The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 13, 1892, Image 4

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    nuvui 111L, flLl-lHnUL.
Powers and Burrows Trying
to Down Old Van.
A Prominent Cass County Alliance
Man Goes to Nebraska City and
Is Interviewed. His Tale
of Woe. Otner Lo
cal News.
There was a Cass county politi
cian in town yesterday, who has
not a little to do in the inner circle
of the alliance movement. In the
courHe of hin conversation with
gentleman of well known reputa
tion he divulged Home lactH tha
are? of interest to all who are lipur
inir at all upon the result of the
coming- fight in this state. Asa
know, it is most certainly to be a
three-cornered contest. The alii
ance party perhaps played its best
card at the last election, and will
never poll as strong a vote again
The seeds of dissatisfaction from
which the party rew hare ripened
and Mowed themselves again, and
are bringing forth much the same
kind of fruit. Thus the parly is
broken into fractions that grov
onlv more inimical as the fight
comes nearer, and personal preju
dices grow more marked.
There is no doubt the railroads
will play a strong and active part
this summer in the councils of the
alliance party. There is no moie
likelihood of an alliance leader
taking up arni9 against a force that
will cclain'y overwhelm him than
there is of leaders of any other
party. The railroads will guard
their rights as t-crupulously as any
one else. This some alliance lead
ers see. and. while Ihlreling for
office, are very little inclined to
proclaim themselves so unreserv
edly as heretofore rabid auli
The gentleman mentioned above
is quoted as saying in the couree of
his digressions into the realm of
"The o'd fight between Jayliur-
rows and C. II. Van Wyck promises
to be renewed this year with all the
bitterness of personal hatred. I
have it on good authority that Bur
rows is trying to persuade the dif
ferent leaders in the state that his
old opponent inlying up with the
railroad interests of the slate in or
der to secure his election in case he
be nominated on the alliance ticket
for governor. lie gives it out that
the ld man has promised the rail
road manages that he will not
continue his old taciics6f opposi
tion to rai! roads in case he is
. elected. This, Burrows goes on to
say, is a direct breach ,of the anii
rnonopoPetic policy of the alliance
pa'ly. ,
"Senator Van V3xk denies this
report most emphatically, yet he
does not disguise the fact that he is
being fiercely opposed by both
Burrows and Powers. He says he
. dtauds as firmly as ever on the ant!
raonopoly platform of the pany."
"It is a fact that Powers is making
a strong tight for the gubernatorial
candidacy. He is certainly work
ing hard to get the nominaLioa and
lias a good ally in Jay Burrows.
They are making a thorough can
vass of the state on the quiet and
will certainly present a formidable
front to the Van Wyck taction."
Nebraska City Press.
Fee of Days.
One of the most extensive loan ex
hibitions our western country has
eTer seen will be opened in the new
building of the Young Men's Chris
tian Association of Lincoln, Fiiday,
.May 20, and w'U continue to and in
eluding Wednesday, Junel. Several
thousand rare and valuable, as well
a.- interesting articles, will be ex
hibited, arranged under the follow
ing departments: " Ar:, Bric-a-brac,
Colonial, EducKl'ouai, Floral, Grand
Army, German, Oriental and Swed
ish. An entertainment will be given
in the concert hall each evening e.t-cr-.-tl
Thursday. Nearly tour 1117:1-
died of the represeniat ve ladies of
Lincoln will have charge of the ex
hibit "0.1, the object of which is to
r.!i,e money for the Association
building. A fee of twenty-five cents
will be charged, which will give ad
mission to everything except the
entertainments. These will be ten
cents extra.
A rate of one fare and one-third
for the round trip, upon the certifi
cate plau.S has been secured from
the railroads. Tickets will be good
from IMay 17 to June 4 from any
point in Nebraska within one hun
dred miles of Lincoln, y
This is a rare chance for our read
ers to visit Lincoln and see the
beautiful Association building and
loan exhibition for a small sum.
JFor further information address.
G. W. PARKS, Lincoln.
Telephone No. 7i for your sum
jner's ice. .
The machinists dance to-night at
Rockwood Hall.
F. J. Taylor's circus will exhibit
in this city to-morrow.
Gay, the poetoffice burglar, will
have his hearing Monday.
The young men arrested in Ante
lope county for stealing wheat, are
haying their preliminary hearing
before Judge Archer to-day.
Jas. Pattick got gloriously full
last night and this morning he
made his appearance before Judge
Archer, and oaid a fine of $5 and
, M-
The premium list of the Nebraska
State Fair, to be held in Lincoln
from September 2 to 9 has just been
nrinted and is now being distrib-
uted over the state.
reserved seat tickets are now on
sale for "The Witch," at the Water
man next Tuesday night by the
Fro h ma 11 company, with Marie
Hubert Frohman in the title role.
Price, 75 cents. Don't miss this
rare treat.
Mrs. A. N. Burris, wife of Al Bur
ris, died last night at 0:) at her
home on Wintirstein Hill. She
leaves a husband and two small
children to mourn her loss. The
funeral will take place from the
Caihob'c church Sunday afternoon
at 2 o'clock.
The continued rainy weather has
interfered with rehearsala for
"Jephthah" at Glenwood and Mrs.
Clappe has sent a request for post
ponement of the choral union re
hearsal to one week from next Mon
day and the private lessons until
theTueday following.
The base ball boys start to-morrow
morning for Lincoln where
they play Saturday and Sunday.
Monday and Tuesday they will
be at Beatrice. THE Hebald pre
dicts that if they are not at the
top of the percent column they will
be in the second notch.
Claus Brekenfeld said to-day that
he wanted to regisier a vigorous
kick agaiast the electric light com
pany. Mr. Brekenfeld says that
during cloudy days it is so da -ft in
his aiore toward eveuintr as to
nearly suspend business, while
when the sun is shining the lights
burn aU r-ght. He said he couldn't
see why the management couldn't
start up a Title earlier on cloudy
days, as it would be a great benefit
to tnelr pal: ons.
The residence of John Seablooni,
south-west of town, was struck by
Jlghtu'ug last Wednesday night.
The plasie'Iag was torn from the
house, the piano cover was burned
on the p?aio sad a paper which Mr.
Seabloom. was reading was lorn in
pieces. Mr. and Mrs. Seabloom
were snocuea, rema niag uncon
scious ior about ten mini! es. It
was very lucky that they escaped
wiih their lives and that the house
was not burned. Mr. aad Mrs. Sea
bloom a :e to be congratulated and
should consider themselves very
ucky indeed. Weeping Water Re
Over 123 manufacturers, located
n all parts of Nebraska, have unit
ed their forces and will make an ex
hibit of their manufactured goods
at) Omaha Jfrom June 11 to 22. In
addition to showing their goods
they will drry on ia many cases
the actual work of manufacturing
and visitors will be enabled to see
made, barb-wire, soap, pearl buttons
brooms. Jlin cars, overalls, shirts
and other articles of clothing, shoes
ubber stamps,, hats, paper boxes
and many other kinds of gooes.
Several hundred men and g: Is will
be employed in carrying on the
work of manufacturing and operai-
ng the various machines.
List of Letters
Rema"nlngu.ic:ain:ed in thepost-
oaiceat Plallsmouth:
Ayers, J Ben
Adams, Mrs K O
Kalasek, Jos
Kerr, John
McGlone, J M
Miller, Fannie
Moss. J W (1)
Marrion.Mrs Charles
Nickels, Maud
Osborn, Mrs E
Price, M rs Jane
Perry, Jamerf
Smith, Charles
Sanders, Jasper
Stern. Anna E
Sanson, Ettie
Travers, Kobert tit
Taylor, B E
Wark, Harry
Brown, Abbie
Berr, Bert
Iiurnell. Mrs JIattle
Bale. I E ('-')
Becker, Peter
Co'e, WUber
demons, John
Clay, Thomas
Clary, Orrel
Funkhouser, Jos A
Harden, E E
Hansen, Ed
J nes, Xelsoti
Jones, Win
Jobnston, Sarah
Walker, Louie
Persons calling for an- of the
above will please ask for "adver
tised" mail. H. J. Stkeight, P. M.
It Should be in Every House.
J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps
burg, Pa., says he will not be with
out Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
that it cured his wife who was
threatened with Pneumonia after
an attack of "La Grippe," when
various other remedies and several
physicians had done her no good.
Robert Barber, of Cocksport, Pa.,
claims Dr. King's New Discovery
has done him more good than any
thing he ever used for Lung
Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it.
Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke A
Co's drugstore. Large bottle, 50c
and $1.00.
C. W. Sherman Olvon a Curtain. Lao
tura -His Morbid Desire to
Use Other People's Walk.
Ing sticks.
C. W. Sherman of the Plattsmouth
Journal, was a visitor in our city last
week, and a little circumstance that
happened while here is probably so
stamped upon his memory that he
will never forgel it. For full fifteen
minutes he was lreated to volley
after volley of the most sarcastic
language that an irate person could
utter and he then was allowed to go
and ruminate over the matter and
wipe the perspiration off that had
gathered on his brow during the
trying ordeal.
Mr. Sherman as usual, stopped a
the Gibbon house and after dinner
spying a cane in the office appro
priated the same and proceeded on
his way down the street The owner
of that cane, Mr. Perry, who is visit
ing relatives here, after dinner fail
ing to find his cane started out on
search. Well, he met Sherman and
the conversation thit passed be
tween them, though not printed in
full, was about as follows:
Mr. P. Do you make a practice o
carrying off other people's canes?
Mr. S. No sir. 1. 1
Mr. P. Did vou have a cane of
your own, sir?
Mr. S. No sir, I
Mr. P. I thought not, you look
like a man that would take anything
vou cou Id la v vour hands on. Where
do you live?
Mr. S. Plattsmouth.
Mr. P. I thought so, you look like
I imagine a person would who came
from there. Have you paid your
Mr. S. No, but I've got the money
to pay it with.
Mr. P. I doubt it, and if you have
I question how you get it. Jt must
be after the manner you took pos
session of my cane.
Mr. S. O well, I have several
canes in my oflice that the boys use
and then return.
Mr. P. I suppose you procured
them the same as you did mine.
And in this manner did he score
him until Mr. Sherman looked as
thoniT-h he would like to crawl in a
hole and pull the hole in after him
and when he did make his escape
he proceeded to settle his b'll at the
Gibbon, not as Le.-eiofore, by send
ing his paper, but he paid cash.
Weeping Water Republecan.
"The Witch."
The LouisvUe (Ky.) Courier
Journal, in speaking of the produc
tion of "The Wiich ' in that ci.y,
"The Witch" was presented at
Macauley's Iheaier last night to a
fairly large audience, over whom
the play excited a strange and pow
erful charm. The play is certainly
a departure from the beaten paths,
and the authors in seeking for
original material discovered and
utilized it with skill, judgment and
taste. They bare put upon the
stage a page from the early history
of those narrow, intolerant, but
rugged, energetic and indomitable
people who settled New England
and established her etisloms in a
bold and vivid setting. The spec
tator is transported to the streets of
Salem, in the rude and simple
days when the stern usages of the
blue laws were in their vigor; when
a lass was put in the pillory for
kissing her sweetheart on Sunday;
when the common scold was doused
under the town pump; when the
sunshine of the heavens fomid no
reflection in the hearts of the men
and women, and before the black
and horrid hand of supersutton
had been lifted from the vigorous
but narrow undei standings of the
Puritans. The play catches the
color of the surroundings ana
draws the listener willingly or not
toward its denouement.. The cen
tral character, the accused witch, is
thoroughly human, and the story is
so well constructed as to raise an
eager interest in her fate. The im
personation of this role by Miss
Marie Hubert Frohman possesses a
singular charm. As the fragile,
pure and artless young girl, who
has been reared in the forest by
Father Ambrose, she inspires a
gentle and fender regard, which
subsequently quickens pity and
sympathy aad r;pens in;o warm af
H. E. Pankonin of Louisville, is
n the city to-day.
Fred Murphy, of Cedar Creek, is
in the city to-da3
Prof. McClelland went up to
Omaha this morning.
Geo. Mattison of South Bend, had
business in the city to-day.
Traveling Engineer Bob Smith
was in the city this morning.
A. B. Perrie, master mechanic at
Wymore, was in the city over
Mrs. T. F. Marshal's sister from
the east arrived this morning and
will visit at her sisters home near
Who can write the most words on
new U. S. Postal Card
Will Give the Following Prizes on July 4th:
1. A Nice Spring Suit.
2. A Nice Leather Satchel.
3. Two Nice Shirts.
Send all Postal Cards
JOK, The One
No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892.
Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person.
JOE, the Popular Clothier, -
Opera Corner,
We wish our patrons to tnlre i?o
tir that we will moe ar out ?ne
first of next month to the room for
merly occupied by J. Fmley jolin-
son. tt BESStn a
The M. R. C. club gave a very
pleasant dance last evening at Rock-
wood hall.
Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi
tive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and
Canker mouth. For sale by F. O.
Fricke & Co
T. H. PoIXOCK. Agent.
Ask your dealer to show you
where the gasoline goes to irom
the tank to the burner and then go
and see the Dangler Surprise. For
sale by Hendee.
Buy the best and nothing but the
best and you will have a Dangler
Surprise stove. Hendee sells them.
H. C. McMaken & Son are now
prepared to deliver ice to any part
of the city. Telephone No. 72.
Why will you cough when Shi
loh's cure will give immediate re-
ief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts. and l
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Cc
For Sale Two desirable resi
dence lots in Orchard Hill addition
to Plattsmouth. within a block of
the Missouri Pacific depot. For
particulars call on or address THE
i 1 t
11EKAU) omce. "
Jt in neei of a good pair ot spec
tacles go to Gering &. Co.
T. II. Pollock, Agent,
Reduced Rates.
The first annual meeting of the
Nebraska conference of the Kpworth
League meets at Lincoln, May 13-16.
The B. & M. will se'l tickets south
of the Platte river to Lincoln, May
?0 16 inclusive. Pari03 paying full
fare go;ng will be returned at one-
third fare on presenting certificate
at ticket oTce at Lincoln, signed by
W. Abbott, David City.
J. Francis,
Gen. P. and T. Agt.
Wall Paper
House Pamt
Is what you want next and in
this line as in all others we are
Headquarters. When you want
either of these call in and see
us before buying.
Every word must be written with pen and ink.
Every word must be readable with the naked eye,
And must be written in sensible sentences.
Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb
Not... 3 :4ft a.
No. 6 3 :4S u.
No. 2 5 : 17 P. M,
iNo. 4 10 :34 a. ir.
No. 8 7 ;44 p. m
No. 10 5 : 4ft a. m.
No, 6 12 25 a. u,
No. 5 :on a. in.
no. 7 ft -lT p fli.
No. 0 4 :40 p, m.
No, 91 7 :)5a. m.
Piishnell's extra leaves for Omaha about two
o'clock for Omaha and will accommodate pas
No. 384 Accomodation Leave? I0:ftft a.
No.3M arrives 4 ;00 p.
Trains daily except Funday.
U W Xo8 Meet fi rsPandthlrd Kri
day evenine of each month at I O O K
nail, f rank vermyiea w ; J , uarvrica.
GA. ICMcConihie r"oet No. 45 meets every
Saturday evoning at 7 : 30 In tbeir Hall in
Rockwood block. All visiting comrades ar
cordially invited to ueet -with us. Fred Kates.
Voat Adjniant ; ti. F. Niles, Post Commadder.
Xo-47. Meets everv Wednesday eve
ning at tlieir hall over flennct & Tutt's, all
vixitiner kniehtx are cordially invited to
attend. M N Griflitli, c C: Otis Dovey K of
K and S.
AO 17 V Xo W Meet second and fourth
Friday eTf ninen in the month at I O
O F Hall. M Vondran, M W, E I Hrown,
fAEGKEE OF HOXOR Meets the first
- sirirl tliirri TlinirwlavpveniriL's of each
month in I. O. O. K. hall, Fitzgerald block.
Mrs. Addie Smith, Worthy Sister of Honor
Mrs. Xannie Burkel, sister secretary.
OASS LODGE, No. 146.1. O. O. F. meets ev
sry Tuesday night at their hall in Fitzgerald
t)lock. All Odd Fellows are cordially invited
w attend when visiting in tte city. Chris Pet
eren, N. G. ; 8. F. Osborn, Secretary.
AROANAM CtfH Council No 1021,
Meet at the K, of P. hall in the Parmele &
Craid block over Bennett & Tutte, visinni?
brethren invited. Henry Gerinjj. Regent;
Thos Walling, Secretary.
CAS- CAMP No. 332 M. W. A. meets every
second and Fourth Monday ev-nings in
Fitzgerald ha'l. Vipifine neiehbors welcome.
P.C. Hansen, V. C. : 1'. Wertenbenrer, W. A.,
8. C. Wilde. Clerk
Sons of Veterans, division of Nebraska, U
S. A. meet every Tuesday night at 7 -.30 o'clock
In their hall in Fitlgerald b'ock. All sons and
visiting comrades are cordially invited to meet
with us J.J. Kurtz, Commander ; B. A. AJc
Elwain, 1st Seargent.
l T.nrift No. 4n meets the secontf-and
fourth Thursday evenings of each month in
the IIO. O. V. hall. Mrs. T. E. Williams, N.
G. ; Mrs. John Cory. Secretary.
ardee OF THE WORLD. Meets at 7 : 3
every Monnay evening at the Grand Army
hall. A. F. Groom, president, Tnos waning.
Call on
Plattsmouth - - Nebraska.
jE'la.ttrra.o - vn.tla..
The Place to Buy
I wish to specially recommend.
It is absolutely uafe.
ment plan as cheap as for cash,
on easy monthly payments. Come
in and examine my anti-rust tin
ware which is warranted not to rust
for one year. If at any time you
want anything new that we do not
happen to have in stock we can get
it for you on two days' notice.
4-2 1 Maln-St.. Plattsmouth