r i- t . ... , , . . . . - moutii JDaily Herald CA FIFTH YE Alt. I'LATTSMOUTII, NKUKASKA. SATURDAY. MAY 21, 1892. NUMBER 214. Ql Absolutely Pure. ( ) cream of tartar bakiu? powder jvnCBl Ul nil in icaicuiui; ow r , Latest U. S. Government iooa rc- EW MEATMARKETA v . .VrMk Reef. Pork. Veal. Mutton. BatUr and eggs kept constantly on baad nf all kinds keot in Seaeoa SATISFACTION - OARANTEED SAMPSON BROS. Cor. 6th St and Lincoln Are 7LATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA. ftTEAT MARKET fV SIXTH BTKBBT SIXTH F. H. ELLENBAWM, Tke best of fresh meat always f onad in this market. Also lresa Eggs and Batter. ild game of all kinds kept in their season. mm sixTn street Meat market Always has on hand a full stock of FLOUR AND FEED, Corn, Bran, Shorts Oats and Baled Hav for sale as low as the lowest and delivered to any part of 7f glatfsmouth gerald. COKXKK OF VINK AND FIFTH STS TKLEII10NK38. K NOTTS BROS, Publishers Publinhed every Thursday, and daily every evening except Sunday. Registered at the I'lattumoath, Nebraska pot pftice a second clas mail matter fur tranHniiMsioa through the U. S. mails. TEICIH1-CK WKKKLT. One year In advance - - - - $1 3) One year not In rlvaare - - - 2 00 Six month in advance - 75 Three months in advance 40 TEK JtS OF OAILV. One year in advance - - - VS 00 One copy one month - - j - - - 50 Per week by carrier V 13 Secretary Tracy wants to name the next new cruiser Alabama, but the name is objected to by some ot the democrats in congress. They do nos eeem to -know that the war is over. " 7 . WHEN the republicans of the house refuse to vote, and thus break the quorum, they are denounced by the democrats. But what is matter with that 150 democratic ma ioritv? It can't keep a quorum of its own. There is not a democrat in Cas county who can give an intelligent reason why his party in congress does not repeal what all democrats call "the McKinley robber tariff. Gentlemen either repeal the tariff laws or like men shut up and cease talking tariff reform. In other words "shoot or drop the gun". ests of American farmers both at home and abroad. The home markets for diversified and xrofitable agricultuie provided by protested manufactures in every city of the Union; an increase of factory families and farm-product consumers aaiounting to over l.COO, 000 since 1880. The foreign market for farm pro ducts, secured by republican recip- rocityjand government meat inspec tion, in five Kuropean'states and in mo8t of the states and islands of Latin America. The National Interstate Commerce act regulating railways; for the pre vention of railway discrimination and combination, and securing of fair transportation rates and privi leges. The republican anti-trust law, which in one 3 ear has caused the dissolution of ttie whisky and oil trusts, and is likely to lead to the suppression of the twine and sugar trusts. The . oleomargarine legislation; the proposed lard, pure food and anti-option bills, for the protec tion of farm products against fraud ulent competition and speculation. The increase of national circula tion from $435,400,000, or $13.85 per capita, in 18G0, to $1,009,500,000, or $27.74 per capita, in 1892; and the ac companying decrese of interest rate from one-half to three-fourths. The enlargement of the free im port list from 18 per cent in 1857 to Reduced Bates. The first annual meeting of the Nebraska conference of the Kpworth I Ixratrue meets at I.mrolti. ?lav 13-10. The B. & M. will sell tickets south of the Platte river to Lincoln, May 10 16 inclusive. Parties paying full fare going will be returned at one third fare 011 presenting certificate at ticket office at Lincoln, signed by Z. V. Abbott, David City. J. PKANCIS, Gen. I. and T. Agt. The silver admission of the state of Nehraaka will be held at Lincoln, May 25 and 20. The B. & M. will sell tickets to Lincoln at the rate of one fair for the round trip, May 25 and 20 and limit for return May 27. J. FRANCIS, O. 1. A. Spot Cash Hardware. MANY TEARS AG KT WROTE: "Man wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long." . It was true then and just as true to day, and fits oar caae exactly ALL THAT WE WANT IS Ynnr Trade on F. G. Fricke & Co., the druggists desire us to publish the following testimonial as they handle the rem edy and believe it to be reliable: 'I bought a 50-cent bottle of Cham berlain's Pain Balm and applied it to my limbs, which have been af flicted with rheumatism at inter vals for one year. At the time I bought the Pain Balm I was un able to walk. I can truthfully say that Pain Balm has completely cured ni;. R. If. Fakk, Holywood, Kfcn. Jlr. A. II. Cox, the leading druggist at Holywood, vouches for the truth of the above statement. HA CD'rt j K K, CUTLERY, STOVES, Tivuripi; TOOLS, WOODENWAMw Ice. Ice. McMaken & Son are delivering ice daily. Call on them for your sum mers ice. Catarrh in New England. Ely's Cream Balm gives satisfac tion to every one using it for ca 1 tarrhal troubles G. K. Mellor drug gist, orcester fiasc I believe Ely's cream Balm is the 53 per cent in 1891-2, and the saving best article for catarrh ever offered of StOnOOOOnO in nnniuarv rpve. H!e puuc iuan x 00. uruggisis, T ' ' J I Ivnrpoataf. Mqca Hue taxes uu sugar, tuuee, ica, mo Dr. PARKnuRST goes right along throwing hot shot in New York. In an'address on Tuesday evening to young men lie saiu: "11 x nau a thousand young men who would take to this work with earnestness and think that the city did not be long to the police, but to them, I would take my oath to whip Tam many every November until Tam many became nothing but a stink- lasses and binder twine. The almost trebling of the exports of bread stuffs, under the McKinley tariff, during the year just closed, An article of real merit.C. P. Alden druggist, Springfield Mass. those who use it speak highly of it. Geo A, Hill, druggist spring field, Mass, Cream Balm has given satisfac- and a general decline in the cost of I tory results. W. P. Draper, drug all manufactured necessaries. I gist, Sprinjrheln, Mass Tlif fnn n tao rf C.a n.nl inn imnnris c 1 c. f 4l. 1 a i.. rmr A 1.1 : ,1, I Ul 111C VJldllU AI Ul V IJJB ui.iann piuuus, u.e ,BWuuOUu.CUu be interested in the following That is all; '"Nor do we want it long" just for a few years, say twenty or more and if you will grant us this "little" our cup of happiness wM be full to overflowing. In return you will have little to want, tor in these goods we offer tlie best aad most complete line made in this country to-day and -A-t Prices so X-icrw" That every time we fill out a quotation sheet we feel that we ought to We accorded a place in history among the philanthropists for we are giving the trade all the cream and keeping the skimmed milk for ourselves. i WIIX YOU NOT GIYE 03 THE "LITTLE" THAT WE WANT. J. W. Hendee, & Co. UNRUH Whitney's Carriages of sugar beet, flax and hemp culture and manufacture; the encourage' ment of irrigation and timber cul ure, anc the development of water ways for the cheapening of trans portation. tl:.- city. Pbpttsmouth, CORNER SIXTH AND VINE Nebrns! J ULIUS PEPPERBERG. ' MAJCUFACTWKKOFAND WHOLESALEZaNLI RETAIL rno.OMEKS have observed '.t tails to the new comet It is .-.tie funny, but as the democratic . : iates for the Presidency in e.ise the comet keeps tally with ts tails Cleveland, Hill, Gorman, Carlisle, Boies, Campbell, Palmer and Gray just eight. Whether the tails will come together with a flap when Tammany reaches Chicagof astronomers and other people will note with interest. Inter Ocean. DUUKU THE CHOICEST BRANDS OF CIGARS rurXiiJ2for TOBACCO AND SMOKEfc's ARTICLES always in stock Plattsmouth, Nebraesa V. IL CCSHINO, President, J. W. Johnson, VUe-PrndenL -00OT H Ooo- Citizeis - FLATTSMOCTH NEBRASKA Capital Paid in - $SO,000 F K Outbman. J W Johnson. E 8 Oreusel Henry Elkenbary. M W Morgan. J A Connor. W Wettenkamp, W H Cusbing A irpneral banNiner business trans artrrt. Interest allowed on de- posites. pIRST NATIONAL : BANK OF FLATTSMOCTH. NEBRASKA Paid up capital ... Sarplua ....t50.000.00 10.000.08 n the very bet facilities for tbe promp transaction oi ugiumaie Banking Business stock, bond, gold, government and local ee-7-4. i h, aoid. Ieroells receive -:M'TVr Tfi-ia on tbe . certificate iw.ri. r. nvidiAble in any part of tee rTr.tt.wt stttM mid all the principal town ot Europe. OOLLEi-TJOVS MADE AND PKOMPTLT BKMIT- TED. Hlgbesi n.Aiket price pid tor County War rants. State ana County bends. 1)1 SECTORS John Fltzearald J-1ITrJt1!wortn 8am Waugh. F. K. White Oeoree K. Dovey John FttwreraU. wHD: Uncle San shipped to Europe this year 1,454,000 barrels at apples. The new arrangement lor direct shipment of oranges from Florida the coming year will give Euro peans a still better chance to enjoy our lucious fruit. The large in creased demand of the foreign markets and the better arrange ments for shipment will cause the multiplication of orchards, especial ly those for apples and oranges. THE LADIES' HOME JOUROAL. The valuable and timely article "Flowers for June Weddings," by H IL Battles, gives a pecular charm to the Ladies Home Journal. There are also a number of articles which are written by such wellknown wrt ers as Mrs. William E. Gladstone, Sarah Orne Jewett, Felicia Holt, A J. Harry, Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher, Mrs. Lyman Abbott, Robert J. Bur dette. Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage and a number of other. well known writ ers. This number of the Journal is a thing of beauty and excellence, and is worth many times its modest price of ten cents. The Ladies' Home Journal is published by The Curtis Publishing Company of Philadelphia, for ten cents per num ber, and one dollar per year. Cat Met, FARM LEGISLATION. Democratic and alliance orators and papers do not call attention to some of the republican legislation which has proven beneficial to the farmer. Here are eome of the things they omit when discussing and curs ing the republican party: I tie nomsteaa act, secured uy re publicans over democratic votes and vetoes, giving to the settlers of the west and northwest over 100,000,000 farms and 132,000,000 acres. The agricultural colleges and sta tions, including 52 farm schools and colleges, 54 agricultural experimen stations, and 27 farmer's instituts The national cabinent department of agriculture, devoted to the inter Hot Serines, Ark Carlsbad of America. On April 6th, 7th and 8th the M. P. will sell round trip tickets to Hot Springs, Ark., at one lowest first class fare, good returning until June 10th, on account of govern- nent sale ot lots ana meeting of the Southern Central luruvenn Asaociation. Call at office for par ticulars. from Alex. B. Pope, A. D. C, Com mander, Dep't. Tenn. and Ga. He says: "We have had an epidemic j of whooping cough here, (Stewart, lenu.,) and Chamberlain s Cough Remedy has been the only medicine that has done any good " There is no danger from whooping cough, when this remedy is freely given. It complete' controls the dissea.e. 50 cent bottles for sale by. 1. o. rricke & Co., druggists. Why will you cough when Shi loh's cure will give immediate re lief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts. and $1 For sale by F. G. Fricke & Cc ULTRLIXOTOX & MISSOURI RIVER R. R. Oregon, Washington and the North west Pacific Coast. The constant demand of the trav- elintr public to the far west for la comfortable aad at the same time an economical mode of traveling has led to the establisnment as what is known as Pullman Colonist sleepers. These cars are built on tne same ireneral plan as the regular first- class Pullman Sleeper, the only dif ference being that they are not up holstered. They are furnished complete with trood comfortable hair matresses. warm blankets,snow white linen cur tains plenty of towels, combs, brush es etc., which secure to the occur pant of a birth as much privacy as is to be had in first ;class sleepers. There are also separate toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen, and smok infr is absolutely prohibited. For full information send for Pullman i Colonist Sleeper leaflet. K. L. Lo- max, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha Nebraska. Breaching al Practice. They were two bright women one caller and the other hostess and they had been discussing the value of tem perance in eating as a means to prevent illness. "I do not see," said the hostess, "that our boasted advance in civilization has been anything but a failure in regard to the preservation of health. v ith phy Eictans better able than at any tune in the world's history to cope with disease, this sudden snapping of vitality goes on all about us. I consider it entirely the fault of persons who do not take the care of themselves which their intelligence points out as imperative. I am always well, but it is at the price of constant denials of appetite." "Yes," echoed the caller, "it must be so. I have to be firm in the matter of ice cream, which, wholesome for most people, is not so for me." The hostess did not wait for this speech to. be done. "Why, that makes me think," she said cordially, "I gave a luncheon today and there is some de licious banana cream going to waste down stairs. Can't you eat just a lit tle?" The caller hesitated. "Banana cream is my weakness," she confessed, "and but the reader can guess the rest. The health discourse ended in an enjoy able round of banana ice cream, and the caller went on her way boldly to meet digestive consequences, while the hostess took her valuable food theories back to her embrace prepared to air them on the next occasion which presented itself. New York Times. " V TIME TABLE. J OF DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS GOING ERST Xo. 2 5:17 P. M, N o. 4 10 :34 a. B. No. 8 7 ; 44 p. m No. 10 8:45 a.m. No. 6 12 25 a. ni GOING WEST Not 3 :45 a. m. No. 6 3 :48 p. ui No. 5,.... 9 :00 a. m. No. T 5:l'p ffi. No. 9 4 :40 p, m. No, 91 7 :15 a. m. RnshneH's extra leaves for Omaha about two o'clock for Uinahaand will accommodate pas sengers. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY" TIME CARD. So. 384 Aoomodation Leaves.. No. 383 arnves.. Trains dally except cunaay. . .10.-50 a. m, ,. 4;0cp. m. SECRET SOCIETIbj ASs CAMP No. 332 M. w. a. meets every amnnd and Fourth Monday evenings in Fitzgerald hall. Visiting neighbors welcome. P. C. Hansen, V. C. : r. nertenoerger, w. a., 8. C. Wilde, Clerk. OAPTArS H E PALMER CAMP WO 50- Sons of Veterans, division of Nebraska, U 8. A. meet every Tuesday night at 7 :30 o'clock in thmr hall ill Kltlirerald DIOCK. All sons ana visiting comrades are cordially invited to meet with us .1. J. Kurtz. Commander ; r. A. wc El wain, 1st Seargent. OKDEK OF THE WUKLU, weeis at 7 : ;su every Monnay evening at the Grand Army hall. A. F. Groom, president. Thus walling. secretary. k r ir w n S Meet tirst ana tnira rn day evening of each month at I O O F hall, Frank Vermylea I V ; J K Barwick, recorder. A. KMcConihie Post No. 45 meets every ' Saturday evoning at 7 : 30 In their Hall in Knekwood block. All visiting comrades are cordially Invited to meet with us. Fred Bates, Post Adjuiant ; U. r. .Mies, roes uommauuer KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Uawntiet WKlge Vn.17 Meets everv Wednesday eve ning at their hall over Bennet & Tutt's, all td are cordiallv invited to attend. M N Griffith, C C: Otis Dovey K of K and is. . - . . i e .it. a r w TVi ka iieer sernna anu iuuiiu Friday evenings in the month at IO 1) r Hall. .M v onaran, i-x , xi recordeJ. w-k i irnnTKHS 1 1 h kkh ki ;i , a nua oi rroiu J i nAaa Mn 4n meets the second and fourth Thursday eveniDgs of each month in th I'M. O. V. hall. Mrs. T. E. Williams, N. G. ; Mrs. John Cory, secretary. And the PRICES Are away down 1 H 5j CALL AND SEE I VI M VI w a M if. -CM? ) W rYEGREE OF HONOR Meets the nrst - and third Thrursday evenings of each . .v. : i n. k hall. Fitzgerald block. Mrs. Addie Smith, Worthy Sister of Honor Mrs. Nannie Uurkel, sister secretary. .mm i rmiw lie i n o F. meets ev ery Tuesday night at their hall In Fitzgerald block. All Odd Fellows are cordially invited to attend when visiting In tne city, cnris re ersen,r. w. ; r "'orn, occiciarj- . A. BOECK & C) FINE SHOES THEY A EE OFFERING A GTEAT MANY o- BARGAINS, .- IX LADIFS, MENS AND CHILDREXS SHOES. And it v"ould pay you to call and examine their special LOW PRICES That will be given for the next tQirty days. t OYAIj AKUANAM-Cass uonncu o zi, Meet at the K, of V. hall in the Parmele & CraiK block over Benneii c iuik, jiub 1 brethren invited. Henry Gerlng. Kegent; 1 Thos WaUing. Secretary. THE POSITIVE CURE. XLX XBOTHXRS. M Wsrren 9U, Nw Torts. PrtcafOets. v; W, President