FIRST TICKET OUT. I1 Commissioner Procue-tlinKs. Hoard met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present, A. C. Loder, Jacob 1 Thoy Rob tho Pacific Express Tritsch and S. w. Dutton, county Tho Prohibitionists Nominate a Tickot-at Weeping Water. Company and Escape. commissioners, and Frank Dickson, county clerk. Final settlement was made with fTIIREE DElfXTIVEH WOUNDED. O. I. Kinir on the contract forlnul J- THE LECTURE LAST NIGHT. iii court, find a receipt in full from O.J. King was fded and accepted. Official bond of Fred Ball, ro.-ul overseer in district No. 37, approved The Missouri. Kansas St Texas Pas- Prof. Drummond Is Near Death's sender Train Held up by Masked Men and Robbed of $4-0,000 Last. Night.. Door Can Only Live a Short Time A New Church Building; for South Bend. Jas. A. Allhatuls w:h " appointed road overseer in and for district No. NOTED DALTON GANG 30. " L i ; i i J i ! i i i '1 1 1 GUTHKIE, OKL, July 13. The Mih- r f eouri, Kansas tc Texa9 passenger . M. train No. 2, south bound, wad held 1 r l t i ,.t $ I . .1. f it... . f ;roDuer8 secureu me cineni i mc 'safe of the Pacific Kxpress company 'and made good their escape. It . is jj believed that the robbers were the 1 1 . noted Dalton gang, who are respon i j Bible for a large number of t im'.lar jjcrimes in the territory, the latest .' j being the robbery of the Santa Fe "r express near Ked Pock, hardly a j',' month ago. ('. Four of the gang were recently icartured near Guthrie, and a posse was on the track of the others of the I , j gang. The capture of the four took 1 i place in the early part of this week ' aud it was believed that the remain- l'ing members would certainly be captured. They evidently eluded their pursuers, and while yet fresh from the pursuit committed another daring robbery. It is believed that the four men captured "peached" on the gang I and revealed the plot of last night's j robbery, for a posse was organized t . T ti,,,.u,,1 Kansas A Teias -am. 1 lie incuiou ; of the robbery corresponds with j the methods of all the Dalton ' i operations. The irp'n had just left c jAdair when two men crawled over . I the tender, terro: -ed the engineer i ntwl lits fireman with drawn re ' volvers, and commanded the engi ' neer to stop the train. As he did 30 ' the posse prepared for an attack, j which was immediately made by the members of the gang from the j roadside. 1 J. G. Kennedy and two Indian ; policemen, members of the posse, ii were shot and slightly wounded, i They, together with the other mem- Sbers of the posse, retreated, and field. The i . A. exnress messenirer. in man ' time, had locked h;s sa.'e and hid j den the kej. after "laving barri caded the doors joT the car. Tlie robbers broke th-ough the barri cade, drilled the safes and blew iham nnn w:lll nflWlliT. SeC lir i 11 C . . . - ... 4 ti,,. n.,..,i.i uiv . x ' 1 ' I stolen is believed to be in the ; neighborhood of $4,101X1. The rob ' , bers escaped. I The News at Hsadquarters. ? Paksoxs, Kan., July 15. The fol- J lowing particulars of the robbery have been received here by the ofli - . . cers of the road: -The gang went to Adair about 9 o'clock, held up the t : elation agent at the point of Win chesters, cleaned the station out of tl all valuables and then sat calmly j down and waited for the at.ival of ' ihe train due at 9:43. Just as the " train was pulling out of Adair, two r Afilio n-nn.r -1it.ded over the tender ' . . . i - and covered the engineer and fire- H man with revolvers and compelled them tO Slop the train. Asthetraln slowed p, t.te guard, co,isisting of I , Captain J. J. Kinney, chief of detec- tivea of the road, and two Indian ' policemen, prepared to make a fight. i The members of the gang gathered , Uieraemuus u i f, ; from the roadside, however, aud a . lively fusilade followed, in wnicn KInnM nnil llw two Indians were i j wounded and compelled to ret: eat, ' having emptied their revolvers. i During the fight two stray bullets struck a drug slore up town, seri ously injuring Drs. Youngblood and Goug. The latter has since died, and . the former is in a critical condition. Real Estate Transfers. Following are tte real estate nafara fnr Vi week as com- .... tii, ii, nhafrnrlprs jji a tri jjf jl w ,ww-f and publishers of the Daily Record: WJ While and wife to L Sampson. pt e3 of neli, 8-11 11 f 9 J T A Hoover and wife to Joseph Pet- tit'., lot 617, Louisville MW Jl E Parlinian. Iiv attorney, to. S Fell, lot I, Wes. (i.eenwiMKl : louiw L. Frost pnd w fe to li w ciarK, 101 o. West Green wood G W Clark to C K C ark, samedesc.. LCKel 'son and husband to, lot 1. West Greenwood j 00 1 00 r0 oo LThnrlow and wife to A Allen, iot lrt Weft CreenwixKi JW G W Adams and w .'e to trutees . vaT4. .lift M . f i I-Hnrrli ox lir-s.1, - Add to weep-n Water. l oo j c ii w e !o..K..L::o.n:3:.0' KnLi?n anti w fe"o T P S-. me-. eTof n w U. a-ll- " " C J Church Services. First M. K. church. Dr. L. F. Britt, oastor. Sunday School at U:oU a. m. nrochinir at 11 a.m. ami 8 p. m.. hv the pastor. Subject for t morning: "Well Doing," in the eve - ninrr. Ms the World Wiser Than the 1 Churchr-Kpworth league meet at p . rn. ine . All are nouncea m uie . - - cordially invited io aacm . T 1 I nni-l fll Kcport of CJ. W. Noble of the in stitute funds of Cass Co., for the "rut six moniiis oi iw, nieu aim up- proved. Notice of appointment of Charles 1; Bttller a deputy clerk of thedis- trictxr,ourt was filed and approved. Petition by .George McAdie and others to have commissioners le Hcind their action of April 7th 1C -wherein said commissioners vacat ed a public road commencing ) rods east of the center of west of section 1, range 10 and lown .-1, running thence east 80 rods, th"n north SO rods, thence northeast 'o center of section was taken up for consideration and refused. Nolice of appointment of Miss Maggie O'i' as deputy regis ter of deeds to terminate July 10th 1S'J2 was filed and approved. By order of the board the treas urer is hereby instructed to correct tax receipts for the years lPS'J-UO as shown for lot 33, aeU 13-12-13. so as to include lots 33 and 00; lot 33 hav ing been divided so as to form lots 33 and CO and both having been as sessed at the same amount as the original lot 33 was assessed, it there making a double ssessment. . The bo-ird ordered that the assess ment on six horses owned by Peter Keil of Flight Mile Grove, for the . year IVJJ be cancelled as said horses were burned uu by the recent fire .. I which recenfly destroyed F. Guth- matin's barn The following bills were audited oa general fund: A C Loder. salary and expense.. . U 2" Jao.ii Tri'.sch, same 3.1 S W K.i. ton. same b 75 Frank Dickso.i. worif, sa". JSc exp 25S fil G W N.ile, Mi&Mp.- HO no J C Kiketiia.-v. lxfiiii paupers, less rent Ill 1I..1IMU-'. co.-rt lioaso 50 ( ) A .ii;iisl Iiucli. iml.-.e to poir 8 00 1M 00 6 00 fcl 00 uO 12 no 5 on j K I'a'mcr A Clark, s I A W While, same K McCoirr., same E S.;.Tzenewe'. same J S:i',rf, rock for ;-tes A H K.-?o :s. piin.'nic - t10 K :islitiiaii. keei'nsr lrnd man. 15 00 LviinlioT P. iis s.a'.'oiery J C S-n'.u. k.-epi:r cr pp!e 7 53 10 O H7 I l C O.-tie i - sc li ro.ifiil; t KGi:.!ii:a I iare';iiji jury 1'5 23 Ctt.-l 1"' I .Miue.-t of A cloni am;. .. Ko.-a H IJerry, e refd'd.. Johii Il!r.'m:i:l. wurk a. Co.? t house. PIS KulT-ier, as-' ?; 2d wa tl. IMat'.s. II G Race. as,il-: ward, W V M ;e-':i;. tU f p ;s tlis ic . court I:. own At Ha- j.-;., papirr' juil 41 T 2 71 1 05 10 CO 2'J 00 41 M II Mtirply V C. mdse to poor... . ' r.1 1 Lei-i Gold .i.x. rent of s ?s 5J (i T:eat. t-rroneos lax-refiimlcti A C Mayes, work and expe ie co .5 Omaha Prin.l m d, sla kmery 1( n ti . m U' w iir'v t fir !:iinir 3' . ' B G Dovey & Son, mdse toconnly.. . W 31 Fred Goos, hoartiiny jury 16 23 H W Klynn, wo;k atctm.t house 10 ( i II C McMakeu & Son, uradinjj at cotirt house " 7 Lincoln Ait SUmeCo, sidewalk 602 ! I Cnioii Farni'.ureCo.cof imi'.u re Co, coffin for pauper 20 03 Cost lji'1. Narv Ii Siei":e.-t insane-- l! Dearinexpense acc:. etc... Jlirors fecs. May term H D Travi-,. ury two qnar;er... i!;;;;;;:. c w sliemiaIli vrinUniS cost biM, Stele vs Kaikes Xeb Tel C, telephone lent Cost bill, sur-e w Coison.. V, Ti'.ie. Ixlji prisoners, elc Ed F;t ZKcra.d, l.aiiirT Mav term ... 30 13 Tl I J OPS CD 230 00 13 'S i 93 :.. 5o 0 : ; 53 't is 151 50 n oo i John xihe. same T II Thrasher, same. - 00 6 00 : ( i 3 00 E G Vaiialta, same Staiider Uros. mdse to poor JoeFetzer, same PlaUsGasA Elec Lij;" Co. as... HKIOGE FUND. Dickson, S.opher & Co , lumber... C II Val'ery, posts John Wate man, lumber Koot tSc Fau;iil.lnmL,er A F Sturm, same KOAD Fl'XD. IS oo 157 15 2 40 64 05 IS 05 25 J 4 05 X C A jiaard, repaTr of grader I A C Mayes, view us road. 3 10 4 00 I J C Coleman, repair bard tools X E Marshall, spikes 3 70 Davis Sc Eikenbary. same IHSTXICT KOAU FL'XIJ. Weslern Wheel Scr Co, plow dist 60. . Wesleru Wheel Scr Co, plow dist 4.. Western Wheel Scr Co, plow dist 2... Western Wheel Scr Co, 3 scrapers. . 1 60 16 50 16 5o 16 50 di IS 75 . t v- ,iii27 3 75 II G Van Horn, same, dist 2 13 00 j V lOlLUIl, limu t w. . COl'KT llOL'SE liOXD Fl'XD. OI Kinir. rinal set: lenient 500 00 Board adjourned to check the fees in the different county ofiices and to meet in regular session Aug. 2. Ffaxk Dicksox, County Clerk. The books of the Livi'igsloa Loan and Iu lding association are now open for subsreiptton of stock, for Plo-ili aeries 'jecrlnning Aug. IS, 1S12. Remember this is o-ie of the bet paying institutions in the county. For full information and stock appl' to dw7t Hexhy R. Cerixg, Sec. , r.rtT.n: tick IVSI'RAXCK r.vji"" - , CO., OF X, Y. nil T. II. Pollock, Agent, County Convention. The prohibitionists of Cass coun ty assembled in county conve tion at Weeping Water for the purpose of nominating candidates for the different offices and selecting dele gates to the state convention to be held at Hastings. A IlEKALn rep resentative saw two or three of the delegates and they said they nomi nated a full ticket with the excep tion of county attorney and county commissioner from the third dis trict, and that the only one they re membered who were nominated were II. M. Gault and W. O. Tucker for representatives. TllE IlEKALU was unable to learn who was nomi nated for senator. The delegates the the state con vention are T. B. Brown, Edwin Davis, Coltman, 1'. 1. Gass, W. O. Tucker and K. W. Murless. A Political Lecture. Kev. DilTenbacher gave another entertainment at the Presbyterian church last night. The attendance was about the same as the night before. Rev. Diffenbacher showed life size pictures of Kem, McKeighan and Biyaii, and launched off into a political discourse instead of giving an entertainment as adver tised. He showed Bryan in two nirtures and lauded him to the j giea, while cold water was thrown upon such national characters as Grant and Sheridan. lie evidently forgot that Nebraska was repre sented in the senate by two able men, who tower away above either of the three congressmen, but not a word did he say regarding litem THE IISl-.'ALD has nothing to say regarding his pictures, as they were as fine as will be seen any where, but it does object to him turning an entertainment into a political lecture when he is adver tised for something else. Near Death's Door Capt. W. W. Hull was in Lincoln yesterday and while there went to the asylum to see Prof. Drummond Mr. Hull says the doctors told him that Mr. Druiiiinond was very low and that the end was near. It is thought Mr. Drummond cannot live lonirer than a month. He said that I he was lying in bed, helpless. A New Church Edifice at South Bend I William Kirk of South Bend was 1 in the citv to-dav solicitintr aid oy - I subscription to build a church at that place. The foundation is al ready laid and was donated by South Bend riarties. The other material and work will cost about. $5C3. Mr. Kirk said he had nearly enough money subscribed to finish and that the lumber would be or dered Monday and the work pushed to completion. The church will be of the Christian denomination. In Justice Court. An interesting case occupied the attention of Judge Smith's court Saturday, wherein J. T. Richey was plaintiff and Peter Kveland and 1 1 William Pool. Sr.. were defendants. Evidence showed that Mr. Richey, who was a member of the building committee, had donated $15 to help build the M. E. church at Wabash; also volunteered to solicit subscrip tions for the building and did other odd jobs for the welfare of the Christian cause. When the time of building came the edifice was not constructed to suit Mr. Richey's taste and he registered a kick and said he would give $100 if it was built to suit him. The cost of his ideal church was too much for the I . 1 I . . . M t 1.4 n ICSO I people ami was aui uuiii, jm n i I expensive one was erected. This was over four years ago, and now, I ...;i,;.i ninp Hn's n f the time when I tlie case would ue outioweu, nr. Kichey sues tlie men auove uumcu, who were only a part of the com mittee, to recover his $15 with interest, and $75 for labor and lime. Attnrnev Woolev appeared for plaintiff and ex-County Attorney Beeson for defendants. Judge Smith rendered a decision in favor of defendants, dismissing the case as no cause for action. Costs, $20.1o, Ricfcev will appeal. Elmwood Echo. ACCIDENT INSURANCE, T. II. Pollock, Agent. Kow Sale Two desirable resi dence lots in Orchard Hill addition to Plattsmoutii. within a block of th ii3SOnri Pacific depot, for particulars call on or address the I 1 rml 1 Hekali ofHre. Notice to Water Consumers. The hours set apart to sprinkle lawns are 5:30 to 7 o'clock a. m. aud 6 to 8 o'clock p. m. Sprinkling must be confined to these hours, and hose found in use except during the above named hours will be shut off without further notice. G Plattsmoutii Water Co. The Homdliest Man in Piaitsmouth As well as the handsomest, and oth ers are invited to call on any drug gist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's balsam fdV the throat and Itinera, a remedy thatiis selling en tirely upon its merits and is guar anteed to relieve and cure all chron ic and acute coughs, asthma, bron chitis and consumption. Large bot ties oOc and 21.00. A carpenter bv the name of M. S. Powers, fell from the roof of a house in East DesMoines, Iowa and sus tained a painful and serious sprain of the wrist which he cured with one bottle of Chamberlains pain balm. He says it is worth to ... -r . i -rr j. . a Dottle, it cost mm cculs. rui sale by by F. G. Fricke & Co. N. E. C Meeting, Saratoga, N. Y. The nrn vision reauirincr passen gers to deposit tickets with the joint agent at terminal lines ai oudiuj;a has been cancelled, licketswtll De inr return from Saratosra or from any intermediate point, any time up to ep. io. xt i hoi uclco sary to go to Saratoga to have the iVirota pveriited for return. J. RAXCIS, Gen. Pas. Agt. Miles Nerve and Liver Pills Act on o new prici pie regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discov ery Dr. Allies pins speeuny tmc biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation TJnequaled for men, women and children. Small est, mildest, surest. 50 doses 25 cts. Samples Iree at F. G. Ericke& Co s. Don't Tobacco Spit Your Life Away." Is the startling, truthful title of a little book iust received, telling all about Notobac, the wonderful, harmless, economical, guaranteed cure for the tobacco habit in every form. Tobacco users who want to quit and can't, by mentioning The Herald can get the book mailed free. Address the Sterling Remedy Co., box 862, Indiana Mineral Springs, Ind. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals wilt be received by tlie secretary of the loard of education until fi o'clock p. n.. Saturday July Si, 192, for the construction of one two story, four room brick buildinjr on the lots 10, 11 or 12, in Stadleman's addition in accordance with plans and speciticationson tile at the First -National bank of I'lattstnouth. Each bid must le accompanied by a certified check of $.110. The lxard reserves tue ris" to reject any and all bids. By order of the Hoard of Educati. J X I- K C II t Sec'y. PRIZES AWARDED. Joe Klein, the Popular Clothier, Distributes Prizes in the Postal Card Contest. The following prizes were given in the postal card contest: First prize, a nice spring suit, L. R. Sawyer, South Bend, 7JG words. Second prize, a leather satchel, II. C. Schmidt, Plattsmoutii, G,0S7 words. Third prize, two nice shirts, C. A. Kin namon, Vlattsmouth, 5,CG0 words. Look out for new ad. QtS ti:qiicls, Dealer In All kinds of fresh, salt and smoked meats. I make the best of all kinds of sau sages aud keep a good supply constantly, on hand. MARKET - ON - SIXTH - STREET Between Main and Pearl Plattsmoutii, - - Nebraska. DR. A. SHIPMAN, Office: 318 Main Street, OpiK site Court House. JIAKES A SPECIALTY OF FITTING SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES in a scientific manner and fur nishes the finest of periscopic lenses in either Kold, silver, nickle, steel, zynoltte or rubber frames. Will test your eyes free. ARTIFICIAL EYES INSERTED on reasonable terms. Hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Ladies, 2 to 4 p. m. B. A. McELWAIN Carries an Elegant Stock OF Jewelry, Silverware, Watches and Clocks. Everything kept that goes to constitute a first-class jewely store is kept in his stock. Repairing done by first-class workmen and sat isfaction guaranteed or mon ey refunded. B. A. McELWAIN, First door south of Post Office, Plattsmoutii,' Neb. The Place to Buy Hardware IS at C. BREKENFELD'S WHERE YOU WILL FIND STOVES, IIA1SGES, TINWARE, GARDEN TOOLS GASOLINE STOVES, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, PAD-LOOKS, DOOR-LOCKS, LADIES' PEN KNIVES, ETC. 0 NEW PROCESS 'QUICK MEAL" GASOLINE STOVE I wish to specially recommend. .It is absolutely safe. GOODS SOLD ON THE I N ST A IX ment plan as cheap as for cash, on easy monthly payments. Come in and examine my anti-rust tin ware which is warranted not to rust for one year. If at any time' you want anything new that we do not happen to have in stock we can get at for you on two days' notice. 421 Maln-St.. Plattsmouth serviceR. Tlie paswr Mercerville at 3 p. rr-.