The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 10, 1892, Image 4

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An Exciting Runaway Saturday
on Chicago Avenuo.
A Pretty Cnmo of Ball nt Ilia PnrU
Yesterday Other Hnppenln
in and About the Citv--A
Family Disturbance.
Exciting Hunaway,
lrs. C. W. Sherman, Mary Slier
man ami Nannie'JIoore were out
riding Saturday evening ami while
coming down Chicago avenue Un
horse started to run, and but for
the presence of mind of the driver,
the result might have proven disas
trous. The driver although unable
to stop the horse kept it in the road.
Just in front ot Judge Chapman's
residence tlie horse fell down. No
body was hurt but the occupants of
the carriage were pretty badly
sen ret 1.
Funnily Jar.
The police were called iipon'yes
terday to settle a family dispute be
tween Frank Whitehead and hits
wife living on South Tenth street
When the police arrived they were
having, a lively time with . the
woman getting the best of the deal.
The police arrested the man of the
house but his wife refused to prose
cute. She packed her trunk and
left this morning on the 10:30 train
for Kansas where her parents re
side. Yesterday's Game.
The game yesterday afternoon be
tween the Hayden liro.' of Omaha,
and the locals was interesting from
start to finish. The home team
plaj-ed as they never played before
without an error while the Oma
ha aggregation secured eight of
them. The second ball that Jack
Keeves put over the plate was hit
clear over right field fence by Jack
Carrighan for four bases, and that
was the only run they made. The
home team were in excellent shape
and played like clock work, accept
ing every chance and making some
brilliant plays. The score:
1l.-itttM.ili 4 0 1 0 1 0 0 3
Huvdeti 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Kuns earned-IMattstinMith 3. llaydeiis 1.
Hase hit I'lattstuotit li 13. llaydens I.
Two base hits J. l'attersoti, Naupiii,
Kfeves ninl Ionian.
Home rtm Curriuan.
liases on balls Ml Snyder I.
lilt hv pitcher Keeves.
Struck out Hy Keeves 10, by Snyder
Time of Kaiue 1:45.
L'mpire II. CJreen.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cole are rejoic
ing over the advent into their fami
ly of a girl baby.
A boy baby made its appearance
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shered
Graves last night.
For Sale.
My house and three lots corner
Sixth and JJey, price i,jv.
Mrs. J. A. G.'.Buell.
Central City, Neb., apc.K.K. li.
Eastern Cities and Pleasure Resorts
are best reached by the Burlington
The improved train service now
in effect brings Omaha within 40
hours, and Denver within XI hours,
of New York, Boston or Philadel
phia. The numerous conventions
to be held in New York, Saratoga,
Detroit and other eastern cities dur
ing the coming summer to which
reduced rates will apply offer
splendid opportunities of visiting
the east at an almost nominal cost.
The local agent of the B. & M. K.
R. glad to give you further
Go to F. A. Rickerson for good,
cool lemonade.
CO., OF N, Y.
I T. II. Pollock, Agent,
Allow me to add mj tribute to the
eflicacy of Ely's Cream Balm. I was
suffering from a severe attack of in
fluenza and catarrh and was induced
to try your remedy. The result was
marvelous. I could hardly articu
late, and in less than twenty-four
hours the catarrhal symptoms and
my hoarseness disappeared and I
was able to sing a heavy role in
Grand Opera with voice tmimpared.
I strongly recommend it to all sing
ers. Wm. II. Hamilton, leading
basso of the C. D. Hess Grand Opera
A Grave in the Center.
rwy a. 1 1 A - e j.t..
ine exact jeugrapujcui eeuier in me
I United States is marked by a grave
y Jtbe last resting place of one Major Og
i ."den, who is buried on a little knoll a
) Wort distance northeast of Fort Riley
(; Ttan. Exchange.
; Deceptive Knuniermtlon.
, i Felicia My last offer of marriage, was
, tottering, bat I refused it.
. t Rowena Well, no girl ought to ac-
I X . ... i ir.i- c:i.i
i-ept her first proposal. Kate Field's
Snow and Apple IHom.
amile trees in Franklin
1 onnty, Me., were in blossom on a re--ent
Sunday, snow claimed to be from
- ix to nine inches deep covered the
C "
The city council will meet in reg
ular session to-night.
Remember the lecture at the Pres
byterian church Thursday and Fri
day evenings.
The Presbyterian church should
be packed as Rev. DilTeiibachcr
eomes highly recommended.
Dr. Salisbury secured a judgment
in Judge Archer's court -today
aga-inst Nels and Mary Pierson for
Martin W. Watts lias been ap
pointed executor of the estate of
Valentine liny, with a bond fixed in
the sum of $ 1,500.
B. A. Gibson, trustee of the First
National Bank of Weeping Water
vs. Reed, was on trial in county
court this afternoon.
Henry Stull'a team ran away at
the cemetery yesterday, tearing
down a tombstone and breaking the
buggy all to pieces.
Judge Archer's court will be oc
cupied tomorrow with the case, Ex
celsior Manufacturing company vs.
Ben Ilurd of Louisville.
The remains of the late Mrs. 'filia
lly were laid to rest yesterday in
Oak Hill cemetery. The funeral
was one of the largest ever ween in
The Plattsmonth Gas and Electric
Light company vs. the Plattsmonth
Investment company wherein a
sum of ifHtt is involved will be
called in Judge Archer's court Wed
nesday. Remember Rev. Dilfenbacher will
give a stereoptican exhibition at the
Presbyterian church next Thursday
and Friday evenings for the benefit
of the ran fund. Admission 2.1
cents, children 10 cents.
M rs. Say les. wi re of Eugene Say les,
died Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock
The deceased leaves a baby one
week old. The funeral occurred
this afternoon from the Episcopal
church and the remains were in
terred in Oak Hill cemetery.
The ladies of the M. church liv
ing in the Fourth ward will give an
icecream social at the church to
morrow evening. I-Jverybody in
vited to come and have a good time
AH ladies of the church or congre
gation living in the Fourth ward
are requested to comeand help.
I. Dunn's horse ran away with
him this morning. Mr. Dunn was
at the depot unloading a car load
of hay when the horse started,
throwing Mr. Dunn down between
the horse ami the wagon. The hay
was thrown from the wagon and the
wagon passed over Mr. Dunn's
body, but he escaped with only a
few scratches.
F. A. Rickerson. on Main street
will be glad to furnish you witn
candies, pop corn, lemonade, etc.
Her Place Usurped by Another and
She Is Compelled to
Stand it.
On a farm some fifteen miles from
Lincoln and not many miles dis
tant from Flagle, there is at present
living a man whose household skel
eton is not made known to the pub
lic, and who is daily violating all
the laws of morality besides break
ing the laws of the land. Not quite
two years ago this man's wife was
declared insane and taken to the
asylum atLiucoln.
The man whose name it is not
necessary at this time to give to
the public, procured the services of
a rather good looking young
woman to act as housekeeper while
the poor wife, whose wrecked and
clouded brain was gradually being
cleared of the mists which hung
over itt caused by hard werk and
the hard usage of the man who had
sworn to protect her, the younger
woman and housekeeper had sup
planted her place, and occupied the
bed that was hers, to all intents and
purposes the man's wife. So mat
ters ran until a short time ago the
lawful wife was pronounced cured
and released to go back and resume
the old place in her husband's heart
and with her loved ones again.
Whether it was because the poor
woman's brain has become so weak
ened hy her long illness and con
finement, to such an extent as to
render her obtuse to the condition
of affairs, is not known, but at the
present time the wife and the
woman who has been in her place,
are both living together with this
man in open violation of all laws
of decency. Some of the neighbors
have been disposed to make the
matter public, but so far nothing
has been done, and the Call's ac
count will probably' be the first
open statement. How much longer
this shameful condition of affairs
will be hushed up in a christian
community is a pertinent quero.
Lincoln Call.
For Sale Two desirable resi
dence lots in Orchard Hill addition
to Plattsmonth, within a block of
the Missouri Pacific depot. For
particulars call on or address TllE
llEKALl office.
The Hepublican County Contral
Committoo Mot Saturday.
The County Convention Called to
Meet at Weeping Water July -.'
26 to Elect Delegates to
the State and Con
gressional Con
ventions. A republican county convention
is hereby called to meet at Weep
ing Water at 1 o'clock p. m., July 20,
for the purpose of selecting nine
teen delegates to attend the con
gressional convention to be held at
Nebraska City July 2H, and twenty
delegates to attend the state con
vention to be held at Lincoln on the
4th day of August, in accordance
with the call of the state and con
gressional, committees, and the
transaction of such other business
as may properly come before it.
The basis of representation of the
different wards and precincts being
fixed at one delegate for every fifteen
votes or major fraction thereof cast
for George II. Hastings for attorney-general
at the general election
in 1SU0, and onedelegate-at-large for
each ward and precinct.
The different wards and precincts
are entitled to representation as
follows: Salt Creek, 7; South Bend,
4; Louisville, 7; Eight Mile Grove,
7; Plattsmonth precinct, 7; Green
wood, 3; Klmwood, G; Center, C;
Mount Pleasant, 5; Rock Bluffs,
First district, 0; Rock Bluffs, Second
district,' 4; Tipton, 6; Stove Creek, 9;
Weeping Water precinct.. 5; Avoca,
0; Liberty, 7; Nehawka, 5; Platts
month, First ward, 8; Second ward,
8; Third ward, 11; Fourth ward, 9,
Fifth ward 4; Weeping Water, First
ward, 5; Second ward, G; Third ward",
The primaries to elect delegates
to said county convention will be
held Saturday, July 23, at the follow
ing places and at the times here
after named, to-wit:
Avoca, at Hutchins school house,
3 p. m.
Center, at Mauley school house, 4
p. in.
liight Mile Grove, at Heil school
house, 3 p. m.
Fllinwood, at Murdock, 7 p. m.
Greenwood, at Alvo, 7:30 p. in.
Liberty, at Ledger office, 7:30 p. m.
Louisville, at office of W. A. Cleg-
horn, 7:30 p. m.
Mt. Pleasant, at Gilmore school
house, 3 p. in.
Nehawka, at Sturm's office, 8 p. m.
Plattsmonth precinct, at Taylor
school house, 8 p. m.
Rock Bluffs, first district, at Mur
ray school house, 8 p, m.
Rock Bluffs, second district, at
Rock Bluffs school house, 8 p. in.
Salt Creek, at Greenwood 7.30 p.m
South Bend, at school house in
South Bend, 7:30 p. m.
Stove Creek, at G. A. R. hall, Elm
wood, 7:30 p. m.
Tipton, at hall in Eagle, 7:30 p. ni.
Weeping Water precinct, at Cas
cade school house, 7:30 p. m.
First ward Plattsmonth, from 4 to
8 p. m.
Second ward Plattsmouth, Second
ward schoolhouse 4 to 8 p. m.
Third ward Plattsmouth, office of
Richey's lumber yard, 4 to 8 p. in.
Fourth ward Plattsmouth, police
court, 4 to 8 p. ui.
Fifth ward Plattsmouth, at school
house, 4 to 8 p. in-
First ward, Weeping Water, re
publican club room, 8 p. m.
Second ward, Weeping Water,
council chamber, 8 p. m.
Third ward, Weeping Water, Tid
ball & Fuller's office, 8 p. in.
It is recommended that the pri
maries held in the several wards of
Plattsmouth be held under the state
laws governing primary elections.
It is further recommended that no
proxies be admitted in convention
but that the delegates present cast
the entire vote of the ward or pre
cinct represented by them.
A. L. Timulix, Chairman.
Don't Tebacco Spit Your Life
Is the startling, truthful title of a
little book just received, telling all
about Notobac, the wonderful,
harmless, economical, guaranteed
cure for the tobacco habit in every
form. Tobacco users who want to
quit and can't, by mentioning THE
1 1 ERALT can get the book mailed
free. Address the Sterling Remedy
Co., box 802, Indiana Mineral
Springs, Ind.
N. E. C Meeting, Saratoga N. Y.
The provision requiring passen
gers to deposit tickets with the joint
agent at terminal lines at Saratoga
has been cancelled. Tickets will be
honored for return from Saratoga
or from any intermediate point, any
time up to Sep. 1.1. It is not neces
sary to tro to Saratoga to nave tlie
tickets executed for return.
J. Fkaxcis,
Gen. Pas. Agt.
' ' 1 "
Phil Thierolf was on Omaha . pas
senger this morning. "
Dr. Bell of South 'Omaha was in
the citj yesterday.
Dr. Siggiiis of South Omaha was
in -the city .yesterday, -. '
Fred Gorder, Weeping Water,
spent Sunday in'ihis citjV
Mr. and Mrs.' S.Buzzel visited with
friends-in Omaha yesterday.-'
T. C. .Wiley and Geo. Walsh of
Wabash are in the city to-day.
II: N. Dovey and . family spent
Sunday with friends in-Union. r .
B. A. Gibson and O. A. Mullen of
Lincoln were in the city tOrdayl
The commissioners are ' busy to
day checking up the county officers.
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Brown visited
withjfriends in'Louisville yesterday.
Fred Close of Waterloo, Iowa, is
in the city, the guest of Paul Gering.
Frank 'Maupin leaves tonight for
Kansas City to be gone three or
four da3rs.
Miss Kate Neville and Miss Mag
gie Shepherd were Omaha passen
gers this morning.
Miss Mate Newell of Nehawka
visited over Sunday 'in this city, re
turning home this morning over the
Missouri Pacific.
A. McMaken of Atchison, Kan.,
arrived in the city yesterday morn
ing and is the guest of his brother,
H. C. McMaken and family.
Prof. McClelland, Miss Mary Mc
Clelland, Edna Adams and Miss.
Barnes of Weeping Water left for
Saratoga, N. Y., Saturday evening,
T. II. Pollock, Agent.
iQ I
Disordered Liver, ofc.
Z They Act Like Magic on the Vital Organs,
j Regulating' the Secretions, restoring long
i lost Complexion, bringing back tne Keen
J Edge of Appetite, and arousing with the
ROSEBUD Or HEALTH the whole physical
energy of the human frame. These Facts
are admitted by thousands, in all classes of
Society. Largest Sale in the World.
1 Covered with a T&steless & Soluble Coating.
J Of all druggists. Price 25 cents a box.
1 New York Depot, 36s Canal St.
Joe Klein, the Popular Clothier,
Distributes Prizes in the
Postal Card Contest.
Tlie following prizes were given in the
postal card contest:
First prize, a nice spring suit, L. K.
Sawyer, South Bend, 7,0fJG words.
Second prize, a leather satchel, II. C.
Schmidt, Plattsmouth, C,0S7 words.
Third prize, two nice shirts, C. A. Kin
nainon, Plattsmouth, 5,CCC words.
Look out for new ad.
-. ''X
.t .
Office: 31S Main Street, Oppo
site Court House.
. . --.
. in a: scientific manner and fiir
nhhe the linest of periscopic
lenees in either gold, silver,
' - nickle, steel, zynolite
or rubber frames.
-Will -test your eyes free. '
' on reasenable terms.
Hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Ladies,
to 4 p. in. , . i
" .
Carries ' an Elegant Stock
. Jewelry, .-
" . ' . -
'.y-' ;r Watches and
Everything kept that goes
to constitute a first-class
jewely store is kept in his
stock. Repairing done by
first-class workmen and sat
isfaction guaranteed or mon
ey refunded.
First door south of
Post Office,
"Persons fisTing norail visioa wm be able to ns4 this
print at a diitance of 14 inches from th eyes with eaaa ao4
comfort: alio will be able to read it with each eye separately.
If unable to do so your eyes are defective and should hare
immediate attention. When the eve become tired from read
ing or sewing, or if the letters look" blurred and run together,
it is a rare indication that glasses are needed. The lenses
sold in the cheap goods are of unequal density and have
imperfectly formed surfaces. Continued use of these poorer
lenses will result in positive injury from the constant strata
upon the muscles of aocommaUatioa to supply tbs 4aiMta ia
the class."
Dr. Shipnian will test your eves frer- and
fit you with perfect lenses in kold, silver,
eteel, zynolite or rubber frames.
For SALE Lot3 4, 5 and 0, block 6,
and lots 11 and 12, block 98. A bar
gain. Apply to R. B. Windham.
dlw wit.
The Place to Buy
I w ish to specially recommend.
It is absolutely safe.
U nient plan as cheap aa for cash,
on easy monthly payments. Come
in and examine my anti-rust tin
ware wnich is warranted not toruMt
for one year. If at any time you
want anything new that we do not
nappen to have in stock we can irt
t for you on two days' notice.
421 Maln-St., Plattsmouta