A BIG TIME Plattsmouth Will Colobrato on tho Fourth of July. A COOD TIME PROMISED. Tho Citizens of Plattsmouth Extend an Invitation to Cass County. UOOI M'KIKKKS AND GOOD Ml Sir. Wo Will Colobrato Independ ence Day in Old Fash ioned Style. Faith In Witchcraft. Belief in witchcraft is still -found among the ieoil in many countries. Tho wife of n rich farmer in Styria, Austria, Ii.kI Ieen paralyzed for year, and tho nnlicul men gave her up aa hopelens. Tim fanner lately applied to a soothsayer, who locked into the mat ter and pronounced the patient to be be witched. Sh pointed out another farmer who had also been sick for years an the wizard, and prescribed that an old pair of iwinta of the man and a few drojw of his blood must be'placed over a dull fire and slowly burned. The pa tient uinst be held over this smoldering fire and thoroughly fumigated, after which she would recover. The pants were obtained and the old sick man one evening, when stepping into the door way of his hut to get a breath of fresh air, was attacked and thrown down on his faco to make his nose and month bleed. Tho blood was carefully scraied up from tho ground and tho fumigation SOCIETY happenings: Tho Authors Social ' Was Well Patronized- III till FIVE I'AUTY LAST NIUIIT Society Events Still Occur Despite Hot Weatlier Interesting Items of News Gathered About the City. Authors' Social. The authors' social given by the Y. I. K. K. A. in the K. of P. hall last evening' was not very largely attended, but all there had a good time. There were twentv-eiirht oer made, but of course without the prom- sons and objects so dressed and ar- ueu eiLuct 01 curing me woman. J. lie I rninr-i-il t A FINKEXIIIItlTIONOr'f IKKlYOKkS Elaborate Preparations Being Made For the Day Hose Races. Foot Haces, Slow Mule Races A Good Program Pre pared A Purse to the Best Hose Team. old man was terribly shaken and has died since, whether as a result of the outrage committed against him is not reported. At Velilla, Siwiin, a farmer was sick. His son went to the only woman in the village that enjoyed the reputation of being a witch and de manded of her to restore his father to health. When a few days later his father had not improved he went and shot both tho socalled witch and her husband dead. Chicago Herald. IHviiie Service ljr Trlrliiie. The mayor of Nottingham, accom- as to each represent the name of some book. Kach person present was supplied with a piece of paper containing twenty-eight lines, the lines numbered to corres pond with the persons and objects, and told to solve as many names as possible. The papers were then gathered up and prizes awarded to the two persons giving the great est and least number of correct answers. Miss Carrie Ilolloway re- rceived a book for being the best guesHer aim jir. A. is. Knotts a TO ANY GENTLEMAN, Ton. Cass CoTa.3TLt37" Who can write the most words on new U. S. Postal Card 01 ONE - PRICh: - CLOTHIER Will Give the Following Prizes on July 4th: The committees having in charge the proposed Fourth of July celebra tion, met at the new council cham ber last night. The ii nance committee reported favorably and upon this coiiiiiimit tee rested the fate of the celebration. The committee on grounds re ported that they had secured "Fitz's Forty" to hold the celebration on. All the other committees made favorable reports. The It. A M. will sell round trip tickets for one and one-third fare. The large crowd of citizens pres ent were very enthusiastic over hav ing a celebration. The committee on program have decided, on an old fashioned cele bration and have prepared an elab orate program. The fire department held a meet ing last evening and decided to of fer a purse of $100 for the hose team making the best run. riattsiuouth will be to the front with an old time celebration. Speak ers of national fame will be here Van Wyckand John C. Watson will be in attendance. Running teams will be here from Villisca and Red Oak. Iowa, also from Nebraska City, besides a good team from this city. The music committee have ar ranged for a chorus of ') voices, al so for first class instrumental music. During the day there will be sack pained by several meiiuVrsof thecorpo- bunch of firecrackers for bewiir the ration and other leading men of the town. I)0re8t guesser. recently attended divine service in a ir t novel fLddon. Th, "I ' Refreshments in the way of ice - ' - - ..v i a IIVU.t . being the local exchange of the National Tele phone company, but the service in which they participated was conducted at Christ church, Birmingham, fifty-one miles away, the communication of course by telephone. Ihey sat on each side of the long table on which thirty receivers were placed, while at the church end were eight transmitters two in the belfry, two in the choir, two in the reading desk, and two in the pulpit, switched on and off as exigencies required an ar rangement which has been m operation for some weeks for the edification of Birmingham subscribers. The Notting ham congregation were able to hear the bells very distinctly, and the re sponses and other musical portions of the service, while tho preacher, having a clear voice and deliberate utterance, was very audible, and his sermon was listened to with close attention. Lon don Tit-Bits. cream, cake and strawberries were served. 1 A Nice Spring Suit. 2. A Nice Leather Satchel. 3. Two Nice Shirts. Auclent Tomb. While legal proceedings as to the ownership of the famous Red Rock caverns, lelov Jlenton, in which has lieen recently found a still further group of neolithic skeletons of a giant man, are still peading, an almost equally in teresting discovery has been made in a deep railway cutting at Andresy, in Seine-et-Oise, near Faris, where the workmen rati nion a huge Merovingian cemetery of the Sixth century. Already there have been uncovered nearly GOO tombs, extending ever an area of 2 miels, yielding a hitherto unheard of mass of earved sarcophagi, knives, spears, vases, ornaments and pottery of unique shapes and styles of decoration. High Five Party. A high live party was held last evening at the residence of M. It Murphy in honor of Fred Cox, of Denver. A number of young folks were invited and passed a pleasant evening. Refreshments were served during the evening. Following are those who attended: Misses Janet Livingston, Maggie Oliver, Kdith White, Flla Clark, Verna Leonard, Klla Wright, Bird Houseworth, Ma nota Kikenbary, Nannie Moore and Ileisel and Messrs. Will Clements, Will Stadleman, Chas. Sherman, Frank Kichey, Frank Johnson, H. McLeod, Fred Cox of Denver, Stuart Livingston, Cha. Vallery and Chas. Murphy. Yes, we will celebrate! J. M. Craig had business to-day at Murray. Try Hrown & Barrett's ice cream soda water. It will keep you cool. tf. If you want to have a good time, come to Plattsmouth on the Fourth of July. The M. K. Aid society will meet at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon at the M. E. church. Every word must be written with pen and ink. Every word must be readable with the naked eye, And must be writte n in sensible sentences Send all Postal Cards to JOE, The One Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892. Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person. JOE, the Popular Clothier, OpeiaHo-ase Comet, leuttaaa.-ia.tla.. PERSONAL. Shiloh'8 catarrh remedy a posi tive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker mouth. For sale by F. G. Fricke& Co row at 3:30 will be married to Miss It is recalled now that the tiny hamlet of Andresy, in the generations succeed ing the introduction of Christianity by I Bertha Wise. missionary cet. . The 7xctedsc: 1 a"d MrS Fran.k E"to" a"d tific examination of these mnltitmlin children returned to Colorado remains will throw a flood of liirht on I sPrin?8 this morning after a short races, wheelbarrow races, slow mule I the origins of the church among all I visit with relatives in this city, ranks. Pans Letter. M. S. Briggs had business in Qui aha to-day. Melchoir Soennichs n went up to hrank Jackson arrived in the city Omaha this morning, last nignt irom Denver and to-mor races and a greased pig turned loose, and the person catching the pig will be entitled to him. A greased pole will be prepared and to the person that climbs it a gold watch will be given. Two games of base ball will be played during the day. Four large dancing platforms will be erected ou the grounds and first-class music furnished. The celebration will end in the evening with the largest and most complete display of fireworks ever seen in Cass county. The citizens of Cass county are in vited to come to Plattsmouth and spend a profitable day. The committees adjourned to meet Friday evening. Klectric Locomotive for Steam Koadit. There are signs that one of the most startling revolutions of the century is approaching, bteps are being taken in the northwest toward the laying of an experimental track on which many points bearing on the substitution of electric locomotives for steam locomo tives on trunk lines will be determined, and electrical engineers throughout the country are on the qui vive for the next developments. The tliree eighty ton electric locomotives to be used in the Belt line tunnel, Baltimore, will push a freight train of 1,200 tons, including lo comotive, through the tunnel, up an eight-tenths of 1 per cent, grade, for a distance of 6,000 feet, at the rate of fif teen miles an hour, or a 500 ton passen ger train, including locomotive, at the rate of thirty miles an hour. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Nebraska Weather Crop Report The past week has been generally colder than normal, dry and sun shiny and has not on the whole im proved the outlook for good crops this fall. The temperature has been tliree to four degrees below the normal except in the southeast part of the state, where it has been from one to two degrees above the normal. The sunshine has been decidedly . above the normal. The rainfall has been light, falling in scattering showers except in the southwestern part of the state, where it generally exceeded an inch and was above the normal. In the extreme northern part of the state it was very heavy, averaging nearlj' two inches, while more than four inches fell at Kennedy. A general storm area past across the state on Wednesday and Thurs day in a northeast direction from Dundy county, causing severe local storms with high wind and hail in that section of the state, doing some damage to crops and. buildings. CoIu of the Mogul Emperors. Mr. Stanley Lane-Poole has finished his Catalogue of the Coins of the Mogul Emperors of Hindoos tan in the British Museum." from the invasion of Baber to the establishment of a Found A breast pin with a lock of hair, near where the new power house is being built. The owner can have the fame by calling at this office. The Junior class of the High school is called to meet at the resi dence of V. V. Leonard this evening to attend to some remaining busi ness. Full attendance is desired. J. P. Antill has fitted up the south room over Dunn's feed store for an ice cream parlor and will furnish the best of ice cream and cake for 10 cents a dish. tf For Sale ok Trade A desirable lot in Plattsmouth. Will sell for cash or will take a good buggy horse and horses in exchange. For particulars call on or address this office. tf C. S. Johnson, night yardmaster for the B. & I., arrived home this morning from Illinois. Mrs. John son will remain until her brother is able to be up. The Factoryville mill dam that John Schiappagasse went up to Omaha on business this morning. Mr. ana Mrs. F. U. V anatta were Omaha passengers this morning on No. 5. . Miss Maggie Wright, one of the school teachers, left this morning for Iowa to spend her vacation. Yesterday's Games. Only one game was played in the state league yesterday. Kearney defeated Hastings in a one-sided game. SCOKE BY INNINGS. Kearney 30303202 114 Hastings 0 2000000 02 SUMMARY. Earned runs Kearney 2. Two base hits Miller. Three base hits Cole. Sacrifice hits Kearney 5. Bases stolen Kearney 9. Bases on balls Off Uopp 1, off Johnson 4, off Lippert 3. Struck out By IIopp 4, by Johnson 1, by Ly Leppert 2. . Wild pitches Johnson 1, Leppert 1. Time of game 1:45. Umpire Kulnier. Plattsmouth played an exhibition game at Springfield yesterday as the following from The Bee shows . The Grays dropped their first game this season to the Platts mouth league team by a score of 5 to 12. The Grays were scared to death and put up the poorest game of the season, but did better than British currency bv the East India com- pany, m loo.. It contains descriptions I was washed away by the recent high I could be expected ot them, as the water has been repaired and the mill is in first class order once more. of over 1,400 coins, chiefly gold and sil ver, 500 of which are represented in the autotype illustrations. This completes this author's description of the entire collection of Mohammedan coins in the museum. Ilamlel's Birthplace. The house in which Handel was born at Halle, on the 23d of January, 1685, is to be sold, and seems likely to be bonght by a brewer, who already uses the grounds as a garden. The great com poser s admirers desire, hovever, to have the house converted into a Handel museum, as has been done with the birthplaces of Goethe, Beethoven and other famous men, and are collecting funds for the purpose. London Stand ard. Truly "Circular Sloenmtauc." A calf belonging to a Mr. Houchen. near Seymour, became strangely sick the other day, and in a short time began to whirl around and around, as a pup after its tail, and within two hours was dead. It whirled for two solid hours, never stopping to draw breath or grease the axle. Cor. Indianapolis Journal. management is very indifferent as to whether they have any practice All farmers who have grist at the J and the way they jumbled and fum mill to be ground can get it from on and after Monday, June 27. Tom Pierronent, a freight conduc tor on the Missouri Pacific, fell off bled balls to-day was a sight. The visitors were a little off, too, in field ing. The same clubs play to-mor and the visitors remain to-night of a car near Weeping Water last and together with theT. K. quartette evening. I he man fell off from the car through a bridge on to a barb wire fence, thirty feet below. He was badly cut and bruised. I he .Nebraska republican state central committee will meet at the roomsof the republican league. No. 114-116 South Thirteenth street, Om aha, Thursday, June 30, at 7 o'clock p. m. sharp, for the purpose ef fix ing the time and place of the repub lican state convention, apportioning the representation of counties and such other business as may proper ly come before them. ACCIDENT INSURANCE!, T. If. Pollock. Agent. will give a . concert at the opera house. The score: Plattsmouth 10117900 212 Springfield 90021200 15 Batteries Geist, Etnyreand Hall; Bak er, Parvin and Maupin. Hits Plattsmouth 8, Springfield. 7, Two-base hits Etnyre, Blakewell. Har din. Three base hits Etnyre. Home runs Baker. Errors Springfield 8, Plattsmouth 7, Time Two Hours. Umpire Dr. Wallner. Standing of the Clubs. Played. Won. Lost. Per Ct. Beatrice 29 21 8 .724 Grand Island.:.. 33 21 12 .636 Hastings......... 32 16 16 .500 Kearney. ...... 30 14 17 .452 Fremont.. 29 11 18 .309 Plattsmouth .... 33 11 22 .333 The directors of the state league met last night at Fremont and de cided to continue, the rest of the season with five teams. Thefollow ing, dated Fremont, was taken from the Lincoln Journal: "At the meet ing of the state league last night tne letter lro.n Fremont was read, ana a motion to table it -was car neu. freniont was then expelled tor non-payment of dues. I concluded to finish the seaso nve ciuds. Representatives from Plattsmouth, Grand Island, Bea trice and Hastings were present." a nau a serve attack of rairri, and became so deaf I could not near common conversarion, I suf. fered terribly from roarinfi in my neaa. x procured a bottle of Klv's Cream Balm, and in three weeks could hera as well as I ever could, aiiuuuwican say to al! who are affiicte with the worst of desensea catarrn, take JHly.s Cream Balm and oe cured, it is wortu $1,C3 to anv man. womon or child an(rirhr from catarrh. A. E. Newman. Gray ling, Mich. Admitted the Facts. Newspaper editors have to 1 for statements. But aware that the ur. ii lies medical Co. are mnniwi. his ... ii 1 r . . , . 1 . n-idiYc iuuui ior me rouowin" testimonial lrom K. McDoiifrall. An. burn, Ind., who for two vears iHtio.rl a stoppage or skippiugof the pulse, Ana icn oiuc koi ho tender lie could not lie on it, his heart fluttered, he was aianueu, went to different doc- nra ftiwl ,n 1 '. ,t 1.... . ... -" "v unci, uui one oottle 01 ur. Junes' Aew Heart Cure cured him. The elegant book, "New and Startling Facts," free at F. G. Fricke o. it tells all about heart and nervous diseases and many wonder- Half Rates to Saratoga. On the occasion of the National T-t ,1 1 1 11.1 4 .1 A . -. - f Kuutunuiui i iios ii s annual con vention at Saratoga, July 12-15, the ouningion roi.te, irom July 3 to J u ly 9, inclusive, will sell round trio ti.1-A.n i" . -.11 .... . ' . - . . ucis Hum tiii siauons in Nebras ka to Saratoga at one lowest first class fare, plus two dollars (mem- Dersnip lee Js JS. A.) Tickets are gooa tor return passage from Jul 15 to 21: an extension of time limit can, however, be obtained by depos- ninK ntneiB ai me onice ol the ioint acui ui terminal noes; rfoy JKroad- way, Saratoga. The Burlington route will run special Pullman sleeping cars and reclininir chair cars irom .Lincoln and Omoiw through to Saratoga, leavino- i :,f. coin at 2:40 p. m. and Omaha at 4:45 p m., July 9. A folder, trivinir all re ticulars, may be had upon applying to J. Francis, general passenger and ticket agent, Omaha, to wh (Mil rr (n local agent B. & M. K. R., requests for reservation of births k1k...i,i addressed. The Place to Bu hardware IS AT S. C. BREKENFELD'S WHERE YOU WILL FIND STOVES, ItAiNGES, TIM WARE, OAKDKjN TOOLS, GASOLINE STOVES, JUriLDEKS' HA KD WAKE, PAD-LOCKS," IH)OR-LOCKS, LADIES' PEN KNIVES, ETC. NEW PROCESS 'QUICK MEAL" GASOLINE STOVE Isli to specially recommend. t is absolutely aufe. I wis POODS SOLD ON TIIK INSTALL U mentplanas cheap as for cash. on easy monthly payments. Come in and examine my anti-rust tin ware which is warranted not to rust for one year. If at any time v want anything new that we do not nappen to have in stock we rn it for you on two dayu' notir . Brown & Barrett has the finest e city. tf. 421 Maln-st.. PlatUmouth a