The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 08, 1892, Image 3

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; II y
ull Durban?
Smokiog Tobacco
Situated in the immediate section of country that produces a grade
of tobacco, that in texture, flavor and quality is not grown elsewhere
in the world, and being in position to command the choice of a.l oiTer-
.,r uw market, we snare no rains nor expense to give u ju
ings upon this market, we spare no pains
When in want of the best; ask for
Bull Durbaro.
Sold everywhere. None genuine without the
Trade Mark of the Bull on each package.
so A gin DiAftSftC
C. now Her to rent -any :io ot
t .1. .. ...........
l' an 6 fur three im Mitlis. giving u.o r-i..
thor'H.frJily in Ins own noire
If he rjMtiniie to want it
their famous Orpins or
Kirin.r them full opportunity to test it
i " ;n,o not longer want it.
m i r;.-. e r,,,t ,,uT ,...' .... .,.
Ill nit nr 0 . Tlfll.T vi-KTIIKK 1'AYMKNT. IlItK-,-
CIll. 11 --
A Modern llro.
A sergeant of fire patrol in Now Yoih
citv, John K.' was pr-M-nt .1 in the Hotel K-yal. At u v. i .:
dow in me ot the ui.; .-r stories WHS
end a g roup with unxioii faces a fat ln-r
mother an.l child waiting, jierhap?, U.
die together. . . .
At tlm next window, in an ndjoi'iiin:
building, ap; eared a w of our pa- j
trol. The ui-tanee was too great t ,
reach. Without hesitation he threw '
himself down, resting one arm uin tufc I
sill and entwining his leg around a tele
phone wire, fortunately convenient
near; wilh his other turn, one by onu i.t tliis irrono of three over hi.-
I',t as a bridge, to the win
l -. - -
tlow of safety.
His work was not yet done. Ascend
ing to the roof ho discovered niaii
- .. .1 "11 . ... ...1 . i i
stnnoiug iiimiu me iu oi . '"""" "
another jMrt ion of the house, douUin:;
whether to meet death hy jumping oi
wait to he overtaken by the lire.
Shouting to him to wait and he would
Pilve him. Mr. Yaughan rushed to the
street, and calling uion his comrades to
follow ascended to the roof of anolhei
adjoining building; hastily throwing oil
his coat, his companions holding him by
1.; !., tin threw himself head down-
! ward over the cornice, and with then rsiUod this man of over 2o0
pounds iu weight to the roof. The res
cue was completed, these lives were
Mr. Vaughan was presented with a
gold medal commemorating his heroism.
And he richly deserved it. He was a
true hero, and none the less so that he
performed his deeds in the line of his
duty. Christian at Work.
How Sohoola of Flli Ar. I'ur.ued. C ap
turetl an.l Stowed Aboard An Aoo-.m-mo.latli.K
Mnlr of the Fiwny Tril.e
Which Can lie l In Many ttnyn.
Pitching his voice high the lookout at
the masthead of the menhaden steamer
... imt trlei-fu lv. scuooi;
I' Like Romance.
On h bluff of the Tipie anoe river, lv
twet-n Rochester and lilH)iiiiiigsburg. .t i
a solitary urave. It is in a grove ah.n-:
the road.-ide. Standing ly U one may
see a magniiiceut stretch of river, wmi
....,..,11 .ii.l 1- . lid.
Every one who trav- j
J. ilint wnv lutcii knows the spot, alio
has h-ard tin- story of the death of V.
grave's occupant
Every Month
many women suffer from Ecel or
Scant Menstruation; they don't know
who to confide In to r proper advice.
Don't confide in anybody but try
trated catalogue, with net prices tree.
Mason & Hamlin Orgj,ii and Piano
3 a
R n n pw
m I I in i di v -r f r t- wr-.ii'N iivi 11. iim.iKii m
For Atchineon. St. Joseph, Leaven
worth. Kansas- City. St. Louts,
and all point p n'th. e.t
south or west. Ticl
et sobl and bat;
gage checked
to a n y
States or
Canada. For
Call at Depot or address
H, C. Town-send, .
G. P. A. St. Lottie, Mo.
T. C. PlIlLUPl'l,
A. G. P. A. Omaha.
H. D. APGAR. Ajrt-, Plattsmouth.
Telephone, 77.
I'ouiiil Fishing for Scup.
Late in April great schools of porgies
rush on the southern .New JMigianu
ocean coast, and for several weeks all
the fishermen from Stonington fb New'
port have the liveliest kind of work
tending their great pounds on the wihl
shore. The fish usually appear first in
Rhode Island waters, in which state
they are called scup, and then the news
is flashed along shore to the Connecticut
fishermen. At once the latter begin to
set their pounds, for no time is to be lost
if money is to be made in scup fishing.
They erect a netted fence from the strand
straight into the ocean for many hun
dred rods, and at the end of the fence
Bet a great heart shaped pound, in which
tbft fish are captured.
A pound i3 a big and costly thing anJ
costs from $1,500 to $2,500. In the
fcfi. rht. of the season 100 or more barren
rf senn are taken daily from each one of
the pounds along the Connecticut an.l
Rhode Island shores. In two weeks'
fishing at Quonochontaug, a few miles
east of Watch Hill, Captain Andrew
Laughear took over 1,000 barrels of senp
out of his traps. Most other poundnien
have had almost equally good luck.
The fish are sold mainly in New York,
and in the rush of the season not less
than 1,000 barrels of porgies are shipped
thither each night by the big sound
boats from Stonington.
At first the fish fetch twelve dollars a
barrel, but the price drops rapidly as
the fish become plentiful. Often
the market, and then
Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc. the price in the New York market is
not sufficient to pay tne expenses oi mo
i ... XTTO Wvrt Sim.
I nsnermeu. vui.
YMTE BU55IAH aum-.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water.
IE P P S '
Healthful, Agreeabla, Cleansing.
fm ME
Labeled 1-2 lb Tins Only.
' . i m ..bhukaUllnl.
They mM T .a.fullv
'. A jr bv lvct' lnii jli Tubular tr Cuh-
V.Lip rs beard.
.'. :r.-nu-.llfi;i. So.d u? V. K!Knx,OOiV, CP rp
VrYriTfcktaBKliOaiTB-.BU! intollN.J.
1 n.i uyn
V:int airts. catl jxue
:tti 1 F Hi-atty.wusn
Mot trw. ir rf4
. .ii,timi of tna
Orrr, el if l"7
Sot. the wnntfwwj1
.in. OaakBlU Off BOOT
r . oiti .,
How to El"-552d,foTrilSrpliln tot.ll iaterwtoo.
-u: CtaTfCf ami bauiiiii t: kau
. A".-': p. 1nvtir;aut CTitwtn.
Fuils to Kcrtore Gray I
to its leuttiiui ooior.
j aculp dirt : heir t.iuig.
V .-. liTi! at lru'Xii9
The OKI Love Was tlie New.
Last evening at the residence of the
bride's father, south of Crawfordsville,
occurred the marriage of A. B. Rush,
aged about sixty j-ears, and a resident of
Missouri, to Miss Emma Branch, not
manv years the bridegroom's junior.
The couple were devoted lovers many
,-0n no-, near Alamo, but being
Ltrnnral bv a quarrel Mr. Rush mar-
ried another girl. His wife died last
cnrnnpr aud he lost no time in returning
from Missouri, where he had located,
rpsumins his attentions to his old
ho had remained single and who
- -' . . i
seemed very happy to renew xne oiu at
tachment. Mr. and Mrs. Knsh will leave
in a few days for Missouri, where the
bridegroom has married children resid
iug. Indianapolis News.
A Dust Storm at Sea.
The British ship Berean, which re
rentlv made the voyage from Tasmania
around Cape Horn to England, encoun
tered a remarkable but not unusual
phenomenon at sea, viz., a storm of dust.
Alter crossing the equator she fell into
the northeast trade winds, and when
about 600 miles west 01 tne vape ue
Verde islands, the nearest land, the
si'n.x.i:" and immediately all is nusue
and excitement on board.
"As tliis is a new experience to you,
sir, vou shall have a seat with me in my
I MBit."
-Thank vou. cantain; I am only too
eairer to see the fuu."
The crews now take their places in the
seine iKiats, while two of the parly,
known as drivers. CO out in advance ia
tinrti... fif,t hunts to learn the
linn. -
direction in which the school is moving.
mid to mark out its size. The jolly cap-
taiu a true type of the traditional Cape
Codder, siiuare built, sturdy, genial, his
face bronzed by years of exinisure to
tmnshine and sea breezes and very intel
ligent withal takes his place at the in
side bow oar in one of the seine boats,
and the mate a corresponding position in
the other, and by the time they reach
the school the drivers describe the move
ments of the fish.
They now begin throwing out the
seine, each boat going in an opposite di-rer-tion
around the school, the drivers in
the meantime splashing the water to
fwh frmn escaninz. Soon the
boats meet, and all hands now pull at
tv.a rmrse line, the net and cork lme.
Th steamer is brought alongside, and
after the fish are driven well togetner
the net is fastened to the steamer s siue
nil thev are baled into the hold uy
means of a large dip net run by a don-
kev emrine
The next thing on the programme is
to prepare the menhaden for salting, to
h used as bait for which there is great
demand. This is a simple process, but
to me its novelty invests it with partic
ular interest. The head of the lish is
in the left hand of the workman
and with a peculiarly shaped knife held
in the rirht hand he cuts a slice, iongi
CT--- . , ... ,
tudinally, from each siae 01 tne oouy,
leaving the head and vertebrte to be
thrown awav or occasionally to be
pressed for oil. The slivers are salted
and packed in barrels.
This opening act of the day's drama
ied Car.tain Williams invites me U.
accompany him into the cabin, and tht
jolly skipper there entertains me with
some interesting points about the fishery.
"It's queer how many different names
the menhaden is known by," observe
the skipper. "Fact is, it has more ali
ases than a veteran criminal more nu--names
than there were colors to Joseph's
coat. Besides the more common name
of menhaden it is known as pogy, bony
fish, mossbunker. hardhead, whitefish,
bunker, oldwife, bugfish, cheboy. ell
wife, alewife, fatback, greentail, wife
an.l vellowtail shad. It's about as long
as the common sea herring, but is deep
er and more robust looking. Its aver
age length is from twelve to fifteen
inches. I hardly need tell you that it is
valuable as a bait fish, it excelling all
nthors as such: that as a food resource
it is thought to have great quaumes,
that its chief value is as a fetilizer and
nd that, it is also valuable for the cil
and scrap produced by cooking and
Dressing them
"For illustration, here are some min
utes I made in my memorandum oook
in regard to what was done m the year
1880 which was a fair representative sea
son. That vear the total weight of the
catch was 576,000 pounds-equivalent to
about 700,000,000 menhaden m number.
Pretty big army, eh? Quantity of oil pro
duced, 2,066,396 gallons, and of guano
68,904 tons, having a total value of
s 034 641. Capital invested in steamers,
etc., and their outfit and in factories,
2.;5'62,y41. As compared with previous
years,' however, the yield of oil was
small." . ,.
"About how long, captain, uu tn
catching season last?"
"Well, you see, as soon as the men
Wer. make their appearance in the
spring, vessels start in pursuit of 'em,
and continue capturing 'em till they dis
appear in the fall. From the menhaden
oil and guano factories along the south
ern coast of New England, New York
and New Jersey shores, the fleets of
steam and sail vessels begin their cruises
early in May, chasing the fash along tne
A. N.
r.o i lit- Wr-ri
Cn'on Mock. Ka-T l1
r ...... ii.r.i !i mover ttii.i i.i-m:i-
along that highway with his tamdy. 1
had neither friends n.r acquai..;ancef
in tii; m iuhboiiio.-d, and, in fact. 1 he
population was sparse. Lis wife took
ick on the wnv, and f.o hud by on 1
journcv at this place, towering far above
the 1m -autiful river, lbvfoiind no rem dy
s illness and she died. With
out hlp, and with i lookcron save hi.
daughter, then a little girl, he dug a
grave and buried his wife there. The
headstone, if there ever was one, de
cayed, and all trace of the identity of
the dead was lost. But "every one re
spected the burial place.
Among those once familiar with tin
1. i Mm. Martha, All
,..o., n.,v of this citv. Last week she
was talking with an Indianapolis tnen.i
f childhood associations. ine new 1
friend in the course of the conversation j
said: .. . , ,
"There is one thing that clonus in
earlv life, and that is that 1 uo not kuotv
here my mother is buried. 1 was stui
young when my lather died 111 1110 ne, j
community where we had settled. My j
mother had been dead some years ai- j
readv. All I remember is tnai on a mns
journey in a great covered wagon we
stopped on the banks 01 a river, nine. ,
after some davs. my father dug a hoh ,
in the earth, and I have faint recollec- L4,Htlntly
tions that it was a time 01 jju-ai ,
for mother had died, and there lather
all alone had buried her."
"Was there a great bluff along the
river and a road running near the siot
through the woods?"
"Yes; I can see the scene now pictured
in my mind. I remember the road and
the bluff distinctly."
"Then, my dear madam," said Mrn.
Alleman, "I can tell you where your
mother is buried." And she related the
story as above.
Tli ladv will co to Rochester
thence across the country to her mother's
-r 1 .
grave. indianapoiis nc o.
a Specific for PAINFUL, PROFUSE, 1
Boik to " WOMAN " mailed free. D
KolJ ljr all llrmil.l.
Attorn-y a'-I aw Will ulv j.n.n.M Hil.-i.tlor.
PlattMinouUi. rri.
The Lending
on hand everylhin
you need to furnit-ii your hous--.
Plattsmouth - Neb
rttiil tip capital ....
. .. 10,(XK).09
Curions I'ate of a Shark.
The steamship Kansas City, of the
Ocean Steamship company, which ar
rived here on Wednesday night from
cror.ngii rinsed the death of a five
-bevrv beft fni'ilities for the promp
traiicactlci) of liitimiitf
Mankind BusincHs
-t...-. honriu. irold. ifoverninent and local -
foot shovel ncl l.ark in a ewhat j .?rW7
unusual manner. Off Hatteras Shoals, j .Vraw... In any part .,f tl.
steaming along at the rate of seventeen i brtted state, and ail tl.e prti.clpal t-M ol
arTrmnr. the steamship ran its cut- ! urn-.
ti,t. .:irt. Pt.rikinir the fish , ,-, iom maik fkompti.v bkmit-
a lv. . -v ' -'
square amidships, so to speak. ine
i,.,ir ,t-,i nr.:ihlf to extricate itself
owing to the intense pressure of the ,
water. , , 1
In a few moments the sharp stem naa ;
cut the flesh to the backlKjne, ana tnis (
in turn breaking under the strain, the ,
shark assumed the shape of an invertea
V, hanging on either side ot tne bow
like an old rope, the head and tail being ,
still connected by the muscles of the j
back. Caught thus, the shark was ,
towed along by the steamship for some ;
300 miles, and until the stop at quaran- ;
tine when, released from tne pressure
im.t.riflOJwH MAI1K
richest market pHi-e pj.;fl for V Wm"
rants, Htate ana County tmiids.
l. Itwi"-ortn
K. K. Whtve
. wauK'i.
John Flt7Krall
lieorire E.
jotiu KUzjtir&ld,
J. W. Johnson,
-00OT H EOno-
tine, when, released irom ine PiCux . -,0 1Q
of the water, the body slowly sank. (JlflZGriS - lClilli;,
New York Sun. . t
A Toy Iniluntry Festival.
A remarkable token of the importance
of "the toy industry in the ancient city of
Nurembnrg is afforded by the great
o-atheriug in one of the public halls at a
banquet in celebration of the completion
of the 300,000th model steam engine by
a well known maker. Among the guc ts
were the heads of the municipality and
several industrial and commercial cor
porations. The little model which marks this
stage in the toy making industry of tha
Nuremberg firm was consirut-ieu
the latest improvements. It was adorned
with a laurel wreath, and exhibited m
the hall side by side, in order to show
the progress in construction, with a
model of the date 1815. It is said that
this factory alone has alno turned out
more than 3-2.1,000 magic lanterns. Lon
don Optician.
Capital Paid in
K Cutlmiiin. J W Johtson. E S GieusH.
Il" "ry Kikenbary. -M Moriran. J
A Connor. V Vv' ttenkainp, n
II Lushing
A wneral banXin business trans
acted. Interest allowed 011 de
Always has on band a full stock of
Corn. Bran, Shorts Oats and ii-ih-'l
Hay for eale as low a.- the lowit
and delivered to any part oi tin
' t S w 1TJ B 3 2 tsereanssaos y000 : shores and in the sounos, wuerev
coated with a very fine powdery dust of found. The vessels seldom cruise
: ,. ,Uf.y,V.1?iloa, pw,'rk h.tin.e.suc a tlark vellow or saffron color, scarcely , t or fifteen miles from land.
"- rV 9P5ft tSftSSYSSu n"y" discernible on or near the deck, but pro- 1 nf the CTonnd is estimated
Chamberlain's Eye and SMn
' Ointment.
A ccrtaJn euro for Chronic ScroEye5
Tetter. Salt Eherim, Scald Head,
Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Ecma,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Isipplcs
and Piles. It is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been nf
tt after all other treatment had failed.
It Is put up ia 23 and 50 cent boxes.
How Lost! HowRogalnedl
ct. bT? f.pkFJSEKVATIOS. A new and only
2dWEAKNESSE8ofMAN. 300 pagea, dotb.
rilt: lt Inyahiable preecriptwoa.
KJf. JKubuTaeafed. Beacriptire Proepect-
Expert treat-
aua s
m with endorsement! CTDCCI
of the Press and oluntarr fKI-h I
testimonial of the enrei.
: i .nn nr hv null. Exp
Boston. Miuut. v Trvjtn v imi.
The 1'eaooay mtok '
tatom. but no equal--J'1-, xrinn. U a
The Science o ."---. .
treasure more tu-u. , "
rverv WEAK ana . j i,,j
fn on the lushest parts of the rigging,
so that the sails appeared "tanned."
School aud Home.
An Expensive Plaything.
A pet cat owned by a New York fami
ly is fond of expensive playthings. The
wife of its owner missed a 400 diamond
a few days ago, and after notifying the
irlirA mill advertising largely for it,
offering a suitable reward for its return,
the cat was found playing with it on the
floor. Whether the cat received any por
tion of the reward or not the patiers
failed to state. Harper's Young People.
A Venerable IelagiBne.
Schoolmaster Johann Friedrich Schulze
has just celebrated at Pankow the seven
tieth anniversary of his wedding day.
Johann is ninety-two years old and his
wife ninety-one. The happy couple had
the good 'fortune to see around them,
participating in the festivities of the
dav, nine of their children, twenty-six
grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren.
Vossiche Zeitung.
nt. .1.350 sanare geographical miles,
"The average steamer is aooui iuebi.t
of this one. That is to say, some 70 tons
measurement, 90 feet long, 17 feet beam,
IK feet depth of hold and seven feet
draft aft and costs 1G,000. It costs not
far from $1,000 a month for wages, fuel
m-ovisions to run it. Like this boat,
Cumbersome Theft.
Pnota find sermons in stones,
thieves (and philosophers) look for con
tents of a different kind. On Friday ths
Earl of Lathom laid the foundation
tone of a . new lodge at Cambridge. ;
Yesterday evening the stone was found
a- i i,,or, lWtilv removeu. aub ct Toni'
stone, according to the od rv u J" -d 'St & T. V Bundu,
on such occasions, contained a bottle in , j 2 :30f wltto benediction.
which coins of the realm were duly
TLoldliATifins metnoa auopi- ....,. .-s.- rorner Iicvist Him t'r'""
"church, ak. between
sealed up.
tvfi'.nif. r.iot-r a
ed by the thief is quite on a par witn ti. . B,11(ol 10 a . m.
historic moae or roasting is
ized by Elia. London Globe.
Car Kails Five Milea Long.
EcoPAU-St, Lukrt Church, -.rer Tniro
and 7 :30P- ounuoj . .
and Vine.
vices : it A. M .
at 2 :30 P. M.
tv.o wtric welding of street railway
rails, as a rubstitute for fish plates, has ; (iEKMAN Methodist.-, jmr Mxth
they are screw steamers and are rigged the subject of expenment tor some ,
with one mast forward, which is fitted time The process is now said to be en-
-r.. v, irH meat always found
A in. - ' ' ' ------
this market. iJ
Kk ana sutler.
Wild irame of all kinda kept in their
l-Tlfl II
Bora, yrcmpt, 70CICr
Curt for Impafnc. Ion
of mannooa, omi
Emissions. Spermatorrhea.
Utraoaanets. Self Ditrutt.
losM of ttemory, Ac. WM
aMaha you a STROM 8, Vigor'
oma Ham. frict ft.OO. 9
Boa, 9& 00.
Seed (Mrrotte ttatttj
Mte An,. Addrmmm
M a - Am .
asxa lo3 Av.
BT. LOUia. lift
Ex-Alderman George O. Fall, a luna
tic, escaped from the asylum at Dan
vers, Mass.. just after midnight and had
walked twenfv-tive miles along lonely
roads in a chilling atmosphere in his
night robe before he was captured.
The walls of old Exeter castle. Eng
kn.l arsorBfiibliui. An inspection re
vealed thefct that millions of microbes
are gradually powdering away the stout
with a crane for taking in ine caien.
The men's quarters are in the for'castle.
The fish are stored in bulk in the hold.
The engine house, as you see, is astern
the main hatch, with coal bunkers open
rtPfdt each side. All of 'em Uve
fitted to the bulwarks on either side,
near the stern, cranes for the boats, and
towing chocks are set m the aecK on
either quarter aft. The hold or tank for
storing the fish is water tight. There
are some steamers engaged in the fishery
which are inore'u 150 feet long, carrying
from twenty-seven to thirty men, and
cost $30,000 and upward. Most of the
steamers carry four seine boats.
"Since steamers have come into vogue
the factories have greatly increased
their facilities for handling large catcn-
es. The first factory could work up
only a few hundred barrels a day, while
now the big factories take from 3.000 to
5,000 barrels daily." New York Herald.
' The paper for Bank of England notes
o.l frnm new cuttings Of white
linens, never f nun linen that has been
worn or soiled.
.11 A..v
Sunday !--!i ol io .an '
tirely successful, and it is possible to;
weld by electricity two pieces oj. oii x
twenty-five square inches section, and t
therefore a solid rail tour or me u"'"
long can be had if required. The tests ,
are also said to prove that the necessity ;
for contraction ana
Ul JU1ULO .J ' - -
have su
i ,c.vTrniA'.-'frv!f
at n a. in. sou J-
ps in r.ew!, .
i:,-v. .i. i. . ...i.
ihe' K CX thi- church mtn erj
;;.-. i.ucih. AU are iuvi!el tu attttc '
n -Tini;s.
ts to provide tor contracuou a.iu . - MrTHoDiT.-Sut!i m.. bf,tw.r"t .-'.f'
ion is not so apparent as engineers Kev. 'WUUV :
a?posed.-Xew York World. --ic: 1.
" I im:.
Six Educated Toail.
Landlord J. W. Kteen, of the Law
rence Junction hotel, has six well train
ed toads, which he has been instructing
fnr mouths. The reptiles are train
ed to march, or hop in squads to catch !
roaches. One has been rraineu w
a ladder, while another turns the cran
- ii . i f . Pit-l.nrfr T)is- 1
oi a smaii tuuiu. -ii-:-j"o i
patch. J
v-:..,v. Hv Witte. iaitT,
suiicay ccuuui n
Con or Tan ai.rt
. ho r vices li".!
FrmH oxoBF.OATio.vAU-Oranil"
" twen Fifth and HxttK
V 1 tor Service 11 a- :' ' 1
i iii-otini: Wednesday ever.iti:.
Men's chbitiaj
V J n. in v airmail block. Main street.,
- V nn-otinjf. lor meu only.everv ri.a
fern." .n at 4 o'clock. Kwrae open week d
Southampton Losing Its Shipping.
. ... ...i
rstf- ouiy nave m .imsuioi , ; .,:3(ia.m..i9 :3U p
oriental steamers ceased going to bouin-
otn hut nrhpr comnanies ovning sovth Vakk Tabernacle Kev
i. roor.i,r(! dtp now threatening to ,
iaif,c inui- -
eo elsewhere and abandon the use of th-3
Southampton decks. New York Time.
everv Sunday Kl-
W ood , Pastor. Services :
m m.: Preaching, 11 a.
. ie- Fridi
.1. M.
Sunday School.
m. and 8 P- ;
choir prai-
meeting Tuesday nteht ; chr
riday night. AU are welcome