, r , ,vy .. ..- I o m as ouc nonr late this morn-1 i The Missouri Pacific Now Runs Trains to Omaha. Ml CIIANUK IN II If TIM: CAUD in gray, with white apron, comes n out. The station was Mrs. Drake's Try Brown & Barrett's ice cream choice rather than a place in a city soda water. It will keep you cool. tf. railway ol'lice, for Mhe va9 familiar The when If is selling the Platts- with railway work, and she pre- mouth Street Railway this after- ferred a station that she might have noon. her children beside her and enjoy u,!r1urn1Pf.t;n(rnf ti1A,;w,n r v v.- v a New Station on the Road Between Omaha and Union--A Rich Country Alone: tne Line A Woman Station Atrent country air. She manages it most capably and it does by far the most business of any of the new stations on the road. There are two ele vators and a stock yard at Murray. The town has two churches and ia a pleasant one. A rolling country, checkered with hedgerows and cropping out here and there with ledges of stone, lies between Murray and the next sta tion, Union, whicM is the junction with the old main line. Union was farm land until the road came, but now a village of 3U0 souls, with three churches, a two story school house, two elevators and two hotels is perched on a knowl. Below Murray is Wyoming, situ ated in General Van Wyck's own domain, and then comes Nebraska City, best known to travelers as the site of the distillery, the cereal'iuill and the Hotel Watson. For the present theshoct line train runs between this city .and Union, backs to the Webster street depot, but this is only a temporary arrangement to pound the track down hard. The World-Herald has the follow ing to say concerning the new short line, which was opened yesterday for the first time, having a reporter on the train that made this trip: Hie .Missouri I'acinc snort line between Ibis city and Union, which lessens the distance on the Gould road by twenty miles between Omaha and Nebraska Citj', Kansas Cit3' and St. Louis, and gives this metropolis a second line to Fort Crook and to IMattsmouth. was opened to regular trains yesterday. A month or so will elapse, how ever, before the fast through trains will run over the short line. In the meantime the new track will be made smooth and the crossing sig nals perfected. The through passenger trains by the short cut will then forego the use of Jay Gould's, personal road the Omaha Belt railway and local trains between Omaha and Auburn will traverse the Belt and serve the people at I'ortal, Weeping Water, Talmage and other stations on the old line. Starting from the Union depot at Tenth street, the route for the short cut is along the Union Pacific tracks past South Omaha, with its views of enlarging packing, and past Avery, with its brick yard that is eating a hole in the clay fore ground to a junction a third of a mile south of Gil more. At this point, known as Gilniore Junction, the Burlington road short cut between South Omaha and La Platte Junction, leaves the Union Pacific track to hug the western , bounds of Fort Crook and join the river line of the Burlington about four miles below, midway between Bellevue and La Platte. A few rods west'of Gilniore Junc tion the Missouri Pacific short cut starts from the Union Pacific and parrallels the Burlington short cut. the two tracks being about ltM feet apart. A mile and a half south of the juiiLuoii a grow 01 tan cotionwooa be incorporated in the bill of excep around a spring marks the north- tions in order that this court may :-ori tnioic reserva- ONE Will Democratic Primaries The democrats of this city held their primaries Saturday evening for the purpose of selecting dele gates to the county convention to be held at Union Thursday June 14. Following are the delegates: First ward M. Archer, J. McVey, Fred Herrmann and W. H. Deering. Second ward J. M. Patterson, C. W. Sherman, P. K. KufTner, Chas. Grimes and Jacob Vallery. Fourth ward P.J. Hansen, Geo. B. Lehuhoff, C. M. Butler and Phil. Thierolf. Fifth ward No primary. Precinct Jacob Vallery sr., J. P. Falter, Peter Vallery and D. S. Draper. Supreme Court Decision. Connor vs. Draper. Fror from I in muffing the ball Cass .county. Affirmed. Opinion v. II. Bolin vs. Coon Vallery was by Mr. Justice Norval. on trial before Judge Archer this "Where, in an action tried to jury, morning. The case was taken un- there is evidence to sustain the ver- der advisement. Bolin contracted diet the supreme court will not set I to work for Vallery for three it aside and grant a new trial be- months, but quit before his con- cause the bare preponderance of tract expired. He now brings suit the evidence seems to be against for wages for the time contract cil to-night. The council will meet in their new quarters in the Wetten kamp block. Seats go on sale to-morrow for commencement exercises held at the opera house Thursday night. Price 13, 'ii and 35 cents. The ladies of the M. K. Church will give a strawberry and ice cream sociable at the church to-morrow evening. Everybody cordially in vited. Marriage licences were issued as follows to-day by Judge Ramsey: James W. Harrington and Miss An na Krowlek, both of this city, and to Arthur K. Cross and Kdith Pierce of Klmwood- The republicans of Louisville will hold a ratification meeting to-morrow evening at Louisville to ratify the nomination of Harrison and Ried. . Tha republicans of this city are earnestly invited to attend, The schools will hold an exposi tion Friday and Saturday nights which promises to be au elaborate affair. You will be admitted free. Ice cream and cake will be sold for the benefit of the library fund." Children's day was beautifully' observed at the Methodist church last evening. A most delightful program was rendered hy the little folks. The church was crowded al most to suffocation. i James Deweer was arraigned be fore Judge Archer this morning, charged with being drunk and dis orderly. He was fined $5 and costs. A colored man was arrested on the charge of being a suspicions char acter bnt was discharged. The "Short's" and the "White's'' struggled for supremacy at the Send all Postal Cards to oall park yesterday tor a purse of $9, the "Short's" winning by a score of 13 to 12. The feature of the game was the brilliant manner in which the "White's" generally succeeded TO ANY GENTLEMAN, Who can write the most words on a new U. S. Postal Card 1) H? - PRICE ' -, CLOTHIER Give the Following Prizes on July 4th: 1 A Nice Spring Suit. 2. A Nice Leather Satchel. 3. Two Nice Shirts. Every word must be written with pen and ink. Every word must be readable with the naked eye, And must be written in sensible sentences. JOE, The One Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb the verdict. Held that the iustructisns fairly submitted the issue to the jurj When documentary evidence is excluded on the trial, the same must i wesi corner tion, a string i cars with material for its sewers and water mains stands on a siding and trendies are dug beyond it to the ridge, on which the oihcers quarters are to stand The train speeds southward through billows of green sward and grain and ridges crested with foli age across the I'apillion, past the rendering works and pulls up at La J'tattc. a station a block south of the Burlington's station of that .-ame name. Soon it crosses the muddy and sluggish Platte on a bridge built with three iron truss spans over the channel, pile spans beyond and rip-rap and willows planted along the approaches. A little stretch south of the Platte there is a long line of cables, rods and signal posts guardingthe cross ings of the Missouri Pacific and the Burlington main line from Pacific Junction. The operator in the sig nal tower will control twenty levers and the safety and interlocking switches and signals are perfection. A quarter-mile each side of the crossing a semaphore extends a warning red arm above the track for the engineer who is to stop. If he does not heed it a warning red g.-ite drops arcoss the track. Hut he will not reach the gate, for at a dis tan;e of two telegraph pole from, the crossing, a derailing switch will review the rulings of the trial court thereon. Won From Beatrice. IMattsmouth has succeeded at last in taking a game from Gate wood's Indians. Plattsmouth won Mr. Briggs and the the game by hard and timely hit- PKRSOXAL. Mrs. Hedliind was an Omaha pas senger on No. 5. F. S. White was in Omaha on ofii cial business to-day. Hon. K. B. Windham went up to Omaha this morning. Mrs. Wash Smith and daughter were in Omaha to-day. Geo. W. Vass made a business trip to dnaha this morning. Frank Morgan went out to Lincoln this morning on business. Ed Eaton, of Colorado Springs, is in the city visiting friends. calls for. M. S. Briggs and wife were out riding last evening and while coming down the hill south of the ball park the harness broke and the horse started to run, throwing Mrs. Briggs out and bruising her left side badly baby escaped uuJiurt. llie buggy ting. The clubs played to a slim was broken all to pieces and the attendance. The feature of the horse was badly cut. game was John Patterson's batting. i i ,i a. i . ; t , ' .At., Died. I J-"atrit;e 1 1 ctu mrcc piicucrej in nit: Mrs. Bell, mother of Mrs, Walter box and the3' were all knocked out uliitf rl niiiflltr nwni- ShI nr. I The SCOTe - i i - j day night at the. home of her daughter. The deceased was over I eighty years of age. The bod3r was taken this morning to Rulo, over the M. P., and will be buried by the side of her husband. No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892. Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person. JOE, the Popular Clothier, Opera Ho-ase Comer, FOR RELIABLE 1 XT I. A. 1ST G 33 Call on SAM'L PATTERSON Plattsmouth - Nebraska The Place to Buy T7ardware PLATTSMOUTH. Half Rates to Saratoga. On the occasion of the National Educational Ass'n's annual con vention at Saratoga, July the Burlington route, from July 3 to Ju ly y, inclusive, will sell round trip tickets from all stations in Nebras ka to Saratotra at one lowest first- t. n. KemnacKie came in trom class fare, plus two dollars mem- Ilavelock to spend Sunday. I bership fee N. E. A.) Tickets are -T -T . I gooci ior return passage irom juiy M. H. Murphy was a passenger .3 to 21; an extension of time limit for Ilavelock this morning. I can, however, be obtained by depos- Eric Westland is home from I s. iting tickets at the office of the joint coin on a visit to his parents. wav. Saratov. The Burlington D. O. Hewitt and Lee Sharp went route will run special Pullman sleeping cars anu reclining cnair cars trom Lancoln and Omaha J Patterson, Oreen, ss.... . . S Patterson If Haker, 3b I'oml, rf. ....... Maupin, c Keeves, 11 Wirsche If Perrine p...... Totat 2b.. AH 44 15 KH 15 lt K. BEATK1CK. K'aiulull, cf Holmes, rf&lf . Hoolihan ob.... Taylor, lb Kennedy, ss... Jones, c. I)errick,lf Ap.... Slaifle, pArf . ... Stoney, '1U Totals. A B : n H II 10 PO 24 17 out to Ilavelock this morning. Miss Kate Seidentricker was an Omaha passenger this morning. A. Nash, state secretary of the Y. M. C. A., was in the cXy over Sun- jj throw his engine off the track and i ; prevent it from crashing into the train which has the right of way I -and his crossing. ; Passing the crossing the road j cuts through rough bluffs and en- ' ters Plattsmouth in the west part ; of the city, about a mile from the JMissouri. It has a separate passeu tger and freight depot station there There is no rust to rub off the rails below Plattsmouth for the new road there has been operated since September. Two and a half miles south of "Mattsmouth is Mynard station, a lew and attractive place, boasting fan elevator and stock yards. Four miles south ot Mynard a ark-eyed 3-year-old boy looks out f the station window as an engine nd a single car pulls up to switch d he asks: "Ir zis ye pay car." !No, it isn't the pay car, my boy, ut it looks like it. Friends of the t j tte Frank Drake readily recognize c! e handsome boy-as his; there is mistaking the likeness. And through to Saratoga, leaving Lin coln at 2:40 p. m. and Omaha at 4:43 p. m., July 0. A folder, giving all par ticulars, may be had upon applying to J. Francis, general passenger and ticket agent, Omaha, to whom, or to SCOKE KV IXXIXUS. Plattsmouth '.'....I 2 3 0 2 3 4 0 15 Beatrice 10 0 0 5 1 1 311 Nuns earned lieu trice 5, Plattsmouth 5. 1 wo-base hits Holmes, btoney, J Pat terson, ilaker. Pond, Wirsche. Three-base hit Holmes. Home run J Patterson. ' Hases stolen Beatrice H, Plattsmouth 4, Double plays liolohan tostoney to Toy- IS AT (iOLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS Bridge work and fine gold work s SPECIALTY. iJK. STEINAUS LOCAL as well as other an- esmeucsRiven ior tne painless extraction of teetn. J. A MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald Blor' SEND FOR -,. COMlU-NATIO.t PAKt - Mud OuArda, lb K - SS-tach, B"yt int.. i SO-inrh IhmKm Pttaumttv- -rwh nm 1Affil un I Ml Ei Ca MEACHAM ARMS CO.. ST LOUIS.Ma . For Sale. 3Iy house and three lots corner Sixth and Dey, price f 1,200. Mks. J.' A. G." Buell, Central Citj', Neb., apc.F;.K. B. Struck out Derrick 1, SIale 1, Perrine 2. Passed ball .Mnupin." Wild pitches Holmes, Derrick, Single. Time of irame 2:20. Umpire Hurt. da . , ... . , . , I local agent B. & M. K. K., requests lr, Kennedy to Stnney to Taylor Joe Morrow arrived home from for reservation of births should be ifrrKVIStV rStirinii:iti nin'i. n,nl.. ..ii L.i.i i Htt by pitcher ltolines. Jones. -v jiiivi uuiti utij iihii i ciuiu ececi Hedged ?I. D. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ilerold re turned this morning rrom their trip to St. Louis. Mrs. Frank Vermilyea and daugh ter, Miss Bessie, were Omaha pas sengers this morning. F. 1). Lenhoflf went up to Omaha AT GKAXI) ISLAND." The only game pla3red yesterday in the state league was playeds be tween Grand Island and Fremont, Fail to do Our Duty. Everbody has at times failed to do their duty towards themselves. Hundreds of lalv rentiers suffer I wbir'Vi Tfsnltf1 in Fremont lositif. morning; accompanied by his I Irom sick neadacne, nervousness, I The fatnra nf the o-ame were Ilof- wife and daucrhter. sleeplessness and female troubles. , . , .... , , t. i,.; t .uxtr. .Hp,,, fnllnnr ihPxm,mlPnf M. fers hitting and the playing . of I). II. Ballon came down from J Herbecthter, Stevens Point, Wis., Stratton and Wilson. The score Omaha this morninir to attend the who for five vears suffered irreatlv scoke by innings. - from nervous prostration and sleep- txranu Island ltstifss. trifrl nhvaicans nnn rli f. I rreiiioiii... ferent medicines without success. But one bottle of Dr. Miles' Nervine caused sound sleep every night and she is like a new person. Mrs. Elizabeth Wheeler, .Laramie City, sale of the street railway Chas. Coleman came down from Omaha Saturday evening, and spent Sundiy with his parents. Dal Jones went up to Omaha this runs Grand morning where he has secured em- Wyoming, who tried all other reme ployment with the Omaha Bee as dies, declares that after three week's operator. U8e tne Nervine for headache, nervous prostration, etc., she was B. A. McElwain and Harry Ta- entirely relieved. Sold by F. G. Earned mnt 2. Two-base hit Kimtnel. Home run HotTer. Bases on balls Grand inont 2. -Struck out Purclt U H offer . Passed balls Graver 2. Time of frame 1:45. I'mpire Fulmer., ,0 3 0 1 0 0 0 1 4 9 0000000201 Island 3, Fre- Island 3. Kre- quette left this morning for Davfd I Prick & Co City to attend the state encampment of the Song of Veterans. Trial bottle free. Standing of the Clubs. Played. Won. Lost. Per Ct. Salesmen Wanted Valuable commission offered. Twenty dol lars weekly earned by our agents. a . . lata w ccn.A v cat u ur utn lo. Brown & Barrett has the finest I c t r Hnim5vJ of soda water drinks in the city. tf. I York. 2 Beatrice 23 , 17 6 .739 Grand Island.... 2S 17 U .0" Hastings 26 14 12 .5W Fremont 25 11 14 .440 Plattsmouth 26 10 16 .335 Kearney 23 7 l 1 had a severe attack of catarrh and became so deaf I could not hear common conversation. I suffered terribl3' from roaring in my head, i procured a bottle ot Ely's Cream Balm and in tnree weeks could hear as well as I ever could, and now I can say to all who are afflicted with the worst of diseases, caearrh, take F,lys Cream Calm and be cured. It is worth $1,000 to any Man, woman or cniia suttering trom catarrh A E. Newman, Grayling, Mich. G. BREKENFELD'S WHERE YOU WILL FIND STOTES, HAJNGES, TINWAKE, GAIiDEN TOOLS, GASOLINE STOVES, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, PAD-LOCKS, DOOR-LOCKS, LADIES' PEN KNIVES, ETC. Hon. W.V.Lucas, ex-state auditor of Iowa, sa3's: "I have used-Cham- oerlain s Cough Kemedy in my famil3r and have no hesitation in sa'ing it is an excellent remedy. I believe all that is claimed for it. Persons afflicted br a cough or cola will hnd it a friend." Ihere is no danger from whooping cough when this remed3r is freely given. 50-cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists. NEW PROCESS "QUICK MEAL GASOLINE STOVE I wish to upecially recommend. It if absolutely cafe. 9? Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi- itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker mouth. For sale by r. (. Fricke & Co I will be at 110 Third street until the loth of June. All those wishing their fortunes told will please call. I epeak three different languages; can bring lovers together; can give good advice to people in all kinds of hnsin"1"'. T.OMO. GOODS SOLD ON THE INSTALL ment plan as cheap as for cash, on easy monthty pa3'inents. Come in and examine my anti-rust tin ware which is warranted not to rust for one year. If at any time you want anything new that we do not happen to have in stock we can get it for 'ou on two daj's' notice. A2.1 r.:.-.!r.-: . rif.Urr.outU