V Great Bull flovement. BULL DURHAM is a mild and pleasant stimulant which quiets the nerves and in no way excites or deranges the system. In this respect it is distinctive. It gives the most solid com fort vith no unpleasant effects. Made only by Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N.C. BEST on For? CARIC-T THE MASON & HAMLIN their famous Organs or 1'iaii'S lor tli luring them full opportunity to test Banc mn A fid KKU d returu if lie doe not longer want it. It in vmtil the agrerate of ret pain auiounts t th went. It iieoomks his tkoi'kktt witaolt h kti trated catalogue, with net pr ice In c. Mason & Hamlin Orgj-ii and Piano Co BOSTON. NEW Family student School 1 Library 1 S- K-G-U-L-D Own a Dictionary. 2 'Caaraabould be ta.er. t: TH"B rNTESSAT OVAI VTW FROM COVER TO CO YES, 18 TILE ONE TO BUY. Sold by all Booksellers. Z GL & C. MERH.IAM & CO.. Publisher. T vDo not bay reririnta of obsolete i editions. T Aar-Send for free pamphlet eontain T specimen pares ana f all particulars. IF on MEN YOUNG MENVOIiD MEJT til II lit mil or lat atartni r tuuu Thay aiaka aaroia aaorw o xra unuum, DSHAKEOFFTHE HORRID SNAKE3 Uicy fir ap in aaratr maa wnx iaio bo rnv Crat. w (tat an En&va lurtaaMrti OUR NEW BOOK 1 at trw. roM Pl. I"S (ollmllwl Uae.rlaiaa tka philoaopby ol Dt- Affliction of til Orrma of Mu. andhowb HOME TREATMENT. T xnathodj alWa!y on tn, the wni Lot or railing Manhood, Oanaral ui Hroa Da bllity. Waaknaaa of Boer ul Mind. Eflaeta a Errora or ExcMHI, oinniea RfiAKS PASTS of BOUT mad. plain oaU letyra.tad. mZSZZ?"bL. Terr,-"- and """V ERIC ME3ICAL CO. BUFFALO, M.Y. Iir th3 Llacor Habit, Positively rv ADSiaisfEnua cr. riAinr goibeb s?tc:nu ft can bo gWea In a cuo cl coSee or tea. or n ar. licles ol 'ood. wlthou; the knowledge of the txt. 'n taking it; it ia absolutely harmless ar.'t -vi:i eiiet l a vrmanent n,, slwe,'y cure, wholhrf the patient U a moderate drlnkeror an al-inii? wreck, it NEVER FAILS. We GUARANTEE a rrnni Vivterure 13 e?3i v ir,s:ce. oh FREE. Adilreadin confuieiier. NCXOElj SPEOiFiC CO-.iSa Sac SU CutcIacatLO CJliariDeiicin'a Eyo and Flrtn Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Scro Eyes Tetter, Salt Iihcum, Scald Head, Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Ftch, Prairio Scratches, Sore lIpple3 and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by ft after all other treatment had failed. It Is put up ia 3 aad CO cent boses. THUmLY ( LA11K. DEALER IX COA WOOD -o TERMS CASHo rt'. and Off ?e 404 South Third Street. Telephone 13. PLATTSMOUTH. Nebrask KLVU is BXSX. I WEBSTER'S I INTERNATIONAL J DICTIONARY i SUCCESSOR OF THE TJTf ABRIDGED. X Tea years spent ia rcTiring, 100 edi- T ton employed, over $300,000 expended. OILY n "si immm Curet Smoking Tobacco Made a record long years ago, which has never been beaten or approached. It has not to-day, a good second in popularity. Its peculiar and uniform excellence pleases the men of to-day as it did their fathers before them. Sold wherever tobacco is smoked. PAYMC'TS. . now ..11. r u rent any ihhj of giving the person lire months, it thoroughly in ins own iioiit co'il nines to wane n price of the instru- ICK I'AYMKXT. Illll- YOKK CUIOHio. Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing. Cures Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc Removes and Prevents Sandruftl WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watoc. 40 LIMC water or milk. PPS'S fyza iflf-'f1 GRATE UL COMFORTFXG F.abelel 1-2 lb Tins Only. rj2 N ESS iteau soisbs CU R ED 5J kr l eck'i Inviail.le TubtOar Iir Club foot. Whiprs heard. ComfortaMe. lor. Vn iJt book uC prvoC. PUVPP. ?17T. orirati SIS Wiint ntrts. catl'die 1 liillUU free. AcU r.'ss Dau'l K Heat ty, wash Itoti N.J. ifV,:!' BALSAM ".Hi n Itixuimnt cruwlii. f . 'Szu to X ecoxa Grty :r i x on. iirui. cover. 1. t-u.r. tiv iM-jti, Pai2,Taka in time. A r.e oil v new eme tor Ct ic a; irui.. j. or illiCOX a CO S. Y. IMIAIMIIHI(bta)lD)r. How Lost! How Regalnecrt KIJOV THYSELF. Or SELF-PRESERVATION. A new and only nA uoi PK17R fssay on StEBVOUS and i.ivsicr. I1KBIL1TT. ERltOKS of vniTTii FTTfiliSTEU VITALITY, PRE- MATITKE IIKCLISE. and ail DISEASES o'a v 4 K -Si KSS KS of MAX. 300 paces. Cloth. Mr. i nwWiahlA nreacriDtioas. Only C1.00 Et 'mail, double seated. Uescripuve Prospect- cs with endorsements mppi SEND or ine rreaa anu iuiuuum, rfirC I MflW .oatiTTirminla rtt the CUIOd. " vnaniiitinn in wvin or by mail. Expert treat ment. INVIOLABLE SECRECY and CER TAIN CI KK. Addrpsn. Pr. W. H. Parker, or The Feabodj Medical Institute, Jo. 4 Buliinch Su. Boston, Msaa. The Peabody Medical Inetrtnte has many imi tators, tmt no equal. ueraia. Thn Sciance of Life, or Self-Proeervation, le irahmlile ttuia ecld. Kead it now, everv m:.AK and NERVOUS man, and learn to be STRONG . Medical Jieview. topi-nttniea- Mi? C'jra for Impotence. Loaa of Manhood, Seminal Emissions. Spermatorrhea. Heroovsnees. Self Distrust. Lass of Memory, ftc. WMI ntake you a S7RQN9, Vigor ous Kan. Pric $1.00, 0 Bow. $5 00 grrco Direction Mattel wl: eac Box. Address "Eiiari Sasv Uslxezi Co 3319 LUCA3AVC T-LOUIS. - MO- ,.op There uned to be' a' book collector la this city wix won the terror of all who knew him. lie was wll to do and a very learned man. lie wan a great buy er of books and owned a fine library, but nobody else's library wiw safe if it con tained a book he coveted. For a long time his victim did not snect him. Fie would cnll, np nd an hour or two among their books and go away. Final ly ono bibliomaniac, who had suffered most (severely, had his n-X'icions amus ed. Even then he dared not utter them, go ho went to hi lawyer alout it. The lawyer had him make out a list of the volumes IokL They were all of .-rtrfmo raritv and irreat value. Arined this lUt t he liiwvcr called on ine su.iected man and introluced hiiustlf a.s a collector from the west. He had heard of the gentleman as a bibliophile of authority and wished to consult him about some books which had been of fered him before he concluded upon their purchase or rejection. 'What were the books? his host asked. I! mil off the titles of several of the ! stolen volumes. "Nonsense!" said his host. "Nobody j can sell you them. I own the only copies in the country." Next day the lawyer wrote a letter which resulted in the restoration of the spoil to its rightful owner. Ilow many rare books belonging to other collectors remain in the collection for it has never been sold for obvious reasons no one can say. New York Cor. Fttsburg Bulletin. A Illue Lrnr Sabbath. F was born in Massachusetts," said he, "and reared in a strict Puritan fam ily. The Sabbath commenced on Satur day night, when we children were re quired to study the Scriptural lesson for the next day. After au early breakfast next morning we went at our lesson again until church time. The morn ing service was from 10 to 12 o'clock, composed chiefly of a long winded ser mon, during which we were required to keep awake, pay strict attention and be have ourselves. This was followed by Sunday school, where we recited our lessons correctly or suffered Bevere con sequences. ' After a cold luncn at nome, ior notn- ing was cooked on Sunday, we attended church again from 3 until 4 p. m. ine interval between this time and 7 o clocK prayer meeting was occupied with re ligious reading or renection, no invoious games or diversions being permitted on this solemn day. As a special dispensa tion we were given hot tea for supper. Prayer meeting was out at 9 o clock, and from that hour until bed time we sat quietly at home reading such thrilling and interesting works, especially to cnu dren, as Baxter's 'Saints' Rest' and Fox's 'Book of Martyr's.' 1 used to sympathize with those martyrs, and compare their miserable state with mine." Washington Post. Hoit Hen Carry Their Hands. "A sure indication of character is found in the way in which a man car ries his hands," said C. G. Clarke, of Boston. "You notice men on the streets. See the young man with swinging arms and palms which are displayed to ail who take th trouble to look. Fie is one of that class whose heart is as open as his hands. He is frans, unsuspicious, a free spender and a believer in the hon esty of his fellows. Notice the business man more advanced in years. Mis nanus are always closed so tightly that he gives you the impression he is ever ex pecting an attack. This is the attitude of men bent upon a certain object. It is an attitude which displays the quali ties of determination and fight. "In debate jTou will observe some ot our lawmaKers empnasize a statement i . j j . by hammering the desk before them with their knuckles, while others, ap parently equally impassioned, are satis- tied with the use of the palm. You may rest assured that if sheer determination will succeed, the man who applies hi: knuckles will win before bis colleague who uses his palm." St. Liouis Globe- Democrat. Notions About Sleep. One of the rudest acts in the eyes ot a native of the Philippine islands is to step over a person asleep on the floor. Sleeping is with them a very solemn matter. They are strongly averse to waking any one, the idea being that during 6leep the soul is absent from the body, and may not have time to return if slumber is suddenly broken. If you call upon a native and are told 'He is asleep, you may as well depart. To get a servant to rouse you, you must give him the strictest of orders. Then at the time appointed he will stand by your side and call, "Senor! senor!" repeatedly, each time more loudly than before, until you are half awake; then he will return to the low note, and again raise his voice gradually until you are fully conscious. Ex change. " Respecting the Dead. Mrs. Granpere Why, Bridget, 1 heard of the death of poor Tim, your husband, and that you were married a 4 1- T T a gam; ana now, poor gin 13 it possioie your second husband too? Bridget (m deep mourning) un, no. mum. He's all riffht. But 1 always promised nieself. whiniver 1 could af ford it, 1 wud put on momin for po dear Tim. and it s very weu oil l am mum. since I'm married this tine. mum. Harper's Bazar. Economy iu Rapid Freight Trains. A German enirineer concludes tliat if the speed instead of the load of freight trains be increased from fourteen twentv-eisrlit miles per nour uie ,h'::ss per car mile at the higher speed won!-. lie one-fourth less for repairs and onl- one-fifth more for fuel. New Yt! Times. A Knowing lirute. "Cabby, drive me to Vefour's iu ti for the horsellesh banquet." "Not so load, truv'nor. If Browii Ile-s heard yoi she wouldn't budge an ine! Figaro. tUrmm Was Kot at All Serd ay ta Nols Down Stairs. Ft was 3 o'clock iu the morning when Mrs. Fliginbotham shook her husband. "Ugh." he reronded unconsciously. "Hiram! Hiram!" tshe exclaimed in a whimper. "U-ugh," ho observed. She gave him another shake. "Hiram." fche whispered, "there's rob bers down stairs." "UirhV" he ventured acain. this time with a rising inflection indicating that ho : was gradually absorbing the idea tliat ' something was wrong. ! She gave him a tremendous shake. "Ugh." he almost shouted, sitting straight up, "what in thunder's the row, Maria?" She clapped her hand over his mouth. "Sh sh!" she whispered, "there's burglars down stairs." "Aw," ho growled, "we ought to be thankful they are not up stairs. Go to bleep!" and ho fell back to the pillow. "Hiram, I tell you, ' she insisted, with another shake, "there's burglars down stairs. I heard them. You go down and see what they want." "Maria," ho protested, "I'll do noth ing of the sort. If they don't see what they want they can ask for it. That's business." "But you shall go down, Hiram, and see," she urged and pleaded at the same time. "I won't, F tell you, Maria. Because your father owns a dry goods store is no sign that I believe it is no trouble to chnw poods, and I repeat, madam, if those burglars want anything they've got to wait on themselves. It s after business hours anyway. You must think we run an all night place. Go to sleep, 1 tell you." Mrs. Iliginbotham gave a sudden clutch at his arm. "There," she nearly screamed, "F hear them coming up 6tairs now." "Well,- dear," he said soothingly, "you'd better jump up and put on a dress. It will never do in the world for you to receive strange gentlemen in your ' present attire, "We'll be murdered in our beds," she wailed. "Do you really think you will," he in quired with some interest. "I'm sure of it, Hiram," she sobbed. "Suppose you get out and lie on the floor. Maria, and then you won't be," he suggested heartlessly. "I'm willing to take mine right here in bed, where it s warm." Mrs. H. began to cry. "What's the matter, Maria?" Mr. II. asked, as if he had just that moment discovered her grief. You're a mean, horrid man, Hiram Higinbotham," she said in her natural voice, and she began to get out of bed. Where are you going, Manar' he. in quired uneasily. "Down stairs,' she answered, neroicai- ly. "As between you upstairs and the burglars down stairs, I prefer the bur glars," and down stairs she went, and the black cat m the preserve closet upset four jars of her finest quinces in its mad effort to escape. She screamed, but Hiram Higinbotham made no sign; he knew he had forgotten to put the cat in the cellar when he shut the house up for the night ana reporteu to his wife that everything was all right. -Detroit Free Press. Home of the Sea Serpent. The Question of the "great sea "ser pent" has of late come before us with an episcopal sanction; bat whatever may bo the explanation ot tne various appear ances which have given a certam cur rency to a belief in the existence of an unknown marine monster of some kind. that small sea serpents exist is most cer tain. They are all marine, and with the exception of one or two species never quit the water. As might be expected under such circumstances they bring forth their young alive, and these can swim as soon as they are born. Mr. Boulenger tells us that their home is essentially me cuasts ui mc mimi ocean and the tropical parts of the west ern Pacific, from the Persian gulf to New Guinea and N orth Australia. One species, however, ranges from west and south Africa to the western coast of tropical America and extends northward to Japan and southward to New Zea land. Quarterly Review. Two Guilty Consciences. A Danbury youth went trout fishing nnH vfvntnred to drop a sly line into a pOStetl UrUUK. OUUJ IUC tL 'i. UtiV-liiiJ,-, figure of the owner loomed up in the dis tance, and the Danbury youth knew he had been seen. He took incontinently to the bushes, where he spent a very miserable two hours m hiding and caught a cold that kept him two days iu bed. Meanwhile the terrible owner, who was not the owner at all, had sought a similar refuge at sight of the original culprit, and not until hi3 teeth chattered like a typewriter did he venture to leave the friendly but damp shelter and slink away from the scene. He was an elder ly man, and his share in the day's sport resulted in a four days' rheumatic limp. Boston Transcript. Ancient SacriGces to the Sea. The navigators of antiquity, to whose imaginative ignorance the ocean seemed peopled and beset with chimeras dire and supernatural agencies of all sorts, used often to sacrifice human lives to the mysterious vrater gods. It is regard ed by tradition that Idomeneus, long ot Crete, vowed to sacrifice to Neptune the first living thing he met after escaping from a storm, and this happening to be his son, he fulfilled his vow religiously. Medea nearly became a sacrifice during the return voyage of the Argonauts. Washington Star. No Reflection on Hi Character. "That stylish looking gentleman was under police supervision in his younger days." "Nonsense! You must be joking." "Not a bit of it; his father was a con stable." Dorfbarbier. I SENSIBLE ADVICE FROM THE LIPS Or A PERFECTLY MADE MAN. now a Terfertly Mad Mau la fwntl tuted -Why 1 la Tliat Jlrla Arr Oft-n More llralthy In ApiMrarance Tlmn Their Ilrotha-ra Ilow to He llrwl(!i. She had been to church. As s'. ? walked home she looked up and a Muldoon. From the very beginning women ha v.? liked big men men who are physic. uly big and when they by some accident do care for little men it's ten to one the brains are big. To every woman, and woman is at heart an uncivilized crea ture, there is a certain pleasure in tli3 knowledge that a man can, if lie wants to, kill you with a blow. The woman who has not had this sensation is the one who has cultivated the original wemanout of herself and is busy search in" for fresh emotions. Consequoiitly iTf.rfnl is to a woman more beautiful lieautiful j es a man thousand 1 the man than Adonis, and if she admire who mentally is strong, a times more does she care for who can if he will govern by pny.,ie.ii strength and become what Swinburne calls "King of Iin." You can't deny this, nor explain it, but it's true. The chnrchgoing young woman who met Mr. Muldoon was inquisitive, and she made up her mind that she was go ing to get some points on bigness und beauty from him; 60 with the audacity of the fox terrier, the dog of the day. she asked: Mr. Muldoon, what constitutes a per fectly made man?" "One whose neck, biceps and calves all measure the same." It was a bit iiuiertinent, but that is the prerogative of a woman and bo she asked, "Do yours?" And he quietly answered, "Yes." Then she inquired, "What is the reason that as one walks in New York one notices that the women are larger, look more healthy, walk better, and from a physical standpoint are better specimens than the men?" "Well," said he, "the trouble begins with the care of the boy when he is a little chap; everything here is sacrificed to the cultivation of the intellect, and the small boy's physical condition isn't paid much attention to. You see, the sons of rich men who are weak, miser able specimens, killing themselves with cierarettes. smaller and less 6trong than their sisters and having no strength physically. A good many of them are cowards. Train a boy morally and physically first, and his brain will re spond when you call on it. Train the brain at the expense of the body and you have just such specimens of man hood as you laugh at." "Mr. Muldoon, when you get a man down and are looking him straight iu the eyes and know that you have him almost in your power, what are you thinkinsr of?" "F am thinking only of one thing, and j that is where F can best get a hold of ( him and how F can best keep him where F want him to be." Then he was asked, "How long have you been an athlete?" "Since I was fifteen years old, and 1 am now forty-one. F weigh 215 pounds in my clothes, 203 in fighting trim, or. m the say in the south, in the buff. Aftei F was thirty-five years old F allowed my self to gain ten pounds, because aftei that age I think a man needs a little more flesh. F have never used tobaccc and F don't drink. "What do I think of women? To be quite honest, 1 am a little afraid of them, thev are not so trustworthy as horses oi dogs? What kind of a woman do I like; i F like a womanly woman, a woman whe ! is gentle and affectionate and who isn't loud. 1 lite a woman whose lace i clean, not daubed all over with rongt and powder. I like woman who has a little bit of consideration for a man, an-i who, while he is willing to give her de votion and love, is ready to return ii with affection and kindly thoughts. "But do you want me to tell you what is killing half the population of this country?" , The inquisitive one said she did sne was a seeker for knowledge. "It is the vile air that is in the car, boats, half the houses and hotels, and iu all the places of amusement. You get in a parlor car, and there is one person in that car an invalid, or a woman, who insists on having all the ventilators "closed, and you have got to sit, possiblj sleep, in that foul air, breaming in tne diseases that everybody else has. If the3 would spend less money on making a car handsome and more on making it healthful, there would not bo half as much wickedness as thire is, for when men and women are thoroughly well there is not much chance of their going wrong." "But about women?" "I think there are 100 good women to one good man, and where a woman makes a mistake it usually is the fault of a man. It is perfect nonsense, how prpr. sliootinir such creatures, as we have heard of lately. They ought to bo caught by the nape of their necks and i tossed out of a window and left to get I along as best they can." j "Who is your favorite actor." "Mr. Booth." "What are your favorite flowers?" "Violets." "What is your favorite color?" "Pale blue." And then, with a characteristic jump from flowers and colors, the inquisit'.ve one asked, ''At a prize fight do they spill much blood?" "No," said Muldoon; "the amount of 7 blood spilled is usually very much ex aggerated. When Sullivan fought Kil rain, on July 8, 1889, the fight lasted two hours and eighteen minutes, and there wasn't enough blood shed to entirely 6tain a pocket handkerchief. A Woman in New York Sun. The largest and longest stone bridge in the world is over an arm of the China sea five miles long, 300 arches, each seventy feet high. saaay weaoaa ear lroroa,BC r f Scant MaaatrvBtioo; they doa't know r who toconflde la to get proper advice. Doo't confide In anybody but try Bradfleld'o Female Regulator S Specific tor PA1NTCL. PROFUSE. SCANTY. SUPPRESSED and IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION. Book to "WOMAN" mailed free. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlasta, 6a. hold ky nil UrnsfUta. J, K. K'KYNOI.DS, KfKt" n-,1 1'liycU litll Sunt I'llal lliuel'-l Special attention gixeu to Oftict J'ractice. ROCK BL11-1X Nkli. "lVj X e j. Hilars K j UKAI.f.R l.N- STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. Patronage of the Public Solicited. Nortk Sixth Stret, Plattsao-th Ft. A. SALISBURY D-K-N-T-I-S-T :- GOLD AXD PORCELAIN CROWNS. r. Steiaways aaarsthetlc for the aalaleaa ax tract lor of teeth. Fiae Gold Work a Specialty. Bockweed Block riatlnaiosth. Neb. lOExIJSTS 1JOTSK. 217l 2!9, 221, AND 22 JAllH ST PLATTSMOHT. NEIL F. R. GUTEMAO. PROP- Rates $4.50pek week and up IDZEZLSTTISTZRY" liOLD AND POKCKLAIN CKOWNs Bridge work and fine gold work SPECIALTY. OK. 8TKINAUS LOTA I. as wHl other un etheticsKivn lor the painless extraction of teeth. C A. MARSHALL, - Fittntld P-1"- TTORNEV A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-I.aw. Will plv? prompt atteiiflor 'o all buMne?3 entru-fM to liiw. Office 1l 1 Cnion block. Eaft Side. IMatvmouth. ret. W ant . Alia llWW-7 mmmmm 8 For Atchinson, St. Joseph, Leavc-n-1 worth. Kansas City. St. Ixmis, and all points n'tli. east routh or wet. Tick ets sold and ba age checked to any point in States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATE AND ROUTES Call at Depot or address II, C. Towxsend, G. P. A. St. Louie, Mo. T. C. F'miXiPPl, A. G. P. A. Omaha. 1 H. D. APGAR. Ajrt., Plattsmouth. Telephone, 77.