if Platts j A ..Firm YKAir. mouth aily J'LATTSMOUTII, N K15UAX?KA. SATl'UDAY. .JUNK 11. M NUM UVAl 2'. D Herak f.l . "Ml : W 'POWDER 0 Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking !i(w'!l'r Highest of all in leavening strength Latest U.S. Government food port. re 1 RURUXUTOS &. M ISStiL' It I HIV EH K. V TIME TAFLE. J OF IAILY I'ASSEXGEK TWAINS GOING EAST No. 2 5:17p.m. No. 4 l a. - No. 6 7 ; 44 V. No. ID : a. m ho. 6 Y.'i a. n GOING WEST Not..... 3 :I5 a. m o. i V- No. v :x a. ni. v. T "I" P Xo. 9 P.m. So, 91 7 :j5 a. m. The jjljtfsmouth QernUL OiKXKK OK V1XK AXI) FIFTH STS TKLKI'JIO.NE St. - NOTTS BROS, Publishers I'lilili-lifil every Thursday, and daily every t veninic except Sumluy. hVi-tered at the 1'lat t-miouth, Xehra?-ka Ht pliice a-4 cciuil cla mail matter ior t raii-nii-ion throuuh the IT. S. mails. TKK?I.HH WEEKLY. One j'rar in uilvuuce -Due year not in advance - Six mouth in advance Three months in advance T K K l S OK HAILY. One year in advance - me copy one month -IVr week ly carrier - - SI t 2 i j e 5 ) Go l."l be much more comfortable, but' what is more to the point, much more healthy. Railway carriage mats, too. get. in course of time, most uncomfortable, ad every trave ler knows. Fitted with the wire cushions ami wire padl ing, railway .seats (and those of carriages as well) would be always shapely and practically indestructible. Scien tific American. KH INTERESTING QUESTION THAT MAY NEVER EE ANSWERED. EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE1, CO.. OF N. Y. T. II. Pollock. Agent. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL. TfCKET. For I're-idetit 1 J K SJ A MIX II A K K I SO X of Indiana. For Vice President WIIITK LAW KIKI of Xew York. Bushnells extra leaves for ij"',1J0 clock lor I inahaaud will accommodate i.as- I'kksi de.NT IlAKKI-SOX should ap point a man for the next secretary of Htate. a man whose feminine rel atives will not cause him to throw up his job all of a sudden. a' euiters. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY i n 'i I J Vrains dally except Sunday TIME CARD. No. 34 Accomodation .10:55 a. ra. . 4 ;00 p. m. CAMXET crises are fashionable among representative governments this year. Hut ours will hardly make a ripple, for Harrison will ap point a new secretary of state and things will go on as smoothly as ever. SECRET SUCIET1, M. W. "tAS-i CAMP So.SK M. W. A. rm eis eve j CAecoud and F urth Monday ' Fitzgerald hall, v isiun iicm..y. - - ;r, p. C. Han "en. V. C. 8. C. Wilde. Clerk. r. Tvertenberirer, W. A. TAI II E PALMER CAMP NO 50 ,on of Vet-ran, division of k.l j At ,eet every Tuesday nigni. at " iu nVu hall In f itlnerald b o. k. All sons hii-1 IwitalJ wnlrwle, are cordially inv.te. to meet vithu J.J. Kurtz, Comm:tiuier ; i. . Elwaiu.' l"t yeargeut. rvKU'K OK THE WOULD. Meets at 7 : 30 0K",frv Monnav evenii-tl at the t;ni:ul Army ill. A. F.Oroom, prewdent. 1 nos vtanm. Two -weeks hence it will be the Llemorrnta' turn to furnish fun for the country. But they will hardly be able to do as much as the repub-i;-:. n have done in this line. The people won't have the interest in their doinos as theY had in the re !- publicans'. Notice. Tke social and dance to be given by St. John's Altar Society. Friday lune lUth will be postponeo.o Mon- lay June 13th. Don't forget the change of date. "Ilackmetack" a lasting and fra grant perfume, price 'Si and "id cts. tor sale bv O II. Snyder and F O Fricke. For millinery and pattern hats or anvthing in the line of ribbons. flowers of the latest styles and de- gijo-ht kick that sent the head rolling to Arc the Movriiirnt of the IIul and i'we After :--ejipltutlon UrulunUry or Are They Attended with Some Slight Action of the Will Sum Eitrlmnt. Tliw question of the duration of con sciousness in the brain of criminals after execution by hanging or by the guillo tine is being discussed with greater in terest than ever since Auastay, the mur derer of Baroness Dellurd, paid his debt to society. It is paid that this remarka ble criminal sent to his brother a letter on the subject as follows: The separation of my body ai d that whki constitutes my thinking boing cuanot so soou be tw'fomplibed. I believe there la a survival of about au hour. Come, tbet.. .eon, be pres ent at my exituti'ju au l insist mt my heat'. Ie tjiveu to you. Ca.il me Willi your voice ana my eyes will reply to you. This is but the repetition of a popular belief that has prevailed for centuries. There is a legend of a state execution in England at an eioch when the ax and block were in use, which sets forth that after the instrument had fallen the per son whose head was on the block ex claimed, "You have missed me!" to Ti-hiMi th executioner replied with a Spot Cash Hardware. MANY YKAK2 AGO T"" W,KT WKOTK: "Man wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long." It was true then and just as true to day, ind fits our ca e exactly ALL THAT VK WANT IS Yqi.ii" Oracle on sitrns. call on the tucker listers in the Sherwood block. tf, Fok SALE OK Tkade A desirable lot in Plattsmouth. Will sell for cash or will take a good buggy horse and horses in exchange. For particulars call on or address this ohice. tf According to the census of 1390, Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her population of 1.098,576 people, as the eighth largest city on the globe. Most of us desire, at one time or another, to visit a city in which so hnd homes, ana, a distance. The story never gained much credence, but is still worthy of discus sion. Its truth or falsity would depend on the possibility of the instrument being so thin and sharp that the walls of the veins would not be displaced, in which case the circulation of the blood might continue for a few seconds, and whether consciousness might continue for a moment after the vertebrae of the neck was severed. This last difficulty would be the createst, since utter un consciousness is supposed to be simul taneous with the severing of the spinal rd or the breaking of the neck. In anv event, scientists who have taken tho miitiv- nersons when we do. we can find no better trouble to study the faces of the guillo- line than the Burlington Route." tined f or a few seconds after the fatal Three fast and comfortable trains stroke or wno have made experiments daily. For further information ad- .lpoanitated animals, do not favor flr tlie ao-eiit of the company at KADnitKh", Cl'TIJ'KY, STOVKS, TOOLS, WOODLNWARIv fhat ia all: XorrJo ve want it Ion a.-" just for a few ears, say twent-r or more and if you will grant us this little" our cup of happiness wili be lull to overflowing. In return vou will have little to want, for in these goods we our the best and iiio.ft complete line made in this countr to-day and -Zi-t UPrioeo so That every time we fill out a quotation sheet we feel that we ought to be accorded a place in history among trie pimantnropisis ior we are giving the trade all the cream and keeping the skimmed milk for ourselves. WILL YOU NOT CI YE US THE "LITTLE" THAT WE WAXT. J. W. Hendee, & Co. We commend the able, patriotic and thoroughly American adminis tration of President Harrison. Un it hi XyJ secretly. . der it tlie country has enjoyed re- iil o i w XoH-Meet first ami third F r i- inarkable prosperity. and the digni- U fVan ty and honor of the nation, at home , J A r :o'rbf- and abroad, have been faithfully W. X " a KMeConIUtei-o.tNo.43 ,e.-ts every maintained, and we offer the record V LV(nTdrl of pledges kept as a guarantee of nrTi i-iiiv invited to e, t wit li us. tr-u of tlie laitimu perioruiauce in ort Adjniant ; H. K. i'.e. i o. t this place, or write to J. r-rancis, i General Passenger and licKet Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. Just as sure as hot weather comes there will be more or less bowel complaint in this vicinity. F:very person, and especially families, ought tc have some reliable medi ciiie at hand for instant use in case it is needed. A 'Si or 50-cent bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrluea Remedy is just what 3 011 ouirht to have and all that you with decapitated animals, . 1 I lie tueury. t Several French physicians, and among J them Dr. Paul Loye, now ueceaseu, out once a professor at the Sorbonne, have experimented with dogs, using for their hanging or decapitation machinery like that employed in public executions. The dog was chosen for the ex periments as having the most mo bile face and being able to repro duce the movements which in rare cases have been observed in human subjects. Persons whom this treatment of dumb animals migiit revolt are ueggeu B J. I. UNRUH FOIl FIRST CLASS FUllNl TURK. H K HAN DLLS the Whitney baby Carriages ami can offer good bargains in them Parties desiring to furnish a house complete could not do better than to call and inspect his line of furniture, in the way of Parlor sets. Dining room sets, Bed Room set, and even) thing ktpt in a first-class establishment. J X.-47. M .t.. IVTHI s .aiioiiei - A., J-Xo-47. Meets evtrj " . .,11 V? vA Tt heir hall over Hemiet it.Tu t s. all V "nii.VkniVl.ts are cordially it.vUe.l to itt".d. M -N Orimth. C C : Ot.s Uovey lv ot K ami S. . .- -V,st Meet second and fourth t -..." in the month at a F Hall. recjrde-i. M Vontlriui, M W, K 1' 1 O lirown, li. ; Mr. John Cory. Secretary. OF HOXOK Meets the first - f n uf v V U"rthirl Thrursdayeyenm o,eac.i Mrs. Nannie Hurkel. ister secretary I'ASS LODGE. No. 146.1. O. O. F. meets ev ereu. X. O. ; S. F. Osborn, secretary. Republican platform. ON THE FIRST BALLCT. After three days of preliminary work the republican national con vention yesterday nominated Presi dent Harrison for a second term on the first ballot. The Hekali) believes the party will go into the contest with noth ing to apologize for either in candi dates or platform. The recoid of the president is absolutely una: sailable. He has given the best ad ministration we have had since the war. and as brilliant a one as any other country has ever enjoyed in j times of piece. His conduct of the rffie has commended him to the best elements of all parties, and es peci ally those who agree with him on economic ouestions. His second would need, even tor tlie most to remember that the suffering is much severe and dangerous cases. It is . ia vivisection, since these the best, the most reliable and methods of execution are generally rec- most. success ;Ve ognized as producing the least pain aim iw picatiiu 4.w uv. r. ti. r riCKe oc v.o., u. i...- - "... . of ao1 fri thf. exM.u- IWtKS blLLii lVi kuttw tiou of ordinary criminals in France. It r onsisted of a triangular Knue or a-s., Tlie IJ. & M. will sell tickets A. the second annual encampment competitive drill. Omaha, and for the meeting of the Manufacturers and Business Men's association, Omaha, at one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold June 13, 15, 10 and 18. Final limit for return, June 22. J. Fkaxcis, Gen. Pass. & Ticket Agent. ACCIDENT INSURANCE, T. II. Pollock. Agent. surmounted by a mass of lead weighin over twenty pounds and falling over six feet upon the neck of the animal, which was severed at the third verte bra. The phenomena observed were similar to those remarked by other French and by foreign savants whose experiments have been less elaborate. At the moment the head was detached from the body the mouth opened wide, as if the pmal was making an extraor dinary effort at inhalation. The tongue nrmlied to the lower part of the mouth and underwent a brief period of arftation. The eyelids were closed with iirht contractions. Then the eyes were I nnpnfld and rolled from side to side and RffeAKA"iT candidacy will produce a more en fnXX " erentg; thusiastic campaign than his first, brethren invitea. iieury Thos Walllnw. Secretary. SSOCIATIOS VOCSISMESHHISTO'S o'e'ock. and the president will grow in pop- ularitj- and strength with the peo ple until the election returns him triumphantly to the white house for another term of four years. Putter and vtkW meatmakket. Z. ..... i.L- VmI Mutton. rrepa iee.. ' flv hand. Game of all kinds kept in Season SATISFACTION - GARANTEED SAMPSON BROS. Cor. 6th St and Lincoln Ave PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA. I will be in the city for the next ten days, and, as I have two good ;.,r smviiifr machines which I . 11 at rlisnose of. anv one wishing a to bottom, the pupils in the mean- .,,cVn'rif at a barirain. forcash orL, m-inallv contractinjr. At the on the installment plan, should call - the jaws Were opened and at once at Henry Boeck s store. violently closed, and the face was rapid- l. jUBE.NviLi., I, nlsed. This was followed by cii 1 . ... ii tv. changes at the corners 01 me muum, 1- Rv.Manairer Simrer Man'Fg Co. Plattsmouth. I l ULIUS PEPPERBERG. Among Tobacco, Havana alone pleases the taste of the critical connoisseur, xvo artificial Proce88 . Jk.fiV hance its value. The "Bud cigars are always made of the finest Havana fillers and has always been esteemed above every other brands made ar sold at Plattsmouth. Plattsmouth, Nebraska ! I FOK SALE-Two 4lldree. of cleansinir and renewal? If VautU .within block of managers and others would only fit depot, ior 1 tneir seats with the braided wire WIRE PILLOWS AND CUSHIONS. Recently I had brought under my notice, says a writter in the London Illustrated News, a new invention, which I think should be made wide ly known in view of the sanitarj benefits likely to accrue from its use. I refer to the braided wire pillows, mattresse&s, and like articles which, I understand, are being introduced into this country by an American firm. The pillows 1 saw and exam ined are made of braided wire; they are perfectly resilient, accomodate themselves to every movement, and ,rt of course, always cool. The chief point to which public atten tion should be directed, I think, is the possibility of such an invention superseding the ordinary stuffed pillows and cushions, which, with the lapse of time, become loaded with dust and germs, saturated with perspiration, and demand what they seldom get thorough disin fection and cleansing. Do we ever think of the amount of dust fciid microbes which the stuffed cush ions of a theatre, church, hall, or other public place absorb, with no anpprfv nrosoect. as far as I can J ' " j x lsiood vTHl ieil. It will be remembered that an explo sion took place under the portico of the Palazzo Massimo, in Rome, on April 30. In refereiu-e to this The Messagero ha3 published the following letter trom - h , the evelids closed, but if an ob Prince Massimo: "l notice in mis muni- matter of what kind, was placed bration of the nostrils, trembling of the lirv and erection of the ears, ineen iwrhhle of these movements constituted a series of horrible grimaces like those seen on the face of the guillotined, and seemed to express the most intense ag nnv. If the cornea of the eye J. I- Unruh, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. WABoeck&Co was in"'s issue of your journal that the ex plosion which took place under the por tieo of niv palace terrified my family. I beg to inform you that those who have their veins the blood ot the t aim anu of the house of Savoy know neither ter ror nor fear." London Globe. An Kasy Method of Getting Ice. An easv wav to lay in a stock of ice for summer use is practiced by a Minne sota farmer. In the winter he packs drifted snow in his icehouse, for a few nights, wetting it with well water. When frozen hard it is covered with sawdust. Last summer his stock of snow ice lasted until late in September; it was just as good and clear as river ice, and he hadn't the trouble of hauling it. Yankee Blade. A social change noticeable in London is the early hour at which a large num ber of society people are now fixing their dinnerparties. It used to be from 9 to 10 p. m. It is now 5:30 to 7 p. m., and the indication is to a still earlier tendency. The Israelite alliance has sent to the sultan of Turkey an address in com memoration of the admission ot tne ex iled Spanish Jews to the Turkish empire in Uitt. The development of the petroleum in terest in Peru has been sufficient to war- before the eve there was no movement, Neither did crying nor whistling into the ears of the dog appear to cause the clio-Vitst sensation. The pinching of the tongue caused a slight shrinking of that organ. Although the pupil 01 tne eve was "contracted, the approach of a bht rendered tne ormce mm amno. m, niifTinincM occupy aDout ten seconds, and are followed by a period cf repose continuing to the fifteenth or twentieth second, during which the mouth rests closed and tne eyes open and without movement. At the end of this time the mouth opens ana closes quickly, the nostrils dilate and contract. During this time, although the irritation of the cornea has caused a slight wink ing, neither whistling in the ear nor touching the tongue or nostrils with am monia or cologne has been able to pro duce anv effect. The opening and clos ing of "the mouth resemble yawning, and are reproduced a dozen times, after which the motions gradually cease. Then the cornea loses its sensibility to the touch, though, half a minute having elapsed, the yawning is still active. The pupil of the eye dilates at the approach of light, but does not contract, and the cornea loses its glistening appearance. At the end of two minutes the yawning and other phenomena have ceased, end ing in mere contraction of the fibers, and the head takes a corrdik look. WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE Ol R LOW PRICES IN MENS. BOYS. LADIES MISSE AND CHILDREN'S SHOES THAT ARE GOING AT BAR G w, ji. jbojzck: & CO 'SAT IS X If parU 1 1 II nr." addre Thk c.:ls: I .Tii .v, noi diii; iui.i they lie we:;.-