f. 1 ; 1 il it ; I : t ! f J ! , 1,1.! corrwoKT ibsi WW off disease by removing the cause of it. It's with the liver or the blood, nine times out of ten. A sluggish liver makes bad blood and bad blood makes trouble. Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery makes pure blood. It invigorates the liver and kidneys, rouses every organ into healthful action, and cleanses and renews the whole system. Through the blood it cures. For Dyspcptua, Indigestion, Itiliousness, Scrofulous, Skin and Scalp Diseases even Consumption (or Lung-scrofula) in its earlier stages, it's a certain remedy. Nothing else is "just as good." Anything just as good " could be sold just as this is. It's the only blood-purifier that's guaranteed to benefit or cure, in every case, or the money is refunded. The catarrh that isn't cured costs $500. Not to you, but to the pro prietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem edy. They promise to pay you the money, if you have an incurable case. They don't believe that you have one. J K. KKYNOLDS, Kegistert'd l'liyxlcian ami l'liai niacin Special attention given to Office Practice. I' ck Bluffs R . V Neb. UEALKK IN- STAPLE AND FANCY (GROCERIES GLASS AND ' QUEEN3WARE. p Patronage of the Public Solicited. i -North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth ?M jCR. A. SALISBURY : D-K-N-T-I-S-T : COLD AND PORCELAIN CKOWX9. j Jr. Stein ways anesthetic for the pa inlet- ex traction of teeth. j Fine Gold Work a Specialty. took wood Block Hat turnout h. Neb npiiriiiijcs i(oitsk. K-t- 217, 2,9 22t AND 223 MAIN ST PLATTSMOUTH, XKH. i f. R. GUTHMAHIT. PROP- Rates $L50 per week axd up lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. ?, I. A. WATERMAN & MM L Shingles, Lath, Sash,' oors, Blinds '! Ln supply ererw demand of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera horns. TIMOTHY CLAttK. DEALER IN ?4:oal WOOD -o TERMS CASIIo rd and Office 404 South Third Street. Telephone 13. i LATTSMOUTn, NEBRASKA Pf' iUutlfiuwuth iJcrnld. t.UK.NKK Or Vl.NH A.Mi riKTII STS TKI.KriloNK :ts. K. NOTTS BROS, Publishers l iii.lilif-.I every Tlmr-.lay, aii.l laily every veiling except Siuiihi v. Kt-KiU-rclat the riuttxinout h, Nebraska M.-t pnu.-.i- M-cotifl cI.-ij.-4 m:iil mutter for tr(iii-mi.-.ioii tiirouuli the l S. mail. TKK.1S KK WKKKI.Y. One year in advance - - - jl d One year nut in ul ance - - - - 2 IK Six niotit lis in a. Iv:uue - 7; 1 nree month-in aIvance - - - Ik TKUMS OK HAII.Y. mi- year In ml value - - . - jJi lliieci'py cmi- inoiilli f,o Per week ly carrier - - 1 MONDAY, JULY 11, is'.rj. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET. For I're.-iilent I i K X J A M IX II A W K I SO X of Indiana. For Vice-President WHITE LAW KIED of Xew York. COWARDICE IN CONGRESS. All conscientious democrats who sire devoted to tlieir party from prin ciple regard the course of their par ty ii congress with a mingled feel ing cif disgust and despair. The people, under a distracting delusion, dismissed a republican house with twenty-eight majority and replaced it with one having a democratic majority of 118. Had the re)itllicans came into possession of such a ho usx; in December last and with a democratic senate and president to confront them thcy wotild have reduced the opposition. long ere this, to a pitiable state of frantic defense. The republican and democratic parties are essenti al' different in their constitutional character and respective methods of political operation. The republi can part3' was born out of political chaos and rocked by the struggling sections of lighting factions. It came as "one crying in the wilderness," vitalized by a splendid principle that trobbed at its heart, and in spired, as if by more than human wisdom, to a manificent mission, the fulfillment of which will forever shine upon the page of history as one of the marvels of human achieve ment. Coming into existence to meet an emergency, to face a nation blazing with the baleful fires of se dition, treason and revolution, it. is natural for the republican party to be courageous. The democratic party, 011 the con trary, has always been a party of temporization and compromise. It is essentially craven in character and cowardly in conduct. It for ever halts and skulks and seeks the shades of safety, and has never, in all its history, pressed straight for ward in an exulting path of ag- gressive action, it nas never nau the courage to hit an issue between the eyes, but has always dodged be hind it and contented itself with a pusillanimous ambush warfare. With two-thirds of the house of representatives, which is democratic oy a large majority, 1:1 idVoi ox fraudulent free silver, and who were elected by free silver constitu encies, its onl' care is to toy with deceit and to make a false show by fair compromises which it never in tends to fulfill. The confessed champion of free trade, it has never had the heart for anything more nerilotis than a theatrical war of M. - words. Its present presidential candidate, at whose feet it bows with degraded servility, has been said to furnish his party with an issue, if there is anything new in demoaiatic princi ples, it is preserved as a most sacred secret within their limbo of parly frauds and fallacies. Solemn ego tism and a fondness for ponderous phraseology maj- have great weight with the average democrat, but they are regarded by all intelligent and self-respecting citizens with quiet but contemptuous amusement. The American people are always ready to forgive mistakes honestly made, or rashness prompted by zeal in a cause believed in, but they have only contempt and condemnation for cowardice. New York Mail and Express. CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. The republican electors of the First congressional district of the state of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from the several counties comprising said district to meet in convention in the city of Nebraska City, Thursday, July 28, 1892, at 9 o'clock p. m., for the pur pose of placing in nomination a candidate for member of congress for said district and for the trans action of such other business as may come before the convention. THE APPORTIONMENT. The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for Hon. V. J. Connell for congress in One delegate for each 100 votes and major miction tnereot and one dclegate-at-large from each county. C'onntieH. Delegates. ConntleM. Dcleiriite l:Otoe 13 joimMoti to 1 ':1vv nee Lancaster 4"i Kichar.lson ... . Xemalia 12) - . I Total It is recommended that no prox ies be admitted to the convention and that the delegates present from each county cast the full vote of the delegation. V. II. W(H)I)WAKI), Frank M 'C a r r n k V, Chairman. Secretary. Tun Knglish pres; and the demo cratic press of the United States are trying to make political capital out of the Homestead strike. They know it is their only hope to wit this fall. The democrats have practically given up all hopes ol winning this fall and are now trying to fuse with the independents, sons to give them three or four states, thereby throw ing the election of president into the house of representatives, where Cleveland will be elected. The Doctors are Cuilty- Grave mistakes are made by phy sicians in treating heart disease The rate of sudden deaths is daily increasing. Hundreds become vie tuns or tne ignorance ot physicians in the.treatment of this tlisease. One in four persons has a diseased heart. Shortness of breath, palpitation and fluttering, irregular pulse, choking sensation, asthmatic breathing, pain or lenuerness in sale, sliotimcr or arm, weak or hungry spells, are symptoms of heart tlisease. Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is the only reliable remedy. Thousands testify to its wonderfnl cures. Hooks free. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Some Foolish People allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine The say. "Oh, it will wear away," but in most cases it wears tnem away. Could they be induced to try the successful Kemp's Halsam, which is sold on' a positive guarantee to cure, they would see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and $1. Trial size free. At all druggists. Uoyat Flute I'layer. Frederick the Great made generous presents to all musicians except flute players. lie played tbo flute remarka bly well himself, and his proficiency sometimes led to acts that caused dis appointment to his brother artists. A famous flutist once visited Potsdam and asked permission to play to the king hoping that Frederick would show his appreciation of his skill by some valua ble gift. Frederick received him graciously. and listened attentively while he played a difficult piece. " ou play very well," he said, "and I am very glad to have heard a virtuoso of such ability. I will give you a proof of my satisfaction." So saying he left the room. The mu sician waited, guessing at the probable nature of the "proof." Presently the king returned with his own llute and played the same piece which had just been executed for him. Then he bade his visitor good day, say ing: "I have had the pleasure of hearing you, and it was only fair that you should hear me." Youth's Companion. How the Continents Attract Seas. The effect of gravitation in heaping up tne sea waters upon the shores of conti nents is of the rr.03t interesting, as well as the most curious and least con sidered, facts in connection with old oceans history. Thus the continents are all situated at tops of great hills or mountains of water, and to cross the At lantic or any of her ocean the ship has to first go down the sloping sheet, cross the valley and then climb the moun tain of water on the other sidfe before it safely reaches a harbor. In this connection the interesting cal culation has been made that in mid ocean on the Atlantic the depression is about three-fourths of a mile below the level of the water at coast line, while a ship in traveling from San Francisco to Yokohama, Japan, must cross a valley at least a mile in depth. St. Louis Re public. A Storage Battery Locomotive. A storage battery locomotive has been put into operation in Wurtemberg, run ning from some paper mills at Ravens burg to the station on the steam railroad, about 2J miles away. This locomotive, which hauls pas sengers as well as freight, weighs eight tons and carries 100 cells of a gelatinous storage battery, which sup ply current to the motor. The cells weigh two tons. The line has no very heavy grades. The locomotive makes on an average four trips daily and hauls a load of twenty tons between the two points in twenty minutes. It seems to do the work. New York Telegram. W. C. T. TJ. Booming Suffrage. Mrs. Lizzie Hill Mills, president of the Orange county (Cal.) W. C. T. U., writes: "We are booming' suffrage. Our local W. C. T. U. meets every week, and has given this last month entirely to suffrage and will give the coming one to the same topic. We are taking up the United States constitution and state laws. We 6end out written invitations to those who are not members of the union, and people are getting aroused and enthusiastic." Where the Proof Was. Lawyer Of course I don't know what his defense is, madam, but we can sue him for breach of promise and see how we come out. The proof of the pudding is the eating, as they say. Aggrieved Fair One (pensive, but busi nesslike) The proof of the pudding, sir, is these here love letters. London Tit- Pits. Half Rates to New York. To accommodate Christian K11 deavorers and their friends along its line who desire to attena the national convention of the Y. P.S. C. K. at New York, July 7-10, the Hurlington route will 011 July 4 run a special Itrain from Omaha through to New York, via Chicago and Niagara Falls, leaving at 11:40 p. m., after arrival of all trains from the west. A rate of one fare for the round trip has been authorized and will be open to the general public. Tickets, good to return any time within thirty days from date of purchase, will be 011 sale at dates to be announced later. The low rates in force, the through car facilities at the disposal of travelers by the Hurlington route, and the delight ful season of the year, combine to make this an unequalled oppor tunity of visiting the east. Kemeni ber that you can purchase tickets Irom your station agent through to New York. Full information may be had upon application to the U il agent of the H. &. M., or by ad dressing J. Francis, General Pas senger Agent, Omaha. Oregon, Washington and the Nor west Pueifie Coast. The constant demand of the trav eling public to the far west for a comfortable and at the same time an economical mode of traveling has led to the establishment as what is known as Pullman Colonist sleepers. These cars are built 011 the same general plan as the regular lirst class Pullman Sleeper, the only dif ference being that they are not up holstered. They are furnished complete with good comfortable hair matresses. warm blankets, snow white linen cur tains plenty of towels, combs, brush es etc., which secure to the occu pant of a birth as much privacy as is to be had in lir&t class sleepers. There are also separate toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen, and smok ing is absolutely prohibited. For full information send for Pullman Colonist Sleeper lerdlet. K. Iv. Lo niax, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha Nebraska. Nothing New Under the Sun No! not even through cars to Den ver, Ogden, Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Portland. This is simply written to remind you that the Union Pacific is the pioneer in running through cars to the above mentioned poiLjtsand that the pres ent through car arrangement is un excelled. We also make THE time. For details address any ageiit of the company, call 011 your nearest agent or write to Fv. L. Lomax, G. P. & T. A. U. P., Omaha Neb. Mi!es Nerve and Liver Pills Act 011 o uewpriciple regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discov ery Dr. miles pills speeaiiy cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation Unequaled for men, women and children. Small est, mildest, surest. 50 doses 25 cts. samples free at F. G. Jincke& Co7s. The B. & M. will sell round trip tickets for the Council Bluffs and Omaha Chautauqua assembly, July 2 to 16, to Omaha for one fare for the round trip from Plattsmouth. Tickets on sale July 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 15, and limit for return to five days tro'm date of sale, this limit in 110 case to exceed July 17. J.Francis, General Passenger Agent. She committed Suicide. Mrs F. n. Boe, atjWatkins, left this letter: "My husband Forgive me it 1 can?e. ycv. trouoie.. out l suiter so. You do not know what these long, wakeful, wretched nights are to me," ahd I am so tired, darling the pain will never be better. It is not easy to take my own life, but I have been sick so long. Good-b e, my husband, J. love you your wile. This is but one of thousands that give up, instead of using Dr. Miles' Kestorative Nervine, and beiujr speedily cured of their wretched ness. Go to F. G. Fricke and get an elegant book and trial bottle free. 6 HalfRates.to Saratoga. On the occasion of the National Educational Ass'n's annual con, vention at Saratoga, July 12-15, the Burlington rotate, from July 3 to Ju ly 9, inclusive, will sell round trip tickets from all stations in Nebras ka to Saratoga at one lowest first class fare, plus two dollars (mem bership fee N. FS. A.) Tickets are good for return passage from July 15 to 21; an extension of time limit can, however, be obtained by depos iting tickets at the office of the joint agent of terminal lines; 309 Broad way, Saratoga. The Burlington route will run special Pullman sleeping cars and reclining chair cars from Lincoln and Omaha through' to Saratoga, leaving Lim coin at 2:40 p. 111. and Omaha at 4:45 p. m., July 9. "A folder, giving all par ticulars, may be had upon applying to J. Francis, general passenger and ticket agent, Omaha, to whom, or to local agent B. & M. R. R., requests for reservation of births should be addressed. A carpenter by the name of M. S. Powers, fell from the roof of a house in East DesMoines, Iowa and sus tained a painful and serious sprain of the wrist which he cured with one bottle of Chamberlains pain balm. He says it is worth $5 to a bottle. It cost him 50 cents. For sale by by F. G. Fricke & Co. The following item, clipped from the Ft. Madison (Iowa) Democrat, contains information well worth remembering: "Mr. John Roth of this city, who met with an accident a few daj-s ago, spraining and bruising his leg and arm quite severely, was cured by one 50-cent bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm." This remedy is without an equal I ior sprains anu onuses ctnj euuuiu For sale by F. G. Fricke .V Co. They wash their clothes M ctys il "wM SOAS? That's where MADE ONLY BY N.KfAIRBANrv8cC0. CHICA W A Boeck & Co WE INVITO YOLT TO CALL AND SKB Ol' LOW PRICKS IN MKXS, BOYS, LAD IIS S MISSK AND CIIILDKKNS SIIOKS THAT ARK GOING AT BARGAINS. W.Z. J30J2CJZ cf- CO Qqs tirii'icls, JJealer in All kinds of fresh, salt and smoked meats. I mke the best of all kinds of sau saesand keep a good supply constantly 011 nana. MARKET - ON r SIXTH -STRKTsT 9 Between Maiii and Pearl Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska. cnoiera infantum has lost its terrors since the introduction of Chamberlains colic, cholera and di- arrluea remedy. When that remedy is used and the treatment as direc- icu wim cacn uoiue is followed, a cure is certain. Mr. A. W. Walters, a prominent merchant at Aralters- burg, 111., says: It cured my baby boy of cholera infantum after sev eral other remedies had failed, the child was so low that he seemed al most beyond the aid of human hands or reach of any medicine." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. NEVER STRIKES INDIANS. Ill the course of his New Haven (Conn.) lecture Rev. Thomas Dana, an educated Indian, made this sin gular statement: "The Indians never cook anything in the house. They always cook outside, giving as their only reason that if they cook inside the steam will collect in their clothing and draw the light ning. Whether this is true or not I do not know, but I know this no Indian wigwam has been struck by lightning since the dawn of history, and no Indian has been killed with lightning for more than 1 00 years. Hartford Courant. The Homdliest Man in P;au,mouth As well as the handsomest, ami oth ers are invited to call on any drug gist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's balsam for the throat ami lunirs, a remedy that!is seliim- en- a,lteed to relieveand cure all chron- inci upon 11s merits and 1J fni-if ic atl(1 acute coughs. r. 1.., chitis and consumption. Large bot lies ouc anu i.uu. WITH treir style. rn For Atchinson, St. Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas City, St. Louis, and all points u'th, east south or west. Tick ets sold and bag gage checked to any point in the United St a tes or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATF.S AND ROUTES Call at Depot or address II, C. Townsend, G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. J. C. PiULLlPPI, A. G. P. A. Omaha. II. D. Apgak. Agt., Plattsmouth. Telephone, 77. (I5 I'UALTHrUL, AaRCEACLE. CLEANSING. fer Farmers, Miners and Mechanics. A PEHFECT SOAP FOS ALKALI WATER. Cur'.s Chafing, Cliapp-d Kanda, Wounds, J3u.-a., Etc. A Dchji'iiful Snampoo. iII!TE RUSSIA!! SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water MMom 7