The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 03, 1892, Image 3

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    nzi f r
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r; - -
L I I I - t in i
f f Wirw For r 2 Years m
I Wf BlachvelF NK 4
ci i If Boll Durban? "S-i'
- Snr)oKin3 Tobacco
I - 7T?- h?it heen recotrnizcJ as the standard i ?lfc'A!
v ) of tobacco perfection. This is why ;':.
l ' 1 1 ) we have remained, during this lon ij( ;
j lllk'' period, the largest manufacturers of V ; j
) W Smoking Tobacco in the world. It ( j
rTr has a fragrance and flavor of pecu--PgJj I
U ! Zr7 linr exrellcnre. Hive it a trial. y-VM
li iliii -iriTililllliiiilfi ifiii wfasg
T P ' .VMS'- i
t'iVr to r.Mit any m;; of
n-.VIl ll'illMJ
to '.rant it
t!,o instru-
FOR G A ?-?.
their famous ()rt;aii.-
1 i I V
( ) t. Ill
for flin-e iu-utii.-
t I
hiring them full opnrtunirT to test, it thor..up;tiiy in hi
and return if lie doU n..t h'Upvr want ir. If tin . .r.tinue
i;t .i . . ...... iiiw.nnt. t tin nrit't t
(.11 Hie Hirene ii iuih j'.mi .. -
ii, i-ncivciT wrrAiirr l-riniiKU paymknt.
rated catalogue, with n t y. k-i-s free.
Mason & Hamlin Orgja. and
- A Keul liomiMiee.
On the nlatform of a Pullman at the
dejK.t in Clu yeune, Wy., ono mornin
an jnfloleift lojkin vhap in Eiiylish
tfg anl a pn tty yor.11.r5 woman in rod
coi:rcfroil so c:imr.'ly that th-y at-
tractcl tliL :ii:. ii'.i':i of 'vry Lk.v wiin
hi ran.;e. pa..-n.-'i r v.-nm anx
ious to tfll '.. hat tii-v Knew 01 uio Hnrj
! tf thy iiittwMiiig li'.ir, an 1 said that tl-.t
' man was a frank, honest fellow, who
would tal'.c williii','1;". Cards were ex
! c!ia::::-d,anl l::s r-ad, -C lward t'.Orif-
in, ;v : sc r Puhiiu Vor"s Dk.'iartint:it,
! IIoin;-K.'ri'-c."
lfu yitiiVd his story a major.
Said h.-: "I aia trying to pc-rsnado tho :
irl hro tu :. :olf in Cheyenne ami ,
marry m-. but lie wants to o to Colo- '
ral'pri::;rs and reo lur folks about it
tirnt. This is a uuine romancf, ju-.t ,
like a novel. Kiht years a we wer, '
; lovers i:i Vermont and were enaed. :
r.Iv pi'.rents wero Insa emigrants ana 1
poor, and her peophi were well iixed. It ;
was agreed that I should start out to
make my fortun and that she should
wait ten years forme. She has been
true, and s'.ie has waited like an anv'el.
I worked in the Chicago stork yard -,
j prospected in Colorado and tried a doze?i
: things on the coast.
'-Six years ago I landed in Hong-Kong.
At iirst I was clerk in a wholesale house,
then .secured my present pi. ice. My sal
ary U $o,0i0, and I make something on
the side, as you say in America. All the
time I have thought of the girl and
knew she was single and thinking of
me, though I never heard of her. She
now lives at Colorado Springs and has
been visiting with friends at Helena.
We met in the car at Ogden and recog
nized each other at once. It was a
pleasant meeting. Before the train had
gone 100 miles we were engaged again
and will be married at her home right
Griffin's story was corroborate! by tno
girl. Cor. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
(i r?
ft ramlly
Sal i
Own a DicTcionary.
.w"'." !A- tub Biax.J
ton employed. oTer $3ao,Un expended.
Sold by all BoofcseUerB.
A U. Ofc ! r. -
X n-Do not tony re print a of obsolete
X edition. . . . . ,
X a-Send tor rree pmpnisi ro
X neeimen peicee and full ptrticularo.
Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing.
Chapped Sands, Wounds, Burns, Etc
Removes and Prevents DandrxtS.
white Russian soap.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water.
;t5 ri?i5E-B
gS IS irt lull or int uu
Tker leak roJe tnoru o nwm -
hmt ast kcowic bow to nccuifnlir
Uf. nn no in a?ir una . '
1 fs- nest-Mil. Uralri
th phUoKiJihy of Dl jeM-
..ri ifFirtiar.1 of th
roricu of Man. p"7 rT
Hume. iicytint-".
T matbod exelMlly our
n, the wort o' cf
tl or Ptlin? Kaooood,
Gn.rl Ed aerrciii w
Iblllty. Wtkae t' ""
and Mind. SBtetoof Errova
or EzeoeMS. r.uiw
- - ' . .
Row to Eala.rcs
i. 74
Labeled 1-2 lb Tin? Only.
r lVck's!nviti;.;e7uUii:r -r Cn-
c -i, - S.;.!lvF.Hi.ix,only,Cp
Natives Disappearing. !
From the administrative report of th'3
Andaman Islands for the past official
year, which has recently been issued in
Calcutta, it appears mat tne aoongmes
of the archipelago are disappearing so
rapidly that Mr. Portman states the
present generation may be considered as
the last of tne great Anuaman tnoe. aji
the people of Rutland Island and Port
Campbell are now dead and very few
remain in the South Andamans. Apart
from the mortality from infections
diseases, it is said that the few children
who are now lxrn do not survive.
Mr. Portman is endeavoring to keep
the tribe alive as long as possible, and
he is collecting all the children at his
house, where they are well fed and
cared for; but thi3 can onlj' postpone for
a short time the extinction of the race.
For many centuries the people lived
comjdetely isolated from the rest of the
world, but, like the Pacific islanders,
th&v seem unable to withstand contact
with external civilization. Galignani'3
Kept General Grant's Horses.
Sixtv Ions vears, with their sunshine
and shadow, have passed since Mr.
John T. Price, the well known livery
man, first saw the light of day, and all
day Mondav he was kept busy receiving
congratulations on his golden jubilee.
Mr. Price was born in Alexandria on
April 11, 1S32.
Having been in business at his present
stand for twenty-seven years he is tull
of reminiscence s f great Americans
who patronized his fiiors. Among these
was General Grant, who came in one,
davand said: Price. I want to take a
spin over thy road today. Let me have
ono of your fastest trotters." When the
general returned lie was profuse in his
praise of the horse he had driven, and
"Price, that fellow was chain light
ning itself."
General Grant's Arabian steeds, pre
sented to him by the sultan of Turkey,
were placed in Mr. Price s care when
they first came here. Washington Post.
Outer Earthquake Efleets.
An old sheep herder who dwells in a
secluded f.;.t in the Sutter county buttea
made his annual visit to this city
Wednesday, iind from him we learn of
sorjo phenomenal and interesting cir
cumstances as a result of the earthquake
of Tuesday morning.
The lonely camp of the old bhepherd
is far up iu 'ii.ebnttes.and is surrounded
with cliffs densely covered with massive
rocks and lnwlders, which have with
stood the storms of ages and furnished
mills for tin- aborigines to grind their
!corns iind manr. inita berries into Hour
from li e remotest antiquity.
TP.;-' Id h rder had just emerged from
his cabin on this memorable morn, and
was gathering kindling with which to
prepare his morning meal before turning
hi.-. Hock o::l the range for their day's
forage, and th" wonderful sight he wit
nessed will never bu forgotten. When
the trembling bcran numerous sparks of
a bright blue r began issuing from
the rocks, rinsed by the friction as they
were to.-se.l t ami fro by the surging
! earth. As th tremors increased the
i number of sparks did likewise, until at
'one time the hillsides appeared as one
! sheet of fire with millions of sparks dart-
ing here and there as if dancing for joy.
; As the trembling subsided the? sparks
! gradually disappeared, and in a moment
I all was total darkness.
Shortly after the sun had started on
its journey in the eastern horizon the
attention of the old shepherd was at
tracted by the great branches of trees
which had fallen to the ground, and
those which remained intact seemed to
horrify the wild birds, as they would
attempt to alight, and then, with a
frightened scream, would pass rapidly
on, only to repeat the caper at the next
tree. An investigation proved that mil
lions of lizards and snakes had taken
refuge in the trees during their fright
and had become so numerous on the
projecting branches that they were
forced to succumb to the immense
weight and fell to the ground. This is
the onlv instance of damage reported in
Yuba or Sutter county.-KMarysviiie
(Cal.) Democrat.
Unarilng Character r Pefl In Hie j
rtirkrtlMtukft Tliey l'e. I
1 can tell you the bnsinessof six men i
out of every ten who come in here, an I
the socii.l landing of all of th--m. from
the way tlu-y carry their money." said a 1
L5 road way tic.:et seller for one of the j
sound steamboat lines to a reporter. j
"Did von ever think how n:i.c': f a j
person's individuality is expres. I n t
method of carrying his money? 1 ; v.
MM.i.le every day get at thtir change
and have made a study of it.
"That man." said the ticket seller, as
an old gentleman who had pinch;'. -.-1 a
tehoaril gioi lor a trip io iwinu
nker. Did yo.i
his money in a i
That pocket -
Every Month
many women suffer from Excessive or
Scant Menstruation: they don't know
who to confide in to fjet proper advice.
Doa't confide in anybody but try
Fesndo Regulator
a Spectr.o tor PAINFUL, PROFUSE. I
Dookto "WOMAN" mailed free.
USA5F1EL3 r.Ea'J'-AIT.:; CO.. A.tanU. Cs.
I I. v u!l lruwl.t. i
went out. "'..a retire I I,
n..t:c that he carried
long morocco pocke'book?
book is always carried in Um m.i.ia rVVTff f' j j) (
pocket of his coat, on the right side. It j& g fU) r(i
contains a number of bright, clean bill.--, j 4 M r .1 - ' .-', v
,.n ,,lv ,.,tl:M and laid out at full ! Vl 'yr. ?.:.- V "
length and right side up. lie never H r
A I'sefnl Collectr of Coals.
Perhans the following anecdote may
be useful to readers whose houses and
srardens abut on railways. An eminent
"menagerist" lives in a suburb where
forty trains pass his garden every hour.
The weather was cold, coals were ex
pensive, for the recent strike was just
then at its height. The "menagerist,"
however, was a man of resource; he
conceived a plan for utilizing the forty
trains an hour.
From his menatrerie in town he
bronsrht a largo Barbary ape, which un
fortunate animal was chained to the top
of a pole at the end of the garden. The
result was as pleasant as owning a col
liery, without any wages to pay or fear
of floods and explosions. Every stoker
and occasionally a driver on every
train that passed had a shot with a
lump of coal at the Barbary ape. The
B. A. was never hit, but the garden was
littered with coal, which the "menager
ist" triumphantly conveyed to his cel
lars. London Tit-Bits.
pi i VfiQ $17T).orasit' c!"-- W;int nuts, catl'mie
llfibuk. frot.. A!"r.t-s Dun I 1- lioatty. wash
injjton N. j.
b r 9 r m us trh ri m m. 6 ff
BPl W Wm Tm EW Tm ml mm psi Bsl SB H BM irl SSL Oa
Is.- L13 Liquor MaiJIt, fosmveiy uai
07 fJUiaiSfCtlllQ CR. HA1HES' OOLUin si-iuif u.
"anbo fhSi l a cud of co3ee or t o, l ar
. - ' ?J?a .irhnn- the knowledge of t!.3 1- -i
son tuklni? it; It Is absolutely hanuiesj uu-i
JiVf. prnlanerit an.l P;.eedy cure . u U
t keT.' lent Is a
niLu i-ure in fvarv inslne. 4i pars- "O"
poerp Adlresln con fi te t.-f , r,.,
. x i r.
Charcrlsia's Eyo ard Skin
A "ertsin cere for Chronic Scro Eyes
Tetter, dt Ithetun, Scald Uead, Oh
Chronic Sere?, Fever Sores. Fzeni
Itch, Prairia Ccratchcs, Soro Mpplca
tnd Piles. Itiacoolins azid eoothins.
Hundroda of cases Lave been cured bj
It after all other treatment had failea
It i3 T)ut un Li 2j cd CO Cfcat bces.
G O A.
i 1. Y ruKK.
n.t onice 04 Houtn Th'rd Street.
Telephone 13.
The Hog Knew Where to Jump.
A very knowing deg got into the train
which was coming down from up river,
at Great Works, recently. The train
started up aud the dog still stain
aboard. The train began to move faster
and faster, until it was going at the rate
of twenty miles an hour. The dog did
not dare to jump. The animal got out
on the lowest step. At last the train
reached a swamp. He then gave a
tremendous leap and landed in safety in
-" ' fi? &&zVi thP soft mud and water. The dog was
r tiTe"V:t t-;Vi. I tininiored and ran back. Bangor N
A Well Traveled Letter.
An old member of a well known Bres
lau institution sent on the 13th of May,
1891, a post card from Cassel, addressed
to "Dr. Emin Pacha, in German East
Africa." The card contained a poetical
allusion to the great traveler, and was
signed hy a number of other members
of the institute. It arrived at Zanzibar
on the 14th of June, 1891, and at Baga-
moyo on the lGth of that month. The
post cartf was then sent back to Dar-es-Salaain,
where it arrived on the 12th of
March of this year, and received the fol
lowing official comment: "Ans dem In
nem zuruck. Emin nicht erreichbar."
(Returned from the interior. Emin not
attainable.) On the 5th of May this
same iost card found its way back to
Cassel and is now in the hands of the
sender. London News.
folds a bill, 1 will venture a cigar.
The young broker or wholesale mer
chant carries his money m a small casts
mule of seal or lizard skin. Le o..ds
e bills twice. His roll is never large.
but ho has enough on hand to meet any
"The clubmen invariably carry a rod
if clean five dollar bills in their vest
pocket, where they can be easily reached.
Some carry only gold. James Crown
Potter favors gold, and usually carries a
few quarter eagles m a small silver case,
into which the coins tit without rattling.
Lispenard Stewart usually has a roll of
new bills in his vest pocket.
"The man who comes in and fishes
from a deep trousers pocket a lot of one,
two and five dollar bills that have been
twisted up like a gun wadding I always
set down as a sporting 'gent.
"The farmer on an excursion to 'Bos-
ting' counts up the price of a ticket in
quarters and halves from a tan colored
leather pouch tliat is tied up wun a
string run through small slits near the
top. The seafaring man on his way to
his home on the Maine coast carries the
proceeds of his last trip in a calfskin
wallet. It has been handed down from
his father, or perhaps his grandfather.
for it is black and shiny with age. It j
has a long strap passed through a num
ber of cross 6traps. The cross sections
seldom have more in them than tobacco
dust or a frayed tax receipt that shows
that he owns a house. But in the cen
ter of the wallet is a place where bills
may be laid out straight and covered
with a calfskin flap from either Bide.
"The man who carries change in hid
coat pockets has been a car conductor
at some time or other. The fellow who
draws ten cent pieces from every pocket
in his clothes is a peanut man or vender
of small wares.
"The women, too, have a variety of
ways to carry their money, though their
lack of pockets limits their vagaries in
that direction. The young woman with
fluffy hair, who has the price of her
ticket rolled tightly in her palm, has a
mvsterious storage place for money
somewhere. When she is not spending
it she puts it where no man will ever go
after it, but the place is accessible to
her slim fingers in a second." Ne w
York Press.
uil tf.MiK...vJ tr-. a:r.
L to Ilc-Jfjie 3ray
ir, Faiiil'sne f- tuucoOc-s.
.e ot.1t in-to cure
xL N. y.
How Lost ! How Regamea i
mr zmm sM..msirrvwr r? 'ivv
The Turtle Seed Tree.
Among a collection of curious plants
recently received at the Kew Gardens,
England, is a specimen ot a curious tree
from the Solomon islands. It is believed
to be a new genus of the order of Sapo
tacea?, to which the sapodiller of Florida
belongs. The tree is known to the na
tives of the Solomon islands as the "tur
tle seed tree," on account of the close
resemblance which the seeds bear to a
turtle. London Letter.
AIbTT r.PRFSERVATIOX. A new and only
9,?ETr5f K vZay on NERVOUS ana
V..,v,iTr 1IKHI1.1TY. ERROKS of
ouii.KxnAUSTEU built for the
MATURE IIECUSE, and ail UISEA8E8 I DU11C ior me
ind WEAKNESSES of MAN. 800 papes, cloth, nres 53 feet i
Ut; l iw.J5gSLll
moil. QOQDre Ecaicu. 1
with endorsements pnriTI SFNl)
?eJolu"rntL! now.
n MMim or hr mail, hxncrt txeatr
A1N CI KK. , Afi.n-e" . ) T- V',
Pprktr. or
Bullinch St..
The Yeabody Medical Institute, N
ThePeabody Medical Inrtitute has many 1ml
nnM tint nn nnj.l. Ifemld .
The Science of Life, or tlf Proservation, la a
treasure more valuable than sold. l'd it now.
rverv WE.1K anil ninwin nu.ii, ---be
STRONG . Me'tiotl Herieic. CCoj.yrmhted.
An Electric Launch.
A fine electric launch has 311st neen
Earl of D3'sart, which meas-
. , .1 1 O 4. I? . 1 . . .
ures &j ieet 111 tengin aim o ieei u misuca
in beam. With her full equipment on
board she will draw 2 feet 6 inches o?
water, and her speed will he $.2 to'.)
miles an hour for seven hours. is
built of mahogany and teak, with omni
bus seating on the roof of her capacious
salocu. New York Telegram.
3Iorc Thau a Hundred Fold.
Four years ago Miss Lena Woodard,
living on Thorn creek, Washington,
sowed the seed from one head of
barley. She harvested the crop with
a pair of shears and sowed the amount
received the next year, again har
vesting it with her shears. The third
crop her father cut with a grass
scythe, getting enough barley from this
crop to sow forty acres last spring, which
averaged forty bushels to the acre when
thrashed, making a total yield of 1.GC0
bushels from one head of barley in four
years. Exchange.
XSf&UXl tiunaood, Ssmlncu
fiH?V; Wf1'; HrKlsrlorr. Strrmrtorrhea.
fewsncss. Self Distrust.
LArv.: j , tian. Frict St.CO. 0
i v w r.-j , . . i .rt
'Jyj-- wUm ac o. AOiJre
vag&BtxE&i eT. touia. - sicx
A Strange Ordinance. .
The citv council of Salem. O.
passed an ordinance prohibiting j-lrls
from being on the streets after 8 o'clock
at night. A number of the young men
Df the place are already preparing to leave
and locate where the rights of the fair
sex are not infringed upon by the ciiy
authorities. Exchange.
There is a poet in the Statesboro jail
He was the first of the spring ser-oi:
and the watchful edPoiv. i.:ppel l i'a i:
I the bud. Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution.
A Hoy's Explosive Pocket.
Elias Mellinger, fifteen years old. was
in his father's quarry in Lancaster, and
put seme powder in his pocket, in which
there were matches. The ''powder was
ignited by one of the matches taking
fire, and in a moment his clothing was
in a blaze. It was 1,000 feet distant to
his fathers home, and the boy ran to it.
By the time he reached there his cloth
ing was entirely burned from his body,
and he was badlv burned from his head
to his feet. Cor. Philadelphia Telegraph, j
Shipping Eiv Lobsters to London.
Recently the steamer Inchulva sailed
for London with 3.000 live lobsters.
They are carried in four plate iron
tanks on the main deck, the tanks be
ing fitted with shelves, and each capa
ble of holding 1,000 lobsters.
By means of a steam pump connected
with the ?ea valve in the engine room a
large reservoir is kept filled with sea
water, which in turn is supplied to tli3
lobster tanks at will. Halifax Cor. Bos
ton Herald.
Hunter Kridses Hear Average.
Nathaniel S. Bridges, who died re
cently in Charlotte, was one of the oldest
iiien in town, having nearly reached the
age of eighty-nine years. Mr. Bridges
was well known in eastern Washington
county as a lumberman and framer of
farm buildings. He was a hunter and
trapper of note, having killed the same
number of bears as marked the years of
his life. Bangor News.
Reply from the Pew.
"Joe" Jones, one of Sam's numerous 1
brothers, has enlisted in the ministry.
His first sermon was preached in a coun
try church at Pine Log before a large
congregation of farmers, backwoodsmen
and crackers. Sam's methods were fol
Imvpd with considerable success, but
when Joe branched off on his own hook
he struck a snag. He caused his hearers
to wince when, slapping the Bible nearly
off the pulpit, ho exclaimed:
"A man what will cuss a oath'll
There was a lively shifting among the
pews and much cautious looking around
and head shaking. Joe saw, and deter
mined to push his point.
"Brethren and sisters," he repeated,
'1 want to say to you that a man what
will cuss a oath'll steal! What have
you got to say to that."
An aged cracker arose at the back of
the church and, fastening his glittering
gray eye on Joe, drawled through his
"All 1 got ter say is it's er gol dern lie!"
Joe was so discouraged that he rested
on his oars two weeks before making
any more bold assertions. New York
Registration In Germany.
In Germany the exigencies of compul
sory military service require that a man
should be registered from the day of his
birth to that of his death. The govern
ment must be able to lay hands upon
him at any time. A man can accom
plish no civil act without producing his J
papers of identity. He cannot set up in
business, nor buy land, nor ouram a
situation, nor marry, nor get out of any
scrape with the judicial authorities, nor
leave the country without satisf ying ,
the police as to who he is, where he was '
born, who were his parents, etc. Lon-
don Tit-Bits. j
For AtcliitiHou, St. Joseph, Leaven
worth. Kansas City, St. LouiH,
and nil points w , cant
south or west. Tick
eta sold and ba
nje checked
to any
Sta teH or
Canada. For
Call at Depot or addrews
G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo.
A. G. P. A. Omaha.
II. D. APGAK. Apt., I'lattumouth.
Iclephone, 7.
Attorney at-Law. Will k!v prompt attention
to all buxtnepi entrueted to llini. Ofllcw tD
UnloB block. Kast Side. Platteinouth. Neb.
Registered riiynician and riiaiinaciKt
Special attention given to Office
Practice. Rock Bluffs - Nku.
p j. HasE j.
Patronne-e of the Public Solicited.
North Sixth Street, Plottsrnouth
: D-K-N-T-I-S-T :
; -eii; ways ::nast bet I-.: fe: airiet
tract ior o teeth.
Fine Gold Work a Specialty.
KocKTvo.t.t Ulock r.attHSBGUth. N-f,
J- o 1 -. oin 21i. AND 22. 'rlAi:. :-.T
219, 221, AND 22 y'.lAt:
Throwing Men Overboard. J
In ancient Scotland the barbarous cus- (
torn existed which cost Jonah so much
inconvenience. When a ship became j ,
unmanageable it was usual to cast lots j
for the purpose of discovering who was
responsible for the trouble, and the man
upon whom the lot fell was condemned.
Instead of human beings clogs used j
sometimes to be thrown into the sea j
with their legs bound. Washington (
Rates ?4 PKK
Not Alone. I
Very stout persons may sometimes ba ,
noticed glancing at other stout persons j
with a pleased expression that seems to
say, "Well. I'm not as stout as that, any j
way:" or, "There is some one who is !
quite as stout s-s 1 am." Evidently it is a ,
consoling thought. Youth's Companion .
1 iOLD AD PORCELAIN t K ' '. I -
Bridge work and fee .'"hl work
DR. STEINACS LOCAL as well as Otber &n.
e9tbericifiven for the palsless extraction of
Telling Diamonds by tho Taste.
Diamond and crystals can be distin- j
cruished from slass and paste by touching
them with the tongue. The diamonds i fj. K . MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald i'c
feel much colder. New York Journal.