The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 28, 1892, Image 4

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play two games
Wellington, Kansas, Struck by
a Destructive Cyclone.
The Grand Army Hall Turned Into
a Hospital and the Dead and
Wounded are Beirut Cared
For The City
In Ruins.
This morning paper announce
that Wellington, Kaunas, was struck
by terrible cyclone last evening
and the entire city was destroyed.
About fifty people were
killed and VSi injured, but the
con fusion was ho gre it that the ex
act loss of life could not be stated
definitely last night. Among the
dead are:
The Wellington hotel and the
Phillips house, the two largest ho
tels in the city were completely
wrecked and the ruins of the Phil
lips house took fire. Many of the
guests were doubtless burned to
A heavy storm of wind and rain
preceeded the cyclone about half
an hour. A few minutes after nine
o'clock the cyclone struck the city,
coming from the southwest. There
were no premonitory signs. Erery
body was indoors and the clouds
passed with its destructive rush
unseen. Washington avenue, the
principal business street, is lined
on both sides for block with ruins.
To ad to the horror fire broke out in
the debris of Colonel Robinson's
block and a woman, Mrs. Susan
Ashe, is supposed to have perished
in the flames, and the Monitor,
Press and Voice printing office lie
.'i head of brick and mortar.
Just across the street a laborer
named Fanning was taken out of
the ruins dead, and there are sup
posed to be other bodies in the ruins.
Hundreds of dwellings are either
totally destroyed or more or less
damaged. The city is in darkness,
as broken mains made it necessary
to shut down the gas works and
save destruction from fire.
Hon. James Lawrence, candidate
for attorney general, had an arm
broken. Walter Forsythe was taken
from the ruins dangerously
wounded, and 1ns brother rid was
talking for an hour before his relief.
Seven bodies have been taken out
f the Phillips house ruins, and a
large force of men are hard at work
removing the.debris. Two members
of the Salvation arni3' are expected
to die from injuries received.
At S'juire Smith's residence seven
persons are more or less injured
The streets are littered with tin roof
ng, cloth awning, broken glass arid
Kveiy body is on the streets carry
ing lanterns, and it is utterly im
possible to get to the exact facts
The destruction is simply awful
and every minute adds to the hor
ror of the situation.
1 ne standard and lail oliices are
wrecked. The opera house and
dozens of the best business build
ings are useless. Fine school build
ings and churches are ruined, and
the loss will foot up many thous
anus of dollars. No reports have
been received from other points.
The storm came f--om the south
west and beyond demolishing
lew residences did no material dam
age until Jefferson avenue was
reached; here the Lutheran church
was totally destroyed. The storm
ontinued eastward, raising every
Jjuilding in the two blocks bounded
;y Jefferson avenue. Sixth. Seventh
rind Ninth streets.
Mrs. Sashen and Miss Strahn were
sisters. They were killed by the
collapse of the Sashen & Kirk car
riage factor- . nd their bodies are
in the burning ruins of that struc
ture. Silva and Walter Forsythe
received fatal injuries. Ida Jones
was a dining room girl in the Phil
lips house and was instantly killed.
Her body was the first to be taken
from the nuns of that building.
Grand Army hall has been con
certed into a hospital and hundreds
- ire now employed in carrying the
-dead and injured to places of
Wellington is the county seat of
Sumner and has a population of
over lOXyj inhabitants. It is in the
center of a thickly-settled agricul
tural district and is the most prom
inent town in Southern Kensas.
Beatrice will
here Monday.
A good sized crowd attended the
matinee this afternoon.
Plattsmouth vs. Hastings at the
ball park tomorrow at 3:30.
The grand march will start at the
ball this evening promptly at 9
K. G. Vanatla will deliver the
Sons of Veterans' address Monday
at tne cemetery.
Long caught for the locals this
afternoon on account of Maupin
being on the sick list.
The heavy rain last night caused
the water to back up and flood
Charley Black's cellar.
The sociable last night at the
Christian church was a success
both socially and financially.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Murphy are re
joicing over the advent of a boy
baby that made its appearance last
The assessors from Eight Mile
Grove, Center and Greenwood pre
cincts have made their returns to
the county clerk.
Don't miss the performance of
"A Turkish Bath" at the Waterman
next Wednesday night. It is a per
formance worth seeing. Secure
your tickets Monday morning.
Robt. Donovan, an inmate of the
assylum at Lincoln, escaped again
yesterday and walked to this city
arriving here this afternoon. The
officers have him in charge.
The King's Daughters will give
s.n ice cream social at the residence
of Prof. McClelland on High school
hill next Tuesday evening, May 31.
Everybody cordially invited. Sup
per 15c.
Next rehearsal of the Choral
union will take place Monday eve
ning, May 30, at 8 o'clock. All
members are requested to be pres
ent, as important business will be
brought before the union.
Reserved seat tickets will go on
sale Monday morning for "A Turk
ish Bath," which will appear at the
Waterman next Wednesday night.
Price, 75 cents. Secure tickets
early, as there will be a rush for
The Missouri Pacific makes one
lowest first-class fare for the round
trip to the- national democratic
convention at Chicago. Tick
ets on sale from June 17 to 21,
good to return J11I3' (3. Choice of
Go to the opera house to-nicht
and see the last performance by the
Paytou Comedy Company when
they will present the great sensa
tional drama "Under the Gaslight,"
The company has given good satis
faction and should have a packed
house to-night.
Once upon a time a sweet faced,
black-eyed school marm who was
teaching the young ides how to
shoot, in a district not far from Kim
wood, and this sweet dispencer of
knowledge wanted to come to town
every Friday evening and remain
over Sunday with her people. About
that time in the year there lived a
young gentleman in town who
owned a livery stable, and he sigh
ed for the company of this young
school marm, so he made it a point
to "just happen" by the school
house every Friday evening with a
nice rig and would invite her to
ride to town with him, which she
did. Finally school was out, the
girl departed, the liveryman wrote
sweet missiles to her but received
no reply. He grew desperate and
dunned her for $12 for livery hire,
and in a few days he received a
money order for the amount. The
young man was a lisli. The young
lady paid for her bait.
Yesterday's Base Ball,
Rourkeand his men were checked
in their upward career by the
Beairice fellows. Gatewood'a Indi
ans batted hard and opportunely.
Hoffer played an excellent fielding
game. The score:
Oraml Inland 00200002 0 4
Heatrice I 0 0 0 2 0 30 8
Runs earned Grand Island 2, Beatrice 4.
Twcdiuse bits Howe, Junes, LVrrick,
Three-bane hit Thompson, Holmes,
liases stolen Heal rice J, Uruiid Island 1.
liases on I .alls Oil Howe 4.
Hit ly pitcher-Howe ', Kourke 1.
Struck out Howe 12, K'ourhe 5.
Passed hulls Keefe 1, Jones 1.
Time of name l:0o.
Umpire Hart.
Ian. Cass
Who can write the most words on a
new U. S. Postal Card
Standing of the Clubs.
I'layed. Won. Lost.
Heatrice 10 7
Grand Island 13 8
Fremont 11 C
Hastings it 7
IMattsmouth 12 5
Kearney 10 3
Per Ct.
List of Letters
Remaining unclaimed in the post
office at Flattsmouth:
Arnold, Frank
Ck, V V
Gavati, Alex
Hanson, Mary
Johnson, V H
McXeal, Don
Parks, Alva
Kakes, Ilavid
Williams, Thomas
I iron son, John
Calkins, Frank
Hartman, Elta l-
Hays, bi C Mrs
Kinsey, C
Mathews, Jas A
Kobinson, Mrs F (2J
Ve'tli, Tressie
Weeb, Kuby
Will Give the Following Prizes on July 4th:
Jeklie, Joe
Persons calling for any of the
above will please ask for "adver
tised 'mad. H. J; Stkeight,
The republican national conven
tion meets at Minneapolis. The M.
1 . makes one lowest first class fare
for round trip tickets, on sale June
! to 6 good to return June 25.
"A Turkish Bath "
"A Turkish Bath" drew a large
audience at the Auditorium. The
mirth-provoking company were en
thusiastically received, and warmly
applauded again as their gay sal
lies, realistic character sketches, or
excellent singing received success
ively the praise which was their
For real merriment and an eve
ning's entertainment brim full of
fun and wit, without a single objec
tionable feature, nothing could ex
ceed "A Turkish Hath." The wit of
the Irish detective. McGoogle, was
irresistible; and the singing of Mr.
Kckert won for him repeated rounds
of applause. Miss Emma Berg also
charmed all with her sweet voice,
and received repeated encores, to
which she responded most pleas
antly. The duett, "Farewell, Love,"
was epecially well rendered by Miss
Berg a ml Mr.Eckert, who responded
to an encore with a trio, "1 Can't
Believe Her Faithless," assisted by
the clear, melodious tones of Miss
Eckert's alto.
But it was Marie Heath as Little
Dot, the pet of "The Sparrows'
Roost," who won all with her bright
mischief, natural childlike grace
and sweet singing. She was es-
pecialh' delightful in her favorite
song, "Won't You Come Out and
Plaj-r" and responded to an enthu
siastic recall with the old but never
better done, "Listen to My Tale of
Woe." Spokane Chronicle.
At the Waterman June 1.
1. A Nice Spring Suit.
2. A Nice Leather Satchel.
3. Two Nice Shirts.
Every word must be written with pen and ink.
Every word must be readable with the naked eye,
And must be written in sensible sentences.
Send all Postal Cards to
JOE, The One Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb
No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892,
Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person V
JOE, the Popular Clothier,
Oipera, Comer, Sttao-tatla.
Real Estate Transfers.
following are tie real estate
transfers for the past week as com
piled by Polk Bros., abstracters
md publishers of the Daily Record:
P. J. Nichols to J. J. Shannon, lot 1.
oik ju, ivagle $ ) C3
J J Shannon and wife to J Q Adams,
101 1, ujk i, iale COO (.'0
South Platte Land Co loCAManker
lots 'SZl-SSi, Louisville 50 00
J Gordon and wife to J Perry, pt of
e4 oi se rfj-u-ll 150 09
II E Kockwell and wife to C A blan
ker, lot 1G Louisville 230 00
X Jefferson to J I) Jefferson lot 2S,
oik la. rllery l'lace add to Piatts
nuMitli 450 00
C Mirnyer to A A Evans, whs of nwl4
35-11-! . 100
L Lazaras and wife to V T $ ran son
lot- lj-lti, blk fi. allerv Place add
to Plattsmouth 3J0 CO
Eliza Lackey and hushnnd to J A
t.reen, pt of nc's tt-KMl 150 CJ
l E Ilaer and husband to E L Shel
ton. part of lot 11. est Oreenwotxl 400 00
A .V Smith to II. J Helps, lot 10, Por
ter 1'lace add to Plattsmouth 625 00
Oregon. Washington and the North
west Pacific Coast.
The constant demand of the trav
eling public to the far west for J a
comfortable and at the same time
an economical mode of traveling
has led to the establishment
what is known as Pullman Colonist
Ihese cars are built on the same
general plan as the reirular first.
class Pullman Sleeper, the only dif
ference being that the' are not upholstered.
They are furnished comnlef e with
good comfortable hair matresses.
warm blankets.snow white linen r-nr
tains plenty of towels, combs, brush
es etc., which secure to the occu
pant of a birth as much
is to be had in firtt class sleepers.
There are also separate toilet rooms
for ladies and gentlemen, and suiofc
ing is absolutely orohibitecl. Krr
full information send for Pullman
Colonist Sleeper leaflet. K. L. r.o-
max, General Passenger and Ticket
Agent, Omaha Nebraska.
D. O. Dwyer was an Omaha visitor
J. A. Conor of Omaha is in the city
Jake Stull and Mike McCool were
in Omaha to-day.
J. F. v ellington was an Omaha
passenger this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. V. A.
went up to Llmwood to visit over
Deputy Oil Inspector F. S. White
went up to Omaha to-day on oflicial
Miss Kdna Adams and Miss Mary
McClelland went up to Omaha this
And' Hedlund and Henry
Gu"re were Omaha passengers
Mrs. Frank Boyd and daughter,
Miss Ollie, were Omaha passengers
this morning.
Mrs. Wm. L. Wells cf South Bend,
is in the city, the guest of II. J.
Streight and family.
Mrs. Arthur Jackson came in from
McCook last night to visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. If. J. Streight.
German Baptist Conference.
The German Baptist Connference
meets at Cedar Rapids. Iowa. Time
3 tt 9. One lowest first class fa re fnr
round trip over the M. P. Tickets
on sale May JO to June C, good until
June 30.
The Handsomest Lady in Plattsmouth
Kemarked to a friend the other
day that she knew Kemp's Balsam
ror uie tnroat and lunge was a su
perior remedy, as it opped her
cousfii instantiv when other reme
dies had no effect whatever. So to
prove this and to convince vou of
its merits any druggist will give
you a sample bottle free. Large
bottles 50c and $1.
District Court
The jury in the case of Stotler vs.
Arclw, wherein Archer was sued
tor SlX, a verdict was rendered in
favor of plaintiff for $10.
Judge Chapman has adjourned
vcourt until 9 o'clock Tuesday morning.
Church Services.
First M. E. church. Dr. L. F. Britt,
pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. by
the pastor. Subject for the morn
ing, "The Immutability of the Sea
sons." In the evening, "A Sermon
to the Old Soldiers," appropriate
for Memorial Sunday. TheEpworth
league will meet at 7 p. m. in the
gallery of the church. All are cor
dially invited to attend these service?.
Wow Try This-
It will cost you nothing and will
surely do you good, if j'ou have a
Cough, Cold or any trouble with
Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to
give relief, or money will be paid
back. Sufferers from La Grippe
found it just the thing and under
its use had a speedy and perfect re
cover'. Try a sample bottle at our
expense and learn for yourself just
how good a thing it is. Trial bottle
free at F. G. Fricke & Co. Drug
Store. Large size 50c and $1.00
Delegated Elected.
At a recent meeting of the buei
uess mens association delegates
r '
were elected to the state conven
tion to be held at Omaha June 13, 14
and Id. The following were, elected
Charles Cummins, Fred Herr
mann, Ed Oliver, A. B. Knotts and
O. H. Snyder.
L. D. Bennett. F. G. Fricke, Fred
Ramge, Jno. Hatt and C. A. Mar
livery local merchant that at
tends the third annual convention
will be well repaid for his time and
expense and everyone who is inter
eeted in securing legislation in the
interest ot the retail merchant
should attend.
FOR reliable:
Call on
The Place to Bir
:C0MHLATIO.1 SAFrrrii,,;
32-inch. Bays- o.rW
24-lDch, toys' jir)'
--iDcfa.lklTa' A InrlJ
'-incQ. r Hull v . .
mm r unW, MUCH TlrM ir 7" v"
t. C MEACHAM ARMS CfOf Tnnia'&g
'' ;
o ... 4t bit
Notice to Con
Sealed bids will be received r tn
8 o'clock Saturday evening for the
grading of the lot where the tjh
Kranz ouildin
Leave all bids
r tin i i .j -
at C. Brekenfeld's
For mill!
. (1 I I I I I 1.1 I Mrfl T '1 rt
-i ..... 1 - . iA ilflLO UI
mi v mm"- in tne line a--;kk
x mc idiesi siyies and de
on me rucker Sisters
mc onerwood block.
T. II,
Pollock. Agent.
Shiloh's catarrh remerlv
five o. r-i - . J. . i""l
quiver mourn. or sale hv P n
bncke & C
Some Foolish People
allow a cough to run until itgets
beyond the reach of medicine They
say. "Oh, it will wear away," but in
most cases it wears them away.
Could they be induced to trv the
successful Kemp's Balsam, which
is sold on a positive guarantee to
cure, they would see the excellent
effect after taking the first dose.
Price 50c and $1. Trial size free. At
all druggists.
A nasal injector free with each
bottle of Shilohs catarrh remedy.
Price 50 eta. For sale by O H Sny
der and F G Fricke.
rui dale a tull-blooded Jersey
cow, with heifer calf, for sale at a bar
St1?;, i-eaigree turmshed. Call at
tio vvasnington avenue.
tf C. H. Petersen.
. For Sale.
My house and three lots corner
oixin ana uey, price $ 1,2CD.
Mrs. J. A. G.'Buell,
Central Cit-, Neb., ape E. R. B.
v. is ux pnuuns 10 tane no
iice mat we win move about the
first of next month to the room for
merly occupied Dy J. Finley John-
All men running express wagons
are notihed that their occupation
tax must De paid on or before Tune
lo. T. T. Fv
- f
Deputy Collector.
Wall Paper
House Paint
Is what you want next and in
this line as in all others we ar
Headquarters. When you want
either of these call in and see
us before buying.
I wish to specially recommend.
It is absolutely afe.
ment plan as cheap as for cash
on easy monthly payments. Come
in and examine my anti-rust tin
ware which is warranted not to rust
for one year. If at any time you
want anything new that we do not
happen to have in stock we can vet
it for you on two days' notice
421 Maln-St.. Plattsmouth