The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 14, 1892, Image 4

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The Dedication of Tho Court
Houso to bo a Big Day.
Invitations will Sent to all Old Tim
ers. The Dance Last Evening
a Brilliant Alfair The
Prisoners Were Dis
The jjeiH-ral mi rniieinciit com.
fiiittt-e met lat niIit at Jude Kum-rtfjr'.-i
office, for the purpose of mak
ing further arrangement for the
U'(licatiou ceremonies, which prom
ises to Lea red letter lay in the his
tory of Cass county. The citizens jf
Cass coti.ity are all expected to he
present, hes.'dcs a large iitmiler liv
ing outsi.le ! the county, who were
either formerly mh'iiiImts of the Cass
coiiiily li;iror li.-n-e heen ideutilied
with it in the past. Following is a
list of those to be invited: Jei. II.
Lake, John C. Cowin, (eo. S. Smith
I. II. Wheeler, Ceo. Maguey, . II.'
Itallou, Jtrad Slaughter, ICJner S.
I i i ii ; I3-. of l)in,i!i;i; J. Sterling Mort
on, M. L. I lay ward. John C. Watson,
id Aehraska City; T. M. Nar.piette,
A. W. 1-iiM, S. I J. Pound. I II
Uroadj-, J. 1L Strode. K. II. Wooley,
it. J. l.ihmui, ?l. it. Reese, IX A
Campbell. Ceo. V. Covell. of Lin
coin; Samuel .Maxwell, Kremont; J.
M. Dorrmgton, All i;iuc; J. .M. Rohin-
Hon, A. . Crites, of Chadron; M. A.
Ilarlignii, Hastings; Ceo. W. Adams,
Weeping Water; T. I.. Norval, Sew-
ard; A. ?I. Post, Columbus; Heach
I. Iliiiiuian. .North I'latte; S. S. Allej-,
Wilbur; A. A. Lafierty, Ord; S. M.
Elbert, Denver; Win. Irwin, St. Paul
.Mayor Ihitler resigned from the
reception committee and lion. K
E. White and Hon. J. 1. Patterson
were added to the coinmitiee.
-viler a general conversation t!u
committee adjourned 10 meet sub
ject to the call of the chairman.
Frank Jiicknon arrived from Den
ver to-day.
Harry Smith is yiewing the
metropolin to-day.
I he ?l issouri river rained orer a
foot last night and is still rising'.
Mr. mid Mrn II. C. McMaken were
Omaha passengers this morning,
Mrs. J. I. Young has returned
home from Jueen City, Missouri.
A. E. Reinhackle came in from
Haverlock to attend the dance last
Reeves and Green, two of the base
ball boys, went up tQLiucolu this
Mrs. Ceo. IC. Dovey and daughter
ICthel.were Omaha passengers this
Miss Hattie Fulmer and Miss Ja
net Livingston went up to Omaha
this morning.
Mr.-. Wiley lilack departed this
morning for Maryville, Mo., for a
week's vi it.
Church Services.
First M. IC. church, Dr. L. F. Ilritt,
pastor. Suiidaj' school at 9:3G a. 111.
I reaching at 11 a. 111. and 8 p. m. IJ3
Kev. II II. O'Neal of Decatur, 111
Kpworth league will meet at 0:.'$0
p. 111. 111 the gallery of the church
All are cordially invited to attend
these services.
Trees Planter!
Count- Superintendent Noble has
furnished The Herald the follow
ing concerning At bor day:
I rees planted, fi'.O; shrubs, 73. Six
teen districts have fine natural
groves , twenty-five sent no report
and only one school in three ob
served the day. District To. 17
planted 117 trees, the largest num
ber planted by any one district
i-i -. , . .
1 nere are sun .v scnooi nouses 111
open, unsheltered places, in many
cases the grounds are 1111 fenced.
There is still room for Arbor day
A Svicessfu! Affair.
The tlance given by the Silver
Leaf Lodge International Order of
Machinists was iTpleasant ami sue
cessful aii'air. The boys were tome
what put out by the baud at Omaha
not putting in an appearance, but
the services of the Iioiiemiau band
w reengaged and the grand march
started about w n o'clock with ex
-ictly seventy couples participating
i he crowd 111 attendance last even
ing was the largest seen at a dance
in this city for some time. Several
were down from Omaha. Taking
everything in consideration the
dance was one of the most scccess
fnl ones of the season.
Discharged Them
Andrew lluckley and Lafe How
ard, the young men arrested in
Antelope county charged with
stealing- wheat last February, had
their preliminary hearing before
Judge Archer yesterday. County
Attorney Travis prosecuted, while
Mathew Cering defended. After
the prosecution had concluded the
testimony for the state, which was
given by Jasper Clausen and wife
and Clausen is a monumental
liar, not being able to tell the same
story twice, and his wife is not
much better Attorney Gering
made a motion to have IJuckley
discharged. The motion was sus
tained and the hearing of Howard
went on, but as the evidence failed
to prove conclusively that he was
the man, he was also discharged.
Attorney Cering is not sure just
;tt present, but thinks he will be
gin suit against S. Idyll for dam
ages caused by the arrest of Ihick-
State Leacrue Meetine.
The directors of the state base ball
league will meet in Hastings this
evening to arrange a new schedule
and admit the new member, Kearn
ey. The best proposition advanced
in regard to the change 111 the
schedule, and one which will obvi
ate the necessities of an entire new
schedule, is for Hea trice to plaj' Lin
coln's dates, Hastings play Heatrice
dates and Kearney to play the dates
assigned to Hastings 011 the regular
schedule. This arrangement would
not interfere with Grand Island's,
PLittsmouth's and Fremont's dates.
The accession of Kearney, will not
increase the mileage material-,
but will create a livelj- rivalry be
tween the three towns bunched out
Haskell, late of Grand Island, has
been appointed umpire, and will of
ficiate in Hastings as soon as the
clouds roll bj .
The Staid Old Missouri Becomes
Raging Torrent.
Hie Lincoln Journal says: The
erratic Missouri has not made un
her mind just what she will do up
in the region of Florence lake, but
there are signs of her cutting loose
and sweeping down through, the
out channel of remote ages. If she
does, the damage would be tre
mendous. As the case now stands
the river is higher than it has ever
been since the memorable snriiier
of 1SS1, when on April LV it reaeh.-d
in altitude of twenty-three feet and
nine and one-half inches above low
water mark. The river is now
eleven feet and three inches above
low water mark and risinir at the
alarming rate of eight inches an
hour. At this rate it will le.mire
but six or seven hours to briii"- it
on a level with the surface of Flor
ence lake, in which event
lanche of water would rush down
this narrow valley :m.i ...... ,,ir :..
v 11- 1111 iia
the twinkling of an eve almost the
whole surrounding country.
Large crowds of excited men and
anxious property holders are irath-
ered at the threatened point, hreat h-
lessly watching the inroads of the
current. Separating the extended
northern arm of the lake proper and
river bank is a space of not more
than fifty yards, and this is bein-
encroached upon with a veloeity
that will not require more than the
time above mentioned to turn the
raging waters of the river into the
channel cut years before the settle
mem 01 uie country. The opinion
prevailing among the men watch
ing the earth-annihilating torrent is
that it the rise continues until morn
ing the river will inevitablv be
plunged through the river Led, in
J I. a u t
which event me whole country from
the original west bank to the main
road running north , the railroad
bridge will surely be inundated. As
it is there is but a shadowy remnant
of the old time western river bed
bank left, a mere tracery of dwarf
willows, reeds and rice stalks.
Who can write the most words on a
new U. S. Postal Card
Tl)c 1'optilqi. ;md " vfiil-ic
Will Give trie Following Prizes on July 4th:
70 ' 0(1
103 (0
Real Estate Transfers
Following are the real estate
transfers for the past week as com
piled by Polk Uros., abstracters
and publishers of the Daily Record
C, Gauer and wife to J. Little ank
wife pt iivi of sw'A 5-12-12 $ 320 00
II. h. Pankonin anil wife to Clias.
Oaolmlsnn, lot 2tO ami pt lot 2f'
J. Lillieet nl to James WiMi, lots 1,
2 and 3, blk 3, Cedar Creek
J. Lillie to K. Inholde, lot 7 to 10-12.
blk 5 Cedar Creek
V. S.and I L. Wise to William Mac
key, lot 75-7i-77-73, Wise's add. to
American Exchange Hank to C. P.
Hall, pt of s3 of lot 1 blk 21, Elm-
w 1000 00
Kansas Town and Land Co. to L. C.
fc lCk UolT, lot 2, bl k 13, Murdock ...
L. M. Htitheson and wife to W. Sair-
er. lots 1 to 5. blk H. u nn1 a f
public spuare, Kock Blutls 25 13
II. Slack to k'icliey Bros., kit 4, blk 13
Kiclne l'lace add. to I'luttsinuuth. bll C'J
100 00
'The Witch."
Of "The Witch," to be presented
at the opera house Tuesday. May 17,
the dramatic critic of the Xew York
Herald said:
"I regret to saj- I missed the
opening a:t oi "The Witch." But
what I saw of it impressed me ver
lavorably. It is an effort which re
nects tne 'vreatest credit rn
authors, and with a little revision
might, I think, be made as worthy
in a literary sense as it uiiquestion
lbly is Irom a dramatic standpoint.
It deals with an intervstiii"- sub
Z A 1 - i
jen a suojeet winch gives scope
tor lioiiesv actnii'-. nictnrpniii
tage setting and good writ in"-.
The grim old stories of the witch
finders of Salem have a historic
'.hor my own part, hardened
playgoer though I am. I confess I
watched each scene with deeo and
childlike interest. I entered into
every hope and fear of the heroine,
1 trembled when she trembled and
rejoiced when she escaped. When
a urama lias this effect on a critic it
has the right s'.uff in it. "The
Witch" may not be perfect, but it is
the best work of its kind, by lonr
ouas, i have seen in Xew York."
This ;is undoubtedly the best at
traction ot the season and should
be greeted by a packed house.
A Nice Spring Suit.
A Nice Leather Satchel.
Two Nice Shirts.
Every word must be written with pen and ink.
Every word must be readable with the naked eye,
And must be written in sensible sentences.
Send all
Postal Cards to
One Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb
No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892.
Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person
JOE, the Popular Clothier,
lhere will be a business meetine
of the Local Union Y. P. S. C. K. at
the Presbj terian church. I3' order
of the president.
On account of the wet weather the
parade of F. J. Tavlor's circus was
not made as advertised. Two per
formances will be given.
Key. II. II. O'Xeal and wife of
Decatur, 111., is visiting with the
family of K. H. Windham over Sun
day. Kev. O'Xeal will ocennv the
M. K. pulpit to-morrow morning.
TT' ...
we wish our patrons to take no
tice that we will move about the
lirst ot next mouth to the room for
merly occupied by J. linle' John
son. tf Hexxett & TlTTT.
500 0
l."0 0t
A Pleasant Gatherinsr.
f r was a h
ppy crowd that gath-
t red at the commodious residence
of ex-Commissioner John Clements
hist Saturday evening to do honor
to ?Irs. Clements' h ft3'-second anni
versary. The guests, numbering
nearly seventy-live, cameiu reponse
to an invitation given hy Mr. Clem
ents, entirely unknown to his wife.
To her it was one of tho.-e pleasant
surprises belter known to thoe
who have been the recipient of such
exhibited friendship. .Mrs. Minnie
Clements and Mrs. IJelle Church
prepared the refreshments for the
occasion, which were delicious and
palateable to the most fastidious
epicurean. being supplemented
wujs eiiiiH t . i ii iiiivi 1.1 tain. mi;
veiling was spent in games and
. - . . ii.. :..f..l....l ; n4
Jraslnoiiable gatherings. As the
Kinds of the clock n eared Sunday
he fjuests prepared to go, only re
gretting that time had sped so
m'cklv by. Uefore the c-atherinir
Sispersed Kev. C. II. Gilmore offered
I r r i. : - ,1 :..:..
worn oi prayer, involving unmc
pprobation upon her in whose
nnnrthi.4 o-atherinir was instituted.
iddinir her many returns of pleas-
nt anniversaries. Echo.
J'..Ln" and wif-' to ! Lynn, pt blk
t,'l-"lon loot)
J,1Ly?,'1J','-,, F- I. Carper, lots 18 in
2 blk S Ltnoti 105CJ
C II. leileman arid wife to K. E
milieu. ot sw'4 H-11.9 ZX0 to
J. Vj. umi to C. II. Wiedetnan, nei
n llJ i 3X) (X"
I). A. PiitiinT niifl ;. n w m.
or, half interest in n3 of'nwij ti-H-9 40l!0 00
. -viton to . a. Alton, lot 4. 1,1k 21
ivlmwotxl 5, , (3
Dennis McIIugh, .the blacksmith
on l'earl stret, suffered a paralytic
siroKe yesterday afternoon. He has
been complaining for some time
that he was not feeling well. About
4:J0 yesterday afternoon he went
home and is now confined to his bed
his whole left side being helpless.
A familj' row in the northwestern
pari 01 the ot- occurred not lono-
ago between a couple who have not
been married very lontr. wher-iM
the female part of the house admin
istered a dose of broomstick to her
spouse and then left him to keep
nouse ior Himself..
j. .a. otitsche et al vs. Albert N.
bullivan is the title of a netition ;
error filed yesterday in the supreme
court, xne case is the one in
wincn MUlivan sued the city for
professional services and obtained
a judgment. The city appealed the
Xew potatoes at P. J. Hansen's
grocery store on Sixth street. Call
and see them.
A Wild Goose nhaco
Yesterday afternoon a nart of
iresuman zoological class of the
high school went pigeon huntino-
Hearing tnat iIiss Grace U'slW
had an overabundant sunnlv of
the desired birds at her home n fw
miles south of town, they decided
to make the raid in that vicinitv
So Mr. Luke Wiles, who is always
very obliging on such occasions,
lurnishcd a team and lumber
wagon. After reaching the farm
the hunters made straight for the
pigeons. hen most of them had
been frightened away a raid on the
nests began. The boys proved to
be the most merciful hunters, as
they, 011 hndiur a vouiif nim.
without feathers, and two e"-- re
turned them to their nests, while
one young lady (who is reported to
have used salt, as she was serti
with some awhile before) triumph
antly carried off the tail feathers of
a pigeon, while the other girls
sported feathers in their hats.
After eating apples and picking
crab-apple blossoms the company
started for home, arriving within
the city limits as the town clock
struck 6.
Of course, the above is strictly
private, but things will leak out
The hunters were: Kose Hyers,
iiaud. Kennie, Tillie Vallerv. Kdith
and Kdna Shipman, Bessie Walker,
.Blanche Kennedy, Lrura Gault.
Grace Walker, Luke Wiles. Toseoh
Knotts and Sam Escher.
Shiloh's catarrh rpmprlv a ri;
itive cure Catarrh. LHnhtheria nnH
, . 1 . - .
i-MMMT momii. ior sale by f . G
Frirke& Co
T. II. Pollock. Aent.
Ask your dealer to show vnn
where the Msnlinp cmpa fr...
the tank to the burner and then go
and see the Dangler Surprise. For
sale by Ileudee.
Uuy the best and nothimr but the
best and you will have a Dangler
burprise stove. Ilendee sells them
2 5 : 17 p. m.
- 10:aa. 11:.
8 7 ; 44 p, m
fo. 10 9 :45 a. m.
0, 6 r :25 a. n.
Not 3 :45 a
o. 3:4S
o. -i u -n.'i u
N O. 7 K .17
. . ' '
4 :1( u. m
o,91 7 :15 a. m.
lIshnpH fvtm lootrao r . . . 1 . ... .
u A.y a iiiriiiL :iiii win aniiiniwwif a
iCn.rru . vUrt Lc
The Place to Buy
0,3S'l ' jirnv,
Trains daily except f-'unday.
. .10:55 a. in.
1 . 4 ;00 p. in.
o v x Yds rf Km ...t h.:.j t';
, t --fc .1.1. iiiKt 1.111111 r n
f l:i v ,1't 1 1 1 1 r . . ( . . . . 1 . ... . . . - .
.'1.11. Iilllh & HrillV 'J . I . I 1. ' . 1
Cx -lcConiliie l"ot So. 45 meets every
.,,. i i..w 111 mcir nail 111
Kockwood Monk All i-iuiri... .1
coidiallv invited to r:eet with us. Fred Bates,
, vr. r. iics, i-oei coinmadder.
T"xic;nTs op pytiiias nnvmiivi ri,
.--- r ri , triirirtia v eve
nin at their liall overliennet & Tutt's, all
l?.lLlllf Kill LrMTSl ur rrkrrli.ill.r i.. I A . .
- - " ' v.. 11.1. Ill . 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 f
attend. M A Grifiith. c otu Tv v w f
i- o ' j - "
(111U V7.
A I " v 'n Hi Mf n.i
r- . . vwini um 10111 III
hruiQv a ; 41.. 1. a. w a v
OFJIall. M Voriflnm M - W 1
II. C. McMaken & Son are now
prepared to deliver ice to anj' part
of the citj-. Telephone No. 72.
If in need of a good pair of
tacles go to Gering & Co.
T. H. Pollock, Agent,
Reduced Bates.
The lirst annual meeting of the
Nebraska conference of the Kpworth
Leaarue meets at Lincoln. Mav
The B. & M. will sell tickets south
of the Platte river to Lincoln. Mav
10-16 inclusive. Part ies navino- full
tare going will be returned at one
third fare on nresentino- cerHfirato
at ticket olhce at Lincoln, sierned by
c. v . jiuuon. uavia Litv.
J. Fkaxcis.
Gen. P. and T. Agt.
ntOKhfc i.ih IIOXOR Meets the lirst
and third 111 ruruH ' r ; . ,.t.
niontli 111 I. o. (. F. hall. Fitzgerald tkck.
vt Xdlie. 'rith, Worthy Sifter of Honor
Dannie unrKel, sister secretary.
(,ASs LODGE. No. 14C. I. O. O. F. meer.s t-v-
ry Tuesday nipbt at their hail in Fit7erald
Jlock. All Odd Fellow are cordiallv invited
to attend when visittni; In tile city. Ccris Fet
ersen. n. (. . ; s. OfDorn, Secretarj".
IJOVAL AKUANAM Cec Council No 1021.
Meet at the K, of f. hail in the Parmele &
Craitr block over lienneit & Tutte, visiring
iiicinicn inviit-u. iicury ier:nir, iteKent
Thos Wallinfj;, Secretary.
(-a?- CAiir- No. 332 M. W. A. meets everv
f-ecorui ana l-ourtli Alonday ev-niniis in
- ii.scmm na.i. n.-iunu' iifcinooi-f welcome
t Hansen, . u. : r. erten beruer, W. A.,
o. v . oue. vierK.
Snnn rtf
Teleohone Xo. 72 for
- ' CU1U"
mers ice.
Weather permitting, the ball team
will leave for Lincoln in the morn
Wall Paper
House Paint
Is what you want next and in
this line as in all others we are
Headquarters. When you want
either of. these call in and see
us before buying.
M K HA I . if h I? fAri Tr rr.
- " ... - t.;i..ii vr in aAA J
o. a. uiee , every 1 uexuay ingnt at 7 'J0 o'clock
in their hall in FitiKerald block. All sons and
visiting comrades are cordially invited to meet
with us J. J. Kurtz, Commander ,- B. A. .Vc
tiwain, isi seargent.
rAUHTEi:s OF KEBEC'CA fcud of Prom -f-
i-e Lodge No. 40 meetc the second and
fourth Thursday evenings of each month in
Ihp lft O -' hall ILTmi T C -VI
Or. ; Mrs. John Cory. Secretary.
-JRDKK OK THE WOKLIJ. Meets at 7 : 30
evrT Mnnnav pvpninp at rh rranil Amr
hall. A. F. Groom, president, Thos Walling,
Call on
Plattsmouth - " - Nebraska.
I wish to f pecinlly recommend.
It if absolutely nafe.
ment plan as cheap a9 for cash.
on easy monthly payments. Come
in and examine my anti-rust tin.
ware which is warranted not to rust
for one year. If at anr time vri.
want anything new that we do not
happen to have in stock we can r
it for you on two days' notice.
42 1 Maln-St., Plattsmouth