkirk, N. Y." One cus tomer used Nervine and gained fif- ieeii puunus in IieSJl. HKOWX & Maybury, Cortland, N. Y. Trial bottles and elegant book free at F. G. Fricke & Co. 3. at iD GLASS AND QUEE'NSWARE. Patronage of the Public Solicited. C mil tie;. iK-lo.natfs.CiMint ies. Delegates. Adam liijolnisoii 11 Antelope S Kearney I :. 11 nt-r 3 Keyii I'aha 4 Hlaiiio "J Keitli : ItiMitie n Kimlall Myl , 1 Kmox s ISx Hullc h Lancaster Tiii Ifrowik ........ 5 Lincoln . HtiMalo !.- Loyan leslro3-ers are now its exclusive patriots and most hopeful defend ers is a pervision of all history and an insult to the nation's living and lead. North Sixth Street, Plattsmoutl. QR. A. SALISBURY : D-K-N-T-I-S-T : C U GOLD AM) 1-flkCELAIX CKOWXS lr. StHnway an.f.tthetic for the iN-iluk-ei ex tract Iod ol teeth. Dd Fine Gobi Work a Specialty. I Kockwooil Ulix-k riattsmouth. Neb 10 II 17 i;its 1 1 OTjS vl. I 1 I J Ol- Qin 951. AND 929 At AIM ST J J' J J PLATTSMOUTII, NKIJ. Hnlli-r Hurt Cas... -- CVilar Cliar-o t'lii-y.-niif t'lii-rry Clav Colfax Outline... t ntrr I ;ik t a .... I :ivts 1 ;i -on Prill-1 I Hxoti lMlirr .. . Houulas .. Uniiiiv.. . Killniorr... Franklin ., Krontirr... Furnas.... (ai;r ... ... (iarlirld ill-MT ... (rant irt-rlrv. .. Hall...'. .. . Hamilton.. Harlan Hayes Hitchcock. Hooker . . Holt Howard r, JrtTrron H lol.oup 'i l-'Malisou )i 3 Merrick 7 vNcI'lirrsoti i. - a tier r MXeuialia !: .Mickoiis s 11 4 Hoe. f I'awner. I: I'erkins. 17 ' Pierce... I'lielps . lOIMatte !;!' lk I Kctl Willow MKicliardsoti l' Kock I'l Saline 1 Sarpy l.'( Saunders.. ...... ' Scotts Ulutl J Srwanl.... 7 Sheriilaii Slierniim - Sioux 3 Stanton 2 Thaver... 11 II 4 4 5 i lii 4 21 i 12 3 II 4 3 4 12 3 Thomas 2 12 Thurston - 5 11. Valley 5 5' Washington 9 1 Wavne 6 5 Welister lo l! Wheeler 2 HjYork IS IT turns out ttiat Private lams of the Pennsylvania guards, who was half shaved, hung up by the thumbs until he fainted, and then drummed out of the regiineut, was not court martialed at all for his offense of hurrahing for the would-be assas sin of Manager Frick, but the pun ishment was inflicted by the colonel ohis regiment, Streator.on his own responsibility. The public senti ment is very strong against the thumb hanging- business, and the colonel will doubtless be court mar tialed himself for his savagery. Put ting people to the torture is a relic of barbarism that will not stand for proper military discipline these days. There was enough of this brutality during the civil war to last for the entire century. Lincoln Journal. Colorado'a Cool Retreats. During the "tourist season" from June until September the Burling ton route has on sale round trip tickets, at very reduced rates, to the principal resorts of Colorado. To Denver, Colorado Springs, Manitou, Pueblo and Estes' park (the most attractive spot in the whole state) particularly low rates are in force. July and August are the best months in which to visit Colorado's unrivalled resorts, to all of which the Burlington, with its connec tions, offers unequalled service. The local agent will be glad to give you any desired information. Nothing New Under the Sun No! not even through cars to Tr ver, Ogde". Salt . Lake City, San Francisco and Portland. This is simply written to remind you that the Union Pacific is the pioneer in running through cars to the above mentioned points and that the pres ent through car arrangement is un excelled. We also make the time. For details address an' agent of the company, call on your nearest agent or write to K. L. LOMAX, G. P. & T. A. U. P., Omaha Neb. The Largest Flower Known. In Mindinac, the farthest southeastern island in the Philippine group, upon one of its mountains, the volcanic Ap9 a party of botanical and etlitfographical explorers found recent-; at a height of 2,500 feet above thea level, a colossal flower. The discOprPr. Ttr. AlxnoVr tocnaaenoerg, could scarcely believe his eyes wnen ne saw-gmid the low growing bushes the irnmeilse buds of this flower growing ,ike gigantic cabbage heads But he was still more astonished whei. he found a specirien jn fQj bloom, a five petaled flower neariy ayard in diameter, as large as a carriage wheel, in fact. This enormous blossom was borne on a sort of vine creeping Dn the ground. The native who accompanied Dr. Schadenberg cahS(i it "bolo." The partv had no scale by which the weight of the flower couLl ;oe ascertained, but they improvised a singing scale, using their boxes and specimens as weights. Weigh ing these wheJi opportunity served, it was found that a single flower weighed over twenty-two pounds. It was impossible to transport the fresh flower, so the travelers pot-aphed it and dried a number of Hi leaves o. Pearson's Weekly. Why People tose Weight In Sun. To mos persons the summer season is a time of excitement instead of quiet rest, as it should be. With the approach of warm weather most people begin to lay plans for vacations and enjoyments, and in a little while have worked them selves into a state of excited anticipa tion. JN ot only this, but they undertake excursions requiring considerable travel, either by land or water, so that during the heated term they have completely departed from the quiet paths of life trodden so steadily all the rest of the year. Now it is a well known fact that the majority of people lose weight during the summer. This loss is generally ac counted for by the smaller food consumed diHra warm weather, hnt -- oii.id &ay that the excitement incidental to vacations and. traveling was as much responsible for it as the other. It is a question if our Indian summer, the most charming season of the year, would not make a better vaca tion period for the majority of people. Boston Commercial Bulletin. If Barytes and other adulterants of White Lead are just as good as Strictly Pure White Lead why is it that all the bogis and adulterated white leads are always branded "Pure," or "Strictly Pure White Lead ? ' No one ever puts a mislead ing brand on an article of mer chandise, unless he wants to "work off" an inferior for a better. This Barytes or Baryta, is a heavy white powder, worthless as paint ; costing- only about one cent per pound and is used to adulterate and cheapen the mixture. No one ever adulter ates white lead with an article costing more than Lead. If you purchase any of the following brands you are sure of having Strictly Pure White Lead, manufactured by the "Old Dutch" process: "SOUTHERN" . -"RED SEAL" - rt COLLIER" 'For sale' by the best dealers In paints everywhere. If you are going to paint, it will pay you to send to us for a book containing information that may save you many a dollar ; it will only cost you a postal cara io ao so. NATIONAL LEAD CO., St. Louis Branch, Clark Avenue and Tenth Streets, St. Louis, Mo. Qqs tiqi'icls, Dealer in All kinds of fresh, salt and s moked meats. I mike the best of all kinds of sau- --'-ea and keep a gfood supply con"y on hand. - MARKET - ON - SIXTH - STREET Between Main and Pearl Plattsmouth, ' - Nebraska. B. A. McELWAIN Carries an Elegant Stock OF " :) Joweiry, T f Silverware, 1 Watches and Clocks. Total 3S7 F. R. GUTHHAUN. PROP- R L Rates f L"50 per week and up lumber Yard It is recommended that no prox ies be admitted to the convention and that the delegates present be authorized to cast the full vote of the delegation. S. D. Mekcek, Chairman. Walt m. Seeley, U. B. Halcomue, J. R. Soutiierlaxi, Secretaries. f THE OLD RELIABLE. !l. i. MBHAH S 80S ftHF LUMBER ! Shingles, Lath, Sash." boors, BSinds -nn supply everw demand of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. TI310TUY CLAKK. DEALER IX WOOD o TERMS CASIIo 5 rds and OHlce 404 South Third Street. Telephone 13. XATTSMOUTH, Nepraska CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. The republican electors of the First congressional district of the state of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from the several counties coniprisiner said district to meet in convention in the city of Nebraska City, Thursday, July 28, 1S92, at 9 o'clock p. m., for the pur pose of placing in nomination a candidate for member of congress for said district and for the trans action of such other business as may come before the convention. THE APPORTIOXMEXT. The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for Hon. V. J. Connell for congress in 1890: One delegate for each 100 votes and maior traction tnereoi ana one delegate-at-large from each county. Counties. Delegates. ICounties. Delegates. Cas VJ Otoe 13 Johnson lo Pawnee i:i Lancaster l.'i Richardson lti Xeniaha 1-1 I Total l: It is recommended that no prox ies be admitted to the convention, and that the delegates present from each county cast the full vote of the delegation. V. II. Woodward, Fraxk M'Cartxey, Chairmar. Secretary. FACTS AND P4ATFORlViS. "Since the McKinley bill went in to operation." eavs the national platform of the democratic party, "there have been ten reductions of the wages of laboring men to one increase." We quote frcm that eminently democratic journal, the New York World: "Fall River, Mass., July 13. The Cotton Manufacturers' association voted to pay all day help employed in the mills for fifty-eight hours' work the same wages heretofore paid for sixty hours. All the Cholera infantum has lost its terrors since- the introduction of Chamberlains colic, cholera and di arrhoea remedy. Whenthatremedy is used and the treatment as direc ted with, each bottle is followed, a cure is certain. Mr. A. W. Walters, a prominent merchant at Valters burg, 111., says: It cured my baby boy of cholera infantum after sev eral other remedies had failed, the child was so low that he seemed al most beyond the aid of human hands or reach of any medicine." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. All in Uis Eye. A man calling himself Dr. Henry vis ited the house of Mrs. F. K. Brewster in Suffolk, Conn., on Thursday-, and rer resenting himself as the assistant of Dr. Morgan, of Boston, who had been treat ing her for an eye disease, announced that he was sent to perform an ope.a- I gy refunded. firm ATtq RroxvctDr r ia cavanfr. I five years of age, gave Jier consent. The bogus doctor said she had an abscess cm the eye and he would remove it. He produced an instrument, made two or three motions with it over the old lady's eyes and then exhibited in the palm of his hand as the removed abscess a substance which afterward proved to be beefsteak. Then he collected twenty- eight dollars from the old lady and left Hartford Letter. Everything kept that goes to constitute a first-class jewely store is kept in his stock. Repairing done by first-class workmen and sat isfaction guaranteed or mon- B. A. McELWAIN,- First door south of Post Ofiice, Plattsmouth, NehJ i Oregon, Washington and the Nor -west Pacific Coast. The constant demand of the trav eling public to the far west for a tu mi I A 7 i comioriaoie anu ax me same lime The new list Will go into effect from Pf.0nnm.Val n.nrlP of tra vol.'no- M Lhas. led to the establishment - as From the same issue of the World I what is known as Pullman Colonist we also quote: sleepers. nt;a Ti-4i i " , These cars are built on the same hrh l. ? ? elevator manu- general plan as the regular first- ftrVav "e, a "nt yes- class Pullman Sleeper, the only dif- l?rY7 t le Elevafor Con- ference being that they are not up- structors union granting the holstered shorter work-day from August 1. They are furnished complete with YL 27 . eauiC Vy good comfortable hair matresses tor flotit hmira It I103 z I" ..... t f , , .". i,cxa uroi $4icu 1 warm blankets,snow wmte linen cur y auu uuuuic pay xor over time, Here are two very recent cases of increased wages "since the passage of the McKinley bill." Will some member of the democratic commit tee on resolutions, or some news paper that approves the resolu tions, mention twenty reductions of wages to offset these two increases? Can even two parallel reductions be mentioned? The platform already is tumbling to pieces by reason of rottenness of its timbers. tains plenty of towelsombs, brush es etc., which secure to the occu pant of a birth as much privacy as is to be had in firfrt class sleepers. there are also separate toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen, and smok ing is absolutely prohibited. For full information send for Pullman Colonist Sleeper leaflet. K. L. Lo max, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha Nebraska. OPPOSED TO UNION LAPOR. The Alton (111.) Telegraph says: "The non-union miners now em ployed in Adlai Stevenson's coal mines, to the number of 300, called Don't Tobacco Spit Your Life Away." Is the startling, truthful title of a little book just received, telling all about Notobac, the wonderful, harmless, economical, guaranteed cure for the tobacco habit in every form. Tobacco users who want to quit and can't, by mentioning The HERALD can get the book mailed free. Address the Sterling Remedy Co., box 862, Indiana Mineral Springs, Ind. A Glacier in California. A glacier has been found in southern California, and now American pride ought to be satisfied. For many years tradition has told of suchra phenomenon of nature, and recently an expedition was sent out to investigate the matter. The tradition was verified, for upon the levels of Greyback mountain, the great est of the San Bernardino range, a gla cier one mile long and on the average of 200 feet in depth was found. The icy mass, according to computations made, moves downward at the rate of forty seven feet a year. Los Angeles Herald. Phosphate and Kpgn. A farmer of North Mahoning town ship, Pa., purchased some phosphate a few months ago. It was not all used and several pounds remained in a barrel, where a nest was made for a hen. The hen hatched thirteen chicks in sixteen days. Another hen was set at the same time, but it took her the usual time three weeks to bring out her brood. Exchange. A Clock on the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel tower is now the highest clock tower in the world. A gigantic clock has been placed on its second plat form, and scientists- daily and hourly take observations on the motion of the pendulum, it being their idea that the revolution of the earth on its axis may be visibly demonstrated by the experi ment. Paris Letter. Admitted the Fact". Newspaper editors have to be very careful iu opening their columns for statements. But aware that the Dr. Miles Medical Co. are responsi ble, we make room for the following testimonial from R. McDougall, Au burn, Ind., who for two years noticed a stoppage or skipping of the pulse, his left side got so tender he could not lie on it, his heart fluttered, he was alarmed, went to different doc tors, found no relief, but one bottle of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure cured him. The elegant book, "New and Startling Facts," free at F. G. Fricke & Co. It tells all about heart and nervous diseases and many wonder ful cures. - Hnvu'o Thief We offer 100 dollars any case of catarrh thatran not i.o cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. K J. Cheney & Co. Props, Toledo, Ohio, - ' e the undereirrnt-d. lmrp l-...- F. J. Cheney for the last 13 and belive hira pefectly honorable in all buisness lraiis:irtinnU.,rwi anciallyable to carry out an oblitr". jiiiia maae oy their lirm. ruaf Wliolesale Drti gist, Toledo Ohio.. Walding Kinnan Trai"' WholeBale druggist Tole- Jilt'-8 ata"h Cnre is tan int lally, action directly upon the bio er- ponthe blood !ltin riiin n r IW SCT BU"aces ot the system. Price, oc per bottle. Sold by all LVug,8t; Testimonials free. fi5 3 - i 'I .t. A -