IS fighting Saved against iscovery the life that Consumption. Only act promptly I'ut it ofl", ami nothing can nave you. int, ii taken in tunc, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical 1) will certainly cure. It must le lone through the 1.1,., ..1 1 .1 - ""i aiio iiiu iiscovery is the most potent Lloo.l - cleanser, strength -restorer, an.l llesh-builder tliats known to medical science. The scrofulous affection of the lungs that's calic.l Consumption, ami every lorm ot :crolula, and Wood-taints, all yield to it. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Llool, llroru-hitis. Asthma, and all severe, lingering Coughs, it's an unepialed remedy. It's the on one that's uiranteal. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in every case, you have your money back. "We promise to cur. your Ca tarrh, perfectly and permanently, no matter how your case or of how long standing or we'll pay yon ."ioo." Thai's what the proprietors of Dr. Cage's Catarrh Itemed y say to every sulitrer Catarrh. Ami they mean it. from K"glstreij r!i-ici;in in. J I'liam:j."3-t Special attention given to Office Practice. I'K K HLl S - N'KK. THE VOICE WITHOUT A WORD. J.Vfl t'iB riTift il rii! ;-M t,f tin, icvp I i .'t lut iw n in mI-iiI fniilu.-y; A u. : ii r w ii-il bid ill the hiiilrt nxlcrp 1"m.ii t ht; ra.lli) f tLe Siiiiiiin r fca. XiimmiihI lnjt j,t if uk vi- iU;it fulloui'd wave AiT'if.-i rl..- vliiiiini; yiUo-.v whs hennl; (Siil nil l In-ir loiifn urow one in cijiju i t juave 'I In- Voire uiiIm.i.i a word. I s.-.l l--fi :!- ii -i nli.'ir unit u sliriii'. (';. I t.v f li.uli.v.x t.f t i.f ciu luinod loft Th,- fi rvciii-y tlivitu-, I'r.iycl liorn lint willli.n keys ;i LN-j-f-iriLf Hfift, Thai l;i!'it i:,.-.iin n i.-f, . f 1 1..: rloii iri .1 air -pr. iioc-c! v. liiiTMi.f run..; iiumot-tnl ln'rj; Ami .H i jutiii-i it l uiiiu itini I hriili-il me there Tin Vni u vviihoiit H worth 1 w; C'.'llt a.. troops 1 I!1V V te i.l Ti. 1 hi held liMe the bleeping ari'l wateheil the lambent :-rm-. fif l.i i l i:it- down vvt -l. Ami raw t !:e hlnr ft M-; anil the trianf liirf h Of Niitsrv. Ami witliin rnv hwivI hn-nst Tin! llioxl of M.i.t: iirr-i-i its Iturriers broke. Ami all I he cboriii i.f lcin;r treat lv hlirreil: But tuiiLHH; ami i.en fell mute: alone there fjioke The Voice without u word. W. J. Iiemlcr.-ou lu New York Times. uIuii:m; Troop, in tlt a deligLUnl story of em- ro i !i in whivli the Srn. :,.-. ,'t'i a Trriiiiii..jit i.jirr T ho . ... e.iiutr cover not f ir i.r, the tiiMg line LLicks were blazing away at him a.s f.i-t as they could op a Mini clyn tlieir rifles. In vain their of. .ll'll 111 M J;i ....-ia, j 1)J Will i:.n:iu:iilii.ii threatened to ljeci.ii. !;. :vl y Kriitis. and th-ir counriamlit s i.lliv-; r, a Scotchman who lia i St-en i:ia::v tiul:! with tlu-ui. losing hi.-, temper. i-. ! c- i-.. .....1 .1 l .1.:. i .i .. j y.r r.n'i .i.)Vii ii-iiiiKt me line cnwi:'; j th.-iii v:h every ahu.-ive e.i:het i.i j fiii' ly a ii-:r;.te vocabulary of Arabi.- Vi.i-Siv.. t.,-r . . ii.... i.i.jrii u iiiiuuL meet. At lactone i if tiniii hapiH'tieil to turn iii:i i i w-i irtA -! 1 1 1.. i.ll it i . . , . in; I'llif1-1 111- HI t'VI'if,!i,V ' a very excited state of mind. Flo ! rose, ran back to him, arid naTt:":,' lrinly on the luict he said: frightened, l-y. It's ritclit. We re here. We'll take care . once him rea. "Don't he I'oikI .f Simple Diet. The Aster House has anions its recrn- lar patrons of the lunch counter in the rotunda one gentleman who for a period of ten years, summer and winter, has scarcely varied his diet for his noonday meal. He is a tall, athletic man, always well dresed and appears to be. if not wealthy, a man. in excellent circum stances. It must lie from choice then and not iiecuniary reasons that each day in the j ear he orders regularly a bowl of milk and a plate of crackers, and con cludes the repast with a chocolate eclair in winter and a dish of berries in summer. The gentleman for fully a half score or years has not altered this order. Whether he is interested in a dairy and desires to popularize a milk diet no one seems to know. That the food agrees with him is evident from his appearance. and a mere glance only is conclusive evidence that he most thoroughly en joys the refreshing repast. Tsew York Herald. you The Scotch ley, however, was equal to the occasion. lie rfxle out throuirh the line, and walked his horse up and down in front of the rifles. "Now." he said, "if you must lire, fire at mc ! After this it is not surprising to read i:i mspatcnes tliat Uns oflicer has twice re cently had his horse shot under him. Contemporary Review. P. J. H:-VSKjT llKALr'R IN- STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUE ENS WARE. Area aud Population of the World. The data given in "Die Bevolkerung der Erde" show that the area of the world Is 52,29!),431 square miles and the Iopnlation 1,479,729,151, an average of twenty-eight to the square mile. Raven stein's revised estimate for 1890 gives the area at ."il .2."io.8oO, the population at 1,467,920.000, and twenty-nine to the square mile, ami estimates the increase ! (ltS0-90) at fi per cent. In computations of this kind several totals, particularly in Asia and Africa, have to lie obtained by estimate. It is quite iossible that the total population reaches more nearly 1,500,000,000 than the figures given. In any event the lat- j ter in round numbers are more practical and eaier to remember. Chicago Tribune. Patronage f the Public Solicited. North Sixth Street, Flattsniouth 9 R. A. SALISBURY D-K-N-T-I-S-T JOI4 AND IKCELAIX CROWXS lr. stHays an;-.tbetie for the paiulers ex tractiur- of teeth. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. KockwcMHl Bloek l lsutsniouth. Neb ?Iovius SiiikI Hills. In the arid lands of central Asia the air is rejiorted as ol ten laden with fine detritus, which drifts like snow around i conspicuous objects and tends to bury j them in a dnstdrift. Even when there is no apparent wind the air is described as thick with fine dust, and a yellow sediment covers everything. In Khotan this dust sometimes so obscures the sun that at midday one cannot see to read line print without a lamp. The tales of the overwhelming of travelers by sand storms in Saraha v.m familiar to every schoollioy. Goldthwaite's Geographical .Magazine. Influence of Superstition. When we stop to think, we wonder how real the sillj- superstitions, in which nobody believes, are in their influence upon our actions. We hesitate to start on a journey on Friday: we walk out in the mud rather than go under a ladder: i we don't give knives or sharn instru ments to our friends, and we don't do a hundred things that we might, all be cause, though we are not superstitious, we would rather not do what suggests anything disagreeable. Harper's Bazar. PLATTSIOUTII, XKR F. R. GUTH2AN1T. FRCP J:iy Gould's ISook occasionally some iierson knocks at the door f Jay Gould's office in the estern Lnnm building with a copj- of "ihe History of Delaware County, New York, by Jay Gould," to sell. An im pression exists in me minus oi many people that -Mr. Gould is desirous of suppressing this publication as com pletely as iKifisible, and that he will pav almost any price to get possession of the few stray copies that are left. Resi dents of Delaware county are authority for the statement that, several years ago an agent of Mr. Gould s scoured that county for these books and bought near ly all of them at fancy prices. When ever a copy of this particular history of Delaware county is displayed in that county at the present dav the older resi dents will advise the owner, "Jist j-ou take thet down ter New York, an Jay Ixonld 11 give yer thirty or forty dollars fer it. it is certain that nobody in Mr. Gould's office ever heard of his paying any such price for one of those books. And nolx dy is able to explain why Mr. Gould should want to suppress the pub lication, unless it is that he thinks there is too much sentiment in it for a man of his present reputation. New York Times. The I'lireaftoning Crowd. Shaking of the queer things tole seen on the streets, it is really astonishing hnw instinctively one person imitates an other. A man with a passion for psy chical research ha been proving this by aome exix riments which are, to say the te:ist of it. original. Going along alout dnsk the other night in advance of a small party of folk, he suddenly turned out into the mnddj- street, as if avoiding something in front. Uuquestioningly every person behind did the same thing in spite of the mire. It isn't likely that they felt the full hi-.u'.orous force of the incident in quite the way he c"id, however, when they saw him face alont and walk calmly back in the lieaten path. Th? sheen went to all tae trouble of jumping over a bar cf dust, to e sure, but it would really Feera worth while if human beings could think a little more independently and for themselves. The truth of it is, it is just tliis blind unreasoning herding to gether that leads to half the accidents and panics which are cropping up on all sides. Boston Transcript. Don't bo Hoodwinked by tlealcrt who pretend tli!t they can sell Dr. Pierce's emiitie liicili cines ;:t less than ihc.-c Jo;ij; estab lished price..: Golden Medical Discovery for !iv er, blood and lung; diseases. $1 a bottle. Favorite Prescription (for wo man's weakness and ailments), $1 a ! bottle. ! Pleasant Pellets (tor the liver), '." ceil is a vial. j Com, Ext. Smart-Weed ."() rents a' bottle. Dr. Safe's Catarrh k'eiiie! , j cents ;i bott.'e. i Mie 'iiuiiie medicines can only i lie .-obi by druggists, at the aboe prices. ' , llu re sire more ways than one to ! make a proi'.t. even at "cut prices." i l"ii.crujiuloiis dealers tamper with j llie ixiltler-. or relill empty ones and such mixtures can be sold ciie;ipiv. Hut eeiy hot tt le of Dr. Pierce's genuine medicines is guar anteed. If it fails to give satisfac tion ' in any case, you have your money back. Can anything else, at any price be really as cheap? You pay only lor value received. Something- else, that pays the dealer better, 111:13- ,,e ottered as "just as ffood.'' Perhaps it is, for him, but it can't be, for you. Oregon. Washinyion and the Nor wet Pacific Coast. The constant demand of the traveling-publ ic to the far west for a comfortable and at the same time an economical mode of traveling has led to the establishment as what is known as Pullman Colonist sleepers. These cars are built 011 the same g-eneral plan as the reirular tirst- class Pullman Sleeper, the 011I3- dif- lerenee beinr that thev are not up holstered. They are furnished complete with g-oorl comfortable hair matresses. warm blankets.snow white linen cur tains pleuty of towels, combs, brush es etc., which secure to the occu pant of a birth as much privacy as is to be had in lirst class sleepers. There are also separate toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen, and smok inr is absolutely prohibited. For full information send for Pullman Colonist Sleeper leallet. K. E. Eo inax, General Passeng-er and Ticket r 4- MY GROCER PUT ME ONTO THIS SOAR and if does juct wfyat )e clairr)s for HJ ' " - Ack your Grocer for it ar)d insist op hviit. THE BEST SOAP MADE FOR ALL HOUSEHOLD PURPOSES. MADE ONLY BY N.K.FA1RSANK&C0. Chicago. Ag;ent, Omaha Nebraska. Nothing New Under the Sun N'o! not even through cars to Den ver, Unrueii, Salt Eake Citv. San Francisco and Portland. This is simply written to remind vou that the L'njon Pacific is the pioneer in running- through cars ti the above mentioned pointsand that the pres ent through car arrangement is un excelled. Ue also make Till-; time. For details address any arent of the company, call on your nearest agent or write to K. L. Eo.MAX, G. P.tSc T. A. U. P., Omaha Xeb. The following- item, clipped from the Ft. Madison (Iowa) Democrat, contains information well worth remembering-: "Mr. John Roth of this city, who met with an accident a few days ng;o, spraining- and bruising- his leg- ami arm' quite severely, was cured by one o0-cent bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Halm." This remwl- is without an equal for sprains and bruises aud should have a place in every household. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. 1 I House Furnishing Emporium. WllEIiE von can g;et your house t'nniisheil from kitchen t p-u'ior and at vn tvarms. I han ie worhl renown lav'oo hahv Ciirrififes. also die tli the latr-st. improved Jieiiahle IVocess (Gasoline fetove Call and he convinced. No trotihle to show goods. OFFOSITE COURT HOUSE I. Pear-leman 9 VI A.TTS A U IS 'I' 1 J , n: j 5 n F Kates JtJio pkk vnEK anh up Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. Ii. A. WATEKMAN W PINF LUMBER ; Shingle, I. nth. Sash. Doors Blinds Cn supply ererw demand of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera bouee. TI310TIIY OLAKK. PEALEK IX COAL WOOD oTKRMS CASIIo rd and Ottlee 44 Houth Tbrd Street. Teleptaose 13. J'LATTtjMOUTjr, Nebraska Oypsy Suertltion About AVltches. Tliose people who stuTer from a witch fall into a kind of lycanthropy. Tliey are characterized by a pale, sunken countenance, hollow, mournful eyes, gwollen lips and flabby, listless arms. At night they often change themselves into wolves and do grreat harm. Trans formed into dogs, they must accompany the witches on their nightly forays. Philadelphia Ledger. Antidotes for Snake Poison. The effect of snake bite depends parti y on the condition of the snake and partly ou that of the person bitten and the part attacked. Xo effectual antidote has yet been discovered. Ammonia and per manganate of ixrtassium will hot suffice, although a solution of the latter will take away the poisonous property of the snake's venom if it be mixed therewith. Immediate amputation of a bitten toe or finger is the best course, as tlie delay of a few seconds may suffice to convey the ioison into the patient's circulation. If from the nature of the part bitten amputation cannot be performed, a very j tight ligature applied after cauterization j and sucking the part is the best course, 1 and the administration of stimulants is generally recommended. Quarterly Re view. Hicc and AVht-at at Weddings. Throwing rice and wheat at a wed ding is a relic of an old Roman custom, and has probably been common in Eng land since Roman times. Brand gives several authorities for it. Friend refers to the case of the bride of Henry VII at Bristol in 146, when wheat was thrown ujon her with the greeting, "Welcome and good luck!" Rice is used similarly at weddings in The horse's intelligence has been so India, and the substitution of this grain for wheat m our own conntry of late years may le partly due to that fact; but where what cannot readily be come at rice would naturally suggest itself as a substitute. Notes and Queries. She Told the Truth. "Maria Jane," said a fond mother the other morning to her daughter, "did Daniel Jamieson kiss you on the steps last night?" "No, mamma: he did not." If the fond parent had said "lips" in stead of "steps," it would have troubled Maria Jane to reply. Exchange. The Doctors are Guilty Grave mistakes are made by phv sicians in treating heart disease. The rate of sudden deaths is daily increasing. Hundreds become vic tims of the ignorance of physicians in thetreatment of this disease. One in four persons has a diseased heart. Shortness of breath, palpitation and fluttering, irregular pulse, choking 8 Misation, asthmatic brej;t:iing, pain or tenderness in side, shoulder or arm. weak or hungry spells, are symptoms of heart disease. Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is the onlv reliable remedy. Thousands testify to its wonderful cures. Books free. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. The wisdom of him who journey eth is known by the line he selects; the judgment of the man who takes the "Hurlinoftoii Route" to the cities of the east, the south, and the west, is never impeached. The in ference is plain. Magnificent Pull man sleepers, elegant reclining chair c irs and world-famous dining cars on all throuirh trains. For information address the airent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis. General Passemrer and Ticket Agent, Omaha. U'H L K EE I CONSTAV'IV nS HAM) f A Ful l H.-,d n,h u 'i - J ana Oils. DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LfQUOF?S Prescriptions t ju jnll v 7 HPTX JL JLJL E A d vert! ssEaagg rT;E:K:A:L:D marked by every nation, ancient and modern, that he has always been taken as a symbol of the human intellect or understanding. Hence in the mythology of all nations he has been used as a S3-TTI-bol of the intellectual principle. The harbor of New Haven, England. presents an excellent example of the ex tensive use of plastic unset concrete, this material having been almost exclu sively used in the construction of that massive breakwater. A l'hysieian's Fees. South Africa resjnjnds to modern in novations. A recent traveler in Kaffir land tells this incident: As we were unsaddling, there passed us a man driving a small flock of goats ! and several head of cattle. This was I the husband of a lady physician who is ruining the practice of the local witch J doctors, and he was taking home his wife s fee for attending a patient. Youth's Companion. The Missori Pacific will sell round trip tickets May 9 to 14 inclusive, to Portland, Oregan, the Presbyterian general aisembly being held their May 19 to June 2. Tickets good un til May 19 and returning inside 90 daj-s at fi'A), going via one route and returning via another. Apply at ticket otiice for particulars. The Handsomest Lady in Plattsmouth Remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Halsam for the throat and lunge was a su perior remedy, as it stopped her cough instantly when other reme dies'had 110 effect whatever. So to prove this and to convince you of its merits any druggist will give 3011 a sample bottle free. L,arge bottles oOc and ifl. A. OTTS PLATTSMOUTH K.IST HUMM'.KS lASA(m. SOI Cop Fifth and Vine it. - ' NEBRASKA w m Not the Man in Quetition. A laborer in a rough felt hat and long The poor of Paris know how to spend little money in a way that annroache the genteel. At the tables in front 01 the cafes thev sip their cheap red wine with the air of persons of leisure. No one ni 11 l ronld 1m 1iKrnvPTVx! throuzh which an normon ltl nama I walfceti the other day into the to be inclosed in a solid log of wood ! Shakespeare library, and after looking which was discovered in a ship's hold in ! attentively for some time at one of the Portsmouth. custodians, went up to him and said, "I . say, zur, be you Air. Shakespeare as I've Old books are not forged. It has been h??n 7r Pe custodian ex- iwi bnt th .Wpnti 4. a,D I puuneu 10 uoage mat ne was not the ered.' The old paper and old type can-1 geatemsn referred to. London Tele- not be made now. . ft" Some Foolish People allow a cough to run until it gets bej-ond the reach of medicine They say "Oh. it will wear away." but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful Kemp's Balsam, which is sold 011 a positive guarantee to cure, they would see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price riOc and $1. Trial size free. At all druggists. German Baptist Conference. The German Baptist Coiinferenee meets at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. June 3 to 9. One lowest first class fare for round trip over the M. P. Tickets on sale May 30 to June 6, good until June 30. Shilohs catarrh Remedy a posi tive cure for catarrh, diptheria and canker, mouth. For gale by O H Snyder and E. G Frieke. iviexican Mustang Liniment A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by erery one requiring an effective liniment. Xo other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang Liniment. 0 Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it. i