The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 06, 1892, Image 2

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- n-"x 3
Mn. C'iMiiiln and Mn. Turatr, or ttjirla,;
fleld. Ma.. Have Had lAtt orfuo In;
Their Lives lterauae f Thlr-Of-t hf
eublanee Mra. CiHtmbi' Story.
Similarity in facial appearance nan of
ten rc-sultl in mistaken identity with
the subject of this sketch, Mrs. Levi T.
Cooinlw and Mrs. J-iah Turner.
Tliese estimable women are twins:
their maiden names were Frances Arro
tte and Fl:rella Antoinette Foms. It
will J olwt P.'d that their initials were
the same, tiie middle name being
fitowed on the promise of a iiearl neck
lace for each.
The Fs twins were the daughters of
Dr. Simeon Foss, a Maine physician of
the old school and a Mason of high de
ffree. They were burn in Belfast, Me.,
iov. 22, 1H25. Frances made her debut
in this world half an hour before her sis
ter. At Paris Hill they went to school with
the late Hannibal Hamlin, ex-vice presi
dent of the United States.
ranees married the late Levi I. j
Coombs, who held the position of deputy ;
sheriff of Androscoggin county, in the '
town of Lisbon, twenty -one years. j
Florella married Josiah Turner, now
dead, who also lived in the town of Lis- i
boa. Both have been school teachers
and inseparable companions. Their
mother died when they were 214 years
of age.
It is difficult to distinguish one from
the other, and the photographer who
took their pictures persisted that Flo
rella had just been in the room when, in
fact, it was her sister who had been
Frances has given birth to six chil
dren, all of whom are dead but two
Walter Coombs, of this city, and Simon
Coombs, now mail agent on the Maine
Central railroad.
Mrs. John Staples, of Charlestown.
and Charles E. Turner, of Lawrence,
are the only living children of Florella.
who had three in all.
The height of the twins is exactly the
same, and twelve years ago they weighed
just 200 pounds apiece.
Singularly, when one would fall away
in weight the other would do the same.
Their aggregate weight at present is 300
These duplicate sisters think alike, act
alike and have never adopted different
characteristics of dress to avoid mis
takes of identity. Often one has worn
the other's shoes, while years ago their
money came from one pocket book, and
it did not matter which one carried it.
"Mistaken identity was almost a daily
occurrence with us in our younger
days," remarked Frances a few days
ago. "My father always called ns 'girls.
and neither of us ever addressed tl:e
other by our given names. We called
each other 'sister' instead.
"The reason why father never ad
dressed us by our given names wus due
to the fact that he was always uncertain
which was which.
"After we were married people ad
dressed use by my sister's new name so
often that I declare 1 got puzzled my
self once, and couldn't for the life of mo
tell whether my name was Turner or
"Wo took our first ride on a railway
train at eighteen years of age. We never
had seen the cars before. At that time
we were living in Lisbon and drove
down from there in a chaise to Portland.
When we alighted at Saco the depot
closely resembled the one in Portland,
and 1 stuck to it that it went with us.
"One time in church Judge Chainber
lin was sitting in my sister's jiew. My
seat was just ahead of him. When 1
came in he mistook me for my sister,
and politely arose and stepped into the
aisle to let me into my sister's 6eat.
"My husband often mistook my sister
for myself. To illustrate how easily he
was funded, I will recall the time when
I dropped into my husband's store to
pay him a call. Judge Chamberlin sat
there, and f knew him well, but my sis
ter didn't.
"As I entered leisurely my husband
said. 'Come in, Mrs. Turner, and be
seated." 1 kept a straight face as long as
1 could until he had introduced me to
the judge,, when a smile on my face let
the cat out of the bag, and then my
husband discovered that he had intro
duced his wife instead of Mrs. Turner.
"When we lived in Minot we studied
French under Parson Jones. One day 1
had a perfect lesson and sister did not
know her's. We . shifted around, and
the parson mistook me for sister and I
recited the lesson for her and no one was
the wiser. ' ' " . .....
"We used to attend parties in my
younger days, and on one occasion, when
the fellows come in after the girls, 1
started off with sister's fellow and got
quite a piece with him before I told him
he was mistaken and had better go back
after his girl.
"Once at dusk Mr. Coombs was going
home from the store. He saw my sister
on the other . side of the street and
thought it was L Florella had a bun
dle under her arm which he mistook for
a baby. ' My husband thought it strange
that 1 was , out at that time with my
baby, and said to a clerk that he be
lieved Frances was 'crazy and going to
drown that baby. . , ... . . r , ,
"I used to fool my children sometimes
after they had- got to .be quite large.
Whenever I wanted to go away my sis
ter would ;come over to my house, put
on one of my dresses and stay with the
children till 1 got back, and they would
not . know, the diffence."-pringfield
Cor. Boston Globe. i :
Unfortunate HanlUaaon.
Mr. Ilankinson Here are some choco
late creams, Johnny. Do you think Miss
-Zrcne will be down-soon?-
Johnny (after stowing them away se
curely) Yes. sisll lie. down party soon,
3 reckon. 1 wish it was you, Mr. Hank
duson, sis was ffoin to marry instead of
that stingy old Snagsford. Chicago
Tribune. ' ' .
An Amateur IVrrormer.yiu .JjuIajAd
l'.m Following tlia'Clne.
It is not often that professional iwjtors
get' mix"d, , jap in amateur theatricals,
but "'when they do, as a rule, their lives
are "made miserable, until the affair is
over. i A few yt'arsago a young wom
an, who was one of the reigning belles
of the Four Hundred in this city, wrote
a romantic play, plentifully sprinkled
with singing and dancing. She read the
play to her intimate friends, and they
one and all unanimously declared that
it should be produced at one of the the
aters where amateur jerformances are
held, and that the author should play
the part of the heroine. After much
coaxing the lady consented. The play
was called "Kismet." The cast was se
lected from among the best amateurs,
the leading man being the head and
front of them. The scene of the play
was laid in Turkey, in the garden and
palace of the sultan. The plot was
hinged on the abduction of two beauti
ful girls and their final rescue.
A clever professional stage manager
was engaged at a big salary and re
hearsals began. Everything went along
as smoothly as could be expected until
the last rehearsal, which took place on
the morning of the day appointed for the
production, when a note was hastily de
livered to the stage manager saying that
the leading lady and author had lost her
oice completely, and that her physician
had ordered her not to leave the house.
She was very sorry, but advised that a
professional actress be engaged to take
her place. Here was "a pretty kettle of
fish" how to get an actress at so short
a notice. The costumes must be fitted
and the part learned before 7 p. m. The
manager thought of a friend of his, Mrs.
Addie Plunkett, Charles Plunkett's wife,
who had just closed her season with
I . .,-rence Barrett and who was then at
Luerty. He sent for her and requested
her to return with the messenger. She
did so, and after a long talk with the
stage manager consented to rehearse the
part. She was nervous, of course.
In the garden pcene her sister's lover
has discovered her hiding place and
they are having a loving interview, the
heroine remaining on the lookout for
interruptions, which may occur in the
form of the sultan's servants, which
would mean death to the intruder. At
a certain cue the heroine rushes up to
her sister's nance and tells him to "Fly!
fly for your life some one approaches!"
and the lover is pushed through a wick
et and escapes. Mrs. Plunkett rehearsed
the scene carefully and told the leading
man that in case she should forget to
say all the lines she would make him
understand when it was time for him to
make itis exit. Thus it was settled be
tween them. Evening came, and the
time for the curtain to be rung up ar
rived. Most of the performers had stage
fright, one fair amateur declaring that
she had entirely forgotten her lines and
was sure that she would faint from
sheer fright.
The performance began and Mrs.
Plunkett struggled bravely through her
part, dropping an occasional speech now
and then, but with professional tact she
covered up her mistakes 60 that the au
dience was none the wiser. When the
garden scene was reached the lover ap
peared in good time and she stood guard
until the proper cue was given. It came
all right, but, alas for Mrs. Plunkett, she
had forgotten her lines. When she heard
the sultan's guard approach she rushed
to the lover and said, "Away! begone!"
but she received no response from that
gentleman. She pushed him and tried
to get him to go through the wicket, as
agreed upon, but he refused to budge an
inch, and said to her in a stage whisper,
"Say 'Fly! fly!'" but Mrs. Plunkett was
beyond speech by this time, so she con
tinued to push him toward the wicket.
Her efforts were useless, however, foi
he resisted and declared he would not
go until she said, " 'Fly! fly! for your
life", some one approaches,' so the audi
ence can hear you." Still she could not
speak, but with one herculean effort
she gave him a tremendous push that
sent him flying through the wicket and
into some stage bushes which had been
artistically arranged at the back of the
stage. When the performance was over
Mrs. Plunkett heaved a sigh of relief
and said, "This i3 the first and last ama
teur performance for me!" New York
The Growth of Two Cities.
Just as the Atlantic cities were sur
prised when Chicago distanced all but
two of them in population, and chal
lenged all of them by her enterprise, so
will they be astonished again and from
another quarter if they refuse to study
the forces that are operating to build up
new capitals in the west.- In another
ten years there will be another claim of
a million population, and the counting
of heads will not make nonsense of it.
The new and wonderful assumption of.
metropolitan importance will be that of
the. twin cities, of 'the-wheat region
X'neapolis and "St. Paul. They may
not be joined under one name and gov
ernment opinions ..differ about that
but all agree that they-will jointly pos
sess a million of . population. ' ; The last
census credited Minneapolis with 164,
700 population and St. Paul with 133,000,
or, jointly, 297,000. At the time of the
preceding census (1880) the two cities in
cluded about 83,000 souls. " At that rate
of increase they will boast in 1900 a
population of 976,000 and more. Julian
Ralph in Harper's".
Thoroughly Alive.
Young America is in thorough touch
with the times. An. up town boy of
eleven, rejoicing in a little printing
press, at once announced a forthcoming
newspaper, of which he was to be editor
and proprietor. "And Helen," he add
ed, referring to a nine-year-old sister,
"may do the woman's page." New York
Drawing In a Dark Room.
A luminous crayon has been invented
which enables lecturers to draw bh the
blackboard when the room is darkened
for use of the lantern. New York Jour-.
' Character of Uta Gartnaa Eaaperar.
The new emperor, on mounting the
throne, was of course expected to sus
tain the policy of; v a minister wljtnYh fff
grandfather? had 'honored with' every.'
mark that a loyal subject or even at
money loving onecouldatk. The reign .f
Frederick III, less than a hundred days.'
had been too short and too full of phys
ical suffering to let the world know tb
Btrength and breadth of the ruler whom
I Bismarck next appeared to represent.
in nis successor uie uennaus nave an
emieror who has not only abundant
physical energy and endurance, but has
with it a contempt for humbug, social
ism and the crooked police methods that
always suggest a feeble or rotten execu
tive. He is a practical manager and
does not pretend to be a savior of so-
i ciety. He has no quack nostrum for
poverty, crime, prostitution or the dis
content that sets class against class.
His business is to see that the govern
ment machine runs smoothly, that com
petent men are employed, that the peo
ple s taxes are spent for the public good,
that the law is administered without
favor and that reforms are inquired
into. . He has the mind of a Yankee, he
loves experiment, his methods are di
rect. He is the sort of man that forges
to the front in a new country. We can
imagine him learning his trade in some
machine shop, then rapidly rising, to a
position where inventive talent, thor
oughness, patience and, above all, hon
esty tell say. at the head of some great
manufacturing or shipbuilding enter
prise. On his succession to power, 1888, he
did what most intelligent young men do
when suddenly placed in charge of an
estate. He inquired how the previous
manager had done . his work; he exam
ined personally into, cases of alleged
wrong; he noted carefully the testimony
of qualified- observers; his eyes were
opened to the need of reform in many
directions: he suggested these reforms
to his manager; the manager did not
agree with the master; the manager re
signed and now spends his time in em
barrassing as far as he can the move
ments of the manager who has super
seded him. The immediate cause of
Bismarck's resignation will be known
when the emperor chooses to make the
matter public. Today we can regard
only the official acts of the minister, and
from these infer what reason there was
for his being retired. Poultney Bigelow
in Forum.
Modern Cloud Com poller.
A curious and interesting experiment
was tried early one morning at the Jar
dine d'Acclimitation. Some ingenious
person has hit upon a scheme for mak
ing artificial clouds for the warming of
fields and preventing damage to crops.
A number of stoves had been placed ten
yards apart around the spot selected,
and when they were lighted a thick
black smoke was produced. Unfortu
nately for the success of the experiment,
there was too much wind, and the
"clouds" were dispersed immediately,
the smoke being blown toward the in
closure occupied by the seals, who did
not seem at all to appreciate it.
It is said that some experiments car
ried on in the Gironde were far more
successful, and that the system will be
largely used there to protect the vines.
It is said that a vineyard could be made
two or three degrees warmer. Several
officers attended the experiments yester
day to see whether the process could be
utilized for military purposes. Galig
nani Messenger.
lie Knew All About It.
The British legation building in Wash
ington is draped in mourning for the
late Duke of Clarence, but everybody
doesn't seem to know it. Last week when
a visiting delegation was there, two dele
gates, whether they were from Chicago
or not it is not necessary to state, were
showing each other the town. As they
passed along Connecticut avenue one of
them said:
"That big brick over there with th9
portico-chere in front of it is the English
"Is that so," said the other, taking it
in carefully as tourists do. "It's got
mourning on it, I see."
"Yes," explained the first one with an
air of superior knowledge, "that's for
Justice Bradley, who died recently."
Detroit Free Press.
Growing a Kew Hoof.
A singular condition has developed in
the buffalo herd at the Philadelphia Zoo.
Late in last year the hoof and mouth
disease affected the cattle of Europe
very seriously, and there were slight
visitations of it in this country. One of
these was at the Philadelphia Zoo among
the buffalo. -Eight of the herd were
isolated. .Since then the symptoms of
this disease have disappeared from all
but one of those isolated. This one,
however, has lost a - hoof, and is now
hard at work raising anew one, hobbling
around on three legs. This' is the only
case on record in America of a "buffalo
losing a hoof and growing a new one in
captivity. St'. Louis GloberDemocrat. .
. . Scared Tourists. ' ,
The recent earthquake, gave a good
many eastern .tourists at Los Angeles "a
bad. half hour. 7: One guest at a leading
hotel rushed panic stricken into the bar
room, clad in -anight - shirt, over which
he had. buttoned his vest, a pair of boots,
and carrying an umbrella under his arm.
He . would have rushed out into the
street but for the clerk. San Francisco
Call. - . . .. . " ; : .
A Group' of Wealthy Men.
A group of men who meet 'almost
daily at lunch in the cafe of the Chicago
club includes Marshall Field, Potter
Palmer and L. Z. Leiter, who began life
as clerks in dry goods 6tores, and are
now worth from $5,000,000 to $10,000,(
apiece. Chicago Letter. . . r.
Spring in Walla Walla. '
In the Walla Walla valley. Wash...
spring is as far advanced as in western
Oregon. Crocuses and hyacinths are in
bloom, lilacs are in bud and cherry and
peach trees will soon be in full blossom.
The winter was a mild and short one iu
that favorod locality.
i i,aoio ionMiir.
Catholio. St. Paul's Church, ak. between
Filth and Hlxtu. Father Carney. Pastor
Hervires : Mums at H xnd 10 :30 a. M. Hun day
echool nt 2 :34KW'"" oeiiedict wh.
CiiKitTiAN. Corner J.JouHt and KiKhtli 8ts
Mei vices morning slid tveulttt;. HiUer , A
Calloway pastor. Huuday School 10A. M. i
Kpih'Joi'ax. St. Luke's church, coruer Third
uml Vint. pv H U ltliri'HH. TlHftnr. Ser
vices : It A. M. aud 7 :301 t. Sunday School
at 2 :30 v. M.
(iKkman M kthoihst. corner Sixth St and
(irauite. Kev. Hilt. Pact or. Services : 1) A. m;
and 7 :30 v. M. Suunay School 10 :30 A M.
I'kkkhytkkian. f-ervices In new church. cor
hit Sixth and (Jrimile st. Kev. J . T. liaird,
.Htor suuday-sc' ool at 9 ;3P ; Preaching
at 11 a. in. s:d 8 p. in.
'I lie Y . It. s. :. K ef thlx church mt-ets every
Sabbath evening at 7 :is in the basement of
the chiicrh. All aie invited to attend theoe
Fikht Mkthodikt. Sixth St., bet wen Main
and Pearl. Kev 1.. F. Brttt. U. l. uastor.
Service : 11 A. M.. 8 :M P. M Sunda School
9 :'M a M. Prayer meetii g V ednesday even
ing. (iKKMAN Pkchkvtkkian. Comer Main and
Ninth. Kev Wltte, ;iMtr. Services us'Uil
hours. Sunday school 9 :30 a. m.
BWKKimH 'nikoationai. raniie, be
tween Fifth and Sixth.
Colokrd Baptist. Mt. Olive, nak. between
'lenth and Eleventh Kev. A. Bonwell, pas
tor. Services lla. m. and 7 :'J0 p. in. Prayer
meetiiiir Wednesday evening.
YoDiSo Mfn's Christian Association
Kooiiis in V atermaii block. Main street. Gos
pel meeting, for men only, every Sunday af
ternoon at 4 o'clock. Koome open week days
from 8:3u a. m., to 9 : 30 p.m.
South Pakk Tabernacle. Rev. J. M.
Wood, Pastor. Services: Sunday School,
via. ni. : Preaching, lla. m. and 8 p. i. ;
prayer meeting Tuesday night ; choir prac
HceF'riday night All are welcome.
The First step.
Perhaps you are run down, can't
eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do
anythingf to your satisfaction, and
you wonder what ails you. You
should heed the warning, you are
taking the first step into nervous
prostration. You need a nerve tonic
and in Klectric Bitters you will lind
the exact remedy for restoring your
nervous system to it normal, healthy
condition. Surprising results fol
low the use of this great Nerve
Tonic and Alterative, Your appe
tite returns, good digestion is re
stored, and the liver and kidneys re
sume liealtli3r action. Try a bottle.
Price 50c, at F. G. Fricke & Co's
drugstore. 6
ALIttle lrl8 Experlencein a LigMt
Mr. and Mrs, Loren Trescott are
keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at
Sand Beach Mich, and are blessed
with a daughter, four years. Last
April she taken down with Measles,
followed with dreadful Cough and
turned into a fever. Doctors at
home and at Detroit treated, but in
vain, she grew worse rapidly, until
she was a mere" handful of bones".
Then she tried Dr, King's New
Discovery and after the use of two
and a half bottles, was completely
cured. Ther say Dr. King.s New
Discovery is worth its weight in
gold, yet j ou may get a trial, bottle
free at F. G. Frickey Drugstore.
How's This!
We offer 100 dollars reward for
an3r case of catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co. Props, Toledo,
We the undersigned, have known
F. J. Chenej' for the last 13 years,
and belive him pefectly honorable
in all buisness transactionsand iin-anciallj-
able to carry out an oblig
ations made by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Drug
gist, Toledo Ohio., Walding Kinnan
& Tarvin, Wholesale druggist Tole
do Ohio.''-
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, action directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Price, 7oc. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggist; Testimonials free.
The Leading
Constantly keeps on hand everythin
you need to furnish your house.
Plattsmouth - Neb
,Y S:H-b:ti-L-o; .', ,
Own a Dictionary. X
- .
' Care abonld b taken to ..
-.v - get tub Bnax.
,,Ton years spent in revising, 100 edi-
tors employed, over $300,000 expended.
, - , - Stttd by ill Bookseller. .
G. & C. frPTRWTAM & CO., Publishers,
. Springfield, Mass- U. S. A.
-Do aotla7 repriia of obsolete
editions. " I . . , ,
specimen pages and full particulars,
mn m m
Wlil 'f H V -t I W I V fcaaaa-aaaaaBBHBrr'BBr--r
it - -ii -m 1 AUi atkMM --- .. Mfc I I II
O-O - TO
House Furnishing Emporium.
"T "X 7"HEItE you c;in get your house i'urnifhed from
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the latest improved Reliable Process Gasoline stove
Call and be convinced. No trouble to show goods.
I. Pearleman
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A Full aud
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Prescriptions Carefully Compounded sit all Hours.,
JLtlver tiding - stud - Job - Work
HT-ulII iDa-femacxatioxL And
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A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain relierer.
Its use is almost unirersal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
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No other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test 'of years, almost
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No medicine chest is complete without a bottle f Mustang
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Occasions arise for its use almost erery day.
All druggists and dealers have it.
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Complete line of
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