mouth Daily Herald.. I T J'LATTSMOIJTII, NElilASKA. F1UDAY. JUNES. 1892. NUMIiElt 22-l.i'. FIFTH YE Alt. V o fcte i jgTn glkiUsmouth $3cmld. c'okxek or vim: a.i fifth sts TELEI'IIO.K3M. K. NOTTS BROS, Publishers Published every Thursday, and daily every evening except Sunday. lejiiterea at t lie I'lattsiuoutli, ieurasKa jxint pflice as second class mail matter for transmission through the U. b. mails. Absolutely Pure. TEKJIi J-CK WEEKLY. One year in advance - One year not in ad since - Six months in advance Three months in advance TEKMS OF DAILY. One year in advance - j One copy one month - Ier week by carrier - - $1 GO - 2 00 73 40 $0 00 - no 13 A cream of tartar baking powder rr:iiu f all in Ipjivonina-strength Latest U. S. Government food re port. THE weather bureau reports that it only rained twenty-eight days in May BURLINQTOX & MISSOURI RIVER R. V TIME TABLE. J OF DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS GOING EAST No. 2 5 : 17 P. M, No. 4 io:m .n.. No. 8 7 ; 44 p. m No. 10 9 : 4 m No, 6 12 :U3a. ni GOING WEST Xoi... 3 :45 a. m. No. s. 3 :4S p. iu No. 5 9 soo a. m. No. 7 5 fl7 P ,r" vr. a 4 :40 l. m. So. 91 7 :15 a.m. No matter how much at variance the republican delegates may be on the question of a nominee, they are all harmonious on the issues. Kverv one of them is fortheMcKin- ley tariff, for reciprocity and for sound money. Rushnell's extra leaves for Omaha about two 0-S lor Omaha and will accommodate pas sengers. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME CARD. No. 34 Accomodation Leaves No 383 " arrives.. Trains dally except Punday. .10:55 a. m. . 4 ;oo p. m. WHEN the Chicago convention tackles its silver plank you will see I some of the biggest jumping ever done in any age, tor democrats can't get around it and they will try to jump over it, but they are sure to fall short of the mark. SECRET SOClETlt, "XYtVi. nnn XI W A - TnPptS eVel"V SS VJkaur ... . - " -"vnlni in Fltgerald hill. Vlsitine neighbors welcome. P C? Hansen. V. C. : P. W erteuberger, W. A., 8. C. wuae. uierK. UPTAIN II E PALMER CAMPU W- C Son of Veteran, dlvis on ol eorasKa. u rAss nee A me"e S everTuelay night at 7 -o'clock in tr'e ball In Fit 1 nerald block . All sons and IrMtln comrade. are cordially invited to meet witbiw J.J- Kurtz. Commander; B. A. Mc Elvrain. let Seargeut. rkRDEB OF THE WOEU). Meets at 7 : 30 0Bj?TEeVMonnay evening at .the Grand Army hall. A. F. uroom. preiueu. secretary- A or W No.-Meet first and third Fri; y- - day eveninjj i 'VV::V V k irvick. ball. Frank Vermylea M ; J .b, liarwicK, recorder. r ., tc it mot everv Saturday evoninp at 7 : 30 in their Hall in Rw.k-ood block. All VIS l nn comrau .v rHlallv Invited to meet witn us. r reu .iir cordially in iicu i . . roinmailiier Poet Aajniani , ... . t n?iint1et T-hI ire lNir.HTS or r' r. wi""-.- v ve. nine at their hall over Herinet & Tutt s. all ?-is?ine kniuhts are cordially Invited .to Vttixllu M NGriflitu. c C: Utw Dovey K of K and S. BLAINE will write another letter, which is to be read at the Minne apolis convention before a ballot for president is taken, in which he win positively decline to allow his name to ro before the convention, lie stands squarely by his February letter. every grain farm in the northwest, that he should certainly hail with delight a move toward the manu facture of this twine out of hemp grown on his own lands, and laid down at his own door, all through the instrumentality of home labor bestowed on the product from the planting of the seed to the finishing touch in rolling the twine into balls of convenient size for use by the harvesting machine. There is a feelincr of independent pride that takes, -hold of - a man at the thought. But it is not merely as a matter of sentiment that we wish now to direct attention to the feasibility of growing hemp on our own farms, and of manufactur ing it into twine for use iu harvest ing our own crop. If as a business venture it could not be made to pan out to the profit of all concerned we should be foolish to entertain the idea of its furtherdevelopnient. Our experience with growing hemp in this state and the manufacture of it into bindinjr twine has already been sufficient to show the ready practic ability of the thing. And it has demonstrated the superior quality and peculiar adaptability of hemp for this particular purpose. It gives a finished product of a little better streuerth than has that obtained from the manilla or other foreign fibers, and one that gives a greater lenrth of 6trmg for a given weight And we learn also that this twine creates less wear and tear of the machinery than do others." Orefjon, Washington and the Nor wol r emu vuhbi. T i-i o pAnaiani fipitinnH f f li o trav eling public to the far -west for a comlortable and at the same lime an economical mode of traveling has led to the establishment as what is known as Pullman Colonist sleepers. Tluvs r;ir :irt built on tllft K:illl general plan as the regular first class Pullman Sleeper, the only dif ference being that they are not upholstered. They are furnished complete with good comfortable hair matresses. warm blankets, snow white linen cur tains plentj- of towels, combs, brush es etc., which secure to the occu pant of a birth as much privacy as in l VI 7 VJ 1 1 C 1 V A 111 111 ? l EHOO C-'lVV J1V There are also separate toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen, and smok ing is absolutely prohibited. For full information send for Pullman Colonist Sleeper leaflet. K. Ix max, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha Nebraska. Spot Cash Hardware MANY YEARS AGO """'I "KT WKOTJv: "Man wants but little here below, j Nor wants that little long." , It was true then and just as true to day, and fits our case exactly ALL THAT WE WANT IS , ' Yqi 1 1- Trade on HOME-MADE NAILS- Our production of wire nails keeps growing under the beneficent McKinley bill regime. The num ber of kegs produced in the United States, as reported by the American Iron and Steel association, grew from 3,135,911 Nothing New Under the Sun 'n' tint pven tliroiitrb rrirs to Den ver, Ogden, Salt Lake City, San .Francisco ana 1'ortiana. mis is simply written to remind you that the Union Pacific is the pioneer in running through cars to the above mentioned points and that the pres ent through car arrangement is vv excelled. We also make THE time. For details address any agent ot the company, call on your nearest agent or write to n,. j-. jtj?iA.v, G. P. & T. A. U. P., Omaha xeb. TIip fnllnwinir itpm. clinned from - - - n , x I 4bf Vi TVTrirlisnii ffownl Democrat. rnntaina information well worth remembering: "Mr. John Roth of tins city, who met witn an acciueni -i fw ilnva arret, snminiiif and w t-t J I r3 m bruising his leg and arm quite . r-i a. severely, was cureu oy one iw-teni hr.ttl nfr.lmmliprlain'H Pain Balm." This remed3 is without an equal i. -i i . i,i tor sprains anu cruises aim unoiuu Vijiv- si nlarp in everv household. J For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Boies seems to have been lost al ready in the shuffle. He has not been heard from for some time past. There is not much honor in the vice-presidential nomination on the democratic side, as the ticket cannot be elected, and it is very doubtful if Boies gets this little dis tinction. in 1890 to 4,114,385 S3 in 1891. New York Press. Kri.lay evening in t h e ...ont l oU O OF Hall. M Vondran, l W , b urovin. recordeJ. . nn liunri'i' "nnil nf Prom riAUfl HLKSiir J,n.l and i A I r - IIAIla ' w O . ; Mrs. John Cory. Secretary. rxEGREE OF HONOR-Meets the first V and third ThroW,yaid htoik. Sr3ieyraE"IOa0r Mrs. Nannie liurKei, riAR IODGE No. 146. 1. 0. 0. F. meets ey- erten. . m.;o. k, . r . pi'aaM Caps Conncll No 1021, ROYAL ALtAAM a. Parmele & Meet at ine jv, .i . """' Ti.tta vlsirine Craig block over Bennett & Tutts, vlsmng brethren lnvitea. iienry uci..b, Tbos WaUinB, Secretary. X waterman uiucn. i?"" mpn nniv o'eiock. HON. W. T. Bryan having assured coneress that Salt Creek is not nav igable, his constituents in the na;n-Mmrimnf1 of Lincoln are makincr preparations to demon strate that he is wrong by eenuing him on an excursion up that his toric stream when he is again a candidate for anything. The gray beards of the democratic party have not much use for Mr. Bryan tor some reason or other. Probably because he undoubtedly hasbraixis and doesn't make eufiicient blun ders. The ideal statesman of the gray-beards is one who doesn t know enough to dodge when a tele graph pole falls, and who can make more errors in a given time man an expert accountant would care to keep a tab on. Fremont lribune Tnt 5is aiiri n hot weather comes ill lf mnrp or less bowel rnninlaint in this vicinitv. Fvery person', and especially families, ought tc Have some renaoie mem fin nt liantl for instant use in case it is needed. A 25 or 50-cent bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and ninrrhn-a Kpmedv is iust what YOU ought to have and all that you woulu neeu, even ior me uiuoi severe and dangerous cases. It is the best, the most reliable and ..inat Biissful treatment Known and is pleasant to take. For sale F. G. Fricke cN: Co., aruggisis. Pnll DadH. TIipup wnrrlj nrp vprv familiar to our reader, as not a day passes with rnf flip rpnnrt of the sudden death of some prominent citizen. The ex- i - , . IT . T " FT I pianatiou is"iiean uisease. imrc- fore beware if you have any of the following symptoms: Short breath, pain in side, smothering spells, i . 1 1 j i 1 1 . swo'ien auKies, asinmaiie ureaui ing, weak and hungry spells, tend erness in shoulder or arm, flutter ing of heart or irregular pulse. These symptoms mean heart di sease. The most reliable remedy is Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, which lms anvpfl lliosands of lives. Book of testimonials free at F. G. Fricke .& Co., who also sell the New Heart Cure. STOVES, HAID"vVtKE, CUTLERY, TOOLS, WOODENWRE X " - ,l i.T i i 1 i . . ,. A A inai it) an; Aor aowe want it long jiisiiurst irw yearn, nay iwciii'j or more and if you will grant us this "little" our cup of happiness will be full to overflowing. In return you will have little to want, tor m these goods we oiler the best and most complete line made in this country to-day and -A-t Prices so X-otx7- That every time we fill out a quotation sheet we feel that we ought to be accorded a place in history among the philanthropists for we are giving the trade all the cream and keeping the skimmed milk for ourselreH. WILL YOU NOT GIVE US THE ''LITTLE" THAT WE WANT. J. W. Henclee, & Co. 2' H J. I. UMtlJK FOR FIRST CLASS FURNITURE. E HANDLES the Whitney baby Carriages and can offer good bargains in them Parties desiring to furnish a house complete could not do better than to call and inspect his line of furniture, in the way of Parlor sets, Dining room sets, Bed Room. ,5et, and even3'thing kept iu a first-class establishment. N EWr MEATMARKET. FrB Beef. Pork, Veal, Mutton Batter and e"ssKepi cuubwj Game of all kinds kept in Season SATISFACTION - GAKANTEEP SAMPSON BROS. Cor. Cth St and Lincoln Ave PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA. jITLIUS PEPPERBERG. MAJfCFACTCKE OF AND 'uiuaLESRurjiuB retail DEALEBIXTHE CHOICEST BRANDS OF CIGARS FULL. LIS OF TOBACCO AND SMOKER'S ARTICLES always in stock o , . - Nebrassa ft a ll luuumi AN INTERESTING MACHINE. A continuous tin plate machine has been put into operation iu Phil adelphia by the American 1 in lJlate Machine Co.. Twenty-first street ana Washington avenue. The black sheets are taken from the pickling tank and fed, one after the other into the machine. As the sheets pass alon- they are scoured with sand, and brushed clean by revolving rolls, washed with water and dried with steam heat. The ends of the sheets are then fastened together to form a continuous sheet, and this is passed through a pot of flux and through the tin bath, which is kept covered with palm oil. The machine is, at present, work imr on terne plates-. It is stated that it can turn out 100 boxes per day ot ten hours. It is intended, however, to market the plates in continuous rolls, which will save the expense of boxixig and will be of special advantage for root inir purposes. Samuel x . uucuman is the inventor of the machine. Engineering News (N. Y.) May 20 ' T-. -r- T-.r. iisirable resi- dencS lotTin Orchard Hill addition ?o riattsmouth. within a block of he Misaouri. Pacific depot. For HOME-MADE TWINE. The Nebraska Farmer, discussing the manufacture of Nebraska hemp twine, says editorially: "In the catalogue of industries more or less remotely connected with the agricultural prosperity of the western country there is none that comes more closely home to the farmer than that of the manu facture of binding twine. He has been so long at the mercy of combi nations and trusts that have con trolled the manufacture of this EOUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF N, Y. T. II. Pollock, Agent, T l-ir1 -i Bpvprp a ttack of catarrh and became so deaf I could not hear common conversation. I suffered terribly from roaring in my lieaa, - . . . r 1 - i . T Tirnrnrpi n llOt tie OI JilV S VreaiH R-iim mifl in tnrpeweeks could hear as well as I ever could, and now I can say to all who are aimctea witn v n-nrci of HifipnAPH. caearrli. take Elys Cream Calm and be cured. It is worth $1,0UU to any Plan, i woman or child sullering irom catarrn a E. Newman, Grayling, Mich. Mv house and three lots corner Sixth and Dey, price $i,uu. il I'S I It. 15UbLL. Central City, Neb., apcE.R. B. nooa in .KirvPtlan Stonewors. Prnh-ihlv th9 oldest timber in the world which has been subjected to tne ti5a of man is that found in tne ancient temples of Egypt in connection with the stonework, whicli is Known xo dq ai Ipnjst 4.000 vears old. This, the only wood used in the construction of the temples, is in the form of ties holding thA pnd of one stone to another. When two blocks were laid in place, an ex cavation about an men aeep was maae in fi.ach block, in which a tie shaped like an hour glass is driven. It is therefore very difficult to force any stone from its nosirion. The ties armear to have been - . . a of the Tir ansn or smram wooa. Yankee Blade. v-mTrl- An enerfretic man to manage branch" office. Only a few riniiara npprled. Salarv to start $7o per month and interest in Dtisiness The Western Co., lvansas city, i-io, Fail to do Our Duty. Everbody has at times failed to do thfir dntv towards themselves. Ilundreds of lady readers suffer from sick lieaaacne, nervousness, ciapnlpssnpsa and female troubles them follow the example of Mrs Hrhprthtpr. Mfivens roini. wis.. ivlm for fivp vpars suffered irreatlv x a.1 a l irom nervous prostration anu sieep- . t r , .1 : c lessness, triea pnysicians uuu uu- lerent meaictnes witnoui success. Tti,t nnp liottlp of Dr. Miles' Nervine caused sound sleep every night and i i i "VT sne is iiKe a new ucisuu. x-xia. Pli7nhp(li Wlipplpr. Laramie Citv. Wvnminir. -m.-1io tried all other reme dies, iipr arpA that alter tnree week s iihp of '.'-. Nervine tor headache. nervous prostration, etc., she was entirely reiievea. ooia oy x. vj Tlio wiertom of him who iottriiev- eth is known hy the line he selects; the judgment of the man who takes the "Burlington Koute" to tne ;tifa of this enst. the south, and the west, is never impeached. The in- lerence is plain. I'lagniiiceni i"1 mnn lfpners. eleoaut reclininer chair cars and world-famous dining cars on all through trains, .bor in form n Hon address the aerent ot the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, tenerai jrassengei and Ticket Agent, Omaha. TIip M5ori Pacific will sell round trip tickets May 9 to 11 inclusive, to Portland, Oregan, the Presbyterian general aisembly being held their Mir io to Tnnp 2. Tickets irood un til May 19 and 'returning inside 90 days at ifoU, going via one route auu returning via another. Apply at ticket otlice lor particulars. nprnnan BaDtist Conference. tvi fiprman Bantist Connference f fVHrir Ranids. Iowa. Tune 3 to 9. One lowest first class fare for round trin over the M. P. Iickets on sale May 30 to Tune 6, good until June 30. The Handsomest Lady in Plattsmouth Ppmnrlrwl to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lunge was a su nprinr rpmedv. as it stopped her cough instantly when other reme dies had no effect whatever, so to nrm-pthisand to convince YOU of its merits any druggist win give you a sample bottle free. Large bottles 5Jc ancii. CVn-lltH Ponle fiiinw n nonrrh to run until it trets beyond the reach of medicine. They say, "Oh, it will wear away, uui m most cases it wears them away. Could they be inaiicea to try tne successful Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and $1. Trial size free. At all druggists. TVTEAT MARKET SIXTH STREET F. H. ELLENBAUM, Prop. J- I. Unr'uh. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. W A Boeck & Co The best of fresh meat always found ... m r t in tnis marKet. aiso iresn Eggs and Butter. Wild game of all kinds kept in their season. Meat ( :XTH STREET MARKET WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE QI--K LOW PRICES IN MENS, BOYS. LADIES MfSSE AND CHILDREN'S SHOES THAT ARE GOING AT BARG W.jl. SOJSCJT cj- CO II I Miy.-'J A V-V rr-i7 A 1 Ex3 b,d VtiJ I v y r I.. ; mm twt POSITIVE CURE. 2.BLY BROTHERS. &S Wanen 6V. 'New Yort. Price 60 ctB, "J DA 1 gnrticalara call on oraaurw- - 1 i 11 4, - 1" VytflA hAP , 1