THE ROUND-UP. The police arrested two drunks his afternoon for fighting'. The Turnvcrcin gave a very pleas -int (lancing party at their hall Sat tirday evening1. II. C. McMaken came to Nebraska from Iowa May '22, 1337, thirtyfive years ago yt-f terday. 'vviiuii i inn ii me ews Hays lie lias a sensational article on ice, hut at present will not polk it on the public. II. C. McMaken & Son are now prepared to deliver ice to any part of the city. Telephone No. 72. A picnic was held at Dajcck's park yesterday, under the auspices of the Bohemian band, which drew it large crowd. Ask your dealer to show you where the gasoline goes to from the tank to the burner and then go and see the Dangler Surprise. For al by Ilendee. The Missouri Pacific railroad will nell round trip tickets to Lincoln on May 2.1 and 2i for one fare to attend the silver anniversary of that city. The tickets will be good to return on the 27. The Payton Comedy Company will put on the boards to-night at the Waterman the beautiful musi cal comedy "Rose Garland" present -d for the first time in our city. Don't fail to see it as it will be pre sented with all the special cos lumesjand music by a first class or chastra. Prices 10, 20 and 30 cents IMPOSING CEREMONIES. Cass County's New Court House Formally Dedicated. SEVERAL LETTERS OF Kt'UKET. The Dedication of the Court House Drew a Large Crowd From Over the State This Eve ning's Program Will beK n at 8 O'clock. Shiloh's catarrh remed3 a posi itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker mouth. For wale by F. G. FrirkeA C When they wanted to get the bus iness men out to a board of trade meeting- at Plattsmouth, they made the committee the proprietors of the daily newspapers. The papers announced that the man who failed would find his name printed in black type as a drone, and there was nothing- the matter with the atten dance. Lincoln Journal. The dedication of Cass county's new court house occurred to-day acd proved to be as The Herald predicted a red letter da- in the his tory of the county. The day was all that could be desired and if the day had been ordered could not have been better. The trains this morning brought in visitors from all over the state, and also letters of regret from those who could not at tend. The court house was profuse ly decorated and flowers were in abundance. The back of the judge's rostrom was tastefully draped with the stars and stripes. The district court room was in charge of D. S. Draper, who was appointed sergent-al-arms, and he Glled his office in a first-class man ner. The back of the court room was elaborately decorated with flags At about 11:30 Judge Chapman, with Judge Field sitting at his left, rapped for order and United States Marshal Brad D. Slaughter opened the court iu ancient style as follows: Oh, Yees! Oh, Yees! Oh, Yees! All manner of persons having busi ness before the honorable district court, sitting in and for Cass coun ty, within the state of Nebraska, let them come forward, and they shall this day be heard. God save the commonwealth and this honor able court. Hon. J. Sterlinir Morton will rr pent a life sized likeness of Lewis Cass, of Michigan, to the new court house, Lewis Cass being the man whom Cass county was named after. Judge Field wa then introduced and made a short address in which he paid a glowing tribute to the county commissioners. Judge Chap man and the Cass county bar. Mr. D. H.Wheeler, a former citizen of this city was the next to respond, he said that when he received an in vitation to attend the ceremonies he had no idea that he would be called upon for a speech, but made a short and to the point address. A f ter a witty address by the squat ter governor, Major Pearman, an adjournment was taken until 2:40 in the afternoon. The afternoon ceremonies were commenced promptly at 2:30 p. m. by the choir composed of Mrs, S. H. Atwood, Mrs. E. li. Burn's, Mrs. G W. Noble, Mrs C. S. Johnson, Miss. Name Moore and Messers Pet tee, McKlwain, Pollock and Dickson singing the anthem, "America." J. A. McMurphy was then intro duced and made a short talk on the early days of Plattsmouth and was followed by Hon. T. M. Maranette of Lincoln, who was speaking as the llEKALD goes to press. The following is the program for this evening: PERSONAL. TO AN1T GENTLEMAN . In Cacc Ccru.x1.t37" Who can write the most words on a new U. S. Postal Card fn) Trj ONE - PRICH - CLOTHIER Will Give the Following Prizes on July 4th: Police Court. John Zetka. the Bohemian ar rested Saturday afternoon on the charge of being drunk i.nd disor derly, was before Judge Archer this morning and plead guilty. He was fined $5 and trimmings. iiarry sparr, cnargeu with vag rancy, was discharged, with the un derstanding that he would leave town instanter. Judge Chapman made a few pre limitary remarks and then read let ters of regret from the following gentlemen, who expresetd a wish to be present but owing to the presure of busieess could not. A Quiet Weddlnsr. Last evening at the Christian church occurred a quiet wedding, the principals in the event being Harry Jaquette and Miss Bertha May Rounds, at the close of the ser vices at the church last evening. As is the usual custom Kev. Galloway asked the choir to sing an invita tion hymn and at the close of the hymn, Mrs. W. A. Swearigen played a wedding march and the couple marched up to the front of the church, and were united in the holy bonds of matrimony and left the church before the congregation could regain their wits, the ending of the service being a complete sur prise to all but Rev. Galloway and a few of the congregation. Mr. Jaquette has charge of Mr. O. II. Snyder's jewelry store and is a young man of exemplary habits. The Herald extends congratula tions to Mr. and Mrs. Jaquette and wishes them many happy years of wedded life. ?r fiyi i sira. too Joe Hush of Omaha, is in the city to-day. Robt. Doom of Ashland was in the city to-day. Hon. W. 13. Shryock and wife came in from Louisville to-day. Ed McMaken came in from North Platte to visit with his parents. E. B. Dickson, Ed. Jeary and Phil Nicklewere in from Elm wood today. H. D. Barr, editor of the Leader at Elmwood, is in the city taking notes, Theo. Ivory, one of Glenwood's pioneer citizens, is in the city today. Attorneys Haldeman, Titublin and Douglas, of Weeping Water, were in the city to-day. M. A. Hartigan of Hastings came in to attend the court house cere monies to-day. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Leyda are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Leyda, of this city, to-day. A. E. Cook, an attorney of Mal vern, Iowa, is in the city visiting his brother, E. W. Cook. Phil Green and N. II Meeker of Greenwood, came in this morning to attend the dedication ceremonies 1. A Nice Spring Suit. 2. A Nice Leather Satchel. 3. Two Nice Shirts. Every word must be written with pen and ink. Every word must be readable with the naked eye, And must be written in sensible sentences. Send all Postal Cards to JOK, The One Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Net) No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892. Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person. JOE, the Popular Clothier, ' Opera Comer, Farewell Party. A farewell party was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. Adams Saturday evening, in honor of Rich ard N. Green, who will leave for Chi cago in a short time. Mr. Green has "been employed in the H. Jc M. shops for a long time past as a machinist. As a token of esteem in which Mr. Green was held he was presented with a goltl pen and an autograph ;ilbum. The presentation speech was made by Miss Eleanor Dray. Following is a list of those present: .Messrs. and Mesdames J. E. Hutchi son, Levi Guiding, Jacob Keppel, Henry Gabbeluian, Herman Herold, Elijah Tidd, George Dodge, John Ilignell, Archibald Adams. Mes dames ' Dray, Wheatou, Hayes, Campbell, Make, Edwards. Pine. Misses Elanor Dray, Nell ieCarmack Annie Adams, Fannie Adams, Dord Adams. Dais- Adams, Susie Hutch ison. Maggie Dray, Bertha Tidd. Minnieand Freda Herold. Msssrs. S. K- Tidd, N. G. Cook. Henry Cox, Dr. Golding, Bryon Golding. Cuth tert Ayre, William Tidd, John J. and -Archie Adams, Samuel Altschuler, .Arthur and Ed Bignell,Otto Herold, E- W- Pahueter. Frank and Jas. P. Drvy--Clifton and Cashes Tidd, Joe and John Kignell. Eugene Hayes. Wall Paper House Paint Is -what you want next and in this line as in all others we are Headquarters. When you want either of these call in and see us before buying. BROWN & BARRETT. FHEXOXT, May H.-Hon. R. B.Wi ndham, Plattsmouth, Nebraska Dear Windhim: our letter of the 14th inst., inviting m to attend the dedication of the Cass county court house, came duly to hand, for which you have my thanks. I would be very much gratified to accept the invitation and meet my old friends in Cat-8, but there are so many imixtrtant cases which should be decided that I oucht not to take the time. Thirty-six years ao I settled in t-uss county, and through sunshine and .mi i nave iiet-n cneereu by the kind new and steadfastness of friends there. ii ii kiiiu regards, i am very respectfully yur. sa?il'el Maxwell. CHADKOX, May 16. IL D. Travis and Committee on Arrangements Gentle men: In reply to yours of the 13th inst., will say I regret very much I cannot be with you on the 23d, as I know I would en joy it, as it would be a (food opportunity to meet so many of my friends at one time. I say many friends, for I always thought I ilad more friends in Platts mouth and throughout Cass county than any place I ever lived. Hopinsr you may have a 4;uhJ time, I remain, yours truly, J. M. KOBIXSOX. HrR L1NGTOM, la.. May 23. Messrs. A. X. Sullivan. H. D. Travis, esse L. Koot and ( W. Johnson, Committee Gentlemen: 'our invitation, dated May 9, to take part in the dedication of the court house, has leen received by me this morning. I re K"et that it is not possible for me to be with you and desire to express my thanks for appreciation of the invitation and my bot wishes. C. L. PKKKINS. DEXVRK, Colo.. May 19. Messrs. Wind ham. Travis and uthers Gentlemen: I am in receipt of your polite invitation of the 13th in sr. to attend a reunion of the memliers of the Cass county bar on the i-uii. ii wouiu anoru me very great plea sure to be present. The years which I sjient in Plattsmouth were among the uiot.t pleasant of my life, and I remember the memliers of the bar and the people of that early day with great respect and interest. My engagements are such, how ever, that it will be impossible for me to be present. Please accept my best wishes for the success of vour entertainment and my thanks for your kind invitation to be come your guest on that occasion. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, S. H. ELBEKT. Chadkox. Xeb.. May 16 J. W. Johnson, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Keplying to the invitation of your committee to be pres ent at the formal dedication of the new court nonse, 1 would say that I would greatly desire to !ewith you on that joy ous occasion and if by any possible turn of affairs I can go, I certainly will be there My natural as well as personal interests are still with Plattsmouth and I certainly rejoice with the citizens at the permanent termination of a long and acrimonious contest over a county seat. I have al ways maintained that the government should be seated at the commercial me trovlis of the county, state or nation and I think very few not personally interested otherwise would dispute that proposition. Again thanking you for remembering me I remain yours truly, A. W. Ckites. North Platte, May 19. Hon. Jesse L. Root Dear Sir: I received your kind in vitation to join the old settlers in dedi cating your court house. 1 regret verv much that I cannot avail myself of that pleasure at this time. Thanking your committee for the honor. 1 am, truly yours, ii. I. HlXJIAN. Attorney S. F. Rockwell and C. A. blanker came in from Louisville to day to attend the court house cere monies. Hon. D. H. Wheeler and wife, for- merely cf this city, came down from Omaha to-day to attend the court house celebration. J. B. Strode, E. H. Wooley, T. M Marquette, D. A. Campbell and Judge Field are Plattsmouth guests to-day from Lincoln. Geo. S. Smith, Geo. W. Covell, J. A. McMurphj', Andy McLaughlin, Ma jor Pearman and Brad Slaughter, all of Omaha, are in the city attend ing the dedication ceremonies today. Grand Island . Plattsmouth 6. Grand Island yesterday played a close and interesting up-hill game against Plattsmouth, the emanci pators winning in the ninth by five rattling hits, one of which was a double. Both teams put up a good game, out opportune rutting by Grand Island won the game. The features were Sumner's pitching and Hofer's fielding. The score: PLATTSJIOUTH. and thebattingof Maupinand Kipp, Mauroiade a home run, bringing inTuns. The score: PIaV3ath 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 GraJu land 0 300302008 ' w AT HASTINGS. The Hastings-Kearney game Sat urday resulted disastrously for the Kearney team. The score standing 9 to 0 in favor of Hastings. The score by innings: Hastings 2060004309 Kearney 00000 00 00 Nothing New Under the Sun No! not even through cars to Den ver, Ugaen, oalt Lake City, San Francisco and Portland. This is simply written to remind you that the Union Pacific is the pioneer in running tnrough cars to the above mentioned points and that the ores ent through car arrangement is un excelled. We also make THE time For details address any agent of ine company, can on your nearest agent or write to E. L. Lomax, G. P. & T. A. U. P., Omaha Neb. AB R. BH PO A. E. Green, ss 5 0 1 1 7 1 Long. If 5 2 12 10 J Patterson. 2b 5 14 4 0 2 Kennedy, 3b 5 1 0 0 3 1 Maupin, c 4 0 2 4 1 1 Keeves, lb 4 0 0 13 0 1 Myers, m 3 0 2 0 0 Perrine. cf 4 1 0 0 0 0 Yapp, p 3 1 0 0 6 0 Total 38 6 8 26 13 6' Stratton out; hit by batted ball. GRAND ISLAND. The Handsomest Lady in Plattsmouth Remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lunge was a su perior remedy, as it " stopped her cough instantly when other reme dies had no effect whatever. So to prove this and to convince you of its merits any druggist will give you a sample bottle free. Large ootties ouc ana$l. FOR RELIAB UST.. SAM'L P. Plattsmouth The Place to Buv " -i - - jdware lit ip VSEND Fu. comhoatiox n Mod UumJj, . IS AT a-inota. no . s4.ioch.1t.7- 1 .-, Scinch, f ii.' avincb. Inull. VMneb. Gcntl ! 4 J JO Ull E.C.MEACHAMARMS CO.. ST. LOiilS.Ma Notice. e wisn our patrons to take no tice that we will move about the first of next month to the room for merly occupied by J. Finley John son, tt .BENNETT & TUTT. A B Jf. B H P O A. E. Stratton, 2b 4 1 0 2 2 1 Keefe. c 5 2 7 1 0 Wilson, lb 4 2 1 11 1 0 Kourke.3b 5 1 2 1 2 Kipp. ss 5 2 1 3 4 1 Hofer. If 4 1 0 2 0 t Murry, m 5 0 1 0 0 0 Keady, rf 2 110 0 0 Sumner, p 4 1 2 JL 10 0 Total 38 9 10 27 20 2 LIFE INSURANCE T. H. Pollock, Agent, for sale iwo desirable resi dence lots in Orchard Hill addition to Plattsmouth, within a block of the Missouri Pacific depot. For particulars call on or address THE HERALD Office. SCORE BY INNINGS. Grand Island.... 0 0004002 3 ! Plattemouth ..0 030201006 SUMMARY. Earned runs Grand Island 3, Platts mouth 1. Two-bae hits Sumner 2, Rotirke 2, Pat terson. Maupin 2. ' Sacrifice hits Green, Kennedy. Bases stolen Plattsmouth 4. Hit bv pitcher Maupin. Struck out Sumner 9, Yapp 1. Parsed balls Keefe 1. Wild pitches Sumner 1. Ti me of sra me 1 :40. Urn pi re H a rt. For millinery and pattern hats or any tiling in the line of ribbons, flowers of the latest styles and de signs, call on the Tucker Sisters in the Sherwood block. tf. Judge Chapman also stated that owing to the way the trains were running Hon. J. Sterling Morotn and the Otoe county bar would not be here until 4 o'clock this afternoon. The game Saturday between Plattsmouth and Grand Island re sulted in the defeat of the Platts mouth team. The features of the fame were the pitching of Rourke Notice All men running express wagons are notified that their occupation tax must be paid on or before. Tune 15. T. T. Fry, Deputy Collector. Buy the best and nolhino- hut ih beat and vou will h o - . r ouipnve siove. xienaee sells them. Fete of Days. For the opening of the new Y. M. y . . a. Dunaing the B. & M. will sell tickets within 100 miles of Lincoln r 1k.T - mm . - irom nay 1 to June 1 inclusive at full fare going and one-third re turning by having certificate signed b y o. . farks secretary. F. Latham, Agt. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Saltk in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Come, and all Skin Eruptions, and Dosi- . lively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to pive satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents Der box. c or saie oy t o. rncke ACCIDENT INSURANCE, T. H. Pollock. Agent- Telephone No. 72 for your sum- y KENFELD'S RE YOU WILL FIND STOVES, -RAJNGES, TINWARE, GARDEN TOOLS, GASOLINE STOVES, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, PAD-LOCKS, DOOR-LOCKS, LADIES' PEN KNIVES, ETC. YOUKO MEN'S CHKISTION SSOCIATION Waterman block. Main Street. Booms open from 8 :30 a m to 8 :30 p m. For men only Gospel meeting every Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. For Sale. My house and three lots corner bixth and Dey, price $1,200. Mrs. T. A. G. Buell, Central City, Neb., apc.E.R. B. Orepoi, Washington and the North west Pacific Coast. The constant demand of the trav eling public to the far west for la comfortable aad at the same time an economical mode of traveling has led to the establishment as what is known as Pullman Colonist sleepers. These cars are built on the same general plan as the regular first- class Pullman Sleeper, the only dif ference being that they are , not upholstered. They are furnished complete with good comfortable hair matresses. warm blankets,snow white linen cur tains plenty of towels, combs, brush es etc., which secure to the occu pant of a birth as much privacy as is to be had in firettclass eleeoers. There are also separate toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen, and smok ing is absolutely prohibited. For full information send for Pullman Colonist Sleeper leaflet, E. L. Lo max, General Passenger and Ticket gent, Omaha Nebraska. NEW PROCESS "QUICK MEAL GASOLINE STOVE I wish to specially recommend. It is absolutely afe. GOODS SOLD ON THE INSTALL ment plan as cheap as for cash on easy monthly payments. Come in and examine my anti-rust ti ware which is warranted not to rust for one year. If at any time vn want anything new that we do not happen to have in stock we can get it for you on two days' notice 421 Maln-St . Plattsmouth 1 ...... - -Vi