The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 15, 1892, Image 2

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    ht lUnilmwnth gtrxltt.
i i.i.t;i-iio.K :i
K NOTTS liROS, Publishers
Tieres danger
in a cough iore than ever when
your blood is "bad." It makes
things easy for Consumption. Hut
there's a cure for it in Dr. Pierce's
CZoMcn Medical Discovery. A posi
tive cure not only for Weak
Lungs, Spitting of Wood, liron
chitis, Asthma and all lingering
Coughs, but for Consumption itself
in all its earlier stages. It's rea
! sonahlo. All these diseases denend
pen tainted Mood. Consumption is
simply Lung-scrofula. And for
every form of scrofula and blood
taint, the "Discovery" is a certain
remedy. It's so certain, that its
makers guarantee it to benefit or
cure, in every case, or the money is
refunded. With a medicine that m
certain, this can be done.
I' d every Tli iiriy, mid lnil-
. rvi-ry rvruiii:; except SiMithiy.
Keui.terei :it t lie I 'lat tr-tumit li, Xel.msku
M-t idlice - o.n.1 tins mail rtiatter for
.1. .1 C- ft
1 r;in-iiii-i,,ii tlirouli tin- I. S. mail..
I Kk.'is U K Whl.K I.V.
m-ye;ir in :! viitice
ne i ;irii..t in :i :mce -Six
inoiitli-in ;nl vain c
'I'lirce months in 2ilviiiice
One ye:tr in ikIvsuicc
One copy one uioiit h - - -
I Vr week l.y carrier - - - -
II :t
St: no
v !; i i;s i ) a y, j i; . i; i i srj.
Kor i
I ! K J A M IX II A U IV I S( )X
of Imliatia.
Kor Vi-e-l'r Miilent
of Xew York.
I'LATTsMoirnr i.s bound to grow.
having his work placed in unpro
tectcctcd competition with the work
of tllO ill-liilid Klironcail l:.l...r.r
Hence the republican party re
solves in favor of protection to
American Industrie m, and one of the
"new methods" of this campaign
will he educational as to the
humanitarian quality of protectioi .
.- Hut after school has been placed
within the reach of every American
child, and after fair pay for good
work has been placed within the
reach of every. American man,
another form of protection is needed
It is against trusts and combines.
Protection by legislation against
trust is needful that the wage earner
neither Khali have to pay an unduly
high price for what he buys with
his wages, nor shall be prevented
by gigantic combinations of capi-
tial from employing his savings in
small inanufactitures. The path
from the rank of employed to that
of employer must be kept free from
artificial obstructions.
An exposition of the humanitari
an tendency of political economy
under republican interpretation
must be one of the "new methods"
of this campaign. InterOcean.
Don't be Hoodwinked
by dealers who pretend that they
can sell Dr. Tierce's genuine ni.ti.
cines at less than these long estab
lished prices:
Golden Medical Discovery for liv
er, blood and lung diseases, $1 a
Favorite Prescription (for wo
man's weakness and ailments), if I a
Pleasant Pellets (for the liver), '."
cents a.vial.
'Com. Kxt. Smart-Weed fd) cents a
hot Mr. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy,
. cents a bottle.
The genuine medicines can onlj
be sold by druggists, at the above
There are more ways than one to
make a profit, even at "cut prices."
Unscrupulous dealers tamper with
me uoiiies, or relill empty ones
and such mixtures can be sold
cheaply. Put every botttle of Dr.
Pierce's genuine medicines is guar
anteed. If it fails to give satisfac
tion in any case, you have
money back.
Can anything else, at any price
be really as cheap?
You pa3r only for value received.
Something else, that pays the
dealer better, may be olfered as
"just as good." Perhaps it is, for
him, but it can't be, for you.
mm mm,
w -!fu rr
1 JU
our JAckhzr
There's a cure for Catarrh, too,
no matter what you've been led to
believe. -If -thereisn't, in your case,
you'll get tSoo cash. It's a bona
lide offer that's made by the pro
- prietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Kemedy. There's risk in it, to be
. sure, but they are willing to take
J.the risk you ouaht to be triad
. take the medicine.
Sixth street, between Pearl and
Vine, is bound to be paved. J,ct the
good work go on.
' Major' McKlXI.KV's vote against
McKinle- and for Harrison will be
come historic Xew York Tribune.
j k. ri:y.oi.ds,
KeKisterrd lMiy-lcian ;ui! 1'liai uia i-t
Special attention given to .Office
Rock K luffs . .km.
Till-: inauguration of President
Harrison next March will be worth
going all the way to Washington to
Tills is irreat weather for the far
mers and their corn. In fact it is
good weather for anything but a
Patronage of the Public Solicited.
Skxatok- G. K. Colli xs, of Gage
.county, has been appointed first
superintendent of the Nebraska air-
ricultural exhibit to the world's fair.
He has already began his work and
will soon viit Cass countv in the
interest of the exposition.
Half Rates to New York.
To accommodate Christian Kn
deavorers and their friends along
its line who desire to attend the
national convention of the V IV S
C. K. at Xew York, July 7-10, the
Burlington route will on July 4 run
a special train from Omaha
through to Xew York, via Chicago
and Xiagara Kails, leaving at 11:40
p. in., after arrival of all trains from
the west. A rate of one fare for the
round trip has been authorized and
will be open to the general public.
Tickets, good to return anv time
within thirty davs from tint of
purchase, will be on sale at dates to
be announced later. The low rates
in force, the through car facilities
at the disposal of travelers by the
i? a . . - r.
ijurungion route, and the deliirht-
ful season of the year, combine to
make this an unequalled oppor
tunity of visiting the east. Iemem
ber that you can purchase tickets
Irom your station agent through
to Xew York. Full information
may be had upon application to the
local agent of the IL & !., or by ad
dressing J. Francis, General Pas
senger .Agent, Omaha.
Oregon, Washington and the Nor
west Pacific Coast.
The constant demand of the trav
eling public to the far west for a
comfortable and at the same time
an economical mode of traveling
has led to the establishment as
what is known as Pullman Colonist
sleepers. -
Ihese cars are built on the same
general plan as the regular lirst
class Pullman Sleeper, the only dif
ference being that they are not up
holstered. They are furnished complete with
good comfortable hair matresses.
warm blankets.snow white linen cur
tains plenty of towels, combs, brush
es etc., which secure to the occu-
- r ,
pain oi a uirtu as much privacy as
is to be had in iirtt class sleepers.
There are also separate toilet rooms
for ladies and gentlemen, and smok
ing is absolutely prohibited. For
full information send for Pullman
Colonist Sleeper leaflet. K. I,. Io
max, General Passenger and Ticket
Agent, Omaha Nebraska.
J. VtmitWAWB
House Furnishing Emporium
"T 7T 7"J1EUK you can get your house I'urnibhed from
V V kitchen to pnrlor and at easy tearms. I han
die the world renown Haywood baby carriages, also
the latest improved Reliable Process Gasoline stove
Call and he convinced. No trouble to show goods.
Tin-: workiiigmen of this country
have received better wages under
the Harrison administration than
they ever received before, and they
do not need a 113' further argument
to convince them that they ought
to vote the republican ticket in
.November. Globe-Democrat.
North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth
: D-K-X-T-I-S-T :
"The tariir i.s a tax." said the Syra
cuse "anti-snap" convention. The
McKinley bill increased the tariff
011 Chemnitz hosiery, the increase
amount ing to 40 cents
a dozen on men's brown half hose.
The loreign manufacturers reduced
the price per dozen 78 cents.
IIow Well Known Men Sleep.
Gladstone rarely takes less than seven
hours' sleep. Whenever he is preparing
for a tfreat effort in the house of com
mons he always likes a short afternoon
siesta. Bismarck has displayed a sim
ilar habit ou the occasion of the most
fierce parliamentary debates. . When all
night sittings were common Parnell
would go to his hotel, seek his bed and
leave instructions with one of his col
leagues to have him aroused whenever a
crncial point was reached. These are
only a few examples of the great men
who have shown their thorough appreci
ation of that great boon which 'knits up
the raveled sleeve of care.' "Interview
in St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Nothing New Under the Sun
Xo! not even through cars to Den
ver, Ogden, Salt Lake Citv, San
Francisco and Portland. This is
simply written to remind you that
the Union Pacific is the pioneer in
running through cars to the above
mentioned points and that the pres
ent through car arrangement is un
excelled. We also make the time.
For details address any agent of
the company, call 011 your nearest
agent or write to E. L. Lomax,
yj. 1 . v 1. ;y. u. i'., Omaha Xeb.
The following item, clipped from
the Ft. Madison (Iowa) Democrat,
contains information well worth
remembering: "Mr. John Roth of
this city, who met with an accident
a few daj-s ago, spraining and
uruising ins leg and arm quite
severely, was cured by one 50-cent
bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Halm."
This remedy is without an equal
for sprains and bruises and should
have a place in every household.
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
I. Pearleman
A Full and Complete, line of
Or. Steimways aaa-stiietic for the painlees ex
traction of teeth.
Fine Gold Work a Specialty.
Rock wood Block I'lattsmoutM. Neb
These figures are from the Dry
Goods Chronicle, a trade journal of
established reputation for excel
lence. If the tariff is a tax it is evi
dently a tax 011 the foreigner. Per
haps that is what the Cleveland de
mocracy means. It is partial to
fwreign interests as against Amer
ican. Xew York Press.
Why Teak Wood Is Durable.
The teak, which has passed into prov
erb as the best material for shipbuild
ing, is suiierior to all other woods from
the fact that it contains an essential oil
which prevents spikes and nails driven
into it from rusting. This property is
not possessed by any other wood in the
world, and furnishes an explanation of
the faet that ships built of teak are
practically indestructible. Some have
been known to last for 150 years, and
when broken up their beams were as
sound as when first put together. Phil
adelphia Ledger.
Rates $4JXper week and up
Lumber Yard
Shingles, Lath, Sash,
Doors, Blinds
' Can supply ererw demand of the city,
i Call and get terms. Fourth street
' in rear of opera house.
rU and Onlce 401 South Thlnl Street.
Telephone 13.
Kvery hour that brings the actu
alities of the campaign nearer lends
weight to 3Ir. Depew's prophetic
declaration that it will be one of
"new methods." The traditions of
the republican party are transcen
deutly glorious. But no party can
live on the glory of the past. The
true purpose of past glory is to in
spire those who achieved it to new
The mission of the republican
party is an eternal one. The party
may perish, the mission will endure.
For the party "was made strong out
of weakness' simply and only by
devoting itself to the mission of hu
manity. It has freed a race from
bondage; It has endowed all native
American citizens of America with
right to aid in making the laws of
this republic. It must endow them
with the power as well as with the
right, and then the first and second
great purposes of the party will be
But new progress grew out of the
great mission of the party. Race
slavery has ceased to exist; class
slavery must not be permitted to
take root; no hereditary class of la
borers must be born 011 the soil of
this, nation. In the great army of
industry the marshal's baton must
be hidden in every private's knap
sack, livery American man must
have freedom to do the best that he
can do for himself, according to the
measure of his ability. '
That this may be achieved it. is
necessary that education be free to
all, for an ignorant body of la
borers generally is a hereditary
body of laborers. It is necessary
also that the pay of labor be good.
Kor a poverty-stricken class of la
borers generally is a hereditary
class of laborers. That American
wages may be good it is needful to
protect the American laborer from
A Dakota Sandstorm.
Not longer ago than May, 1889, there
was a duststorm in Dakota, dm-inr
which the soil, to the depth of four or
five inches, was torn up and scattered in
all directions. Drifts of sand were
formed, in favorable places several feet
deep, packed precisely as snowdrifts are
packed by a blizzard. Goldthwaite's
Ideographical Magazine.
At the Maslcale.
Suffering Auditor Will that girl at
the piano never stop? She is making
every one in the room miserable.
Girl at the Piano (sotto voce to gal
lant music turner) So good of you to
say so? It is a pleasure to interpret
melody. And it is so sweet to confer
happiness upon others. Pittsburg Bulletin.
Bobby Anxious to Help.
Jobby (whispering) Didn't I hear
Clara tell you, Mr. Featherley, that she
was sorry, but she really couldn't give
you a iock of ner .hair?
Featherley Sh Bobby er yes.
Bobby Well you just wait a day or
two ana 1 11 get some for you when she's
out. Exchange.
The cost of rough steel castings fo.-
marine engine work is said to be about
four times that of cast iron, but greater
allowance has to be made for the ma
chining, as much as 20 per cent, of the
casting being removed in some cases.
An eclipse of the moon is caused by
the shadow of the earth; the phases of
the moon are caused by the continually
varying inclination at which that half
of it that is illuminated by the sun is
presented toward the earth.
While there are differences of opinion
in regard to the effectiveness of the pro
tection afforded by lightning rods, the
best authorities favor the view that a
faultless system of conductors insure ab
solute protection.
Admitted the Facts,
Xewspaper editors have to be very
careful in opening their columns
for statements. But aware that the
ur. miles medical Co. are responsi
ve, we maKe room lor the following
testimonial from K. McDougall, Al
burn, Ind., who for two years noticed
a stoppage or skipping of the pulse,
ma icn siue got so tender lie could
not lie on it. his heart fluttered. V
was alarmed, went to different doc
tors, found no relief, b
ot ur. miles' Xew Heart Cure cured
him. The eleirant book. "Xw v.ri
Startling Facts," free at F. G. Fricke
0. It tell8 all ahnut liAnrf
nervous diseases and many wonder
ful curss. 3
The wisdom of him who journey
eth is known by the line he selects-
j"umcui 01 me man wno takes
the "Burlington Route" to the
cities of the east, the south, and the
west, is never impeached. The in-
icicnce is piain. magnificent Pull
man sleepers, elegant reclining
chair cars and world-famous dining
cars on all through trains 1, pr
eformation address the agent of
fVlA A 11.?. 1
"v. wiupaujjr ai mis piace, or write
to J. Francis. General Paaaonor
and Ticket Agent, Omaha.
The Missori Pacific will sell rmmri
trip tickets May 9 to 14 inclusive, to
Portland, Oregan, the Presbyterian
general aisembly being held their
May 19 to June 2. Tickets good un
til May 19 and returning inside 90
aa3-s at !HU, going via one route and
returning via another. Apply at
unice- ior particulars.
The Handsomest Lady in Plattsmouth
Remarked to a friend the other
aay that she knew Kemp's Balsam
for the throat and lunge was a su
perior remedy, as it stopped her
cough instantly when other reme
dies had no effect whatever. So to
prove tnis and to convince von of
its merits any druggist will give
you a sample bottle free. Large
bottles 50c and $1.
Some Foolish Pcfml.
allow a cough to run until it gets
bei'ond the reach of medicine They
say. "Oh, it will wear away," but in
most cases it wears them awav.
Could they be induced to try the
successful Kemp's Balsam, which
is sold on a positive guarantee to
cure, tney would see the excellent
effect after takiner the first dose.
Price 50c and $1. Trial size free. At
all druggists.
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
Proscriptions Cat-dully mi poiimlnl ;il nil llou
Atlvcrtisiiig - and - JTb - Work
EatesOn Application.
BOl Cor Fifth and Vine St.
"The number of impecunious earls in
the world," said Hicks, "is proof to me
that the early bird doesn't catch the
worm these days."
German Baptist Conference.
The German Baptist Connference
meets at Cedar Kanids, Iowa. lune
3 to 9. One lowest first class fare for
round trip over the M. P. Tickets
6n sale May 30 to Tune G. irood until
J une du.
Shilohs catarrh Remedy a posi
tive cure for catarrh, dintheria ami
canker mouth. For sale by O II
Snyder and K. G Frieke.
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Fanner, the
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring aa effective
No other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
generations. -
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it.