GRAND ISLAND WON IT. A Pretty Contest in Which tho Boots Won By a Scratch. BKATKia: mii.i,; aiikd K Farmer Plucked of His Feather Mannnr Youdk's Karewell liur.ts'l: --Local Nwa of Interest. Tin- home U'iiiii Cninil Island put up out- of lh? p -tliei-t games oT the y.-.isoii vesterda v. IVrrine was in tin lni: fir tlie home team and pitched a rnitlirg good gaim Gland Island onl getting Ixvo base hi; oif him. Tonil'nlU- son played hi-, first ;rame vcsierdax- at sbort- .;! and i -ir t up a good field oil; game, silitioii-li he w.?s unable to !i;t tin-'. Tiiimu' stalled in to play first base I). It was 1 1 : l.'-! (Hi inir the l'.ihi:', and Green wectlo lelt field :miI li ee.-c- 1o Si si. Inlin I'.iii.-r.-on v.;;.- tin- hrsl to !:icc Mr. Summers, iimi the first ball that It-f t his Ii,iim!s xveni :iv;iy out to right fcld. Sam Pa. terson .acri (iced, advancing John io second Ki-inii-ilv hit the hall io.- two bases . - j and J. Iittci-o:i m'ci.'i d. Maupiu lined out a .-ingle s, ;.m1 Kennedy si-nn.l. Thai ended ihe runs for that f i ii i ii vr. a:- k'revcs and Tom Patterson both failed to roach tt-s.. Pattiford w -nt to hat ti st 'or G;"ind Island. 1 i t to K- nnedy, :. id on a wild throw reached second to!e third and scored on a pp.-.sed hall. Stratton xvns given a base on balls, went to second on Wilson's sacrifice and scored a few minutes later. Iv'ourke and Kipp reared the side. The home team failed to cross the date again n itil the fifth, while Grand Island squeezed in two more runs in the tliird. The boys ;l! plye.i good ba'l yesterday. The same teams played this.-i'ter-nooii. Ti)-in.rrow Fremont will be here for two ames. The li st will becsd'ed at 1! o'clock. Kcevcs wd pitch the firs; seen m1 game. The score: and I'e-rine the pi. A n:i- Tif. Air K. It lli in A. K. ; p:rk f 's.n:. -i . . :t j 1 i ."1 t; : - I'iifiTMi.i rl . . " I i .1 ' KVi'iu-.w. I - '! -' : i-.p i-.'e. . , j l 1 :t T...1..1. li' 1 - i " ' '' " . . t ii. If 2 , . " J 1 ivi-w. if.ii- ..."! " ." i i r i": t i.tai 1 , 1 ' " 1 I 1 X. . ..i. e 1 " " " " 1 V- - j. . i j 11 - II ..i;ii .. .' ..: ! :t i j - i 7 4;:. vi,: s. A a, :. ;ii i: I' o a. k. i Vttifnnl.rf .. j 1 j 2 I I 1 11 r:iUmi. -. . ' I l .1 l 1 XVU-. n li. I I I M 1 11 IV'.urk-.' jo .. .. 0 o I 1 o K:i-) .1 i II 3 2 2 iiiiu-rcf... ;t o 11 1 i 11 -.lrrmicr-i p I 0 0 '. 1 Miirrnvc -I 0 0 5 20 Hilliiui.-tilJI. 1 1 0 0 ( 0 f..; I .1 -V. 27jl ' 5 the dinky ireiiH of the place he wan Heized by several stalwart Seneam hehl dawn 011 a bed while several iihern went .liroimh his-pocket- and robbed him of .fl')S in ca-h. He was th-n lired from the house. He at once reported the case to the police and a few hours later Charlie Smith? Charles John son. Ciri'Ies Clater, I.illie Lewis, (lert ie Si rick ma 11 and Alice Johnson, all colored, were aresteil for ihe crime. They will be tried under the slate law. Uee. Manager Waterman is roin to ii'tve J. I. Yoiin a farewell bttnc'it 011 Thursday, June !. I?or this spe cial occasion he has sectired Ihe popular 'Dodd Opera" company, consisting of 10 persons. Uy ropiest they will produce the popular and beautiful comic opera "Krmiuie," and as ihere will be no advance in prices, the Waterman should be packed on his occasion. The re set -il seat sale will open Monday j success. o,i me 'JSili of March mormtf at Ghilberjs book siore, Woo l'ondi;e spo next door 10 posioflice, for a!i those that si;;nel the fiiarantee list. HOME PROTECTION COLUMN. CON ll C I Kl IIV TilK W. C.T. V. M'OVK MY I.NM.MJS. Ilatfi : ou'.li : 0 II (1 I I) i ft 0 - 3 jr;iii. l-Iau.l .2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 Kanietl ru-is l'!:i.'. tii'i.iLli 3. Gruuil I- ij'i'l 2. Twu l;i? hits K?iinely, Green, IJe'Ic- .iir.i. iJiiscs sti on Ketmeilv, I'otTer, Stmi- ni.Ts. Kipp. I 'untile hy Kennedy, J. Piittersoii to ritmii. Turn IPatteron In J. iterf on, li e lil'.ird t. WiKon Jo t r.-iltoii. ila-i'-o.i lialls l).I 3; oft Sum- niiTji 2. Hit y pitclifr Pen itieS. Struck ut llv I'er. ine 2. t.v Siitiiiners 5. I.'miI la!l--.Mi!iii.i.i L.Miirray 1. Ti-ne if aiiie I :'ii. v'i?! ;!re II ::i.e! . AT KiiATKICJ. Kearney f;ced IJeal "ice yesterda3' : 1 the lirst iti!i:niy with Fuller in the lox. He was wild rnd short-lived ind before Ihe inning was half over ! re'I.'ed to the bejeh and ves .-::cc ceded by I'euder, who piiclied a eiy 'a; - (janitf, but was hit freely. A b'u ciowd was in at endauce, but the siiccess'on of errors n-ade the peciato-s ruther wea.. S.onej-, l o'.:i Omaha, covered second base fur Itcaiilce, Gatewood heir''" c '.p p!ed. Tax 'or, K; ; ndrll and Holmes did ojiie ood lie!d'i . The score: SIOKE 1IY IVMXUS. Kcarnev 1 0 0 2 IH 0 (I C - 3 l.'atrice 5 1 0 1) 0 ( 1 1 J l SlM.-fAKV. Ki ns earned IJea rice 2. Kearney 1. I"v.-biie hits Tay'.or 2. Junes. !Iae- jito'eti -Ha; ice 3. Kearney 5. Om-ijle plav Kiwlf to Stieehan". on Imlis-H.T SiasleJ, otl Fu"er2 il't ly pi. ere' Sto"e .-. tr.ic'k -S'asle2, I'ender 4. lH-ied bi!ls re;ir:'. i!l pi ci Stable. Time of Kaint' 1 :". Ceipire Hart. Standing of the Clubs. Played. Won. Lost. Per Ct. Beatrice 18 12 .730 Grand L-dand ... M 7 .lx frwiont K '. Haftinic. - i 11 -1" Cearney 1" 12 !ttsiii.)tith . .. I! " 13 15 Rather Txpenslve Fun. ilij-Iort Meyer, a farmer living aiur Man ley, Cass county, arrived in Uncolii yesterday to see the circus. He was either misd'.rected or his in eiica.:'.ons led h?m to the wrong qiir.r:er, for he wound up his sighl Dceing in a notorious colored dive. Alter drinking several rounds with Secretary Rush's Views. Secretary K:isk said to-day: "Mr. Harrison s noni'iiat'oii is only the logic:' conclusion of he iiniuviiions verdict of approval passed upon his administration. The short term of fou r y. a rs jusiilies a rcuomiua tion by his party, whenever a presi dents administration receives the coun.rj's unqualified endorsement. Moreover, stability ot public affairs is esseuti il to the business interests of t!u- c.m:itry which alxvays suSler from frequent changes." . A report which gained general circulation that Secrctarxr Hlaino had placed his resignation in th hands of the president is oflicia'13' contradicted. It was followed soon after by another that if he had not done so already he certainly would do so before the convention meets All sorts of rumors are being cir culated. One of the latest of which the president is a victim is to the effect that if by Saturday night Mr, IJlaine lias not written a letter de dining to have his name used at Minneapolis, Mr. Harrison will recognize him as a candidate and withdraw his own candidacy. At the white house this was said to be too ab-:u.-I to be considered, much less denied Another story, which received more credence for a time has it that Chauncey M. Depew has sent a telegram to some of the leading republicans, the purport of which i.- that the conservative men of th.e party at Minneapolis are seriously concerned at the grave po.-s;. bih'ty of dissension hi the party unless a change is made in the tac tics of Mr. JJlaine's friends. The plan of action proposed is to have a mutual friend of Mr. Blaine and Mr, Harrison call upon Mr. Blaine to-day md urge him to use the same frank ness ami candor now mat lie dis played in liSS. llus story cannot be 'traced to any authoritative source, nor can it be learned that any conference of republican lead ers to take action in this direction has been ca'led. and t ie slo y is gene Ty d'stredT:ed. " !) j;i: - t i lici'il !ii.-. Ietiitis l i'e e may, I .in ili up fn 1 1 ;!i t lo 1: 'tie op r !c vim way ; l.oK t'lrwanl luaxelv, look not weakly l-ii-.'.; 'I lie pa-t i- '.-iie, miml lie coming I rack. I.ook in willi earcliin eye utui . hioilt, lint wIk-ii teiiiptaU'in eone, look mil, loik out." The world's W. C. '1. L'. concluded that it did not care for space on which to erect a separate ediiice at the Columbian exposii :on, because auipie aci.iu:iiodalions were prom ised in the woman's, bu'lding and thus ihe money that would have been required for the enterprise could be put to more helpful use in extending the society. We make this statement in reply lo inaii3' iu- j is in-.'. Mrs. Mary A. Woodbridge has bee.i speaking in Trinidad, where M.. IVof. io.iJon, sisiei--in-hix- of on .- . 1 ! na Cordon, presided over the v h'ie ribbon meeting, which was a 1 M rs i prisoners j TO AISTY GENTLEMAN, 4 Who can write the most words on a new U. S. Postal Card f '1 n HI S3 yU ! in Vorld's Fair Notes. Cil Hagenbeck, of Hamburg the celebraled dealer in w?ld animals, will take lo Chicago his enl:re col lecl'onof trained and w Id animals, also his collection in natural his tory. A structure i t the form of a Koine 'i arena will be erected in the Midway Pl;i?ance on a space of 110 feettqare, where some seventy a li uials and several hundred monkeys and perrols will be shown. The wildest beasis living; lo-gelher w'th domestic animals, vvr)l go through all so-ts of perfornii' ices The H. C. F: 'ck Coke Compr.iy of Pennsylvania, has decided to nrake a complete wo "king model in mini ature of i 1 entire plant. The ma chinery w'U b in opperet'.oii, the motive poxx-er beitig electr'cty with ges for the oens, the. coke being represented by asbestos. Church Services. First M. K. church, Dr. L. F. Britt, pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m., public services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. B. K. Ball of Omaha will conduct the morning se. k ice :'n he fn.'e est of Ine "Deaconess Home clOmah?. We expect one of the deacoiesse3 will be presen.. Kpxx-orth League will meet at 7 p. m. in the gallery of thecharch. All are cordially ;nvited to attend these services. The address delivered by A. C. Wright was the most able ever list ened to by the people of Elmxvood, and many eyes were wet with tears while he told of the part his father took in the great conflict for the preservation of the union. Kcho. District Court. J. A. Gutsche, administrator, vs- Cass county was arged this after noon and given to the jury. The Herald is in receipt of the annual report of the Nebraska state board of agriculture for 1890, with the compliments of Robert W Furnas. of Colorado peni'en'.iary at Canyon j City, anti later 011 in Denver, where! admirable arrangements are being j made for the entertainment and sue- cess of the national W. C. T. U. con- j vention. to be held there in October : next. I 1 On Fridaj-, May lli, at the Omaha ' Methodist conference 1 memorial ' service was held. The memoir oi" I (Jen. Clinton B. Fisk was read by i Dr. J. M. Buckle-, of New York, who ! reviewed the whole career of the de- j ceased his private life, his army i record, his work for the courch, the J temperance cause and his success 1 as an educator. 11'. i- i r - , i ,1 I v e are looKing lor aim t-nau ex- 1 pect greai things in the next dtcade. What are some of tliese things? I answer, when our women shall have the God given right of this ballot, when our whole country shall be free from the curse of rum, and the homes of this country free from the monster evil. When a young man simply de clines a g"lass of wine, giving the name of Jesus for the reason, I call that gospel temperance. And when a young woman with christian tact and grace demands, as christian ladies can demand, for tin' sake of Jesus, who never reproached a woman, abstinence as a prerequis ite to her respect, I call that chris tian temperance. And when the honored wi.e of Minnesota s spot less senator, who died with his glass reserved, Mrs. William Win dom, refused to serve wine at her table according to custom, saying she would rather offend a few than to tempt any, I call that gospel tern peratice. Tney are now making a brand of whisky i'i the old bourbon state and they ca!l :t "Horn of Plenty." So let it be they have chosen the name wisely, for out of the thing designated shall come Plenty ot" so-row ami pV?ty ot shaiMe rii,e roDtk;i qiil Vada-iW'qr,: ONE - P'RICH: - CJLOTHIER Will Give tire r oj lowing Prizes on July 4th: Nice Spring 2. A Nice leather 3 Two Nice Shins -uii. Satchel. Every word inu'.-.t b written with pen and i;:k. Every word must be readable with the naked eye, And. must be written in sensible sentences. Send all Postal Cards to JOE, The One Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb P'c-nty of broken hearts, iropes tloomcit itnl sealed. Pletity of jjrjives iti the potte-'s liehl." Tiie V. C. T. U. of Hastings .will run the city hospital in connection with Bethany Home. Uishop Newman of Omaha will be one cf the speakers at the .Beatrice Chautruqua this year. The Hawaiian queen has lately testified her interest in the W. C. T. U. of Honolulu by paying the license on their coffee house, some thing o-er Her total absti nence principles are proved by the banishment of all orts of liquors from her table and her receptions. She also forbids in her presence the perform a ice of a lascivious dance, formerly a great favorite ia court circles. Hon. Alexander H. Stevens' decla- rat:oii concerning Liberty county, Georgia, which passed the first iron clrd temperance law in America, sex-entx- years ago: "This county," said Mr. Stevens. "xv:s t ie happiest, richest, besi educated, most orderly county of Georgia, and he year I ;ved there was the oa'.y yei'r of my ife in which I xx'as perfectly well." "The best protec'ion a young woman can have i 1 this city," said a big policeman oj the Liroadxx-ay squc d, Xexv York, "is one of tiose i' tie si'ver crosses that the Kiuj, s Daughters wenr. I've noticed that noxv-a-days the professional masher w'li look f" st at the bosom of a woman's dress and il that little cross is dangling "roai a buttonhole he passes her b,' withort even a stare. It's the same way on slreet car s as o:i the street. The young woman who wears oue of those badges has got the whole carload of men to take care of her and jump on the fellow that dares lo annoy her. The cross is getting to be looked on with the same -especi and defense as a nun's garb ,-s a safeguard it beats the average po liceman all holloxv." r t a meeting of the W. C. T. U. a vote of tharVs xx-as tenderid to the papers of ?he city for the;r courtesy in granting the use of a colrmn once a week for temperance. No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892. Only one Postal Card recei ved from ne and the same person. TOE, the PoDiilar Clothier, JL I'KRSOXAI.. is in the O. II. Bnilou of Omah.i cily to-day. Daniel Thrumb of Weejing Water is in the cit- to-day. Mis - Marista Cagney went out to Lincoln this morn'tig. FOR RMr.IAHI.M Mrs. A. X. Sullivn:: went up lo Omaha this morning. Miss Cora Cook was an Omaha passenger this morning. Clyde Opelt pecompanied his mother and sister to Omaha this morn in cr. Dan Sweeney of South Bend brought in nine wolf scalps to the county clerk to-day. The L. L,. A. will meet at the home of King Wise Monday evening. W. C. Showalter, J. M. Leyda and Lew Gibberson passed satisfactory examinations last evening and are now entitled to practice their pro fession law. The Evening Xews is constantly violating the United Stales postal laxx'. The mail edition was out last night on account of pub lishing objectionable matter. Remember there wlil be two ga :nes of ball to-morrow with Fre mont, tlie first game called at 2 o'clock. It will only cost you 2." cents to see bo'h game?. Mr. Wright's oration was a grand effort. Hy its pathetic influence many a sympathetic heart beat with commiseraliou, and from the well springs of the soul, from out which speak the hidden secrets of the heart. floxxred many a tear. Kcho. Polk's evening paper made a great silr last night about ex-Senator Taggart ge.ting into trouble. It hasn't been very long since the en senator of Cass county was very red-headed because The Heraui published an account of some of his doings. Ex-Senator Taggart was a member of the senate at the time when M. D Polkrepresented (?) Cass county. I had a severe attack of catarrh and became so deaf I could not hear common conversation. I suffered terribly from roaring in my head, I procured a bottle of Ely's Cream Balm and in tnree weeks could hear as well as I ever could, and now I can say to r.'l who are afflicted with the worst of diseases, caearrh, take Elys Cream Calm and be cured. It is worth .'pt.,C09 to any Man, wmman or child suffering from catairh A E. Newman, Grayling, Mich. SA M'L i. Plaltsiiioulh ;l .KM x Xebi C3-SEND COMia-NATIrin :- L tul (joirJ, . r i he Place to Buy a rd ware IS AT BfUir-b IrnnliT) HnemiB.tir. 3-ln-ra T-r . C. MEACHAM AR?iS 00 ST LCij!3,fe.i ACCIDKXT IXSURANCK, T. If. P0IXOCK. Agent. Tor Sa'e. My house and three lots corner Sixth and Dey, price $1.1200. Mies. J. A. G. xiWET.t,, Central City, Xeb., ape.K.K. li. Wanted: An energetic man to manage b nch office. Only a fexv dollars needed, salary to start $7o per month and interest in business The Western Co., Kansas City, Mo. IJeiiJiett t'c Tutt have got in a fresh supply of groceries of ail kinds, and are settled in their nexv store room and are prepared to give both their old and nexx- customers the best of everything for the least of money. tf. Hon. W. V. Lucas, ex-state auditor of Iowa, says: "I have used Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in my family and have no hesitation in saying it is an excellent remedy. I believe all that is claimed for it. Persons afilicted by a cough or cold will find it a friend " There is no danger from whooping cough when this remedy is freely given. nO-cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke c Co., druggists. For millinery and pattern hats or anything in the line of ribbons, flowers of the latest styles and de signs, call on the Tucker Sisters in the Sherxx-ood block. tf. Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker mouth. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co Wall Paper AXI House Paint. Is what you want next and in this line as in all others we are Headquarters. When you want either of these call in and see us before buying. BROWN & BARRETT. G. BREKENFELD'S VVHEFE YOU WILL FIND I STOVES, iiA.NGES, j X IN WAKE. j (i A ill) EN TOOLS, gasoline stoves. . KUlLDEJiS' HARDWARE, PAD-LOOKS, HO Oil-LOCKS, LADIES' PEN KN1VFS, Ei'C. NEW PROCESS 'QUICK , MEAL" GASOLINE STOVE I wish to ppecially recommeuil. It is absolutely safe. GOODS SOLD OX TIIK IXSTALL ment plan as cheap as for cash, on easy monthly payments. Come in and examine my anti-rust tin ware which is warranted not to rust for one year. If at any time yon want anything new that we do not happen to have in stock we can get it for you on two days' notice. 421 Main-St., Plattsmouth