The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 02, 1892, Image 1

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    mouth Daily Herald.
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking1 powder
Highest of all in leavening strength
Latest U. S. Government food report.
NO. a S : 17 P. M,
no. 4. io -M a. k.
Ho. ...7 ;44 p. m
No. io 9 : 45 a. m.
Mo. 6 12:a.m
No. a.
No. 5, ...... .
NO. T,
.8:45 a. m.
.3 :4H p. Hi
.9 mo a. m..
o :17 p fli.
INo. 9 4:) p.m.
No, 91 7 :15 a. m.
Ruabnell's extra leaves for Omaha about two
'clock for Oiualiaaud will accommodate passengers.
No. 384 Accomodation Leaves 10:55 a
No. 383 arrives...
Trains dally except Punday.
4 ;00 p. m.
Miss Willard went to Cincinnati
June 20, for attendance upon the
prohibition convention which met
in that city June 29 and 30. She
presided over a mass temperance
meeting Sunday afternoon in Cen
tral Music hall, which holds ten
thousand people. This convention
had 1,191 accredited delegates, the
largest number of any national
political convention held in the
United States this 3rear.
- The last -vestige of the state debt
of Iowa has recently been liqui
dated. Iowa, it will be remem
bered, is a prohibition state.
Out of 2,700 Congregational min
isters in Kngland and Wales, at
least 1,000 are abstainers; of 361
students, 320 are abstainers.
The national convention of the
prohibition party met at Cincinnati
last wjek, Represei ta'ion in
this convention is based on the vote
polled by the party in the different
states instead of on the number of
congressmen and senators apian
which it is proposed shall be adopt
ed hereafter by republican conven
tions. The number of delegates in
the. prohibition convention, if all
attend, will be 1,091, and it is expect
ed everybody who has a right
to a seat will be present.
This will be the sixth convention
national, state, district and county
and would make any amount of
helpful sentiment. If this sugges
tion strikes our members favorably
they will, of course, feel perfectly
tree to act upon it.
Fly, poppied drowse, away!
Across the marshes sweep.
Chasing the. fallen moon, the shadows
Make mo not laggard. Sleep!
Against the morning move.
Fronting the reddening miles;
Tench the white eyelids of the (irl I love.
And fill her dreams with smiles.
John Hay in Cosmopolitan.
How the Wends pance.
The serska reja is a pantomimic dano.
Each couple has its own turn of leading.
The cavalier places hia partner In front
of him, facing her, and while the band
keeps playing and the company singing
one of those peculiarly stirring Wendish
dance tunes he sets about adjuring her
to grant him his desire and dance with
him. She stands stock still, her arms
hanging down flop by her side. The
cavalier capers about, shouts, strikes
his hands against his thighs, kneels,
touches his heart with the more dra
matic force the better. At length the
lady gives way, and in token of consent
raises her hand.
Briskly do the two 6pin around now
for the space of eight bars, after which
for eight more they perform sometliing
like a cross between a chassez croisez
and a jig, and so on for a little while,
after which the whole company joins in
the same performance. As a finish th&
cavalier "stands" the band and his part
ner some liquor, and a merry round
dance concludes his turn of leading to
the accompaniment of a tune and song.
roncka, selected by himself. Westmin-
of the prohibition party to nominate 8ter "view,
-i ASS CAMP No. 332 M. W. A.
utennd and
meets every
Fourth Monday evnlnKf in
Fitzgerald hall. Visiting neighbors welcome.
P.C. Hansen, V. C. : P. Wertenberger, W. A.,
8. C. Wilde, Clerk.
Mnni nf
Sons of Veterans, division of Nebraska, U
8. A. meet every Tuesday night at 7 -.30 o'clock
In their hall in Fitlgerald block. All sons and
visiting comrades are cordially invited to meet
with us J. J . Kurtz, Commander ; B. A. Mc
Xlwaln, 1st Seargeut.
ORDKB OP TOE WOULD, Meet at 7 : 30
wr Mnn Hnini At th I :r:iml A mi v
. F. Groom, presidt
, Groom, president. Thus Walling,
AO V w No 8 Meet first atul third Fri
day evening of each mouth lit 1 O O K
hall. Frank Vermylea M W;JE Barwick,
d. A. R.McConlhle Post No.
45 meets every
Saturday evonine at 7 : 30 in their Hall in
Bockwood block. All visiting comrades are
eordlallv invited to meet with us. Fred Kates,
Poet Adjniant ; G. F. Niles, Post Commadder.
No-47. Meets every ednesday eve
ning at their hall over Bennet Se Tutt's, all
visiting knights are cordially invited to
attend. M K Griffith, C C: Otis Dovey K of
AO U W No 84 Meet second and fourth
Friday evenings in the mouth at I O
O F Hall. M Vondran, M V, E P Brown,
of each mouth in
E. Williams, N .
rvEGREB OF HONOR Meets the
t-e Lodge No. 40 meets the second and
fourth Thursday evenings of
tbe C O. O. F. halL Mm. T. I
O. ; Mrs. John Cory. Secretary.
I third Thrursday evenings of each
month in I. J. U. r. hall, JMtzgeraia ihiick.
Mrs. Addle Smith, Worthy Sister of Honor
Mrs. Nannie Burkel, sister secretary.
OA88 LODGE. No. 146.1. 0. 0. F. meets ev
ery Tuesday night at their ball In Fitzgerald
block. All Odd Fellows are cordially invited
to attend when visiting in the city. Chris Pet
ersen. N. G. ; 8. F. Osborn, Secretary.
ARCANAM Cass Council No 1021,
Meet at tbe K. of P. ball in the Parmele &
Craig bloek over Bennett & Tutts, visiring
brethren Invited. Henry Gering, Regent;
Thos Walling, Secretary.
Waterman block. Main Street. Booms
open from 8 -.30 a m to 9 -.30 i m. For men only
Gospel meeting every Sunday afternoon at 4
Fox millinery and pattern hats or
anything in the line of ribbons,
flowers of the latest styles and de
signs, call on the Tucker Sisters in
the Sherwood block. tf.
FOR SALE Two desirable resi
dence lots in Orchard Hill addition
to Plattsmouth, within a block of
the Missouri Pacific depot. For,
particulars call on or address The '
HERALD office.
CO., OF N, Y.
T. H. Pollock, Agent,
8 he Committed Suicide.
Mrs F. I. Boe, atjWatkins, left this
letter: "My husband Forgive me
if I cause you trouble, but I suffer
so. You do not know what these
long, wakeful, wretched nights are
to me. ahd I am so tired, darling
the pain will never be better. It is
not easy to take my own life, but I
have been sick so long. Good-bje,
my husband, I love you your wife."
This is but one of thousands that
give up, instead of using Dr. Miles'
Restorative Nervine, and being
speedily cured of their wretched
ness. Go to F. G. Fricke and get an
elegant book and trial bottle free. 6
candidates. In the
five presidential elections the vote
of the party was as follows:
1872 5,207
1870 9,737
1880 9,078
1884 150,620
1888 249,945
This shows a considerable growth
in the prohibition vote during the
past twelve years, though not so
great as the party expected.
The two chief prizes of North
western university, Evanstou
(which had in all departments over
two thousand, three hundred stu
dents this year), are the Kirk prize
for oratory, and the Bragdon prize
for general scholarship. Both
were taken by young women
Misses Nettie J. Hunt and Cora
Monuier Rawlins. Mrs. Potter Pal
mer and our World's and National
W. C. T. U. president were elected
trustees of the Northwestern univer
sity, June Id. Lyman Gage, the
famous financier, was also chosen
to the post of trustee.
Half a million persons, it is said
are, m one way or another, employed
on the Sabbath in connection with
the drink traffic, and 200,000 of these
are young people.
"The saloon is not an American
institution; ninety per cent of the
saloon keepers are foreigners;
there is a growing prejudice in em
ploying, sober men even to attend
bars. It is absurd that a man can-
A -1 -a
not uraw up a legal contract on
Sunday, while the saloon keeper is
permitted to open and pursue his
business. The saloon is born . of
the devil, and is a menace to soci
ety. The alleged right to sell liquor
and create drunkards-who commit
crimes is preposterous. Thesaloon
is called the poorman's parlor, but
the fact is. that except for the
demoralizing influence of the
ouiuuu liic puur man migm nave a
parlor of his own." .. We are' sorry
to say ,that the majority of the
speakers seemed, in spite of all the
points they made against it, to
favor a continental rather than an
American Sabbath. One of the
worst results of foreign travel is
the un-Americanizing of our peo
ple. 7
The Free clmrrh rf i .. ,i i
... , , "co Seaweed Made Useful.
032 ministers, all of whom are ab- Th lmiw cf, t
stainers, and a total membership of weed indigenous to the neighborhood of
the Cape of Good Hope was formerly
used by the natives as a trumpet when
- A Real Nice Girt.
"Why, my darling," exclaimed Mrs.
Worldly to her eighteen-year-old rose
bud Maud, "why in the name of good
ness can you want to marry that impe
cunious young fellow Harry Juventus,
when there is that charming Sir Croesus
Senectus, a man of dignified maturity
and countless wealth, who is dying to
make you Mrs. Senectus. and who
would place my jewel in a magnificent
. "How can you talk so. mamma?" re
plied Maud, looking down and blushing
a. iew lines or solid nonrareil. "It is
true that Sir Croesus is rich and Harry
is not; but then Harry is young and Sir
Croesus-is 'old. Now, Harry is young
and he can acquire wealth; while Sir
Croesus is rich, but he cannot acquire
youth. Do you catch on, mamma, as
the boys Bay?" Minneapolis Journal.
Compress Heater and Sterilizer.
A useful appliance has been intro
duced in hospitals in the shape of a com
press heater and sterilizer. There is no
moistening or wringing of hot cloths
necessary. It does away with the use of
oiled silk or cotton, as it cannot wet bed
clothes and will retain heat longer than
the ordinary compress, and the com
presses may be applied to different pa
tients without washing, as they may be
easily sterilized and freed entirely from
germs. New York Telegram.
Street Railway Figures.
The extent of the street railroad in
terest in the United States may be esti
mated from a report which states that
there are 5,783 miles of such roads in
operation, having 32,505 cars and em
ploying 70,764 men. The total number
of passengers carried in one year was
2,023,010,203, being 349,820 per mile of
road work and 62,237 per car. Pitts
burg Dispatch.
A Legal Question.
Little Willie Papa, when a man takes
up the law it means he starts in being a
lawyer, aoesn z ite.
His Father Yes.
"And when he's a judge and lays
down tne law is that where he quits?
But his father told him it was time he
was in bed loner asro. Kate Field's
Be Had Been There.
"Mr. Jones," said Mrs. Jones, looking
up from the paper she was readme,
"here is an excellent article on How to
Oang Pictures.' You ought to read it."
"Oh, I know how hang 'em!" retorted
Max. Jones savagely, and then silence
tame like a poultice to heal the blows of
found. Detroit Free Press.
One only friend we hare
Accounted sure:
One only love Is ours
That will endure.
All other friends are dean
He knows how dear
Who gave them for oar Joy
And solace here.
All other loves are sweet;
He knows how sweet
Of whom sad souls that lack
For love entreat.
But friends however trne
This life will test.
And they will fall ns oft
Who know us best.
And loves however strong
In time may change;
Misfortunes may divide,
' New ties estrange.
Sorest of all will come
Some sad offense;
11 Intrust will chill, and doubt
Drive friendship hence.
Ob, slow of heart to learn
What yet we own
One only perfect friend
Hath any known!
H. M. Kimball in New York Independent
Tbe Transition of Electrical Theories.
To the question, "What is electricity?"
which is often asked, no absolute and
satisfactory answer has yet been found.
Notwithstanding the wonderful develop
ment of electrical applications, elec
tricians are still feeling their way as to
the nature and many of the principles
of the operation of the mighty force that
they are learning to control. This was
suggestively shown by a remark made
by the vice president of the American
institute of electrical engineers at the
annual convention of that body.
The speaker claimed that the present
theories of electricity should be regard
ed merely as stepping stones to more
comprehensive and satisfactory ones.
He contended that modern theories of
electrical phenomena, if adopted as an
absolute framework of all our knowl
edge of these subjects, may, in a few
years, become prison bars that will pre
vent the mind from making a free and
unprejudiced investigation of new theo
ries and new phenomena, and giving
due weight and significance in the gen
eral science of electricity to the results
obtained by the most recent experiment
ers. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Carriages and
; HANDLES the Whitney baby
can oiler good bargains in them
Parties desiring to furnish a house complete
could not do better than to call and inspect his line of
furniture, in the way of Parlor sets, Dining room sets,
Bed Room set, and cvenything kept in a first-class
establishment. '"''
J. I. Unruh,
A Full and Complete line of
Tbe Future or the Mississippi Valley.
The delta of the Mississippi, below its
junction with the Ohio, richer than the
Nile or the Rhine, exceeds the combined
area of Holland and Egypt, and is des
tined under the stimulus of free labor
and the incentives of self government to
build a fabric of society more opulent
ana enduring. Add to this the inex
haustible alluvion of the streams above.
and the fertile prairies from which they
descend, and the arithmetic of the past
nas no logarithms with which to com
pute the problems of the economio and
commercial future of the west. It will
be predominant in the development, not
of this country alone, but of the hemis-
pherei and will give direction to the
destinies of the human race.
We stand in the vestibule. We have
not yet entered the temple. John J. In
galls in Lippincott's.
Drugs, Medicines, Faints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hour.
For Sale.
My bouse and three lots
Sixth and Dey, price $1,200.
r, Neb., apcE.R. B.
Central City,
nearly 04,000,000 teetotalers
It is suggested by Mrs. Moots,
superintendent of evangelistic work
in Michigan, that the national W. C.
T. U. have a flag of its own, and that
it consist of the banner of our native
land with one large white star in
the center of the blue field, to rep
resent the state of Wyoming, the
only commonwealth on the face of
the earth that has given to women
the same powers in the government
by which they are controlled, that
it has given to man. At a recent
election in Michigan the W. C. T. U.
f- v-" "nuucr on election
day from its headquarters, and it
proved to be a most suggestive ob
ject lesson. We believe that such a
flag would be the best sort of an ad
vertisement of our conventions-
dried. Still another kind furnishes the
savages of some parts of Australia with
vessels, many implements and even food.
Washington Star.
The Roumanian has, in every walk in
life, a fierce and savage pride which
causes him to abhor the idea of medi
cine and surgery, and to consider the
t2!fi?f a limb as terrible as that of life
Miniature boars' tusks and the shells
so much affected by gypsies are both of
very ancient origin. What they signify
can be easily found out by any one who
cares to inquire.
The city of Kaskaskia, Ills., claims
possession of the first bell rung for di
vine service west of the Alleghany
mountains. It was cast at La Rochelle
tn 1711.
He Was the Dnke.
When, in 1883, Professor Freeman
was examining Battle abbey, he found
himself dogged by a person who,' as he
thought, somewhat officiously obtruded
his offers of assistance. After vainly
trying to shake him off, he broke forth
with: "I don t want your assistance,
The Duke of Cleveland promised that J
Bhould not be interfered with by the
gardeners." "Exactly so," was the re
ply; "I hope they have obeyed my or
ders. I am the Duke of Cleveland."
San Francisco Argonaut.
A London Bachelors' Club.
ihe Bachelors' club, a London insti
tution, in 1891 suffered no fewer than
twenty-three defections in the shape of
memDers wno married; but the club
gained 575 in fines at the rate of 25 a
wedding. The club is flourishing, and
seems on the whole to encourage rather
than deprecate matrimony as a fine art.
There are still 839 bachelors in the list
of members. London Tit-Bits. '
Deaf Mate Pupils.
It is not generally known what won
derful progress has been made in this
country of late years in teaching the
dumb to speak. It appears from the
official records that last year articula
tion was taught to no less than 4,245
pupils in American schools for the deaf.
In a large number of these cases the in
firmity dated from birth and was inherited.
Discovered Affection.
Clara Can it be, Dolly, that you are
to marry Mr. Smith, after saying to me
repeatedly that you could not endure
Dolly The truth is, Clara, dear, that
until I-heard that his aunt had died
leaving him a fortune I was deceived
in my own feelings toward him. Exchange.
In New Orleans the doer catchers who
feed the pound with vagrant curs pro
ceed about their work with a slip noose,
which they hold in front of the fW'
head or under his feet.
House Furnishing Emporium.
"T TT 7" HERE you can get your house furnished from
V V kitchen to parlor and at easy tearms. I han
die the world renown Haywood baby carriages, also
the latest improved Reliable Process Gasoline etove
Call and be convinced. No trouble to show goods.
I. Pearleman
3?itiLpa?soxra?ix, jTisi3.
. Admitted the Fact.
Newspaper editors have to be very
careful in opening their columns
for statements. But aware that the
Dr. Miles Medical Co. are responsi
ble, we make room for the following
testimonial from R. McDougall, Au
burn, Ind., who for two years noticed
a stoppage or skipping of the pulse,
his left side got so tender he could
not lie on it, his heart fluttered, he
was alarmed, went to different doc
tors, found no relief, but one bottle
of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure cured
him. The elegant book, "New and
Startling Facts," free at F. G. Fricke
& Co. It tells all about heart and
nervous diseases and many wonder
ful curss. 3.
A nasal injector free with each
bottle of Shilohs catarrh remedy.
Price 50 cts. For sale by O II Sny
der and F G Fricke.
Bridge work and fine gold work a
DB. STEIN A US LOCAL as well as other ai.
estbettcsKlven tor tbe painless extraction ot
a A. MARSHALL, -; Fitzgerald fttoeh A
The Spanish government has taken
possession of the largest shipbuilding
works in that country, and is offering
inducements for English shipwrights to
superintend the work.
How's This!
We offer 100 dollars reward for
any case of catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
J'. J. Cheney & Co. Ptods. Toledo.
W e the undersiemed. have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and belive him pefectly honorable
in all butsness transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out an oblig
ations made by their firm.
West&Truax, Wholesale Drug
gist, Toledo Ohio., Waldmg Kinnan
& Tarvin, Wholesale druggist Tole
do Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cnre is taken inter
nally, action directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all
Druggist; Testimonials free.
Shilohs catarrh Remedy a posi
tive cure for catarrh, diptheria and
canker mouth. For sale by O H
Snyder and E. G Frieke.
Among Tobacco, Havana
alone pleases the taste of
the critical con noisseur. No
artificial process can en
hance its value. The "Bud"
cigars are always made of
the finest Havana fillers and
has always been esteemed
above every other brands
made ar sold at Plattsmouth.
Nebrask J
Correspondence Solicited.
Office in Uuion Blook'
Plattsmouth, - . Nedkaska
x :
0 '