The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 10, 1892, Image 3

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Smoker's Nose
knows when it is pleaseJ. It Is always
pleased with the fragrant and peculiar
aroma of
Bull Durham
Smoking Tobacco
Which has been for more than a quarter
of a century the desire anj delight of
comfort lovers everywhere. It strikes
the taste of many fastidious smokers.
Try it.
Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co.,
u yjf lx-t ssn aw
Kill Lou-ileit Ti-lU the Story of an F.ver.t
That 'im.i IrtJ-M-veji V ! Ai Stirred
l"p th People 'f I'miiic M;it-H.
A I J mi. lie. 1 Mllti Kiln.
pyo amp
H It 15
C . now ..ilVr to rent
their famous Orguiis r Iau t'.r
any one of
three m ut!i-;. ivhiir the jier.-oii
t 1 1 -
kiriW them full om.ortm.itr to tet it thoroughly in in- un n noire
1 Teturu if lie loe n..t longer want it. 1 he x'muy, to want it
amount? t. tiie price oi n,'.
' m...
matil the aireate ot rent am
pn It iivi'iiMKS HiS PU il'KKTT
trated catalogue, with net price tree.
Mason & Hamlin Orgj n and Piano Co
rr. .:
L. v in
For Atcbinoii. St. Joseph. Leaven
worth. Knn City. St. I.oui,
and all 'joint. n" "th. est
south or west. I icl--etr
t?oll aiul lai
iayre chvckeil
to any
St a tes or
Canada. For
Call at Depot or address
G. P. A. St. Loi?. Mo.
A. G. P. A. Omaha.
H. D. APGAR. Aprt., Platt?montb.
Telephone, 77.
m MM 0
YhJ B&k karoi aaorta to ttM tttcauciru,
cfv tmi aot knowing haw to niful;f
gir Op ! OMfiUT Di " w7
rm wiMHMUivanMnBiButt
tka siuloaopbT of Dl-
laat or railing Mimhooi,
Stunl ul HeroJ lit-
- u4 Mima. &MIct of Error
! iliiis nitr
Healthfi:!. Arseasle, Cleansing.
Cbanped Hands, Wotmds, Bums, Etc
Removes and Prevents DandruH.
filler rff?iaPl CftRQ
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water.
I ft r w -c-i tI-A
All ovt-r Californi.i anl in-rhaps in
every one or um x'uvum sxa;?s uivu u
livi:ic tx!;iy v.-h re;m-iiib-r I lie wcntJr
ful Iciit f horst-'iiJiinhhiji known :s
-L;il L.r.V'ien"s IU1.-," w'.iicli w;is iir-fui-nicl
thirty -seven years u.o. Tehama,
on tin-Sa.-ra' i-lit-i river, w:us the HtarT
in n'jint: Weavvrville. in Trinity coan
tv. tiiu terminal jiie. The distance was
a ifoo.l lwo miles, m st of tlio last furi
In-in i.iaue in the niht over mountain
trails and through heavy timber. The
li.-taiu-e was aecomi.lished in five hoar
ami thirteen minutes unexamile.l tn. e
forarhleof 100 consecutive miles un
der existing circumstances. We let Mr.
Lowdeii tell tlio 6tory of his wiM ride.
"In th latter iart of the year 1A
Adams & Co. and Wells, Far.o & Co.,
the rival exi-rusu companies, with Cram,
llodgers i'v- Co. and Kholes & Whitney,
the. coimeetimr comnanies between
Shasta and Weaverville, commence!
racing their exresnes with horseback
messengers. After many hard races
had been run, first one and then tlie
other winuintr, in December, lbol, it
seemed to have been arranged by the
chief companies that they would run
the president's message from San Fran
cisco to Portland on the arrival of the
mail steamer and then stop racing.
Great preparations were made for
the race, and all the fast horses along
the road were pressed into service. As
high as $100 vas paid to owners of horses
for the privilege of ruling them troin
three to five miles. Everything was in
readiness about the 28th of December.
Uorses were placed about four miles
apart by each company, every horse hav
ing a man to care for him, with an extra
horse to ride himself. At least that is
the way I had my stock arranged. Both
relays of horses were under saddle from
the 2Sth day of December, 1854, until
the 2d day of January, 1835, on which
date 1 made mv part of the race. I rode
for Adams & Co.
"The race was a very close one from
San Francisco to Tehama. Wells, Fargo
& Co. led tnMarysville. Between Marys-
ville and Tehama Lusk, Adams tv Co. s
messenger passed Wells, Fargo & Co.'s
rider, and the Mexican who took the
bass from Lusk reached Tehama hrst
and crossed to the Tehama side of the
river just as Wells, Fargo & Co.'s mes
senger an-ived at the opposite bank and
jumped into the boat.
Now mv race commenced. 1 sprang
into the saddle, with saddlebags weigh
ing fifiv-four pounds, and rode nineteen
horses to Shasta without touching the
ground but once during that part of the
race. That was at the Prairie House,
where Tom Flinn, the man in charge of
my horse, had got into a fight with tuo
man wiio Kept w ens, r aro a
horse, and had let my horse (Tom Mc
Turk's gray) get loose. I saw the situa
tion, and riding my tired horse a little
past where the right was going on,
sprang to the ground, caught the fresh
horse by the tail as he was running a way
from me and went into the saddle ovjr
his rump. 1 turned to the horse I had
just left wi;h the express bags, pulled
them over to my fre-.n horse ana went
on. I lost about one minute here. All
other change.-; I m.ide while the horses
wfri rvmni:! -. the keeper leading the
A Irowuing Man's Eprlnce.
To prevent any person from interfer
ing with my design 1 jumped into the
river late in the afternoon Friday. No
one apiared to be altout at the time.
When 1 struck the water I immediately
sank, going down and down, and yet
being carried forward until I thought 1
would never again arise. A s"Xind roared
through my head; it seemed to mo it
would burst. 1 opened my mouth ant ;
attempted to breathe, being unable to J
endure the "pressure longer, but tuo .
water rushed in and 1 closed my mouth.
I was again compelled to oieu it. More j
water entered. The feeling was horri- I
Just when 1 thought all was over 1 ,
reached the surface of the water alxait j
fifty feet from the shore and U0 feet j
from where I had jumiied in. Near by
was a steamboat on which stood a man
with a long iHle with an iron hook on
the end. It took only a second to see
th se things, and in fact I had just time
to get one breath when I again sank with
iny mouth open. My past life flashed
before me, and I was again a child. The
picture of my father and mother stood
out in lxld relief. I reached out my
hand to them. The roaring of the water
sounded like the sweetest of music.
Suddenly I saw light and thought 1 was
in paradise. A large green held covered
with roses ami other flowers, whose fra-
i i - l ..I..... T
grance 1 couiu smen, came iu view.
felt as if I was being borne up ty some
winged messenger whom I could not
see, but whose presence I could feel.
I remembered nothing more until I
felt a rough jerk. My rescuer had suc
ceeded in fastening the boathook in my
clothing. As my body was being pulled
from out of the water the picture
changed; instead of paradise, the place
in which the devil dwells, with all ite
fires and swarming with hideous, red
dressed creatures and other things, pre
sented themselves in my mind, only to
again quickly disappear and leave me
in darkness. When I came to I was sur
prised to learn I had been unconscious.
Every muscle in my body pained me,
but my brain was perfectly clear.
Drowning, after the first stages are past,
is pleasant. St. Louis Republic.
Audirona as Ornaments.
Genuine antique andirons are compar
atively rare in New York, and they are
for the most part of simple design, al
though ornate in detail often. The very
earliest andirons were of wrought iron
and few of them have come down to
this century, especially in America.
One characteristic of early forms was
the curved top, ending in a diamond
shaped mass of iron, from y2 to 3 inches
in diameter. The goat's foot, not with
."Hvidfd hoof, however, is a common
characteristic of early form, in brass
well as iron.
Whm the andiron was developed as
an ornament, small andirons, called
creepers, came to be used with the large
ones. The latter were for show, the
creepers were to hold the logs, and per
haps to prevent them rolling out upon
the floor. The creepers were of wrought
iron, with fivut only ten or twelve inches
high, curving into a hall. J-ater tney
were used alone in small fireplaces and
imitHted and elaborated in brass. They
aro not uncommon at the antiqiie shops,
and they are exactly imitated iu wrought
iron by modern manufacturers and sold
at from $1.50 to 3 a pair. Another
comparatively early form is a wrought
iron strip with simply wrought iron feet
and a brass knob at the top. New York
One of Loboucliere's Stories.
One of Labouchere's stories about the
Remit I.Ik oinii-e.
On bluff of the Tipiecaiioe river, bo-twe.-n
lloch. .-icr and i;luiiisbur,, i
a solitary Krve. It is iu a grove aU.iii;
the roa.l'-idc. Standing by it one may
see a magnificent stretch of river, whh
woodland I vyond. Every one who trav
els that way often knows the spot, and
has heard the story of the death or u.t ,
grave's occupant. I
Manv years ago a mover was pa-M-- !
along that highway with his family. II- j
had neither friends nor acquaintance:- '
in the neighborhood, and. in fa t, the
population was spar.-e. His wife tooii
-iek on the way, and Re laid by on hi- ,
journev at this place, towering far alo
"the beautiful river. He found no remedy i
for his wife's illness and she died. With- '
out help, and with n lookeron save hi
daughter, then a little girl, he dug a ;
"rave and buried his wife there. TLe .
headstone, U there ever was one,
cayed, and all trace of the identity ot ;
the dead was lost. Bnt every one re- j
spec ted the burial place. .
Among those once familiar with this j
- - -sa-.l 411 I
neighborhood was .Mrs. .Marina -uh-
man, now of this city. Last week sh j
was talking with an Indianapolis friend (
of childhood associations. The new ;
friend in the course of the conversation ;
said: j
"There is one thing that clouds my
early life, and that is that I do not know
where my mother is buried, l was ssiu
young when my father died in the new
community where we had settled. My
mother had been dead some years al-
ready. All I remember is that on a long
journey m a great covered wagon we
stopped on the banks of a river, mere, j
after some days, my father dug a hole
in the earth, and I have faint recoliec-
tions that it was a time of great sorrow.
for mother had died, and there father
all alone had buried her."
"Was there a great bluff along the
river and a road running near the spot
through the woods':""
"Yes; I can see the senenowpictnred
in my mind. I remember the road and
the bluff distinctly."
"Then, mv dear madam," said Mrs.
Alleman, "I can tell you where your
mother is buried." And she related tne :
story as above. I
The lady will go to Rochester and
thence across the country to her mother's
grave. Indianaiiolis News.
Every Month
many womea suffer from Eiceaaiv or
Scant Menatraation; they don't know
who to conflJa in to jet proper advice.
Doa't confide in anybody but try
Female Rogulaior,
Specif c lor PAINFUL, PROFUSE.
"look to "WOMAN" mailed free.
fold It? Mil IIpuiiI.IL
A. N. SL'hLlVAN.
Ttoii;ey ;t!-l.!iw. Will five il'iinl ' KliMoc.
I mi !! Wi-lie-i-s Mrt.'-P-il t line. o(iW:e ;:
I i.Iuloii lil.;!i. Kilft riiitt-rnoutli. Nrt.
The Lnrlina
Constantly keeps on hand everythin
you need to furnish your house.
faitf up cair.tal ....
. .SeiKiO.Of
.. lo.ixiu.ot1
Curiou Fate of a Shark.
The steamship Kansas City, of the
Ocean Steamship company, which ar
rived here on Wednesday night from ;
Savannah, caused the death of a five !
foot shovel nosed shark in a somewhat ;
unusual manner. Off Hatteras Shoals, '
steaming along at the rate of seventeen ;
miles an hour, the steamship ran its cut- '
water into the shark, striking the fish '
square amidships so to speak. The
shark was unable to extricate itself .
owing to the intense pressure of the ,
In a few moments the sharp stem had j
cut the flesh to the backbone, and this (
in turn breaking under the strain, the ;
shark assumed the shape of an inverted
V, hanging on either side of tiie bow
like an old rope, the head and tail being
still connected by the muscles of tha ,
back. Caught thus, the shark was
towed along by the steamship for some
300 miles, and "until the stop at qnaran- !
tine, when, released from the pressors
of the water, the body slowly sank.
New York Sun.
rsthevry te-t facilities f-r ti e pruirij
transaction of linitimut-
Hanking Business
cltoek, bonds, noM, jjovvrnineat and lo:p.l -e-untief
txm;lit i-. tit ii-iosit! reoeiv l
vd it.ter.-M ail.'we.l eu tlie cert u;c
Drafts drawn, available In any part ! ne
United HUUen and all tlie vrlncipai town r,,
TK1. HiKl't-st ll.rtrket .rl.-e , .:! tor I'miMj W
rants. State ann County n.iil-.
John Fttzuia!d '"" '
Sar.i WhUKli. 1
;-ort.'e K. Uovey
w. n. ccsiiiNti.
1'yi iU ft ,
. w.
I ' in
. iii i ut
El)i -
n l a"
1 , LLXTrsYi
horse I was to ride and riding his extra admiralty ami uie xvx.v ; ,
oTie. I could make my coming known
with a whistle
about one-half mile be-
Labeled 1-2 lb Tins Only.
b..:..:vr. :t txl. SoidbrF.iairoa.only
fc. Mioway, r Iwk. iVnw for bot- ot pruotx
:175. organ-fi"-- Want agts. c atl'gtie
fi-..i- Ail. r --s Dan i t I leat ty. wasli
ingtoti X. J.
Chamberlain's Eye and SHn
A certain cure for Chronic Sere Eyes
Tetter. Salt liheum. Scald Head, Ol
Chronio Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie. Scratches, Sore Klpplea
and Piles. It is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been cured by
it after all other treatment had failed.
It is put up in 23 and CO cent boxes.
rt t
.'ai..-. anU Uv i W.iir.
V--:.i-iai a luxunwii: privt.t.
-f.r to its Youtl-.ful Cciir.
, l'..i:cci".n. iail:,Tak intilur.OOcU.
The onlr nm- cure for Coin,
or 1USCOX u H- 1 .
fore reaching the change, giving ample
time to tighten the cinch and start the
fresh horse on tiie road, and by the time
I overtook him the keeper would have
my horse in a gallop.
"I reached Shasta sixty miles in two
hours and thirty-seven minutes. I was
detained there about two minutes to di
vide the express matter, 1 taking the
Weaverville portion and Jack Horsely
the through pouch for Portland.
nine changes of horses between Shasta
duct their labors at Whitehall is as fol
A few years ago a gun was lost by
bursting in the Sea of Marmora, and
upon reading the report of the admiral
in command of the fleet "My Lords" were
moved to telegraph to ask whether there
was any chance of the muzzle of the
nn being recovered. The answer wa?
that in view of the fact that the gun
had been lost in eighty fathoms of wa
ter, nearly out of sight of land, where
I had I no cross bearings could have been taken.
1 lilts uneiiiieHei ui . j "
..-mm- f -I J. .1
and Weaverville and reached the latter remote. '1 hereupon -jiyuoru. aiite
place in five hours and thirteen minutes to know why no engineer's accounts had
t. tiia i te-ft Teh.iina. From been sent in from the vessel in question,
Shasta to Weaverville, forty miles, the ! but they ce?-ed telegraphing when the
ride was ma'.ie after dark, with a light
snow falling, but when 1 reached the i
mountains and had my faithful horses to j
. . . - -. . i , ' i. . ... .i t
ride wildcat;, louiuucub, uiciuuuhu,
admiral replied that the ship had beer.
for ten years a sailing ship! Cor. New
York World.
How Lost ! How Regained1!
Or 8KLF-FKESEKVATTON. A new and only
iolrt Medl PKIZK ESSAY onSEKVOUS ana
The best of fresh meat a! way found
in this market. Also fresh
and Butter.
Wild jrame of alt kinds kept in their
and WEAKNESSES of MAN. 800 pagea, doth,
cilt: 1 lnrataabla prescription. Only $1.00
by mail, doubts aealed. Deacriptire Prospect
ca with endoraementa rnriTI SEND
of the Preea and Yoluntarr l-Kt t I NOW
testimonial of the enrei 1 Tli-I-. W"W
Conaaltation In person or by mail. Expert treat
TAIN Cl'KK. Addretw Pr. JV. H. Parker, or
The Peabody Medical Institute, No. 4 Bulfioch St..
The Peabody Uedieal Institute ha many iml.
tators, but no equal. llerul'l.
The Science of Life, or Self-Preaervation, la a
treasure more Talnable than Bold. Kead It now,
everv WEAK and NERVOUS man, and learn to
be STRONG . Mfiicul Revietc. (I oni nithted.
Stxr?, protept; Yockt
Curt far Imootence. Lota
of manhood, Stmlnal
f-nltii.-i.-i-.. Smnfiatorritta.
"Tl Hirocutnrtt, SelfDittmtt.
i Lote of Kemory. Ac. WUI
7 nxme ou a STRONG, Vigor-
out man. mo r.(A o
S racial ptmtkmt maftej
tpltf naeti Bom. tflaaia
fiat& aav UsbBtat Oo-,
50i0 LuoaoAvC.
Pompev. Jack and the Bill Klix herse -
a little snow did not make much differ-
r . T , 1 V 1
! ence in speed. lur l was mysen u oau
I condition at the end of this ride. I had
lost my cap and my hair was a solid
mass of ice. I wore no clothing except
flannel drawers, undershirt and boots,
unless my belt, with pistol and knife,
might be considered clothing. The cold
first, seemed to penetrate me when I
threw the express bags into the office at
Weaverville. I had not felt it before.
"I was so far ahead of Wells. Fargo
& Co.'s messenger at Shasta that they
stopped the race so far as that company
wa3 concerned. It was well tuai iney
stopped, for Jack Horsely made a
splendid ride to Yreka, and was half
way to that place when Wells, Fargo &
Co.'s messenger reached Shasta. My
stock and help for this race cost Adaias
& Co. about s2.200. 1 made other races,
loug and short, but considering the
weight 1 carried, the weather and The
time of day that 1 made it, 1 have al
ways believed this to be my best one.'"
More may be said in regard to the
narrator's condition on arrivit.g a;
Weaverville. The five hours srra-.n u
nerve, mind and muscle had produced
complete exhaustion, and it was always
related that when Mr. Lowden sprang,
or rather sli. from his horse he dropped
to the sidewalk, and had to be as.-m?d
to bed. But a thorough rubbir.g. oc
casional potion of "Mountain B.dui"
and a good Eeep soon revived the hero
of the greatest race ever made in norta
ern California. Rohnerville Herald.
Abul-Hassau, an Arabian h-:oigi?t
who lived in the Thirteenth c niury,
was the first man to introduce the equal
hour theory".
A Toy Imln-try Festival.
A remarkable token of the iniportanca
of the toy industry in the ancient city of
Xuremburg is afforded by the great
gathering in one of the public halls at a
banquet in celebration of the completion
of the 300,000th model steam engine by
a well known maker. Among the guest s
were the heads of the municipality and
several industrial and commercial cor
porations. The little model which marks this
stage in the toy making industry of the
Xuremberz firm was constructed with
the latest improvements. It was adorned j
with a l.-mrel wreath, and exhibited in ;
the hall side by side, in order to show
the progress in construction, with a
model of the date 115. It is said that
this f actor3 alone has also turned out
more than bio.OOO magic lanterns. Lon
don Optician.
Capital Paid in
F 11 Cutlinian J W ,l..M:-n. K
Hei.ry hikeubarv. M V Morn
A toiiiior. W V.'"ttenk n.'
11 (.'usliiu;
a:i. .1
. V-
A general banxing- bnsim s- trails
acted. Interest allowed on b-poitepj.
AtlileUcs In a Theater.
On one occasion during Mrs. Langtry's
tenancy of the St. James' theater, ath
letic sports were held on the stage after
the evening performance, in which not
only the members of the company, but
also Mrs. Langtry and her sister took
part. One rather novel event, which
was confined to the stage hands, was a
race from the stage to the gallery, in the
center of which Mrs. Langtry's hand
kerchief had been suspended. This was
awarded to the fortunate winner, to
gether with a substantial monetary ad
dition. London Tit-Bits.
Cumbersome Theft.
Poets find sermons in stones, but
thieves (and philosophers) look for con- j
tents of a different kind. On Friday tha I
Earl of Lathom laid the foundation i
stone of a new lodge at Cambridge, j
Vptpr.biv evenincr the stone was found
Always has on band a full stork
Tirjui. Shorts Oats and Hal
Hay for sale as low n the
and delivered to any part
Of tli
Snakes That Climb Trees. -
Those pit vipers without rattles which
belong to the Old World (Trimeresuri)
are Indian, and a dozen different species
are iriveu and described by Mr. Boulen-
Tliev are robust snakes, with rather
! short tails, which can strongly grasp,
and thus they are enabled to climb about
trees which form their natural nabitat.
Quarterly Review.
Perfumes Sometimes Injurious.
As a rule whatever perfume is un
pleasant to the individual should be
avoid ed, but as exceptions occur to
every rule,' nervousness or debility
which cannot be accounted for may
sometimes be explained by the use of a
well known perfume. St. Louis Globe
Democrat. A Charming; Tribute.
Papa," said a little girl who had
been getting a great many satisfactory
answers to a great many questions,
"what's the use of our having a dic
tionary in the house while you are here?"
Harper's Bazar. '
to have been nodiiy removed. iu
stone, according to the custom observed j
on such occasions, contained a bottle in
which coins of the realm were duly j
sealed up. The laborious method adopt- .
ed by the thief is quite on a par with the I
historic mode of roasting pig immortal
ized by Elia. London Globe. j
Car Rails Five Miles Long.
The electric welding of street railway
rails, as a substitute for fish plates, has .
been the subject of experiment for some
time. The process is now said to be en- i
tirely successful, and it is possible to !
weld by electricity two pieces of steel of j
twenty-five square inches section, and ,
therefore a solid rail four or five miles
long can be had if required. The test
are also said to prove that the necessity ,
of joints to provide for contraction and I
expansion is not so apparent as engineer ? j
have supposed. New York World.
Six Kducated Toads. (
Landlord J. W. Steen, of the Law- j
rence Junction hotel, has six well train- I
ed toads, which he has been instructing
for three months. The reptiles are train
ed to march, or hop in squads to catch :
roaches. One has been trained to climb
a ladder, while another turns the crank
of a small churn. Cor. Pittsburg Dis- I
Southampton Losing Its Shipping. '
N only have the peninsular and
oriental steamers ceased going to South
amptou. but other companies owning
large steamers are now threatening to
go elsewhere and abandon the use of tb3
Southampton docks. New York Timee.
Catholic-!. Paul's Church, ak. Let -r
Fifth and Sixth. Father Cau.ey, Pastor
Sei vice : 'hss at 5 Hlid 10 -.30 A. !. Sul.aay
School r.t 2 :. with benediction.
jhhitia'. Comer l.Ji'Ust h:h". I i-htl .-t
Service mornim J-.nd eei.!hu., l-.i'.ei A
iitl oway pastor. Sunday Sclioo. i'. a. M.
E -is' OPAL.-St. Luke's Church, col '1 lii'-r
and Vine. Hev. H B. Bu.e l a-'--r Ser
vices : U A.M. ai.d 1 :30 F. M Sia aa .v:Uoi.
at 2 :30 P. M.
Gkhman Mkthodist. . jniei Six.'.t. ft !.
tiranite. P.ev. Hilt. t'Hti . -rv:f-e : 11 a.
and 7 :30 P. M. Suuday School 10 :3 ) a. x
v cr.i'r 'M
Y..T T.Hu-.a.
(; i i----1-'.
iier Sixth and Granite te. It
rn'-rnr M:i!day-scbKil "' ''
at 11 a. in. p. in.
The . K. S. C. E of thi church ireeo-. rr
c...v...- cvoiiiiic r 7 Mfi in the teener t .
ti.e clnierh. All are Invited i at t
FIRST MKTHODIST. Sixth St.. betv-ei, 'aiO
and Pearl. Kev. b. F. Britt. l 1: b;t'.r .
-ervicef 11 A. M.. 8 :0) P. M Suvda- SclK.O
3-.3fiA M. Prayer'lveveii
Gkkman I'kfsiivtk.kian. Coixer Main a;. A
Ninth. lr. Witte. pMstor. Services us-' A
hours. Sunday school u :30 a. M.
teeu Fifth aud sixth. '
Coi-okkd Baptist. Mt. Olive. vtk. itwi-s
tor. Servire 11 a. in. and 7 :30 p.
meetir.e Wednesday eveninc.
I'taye it
y(ivr, Mfs's Chkistiai' Assoiiaiiom
Booms in V. atennau block, MaiQ btreet. (.us -pel
meeting, for men only, everv Sufaday al
teriKK.n at 4 o'clock. Koom open week iufx.
from 8:30 a. in.. 13 9 : 30 p. in.
South Pakk Tap.krxaclk. Her. J. W.
Wood, Pahtor. Services : Sunday Bctjoo
i9. m. : Preaching, 11a. m. and
prayer meeting Tuesday nipht : ebo pm: -uce
Friday niht. AU are welcom.