The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 24, 1892, Image 4

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j; Arrangements for the Fourth
!f of July Complete.
The Marriage of Frank Jackson
and Bertha Wise, r -
Good Prizes Will be Given to all Who
Win In the Different Contests
The Largest Display of
Fireworks In Cass
A.v....rK went up to Omaha this
morning. ,
Ao.ownsovrr un hour Iale this
T. K. Clark of Weeping Water was
ui the city last evening. ' -
icjeiianU was in Omaha
on business to-day. . .
ftfr Jim W,..-..1 . a
K iMiuu nn Hie unest I A , ' I
of soda water drinks in thft city. tf. n EmP'oye othe Stone Qurr ad
"lv- J "aim was ;in Onulm
passenger this morning.
Thel'lattsmoulh ball club arrived
v -
Fills Up .on ,"Baj'
yVhfskey and Lays Down
is morning from Spring-
work on
the Track
Sleep Notes.
With pood weather I'lattsmouth
will have the largest crowd on the
Fourth of July that h as ever as
sembled in the county's capital.
From reports of the different com
mittees The IIekalo learns that the
citizens are doing an j their power
lo make the celebration a miccess.
Kmitieiit speakers will be here,
good music furnished and one of
the finest programs ever presented
will be executed. Val u;ihl ttrizcH
i will be given in all contests. The
1 committee has purchased $'J X)
to her
5 worth of fireworks and the finest
Pjrotechnical exhibit
the new electric
power house is progressing rapidly
ineurick work is about half com
Mrs. A. W. Crites returned
-iiauroii tins morning
alter a pleasant visit with Mr. and
Mrs. 11. S. Ramsey.
11. i ...
a iie wont oi sodding the court
house yard is almost completed, the
south front being done, which adds
much to the appearance of that
end of the street.
J. I Antill has fitted up the south
room over Dunn's feed store for an
ice cream parlor and will furnish
Yesterday afternoon at 3:45, Mr.
Frank W. Jackson of Denver and
Bertha Clark vise of this city were
joined in the holy bonds of raatri
mony at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. J. N. Wise. Rev. J. T. Baird, of
the Presbyterian church, officiated.
Miss Olive Gasa presided at the
organ and played the wedding
march as the contracting parties
filed into the presence of relatives
and friends of the families in the
following order: The Misses Edith
and May Patterson, Alma Water-
Ian. Case O01a.2n.t37"
Who can write the most words on a
... new U. S. Postal Card
Tlic.l'opnlc-ti' iid Widc-iLAvMl-iC
VVill Give the Following Prizes on July 4th:
ever seen
:' may be witnessed in the evening,
j Everybody is cordially invited to be
'; present. Reduced rates have been
Becurcdon all railroads running in
j to the city. Adequate accommoda-
tions have been made for a large
j crowd. Following is the program
r; as it will be executed:
Rase ball game at 9 a. m.
At 10:.'0 a. 111. procession will form
? and march to ground Fitz's Forty.
At 11 a. in., speaking at the
'. grounds.
At 12 m., dinner.
At 1:30 p. m., races and contests.
, From G:30 to 8 p. in., hose team
? races!
J From 8 to 10 p. in., grand display
: of fireworks.
One hundred-yard running race
- First prize, suit of clothes; second
? prize, pair of shoes.
; Hop, step and jump First prize,
- suit of clothes; second prize, sack of
j Wheelbarrow race First prize,
sack of Hour; second prize, $1 in
' cash.
j Putting the shot First prize, $2;
second prize, ?1.
J Throwing the hammer First
j prize, $2; second prize, $1.
j Sack race First prize, sack of
; flour; second prize, fine hat.
. Fast mule race First prize, set
single harness; second prize, lap
Slow mule race First prize, $5 in
hardware; second prize, lap robe.
Three-legged race First prize,
suit of clothes; second prize, $2.
Hurdle race, 100 yards and three
3-foot hurdles First prize, $2;
second prize, $ 1.
Foot race, 300 yards Prize, a fine
gold watch.
Potato race First prize, lawn
Hose races, to run 100 yards and
throw water $100 in prizes will be
given. I
Gun club shoot 2,C 30 bird?.
; There must be three entrees in all
contests and every prize is guaran
teed as represented.
J. W. Jfendee gives a good lawn
mower as first prize in the potato
C. Brekenfeld gives worth of
lardware to the winner ?n the slow
nule race.
10 cents a dish.
man and Nannie Moore, with little?
the best of.' ice cream and cake for Helen Waugh carrying the cush
ion and ring, then the groomsman
and bridesmaid , Mr. A. V. Burk
and Miss Frankie Stiles, followed
by the groom with the bride lean
ing on his arm.
The bride wore a traveling cos
tume ot light brown cloth and the
groom was dressed in a suit made
from the same material.
Ice cream, cakes and the fruits of
tlie season were served in elegant
style for supper and at 5:17 Mr. and
Mrs. Jackson left for Burlington,
Iowa, to visit the groom's parents,
after which they will go to Denver,
their future home, where Mr. Jack- I
son has a good position with th
B. & M. R. K.
The Hekald joins with their
many friends in wishing them a
happy and prosperous journey
through life.
A stranger coming into Platts-
mouth and seeing the improvements
being made would think that the
city had on a small boom. We are
maue up ot energetic citizens and
are determined in our eflorts. You
will note greater progress in the
history of Plattsiuouth this
than ever before.
1 A Nice Spring Suit.
2. A Nice Leather Satchel.
3. Two Nice Shirts.
Ih an i:ioem-iit Ever Excusuhlr?
1 should hesitate to say that an elope-
meni is never excusable, bnt it is verv
rare indeed that the evils resmltinsr froni
not marrying would approach in conse
quence those resulting from a marriage
entered into nncler circumstances which
made an elojKmient seem necessary. I
believe in early marriages, bnt I also be
lieve mat every influence should bo
placed about that sacred institution to
keep it pure and holy; that none should
enter into it "lightly or unadvisedly.'
And it would bo usually safer to post
pone a marriage until objections could
bo overcome rather than to run the
risks attending an elopement. It is a
great temptation to a bad man if a wom
an is willing to enter into a secret mar
riage, and an elopeinent partakes of that
secrecy. I certainly do not consider this
an idle question, but one which calls for
much thought. Mrs. L-man Abbott in
Ladies' Home Journal.
Every word rnustbe written with pen and ink.
Every word must .be readable, with the naked eye,
And mu'sf be written in sensible sentences
slike O Kourke, an employee of I
Green's stone quarry at Louisville,
went to sleep on the Rock Island
track yesterday while in an intoxi- j
cated condition. The noon passen
ger train came along and before the
engineer could stop, the engine had
crushed both of the unfortunate
man's legs. His chances for recov
ery are rather slim.
Send all Postal Cards to - ?
JOE, The One PriceGldthier, Plattsmouth, Neb
Cows Milked ly Machine.
A niaclime, it is claimed, that will
milk thirty cows in one hour and do io
so easily and neatly that the cows will
scarcely know it has been invented in
Glasgow. The machine is constructed
on the vacuum principle, and when ad
justed to the cow the milk flows in a
continuous stream and the machine does
the work without assistance. The con
trivance is largely used in Scotland, and
its practicability has leen long ago dem
onstrated. The greatest objection to
the machine by farmers will probablv
be its price. It is valued at $.") in Scot
land, the duties add -4 3, making the
total cost 100. New York Telegram.
Political and Otherwise.
And note it is Harrison and
Ried against Cleveland and Steven
No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892.
Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person
JOE, the Popular Clothier,
Cooler, Zlatt3ncLo-uLtl.
The republican party stands up
squarely for defined principles, for
prelection of the laboring man and
the American citizen, while the
democratic party has tried to
straddle every important question
and is for every thing that will
pull down the poor laboring man.
Yesterday's Came.
Never Lend Your Hooks.
If you like to give any one a book, by
an means do it: but if you lend a book.
it generally means losing it, for which
you receive no thanks or even an apol
ogy, i nave long ago given up lendiui
V.L- T 1 1 ,
iw x nave aiways iouna 11 a
inend borrows a volume which he
probably does not look at for a fort
night you immediately want to refer
to it the moment he has left the house.
London Graphic.
-tlread3' leading democrats all
over this fair land are announcing
meir intention of not only desert
ing the democratic ticket this fall
but that they will do all in their
power to defeat it.
B. A. McElwain has donated a sil
er watch to be placed on top of the
greased pole.
Phil Sauter will present a set of
ungle harness to the winner of the
ast mule race.
Wm. Scemidtman has given a half
lozen lap robes which are given as
rizes. See program.
The little baby of Mr. and Mrs. C.
i i - j i . .
.jivir was uuncu xnis morning in
Jak Hill cemetery.
The first prize in the 309 yard run
ling race a fine gold watch was
resented by Carruth &. Son.
O. II. Snyder will give a solid sil-
-er cup to the hose team making
he fastest time on the Fourth of
Joe Klein, Mayer Sc Morgan, C. E.
Vescott and lien Elson have each
onated a good summer suit of
lothes, to be given as prizes in the
lifferent contests.
Rats Come from Asia.
Rats are natives of Asia, and their
raids westward belong to comparative
modern times. From the fact that the
rat is not mentioned by any of the early
Europeans it is surmised that it was un-
1 . .
xnown west ot the liangcs in ancient
times. Philadelphia Press.
One good old democrat said this
morning it was true the democratic
party was brooding the signs. "Just
look at the hand-writing on the
W-l 1 1 T . - 4 . .
.. I, jnoi as soon as tne conven
tion met at Chicago a storm came
up, the roof of the building leaked
and just as the convention was clos
ing the electric lights fell down. I
tell you, sir, the democrats won't be
in it this fall."
TTni: 1 a
iiasiuis piayeu a good game
yesterday up to the seventh inning,
when two singles, two home runs
and two errors gave Grand Island
eight runs, and won them the game
The features were the home runs of
Hoffer, Summer and McFrrland
The score:
.1 T 1 .
uiuiiu U 1 4 0 0 0 8 1 f -14
nuMiiiKs i 32010000;
Earned runs fimnd iTt,t: o
ase hlts Schanot, Walleck, RZii-
Home runs Hoffer, Summer, McFar
inpsl!8 n balls-Glnd Island 4, Hast-
Struck out Summer 2, Finch 8.
Passed balls Graver 2.
W ild pitches Finch 2.
Time of Kame 2:20.
L- mpire Haskell.
Why Diamonds Are Liked.
The diamond was reputed as a pre
server against epidemics and poisons.
It calms anger and foments conjuiral
love. The ancients called it "the stone
of reconciliation." It symbolizes con
stancy, strength and innocence. Pari.
Medicine Lake.
.Medicine lake is a wonder that draws
many visitors annually a body of water
tnat does not contain a living thing, and
" ituu uuuis ui. nio uay is lull ot a
gelatinous, spongelike substance that
sinks and leaves the water clear. At
the lake are two mountains, one of pure
oosiaian, tne other of pumice stone in
layers. hotter Four Corners.
Captain Moyer, an officer in the
French army, was killed yesterdav
by Marquis de Mores in a duel over
religion, and it looks as if we were
going to have another religious
war over there, as all the Tewish of
i" me army are likely to
challenge the marquis.
A large amount of damajre was
done Dy rain at Davenport, Iowa
ine citizens of Niobrara, Neb.
have completed arrangements for a
new flouring mill, to be run by an
artesian well.
Take Notice.
To all whom-it may concern: All
ersons wanting booth privileges.
r the privilege of running a dance I
latform on the grounds on the 4th
ay of July, will make application
j the undersigned as soon as pos-
K. A. Oliver.
Fok SALE OK Tkade A desirable
t in Plattsmouth. Will sell for
bah or will take a good buggy
orse and horses in exchange.
or narticulars call on or address
lis office.
The Power of Observation.
The Bank Clerk It's a shame the way
some men rob their employers by loafing
wnen tney re paid to work. There's a
bricklayer on that new building across
the street wao hasn't done a stroke fox
an hour I know it, because I've done
nothing but watch him. London Tit-
Told II im -Why.
Mr. Nicefello (cautiously) Why are
you so cold and distant?
Sweet Girl (nuietlj-) The fire has gone
out, and this sofa is too heavy for me to
move up to your chair. New York
Marriage K-ortl in South Carolina.
South Carolina is the only state in th
Union in which no official record of
marriages is kept. Charleston New.?
and Courier.
Nebraska has made quite a mark
ed increase in her assessed valua
tion during the past ten years, the
amount having advanced from $55,
073,375 in 1880 to $115,363,973 in 1890.
Admitted the Facts.
Newspaper editors have to be verv
: - .
-"icim in kj in ii i- meir. columns
for statements. But aware that the
Dr. Miles Medical Co. are responsi
ble, we make room for the foliowine-
testiuionial from R. McDougall, Au
burn, Ind., who for two years noticed
a stoppage or skipping of the pulse,
his left side got so tender he could
not lie on it, his heart fluttered, he
was alarmed, went to different doc
tors, found no relief, but one bottle
of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure cured
him. The elegant book, "New and
Startling Facts," free at F. G. Fricke
& Co. It tells all about heart and
nervous diseases and many wonder- j
ful curss. 3.
Blair Beats Beatrice.
Beatrice was yesterday defeated
by Blair at the latter city. There
was some good and some poor
playing on both sides. They play
again to-day. The score:
Beatrice 4000 1000 6-11
Blalr 1 1 0 1 0 2 C 0 112
Pono! TaWo?.8011 Pattn' KaDdal
Umpire- Abe Davis.
in in '
I had a serve attack of catarrh
and became so deaf I could not
n-;ir common couversarion, I
lereu iernid3' lrom ronrinfi
head. I procured a bottle of
ream isalm, and in thrc
-llilil ...
i.iimiiciii as wen as 1 ever could
and now lean say to aJ! who are'
afhicte with the worst of deseases
catarrh take Kly.s Cream Halm and
be cured. It is worln .fl.(XX) to anv
man, womon or riiiii . "
- - - v " ' i" H J ill"
ii om caiarrii. A. K.Newmai
ling, Mich.
Sleep on Left Side.
Many persons are im;it.i,. 0iu
rn flipir laft T, .1
long oeen a puzzle to physic
pa tiers shohIt
great interest of Dr. Franklin Miles
the eminent Indiana specialist in
luu "'in neart diseases, wlm
proven that this habit arises from a
diseased heart. Nc Una
and kept on record thousand rt
cases. His New Heart Cure, a won
derful remedv. is solri at K ri i.v:w
& Co. Thousands testify to its value
as a cure for heart diseases. "Mrs
Chas. Benoy, Loveland, Colo., sayi
its effects on her w
Elegat book on heart disease free!
The Place to Buy
Plattsmouth Took the Third.
xae Plattsmouth team and the
Grays played the third game yester
day, Plattsmouth winning quite
easily. Parvin's pitching was too
speedy for the home team. F:tn3're
put up a hne game for the home
Plattsmouth 410032003 -13
bpnngfield-. 0J 0003010 4
'Batteries Parvin and Maupin; Etnyre
o vi si X J All J I
Struck out By Parvin 9. by Etnyre 8
Base hits--Sprinfield 7, Plattsmouth 9.
Home run Baker,
Time of game 2:00.
Umpire Dr. Walnei.
time limit
Half Rates to Saratoga.
On the oecasioji rf tii v..:..i
Kflllrntinrnl t.'i '
-...v ii uiiiiiial fittt.
vention at Saratoga, July 12-15, the
uuillIlJiTOIl rOI.te. troill lltlxr'14n T .
ly 9, inclusive, will sell round trip
tickets from all stat
i a c- A . tuicia-
M iu araioga at one lowest iirst-
i,iic, pius two Uollars (mem-
oersnip tee N. K. A.) Tickets are
f- r o, rrciurn Passage from July
wa3', oarato
route will
sleeping cars
cars from
uiiiiiMrri t r -i-'-k-i , i .
- aiufjd, leaving Iiii-
t-uin ai u. m. anM C )iti:.Ji-. t i.i-,
m., July 9. A folder, giving all par
ticulars, may be had upon applying-
rr ' ,","-ls K-nerai passenger and
ticket acrent. Omaha, tr. -
local agent B. & M. R. R.f requests
for reservation of hirtl. i.
11 A AGES,
, - - - - -v M A 1 M. i.
u, iiuwcvrr, oe obtained by denos- "MCTXt- r-r-.
ing tickets at the office of the VoTn t " .NEW PROCESS
.;ciii oi lermmal lines; 3(A) .Broad-
Jga. me Burlington 66 I T T
run special Pullman I II If l
-s and reclining chair Ts-j 1 VIV
Lincoln and Omaha
Standing of the Clubs.
Played. Won. Lost. Per Ct.
I wish to specially recomm.l
uuimiy Halt;.
Beatrice...... 29 21 8 .724
Grand Island.... 33 23 12 .657
Hastings 34 16 IS .471
Kearney... .. ... 30 14 17 .452
Fremont 29 11 18 .369
Plattsmouth 33 II 22 .333
Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi-
ltive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and
Canker mouth. For sale by F. G.
hricheac to
T. H. Pollock, Agent.
Try Brown & Barrett's ice cream I
soda water. It will keep you cool. tf.
Financially Embarrased
-tv larcre manutartnrpr- wim .. c
r ' ..vov, l X-
iairs were verv much pnilirr-..i
mf 1.5 O.
ctnu wno was very much overwork
ed arm oroKen aown with mrvi,.a
1 . - - .-1
ciiiausiiou, went to a celehratri
specialist. He was tobl that
tJ 1 -
oiiiu iiung neeued was to be re-
neea 01 careanp worry, and have
cnauge of thought. This doctor
was mora considerate of his n:i;ant
1 I , I . , 9 fuiivill
,,C-" man 01 1113 linancial circum
stances. He ouirht to havp ariv,;0,t
nim to use Dr. Miles' Restoative
nervine, me oest remedv for ner
vous prostration, sleeplessness ri;
ziness headache, ill effects of tobac
co, coffee .opium: etC. Thoiiaaniln
testyfy to it. Book and trial bottle
free at F G Fricke & Ce's.
U mentplanas cheap as for h
on easy monthly payments. Come
m and examine my anti-rust
ware which is warranted not to rust
wx uiic year, it t
any tim vi.
want anything new that we do not
11 uavc in SIOCK We r-c.
A. I
.1 ior you on two days' notice.
421 Maln-St.. Plattsmouth