A Too Knter prising- Collector. There. used to be a book collector in thiB city who was the terror of all who knew him. He was welt 90 do and a very learned man. He wai'a great boy er of books and ownwl ana, library, hut nolnxly eWg library w;ia safe if it con tained a lok he coveted. For a long time his victims did not saect him. He would call, upend an honr or two among their tmoks and go away. Final ly one bibliomaniac, who had suffered moht severely, had his suspicions arous ed. Even then ho dared not utter them, fo he went to his lawyer aliout it. The lawyer had him make out a list of the volumes lust. They were all of extreme rarity ami great value. Armed with this list the lawyer called on the Mi.si-cted man and introduced himself as a collector from the west. He hid heard of the gentleman as a bibliophile of authority ami wished to consult him about some lxMks which had ljeen of fered him la-fore he concluded upon their purchase or rejection. "What were the lwnfcsr his host asked. He ran off the titles of several of the stolen volumes. "Nonsense!' said his host. "Nolxvly can sell you theui. I own the only copies in the country. Next day the lawyer wrote a letter which resulted in the restoration of the ppoil to its rightful owner. How many rare books lx-longing to other collectors remain in the collection for it has never been sold for obvious reasons no one can say. New York Cor. Pittsburg Bulletin. A Iilue Law Kahbath. "I was born in Massachusetts," said he, "and reared in a strict Puritan fam ily. The Sabbath commenced on Satur day night, when we children were re quired to stndy the Scriptural lesson for the next day. After an early breakfast next morning we went at our lesson again until church time. The morn ing service was from 10 to 13 o'clock, composed chiefly of a long winded ser mon, during which we were required to keep awake, pay strict attention and be have ourselves. This was followed by ouuuay scnooi, wnere we recitea our lessons correctly or suffered severe con sequences. "After a cold lunch at home, for noth ing was cooked on Sunday, we attended church again from 2 until 4 p. m. The interval between this time and 7 o'clock prayer meeting was occupied with re ligious reading or reflection, no frivolous games or diversions being permitted on this solemn day. As a special dispensa tion we were given not tea ror supper. Prayer meeting was out at 9 o'clock, and from that hour until bed time we sat quietly at home reading such thrilling and interesting works, especially to chil dren, as Baxter's 'Saints Rest' and Fox's Book of Martyr's.' 1 used to sympathize with those martyrs, and compare their miserable state with mine." Washington Post. flla Opinion of Wagner. Abijah Stone was a Vermont fanner who had a great fondness for horses. He often' said that rhamt mvdisre spect t' human bein's, it did appear's ef some nosses lied lull as much sense as t a - . .... ! in common run o Tnl it r wt?a -rr,7,.-- eation was tinged by this belief, and he drew many an illustration from his fav orite animals. On one occasion this habit of his was the cause of much con fusion to a young man to whom Mr. Stone was talking. The young man was a professional musician who had been sending part of the summer at a neighboring farm house, and had had the audacity to fall in love with Mr. Stone's pretty daughter Jenny. He was listening to the farmer's various reasons for opiosing his suit one summer evening, just before his re turn to the city. "for one thing," said Abijah Stone. jouiiKeau kinds o new f angled mu mc, an want t ie playin it all th whole Uurn tune; naow my Jenny, she'd rather near -Home, bweet Home, or somethin o that gen ral style." "Ah," said the pianist, blandly bnt nmny, -i should educate your dangh xer s musical taste, Mr. Stone. I should lead her graudally from simple melodies up to the great W agner." "Was,that piece you played t th' con cert in Maown hall by Mr. Wagner?" interrupted Abijah. "It was." replied the pianist, with a glow of reminiscent pride in his late per formance. "Well, then," said Mr. Stone, with a peculiar expression at the corners of his mouth, "you might lead my Jenny up t' him, young man, but I'm inclined t' think she'd be apt f balk b'fore you got her there!" Youth's Companion. Entor Liquor Care. To those seeking a reHciie from liquors curse or other evil habits brought about, by morphine, tobac co etc. Tbe'Knsor Itiftituteaf South Omaha offers one of the most relia ble apd bept places to 'gowith the absolute certainty ol a 'permanent cure. Write or visit the institute. now Men Carry Their Hands. "A sure indication of character is found in the way in which a man car ries his hands." said C. G. Clarke, of Boston, "i ou notice men on the streets. See the young man with swinging arms and palms which are displayed to all who take tb trouble to look. He is one of that class whose heart is as open as his hands. He is frame, unsuspicious, a free spender and a believer in the hon esty of his fellows. Notice the business man more advanced in years. His hand? are always closed so tightly that he gives you the impression he is ever ex pecting an attack. This is the attitude of men bent upon a certain object. It is an attitude which displays the quali ties of determination and light. "In debate you will observe some ot our lawmakers emphasize a statement by hammering the desk before them with their knuckles, while others, ap parently equally impassioned, are satis tied with the use of the palm. You may rest assured that if sheer determination will succeed, the man who applies his knuckles will win before his colleague who uses his palm." St. Louis Globe Democrat. Notion Atioat Sleep. One of the rudest acts in the eyes ot a native of the Philippine islands is to step over a person asleep on the floor. Sleeping is with them a very solemn matter. They are strongly averse to waking any one. the idea being that during sleep the soul is absent from the body, and may not have time to return if slumber is suddenly broken. If you call uon a native and are told "He is asleep." yon may as well depart. To get a servant to rouse you, you must give him the strictest of orders. Then at the time appointed he will stand by your side and call, "Senor! senor!" repeatedly, each time more loudly than before, until you are half awake; then he will return to the low note, and again raise his voice gradually until you are fully conscious. Exchange. Rexpectlng the Dead. Mrs. Granpere Why, Bridget. I heard of the death of poor Tim, your husband, and that you were married again; and now, poor girl is it possible your second husband too? Bridget (in deep mourning) Oh, no, mum. He's all right. But I always promised meself, whiniver I could af ford it, I wnd put on mornin for poor dear Tim, and it's very well off I am mum, since I'm married this time, mum. Harper's Bazar. Gold Which ToorUU Leave In Italy. How does Italy, a country without gold mines, find the gold to pay the ten millions a year due to foreign holders of her bonds, not to speak of the heavy bal ance against her on her foreign trad Mr. Dering, secretary of the British em bassy in Home, declares that the onl solution of the question at which it logically possible to arrive is that this amount of gold is annually brought into the country by foreign travelers, who swarm during the four seasons of the year in one part of Italy or the other. From calculations made by the United States consular representatives in vari ous parts of this country it has been computed that for the last ten years the average expenditure m Italy of Ameri can citizens has been about 7,000,000, Mr. Dering thinks it would scarcely be an exaggeration to place the collective expenditure of British, French, Austrian German and other foreign travelers at double this amount. This, we are reminded, is irrespective of the money spent in the country by the 00,000 to 60,000 pilgrims who annu ally visit the Eternal City, and of the amount of which they are the bearers in the shape of donations to the holy see. London News. I feel it my duty to say a few words in regard to Ely's Cream Balm, and I lo so entirely without solicitation. I have used it more or le.H half u year, ami have found it to be most admirable. I have fullered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since 1 was a little boy and I never hoped for :u"?, but Cream Halm seems to do even that. Many of my acquaintances have used it witu excellnnt results. Oscar Osttim, 45 Warren Ave., Chi cago III. anted: An energetic man to manage branch office. Only a few dollars needed. Salary to start $7.1 ter month Tl. PLACKS OF WORSHIP. Catholic St. Paul's Church, ak. between Fifth and Klxth. Fattier Cailiey, I'axtor Services : Vh at mid to :30 a. m. Sunday (School nt 2 :3U, witu benediction. Ghkistian. Corner Locust and Kl tilth Ms Services morning mid tvpi thif. t.hlt-r A (ialioway pa-stor. Sunday School 10 a: m. KeiH'.'opAU St. Luke's 1 hurcli. corner Third and V in-. 1'ev. II 11. I'.uri:-. ar-tor. Ser vices : 11 a. m . ai d 7 :3) r M . bunday School at Z :30 p. m. (iKKMAN M ktiiokist. .jrner Sixth St and liranite. lev. lllit. I'aMor. Services : 11 A. M. and 7 :30 P. M. Suutiay School 10 :30 a. m. I'hkhhytkkux. r-ervices in new church. cor ner Sixth mid Uijinite sto. Jiev. J. T. haird, pastor. Sunday -NO00I at 9 ;3(' ; Treadling at 11 a. ni. n:nl x i in. '1 he V. K. S. C. K of thin church meet every Sahbath evening at 7 :15 in the basement of tliechucrh. All are invited to attend tliece n-eetiiiKS. The and interest in business Western Co., Kansas City, Mo. The wisdom of him who journey- ein is Known by tne line lie selects; the judgment of the man who takes the "Burlington Koute" to the cities of the east, the south, and the west, is never impeached. The in ference is plain. Magnificent i'ull maii sleepers, elegant reclining chair c;:rs and world-famous dining cars on all through trains. For information address the agent of the company at this place, or write 10 j. rrancis, benenii 1'assenger ana iicKet Agent, Omaha. First Mktiiodist. Sixth St., betwen Main and I'earl. Kev. L. K. Britt. 1. 1). oastor. Services : 11 A. m. 8 :(io P. m Sundav School 9 :3o A si . l'ray er nieetii g V ednesday even ing. iKKMAN 1'kp sit ytkki a n I'orner Main and Ninth. Kev Wltte, jiastor. Services usual hours. Sunday school 9 :30 A. m. Swfkiiisii I'onorpoational. Granite, be tween r lllll and SlxVli. t'pi.oKK.ii Baptist. Mt. Olive, iak, between lentil and Lleventh Kev. A. Honwell. ias tor. Services lla. m. and 7 ::X) p. m. Prayer ineeiiui; weunesoay evening. YdtJMc. Mkn's Chkistian association- Kooiiih in V ateriuan block. Mam street, (ios pel meeting, for men only, every Sunday af ternoon at 4 o clock. Koomx oen w eek day from 8:30 a. in., 13 9 : 30 p. m. houth Fakk Takehnacle. Rev. J. M Wood, i astor. Services: Sunday School jDa. ni,: 1 reaching, lla. in. and 8 p. ni. prayer meeting Tuesday night ; choir prat' t ice Friday night All are welcome. Economy In Kapid Freight Trains. A German engineer concludes that if the speed instead of the load of freight trains be increased from fourteen to twenty-eight miles per hour the expenses per car mile at the higher speed would he one-fourth less for repairs and only one-fifth niire for fuel. New York Times. A Knowing Urate. "Cabby, drive me to Vefour's in time for the horseiiesh banquet. " Not so load, guv'nor. If Brown Besrf heard yol she wouldn't budge an inch." Figaro. IVhat He Ordered. At dinner in St. Joseph. Mo., about two years ago. with my friend Hile Jo- burn, who is considerable of a wag, in reply to the "What will you take to drink, gemmen?' of the son of Ham that served us, I ordered a glass of iced tea, while Hile, who wanted beside the fluid a little merriment to aid digestion, said "You may bring me a glass of lacteal fluid, George. The ebonized dispenser of grub, with a confident "All right, boss," left for the kitchen, where, the supposition is. he expected to find some one who could translate Hile's order to his vernacular, but apparently he was disappointed, for after a minute s absence he returned with but one glass that contained frapped tea and placing that before me, he turned to Hile with: "What was dat you wanted, boss?" My companion answered, "A glass oi mnk, you emphasized fool. Again the waiter left, and coming back in a short time with a triumphant gleam on his face and a glass of milk in his hand he joyously said, "Dar's your ox tail fluid, boss." New York Re corder. Wherein Liverpool Was Desirable. I was invited by an American friend of mine in Liverpool to meet Hawthorne soon after his arrival. His appearance was very striking, his face handsome and intellectual, and the large liquid eyes were full of latent fire and poetical imagination. He was not only reticent, but almost taciturn, and when he did speak was apt to pause and then jerk out the rest of the sentence. Americans have, as a rule, a very remarkable facil ity of expression. Here was a curi ous exception. I remember condoling with him for having exchanged Bos ton, the hub of creation, for uncongenial Liverpool, when he replied, "Oh, Liver pool is a very pleasant place" (then a pause sufficiently long for me to look surprised, and then suddenly the end of the sentence), "to get away from." Cornh'll Magazine. No Safe Deposit Vaults Needed. There is no trouble about living in the polar regions except lack of food sup ply. No danger exists that the provi sions once placed would be disturbed. Among the people who dwell in those frozen regions a cache is sacred. Noth ing short of starvation will compel a native to interfere with one, and even in such a cose he leaves payment behind for what he takes. Snow shoes and ex tra clothing are hung np in the open au la summer and are as safe as the accou terments which city persons "hang up" at their uncle's during the warm season. Chicago Herald. The First step. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do anything to j our satisfaction, and 3'ou wonder what ails you. You siiouiu neeu tlie warning, you are taking the first step into nervous prostration. You need a nerve tonic and in Klectric Bitters 3 011 will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to it normal, healthy 1 i l ' , . r 1 cuuuuioii. surprising resuixs 101 low the use of this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative, Your appe tite returns, good digestion is re- ! stored, and the liver and kidnejr8 re sume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price nOc, at F. G. Fricke & Co's drugstore. G A Little Iris Experiencem a LlgMt house. nr. ana wrs, L,oren irescott are keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Beach Mich, and are blessed with a daughter, four years. Last April she taken down with Measles, followed with dreadful Cough and turned into a fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit treated, but in vain, she grew worse rapidly, until she was'a mere" handful of bones" Then she tried Dr. Kinjr's New Discovery and after the use of two and a half bottles, was completely cured. They say Dr. King.s New Discover' is worth its weight in gold, yet you may get a trial., bottle tree at Jr. G. Frickey Drugstore. Always has on band a full stock of FLOUR AND FEED, Corn, Bran, Shorts Oats and Baled Hay for sale as low as the lowest and delivered to any part of the city. CORNER SIXTH AND VINE Plattsmouth, Nebraska H. CUSHING, President, J. W. Johnson, Vice-President -00OT EO00- Crjize:qs - Bein, PLATTSMOUTH NEBKASKA Capital Paid in $80,000 F R Guthman. J W Johnson, E 8 Greusel, Henry tikenDary, JVI w Morgan, J A Connor. VV Wettenkamp, W H Cushing A general banxing business trans acted. Interest allowed on de-posites. NATIONAL : BANK The population of PlattsmoutH j.8 aoout iu,uuu, aau we would say at least "neo-half are troubled with some effection on the throat and lungs, as those complaints are, ac cording to staaistics, more numer ous than others. We would advise all our readers not to neglect the opportunity to call on their drug gist ana get a bottle ot hemp s .Bal sam lor the throat and lungs, lrial size free. LargeBottle 50c- and $1. Sold by all druggist. . l-IRST r : OP PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Paid ud caDital s.w.nnn.nn Surplus lo.ooo.09 Itch on human and horses animals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's sanitary lotion. This never fails. Sold F. G. Fricke & Co. druarcrist. Jflattsmouth. For years the editor of the Burl ington Junction, (Mo,) Post, has been subject to cramp colic fits of in digestion, which prostrated him for several hours and unfitted him for business for two r three daj-s. For the past j'ear he has been using Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Uiarrncea Kemedy whenever occa sion required, and it has invariablv given him prompt relief. 25 and 20 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists. nt the very best facilities for the promp transaction of ligitlmate Hanking Business Stocks, bonds, gold, government and local se- airitieB bought and sold. Deposits receiv-rt nd interest allowed on the certificate Drafts drawn, available in any part of the Cnited States and all the principal tewns ol Europe. JOI-LEOTIOXS MADE AND PROMPTLY REMIT TED. Highest market price pid for County War rants, state ana County bends. DIRECTORS John Fltzgrald D. Hawkewortn Sam Waugh. F. E. White George E. Dovev lohn Fitzgerald. S. Waugh. President CaMe" HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND Q1 uy mw .(: Sl SHE lif 11 M cAN'T iUiPf GET 4 m EH0UGH 5ft' V " WANTS iTTOOoVar $HT oap GrO - TOr House Furnishing Emporium. "T 7llEItE yon can get your house furnished from V V kitchen to parlor and at easy tearms. I han die the world renown Haywood baby carriages, also the latest improved Reliable Process Gasoline stove Call and be convinced. No trouble to show goods. Hi I. Pearleman OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) j A Full and Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hour. TRY THE lf;E:fi:A:L:f) .Advertising - stud - JTcb - W'orlc How's This! We offer 100 dollars reward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. 1. I. Cheney & Co. Props, Toledo. Ohio, We the undersierned. have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years. and belive him pefectly honorable in all butsness transactions and fin ancially able to carry out an oblig ations made Dy tlieir hrm. est & Truax, hoiesale Drusr- crist, Toledo Ohio., Waldinsr Kinnan Sc Tarvin, hoiesale drug-gist Tole do Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cnre is taken inter nal ly, action directly upon the blood ana mucous surfaces of the system. Price, (oc. per bottle, bold by all Druggist; Testimonials free. The Missori Pacific will sell round trip tickets May 9 to 14 inclusive, to Portland, Oregan, the Presbyterian general aisembly being held their Way 19 to June Z. Tickets good un til May 19 and returning inside 90 days at $G0 going via one route and returning via another. Apply at lcket oflice for particulars. UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on hand everythin you need to furnish your house. CORKER SIXTH AND MAIN STREET Plattsmouth Neb . Guarding Against Sparks. A new arc lamp has a wire gauze pro tector upon the top of it, the object being to prevent the escape of the dan gerous sparks which occasionally fly from the carbon poles and are the cause of fires. The gauze is fine and does not interfere with the diffusion of the light nor with the placing of the carbons. vNew York Journal. Specimen Cases. S. II. Clifford, New Castle, Wis was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was dis ordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away and he was terriblv reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven bottles Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five large fever sores on his leg; doctors said he whs incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Buck len's Arnica Salve cured him entire ly. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. I A. WiTEBIAN k M A. B. KNOTS . BUSINESS MANAGER. SOI Cor Fifth and Vine St. PLATTSMOUTH - NEBRASKA LUMBER Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, Blinds Can supply ererw demand of the" city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. Mexican Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain relierer. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment. No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known, remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations.. Kb medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang hvsiui.nr. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it. V r-. 'N 4. ' J