The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 29, 1892, Image 2

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l A feeling of dullness,
Jlnguor, anl depression means that
your liver isn't doing its part. That
means impure blood, to Login with,
. ind all kinds of ailments in the
" Hat you can stop them in advance.
Pr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery invigorates the liver, purities and
nriches the Mood, and rouses every
rgan into healthy action. It pre
sents and cures all diseases arising
" rora a torpid liver or from impure
lood. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, JJil
'usncss, Scrofulous, Skin and Scalp
diseases even Consumption (or
ung-ficrof ula ), in its earlier stages,
11 yieiu to it.
The makers of the "Discovery"
aim for it only what it will do.
,'hey guarantee that it will do it.
-i x Pm.
it iaiis 10 ueiient or cure, in
iv case, thcv'll return the monev.
Nothing else that claims to purify
ic blood is sold in tins way :
hich proves, no matter what
;alers may offer, that nothing else
.n bo "just as good. Iherefore,
n't accept a substitute.
Registered Physician ami I'liariiiaelft
ecial attention given to Office
ck Uluffs - Neb.
D J. lrfUjSEjST
ronage of the Public Solicited.
rth Sixth Street, Plattsmouth
: D-E-N-T-I-S-T :-
teinways ana-nthetic for the iatnle ex
traction of teeth.
Vine Gold Work a Specialty.
kood Block riattsmouth. Neb
EiiijSrs house.
217, 219, 221, AND 223 lAIN ST
Ltes $4-tO.PER week and up
imber Yard
' ir 1 nynrn i
Shingles, Lath, Sash
bors, Blinds
pply ererw demand of the city.
dl and get terms. Fourth street
in rear of opera house.
dealer in
L and Office 404 South Third Street.
Telephone 13.
glie ghHsmonth QcritUL
KNOTTS BROS, Publishers
I'ul.j-lii-l every 'flmrcdii y, aiul Ijiily
every evening except Suii.Iiiv.
Keultere! lit the i Mat I 111011 1 li. .Vlra-k:i
wiM ptlice uh peoMtnl cIiihs mail matter for
t riinmiin t lirouuli the L'. S. mail.
'lie year in iiilvunee - - - $1 Till
One year not in al atic-e - - - - 2 Ul
Six month in nl v.-nue - 75
Three month in alvaiice - - - 40
One year in ikIviiikc - - . ju 00
One copy one motit h fill
IVr week tiy furrier - 1
For Prevalent
of Imliaiia.
For 'ice-Irt s-iletit
of New York.
Governor Flowek said: "Mr.
Cleveland can not. carry one sile of
New York." Three days afterward
he remarked: "It is a splendid tick
et anil wil! receive nty cordial sup
port." The present house has placed
over 500 Confederate war claims on
its calendar for favorable considera
tion, and onl' ninety bills have
been reported in behalf of Union
soldiers. This contrast tells a stor
that needs no comment.
QTexas lands go a begging at $1.'-J3
per acre. Georgia, with her glori
ous climate and fttrtile soil, has
hundreds of farms that can be
bought for $3 per acre. What can
be the reason that Illinois, Iowa and
cold Dakota land should be worth
from $25 to $00 per acre and no rich
er than that in Georgia and Texas?
There must be some cause for it.
Mr. Stevenson denies thathe was
a member of the Knights of the
Golden Circle. Then he goes a step
farther and plunges into an abyss
of absurdity by averring that he
never knew what the Knights of
the Golden Circle were, anyway.
Why can't a democrat candidate
stop at the limit of credibilit-? The
fellewwho, being of sound mind
and a grown man at the time of the
rebellion, never knew what the
Knights of the Golden Circle were,
doesn't exist. O Adlai, what made
you say it? Lincoln Journal.
So long as a governor atid a pres
ident can each pardon robbers.
forgers, thieves, swindlers and
murders, we do not see why con
gress cannot pardon the people for
thus being robbed by their old par
ty machinists, by issuing a full
legal tender greenback money suf
ficient to pay the entire national
debt, for which interesting-drawing
United States bonds have been giv
en in exchange for greenback money
taken in payment for these same
bonds as they were sold. Advance
The Omaha Weekly Hee is offered
for the balance of the year together
with Mrs. Jane Warren's cook book
of over 100 pages for fifty cents.
This book shows how to bit-,
dress, cook, serve and carve every
kind of meat, game, fish, fowl and
vegetable. It also gives plain di
rections for preserving, pickling,
canning and drying all kinds of
berries, fruits, meats, game. etc. Al
so for making in the best style dll
varieties of candies, ice crvaijis,
cake and pastr-. Hesides thiathere
are several pages of useful stable
This book is easily worth the price
asked fr it and the Bee, but the
publishers desire to have the paper
more thoroughly introduced, hence
this liberal offer. Send orders to
The Omaha Publishing Co.,
Omaha, Neb.
Freetraders tell us that our won
derful industrial growth is due to
our inventions and labor-saving
As usual, the put the cart before
the horse.
It is our American system of pro
tection that creates and develops in
dustries, giving our masses work
and wages, comforts and homes,
education an i ambition.
Thi stimulates inventive genius,
and when new devices are planned
and perfected there is use for them
at once.
Thousands of pairs of boots and
shoes are daily made in Massa
chusetts by machinery, giving em
ployment to thousands of workmen
at good wages.
We export largely to England,
where labor is much cheaper than
in thiaicountry.
The United States leads in inven
tions, three times ye many pateuls
being' granted here as in Great
Britain.' -
During our free trade period, from
lMO to 1S00, the total number of pa
tents granted was liO.'JIJl.
J'rom to 1 S i.i the number
granted was 127..'J1.', and from ls"i to
1V(0 the number was J.l
The greatest number issued i
any one year prior to J 2 was l.sio,
while now we iss'iie- annually from
,000 to 30.OO0.
The result is the cheapening- of
the product, increased consumption
and greater demand for labor at
good wages.
Protection does not make gen
itises, but it does make the oppor
tunity, it improves the mind, stim
ulates the intellect and rewards the
Wherever the iiilluence of a pro
tective tarilT has been the greatest
there invention has progressed
most rapidly. The result is saving
in cost of production and greater
prosperity for the mast-cs of the
Wudiled Over Her Mother's Grave.
The most unique marriuge ever per
formed in Baltimore took place .Mon
day within the boundaries of Green
Mount cemetery over the graves of the
parents of the bride. The groom was
Colonel Ilendrick von Stamp, ex-minister
of Denmark to tho United States, a
knight of the Order of Dannebrog, and
the bride was Miss Mildred Ilammond,
daughter of the late General Hammond.
Six carriages were occupied by the wed
ding party, but the vehicles were sup
posed to be a funeral cortege as they
6lowly moved through the cemetery.
When the Hammond lot was reached
the graves were strewn with flowers
and the wedding was quickly per
formed, the bride standing upon the
grave of her mother and the groom
upon the grave of the bride's father.
Tho bride is of one of Maryland's oldest
families, being a remote descendant of
President George Washington. She is
forty and the groom forty-four years
old. Baltimore Letter.
The Human Journey of a Lathing Nail.
About fif t3-four j-ears ago Washing
ton Megahan, contractor and builder of
this place, was working at his trade,
that of a plasterer, in Blair county, when
he accidentally swallowed a lathing
nail. He was very much alarmed about
the accident at the time, but as he felt
no evil results from the extraordinary
diet, in the course of two or three weeks
he had forgotten all about it. Recently,
however, Mr. Megahan has felt a pecu
liar sensation in the palm of his left
hand, and one day last week he was able
to feel the outline of a small nail, and
then it was that he remembered having
swallowed the lathing nail fifty-four
rears before. The nail is rapidly work
ing its way through tho flesh of his
hand, and when it has worked up under
the skin Mr. Megahan will have a physi
cian remove it. Somerset Herald.
One Year's Work.
At the twentieth anniversary festival
of the Provident Surgical Appliance so
ciety in London, Dr. Bond in the course
of his speech said that he knew of only
one case dealt with by the society in
which any dissatisfaction was given. A
young woman was fitted with a Roman
nose, but the boys of tho college, notic
ing the change, made her life unbear
able. She besought the society to help
her, and wassnxplied with a pretty little
retrousse nose so attractive that all her
companions were made envious, and
several offers of marriage were insured.
Dr. Bond's society last year distributed
no fewer than 0,223 artificial arms. legs,
teeth and noses. London Letter.
Stopping a Customer Ln lioutc.
A Maryland farmer who was waiting
for the train to leave for New York
was accosted by Detective McDevitt.
who finally learned that tho gentleman
from tho rural districts was going to
New York with $100 in his pocket to
buy "green goods." The farmer said
that the agent of the green goods man
would meet him at Summerville. Mc
Devitt sent the fanner back to his fam
ily and 6aved him the loss of his money
and the expenses of his trip. He says
that men may bo seen at the depots
every day on their way to deal in green
goods. Washington Star.
An Electric Launch.
An electric launch on exhibition at
the crystal palace, London, is thus de
scribed: The Lily, as she is named, is 23
feet long and Las a beam of 5 feet 6
inches, a deptn of 2 feet 10 inches and a
draft of 2 feet. The electrical equip
ment consists of a two horse power mo
tor, supplied with a current from thirty
"Epstein" cells. Her weight complete
is 2,500 pounds, she will hold from
twelve to fifteen passengers, and with
one charging will run at her full speed
of seven miles an hour for five hours.
Run Down by an Inland.
Captain George W. Torrey, of the
fishing schooner Alice, reports that his
boat was almost run down by a floating
island in the Pacific ocean off Cape Flat
tery. The captain and crew went on it
and made partial exploration. There
was a hut and a small farm on the is
land and other signs of habitation, al
though there were no signs of life.
Seattle Letter.
Australians have had bitter experi
ence of the mischief which rabbits are
capable of doing, and now they seem
likely to haye trouble of a similar kind
from the introduction of foxes.
A sore throat troubled John Haines,
of Danville, His., and he lost his voice in
consequence of it. After a few days he
coughed up a brass pin and bis voice
was restored.
Half Rates to New York.
- To accommodate Christian Kn
deavorers and their friends along
its line who desire to attend the
national convention of the Y. I. S.
C. K. at New York, July 7-10, the
Burlington route will on uly 4 run
a special train from Omaha
through to New York, via Chicago
and Niagara Falls, leaving at 11:40
p. m., after arrival of all trains from
the west. A rate of one fare for the
round trip has been authorized and
will be open to the general public.
Tickets, good to return any time
within thirty days from date of
purchase, will be on sale at dates to
be announced later. The low rates
in force, the through car facilities
at the disposal of travelers by the
isuriinglou route, and the delight
fill season of the year, combine to
make this an unequalled oppor
tutiity of visitmgtlie east. Krniem
ber that you can purchase tickets
trom your station agent through
to Aew ork. .hull information
may be had upon application to the
local agent of the B. & M., or hy ad
dressing J. Francis, Oeneral Pas
senger Agent, Omaha.
Oreuon, Washington and the Nor
west t-tciiic Coast.
The constant demand of the trav
cling public to the far west for a
comfortable and at the same time
an economical mode of traveling
nas iea to tne estauiisnment as
what is known as Pullman Colonist
Ihese cars are built on the same
general plan as the regular first-
ciass r'ullman bleeper, the only ait
ierence being that they are not up-
They are furnished complete with
good comfortable hair matresses,
warm blankets, snow white linen cur
tains plenty of towels, combs, brush
es etc., which secure to the occu
pant of a birth as much privacy ae
is to be had in first class sleepers.
There are also separate toilet rooms
for ladies and gentlemen, and smos
inir is absolutely prohibited. For
full information send for Pullman
Colonist Sleeper leaflet. K. L. Lo
max, General Passenger and Ticket
vgent, Omaha Nebraska.
Nothing: New Under the Sun
No! not even through cars to Den
ver, Ogden, Salt Lake City, San
Francisco and Portland. lhis is
simply written to remind you that
the Union Pacific is the pioneer in
running through cars to the above
mentioned points and that the pres
ent through car arrangement is un
excelled. We also make THE time.
For details address any agent of
the company, call on your nearest
agent or write to b,. L. LOMAX.
G. P. & T. A. U. P., Omaha Neb.
The following item, clipped from
the Ft. Madison (Iowa) Democrat,
contains information well warth
remembering: "Mr. John Roth of
this cit3, who met with an accident
few days ago, spraining and
bruising his leg and arm quite
severely, was cured by one 50-cent
bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Halm."
This remedy is without an equal
lor sprains and bruises and should
have a place in every household.
For sale by F. G. Fncke & Co.
A Mute Recovers Speech.
Alphonce Hemphling, of Summit
township, Butler Co., Penn., made
an allidavit that his twelve year old
son, who had St. Vitus dance for
twelve years, lost his speech, was
coniDletely cured after using three
bottles ot Dr. Miles Kestorative Ner
vine, and also recovered his speech.
Thousands testify to wonderful
cures from using it for nervous di
seases, dj-spepsia, nervous debility,
dullness, confusion of mini, head
ache, etc. . Four doses ot this Ner
vine cured Mrs. W. K. Burns, South
Ketjd, Ind., who had been suffering
with constant headache for three
months. Trial bottle and elegant
book free at F. G. Fricke & Co.
According to the census of 1890,
Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her
population of 1,098,576 people, as the
eighth largest city on the clobe.
Most of us desL , at one time or
another, to visit a city in which so
many persons find homes, and,
when we do, we can find no better
line than the "Burlington Route.
Three fast and comfortable trains
daily. For further information ad
dress the agent of the company at
this place, or write to J. Francis,
General Passenger and Ticket
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
The Missori Pacific will sell round
trip tickets May 9 to 14 inclusive, .to
Portland, Oregan, the Presbyterian
general aisembly being held their
May 19 to June 2. Tickets good un
til May 19 and returning- inside 90
da3's at $00, going- via one route and
returning via another. Apply at
ticket office for particulars.
Some Foolish, People
allow a cough to run until itgets
beyond the reach of medicine They
say. "Oh, it will wear away," but in
most cases it wears thein away.
Could they be induced to try the
successful Kemp's Balsam, which
is sold on a positive guarantee to
cure, they would see the excellent
effect after taking the first. dose.
Price 50c and $1. Trial size free. At
all druggists.
MiTes Nerve and Liver Pills
Act on o newpriciple regulating
the liver, stomach and bowels
through the nerves. A new discov
ery Dr. Miles pills speedily cure
biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver,
piles, constipation Unequaled for
men, women and children. Small
est, mildest, surest. 50 doses 25 cte.
Samples tree at F. G. Encke& Co's.
Shilohs catarrh Remedy a posi
tive cure for catarrh, diptheria and
canker mouth. For sale by O H
Snyder and E. G Frieke.
The Homdlieit JUan in Plattsmouth
As well as the handsomest, and oth
ers are invited to call on any drWfiT
gist and get free a trial bottle pf
Kemp's balsam for the throat and
lungs, a remedy thatjia selling en
tiiely upon its merits and is guar
anteed to relieve and cure all chron
ic and acute coughs, asthma, bron
chitis and consumption. Large bot
ties 50c and 21.00.
It is pure, unadulterated. and for
RAPID Cleansing Power has noequal.
Sold by all Grocers.
uxa-K- pii RHiA w ec St e-
House Furnishing Emporium
TT 7UERE you can get your house fiunithcd from
V V kitchen to parlor and at easy tearms. 1 han
die the world renown Haywood baby carriages, also
the latest improved Reliable Process Gasoline, etove
Call and be convinced. No trouble to show goods.
I. Pearleman
F ( ; FqiQfi b c C2
A Full and
Drugs, Medicines, Faints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Iiour.
m 73
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A! long-tested pain reliever.
It? use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
, Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective
liniment. v. : "
lo other application compares with it in efficacy.
Ihis well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
Ho medicine chest is "complete without a bottle of Mustang
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
Ail druggists and dealers have it.
The Doctors are Guilty-
Grave mistakes are made by phy
sicians in treating heart disease
The rate of sudden deaths rar daily
increasing:. Hundreds become vic
tims of the ignorance of physicians
in thetreatment of this disease. One
in four persons has a diseased heart.
Shortness of breath, palpitation and
fluttering, irregular pulse, choking
sensation, asthmatic Dreaming, pain
or tenderness in side, shoulder or
arm, weak or hungry spells, are
symptoms of heart disease. Dr.
Miles' New Heart Cure is the only
reliable remedy. Thousands testify
to its wonderf nl cures, iioons tree.
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Just as sure as hot weather comes
there will be more or less bowel
complaint in this vicinity. Every
person, and especially families,
,rio-Vit tr have some reliable medi
cine at hand for instant use in case
it is needed. A 25 or 50-cent bottle
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Marrhcea Remedy is just what you
u?ht to have and all that you
would need, even for the most
severe and dangerous cases. It is
tlve best, the most reliable and
most successful treatment known j
and is pleasant to take. For sale
U. rriCKe x to., uruggisis.
Complete line of
I had a severe attack of catarrh
and became so deaf I could not hear
common conversation. I suffered
terribly from roaring in my head,
I procured a bottle of Kly's Cream
Halm and in tnree weeks could hear
as well as I ever could, and now I
can say to all who are afflicted with
the worst of diseases, caearrh, take
Elys-Cream Calm and be cured. It
is worth $1,000 to any Mail, iweman
or child suffering from catarrh A
E. Newman, Grayling, Mich.
Hon. Y. V. Lucas, ex-state auditor
of Iowa, says: "I have used Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy in my
family and have no hesitation in
saying it is an excellent remedy. I
believe all that is claimed for it.
Persons afflicted liv a coiirrh or
cold will find it a friend " There is
no danger from whooping cough
50-cent bottles for sale by F. G.
.rriCKe a io., uruggistrt.
English Spavin Liniment removes
all hard soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood
spavins , curbs splints, Sweeney,
ring "jone, etiflee, sprains all svvoi
len throats, coughs etc Save 50
c.ent by rise of one bottle. Warrant
ed the most wpnderftil blemish
cure ever known. Bold by F. Q.
Fricke & Co druggists Plattsmouth