C-.-L-.ii HLftDI fAfiV. f.y.t a I r : ' .: rr-ni; r In n I.rnrnn l fiw."p on tlin Sit l;jvrt. AK.ri I ..!! !. '.-, now," s-iirt n fc.-iir- ; r v i yri e 1 to !:r.cw jXl ?;)oi't ..'' itcierry aivl it:i "iu.-nrf,-'tfjcy . . " - t ;ir. in : ei:r!v. THE RIVAL MINSTRELS. PLACES OE WORSHIP. dr ill: red r ! v.-!v v.';r r.vi-pub-well .- hea. Ai: i I7;ir"tjn-r !- -liM !vrl I in liurcmV mr.iil": I ii lov-! . e n i i.-rii-, v. HI tf iHr" 'wf.i'T.:i I v. t.Ini' '. : lfi 1 u'l v ;:n 'i iii- cth iI fountides p'ay: lit? l.ivi"! i.u r -iKt Mmrt tlwt i:--::.-'-i :t l.i.ir. ! lii.t rnt J ; i-i ! ii'-:.r 1-.'. 1...1 r i Elinor Iinnr Cwr J To those seeUmg :s re-eue from , ........ ! llnw.rartirM,- nr oiJicv ivli 1 1 : , 1 , -i 1 ' A HOI f c.-. t . ''Kill's 'liurrll. " . -..i. fcl,Itl...,iui Mxili. J-Ht 11T Sitrt'dv : V'iKii4t in! Hi M C-fMl'lCl;Iy 1 I l-.i: I tit iM'Cf.iiiMiou! y? Thcr" " '' : ir.-:i i f fscii-Ticv) vl- : llml i .( t . fcti-f !;,!!!' ri Ih . ; !( t 1 1 n 1.; pt ? ri! t'." h ;:;:4 t :; t r l.r.-l ' . J ! I !ll!' l ; rii-J in; " i !-M tli.j I. ik- 1.: th ir vi:..i . deaiii ;f t. ..:)) ) :'-y s- -(i i ii-aliJl;-Vit-iis of t.: ii ii:i!s art r.ir .1! l ;it thco'-v of !.:;! '- i li-i:--v. a" I i i t?t tit-. ;i ! f i: '.:!tnvi to.-:' '. u!ic;i(l'.I 7i.'!I. of i l ,c.:i! ;i';ir i- i i. .. . v ! viit !i i f i r; i-1., UiD ivsult 1- 1 I'-i.-i iiinl iiii:iviiii!;:'ol) , o"r ri. s-iy In-.-.- :i:...r.-i. !n ii't inji-rw l!i fuir I iy nil'1! iiii'.wi.s. iiij-J v i":iro;i:';illy i;ilil. ".Mayl-j 1i.y .-. r:;.:'it. nt I !.nt lifve it. I,vi ry:i; know.- t'irit iuun. in tlio ln-i.l ip t!i f.:'i Ins tit lt to t!io front '! I t:ly th r in t'iu ra icity -f tJ! I.r ;: r. Tlie strain of JiiV oijh-h tJ.o nio.-t huverw nn the mania that n-sju-i-t. IIu it is avIio KufTer.s tin r.nxi ;i s an 1 luttl a.airi.st the tliap K)intini-i't' i.f Lii-inejj.s, 8it'akin of life in KeriiTal. What inalces mrn jirciu- tnn ly old? .Iii.-.t tlate anxieties aul ,trn:rI,,.H. If irematiiri'ly olJ. why not preinatnr I.v b:.M. whicli i: a natural ac rr.i:ii.'iii:nciitof untimely ac? Woman lesj brain stress. Her nj'inpathies with the man in his struggle may he proat, ami usually aie, but they do not make the !eiu::nda cm her organization that tell to Kcverely ou the system of the luan. 'I arconnt for much bahlneca among mnn by this theory of liervona eiiiaus tion, but then what will explain ita prev alence urnont; men whose circumstances lo not reqtiiro them either to indulge in business anxieties or undergo business disiijiixiintments? Tliua wo teo the easy poiii; man about town, not yet in his prime as to jears. with no haunting tiionsrht of tomorrow, yet as bald as Lis grandfather was at peventy. Wo see the ) imHTed c!iild .f firtnne, son of n mil lionaire father, who toils not. neither doth he spin, jet Elijah, whom the br.d boys mocked, at the same time the she bears came out cf the wilderness end A till M II ! r: ' Tv.o n -il I Wl.fi ..!. -. . l.i.i- .. ' V.',l:l l Ih- , j y.:i v. - :i t: . ! Ii.al-. I To i )ioi' j Ui!h. j !. t nil t! i " I.o i,V. . I 'Mirouii i i ! Tl,.-r i. ,' l Mil ;.l I; j V iitre t'ttt . fore. i !'. n OltfKi Th ri. l.i" i. Tli iii';;lil v Ami uriiiii - iiifii 1:1.11 U th .( till l.H'.H.' I ".- t irt III!" lit Jll'vllt t'VViQ J hi'll', Kl.it"i" co r'.r. The l-.n Qr 1 1 r ( m uie si! iii i malia oljt'i Oiiv ul mu.-t rv-iia-l.l" rifiV) bt-f4 plrfc." 'if r;ti wili'. tl:e nli-K'i:!1 fipruiipiy of a -ic:j ii.MjtM rnro. Wfiie i vlirhe iii-'titr;Ti' in A. m. M;:ul;jy !.. . ClllHTI N. t'fiii'il ..u-llM' lil'.ii Hi 1 Tl. rl't-f ii. rniiiu Mil 'if i if. r i (il!'- whv I'iiAli i. f iiiil:iv'!"riin'! 10 . .v. A -l. lull wi-Il -teli iiiiiistr' l i d tin- i-i iirrr of the two. I !il:) I. nil. 'I III? ! Would n i throat and Iiiiiu.". e Kriiips I ( n I'.i in. lor lie IovmI tlnni io:i j ;it li'iifrl li iaiil he: : :.iy opii - mi:." 1 i in . iv.it ; f mtutc; ': '. -. re on ( Very toiltie. :-. ' - ri';i'-;.'-.I n iHir -i in.: miic ail tficir holies be- Vii-i,i. S l.illMIII! ff it i i'ii i iii''' CIIHl'S CCIIfiS CUIUS, ."-i! 111.!, ' chilts. ft anp ;i:il s:I! !Im;: ' lutio- t rort lilt's, lli.iti anv i:-r i ely. Tin- ro;THM r )i;i- a; ; i.t il any druo-o i. 1 Jo ymi . pli" brittle iifi t con ViliCf ?!t,- l. I'll I' !'H -II-tl I " i I i Hl- : i I . v i .-.nil II I ,. ,.ir- i r :i t ... i- if: M I IMlV M ! .". fl.'OIS 1.- MMil M ii:'t'iii' iii-. liiit. I ;i-l( i. tx i-i s : t i mid 7 :."i r. si. 'niioir si'h m! ! .m - j . V ' I V ( ,1 t lfTnivvSw : y iV. Ill the merit tf Larj.'' bottles tli if o-rt.;,t '(). ami $1. remedy. HSIIV'I I KIAN. fl.fr; 11. )l'v-'i i i-r iii f ! . v i i! i l ii ;..! iii .a' - .si- ,;!.:: i i' 1 1 ;t m ; it ti in in- . 1;. v . l. i x ih; 1-ii nr ti no v M i il' i vviii at ; ;i 'li- i :ii- In- ! .lie: li A I: : 1 1' in in,! t ii ;! 'i-i-: ii-l. "i . i - vrF V i"l I iIi i iIh tlte i f wrTHiiflit. I Iii- v;,ji-mii .rs tA I. ! ronrt: irri'-r-. i'i -rv iiiition loaMs, .I1;. -ititl li-' tl.i' iirojilici's liosl - Mow I.il-iti.s vuior v;: t.i invc-.l ntnl feuri-ei: Ami when In' li ni.-iic 1. Ib.Ieuin tLfius.nK ftiferi'o. Miifif.ijilia'-i Forgot leu v. He mi'.i; lo t i How Aiiul. v. i C'Iom; to tin :r Arid v. in ii L rv-K wi'M' ;'.;i of Kiin;ilor ll.hm.i: : i:e I't iu'e oT rnrTKiy l.it'!.-s. in " 0.11110 ainl I null ami lovo. I "t Lis I'tiil'Jren from above. 'it-it..-::, tlic jrfietV intisie en ! !: l:i:.i-iii-il. jt!l lL jMiiole wi'(H. tbeni with i: For t lionet, l;en Oi.ifrlmrnn.fi r.r'. It v:at Min-'n(.(ia'M wmpi that reaclieil htart-. -James . llurnett ia IlnriK-rV. I feel it my duty to say :i tew j words in re'rard to 11 '.- C'l t ai.i Halm, and 1 do so entirely without i solicital ion. J luive u-e. I it more! or le:-s half a year, and h n e fi -i i it tr lie most adir iri.l de. I have j suffered from catarrh of tin- vo:t j kind ever since 1 was a lit; I . - I y i and I ueei' hoped for bu: (."ream Ia'i?) se it:s 1o io even that, i Many of my accpiaintanees lirtve j used it witu excellunt results. : Oscar Ostttm, 4.1 Warren Ave , Chi-j cago 111. j : if: -l M I' "J Ilill'IMT. Six i ti Hi. 1!.'V !. iv ...j vii'e- : J i .i . M. k h i I 'i m I'rav- r nn i ii ; !.. ii'iv.. ): 1 t Ii. I . .-! Sinn!. ; '.' .'.l.:-.s-.i pi. it i:.in r;t ,Mii . k:i r; i lii.t. I.i v 1 !'. i . -1 1 r i IV'. l ' ' l !'i'i.i. :-"iin!- t-l'in.' ) :..:' S V.r-Kli l-' t i S'-K'ii TIHN VI.. Or-tniii'. F fill ami -i.l!i 33 hr!1 Iff V TV- it j9 I n 3 S Ji E ENOUGH m:v of i i; f o r. t-i i-i'i'. - ,v tut L i n.; I; i ' . l.i I- IT. Se Vt: i n t ' .''. III. i-eTilil' ' t 'il,' kiI;. - -liV' !': V. : ! ! 7 : i i -. '.. !( V I.. I' ' IV '!l !. : l r-iM-i 1 - v . Wants iTio(T oau , I.V' ' l' -' r5 ? 3 . ' - f'ti ij . I.I .1 '-'fi if If C:- S - t l i i. Ci.i a! Cr i'i (.i." C5 riftv ICitiiin uf I ! etric I li lie. Accordir.-,- to the statements of tl En;;lir.h na'.ur.dist. Profi.-ssor SStirli-i -. there are in existence today upward of fifty sjiecies cf fishes having more or les specialized (.rr,'.:ii:-.. the function of whien is the gener.it i . :i of electric discharges. Trie tishe.i i::;.er wi.lely, sometime ttril;ingly. frim each other, belougiji' mostly to lifl'ereut famihes, and oc casionally even to different orders of th'. "Pisces. la str'.;ct:ire they cloly re semble the other si-eci? cif the genpre to which they severally belong, differ ing from th'-Tn. with an occasional ex ception, mainiy in the possession of or gans for electric generation. Tne well known "electric rays." for example, of v. !;:ch Nicholson mentions three and Gitiither six, are the most prominent. These rays are found in the Atlantic and Indian oceans and the .Mediterranean tea. ani aro seen in the English ch.vnu'?!. or even farther north; while other electric fishes are still more Wanted: An energetic man 1o manage branch office. Only a few dollars needed. Salary to .-.tart 7"i per month and interest in business The Western Co., Kansas C'itv, lo. lii.'i, ,MiVs l.o"i'. in ;! I el ii : iiif . f tel'liMiTi til 4 .'.- Kin S:;W tl !n II i i I' :;" ll'l'l' 1 I )-TI : . -I-.. V on' v. t-v i;..oii'- 'j : : ir i.i .A - -.it. .' I V (.VI; OI A I lo- '!; l vt cosmopolitan, fhnurii most of them in- dined ujion them, was not arraj ed in I habit limited creas and warm waters. Ips.- iiiiir tli-iii o.'. if t hctp. fVi'iio -'st- :t h.in this by the sweeping charts v;j di.-.siputii:i. W.t it will not do. 1 invj J Electricity. I aviorigmy p-itn-us yot:;h of this Liau wi:o are sr.e lels ef i -jl.ricty, pvopni.ly and hiuiple living, and yet they are as bid as doorki: "Heredity i: only explanation flint "n i) ma Co of this mysterious depar ture of the hair in early life, although ! :-.fosor Eaton, an English scicTUilic person who haa made investigation on lie subjectjpociajiy f jr years, docs not J v-lievo it. r.nd stoctiy declares that the --nus of baldness is no nearer discovery tii::n it was a hundred years ago. "But whether I a:u right or wrong in my theories 1 know I urn right in this, I that i-.i when a man is once bald be is nlwayo l;ni;i. unless his hair hzs fallos e:;t fronj the effects o' fever. In that c-risi. it will generally return in time ci in own accord. But a head that ha? gradually bst its hair while tao ownei of it is in f.ood physical condition has i'jeit it for good. If it wasn't so do yov :7I ose there would be so many bald - i '.-"ii.e i dorjtC1 ?-nf? barbers'-" New 'ik sinn. tlovr an nio;lirnt Hats. An elephant's digestive f r.nctions aro jk"-' rapid, and tho animal thercfora - revive i cLiily a large amount of fodder pounds at least. In its wild state elephant feeds heartily, but wascc uily. It is careful in selecting the few f .--rest trees whicli it Yikcz for their bark jr foliage. Dnt " it will tear down .jranches and leave half of them un touched. It will strip off the bark from olLer trees and throw away a large por -lion. As it is a nocturnal animal, it selects its trees by the 6enses of touch and smelL Its sense of smell ia so delicate that a wild elephant can scent an enemy v.Z a distance of l.COO yards, and the nerves ci its trunk are eo sensitive that the smallest substance can be dis covered and picked up by its tiny pro boscis. An elephant's palate is very delicate, jitxd the animal is whimsical in selecting or rejecting morsels of food. Youth's Companion. A I'hriM That I Not Enfflinh. "I will give a prize of $100 to any one who can prove that the expression 'don't you know, or, as it is often rendered doncherknow." was ever used in Eng land by a real Englishman." d3clared a person of the British persuasion the other day. "The phrase had its origin in Philadel phia, where it is much in vogue, because certain dudes there believe it is English. No Englishman ever says 'Don't yoa know.' The expression he does use is 'You know, such as 'I'm going np to London, you know, to get me new trousers, you know.' "This may be a startler for certain young men about town, who by dint cf great practice are able to interject doncherknow' at alout every ten words in their conversation. I'm sorry to hurt their feelings." New York Herald. Some Foolish People allow a cough to run until it o,et beyond the reach of medicine They say "Oh.it will wear awaj'," bin in most cases it wears them away. I Could they be induced to try the successful Ivewip's Halsaiu. which is sold on a positive truarantee to cure, they would see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price HOc and $1. Trial size free. At all drug-gists. ion-.'! I .i t. k tAiinitNAt-ir v Mill, ;in'"t .- ; V!-. s t ii. lit.; t r-;ic!i it r. 11 ii. ,-r.-iyoi meri ml- I ii'--.. l.t.. I- rut -. t iyt.- .i !: m-.- - Ur i::.: ii:- -Ho 1 t The wi:-drjni of him who jouritej- T!io First atep. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do anything to your satisfaction, and you wonder what nils you. Von should heed the warring, you arc taking- the first step into nervous prostral ion. You need a nerve tonic and in Electric Jii'iers you will iiiid the exact rentedv for restoring vour nervous system to it normal, healthy ' i ; ".-'US' r urnisiung ' i Vv" eth is known bv the line he selects; j condition. Surprising results foi- i the jutlguient of the man who take the "Purlington Koufe" to the cities of the east, the sou;b, nr.d tlie west, is never imjieacherl. The ie. ference is plain. Magnificent I 'is 11 niii.M sleepeis. elegant reclining chair c irs and world-famous dining cars oti all through trains. For information address the agent of the company at this place, or. write to J. I'rancie, fienerai Passenger and TiCKet Agent. Omaha hrw the use of this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative, Vour appe tite returns, good digestion is re- L stored, and the liver and kidneys re sume' health v action. irv a lotth Price f!ic. n't F. O. Fricke & Co's drugstore ALlttle 'itc'.CM To p'-tf- world ret'own 1 i proved le Cori vitic,rd. your Old i i, t If (il tl!" latest, i C!! -.r.d hi wo No i'V ca: ; 'j to i !n.v. n It Needs No Gnarda. The smallest, simplest and best pro tected postofiice in the world is in the Straits of Magellan and has been there for many years. It consists of a small painted keg or cask, and is chained to the rocks of the extreme cape in a man ner so that it floats free, opposite Terra del Fuego. " Each passing ship sends a boat to take letters out and put others in. This curious postoffice is unprovided witli a postmaster, and is therefore un der the protection of all the navies of the world. Never in the history of this nnirjue "office" has its privilege been abused. Philadelphia Press, - cw Try T hs It will cost you nothing and will urelv do you good, if 3-011 ha-f a Cough, Cold or anv trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for. . Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect re covery." Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for 3roursclf just how good a thing it is. Trial bottle free at F. G. Fricke & Co. Drug Store. Large size 50c. and $1.00 The population of Plattsmcuth Is about 10,000, add wc would sa- at least !neo-half are troubled with some ejection on the throat and lungs, as those complaints are, ac cording to staaistics, more numer ous than others. We would advise all our readers not to neglect- the opportunity to call on their drug gist and gel a boitleof Iemp s Ual aain forthe throat anci lungs. Trial size free. LargeBottb 50c- and $1. Sold by all druggist. Irrs Fprr erc?r hourn. Mr. and Mrs, Loren Trescoft are keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand IJeach Mich, and are blessed with a daughter, four years. Last April she taken down with Measles, followed with dreadful Cough and turned into a fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit treated, but in vain, she grew worse rapidly, until she was a mere" handful of 1 ones". Then she tried Dr. King's New Discovery and after the use of two and a half bottles, was completely cured. They saj' Dr. King.s New Discovery is worth its weight in gold, yet you ma3' get a trial bottle free at F. G. Fricker Drugstore. I. Pearlemar j ? j V. ' L - -L. 1 ( , 5SITI1 COUB HOUSE X I I 1 X v. t tils Election Cost Him Four Cents. ilr. n. R. Williams may be compli mented upon the economy he exercised m seel.tr re-election to the Middi ; county council, his ejcpenses lieiu set down at twopence. This fairly beats the "record." Mr. Deputy Bedford" election expenses were said to be bat nir.epenee on one occasion, but he mn pale his ineffectual fires -before the su perior financial prowess of ilr. Williams London Citv Press. Depth of the Mediterranean. The Austrian government has made t I number of soundings in the Mediter ranean, and the greatest depth reached was 2.406 fathoms, which is deeper than any sounding yet recorded for that bod3' of water. New York Journal. Diarrhea and Digestive Troubles. The connection between teething and JLarrhea has teen considered until of n -.-ont years as beyond question. But even this is very doubtful. For our selves, we should have no difficulty the o. -otically in supposing that painful teeth i:i; might upset the digestion, just as in rervous older children and adult we see czc-itement and mental anxiety prodticd !:::e results. ' Eat actually, the more the c;je3 are examined the less certain is tl:: illation cf the bowel trouble-'to the nr.pposcd cause. Ilere again develop- J- The commissioners of customs in Eng ie.rts in the digestive organs 'may tiave J land havetcien steps to bring their de : :i i.iHuence. and theeflect of heat, either j parrment inio line in the uonnal require Lrectly upon the nervous system of th meats of trade, and the customs hours c':ild or by injuring food, is shown by t are from 0 to 6. without overtime. fi;? prevalence of these diseases in sum- j " v .- 1 - u:er. Dr. Henry D. Chapin in Baby- 1 - The Bonton board of health, in a tour hood. - . ... t . ' o? inspection at night in the North End Itch on human and horses animals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's eanitarj- lotion. This never fails. Sold F. G. Fricke & Co. druggist, Plattemouth. For years the editOT of the Burl ington Junction, (Mo.) Post, has been subject to cramp colic fits of in digestion, which prostrated him for several hours and unfitted him for bnsiness for two or three days. For the past year he has been using Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy whenever occa sion required, and it has invariably given him prompt relief. 25 and 20 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke c Co., druggists. What lie Didn't Eat,' " A Yankee on paying his bill at a Lon don restaurant was told that the sum put down didn't include the waiter. Waal," he roared. didn't eat arty waiter, did I' Loudon Tit-Bits. 1 tenement bcase district, found nine per sons sleeping m one room, with windows ami doors tightly closed. Weeping Tree. ) The literature of weenins trees" is enormous, much of it hnng plainly I ! mythical. nt there is a large basis of j professor John .Marshall, of Uuivf r.i- fact upon wuich most of these marvet- ; tJ- coHege. London! says that yawning ous stories rest. Many travelers have ; ..1U3y be accomplished by the will, but described the famous "rain tree" of Pa- js often the result of involuntary imita--tradoca. Isle of Ferro. John Cockbum. tion. i 1735, describes a tree at Vera Pas. Cei- 1 " faL America, from which pure water t The stupendous results of the steam .. . .rinnalrv drinned from everv leaf and engme may all be traced to the boy who urauch. St. Louis Republic. ! sat watching tho 'ntpain winch : ! from the nose of the teakettle. came . 1 (Thlnnmim irannat become citizens of I he United States because the rtgut or : nwv euua irawenuewmw wimiw iatnralizstion is limited to free whitt ' drinking, to 4 mimitea and 20 eeeonCM. K-nom and Africans or people of Afri- l the latest gormandiring feat of a Ea- sae freak. According to the census of 181X), Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her population of 1,093,576'people, as the eighth largest city ou the globe. Most of us desire, at one time or another, to visit a'cityin which so many persons find homes, and, when we do, we can find no better line than the 'Burlington Route." Three fast and comfortable trains daily. For further information ad dress the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha. Nebraska.' The Missori Pacific will sell round trip tickets May 9 to 14 inclusive, to Portland, Oregan, the Presbyterian general aisembly being held their May 19 to June 2. Tickets good un til May 19 and returning inside IX) days at $00, going via one route and returKing via another.' Apply, at ticket office for particulars. How's This! We offer 100 dollars reward for 1 any case of caiarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. 1. J. Cheney & Co. Props, Toledo, Ohio, We the undersigned, have known F. J. Chenev for the last 15 3-ears. and belive him pefectlAr honorable in all biiisness transactions and fin- I ancial Jv able to carrv out an oblig ations made by their firm. West & Truax. Wholesale Drug gist, loledo Ohio.. Walding Kinuan Tarvin, Wholesale druggist Tole do Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, action directly upon the blood iiul mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 73c. per bottle. Sold by all Prujfgist; Testimonials free. C i ru ffy I.-'-V -o-Wafc' - 1 V DRUGGISTS SUM Df-.M ! A N D HENRY BOF.CK THE fl..l.l c Ik i ex Tho Leading FURNITURE 1 A J j Ci h miit AND oooj e t.Av U- ' i? O-r-i me.mt t'S 1 (JNDEPTAK B." onptantly keeps on hind evervtldi: yon ned to furnish your hon.-e. 1 t s 'ryJg via nmwm-tir f a 1. ' 6j - ! - - - ' - SOI Cor Fifth r.n PLAiTTSMOl'TH "1 rv CORNER SIXTH AKD MAIN STREET Platts mouth Neb Lumber mi THE OLD R':iJAQ-. Specimen Cases: ' S.H.Clifford, NewCastle, Wit was . troubled with . neuralgia anc rheumatism, his stomach wa di& ordered, his liver was affected to an" alarming degree,' appetite fell awaj and he was terriblv reduced in flesh and strength. - Three bottles of Electric Hitters cured him. Jidward Shepherd, - Hnrrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his ' lep of eight years' standing. Useci three bottles of Electric Bitters anc seven bottles KucklenV1 Arnici Salve, and his le is sound and well John Speaker. Catawba, O., had fivi' large fever sores on his leg. doctor said he whs incurable. One- bottl Electric ' Bitters and one box Btielr: leu's -Arnica Salve cured hfm entire' ly. Sold by F. G,Fricke A Co. L PIHF LUMBER Shingles, Tatli. Sa?h. Doors, Blinds' -1 . -r- - i- i .; ; -c L ". .;.-:.; Can supply even? demscd of the city. Call Mid gt "terms. Ponrth 8tn?t ' in rear of opra howpel ; " Mexican Mustang Liniment A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast .. , .......j . . A long-tested ..pain reliever. Its ess is almost universal by the Honsewife, the Fanner, the Stock Raiser, and " by every one requiring an effective liniment. - - -. - . No other application compares with it in efficacy. This . well-knoxn remedy has stood the test of years, almost . , generations. . .. i ..... Kb medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustaxg Occasions arise. for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it. 6, Li m o !. 1- (, It fit, 1 aa descent.