The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 27, 1892, Image 4

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Man's Duplicity arid' Woman's
, Worse Than Weakness.
anomii: n;;i;iY at Lincoln
W. H. Irvine Shot and Instantly
Killed C. E. Montgomery Yes
terday Morning He De
clares His Wife was
Kuined by His
flie Lincoln Journal ives the
following account of the traced'
"Yesterday morning while all
Lincoln was rejoicing in anticipa
tion of the festivities attendant up
on the silver celebration, a terrible
tragedy was enacttvl in the dining
parlors of the Hotel Lincoln.
Mr. Charles IS. Mont joinery, one
of Lincoln's foremost citizens,
president of the (it-riiian National
I -auk, was shot and almost instant
ly killed by William II. Irvine, a
prominent real estate man of Salt
Lake City and a member of the
Utah territorial legislature. The
tragedy occurred at 7::$0 and was
witnessed by a larjjfe number of
quests. The affair is the most sen-
Maiionai lias ever occurred in
until Mbhday, H frtu-Ht of his former
partner." Mr.' rA bboi t It
here thai he r'eceivel: the first inti
mation of his wife's infidelity, and
the shock came like a thunderbolt
in a clear, sky. . The unfortunate
man's movements from this time
until the deplorable tragedy were
related to a number of clone friends
yesterday afternoon!
The intelligence of his wife's di--
honor, he snid, almost drove him
crazy, still he was loth to believe it.
That Montgomery, his intimate and
close friend, had deliberate!- done
him this great wrong was incompre
hensible, lie determined to know
the worst and on Monday he took
the 2:40 p. m. train for Chicago
where his wife was to meet him with
their little (laughter and they were
then to go east and spend the sum
mer on the seashore. He arrived in
Chicago on Tuesday and confronted
1. " r ...
ins wne witn tne terrible rumors J
that had readied him. Mrs. Irvine I
broke down and confessed every
thing. She made a statement in
writing acknowledging her faith
lessness. Armed with this docu
ment, Irvine left noste haste for
Lincoln with the intent, as he says,
of consulting Attorney Abbott in
relation to the proper course forln ui
to pursue. IIearriedin the city on
the early flyer at 5 o'clock yesterday
morning, and lirst went to Abbott's
residence, 1708 M street, but the lat
ter had not yet made his appear
ance, and not wanting to disturb
A Number of Early Representatives
Meet at Lincoln
The celebration of the twVnty -fifth
birthday of Nebraska at Lincoln
was a big day in the history of the
state capital. Hon. G. M. Lambert
sou delivered an eloquent and mas
terly address. The industrial pa
rade was fully three miles long.
An ode to the Nebraska silver. an
niversary by Mary Hird Finch was
It was 9:47 yesterday morning
when Mark Dunham pf Omaha
called to order the members of the
legislature of 1807; also those of the
session of 1SW, and those of the
preceeding teiritorial sessions,
which was the first scheduled meet
ing of the day. The following
members answered to the roll call:
Session of 18(37 Martin Dunham,
I. S. Haskell and K. P. Child of
Douglas; George N. Crawford and
T W 'l" l.i- r.
. ... xiitiiiuiin, oarpy; Lawson
Sheldon and Isaac Wiles, Cass; J. K.
Kelley, Platte; J. A.Muthauk, Wash
ington; T. J. Majors, Nemaha. j
session of 1SW-II. W. Parker and
Nathan Blakely of Gage.
Hon. I. S. Haskell of Omaha
thought the members should attend
the general exercises in the other
end of the building in a body. He
added that the members present
should indulge in recalling the
events of the early legislative his
tory of the state.
i'ir. mies of Cass thouirht the
members of the legislature of 18(3(3
1U JSJS X iy- t
Who can write the most words on a
new U. S. Postal Card
Tlje J?otnlqi? rjiitl Witlc-vnqliG
Give the Following Prizes on July 4th:
the city, while behind it lurks a tale rest, Irvine would not permit of the legislature of 18(3(3
of domestic infidelilv of more il.n., the servant to a waken him. He the., f"uwm. ".ceive a special invitatiou
ordinary interest. The tragedy lias wlked over out to his former home J?.'XT lc,pate-
me president explained that bv
citv bv reason of the nm... I., place wliere he had so mav l le ter,n8 of t"e call convening- the
the parties ami the unexoerted ,!e. Iiappy hours a flood of tender me. 8e8SIOn' a11 members of any session
. I . v tirftVinna in n-t-a
mones arose and manv Uo-bf- " " "'"uucu
sliadows flashed across the
of his brain. With the sight of the
happy home of other days and the
knowledge that his life was ruined
iorever came tne desire tor ven
geance. Irvine then returned to
Abbott's residence, and not lindiii"-
liim up, came down town and went
directly to the Lincoln hotel, where
velopments that followed.
The particulars of the shooting,
as related by eyewitnesses, are to
the effect that Irvine entered the
dining room of the Lincoln hotel
and hurriedly glancing around saw
Montgomery seated at a table at
the right of the entrance, facing to
tne south. He stepped quickly to
ward the table when Montgomery
looked up and started to rise to his
feet. Juick as a flash Irvine drew a
revolver from his hip pocket and
tired twice in rapid succession.
Montgomery staggered around the
table over to the entrance of the
dining room and then fell, and with
a moan expired. In the meantime
Mr. I. 1$. Smith wrested the revol
ver from Irvine. The latter drew
some papers from his pocket and
holding them up, exclaimed:
'Gentlemen. I killed that man be
cause he ruined my family, and
here are the papers that tell the
The body of the murdered man
was removed to parlor C to await
the coming of the coroner. Dr.
Hurnett. leader of the Archer band,
was in the hotel and made an exam
ination of the body. One of the balls
entered ) st to the lett of the left
nipple, struck a rib and glanced
under the skin across to about two
inches below the right nipple, from
which point it was removed. Tht
oiner ball entered between the left
nipp.'e ami the breast bone, probab
ly grazing the left verticle of the
heart and lodging to the left of the
spinal column. Death was caused
by internal hemorrhage.
After Irvine had been taken to the
police station he implored the ofii
cersto send for Attorney Abbott
F :.. ii... .i
J""C1 ' me u iy me prisoner was
removed to the penitentiary.
Montgomery and Irvine were on
terms of the closest intimacy. Loth
in a business and social way, and
tne former was a frequent and wel
come visitor in Irvine's home, where
he was received almost as a member
of the family. Montgomery and
-Mrs. Irvine were seen frecjuentlv
out riding, while the world looked
on and wondered. Gossip soon be
,.mi hi loniuxt tlieir names quite
rreeiy, but the unsuspecting hus
band knew it not.
The reputed intimacy existing be
tween Mrs. Irvine and Montgomery
was brought to a temporarv term
nation by the removal of the Irvines
to Salt Lake. At that place, as in
Lincoln, Irvine was prosperous and
accumulated monev rarndK- ti.
events' which led directlv to the nt. The Miri Pacific railroad will
fortunate tragedy had their inceo m Ina r'P 1,ckt Llncol
... . ..- .. , . r ,neep- ;qay and 26 for one fare to attend
w. ... x ...-n irvine made to the silver anniversary of that city.
liii.oih, winana ami Chicago last 1 ne ncKets win be good to return on
-winter. She arrived in Lincoln last I
juuwi niiu k-ih nvo weeks here. ine rungs .Daughters will give
visiting in the family of N. C. i-n ice cream social at the residence
Abbott. At the expiration of that of prof. McClelland on High school
time she wont to Omaha and spent j hil1 1,ext Tuesday evening, May 31
about two weeks there visiting Lverybody cordially invited. Sup
friends. On or about February Zi Per cents.
she left Omaha for Chicairo and Krahl' ...;.,.rJ , c i.
I v. HIV VVf lilll
rumor has it that Montgomery was) Park Baptist church continue to
it. n ... . a : ... it. t. . .i .
Mr. Wiles told how he had ih
honor to introduce the bill which
defined the design on the great seal
oi .Nebraska, and that in his mind
the words "equality before the law."
which are made a part of the seal
of the state, meant and should be
made to include and guarantee to
women the right of suffrage.
A Nice Spring Suit.
A Nice Leather Satchel.
Two Nice Shirts.
Every word must be written with pen and ink.
Every word must be-readable with the naked eye,
And must be written in sensible sentences.
he re named until the tragedy was "e was tonoweU 111 a speech by
enacted. iveuey ot Alma, who in 1S67 repre
sentee: flatte county, and who elo
quently pictured the phenomenal
growth and progress made by Ne
braska and the nation since its ad
mission and he also nleaded for
equal rights for wonfen. Sneaking
on the subject of national appropri
ations he said that he was in favor
ol l ,000,000,000 or $2,000,000,000 if
the expenses of the rnuffr.i...0.w
Send all Postal Cards to
JOE, The One Price Clothi
Plattsmouth, Neb
Elected Officers.
.Bud of Promise lodge, D. of R.,
held their regular election of ofti
cer last nirrht. resulting ns follows-
Noble Grand Laura Twiss.
Vice Grand Mary Kroehler.
Secretary Mrs. Alice Cory.
Treasurer Mrs. K H. Steimker.
Miss Hattie Shipman was elected
as representative to the crand LikIta -.t . r TV. ,
lodire. which mpeta in Omnl.r, . 4eJ11 "O
SepTember. r state ottered 8o good an op
x """v .i.ciivc tx iiume aim ac
quire a competency as does Nebras-
Ka, whether in the professions, at
the forge or in the fields.'
Yesterday's Base Ball.
A Turkish Bath Comnanv.
No comedy so breezy and brilliant
has been seen mSedalia this season
as that which was presented by the
' Turkish Bath" Company at-Wood's
opera house last night. The char
acter of the announcement had
aroused more than usual interest,
audit is safe to say that the most
sacguine anticipations regarding
these people were fully realized.
The thread of the coiiiedy is neatly
strung with dainty specialties in
vocalization, dancing and imperso
nations, and with just enough plot
to serve the purposes of the piece.
Marie Heath, as a bright sunbeam.
is the star of the company, and one
whose lustre increases with the
progress of the play. She is a sun
beam, a jewel, a "rosebud," whatever
you like most, and may now be pro
nounced a prime favorite in the
(Jueen City.
Without any further individual
distinction, it is enough to declare
the performance is as clean, spirited
and sparkling as any skit that has
been put on the road in recent years, i
Sedalia Democrat.
No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892.
Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person
JOE, the Popular Clothier,
Con Coffee went up to Ashland
this morning,
i-reu onroeaer, ot cedar Creek, is
in the city to-day.
The largest audience of the sea
son was out yesterday to see
Rourke's sugar beet anostlea lmt . .
ont ti, .4,:.. . " TT. M-ooJ last evening,
"- "vuuiic lectin, iioner
again pitched a brilliant game,
Gatewood's Indians mowing air for
all there was in it. The game was
the best seen there this season.
Rourke's batting was the principal
Frank Carruth came in from Mc-
Mrs. Tom Patterson was an Oma
ha passenger this morning.
Charles Swan of Union was in the
city yesterday on business.
Mrs. F. Latham and daughter.
feature of the game and the batting Miss Hattie, were in Omaha to-clay
of the home team in general was
excellent. The visitors put up a
great fielding game. The score:
Grand Inland o 0 0 0 0 :t ft ft (I a
eatrice o 00000 0 00 0
Kuns earned Grand Island 2.
I wo-base hit Kourke.
JJases stolen-Grand Island 3. Beatrice 4.
J'ouble play Keefe ti Wilson.
leases cm ball Graiifl Island 3, Beatrice 1.
Hit by pitcher Kv Hotter 1.
Struck out Hotter 8. Slaifle 7.
Passed balls Keefe '1.
Time of game 1:50.
luipire Hart.
Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Coatescame in
from Galesburg, Illinois, this morn
ing to visit with friends.
lur. and Mrs. Dennis Murray left
r . -, . . . ...
ior oouttl Umaha this ninrtiino-
where they will make their future
home. .
xjr. ju. ii. itoe ot council .hsiuffs
and Mr. Hamilton Morton of Omaha
were in the city to-day and made a
pleasant call at The Herald office.
FOR rhliapj.:;
x)j:T CE
The Place to Buy
"SEND l-O.
2S-ineh. Bor. v :
I -4 -inch. IVjs'i '..i I .
ri'Maeh, f Hull
it on
14 1
C. C. Parmele and Tom Patterson
arrived home from Alliance last
evening from their hunting tour.
To-morrow Hastings will be here
for two games. Yapp and Maupiu
will form the battery for the home
At a meeting of the state league
directors held at Hastings yester
day U. S. Rohrer of Hastings was
elected secretary, vice S. C. Coman,
The Kearney cotton pickers got
back at Baker's Fremont freaks yes
terday in great shape. A little bet
ter crowd attended than on previ
ous days this week and there were
quite a number of ladies. Jellen
started in to pitch for Fremont, but
his work was so wild and erratic
that Kearney was able to score five
big chalk marks in the first three
innings. Then Baker went into the
box and the visitors failed to score
Fremont 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 02
Kearney 0 ; 3 o 0 0 0 0 O 5
Kims earned Kearney 1.
Two-buse hits Fremont 2, Keamev 1
Hases stolen Fremont 2. Kearney";
Llouble plays Fremont 2.
Hases on balls Keamev 1. Fremont 0
btruck out Fremont 5, "Kearney 5.
Passed balls Graver 2.
Wild pitches Jellen 1, Hotf 2.
Standing: of the Clubs.
Played. Won. Lost. Per Ct
Beatrice ! fi 3
Grand Island !2 8 4
Fremont II k 5
Hastings H 7 7
Plattsmouth 2 5 7
Kearnev 10 a 7
on the same tram with her, and that
they spent several days at a hotel
as man and wife. Mrs. Irvine after
ward went to her old home aul
Marion, Ind., to spend the remain
der ot the winter.
Meantime Irvine remained at Salt
Lake in ignorance of his wife's down
fall. lie arrived in Lincoln Sunday
from Salt Lake and remained here
draw large audiences nightly. Itis
rather a novel way of preaching
illustration by means of the magic
lantern and Mr. Keable's graphic
descriptions make the pictures
doubly interesting. Last evening's
snbject, "The Wages of Sin is
Death," could not have been more
forcibly impressed upon the minds
of an audience.
7 .117
" .300
Committee Anoointed
President Windham of the board
of trade has appointed the commit
tee from the board of trade to act
with a like committee ap
pointed from the council. The
committee appointed are Tulius
Pepperberg, Fred Herrmann and
J. M. Patterson. President Wind
ham will also work with the con
District Court.
In the case of Fairfield vs. Karnes
wherein the plaintiff sued defen
dant for $100 and the jury brought
in a verdict for defendant for $2.20.
The jury was still out in the case of
Stoeller vs. S. S. Archer when The
Herald went to press.
John P. Lewis vs. Dvvyer, Walling
& Livingston dismissed on de
lne case of W. H. Miller vs. the
City of Plattsmouth occupied the
attention of Judge Chapman all
morning. The case was brought
by Miller against the city for dam
ages sustained by the city granting
the right of way of the M. P,
through the city and Miller brought
suit for $700.
City Attorney Polk held that the
streets had never been legally va
cated and as they had never been
legally vacated Miller had no action
against the city. The 1 ury was with
drawn aud the case was continued.
,543 j the costs assessed to plaintiff.
.500 t .
ouiiio rooiisn reopie
allow' a cough to run until it gets
beyond the reach of medicine Thp
say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in
most cases it wears them awair
Could thev h inrlnrerl to trv h
successful Kemp's Balsam, which
is sold on a positive guarantee to
cure, thev would see the exr-ellnt
effect after taking the first dose.
Price 50c and $1. Trial size fre At
all druggists.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids will be riwiVMi ,.
JUUUU Saturday evening for the
grading of the lot where the Leider
kranz building will be constructed
Leave all bids at C. Brekenfeld's
milII"ery and pattern hats or
in me line of ribbons
flowers of the latest styles and de
c..: , . ""w sisters in
me onerwooa OJOCk. tf
T. II. Pollock. Agent.
Shiloh's catarrh rpmprhr -
itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and"
Canker mouth. For sale uv k n
Frirke & Ca
A nasal iniectnr free with parh
bottle of Shilohs catarrh remedv.
Price50cts. For sale bv OH Snv.
' For Sale A full-blooded Jersey
cow, with heifer calf, for sale at a bar
SoVr e.diffree furnished. Call at
yia Washington avenue.
tf C. H. Petersex.
at 1, For. Sale.
My house and three lots corner
bixth and Dey, price $1,200.
4 Mks. J. A. G. BUELL,
Central City, 5;eb.. apcK.R. B.
We wish our patrons to take no
tlCe that We will mnra a 1.
msi,ul exi montn to the room for
merly occupied ty T. Finlev oh.,.
a-. 4 Ti
All men running express wasrnns
are notified that their occupation
tax must be paid on or before June
Deputy Collector.
Wall Paper
House Paint
Is what you want next and in
his line as in all others we are
Headquarters. When you want
either of these call in and see
us before buying.
I wish to specially recommend.
It in absolutely safe.
U ment plan as cheap as for cash
on easy monthly payments. Come'
in and examine my anti-rns 4.-
ware which is warranted not to rust
for one year. If at anv
want anything new that we do not
novvii xu nave in stock we can tret
it for you on two days' notice.
der and F G Fricke.
421 Main-St., Plattsmouth