The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 05, 1892, Image 3

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Blackweli's Bull Durham
Smoking Tobacco,
composed only of "pure leaf," grown in the famous
Golden Belt, its uniform quality, and rich fragrant aroma
recommend it to all who desire a really good smoke.
No other smoking tobacco has ever been made which has
secured and held the popular favor as has Blackweli's
Bull Durham. It is now, as it has been at all times dur
ing the last 25 years, the best in the world. Made only by
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective
!o other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it.
EIY BROTHERS. 63 V.'arran
Labeled 1-2 lb Tins Only.
SCHIFFM AfcN'S Asthma Cure
Hsu fails to (rira inRtant relief ia tb worst
mmm, maa ctferu eairra whrro others lull.
Trial raa FKKK f Drassbta er ky Mall.
DR. R. SOHIFrMANN, SL Paal, Bin a.
Scientific American
Agency forf
Pfer Information and free Handbook write to
Mt'NN CO- xi Bhoadvit. New York.
OUwt bltau for securing patents in America.
Krary patent taken out by ns Is broue-tat before
tn pablis by a notice given free of charge la ttio
Jtfeutifir; mmrnu
T m etrealation of any scientific paper In the
wurld. Splendidly illustrated. No Intellicoot
aaao s herald, be wttbout tu weeKiy, if.vir
year: 1-S0 six wiontbs. Address MU
Address MtJN.N A CO
if... aa Broadway. New York.
. -rl
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin
A certain core for Chronic Scro Eyes
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, 01
Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples
and Files. It is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of caaes have been cured by
It after all other treatment had failed.
It Is put up in 25 and 50 cent boxes.
wal m as ink
Tky auks ksrele atTarta to rrss uimiiim,
baa asa sawis new me ncnunur
sssy a m Saafialr MC STUB IBia so aarir
sw - IimMI
SI lSlasasl ft as was
r Orcaasef Maa. aaa now ay
wy taeas uclnsivsly
ewa. wor
lest er failiac Msahod.
eesrU asa
and aftad. Meets sf Krroi.
'Zt2r& irJiSuVpi' Vein r-tor..u4.
to BalaVaa aa4 treatt-WU.UslM:OF"
aT V 1- - Bk VIX 4y- saT
BUa laaltf a-M SS Saalaa. TarrarVS wl r , " Vl ."JV
Vaa aaa wrW tasav Far Baaft.nn " ' 53 w
A Nice
Quiet Gamo
is nevir
without a
liberal supply of
SK. Kpw Tort
by teck'm InrWblr Tabular Ear Cak-
I"... WhiMwrs heard. Comfortable
:!.- . anlulwuerral irrnwdlmfai). Sold by V. lllmx,only, CO PC
S3 Urua4aj, Sew lark. WriM for buvk u( proofs IllatC
w VT, !ini-, a Inxunant growth.
vcjuever fans to restore Gray
,"iV-'-!j Hair to Touthful. Color.
fijVa Cures w-alp disrasea Ac hair faUiue.
j? .W.nnH Jl iiost Druireirt,
-s,.s"- a,.
- x "rkor's (ringer 'X'onio. ic currs thu vuitt Cotiizh.
.. T 1 1.. : " : , . . . T .i ... . i : i : . : . l ' .
c ii p i. i f C O R tt S .. The onlr mrp enre for Coms.
How Lost ! How Regal nodi
Or SELF-PRESEKVAHON. A new and only
nd WEAKNESSES of MAN. 300 pages, cloth.
gut; 125 invalnable prescriptions. Only $1.00
y mail, double sealed. Descriptive Prospect
us wua eaaorbemeaiB
FSFREE! now"
of the Fres and
testimonials of the
Consultation in person or by mail. Expert treat
TAIN OI'KK. Addrewi lr. W. H. Pnrker. or
The Peabody Medical Institute, No. 4 Bulliuch St..
Boston, Msas.
The I'eabody Medical Institute bos many imi
tators, but no equal. Herald.
The Science of Life, or Self Preservation, is a
treasure more valuable than ;old. Read it now,
every WEAK and XER VOL'S man, and learn to
be STRONG . Medical Review. tCopirlghtedJ
I Morning
Good all the time. It removes
the languor of morning, sus
tains the energies of noon, lulls ,
the weariness of night.
u JUiiL Beer'
delicious, sparkling, appetizing.
Don't be deceived if a dealer, for the sake
cl larger prom, tells you some other kind
is justas t:ood "'tis tals? No imitation
ts as good as ine genuine Hikes .
AGENTS to tcll ourcho'ce v irsery
Ptock flatty Ftic rt'Cinlties to offer
writeu ick uinl fe cure clioicc of territory
MAR BROS. Nl Kochewterk. Y
I ft 3 CD is
Price so yvr soti
Julius Cifsar Wm the First to Import
Tliem for the Aniimriueiit auid Enter
tniianitiiit uf the Itoiuaii I'opulace.
EnelMiuI Saw Several in 1830.
Tho first irafTf mn-n in Enroi) since
the tertiary epoch was obtained from
Alexandria by Julius Ca'sar and ex
hibited at tho Circensiun games to crowds
who exjiected from its name, "camelo
pard," to find in it a combination the
fsizo of a camel and tho ferocity of a
panther. Pliny, who descriled it, echoed
the public disapTMiiitmeiit. it was as
quiet," he wrote, 'as a sheep."
Tho trade probably reached its maxi
mum after it became the fashion to ex
hibit combats of wild leasts at Rome,
yet even then giraffes seem to have been
scarce in the popular shows, though
Pompey could exhibit 500 lions at a
time, and the Enieror Titus, at the ded
ication of his new theater, caused the
slaughter of 5,000 wild beasts. Eithei
tho numler of wild animals in the prov
inces must have been beyond anything
siuce Known, or tue Komau governors
must have used their desjiotic powers
freely to oblige their mends.
Desjiots are tho best collectors, and
from the fall of the Roman empire till
the arrival of those placed in the zoolog
ical gardens in 18:50 the rare appear
ances of the giraffe in Euroie were in
each case due to the munificence ot
eastern snltans and pashas. The princt
of Damascus gave one to the Einperoi
rrederick II m 1215, and the soldan ol
Egypt presented another to Lorenzo the
Magnificent, which became the pet oi
t lorence, and used tole allowed to walk
in the streets and take the presents of
fruit and cakes extended to it from the
balconies. From this time the giraffe
was not seen m Europe until in 1S27 the
pasha of Egypt sent four to Constanti
nople, Venice. England and France re
ine giraue sent to England was in
bad health and soon died; but the Pari
sians went wild over the pasha's present,
It had spent the winter at Marseilles,
and throve there on the milk of the cows
which the pasha had sent over for its.
use from Egypt. The prefect of Mar
seilles had the arms of France embroid
ered on its body cloth, and it entered
Paris escorted by a Darfour negro, Has
san, an Arab; a Marseilles groom, a
mulatto interpreter, the prefect of Mar
seilles himself and a professor from thb
"Jardin des Plantes," while troops kept
back the crowd. Thousands came every
day to see it, and men and women wore
gloves, gowns and waistcoats of tht
color of its spots.
But the successful expenditure by
which, in 1836, M. Thibaut procured a
stock of giraffes for the Zoological so
ciety owed nothing to the patronage of
the pasha of Egypt beyond permission
to enter the Soudan. The caravan left
the Nile near Dougola, and thence
passed on to the desert of Kordofan.
lnere JM. xmoaut; engagea tne services
of the Arab sword hunters, whose skill
and courage were of such service to Sir
Samuel Baker in his expedition thirty
years later to the sources of the Nile
tributaries, -ind in two days they sighted
the giraffes.
A female with a fawn was first pur
sued by the Arabs, who killed the ani
mal with their swords, and next day
tracked and caught the fawn in the
thorny mimosa scrub. For four days
the young giraffe was secured by a cord,
the end of which was held by one of the
Arabs; at the end of that time it was
perfectly tame, and trotted after the
caravan witn tne temaie camels which
had been brought to supply it with milk.
The Arabs were excellent nurses, and
taught the young creature to drink milk
by putting their fingers into its mouth
and so inducing it to suck.
Four others which M. Thibaut caught
died in the cold weather in the desert.
But he replaced three of these and
brought four, including the first taken,
down the Nile to Alexandria, and then
by ship to Malta. "Providence alone,'
he wrote, "enabled me to surmount these
difficulties." From Malta they, were
brought to London and safely lodged in
the Zoological gardens in the summer
of 1836. The largest was then about
eleven feet high, the height of an adult
male being twelve feet at the shoulders
and eighteen feet at the head. For
many years, as we have said, the giraffes
throve and multiplied. They readily
took to European food, and ate hay and
fresh grass from the tall racks with
which their stables were fitted.
Onions and sugar were their favorite
delicacies, and in search of sugar they
would follow their keepers and slip their
long prehensile tongues into his hands
or pockets, isut they always retained
a liking for eating flowers, a reminis
cence perhaps or the days when their
parents feasted on mimosa blossoms in
the desert; some time ago one was seen
to stretch its neck over the railings and
to delicately nip off an artificial rose in
a young lady's hat. They were most af
fectionate creatures, and, as M. Thibaut
noticed when in charge of them in up
per Egypt, would shed tears if they
missed their companions or their usual
But the development of the lachrymal
ducts, which enable the giraffe to ex
press its emotions in this very human
fashion, is less obvious than the won
derful size and beauty of the ej'es them
selves, which are far larger than those
of any other quadruped. While the
mahdi's power remains unbroken at
Khartoum, there is little probability
that the Soudan traders will be able to
supply any giraffes to occupy the empty
house in Regent's park. London Siec-
Streets fur th
In Hartford there
e Florist.
is a succession of
streets named as follows: Edward.
Smith, Grand, Flower, Garden. Edward
Smith ought certainly to have a grand
flower garden to occupy so many streets.
ileehan's Monthly. -
, ' A ConrrMntnaii'i tlreat Rpeteeh.
The other day I was listening to a con
gressman relating to a small circle hia
experience at a recent convention. I
will make a aecret of his name, asI pro
pose to live long and uninterruptedly in
the land which the Lord elected, and in
no wise crave to be cut off in the blush
ing morning of my dajH. The fact ia,
this statesman is a very broad, athletic
one, of a shifty and uncertain temper.
"Yez should have heard ine speech,
he said. "It was a lulu. And 1 iaid
me resects to Congresh, too, me txy.
I toold 'em the way matters had been
mishmanaged we wouldn't have the
money to meet the expinses of the pris
int physical year. Thin I bore down on
the hypnotizin prachticed in this house."
"The hypnotism?" queried a listener.
"Yis, the hypnotizin. The appint
mint of all thim sons and ree-latives of
congreshmin to loocrative stipinds.
Here's the b'ys of three congreshmin on
the page's roll uaw, be hivins, earnin
their seventy-five dollars a month the
year 'round and them b'ys, mind yez,
only nine and tin years old, and the legs
of thim no bigger than sphindles. I
should say it was hypnotizin.
"And thin," continued the congress
man, "whin our man wint through all
right I jumped up and moved to make
his nomenation ceremonious, and thin
the foon began."
'Unanimous, you mean," corrected an
"Well, phwativer it is, I done it, but
they voted it down. All the same he's
nomenated, which is what we were
after." Washington Cor. Kansas City
Rainmakliig Itombs.
A company engaged in the manufac
ture of explosives in this city has for
sale now small bombs about the size of
frankfurter sausages, with which it is
said the farmer can bring down small
showers of rain whenever he sees clouds
over his land.
The constituents of one bomb are di
vided into two parts, liquid and solid,
which are both separately nonexplosive.
These can be kept separate until the
time comes to use them, when they are
The solid part is about an inch in di
ameter and eight inches in length, and
is wrapped in cotton. These bombs are
placed in grooved tin boxes, each hold
ing ten. A small tin measure, contain
ing the liquid part, accompanies each
box. It is graduated to show the quan
tity needed to saturate the bomb to the
exploding point.
Five or fifty bombs may be used, ac
cording to the amount of rain needed
or the detonation required. How the
farmer is to know how much detonation
is needed is a dubious matter. The
bombs are tied in a bundle, a time fuse
is attached and the whole lot discharged
from a mortar and at the passing cloud,
in nuiy countries clouds or ten pass
over the valleys and discharge their
contents on the barren mountain sides.
In such regions, it is said, the bombs
will be particularly useful. New York
A City Marshal Abroad.
une or tne city marshals who took a
vacation recently and went to France
found what a big man a marshal over
there is and how much a marshal's
badge amounts to. He started to go to
several places of public interest in Paris
at an hour when they were not open to
the public. At the entrance he was
stopped and told that the places were
closed. He said that he was an Ameri
can and had only a short time to stay in
Paris, and that if he could not get in
then it would be too late. That made
no difference until he happened to -put
his hand in his trousers pocket for some
change with which to try to bribe the
attendant." His coat was unbuttoned,
and his arm pulling back the lapel
showed his big city marshal's badge in
blue, gold and gilt, with the word "Mar
shal" on it big enough to be read ten
feet away. As soon as the Frenchman
saw the word marshal he became obse
quious. The American marshal, as the
city marshal became known, was shown
around with a great deal of considera
tion, and the Frenchman declined to ac
cept a fee. New York Sun.
She Appealed to Hit Patriotism.
A friend of mine has a "polly" that is
very talkative. Sunday he put the bird
on the parlor window sill. Polly pretty
on caught sight of a policeman who
was just passing by, who was also a
member of the A. O. H., and shouted at
him, "What a hat!" The policeman
turned around, and seeing no one near,
turned to go away. No sooner had he
turned his back than Polly again shout
ed at him. This time Polly was caught.
The policeman drew his club, and shak
ing it at Polly, said: "It's yon is it? It's
a good thing you're a polly, for if it
wasn't for your color I'd shoot ye."
New York Recorder.
A Long Span of Wire.
It is claimed that the longest span of
telephone wire is across the Ohio river,
between Portsmouth, O., and South
Portsmouth, Ky. The wires at this point
span the river from a pole on the Ohio
side, measuring 102 feet above ground,
to the Kentucky hills on the opposite
side, the distance being 3,773 feet be
tween poles. The wire is made of steel,
and its size is No. 12 gauge. Philadel
phia Ledger.
Carlyle Would Talk.
Professor Blackie has said of Carlyle:
'I admired his genius. But how he
would talk talk talk, and give nobody
a chance to put in a word! One night 1
actually shook him. His wife had been
trying all the evening to say something.
But there was not the smallest chance.
1 took hold of him, and shook him, say
ing, 'Let your wife speak, you monster f
But it was of no use."
Tbe All-important Organ.
A man feels pretty badly scared when
his heart is in his throat, but he feels a
great deal more scared when his stomach,
is there. That is one of the signs of
dyspepsia. Atchison Globe.
Ii(gluK lireena.
It is titae) to pick greens, or, rathr,
dig greens. Traveling the rural mud
in Connecticut just now, especially in
the neigborhood of citioft, one sees chil
dren and women on the green lots by
the roadside digging in the ground just
as fast as they can. Each one carries a
willow arm basket or tin pitil, and .
short bladed cane knife. The little
squads chatter and laugh and talk
gossip, and now and then one trills the
refrain of a popular song. They are
not skylarking or merrymaking; they
are digging greens red ami yellow
dock, dandelions, burdock and plantain
for home consumption.
Everybody want greens now, and
trade in them is very lively. In a few
weeks the garden greens cultivated
dandelions or spinach will be ready to
market, and then the popular demand
for wild greens will cease. Most of tho
will greens gathered by Connecticut
women and children are dandelions and
dock, but some of tho bolder ones, nim
ble footed maidens, put on rubber )ooti
and slouch hats, ienetrate into tho tan
gled swamps, leaping from one quaking
tussock to another, and harvest a bushel
of wet and shining cowslips a day.
About decayed old stnmiw in forest
dales skoke thrives, and they pluck it in
At the beginning of tho season dan
delion greens are worth forty or fifty
cents a peck in the market, and the re
tail dealers sell them for fifty or sixty
cents; later the price runs down to
twenty-five cents a peck. Cor. New
York Sun.
Halibut In I'lenty.
The fishing schooner Surprise, Captain
James Bell commanding, which sailed
from Astoria in November for tho pur
pose of prospecting the coast of Alaska
and the Alexander archij.ielago in bojes
of finding banks where halibut could be
taken during the winter, returned to
Astoria Saturday. She cruised around
till April, visiting every point where
there was a prospect of finding halibut
and setting trawls in many places with
out success until on the 8th of April, af
ter rounding Caje Chacon, on Prince
Edward island, the most southwesterly
point of Alaska, the first run of halibut
was encountered.
The fish were so plentiful and easily
caught that Captain Bell, foreseeing his
supply of ice was to run short, hove
away to the northeast and headed up
Frederick's sound for the Lacont glacier,
which was reached after a two days'
run, and on tho 12th, with tho hold full
of ice, sail was made, and the 14th found
the Surprise again off Capo Chacon,
standing off and on, with set lines and
trawls out, and tho sea fairly alive with
halibut. Some idea can be formed as to
how plentiful the fish were from the
fact that in two days Captain Bell, his
two sons and an Indian caught, cleaned
and packed in the ice ten and a half tons
of halibut. Portland Oregonian.
Statue of Columbus for Santo Domingo.
The Ames Manufacturing company
has received the contract for a large
bronze statue of Christopher Columbus
to be erected at ancient Isabella, on the
island of Santo Domingo, where Colum
bus made his first settlement. The idea
was conceived by Thomas H. Cummins,
of Boston, and has been carried through
a Catholic newspaper in that city. The
statue was made from designs of R.
Andrew of the State Normal Art school,
normal Art school,
and the model was
uuyens, oi unent. ine statue repre
sents Columbus standing with the left
hand extended upward in thanksgiving
while the right points to the first settle
ment in the New World on a sphere
The figure is 8 feet and 2 inches high
and will be mounted on a pyramid of
coral and limestone 12 feet high, which
will be crowned with a capstone of
dressed granite. The people in charge
of the monument have been given the
land necessary for the foundation of the
monument, and the republic of Santo Do
mingo has agreed fo allow the importa
tion of the statue and the foundation
free of duty and to care for the memorial
as public property. Cor. Springfield
A Relic Found In a River.
While Edgar Bates, a geologist, of
Angola, was prospecting in Jackson
county, Mich., he discovered in a stream
a peculiarly marked stone, rudely cut
by a blunt instrument. With the aid of
a microscope he was able to decipher an
inscription running to this effect: "Sam
uel Bernet: I was taken by the Indians
near Sandusky, and I expect never to
reach that place. If my friends I
am to be burned. April 16, 1809." The
stone on which this was engraved was a
peculiar kind of slate, of which none
exists in Michigan, and Mr. Bates is
confident that the relic is genuine and
of high value. Philadelphia Ledger.
A Reform in Words.
An important reform movement is be
gun by the Rochester (N. Y.) Post-Express.
In the matter of the typewriter,
so inconveniently double in its meaning,
our contemporary suggests remedies
for both doubt and inconvenience:
For "typewriting" say "typing."
For "typewriter" (the machine)
For "typewriter' (the operator)
For "typewritten" say "typed."
For "to typewrite" say "to type."
The United States senate has requested
the secretary of agriculture to obtain
information concerning the use of elec
tricity as a motive power to drive farm
machinery and implements, and also on
the propagation and growth of plants ir
foreign countries.
No wonder the young man's fancy
now lightly turns to thoughts of love.
The girl who a month ago could eat half
a dollar's worth of oysters, is now satis
fied with- a ten cent plate of ice cream
' Cattle in Scotland are to be killed by
electricity, if it can be determined that
their meat vill suffer no taint therefrom.
Every Month
raany womca suffer from Ksceaalva or
8cant Menstruation; they don't know
who to conflda in to get proper advica.
Don't confide in anybody but try
Fomalo Regulator
a Specific for PAINFUL. PROFUSE.
Book to "WOMAN" mailed free.
Solil bjr all I'mag-lals.
attorney at-Law. will irlv prompt attention
-o all Minnie flitriirffd to lilui. Oftlce Hi
Union block. Kant HnJ. TUtf hiiioiiUi, Nub.
The Lending
Constantly keeps on hand cvcrytliin
you need to furnish your Iiouhc.
fald up capital
. tv,win.oo
rstiievTy bent facilities for the promp
transaction of llyltlmate
Ifc liking Business
Mtoc-k. bonds, K"M. ioveriirnnnt nnd local se-;UrIllt-
bought and sold. in-poHltn re-t)lv-l
tud interest allowed on tlin certificate
Drafts drawn, available In any part of tin?
United tSlatea and all tlie principal towns ol
TKI. Blghesi n.arkrt price paid for County War
rants, State ana County bonds.
John Fitzgerald I). Ilawkfwortb
8am WauKb, K. K. Whu
;eorj?e K. Dovey
lohn KltzRerald. h. WaiiKh.
.Preeident Cartle
J. W. Johnson,
-ooOT K EOoo-
. . K
Citizens - 13qiUv
Capital Paid in
F K Outhman. J W .Johnson. R 8 Oreusel.
Heury Kikenbary. M W Morgan, J
A Connor. W Wettenkamp, W
II Cu.sliiiiK
general banxingf biiHiiu-HH tranH
acted. Interest allowed on tie '
Call on
Plattsmouth - . Nebraska
Catholic St. Paul's Church, ak. betweei'
Fifth and Sixth. Father Cainey, Pantor'th
Services: Mass at 8 and H :30 a. m. Sundajer
School at 2 :30, with benediction. -, H
CHHsTiAjf. Corner Locust and Eighth StfT
Services morning and evening, fclder A", i
oalioway pastor. Sunday School 10 a. m. ScI
Episcopal. St. Luke's Churcb, corner Third
and Vine. ltev. II K. Hu.peec. paetor. Ser-tt.
vices : 11 a. m. ai.d 7 :30P. M. Sunday Schoo l A
at i :ao v. m. -.ji
German Methodist. Corner Sixth St. anc'elj.
Granite. Kev,
Hiit. Factor. Services : 11 a.
Sunday School 10 :30 A. m .
and 7 :30 p. m
a e
Pbf.bbytfriaN'. Services in new church. cor; lell
tier Sixth and Granite stu. Jtev. J . T. haird . .,
pastor. Sunday-school at 9 ; 30 ; Preachinj.
at 11 a. 8 p. m. i
liie x. IV. o. i.. oi vdi riiurcii inreii" ever s
li.l V . V. 1 - . : a 1 , - . . If .1
the chucrh.
All are invited to attend
liicra,, g(.
Methodist. Sixth St.. bet wen Mali
Pearl. Kev. L. F. Brltt. I). I). iator,.ln
Service" : 11 A. M.. 8 :W P. m. Sunday Schoo ,
9 :30 A. M. Prayer meetir.g Wednesday even.
f.vuu i V PuruiiVTVUi.v fVtrrfer Matin Kill A
lv. Wltte, pastor. Service u"Ut
Sunday School y ;30 A. M. .
Swf.edish Coxokkoationau ranite, be
tween Fifth and Sixth.
Coloked Baptiht. Mt. Olive. Oak. betweei "
Tenth and Eleventh, Kev. A. Hoswell, pa ATii
tor. Services u a. m. and 7 -.30 p. in. 1 rave et.
meeting Wednesday evening. dav
. jek
Youko Men's Christian Association-"
Koomsin Waterman block, Main street. Gos
Del meeting, for men onlv. everv Suudav af' J
temoon at 4 o'clock. Koorn open week day Bd
from 8-30 a. in.. 13 9 : 30 p. in. I P
South Pabk Tabernacle. Key. J. M.
Wood, Pastor. Services: Sunday Schoo
10 a. m. : Preaching, lis. m. and 8 p. i. '
oraver meeting Tuesday night: choir pra
tice Friday night. AU are welcome.
.-V, -'.